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Super powerful!
Venator-class Star Destroyer

The Venator-class Star Destroyer is an aircraft-carrying battle cruiser of the Old Republic, invented during the Clone Wars, one of the most effective ships of its time.

Despite millennia of peace, with the outbreak of the Clone Wars, the Galactic Republic was able to transform itself surprisingly quickly into a gigantic war machine. The Republic, immediately after the outbreak of the war, began the rapid development of the fleet, not rejecting even the most unrealistic projects proposed.

The Star Destroyer Venator, unlike most Republic and Separatist warships, was not converted from civilian to military. The Venator was originally designed as a warship to conduct space combat and counter similar large enemy ships. She was not a universal ship, like the Victory and the future Emperors. The overall design concepts of the ship are loosely based on the design of the Star Destroyers "The Approver". Venators became one of the most common ships during the Clone Wars. Their powerful shields and armor allowed them to withstand fire that would destroy most types of ships of their size. The presence of a large number of turbolasers made it possible to conduct concentrated and powerful fire on individual areas of the target.

Despite its enormous size, the Venator was much faster than both the Victory and most Separatist ships. The first ships of this series rolled off the stocks of Rotan factories. It was Rotan's engineers who built the first generation of these ships. Soon, the Venator Star Destroyers showed their worth during the Battle of Geonosis (they fought an orbital battle). After the outbreak of the war, the Kuat shipyards themselves began to produce cruisers of this type.

Another innovation of the ship is the control bridges. The central tower is the main bridge, the left one is the center of tactical coordination of fighters, and the right one is the space control center and communication system.

For the Republic, it was a magnificent warship that, along with the Victory, could control the entire galaxy, but Blissex was still not happy with the result, perceiving the Venator as a transitional link to the ship of her dreams - the Emperor-class Star Destroyer. And a few years after the end of the Clone Wars, her dream came true - thousands of “Emperors” controlled the galaxy and established a New Order.

Type: Star Destroyer. Manufacturer: Kuata Shipyards. Developer: Lyra Wessex. Dimensions: 1,137 m long 548 m wide 268 m high. Load capacity: 20,000 tons. Team: - 7,400 - 20,000 - soldiers. Hyperdrive: class 1.0. reserve class 15.0. Sublight speed: 3,000 G. Atmospheric speed: 975 km/h. Armor: yes. Shields: like the Pobeda missile defense system. Armament: - 8 double heavy turbolasers - 2 double medium turbolasers - turbolaser cannons (depending on modification) - 26 twin laser cannons - 6 traction beam projectors - 4x16 heavy proton torpedo launchers.


Pobeda-II-class Star Destroyer

The Victory-II-class Star Destroyer is a modified Victory-class Star Destroyer used by the Galactic Empire in the aftermath of the Clone Wars.

After the end of the Clone Wars, a new ship was released - Pobeda II. The designers of the original Pobeda were forced to do this by the insufficient speed of the Pobeda in space combat conditions. The weapons of the first "Victory" also did not meet the requirements of the Empire.

The new Star Destroyer Pobeda II was significantly faster than its predecessor. This was achieved the hard way: in order to increase speed, the power of the force shield was significantly reduced. The ship's armament has undergone major changes. Since the predecessor's weapons were focused primarily on fire support for ground units, blockades of planets and orbital bombardment, a significant part of them were launchers for missiles or torpedoes. Such weapons were poorly suited for space combat (especially long-term ones), since the ship carried a small number of turbolaser weapons, the reloading of which took a long time.

The battle cruiser Pobeda-II is well suited for combat with all types of enemy ships. The guidance systems for turbolaser cannons, more advanced than those installed on Pobeda-I, allow the ship to hit high-speed targets with turbolasers. And linear turbolaser cannons in combination with ion cannons allow the ship to effectively resist most ships of a similar type. The new ship is intended only for space combat, so Pobeda-II is deprived of the ability to enter the atmosphere.
- length 900 m
- width 564 m
- height 289 m (including command cabin)
- 610 officers
- 4590 conscripts
- 402 artillerymen
Minimum crew: 1785 people
- 10 quad turbolaser units
- 40 twin turbolaser units
- 20 launchers (standard ammunition - 4 missiles)
- 10 traction beam projectors
- DeLuxFlux hyperdrive converter (class 2.0, reserve - class 15)
- power shielding generator
- 3 LF9 ion engines
- 4 auxiliary ion engines
Power plant: hypermatter annihilation reactor, output power approx. 3.6 X 10^24 W
Speed ​​in the atmosphere: 800 km/h
Load capacity: 8100 t
Flight endurance: 4 standard years

Emperor-III-class Star Destroyer

The Emperor-III-class Star Destroyer is a modified Emperor-II Star Destroyer that the Empire began using after the formation of the New Republic. A ship of this type has great advantages over its predecessors.

After the Battle of Endor, with the New Republic's ever-increasing military power, the Empire still had vast military resources remaining, but as time went on there were fewer and fewer qualified personnel. This forced the Empire to resort to automation of most systems, which significantly reduced the number of crew required.

The new ship has retained all the best features of ships of previous types. Shield generators were strengthened and improved, guidance systems were improved, and new weapons were installed. The great advantage of the new model was the presence of missile and torpedo launchers - the best weapon against enemy fighters and an excellent addition to the main caliber of the ship.

The Star Destroyer Imperator III could only be seen as part of the armed forces of the Bastion Empire (perhaps Carnor Jax's Remnant also had these ships). These ships saw action during the Vong invasion.
- length 1600 m
- height 448 m
- 4520 officers
- 32565 privates
- 275 artillerymen
- 3 ion engines "Destroyer I"
- 4 Gemon-4 ion engines
Hyperdrive converter: class 2.0 (backup – class 8.0)
Powerplant: SFS I-a2b solar ion reactor
Sublight speed: 60 MGLT
Maximum acceleration: 2300 g
Armor: Durasteel alloy
Shielding: 2 generators KDY ISD-72x
- 6 twin heavy turbolaser installations
- 2 quad heavy turbolasers
- 3 built-in turbolasers
- 2 medium power turbolasers
- 60 Taim&Bak XX-9 turbolasers
- 2 heavy twin ion units
- 60 Borstel NK-7 ion cannons
- 10 Phylon Q7 traction beam projectors
- LeGrange fire control system
- HoloNet transmitting and receiving device
Load capacity: 360,000 t (metric)
Flight endurance: 6 standard years

At the Kuat shipyard

in battle order at Endor.

Executor-class Star Destroyer (Executor)

The Executor-class Star Destroyer is the first ship in the Super Star Destroyer series. The first ship in the series was Darth Vader's flagship and became associated in the eyes of many residents of the Galaxy with Palpatine's Empire.

Engineer Lyra Wessex, who had once designed the Venator cruiser and the Emperor-class Star Destroyer, came up with a design for a ship that dwarfed all other ships in the galaxy.

The Emperor was interested in the project and allowed the construction of four ships of this type to begin simultaneously at the Fondor and Kuat shipyards. The Senate tried to protest against the Emperor's decision, but Palpatine was able to convince them. After the death of the Death Star, the Emperor ordered the construction of the Executioner to be accelerated. The reason for this was the emperor’s desire to provide his citizens with another symbol of the greatness and inviolability of the New Order.

The first two ships of the new type left the stocks at approximately the same time. The first ship, named Executor, became Darth Vader's flagship, and the second, Executor II, was hidden on Coruscant and renamed Lusankya. The Executioner's first mission, in which the Sith appreciated its power, was the destruction of the Alliance base on the planet Laaktien. Soon the ship was actively involved in many operations against the rebels.

After the Endor disaster, the “Executioners” became a powerful argument in proving the legitimacy of the claims of numerous contenders for the throne. At the time of Grand Admiral Thrawn's return, the regions of the galaxy that recognized him did not have ships of this type. But the mere possession of such a ship was not a guarantee of power.

During the struggle for power by the former head of imperial intelligence, Isard, Lusankya was captured. After a year of repairs, the ship became part of the New Republic fleet and was very successfully used against the remnants of the empire for a long time. But during the Vong invasion, Lusankya, due to its size and enormous numerical superiority of the aggressor, could no longer satisfy the strategies of the New Republic. Therefore, Wedge Antilles, defending Borleias, used Lusankya as a ram.

Also on board this giant was a support squadron, like Star Destroyers of other series. The Executor could have carried more than a thousand fighters, presumably more than five hundred TIE-fighters and as many other fighters of imperial production. However, the standard layout included only 144 fighters (12 squadrons), which was only twice the size of the Emperor's air wing, and was clearly not enough to cover a ship of this size.

Executor-class Star Destroyers are highly armed and protected. One ship can withstand an entire fleet, but this has not been tested in reality. It is also worth noting that all ships of this type died as a result of accidents, stupidity or successful sabotage by the rebels (New Republicans). In open battle, this ship is a very dangerous opponent.
Length: 19000 m
Maximum acceleration: 1230 g
Sublight speed: 40 MGLT
Hyperdrive converter: class 2.0 (backup – class 10.0)
- 2000 heavy turbolasers
- 2000 turbolasers
- 250 heavy ion cannons
- 500 laser cannons
- 250 launchers (ammunition - 30 missiles)
- 40 Phylon Q7 traction beam projectors
- 279,144 officers and enlisted personnel
- 1590 artillerymen
Minimum crew: 50,000 people
Landing force: 38,000 people
Load capacity:
- 250,000 t (metric)
Flight endurance: 6 years

Sudden attack, fight and


Eclipse-class Star Destroyer

The Eclipse-class Star Destroyer is the most powerful and efficient Star Destroyer in the Galaxy. It was built by the Empire in the aftermath of the Battle of Endor. A total of two such ships were built, each of which was able to destroy the enemy's medium fleet.

Construction of the first ship of this type began at the Kuat shipyards even before the Battle of Endor. After the collapse of the Empire into small state formations, construction was stopped for some time, but then continued again. Four and a half standard years after the Battle of Endor, both ships left Kuat and stood guard over the planet Byss, where clones of Emperor Palpatine were being raised.

The Eclipse was able to install a smaller version of the Death Star's superlaser, which was capable of reaching 2/3 of the station's power. The superlaser is located along the ship and forms a single unit with the main power elements of the hull. The main caliber of the Eclipse could turn the surface of the planet into a lifeless desert.

In space combat, the presence of this weapon was a very unpleasant surprise for the New Republic fleet. During the first phase of the campaign, the resurrected Emperor tested his new superweapon on the New Republic's frontier worlds. This territory was a place of conflict between the interests of the New Republic and the Empire, as the former sought to subjugate new territories, and the latter defended them. During the rapid campaign, the New Republic suffered heavy losses and retreated, having no chance of victory against a technically superior enemy.

In a short time, the Emperor regained significant territories occupied by the New Republic. Despite the fact that the New Republic government was aware of the great losses, it did not take any measures to even find out what happened on those worlds. These were just tests of a new weapon. Some time later, the troops of the resurrected Emperor attacked Mon Calamari, and only then did Mon Mothma admit her mistake.

In addition to powerful weapons, the Eclipse-class Star Destroyer carries ten gravity well projectors, whose gravitational “shadow” prevents large fleets from escaping into hyperspace. A large air group was able to protect the ship from any attempts by enemy forces to inflict any damage on the Eclipse. Powerful armor and shields made the ship virtually invulnerable in open space combat.
This was also proven by the events during the next crisis of the New Republic. Eclipse I was not destroyed by the New Republic fleet. It died when Luke Skywalker tricked Palpatine into destroying the supership. Eclipse II was destroyed during a Republican sabotage in the Byss system. He collided with the Galaxy Cannon and died along with it.
Length: 17.5 km
Maximum acceleration: 940 g
Hyperdrive drive: class 2 (reserve: class 6)
- 1 super laser
- 500 turbolasers
- 550 laser guns
- 75 ion cannons
- 100 traction beam projectors
- 10 directional gravity generators
- 708470 personnel
- 4175 artillerymen
Landing force: 150,000 people
Load capacity: 600000 t
Flight endurance: 10 standard years
In orbit around Byss

Turbolaser battery

Executioner-class Star Destroyer

The Executioner-class Star Destroyer, also known as the Executioner-class Star Dreadnought or the Executioner-class Super Star Destroyer, was a heavy military starship in the Star Destroyer class, used as the flagship of the Imperial Navy and carrying out only the most important and demanding missions. The ship was an absolute record holder among traditional starships that were part of the Empire's military space forces - at that time, its size was surpassed only by the Death Star. Receiving an appointment to the Executioner class meant for officers of the Empire to step on the road leading to career heights.

Imperial-class Star Destroyers instilled fear in entire worlds, seeking their obedience; Executioner-class Star Destroyers instilled fear in them, depriving them of the ability to resist. With dimensions almost twelve times the size of a standard Star Destroyer, it could decide the outcome of a fight in its favor without firing a shot, thereby winning the duel before it even began.

The Executioner-class is the brainchild of Lyra Wessex, a brilliant and ambitious engineer who already had such Star Destroyer designs as the Venator-Class and Emperor-Class (later renamed the Imperial-Class) under her belt. Following her work on the already impressive Imperial class, Wessex was keen to improve the design. Following the Kuat Shipyards' philosophy of psychological effect in starship designs, she believed that the sheer size of an Imperial-Class Star Destroyer would go a long way in intimidating an enemy. Guided by this principle, she began to develop a starship that eclipsed all her previous projects. Although KDY had previously built large warships such as the Mandator-class Star Dreadnought, the result obtained by Wessex was simply, incredibly, gigantic.

Wessex's approval of the Executioner-class design came at a time when Imperial tactical philosophy revolved around the concept of a superweapon, the Death Star, which was nearing completion of construction. The Imperial Navy felt that its leadership position was threatened by the battle station, and approval of the Star Destroyer project was likely due to this, to ensure that the fleet would not lose its importance as Palpatine's first weapon of terror. If the Death Star fulfills its intended role as expected, the fleet will not be far behind with its own superweapon. If the station fails to cope with its tasks (which happened as a result of the Battle of Yavin), the fleet will have a ready-made alternative for Impe

Emperor Palpatine agreed to the construction of the first four Executioner-class vessels before the Battle of Yavin , but the sudden and unexpected destruction of the Death Star in 0BB changed the production schedule. At Darth Vader's urging, the Emperor ordered new starships to be produced as quickly as possible to compensate for the loss of the battle station, and the Empire needed a new symbol of its absolute power and dominance.
Initially considered militarily ineffective, the Executioner-class Star Destroyers proved to be very capable of seeking out and destroying the Rebel Alliance. However, they were disliked by much of the Admiralty, who believed that smaller ships could do the same job. Although KDY was responsible for the ship's production, the first Executioner-class vessel was built in secret on Fondor, six months after the Battle of Yavin. This ship received the same name as the class of the ship itself - Executioner. The Executioner became Darth Vader's new flagship. The construction of the second ship was completed shortly after the Executioner. He was given a new name, Lusankya. Lusankya, at the behest of Ysanne Isard, was quickly hidden beneath the surface of Coruscant. The other two starships were given to admirals personally selected by Palpatine.

The enormous, heavy-duty Executioner class measured 19,000 meters in length. 279,144 Imperial officers and troops manned the ship, while 1,590 gunners operated more than 5,000 turbolasers and ion cannons. Thirteen engines combined in five groups give the Executioner class an impressive 1,230 G of acceleration for its size. The ship carries at least 144 fighters, and its massive hangar can hold and service thousands or more. In addition, there are 200 other combat starships and support ships on board, 5 garrison bases and a large enough number of stormtroopers and walkers to destroy any Rebel base. To power the Star Destroyer's shields alone, it required energy equivalent to the energy released by an average star (3.8 × 1026 W).

The Executioner-class command tower has a standard layout similar to that of an Imperial-class Star Destroyer. The command bridge contains two control pits, which house the starship's control panels, and a central passage between them. On the right and left sides of the bridge are niches containing defense stations and weapons. Behind the bridge are communications stations, turbolifts and a HoloNet transceiver. At the level below the bridge was the main navigation complex. The domes located around and on the Executioner's command tower served two different purposes. Inside the domes were hyperwave transceiver coils for FTL active sensors, while the blades protruding from the domes served as shield projectors.

These domes were not vulnerable to external attack as long as the shields remained intact, but concentrated fire (such as that fired by Admiral Ackbar during the Battle of Endor) could destroy the protective field, thereby endangering both the sensors and the shield projectors themselves. There are many such domes located on the ship's hull, which guarantee the absence of dead zones and ensure complete distribution of the protective field over the entire surface. Thus, intense fire in a separate area and disabling a number of deflector field generators would not deprive the starship of all its protection.

In later years, production of Executioner-class Star Destroyers and other Super-class Star Destroyers continued. Following the death of the Emperor and the division of the Galactic Empire into warring fiefs, Executioner-class Star Destroyers were a popular acquisition among warlords hoping to improve their military power and prestige. Some fell into the hands of the New Republic, where they fought against the Empire they once served.

Name: executer-class Star Destroyer (Command Ship/Super Carrier)
Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards
Size: 17.600 meters
Speed: 40 MGLT, class 2 hyperdrive
Crew: 279,144 personnel, 1,590 airborne gunners, 38,000 soldiers
Hangar: 144 Tie ships, 200 transports and combat ships, 3 land bases, 30 AT-ATs, 40 AT-STs and up to 250,000 tons of cargo
Weapons: 250 Turbolaser Batteries, 250 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries, 250 Ion Cannons, 250 Launchers, 40 Phylon Q7 Tractor Beam Projectors
Protection: two KDY protective field generators (96,000 SBD), plating reinforced with titanium and alustal (45,712 RU)

Even before the Battle of Yavin, Imperial engineer Lyra Wessex developed plans for a gigantic ship capable of instilling fear with its mere appearance. Its size had to exceed any of the ships in service with the Empire or the Alliance. A few months after the Battle of Yavin, the first ship was laid down at the space shipyards of the planet Fondor. Despite the objections of many imperial admirals, who believed that in a military sense it was more profitable to build a large number of smaller ships than to waste resources on one giant, Darth Vader accelerated the construction of the first ship. The Executor, the first Executor-class Star Destroyer, became Lord Vader's personal flagship.

Soon the "Executioner" showed its high military and psychological effectiveness. The Emperor gave the order to begin construction of new ships of this class. Executioner-class Star Destroyers, sometimes called Super Star Destroyers due to their gigantic size, became a powerful symbol of the New Order and the Emperor's unlimited power. By the time of the Battle of Endor, several such ships were already in service.

After the death of the Emperor and the proclamation of the New Republic, the number of Executor-class ships began to decline. The remnants of the Empire were losing control of the shipyards, fighting each other and the growing fleet of the New Republic. By the time of Great Admiral Thrawn's return, the Imperial Navy no longer had such ships. All built were considered destroyed or retreated to the Deep Interior Regions of the Empire, which did not recognize Thrawn's authority.

The gigantic, dagger-shaped hull of an Executioner-class Star Destroyer instills fear and terror by its mere appearance. More than a thousand pieces of various weapons are distributed across its surface, allowing the ship to fight alone with an entire fleet. The ship's hangars will accommodate 144 fighter aircraft and about 200 other transport and warships. For ground operations, each Executor carries 30 AT-ATs, 40 AT-STs and an entire corps of Stormtroopers. Three imperial ground bases, also stored on the ship, are always ready for rapid deployment on the planet. Due to their gigantic destructive power, the Executor-class ships did not often have to engage in battle - enemy ships preferred to surrender. Typically, the Executioners serve as a mobile base and command center for the imperial group.

After the Battle of Endor, many Executioner-class ships shared the same fate as the flagship of the Imperial Navy - they were destroyed by the forces of the New Republic. Despite the gigantic amount of weapons, the Executioners were unable to withstand a massive attack by small ships. Enemy fighters, close to the surface of the ship, use high speed and maneuverability to attack turbolaser batteries and shield projectors with impunity.

List of known Executioner-class Star Destroyers:

executor- Lord Vader's personal ship. The first ship in its class. Built in great secrecy at the Kuato Shipyards on Fondor, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. Destroyed at the Battle of Endor.

Reaper- Flagship of Scourge Squadron, an elite group of Star Destroyers that was formed for Grand Moff Tarkin and led by Grand Moff Ardus Kaine after Tarkin's death. The flagship of Cain's Imperial faction Pentastar Alignment three years after the Emperor's death. Kain dies during the return of the cloned Emperor and is replaced by Admiral Palleon. Destroyed while repelling a New Republic invasion of Moff Getelles territory.

Terror- Admiral Sarn's ship. Used as a command center for the Tie Phantom stealth ship project after the Battle of Yavin. Destroyed by Rebel terrorists.

Guardian- Flagship of Fleet Admiral Gaen Drommel. Based in the Central Regions near Coruscant. Immediately after receiving news of Palpatine's death, he left for Drommel's home sector. Subsequently captured by New Republic agents.

Vengeance- Admiral Senn's flagship in the Airam sector between the Battles of Hoth and Endor. Participated in the destruction of rebel shipyards in this sector. Later destroyed by rebels.

Aggressor- Admiral Roek's flagship, based in the Inner Rim regions of the Galaxy before the Battle of Endor. Six months after the Emperor's death, he was recalled to the Galactic Core to protect the Correlia system shipyards from possible rebel attacks. This ship, or another of the same name, remained in service and under the flag of Ysanne Isard two and a half years after the Battle of Endor.

Iron Fist- Built under the name Brawl (one of the early executor class ships) and given to Admiral Jingju by the Emperor. Renamed after his first ship, the Victory-class Star Destroyer. The famed flagship of the renegade Imperial Warlord Jingj, it was heavily used by his forces in campaigns paralleling the New Republic's capture of Coruscant three years after the Battle of Endor. The goal of a five-month search by New Republic forces led by General Han Solo four years after the Battle of Endor. Destroyed in orbit of the planet Dagomir.

Lusankya- Secretly built near Kuato under the name "Executioner" and buried on the surface of Coruscant during the reign of Emperor Palpatine. Lusankya was used as a secret prison for Imperial Intelligence prisoners. Three years after the Battle of Endor, the ship came under the command of Ysanne Isard. This ship was equipped with an unusual engine system that allowed it to take off from the surface of the planet. Captured by Thyferran and independent forces allied with the New Republic. Its final owner thereafter is unknown, but Lusankya participated in the capture of the Imperial planet Phaeda several months after the fall of the last Emperor clone.

- Another Executioner-class Star Destroyer. Located in sectors of the Galactic Core under the flag of Ysanne Isard, Director of Imperial Intelligence, who ruled from Coruscant for two and a half years after Palpatine's death. It is possible that this ship was Aggressor.

Knight Hammer- Built by Warlord Delvardus approximately eight years after the Emperor's death, commanded by Admiral Daala. Covered with special armor to counteract detection means, thanks to which the ship's hull is completely black.

Intimidator- The ship of the Black Sword fleet, thirteen years after the Battle of Endor, there were three ships of this class. One of them was originally called Intimidator. This ship exhibits modifications that became characteristic of the "late series" of the Executioner class ships, partly reflected in the additional shield generator located in the center. Intimidator became Yevethan's flagship and was renamed Pride of Yevetha. Left with Imperial forces to the center of the Core twelve years after Endor. Found adrift beyond repair near the Unknown Regions four years later.

Razor Kiss- The construction of this ship at the shipyards in Kuato orbit was completed four years after Endor. Was stolen by Warlord Jingj and remained in his hands for some time

Star Destroyer

Emperor-II-class Star Destroyer

Imperial Star Destroyer(English) Imperial Star Destroyer) - a class of ships from films and literature in the Star Wars universe, first appearing in Episode IV. New Hope ".

This ship was originally designed and created on the planet Fondor. The Star Destroyer is the main combat unit of the Galactic Empire's fleet. They are classified either as heavy (or attack) cruisers, or as battlecruisers and battleships - the Emperor type is a heavy cruiser, the Executor type is a battlecruiser, and the Eclipse type is a battleship. In fact, they are an alloy of three types of warships - a heavy artillery ship, an aircraft-carrying (or aircraft carrier) ship and a landing ship.

The first Star Destroyer, the Approver-class, was developed by Wallace Blissex, a brilliant Republican and later Imperial scientist, during the Clone Wars. However, similar ships existed before (“Ravager” by Darth Nihilus). The term gained currency after "Emperor I" was created by Wallex's daughter, Lyra Wessex. The first starship of this class was built at the Fondor shipyards. It is the “Imperial” that is primarily associated with the concept of “star destroyer”. The Emperor class ships were produced in 3 modifications.

There are many conflicting opinions regarding exactly which ships can be classified as star destroyers. However, most often they include all large warships with a wedge-shaped hull design, imperial and post-imperial, although newer sources indicate a clearer differentiation of classes.

In fact, the English name "Destroyer" is similar to the Russian "destroyer". But since these ships are undoubtedly battleships by class, this element can be attributed, rather, to the features of the name. (About how the names “Monitor” and “Dreadnought” gave names to entire classes of ships). The term "Star Destroyer" is always mentioned together, indicating a similar origin of the name to the Monitor and Dreadnought classes, although in Russian translations the ship is sometimes incorrectly referred to simply as a "destroyer". According to many sources, the classic 1,600-meter-long Star Destroyer is a destroyer by the standards of the fleets of the central regions of the empire, but a battleship by the standards of those remote regions where the rebels usually operated.

Imperial ships significantly larger than the standard "Emperor" (1600 m) are sometimes called super destroyers (Super Star Destroyer or SSD. The most massive (but not the longest) Super Star Destroyer is the Eclipse-class Star Destroyer. The Eclipse reaches a length of 17,500 meters, and also carries about a thousand heavy guns on board.

Star Destroyers of the Old Republic

Approving-I-class assault transport (Akclamator)

Approving-I class assault transport

For the Republic, it was a magnificent warship, which, along with the Victory, could control the entire galaxy, but Blissex (daughter of the Venator developer) was still not happy with the result, perceiving the Venator as a transition link to the ship of her dreams - a Star Destroyer of the type "Emperor". And a few years after the end of the Clone Wars, her dream came true - thousands of “Emperors” controlled the galaxy and established a New Order.

Type: Star Destroyer. Manufacturer: Kuat shipyard. Developer: Lyra Wessex. Dimensions: 1,647 m long 548 m wide 268 m high. Load capacity: 20,000 tons. Team: - 7,400 - 20,000 - soldiers. Hyperdrive: class 1.0. reserve class 15.0. Sublight speed: 3,000 G. Atmospheric speed: 975 km/h. Armor: yes. Shields: like the Victory Destroyer. Armament: - 8 double heavy turbolasers - 2 double medium turbolasers - turbolaser cannons (depending on modification) - 26 twin laser cannons - 6 traction beam projectors - 4x16 heavy proton torpedo launchers.

Star Destroyers of the Galactic Empire

Pobeda-I-class Star Destroyer

Pobeda-I-class Star Destroyer

Victory-class Star Destroyer(English) Victory-class Star Destroyer mark I ) is the very first ship in the Star Destroyer series, first mentioned in the 1979 book Han Solo's Revenge. "Victory" was originally a ship of the Old Republic, but with the rise of Emperor Palpatine, these ships became part of the Empire's fleet.

The Victory-class Star Destroyer entered service with the Old Republic fleet shortly before the end of the Clone Wars. The Clone Wars allowed the ship to very quickly prove its combat effectiveness. The first flotilla consisting of ships of this type was the “Victory Fleet”, which crushed the separatists in many battles. The separatists did not have anything that could be opposed to the new ships.

The Imperator had excellent firepower, was reliable and well protected. Strike fleets consisting of these ships could quickly arrive in the region where the Uprising occurred and eliminate it. This ship became the pride of the Empire and those who served on it. The Star Destroyer became a powerful argument in Empire diplomacy. Most of the star destroyers at the time of the Battle of Endor were located on the Core worlds, guarding the most important industrial, military and political systems. In addition, a significant part of them were in reserve at bases in the central worlds of the Galaxy. This reserve could be quickly brought into service in the event of a serious external threat.

Emperor-II-class Star Destroyer(English) Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer ) is a modified Emperor-I Star Destroyer used by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War.

The Emperor II-class Star Destroyer, which entered service some time after the Battle of Yavin, is an improved version of its predecessor, the Emperor I. As a result of the improvements, the protective field generators were strengthened, the structure of the armor, decks, bulkheads, the layout of the interior, as well as the layout of the guns were changed, which increased the survivability, firepower and coordination of the ship's fire. Guidance means have been seriously improved. Another new feature was the ability to eject the gun crew - if the gun commander sees danger threatening his men, he can give the order for the entire crew to eject. In all other respects, the ship has not undergone significant changes.

The Immobilizer-418 class minelayer cruisers were created a few months after the Battle of Yavin. "Immobilizer-418" is used by the Empire to block and control trade routes, it is part of reinforced squadrons. Ships of the Immobilizer-418 class use unique gravity well technology. Before this, to force the ship out of hyperspace, they used hyperspace pulse generator technology, which created spheres of energy in hyperspace. This system was very unreliable and ineffective in controlling trade routes.

The Dominator-class Star Destroyer appeared in the Imperial fleet several months after the destruction of the first Death Star. It has the same dimensions and internal design as Emperor-class Star Destroyers, but their role in the fleet is different. “Dominators” are used alone as raiders on enemy communications and are part of reinforced fleets and naval formations. The Dominator-class heavy cruiser was the Kuat Shipyards' answer to the Interdiction-class interdictor cruiser, which had become very popular in the fleet.

The Dominator-class Star Destroyer has become a universal ship in contrast to the highly specialized interdictor cruiser Immobilizer-418. The Dominator, like the Emperors, is capable of successfully fighting large enemy ships either alone or as part of groups of ships. But it was more profitable for the imperial command to order highly specialized minelayer cruisers than these multifunctional, but very expensive ships. The Dominator has powerful protective field generators, but it is impossible to fully use them during the activation of the gravity well.

Devotion-class Star Destroyer

These Star Destroyers appear as part of a powerful Imperial fleet. They accompanied the Emperor's flagship Eclipse to a base on the moon Pinnacle and were part of a military fleet near the planet Byss. The Devotion was the largest Star Destroyer at the Battle of Mon Calamari. It was destroyed by the New Republic Star Destroyer Liberator under the command of Wedge Antilles.

This Star Destroyer is shaped like an Emperor-class ship, but the hull is much longer and sharper, and there are no large hangars. The engine configuration is similar to the Imperator. The ship was created for military operations, and not for transport purposes. This heavy Star Destroyer engages capital ships and requires a carrier ship like Admiral Giel's flagship for fighter support.

Executioner-class Super Star Destroyer

Super Star Destroyer Executor

Super Star Destroyer Executor(English) Executor-class Star Destroyer) - the first ship in a series of superstar destroyers. The first ship in the series was the flagship of Darth Vader and became associated in the eyes of many inhabitants of the Galaxy with the Galactic Empire.

Engineer Lyra Wessex, who had once designed the Venator cruiser and the Emperor-class Star Destroyer, came up with a design for a ship that dwarfed all other ships in the galaxy.

The Emperor was interested in the project and allowed the construction of four ships of this type to begin simultaneously at the Fondor and Kuat shipyards. The Senate tried to protest against the Emperor's decision, but Palpatine was able to convince them. After the destruction of the Death Star, the Emperor ordered the construction of the Executioner to be accelerated. The reason for this was the emperor's desire to provide his citizens with another symbol of the greatness and inviolability of the New Order.

The first two ships of the new type left the stocks at approximately the same time. The first ship, named Executor, became Darth Vader's flagship, and the second was hidden on Coruscant and renamed Lusankya. The Executioner's first operation, in which the Sith appreciated its power, was the destruction of the Alliance base on the planet Laaktien. Soon the ship was actively involved in many operations against the rebels.

After the Endor disaster, super-heavy cruisers became a powerful argument in proving the legitimacy of the claims of numerous contenders for the throne. At the time of Grand Admiral Thrawn's return, the regions of the galaxy that recognized him did not have ships of this type. But the mere possession of such a ship was not a guarantee of power.

During the struggle for power by the former head of imperial intelligence, Isard, Lusankya was captured. After a year of repairs, the ship became part of the New Republic fleet and was very successfully used against the remnants of the empire for a long time. But during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, Lusankya, due to its size and enormous numerical superiority of the aggressor, could no longer satisfy the strategies of the New Republic. Therefore, Wedge Antilles, defending Borleias, used Lusankya as a ram.

Also on board this giant was a support squadron, like star destroyers of other series. The Executor could carry more than a thousand fighters, presumably more than five hundred TIE fighters, and as many other Imperial-made fighters. However, the standard layout included only 144 fighters (12 squadrons), which was only twice the size of the Emperor's air wing, and was clearly insufficient to cover a ship of this size.

Super Star Destroyers are well armed and protected. One ship can withstand an entire fleet, but this could not be verified in reality. It is also worth noting that all ships of this type died as a result of accidents, stupidity or successful sabotage by the rebels (New Republicans). In open battle, this ship is a very dangerous opponent.

Overlord-class Star Destroyer

Overlord-class Star Destroyer(English) Sovereign-class Star Destroyer ) is a Star Destroyer built by the Galactic Empire after its defeat at the Battle of Endor. This ship was armed with a superlaser similar to the Death Star laser and gravitational field generators.

The Overlord-class Star Destroyer is another titan of the Imperial war machine. Ships of this type actually became a smaller version of the Eclipse-class Star Destroyer. The ship carries less weapons, fighters and has less speed in hyperspace than its “big brother”. The ship is also armed with an axial superlaser. Experience with use (on planets of strategic importance to the New Republic) has shown the inability of the laser to completely destroy a planet.

But its power was quite enough to destroy ships, break through any planetary shields and destroy even very large military bases with one shot. To intercept enemy ships in hyperspace and prevent them from escaping the battlefield, the Overlord carries five gravity well projectors identical to those installed on interdiction cruisers.

The Eclipse was able to install a smaller version of the Death Star superlaser, which was capable of reaching 2/3 of the station's power. The superlaser is located along the ship and forms a single unit with the main power elements of the hull. The main caliber of the Eclipse could turn the surface of the planet into a lifeless desert.

But this is where the good properties of the ship end. During the Galactic Civil War, it could have become one of the best ships in the galaxy and the main one in the Rebel Alliance fleet. But despite many setbacks and the ravages of war, Imperial technology evolved with the times. “Republic” is capable of defeating “Emperor” in one-on-one combat. But he cannot cope with the new models of Emperor-class star destroyers and other large ships. Only two or three Republics can defeat an Emperor III in open combat.

The Republic-class Star Destroyer is one of the most common ships in the New Republic fleet.

Defender-class Star Destroyer

Defender-class Star Destroyer(English) Defender-class Star Destroyer) is a Star Destroyer built by the New Republic based on Imperial designs. The Defender is a more efficient ship than the Emperor-class Star Destroyers. But due to problems with financing the fleet, very few ships of this type were built.

The Defender-class Star Destroyer was invented using various designs both made by New Republic engineers and stolen from the Empire. A Star Destroyer of this type turned out to be the most powerful and important element of the new class of ships program. When creating the ship, the experience of developing the use of "Emperors" was used, with the assistance of some former imperial engineers. Due to automation, it was possible to significantly reduce the number of crew and reduce the cost of operating the ship (although the initial cost of the ship increased). The new ship has become significantly more maneuverable and faster than its predecessor, and in addition, it has also received more powerful weapons. A Defender-class Star Destroyer can compete even with an Emperor-I Star Destroyer in open combat and even defeat it, albeit with serious damage to itself.

Ships of this type were developed and entered service eight years after the Battle of Endor. But the production of new ships was sluggish, which is why the fleet

Super powerful!
Venator-class Star Destroyer

The Venator-class Star Destroyer is an aircraft-carrying battle cruiser of the Old Republic, invented during the Clone Wars, one of the most effective ships of its time.

Despite millennia of peace, with the outbreak of the Clone Wars, the Galactic Republic was able to transform itself surprisingly quickly into a gigantic war machine. The Republic, immediately after the outbreak of the war, began the rapid development of the fleet, not rejecting even the most unrealistic projects proposed.

The Star Destroyer Venator, unlike most Republic and Separatist warships, was not converted from civilian to military. The Venator was originally designed as a warship to conduct space combat and counter similar large enemy ships. She was not a universal ship, like the Victory and the future Emperors. The overall design concepts of the ship are loosely based on the design of the Star Destroyers "The Approver". Venators became one of the most common ships during the Clone Wars. Their powerful shields and armor allowed them to withstand fire that would destroy most types of ships of their size. The presence of a large number of turbolasers made it possible to conduct concentrated and powerful fire on individual areas of the target.

Despite its enormous size, the Venator was much faster than both the Victory and most Separatist ships. The first ships of this series rolled off the stocks of Rotan factories. It was Rotan's engineers who built the first generation of these ships. Soon, the Venator Star Destroyers showed their worth during the Battle of Geonosis (they fought an orbital battle). After the outbreak of the war, the Kuat shipyards themselves began to produce cruisers of this type.

Another innovation of the ship is the control bridges. The central tower is the main bridge, the left one is the center of tactical coordination of fighters, and the right one is the space control center and communication system.

For the Republic, it was a magnificent warship that, along with the Victory, could control the entire galaxy, but Blissex was still not happy with the result, perceiving the Venator as a transitional link to the ship of her dreams - the Emperor-class Star Destroyer. And a few years after the end of the Clone Wars, her dream came true - thousands of “Emperors” controlled the galaxy and established a New Order.

Type: Star Destroyer. Manufacturer: Kuata Shipyards. Developer: Lyra Wessex. Dimensions: 1,137 m long 548 m wide 268 m high. Load capacity: 20,000 tons. Team: - 7,400 - 20,000 - soldiers. Hyperdrive: class 1.0. reserve class 15.0. Sublight speed: 3,000 G. Atmospheric speed: 975 km/h. Armor: yes. Shields: like the Pobeda missile defense system. Armament: - 8 double heavy turbolasers - 2 double medium turbolasers - turbolaser cannons (depending on modification) - 26 twin laser cannons - 6 traction beam projectors - 4x16 heavy proton torpedo launchers.


Pobeda-II-class Star Destroyer

The Victory-II-class Star Destroyer is a modified Victory-class Star Destroyer used by the Galactic Empire in the aftermath of the Clone Wars.

After the end of the Clone Wars, a new ship was released - Pobeda II. The designers of the original Pobeda were forced to do this by the insufficient speed of the Pobeda in space combat conditions. The weapons of the first "Victory" also did not meet the requirements of the Empire.

The new Star Destroyer Pobeda II was significantly faster than its predecessor. This was achieved the hard way: in order to increase speed, the power of the force shield was significantly reduced. The ship's armament has undergone major changes. Since the predecessor's weapons were focused primarily on fire support for ground units, blockades of planets and orbital bombardment, a significant part of them were launchers for missiles or torpedoes. Such weapons were poorly suited for space combat (especially long-term ones), since the ship carried a small number of turbolaser weapons, the reloading of which took a long time.

The battle cruiser Pobeda-II is well suited for combat with all types of enemy ships. The guidance systems for turbolaser cannons, more advanced than those installed on Pobeda-I, allow the ship to hit high-speed targets with turbolasers. And linear turbolaser cannons in combination with ion cannons allow the ship to effectively resist most ships of a similar type. The new ship is intended only for space combat, so Pobeda-II is deprived of the ability to enter the atmosphere.
- length 900 m
- width 564 m
- height 289 m (including command cabin)
- 610 officers
- 4590 conscripts
- 402 artillerymen
Minimum crew: 1785 people
- 10 quad turbolaser units
- 40 twin turbolaser units
- 20 launchers (standard ammunition - 4 missiles)
- 10 traction beam projectors
- DeLuxFlux hyperdrive converter (class 2.0, reserve - class 15)
- power shielding generator
- 3 LF9 ion engines
- 4 auxiliary ion engines
Power plant: hypermatter annihilation reactor, output power approx. 3.6 X 10^24 W
Speed ​​in the atmosphere: 800 km/h
Load capacity: 8100 t
Flight endurance: 4 standard years

Emperor-III-class Star Destroyer

The Emperor-III-class Star Destroyer is a modified Emperor-II Star Destroyer that the Empire began using after the formation of the New Republic. A ship of this type has great advantages over its predecessors.

After the Battle of Endor, with the New Republic's ever-increasing military power, the Empire still had vast military resources remaining, but as time went on there were fewer and fewer qualified personnel. This forced the Empire to resort to automation of most systems, which significantly reduced the number of crew required.

The new ship has retained all the best features of ships of previous types. Shield generators were strengthened and improved, guidance systems were improved, and new weapons were installed. The great advantage of the new model was the presence of missile and torpedo launchers - the best weapon against enemy fighters and an excellent addition to the main caliber of the ship.

The Star Destroyer Imperator III could only be seen as part of the armed forces of the Bastion Empire (perhaps Carnor Jax's Remnant also had these ships). These ships saw action during the Vong invasion.
- length 1600 m
- height 448 m
- 4520 officers
- 32565 privates
- 275 artillerymen
- 3 ion engines "Destroyer I"
- 4 Gemon-4 ion engines
Hyperdrive converter: class 2.0 (backup – class 8.0)
Powerplant: SFS I-a2b solar ion reactor
Sublight speed: 60 MGLT
Maximum acceleration: 2300 g
Armor: Durasteel alloy
Shielding: 2 generators KDY ISD-72x
- 6 twin heavy turbolaser installations
- 2 quad heavy turbolasers
- 3 built-in turbolasers
- 2 medium power turbolasers
- 60 Taim&Bak XX-9 turbolasers
- 2 heavy twin ion units
- 60 Borstel NK-7 ion cannons
- 10 Phylon Q7 traction beam projectors
- LeGrange fire control system
- HoloNet transmitting and receiving device
Load capacity: 360,000 t (metric)
Flight endurance: 6 standard years

At the Kuat shipyard

in battle order at Endor.

Executor-class Star Destroyer (Executor)

The Executor-class Star Destroyer is the first ship in the Super Star Destroyer series. The first ship in the series was Darth Vader's flagship and became associated in the eyes of many residents of the Galaxy with Palpatine's Empire.

Engineer Lyra Wessex, who had once designed the Venator cruiser and the Emperor-class Star Destroyer, came up with a design for a ship that dwarfed all other ships in the galaxy.

The Emperor was interested in the project and allowed the construction of four ships of this type to begin simultaneously at the Fondor and Kuat shipyards. The Senate tried to protest against the Emperor's decision, but Palpatine was able to convince them. After the death of the Death Star, the Emperor ordered the construction of the Executioner to be accelerated. The reason for this was the emperor’s desire to provide his citizens with another symbol of the greatness and inviolability of the New Order.

The first two ships of the new type left the stocks at approximately the same time. The first ship, named Executor, became Darth Vader's flagship, and the second, Executor II, was hidden on Coruscant and renamed Lusankya. The Executioner's first mission, in which the Sith appreciated its power, was the destruction of the Alliance base on the planet Laaktien. Soon the ship was actively involved in many operations against the rebels.

After the Endor disaster, the “Executioners” became a powerful argument in proving the legitimacy of the claims of numerous contenders for the throne. At the time of Grand Admiral Thrawn's return, the regions of the galaxy that recognized him did not have ships of this type. But the mere possession of such a ship was not a guarantee of power.

During the struggle for power by the former head of imperial intelligence, Isard, Lusankya was captured. After a year of repairs, the ship became part of the New Republic fleet and was very successfully used against the remnants of the empire for a long time. But during the Vong invasion, Lusankya, due to its size and enormous numerical superiority of the aggressor, could no longer satisfy the strategies of the New Republic. Therefore, Wedge Antilles, defending Borleias, used Lusankya as a ram.

Also on board this giant was a support squadron, like Star Destroyers of other series. The Executor could have carried more than a thousand fighters, presumably more than five hundred TIE-fighters and as many other fighters of imperial production. However, the standard layout included only 144 fighters (12 squadrons), which was only twice the size of the Emperor's air wing, and was clearly not enough to cover a ship of this size.

Executor-class Star Destroyers are highly armed and protected. One ship can withstand an entire fleet, but this has not been tested in reality. It is also worth noting that all ships of this type died as a result of accidents, stupidity or successful sabotage by the rebels (New Republicans). In open battle, this ship is a very dangerous opponent.
Length: 19000 m
Maximum acceleration: 1230 g
Sublight speed: 40 MGLT
Hyperdrive converter: class 2.0 (backup – class 10.0)
- 2000 heavy turbolasers
- 2000 turbolasers
- 250 heavy ion cannons
- 500 laser cannons
- 250 launchers (ammunition - 30 missiles)
- 40 Phylon Q7 traction beam projectors
- 279,144 officers and enlisted personnel
- 1590 artillerymen
Minimum crew: 50,000 people
Landing force: 38,000 people
Load capacity:
- 250,000 t (metric)
Flight endurance: 6 years

Sudden attack, fight and


Eclipse-class Star Destroyer

The Eclipse-class Star Destroyer is the most powerful and efficient Star Destroyer in the Galaxy. It was built by the Empire in the aftermath of the Battle of Endor. A total of two such ships were built, each of which was able to destroy the enemy's medium fleet.

Construction of the first ship of this type began at the Kuat shipyards even before the Battle of Endor. After the collapse of the Empire into small state formations, construction was stopped for some time, but then continued again. Four and a half standard years after the Battle of Endor, both ships left Kuat and stood guard over the planet Byss, where clones of Emperor Palpatine were being raised.

The Eclipse was able to install a smaller version of the Death Star's superlaser, which was capable of reaching 2/3 of the station's power. The superlaser is located along the ship and forms a single unit with the main power elements of the hull. The main caliber of the Eclipse could turn the surface of the planet into a lifeless desert.

In space combat, the presence of this weapon was a very unpleasant surprise for the New Republic fleet. During the first phase of the campaign, the resurrected Emperor tested his new superweapon on the New Republic's frontier worlds. This territory was a place of conflict between the interests of the New Republic and the Empire, as the former sought to subjugate new territories, and the latter defended them. During the rapid campaign, the New Republic suffered heavy losses and retreated, having no chance of victory against a technically superior enemy.

In a short time, the Emperor regained significant territories occupied by the New Republic. Despite the fact that the New Republic government was aware of the great losses, it did not take any measures to even find out what happened on those worlds. These were just tests of a new weapon. Some time later, the troops of the resurrected Emperor attacked Mon Calamari, and only then did Mon Mothma admit her mistake.

In addition to powerful weapons, the Eclipse-class Star Destroyer carries ten gravity well projectors, whose gravitational “shadow” prevents large fleets from escaping into hyperspace. A large air group was able to protect the ship from any attempts by enemy forces to inflict any damage on the Eclipse. Powerful armor and shields made the ship virtually invulnerable in open space combat.
This was also proven by the events during the next crisis of the New Republic. Eclipse I was not destroyed by the New Republic fleet. It died when Luke Skywalker tricked Palpatine into destroying the supership. Eclipse II was destroyed during a Republican sabotage in the Byss system. He collided with the Galaxy Cannon and died along with it.
Length: 17.5 km
Maximum acceleration: 940 g
Hyperdrive drive: class 2 (reserve: class 6)
- 1 super laser
- 500 turbolasers
- 550 laser guns
- 75 ion cannons
- 100 traction beam projectors
- 10 directional gravity generators
- 708470 personnel
- 4175 artillerymen
Landing force: 150,000 people
Load capacity: 600000 t
Flight endurance: 10 standard years
In orbit around Byss

Turbolaser battery



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