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A.M. Gorky. Milestones of life and creativity. Presentation on children's literature on the topic "Maxim Gorky" (3rd year) Presentation on the topic Maxim Gorky

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Maxim Gorky - famous Russian writer and playwright

Born on March 16 (28), 1868 in Nizhny Novgorod in a poor family of a carpenter. The real name of Maxim Gorky is Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov. His parents died early, and little Alexey remained to live with his grandfather. His grandmother became a mentor in literature, who led her grandson into the world of folk poetry. He wrote about her briefly, but with great tenderness: “In those years, I was filled with my grandmother’s poems, like a beehive with honey; It seems that I was thinking in the forms of her poems.” Gorky's childhood was spent in harsh, difficult conditions. WITH early years future writer was forced to do part-time work, earning a living whatever he could.

In Gorky's life, only two years were devoted to studying at the Nizhny Novgorod School. Then, due to poverty, he went to work, but was constantly engaged in self-education. Gorky's first published story "Makar Chudra" was published in 1892. Then, his essays in two volumes, “Essays and Stories,” published in 1898, brought fame to the writer.

Gorky also wrote fairy tales for children. Among them: “The Tale of Ivanushka the Fool”, “Sparrow”, “Samovar”, “Tales of Italy” and others. Recalling his difficult childhood, Gorky devoted Special attention children, organized holidays for children from poor families, published a children's magazine.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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HURRY TO DO GOOD Baygazakova Saulesh Tursynbaevna Secondary School named after M. Gorky SDMTS Extracurricular activity on the culture of behavior, grade 4. Office design: on the screen there is an image of a bright sun with the words of V.G...

Project of a lesson on local history "Acquaintance with the Gorky family home" (co-author Filippova Yu, S.)

Objectives of the lesson: 1. To introduce the Gorky family home in the village of Ust-Tsilma; report the facts of the appearance and life of this house and its inhabitants; introduce new terms (family house, stable, flock, story). Behind...

Maxim Gorky (1868 - 1936) - famous Russian writer and playwright, author of works on revolutionary themes, founder socialist realism, nominee for Nobel Prize in the field of literature. He spent many years in exile.

Born on March 16 (28), 1868 in Nizhny Novgorod in a poor family of a carpenter. The real name of Maxim Gorky is Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov. His parents died early, and little Alexey remained to live with his grandfather.

His grandmother became a mentor in literature, who led her grandson into the world of folk poetry. He wrote about her briefly, but with great tenderness: “In those years, I was filled with my grandmother’s poems, like a beehive with honey; It seems that I was thinking in the forms of her poems"

Monument to Kashirina Akulina Ivanovna in Nizhny Novgorod.

Kashirin's house, where A. M. Gorky spent his childhood.

Museum of M. Gorky's Childhood. "Kashirin's House"

Gorky's childhood was spent in harsh, difficult conditions. From an early age, the future writer was forced to do part-time work, earning a living by whatever he could.

In Gorky's life, only two years were devoted to studying at the Nizhny Novgorod School. Then, due to poverty, he went to work, but was constantly engaged in self-education. 1887 was one of the most difficult years in Gorky's biography. Due to the troubles that beset him, he tried to commit suicide, but nevertheless survived.

Traveling around the country, Gorky propagated the revolution, for which he was taken under police surveillance and then arrested for the first time in 1888.

In 1906, in the biography of Maxim Gorky, he moved to the USA, then to Italy, where he lived until 1913. Even there, Gorky’s work defended the revolution. Returning to Russia, he stops in St. Petersburg. Here Gorky works in publishing houses, deals with social activities. In 1921, due to an aggravated illness, at the insistence Vladimir Lenin, and disagreements with the authorities, he goes abroad again. The writer finally returned to the USSR in October 1932.

A.M.Gorky and L.N.Tolstoy in Yasnaya Polyana.

The relationship between Leo Tolstoy and Maxim Gorky was complex - from mutual sympathy to mutual hostility. However, in general, they were built on high respect for each other, on sincere interest in each other, on the basis of high aesthetic mutual assessments. Each of them saw in the other a true artist of words.

Alexei Maksimovich Gorky and Fyodor Chaliapin met in September 1900 in Moscow, then met in Nizhny Novgorod, the writer’s homeland, when the young singer came on tour accompanying the annual Nizhny Novgorod fairs. Both had gained fame by that time, but the heights of their achievements were ahead. Then a mutual interest in each other, creative and human, arose between the writer and the artist.

A.P. Chekhov and M. Gorky in the garden at Chekhov’s dacha in Yalta.

Maxim Gorky died on June 18, 1936 in the village of Gorki (Moscow region) under mysterious circumstances.


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Biography of Maxim Gorky. IN last years worked as a manager of a shipping office, died of cholera. Gorky did not receive a real education, graduating only from a vocational school. Hatred of evil and ethical maximalism were a source of moral torment. In 1887 he tried to commit suicide. Ruskin and the pessimism of A. Schopenhauer. Pseudonym M. Gorky (signed letters and documents real name- A. Peshkov; designations "A. In 1898, the book “Essays and Stories” was published in St. Petersburg, which had a sensational success. Gorky's social position was radical. In 1905 he joined the ranks of the RSDLP (Bolshevik wing) and met V.I. Lenin. - Gorky.ppt

Biography of M. Gorky

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Maksim Gorky. Nickname. Parents. Kashirin's house. Gorky did not receive a real education. “Spiritually born in Kazan...” Kazan. House-museum in Kazan. In 1888 he was arrested. Stories “Chelkash”, “Old Woman Izergil”. "Song of the Petrel". In 1901, M. Gorky turned to drama. The election was annulled. Joined the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. Edits Bolshevik newspapers. Creates a series of stories and essays. Failed to re-register party members. Since 1924 he lived in Italy, in Sorrento. Gorky visits the Solovetsky Camp. Ryabushinsky's mansion. - Biography of M. Gorky.ppt

Biography of Maxim Gorky

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Maksim Gorky. Parents. Childhood. The beginning of life's journey. First literary activity. Glory to Gorky. Public position. Publishing house "Knowledge". Gorky's wife. Emigration 1905-1917. Emigration 1917-28. Return to the USSR. Death. - Biography of Maxim Gorky.ppt

Years of Gorky's life

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Maksim Gorky. Glory to Gorky. Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov. Gorky's early work. Korolenko. Taste of freedom. At the bottom. Untimely thoughts. Personality. Life of Klim Samgin. Song about the Falcon. Test. Loiko Zobar. Composition of a “story within a story.” Bubnov. Noise. Luka advises Vaska Ash to look for a righteous land in Siberia. Play. Image. - Years of Gorky's life.ppt

Years of life of Maxim Gorky

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Life path Maxim Gorky. brief information. Parents. Childhood. Education. It's not an easy life. Early creativity. Gorky's popularity. Gorky is a defender of culture. Gorky - for democracy and knowledge. Newspaper " New life" With what anger Gorky wrote about the problem of “Russian stupidity.” Gorky not only scolded the Bolsheviks. Late activity of Gorky. Last years. Circumstances of death. What Gorky showed in his works. Meetings with celebrities. Gorky as the patron of Samuil Marshak. Fyodor Chaliapin. Vladimir Mayakovsky and Maxim Gorky. Maxim Gorky and L.N. Tolstoy. - Years of life of Maxim Gorky.ppt

Romanticism in Gorky's works

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Romanticism in the early works of M. Gorky. Maksim Gorky. N.E.Fedoseev. Museum-apartment of A.M. Gorky. Works of M. Gorky. What is romanticism? Features of Romanticism. Song about the petrel. Loons. The petrel soars with a cry. Storm. The hero is dissatisfied with reality. Composition of the story “Old Woman Izergil”. The Legend of Larra. The Legend of Moses. The Legend of Danko. Feelings. What people look like. Danko's warm heart. The role of landscape in the work. Let's turn to the finale. The heroine of the story. Portrait of the heroine. What are the features of romanticism? - Romanticism in the works of Gorky.ppt

Life and work of Gorky

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Human existence. Melancholy will never take you. Maksim Gorky. You can't go anywhere in the carriage of the past. Brief chronicle of life. Makar Chudra. Novel "Three". Song about the Petrel. Gorky turned to drama. Children of the Sun. Meets Lenin. Gorky goes abroad. Bolshevik newspapers. Revolutions are needed to destroy revolutionaries. "Methods" of the Bolsheviks. Gorky lived in Italy. Gorky returns to the Soviet Union forever. Congress Soviet writers. Poster for the First Congress of the Union of Soviet Writers. Life of Klim Samgin. Gorky died in Moscow. Museum-apartment of M. Gorky in Moscow. - Life and work of Gorky.ppt

Gorky's works for children

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Maksim Gorky. Speech warm-up. The case of Evseyka. Peshkov Alexey Maksimovich. Nickname. Family of Maxim Gorky. Childhood and youth. Years have passed. Gorky also wrote for children. I warmly greet the future heroes of labor. Works by M. Gorky for children. Boy Borya. Physical education minute. Little boy Evseyka. Scarlet starfish. Whiskered lobsters. The crab is moving. Sea anemones are scattered. Sea lilies. Quick shrimp. Sea turtle. Cancer hermit. Uncle Yakov's cart. Playful fish. Dad. We need to change the conversation. Now I'm going to start crying. Holothuria. Sea bubble. - Gorky's works for children.ppt


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Lesson based on the story “Childhood” by A.M. Gorky. Goals and objectives of the lesson. " Lead abominations Russian life." Meeting with the writer. The setting of M. Gorky's story "Childhood". Heroes of the story. Why did my first meetings with my grandmother make such a strong impression? Questions and assignments. Tell the story of Gypsy. How Gorky paints a picture of a fire. What feelings did street impressions evoke in Alyosha? Why does Gorky call a Good Deed “foreign?” - Childhood.ppt

Book “Childhood” Gorky

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Lesson based on the story “Childhood” by A.M. Gorky. Meeting with the writer. Leaden abominations of Russian life. The setting of the story. Heroes of the story. The image of a grandmother. The image of grandfather Kashirin. Tell the story of Gypsy. How Gorky paints a picture of a fire. Street impressions. Excerpt. - Book “Childhood” Gorky.ppt

Heroes of "Childhood"

Slides: 20 Words: 1888 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Works of fiction as a reflection of gender relations. Gender and sex. Men and women. Study gender speech differences. Various gender studies. Relationships between men and women. Childhood. Thoughts famous people about gender. Directions of gender research. Gender features of the text. Analysis oral speech. Comparison options. Topics of conversation. Frequently used words. Appeals. Features of behavior. The use of tropes in speech. Offer type. Topics of conversations between women and men. - Heroes of “Childhood”.ppt

M. Gorky “At the Bottom”

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Computer presentation on the works of M. Gorky. Friedrich Nietzsche. Aivazovsky Ivan Konstantinovich. Nietzsche. Painting by I.K. Aivazovsky “Among the Waves”. The work of M. Gorky in the 1890s. Drama by M. Gorky. Return of Gorky to St. Petersburg. Post-revolutionary work of Gorky. If a person gets scalded, take him to the bathhouse. Features of romanticism in the work. Decidedly, Gorky is not a playwright. Features of M. Gorky's dramaturgy. Gorky does not have a single hero who does not philosophize. Philosopher. The philosophy of Gorky's drama. The attitude towards the world, expressed in the feeling, in the experience of the hero. - M. Gorky “At the Bottom”. ppt

Heroes of Gorky's play "At the Depths"

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At the bottom. Maksim Gorky. Play. Epigraph. Explore the spiritual essence of the play. A severe economic crisis. Problematic issues. Gorky chooses the topic of exposing the vices of capitalist activity. Story line plays. Characteristics of heroes. Luke. Satin. Kostylev and Vasilisa. Vaska Ash. Natasha. Baron and Nastya. Klesh and Anna. Actor. Who really argues with Luke? The play "At the Bottom". Saving people. Main problems. The play "At the Bottom". - Heroes of Gorky’s play “At the Lower Depths”.ppt

Gorky "Song of the Falcon"

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What's the point human life. The role of landscape framing in “Song of the Falcon.” Already and Falcon. The central part of the work is Rahim's song. Feeling of anger and desire to fight. What struck you about the Falcon, and do you think the Snake was right in some ways? Aphorism (short expressive saying). Fly or crawl, the end is known: everyone will fall into the ground. The meaning of the images of the Falcon and the Snake. The final lines of M. Gorky from “The Legend of Marco.” - Gorky “Song of the Falcon”.ppt

The case of Evseyka

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Maksim Gorky. How can he live in the world without whiskers and scales? What sea inhabitants did Evseika meet? Like fish they laughed at Evseyka. Why was Evseyka surprised? Choose the appropriate dialogue from the text. Test work for M. Gorky’s story “The Case of Yevseyka.” Choose the correct answer. Real man. Scarlet starfish. Evseyka. Evseika thought. Sea bubble. Lobster. Anemones. Sea turtle. Starfish. Check yourself. There were plans to come up with a sequel. - The case of Evseyka.ppt

Gorky "Old Woman Izergil"

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Old Isergil. Maksim Gorky. The Legend of Danko. Exit of the Israelis from Egypt. Jews. Let us turn to the text of the legend about Danko. Moses and Danko. The plot of the legend about Danko. Moses. Explanation main reason. People are indecisive. Work with text. Crowd. Irritation. Indignation. Daredevil. Feat. Artist's illustration. - Gorky “Old Woman Izergil”.pptx

Analysis of “The Old Woman Izergil”

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Romanticism in the works of M. Gorky. Acquaintance with the early works of M. Gorky. If only for yourself, then why are you. Romanticism. Composition of the story “Old Woman Izergil”. The Legend of Larra. As M. Gorky portrays Larra. Pride. The Legend of Danko. Portrait characteristics. Life of Izergil. The heroine's position. What was Izergil’s life dedicated to? - Analysis of “Old Woman Izergil”.pptx


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A squat, inhospitable house stood on the outskirts of Nizhny Novgorod. Maksim Gorky. (1868 - 1936). Chapters from the story “Childhood”. Moral Lessons childhood. (Based on the story “Childhood” by A.M. Gorky). A. M. Gorky. Alyosha spent his childhood in the family of his grandfather Vasily Kashirin, the owner of a handicraft dyeing enterprise. Alyosha felt like a stranger in the Kashirin family. Grandmother Akulina Ivanovna- amazing person. - A.M. Gorky.ppt

Maksim Gorky

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Maksim Gorky. March 16 (28), 1868 (Nizhny Novgorod) - June 18, 1936. Born in March 1868 in Nizhny Novgorod in the family of a carpenter. In the spring of 1895, Gorky, having moved to Samara, became an employee of the Samara Newspaper. In 1895, the story “Song of the Falcon” was published. For the first time, under the title “In the Black Sea Region” (with the subtitle Song) it was published in the Samara Newspaper. Quantitative analysis of the use of parts of speech in the story “Song of the Falcon.” - Maxim Gorky.ppt

Gorky Maxim

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Maxim Gorky (Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov) 1868 – 1936. Childhood. Alexey Peshkov was born on March 16, 1868 in Nizhny Novgorod. Mother, Varvara Vasilievna, nee Kashirina, was the daughter of a Nizhny Novgorod merchant. In the summer of 1871, Maxim Savateevich dies of cholera. The mother gives Alexei to her father's family. From the age of six, boys begin to be taught Church Slavonic literacy. Education. A streak of life failures. 1884 - Peshkov moves to Kazan with the goal of enrolling in university. The beginning of creativity. The work was signed “Maxim Gorky”. 1893 - 1895 - Gorky's stories are often published in the Volga press. - Gorky Maxim.ppt

Bitter writer

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Alexey Maksimovich Gorky (1868 -1936). The writer's childhood. She died of rapid consumption. ...Kazan is my favorite “university”. But spiritually in Kazan.” “Walking in Rus'” - 1888 Life lessons. Personal life. The first published story was “Makar Chudra” - 1892. He publishes in Samara Gazeta under the pseudonym Yehudiel Khlamida. V. Korolenko. The writer's aesthetic declaration. To the madness of the brave... Flame of the heart. And soon there was nothing left from the fire except the warm smell. I looked and thought: “So do we all... If only we could burn brighter!” Truth or Compassion? Man...That's the truth! Now a perfect person is not needed, we need a fighter, a worker, an avenger. - Bitter writer.ppt

Maxim Gorky biography

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Maxim Gorky (Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov) Biography. But the hopes were not justified. In September 1892, in the Tiflis newspaper "Caucasus" signed "M." Since 1893, Gorky's stories have been published in Volga and St. Petersburg newspapers and magazines. In his work, Gorky reflected the heroic struggle of the Russian working class. In 1904 - the plays "Summer Residents" and "Children sun", "Barbarians". At the beginning of 1906 he arrived in America, where he stayed until the fall. The pamphlets "My Interviews" and the essays "In America" ​​were written here. Tests. Where was M. Gorky born? - Gorky biography.ppt

Life and work of Gorky

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Exit. Abstract on the topic Early Works of Maxim Gorky. The Writer and Time Features of Romanticism Let the storm blow stronger! Cycle of Stories about Tramps Gorky about the effective role of art in ordinary life. Plan. The Writer and Time The work of young Gorky is imbued with the thunderous breath of the era. Is the expanse of the steppe clear? Only he’ll hang himself if he gets a little wiser.” Such colors are akin folk epic, rich in comparisons. Sometimes Gorky uses another artistic technique. "The Wallachian Tale" continues the theme of sublime romantic love. Better death than slavery, they say romantic heroes Gorky. - Bitter life.ppt

Gorky's life

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Biography of Maxim Gorky. Gorky did not receive a real education, graduating only from a vocational school. Hatred of evil and ethical maximalism were a source of moral torment. In 1887 he tried to commit suicide. Ruskin and the pessimism of A. Schopenhauer. Gorky's humanism carried rebellious and atheistic features. Pseudonym M. Gorky (he signed letters and documents with his real surname - A. Peshkov; designations “A.” In 1898, the book “Essays and Stories” was published in St. Petersburg, which had a sensational success. Gorky quickly proved himself as a talented organizer literary process. - Life of Gorky.pptx

Life of Maxim Gorky

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Maksim Gorky. Life and art. Teacher of Russian language and literature, Municipal Educational Institution Popovskaya Secondary School Nagornaya S.A. 1868, March 16 (28) - A. M. Gorky (Peshkov) was born in Nizhny Novgorod into the family of a carpenter. Having been orphaned early, he spent his childhood years in the house of his grandfather Kashirin. Childhood. Starts working. He began to conduct propaganda work among workers and peasants. Kazan. 1888 - arrest for connections with N. E. Fedoseev’s circle. Arrest and wanderings. Portrait by L. O. Pasternak, 1906. 1892 - A. M. Gorky first appeared in print with the story “Makar Chudra.” The beginning... Creativity. L.N. Tolstoy and M. Gorky. - Life of Maxim Gorky.ppt

Gorky's life path

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Lesson topic: The life path of Maxim Gorky. “I owe everything good in me to books...” M. Gorky. Let us recall the works of M. Gorky. Let's find out the biography of the writer. We will learn to read consciously and correctly, and draw up a plan for retelling. Vocabulary work. Establishment Creation Tramp Alias. Visual dictation. Institution. Dyeing establishment. Owner of a dyeing establishment. He was the owner of a dyeing establishment. Grandfather was the owner of a dyeing establishment. A moment of rest. Retelling plan. 1. Childhood. 2. “In people.” Exercise for the eyes. 3. Truth of life. Retelling according to plan all points of the plan. - Gorky's life path.ppt

Gorky and the revolution

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Gorky: “petrel of the revolution” and “icon of socialism.” Gorky's path as a person and writer before and after the revolution was complex. M. Gorky. "Childhood". "Where is the truth? That's the truth! No work, no strength! Shelter... there is no shelter! Let me breathe... let me breathe! What is my fault? Why do I need the truth? M. Gorky “Childhood”. M. Gorky and A.I. Lenin at the Second Congress of the Comintern, 1920. The first congress of Soviet writers. Chairman and main speaker – Maxim Gorky. - Gorky and the revolution.ppt

Lessons on Gorky's works

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Lesson-game based on the works of M. Gorky. “Do you know the work of M. Gorky?” “And there won’t be a game, then what’s left? (L.N. Tolstoy, “childhood”). Purpose of the lesson: Systematize and generalize knowledge on the works of M. Gorky. Reader's observation test. Preparation for written work on the works of M. Gorky. It is an excellent position to be a human on Earth! Blitz warm-up. When and where was M. Gorky born? State the real name of the writer. What was the name of M. Gorky's grandfather? What was the name of Gorky's first story, published in the Volgar newspaper? Do you know the works of Gorky? - Gorky's work.ppt

Danko Gorky

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For whom does Danko live? Based on the story by A. M. Gorky “Old Woman Izergil.” Didactic goals of the project. Methodological goals. Creative tasks. The connection between the legend of Danko and the biblical tale of Moses. Why did people trust Danko? What is Danko's attitude towards people? How does Danko behave in the most difficult situation? What are the obvious and hidden motives for Danko’s behavior? Results of the researchers' presentation. The connection between the legend of Danko and the biblical story of Moses (presentation). Two story plans. Comparative analysis text (presentation). Comparative characteristics Larra and Danko (publication). Stages and timing of the project: - Danko Gorky.ppt

The Legend of Danko

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Maxim Gorky "The Legend of Danko". Literature lesson in eighth grade. Guess the work and characters based on excerpts from the texts. There is always room for exploits in life. Expressive reading beginning of the text. Describe the appearance of old woman Izergil. Tell me summary legends. Answers on questions. Composition of a legend. Introduction, plot, climax, denouement, conclusion. Artistic media language. Hyperbole comparison repetition personification epithet metaphor. Lesson summary. - The Legend of Danko.ppt

Lesson The Legend of Danko

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M. Gorky. The Legend of Danko. (Based on the story “Old Woman Izergil.”). Lesson extracurricular reading. "Song of the Falcon". 1895 “We sing glory to the madness of the brave! The madness of the brave is the wisdom of life! “Dreaming does not mean living! We need feats, feats! The Legend of Danko. (based on the story “Old Woman Izergil”, 1894). Facilities artistic expression: A. Matrosov. Heroes live among us. - Lesson The Legend of Danko.ppt

Gorky Childhood

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We all come from childhood. Project objectives. Fundamental question. Problematic question. Name educational project. "What a great holiday is good the right book" (M. Gorky). Students' independent research. Theory of literature. Let's think about it... “Happy, happy, irrevocable time of childhood! References. M. Gorky “Childhood” Volga-Vyatka book publishing house 1968 Artist B.A. Dekhterev. M. Gorky's childhood home. Set of postcards. - Gorky Childhood.ppt

The Tale of Childhood Gorky

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A.M. Gorky. The story "Childhood". The image of Alyosha Peshkov's grandmother. M. Gorky. How does Alyosha see his grandmother? With the help of which literary devices did Gorky describe his grandmother’s portrait so vividly? In what environment does Alyosha’s grandmother live? Sick days. Festive evening at the Kashirins' house. Grandmother's dance is a story about yourself, about joy and sorrow, about love for people, perseverance and optimism. Fire in the Kashirins' house. Ruin and poverty. How did your grandmother and grandfather perceive ruin and poverty? How do you remember Alyosha’s grandmother? - Tale of Childhood.ppt

M. Gorky childhood

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Maksim Gorky. Biography of Gorky. Maxim Gorky - Russian writer, playwright, public figure. Born on March 16 (old style - March 28) 1868 in Nizhny Novgorod. Gorky did not receive a real education, graduating only from a vocational school. Early Gorky. In 1899-1900 he met A.P. Chekhov. The story "Childhood". The last part of the trilogy “My Universities” was written in 1923 “in exile. In 1912 - 1913, he wrote the story “Childhood” on the Italian island of Capri. Working on a story. Work process. In the process of work, M. Gorky intended to change the original title of the story. - M. Gorky childhood.pptx

Gorky's story Childhood

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A.M. Gorky. The story "Childhood". L.N. Tolstoy. “Happy, happy, irrevocable time of childhood! Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky: Valentin Rasputin: House of grandfather Kashirin. How do you understand the word Childhood? Title page for the first edition of the story. What points does the story reflect? title page? Still from the film “Childhood”. Quiz: Based on the story “Childhood”. - Gorky story Childhood.pptx

Gorky Makar Chudra

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"Makar Chudra". The first period of Maxim Gorky's work is represented mainly by romantic stories. Wandering around the country, observing the lives of people, Gorky tried to find the unusual, the heroic in everyone. In the first story “Makar Chudra” we clearly see the position of the old gypsy, the main character of the story. The old man says that for two young people, freedom is much more important and valuable than the feeling of love and even life. Loiko Zobar has “eyes like clear stars shining, and a smile like the whole sun... He stands, covered in blood, in the fire of a fire and his teeth sparkle, laughing!” The author leads the reader to the idea that freedom and happiness are incompatible if one person must submit to another. - Gorky Makar Chudra.ppt

Play At the Bottom

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Bobrovskaya average comprehensive school. "When there's nowhere else to go." an old house mine is riddled with a blizzard, And the lonely hearth has cooled down... Understand the reasons for the “fall” of people. M. Gorky's play “At the Bottom”. Maxim Gorky's play “At the Depths” celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2002. What does the title “At the Bottom” mean? The bottom in the play is multi-valued and symbolic. The title correlates the circumstances of life and the human soul. There are no gentlemen here... everything has faded away, only one naked man remains.” - Play At the Depth.ppt

Gorky At the bottom

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M. Gorky “At the Bottom”. A scene from the play based on M. Gorky's play "At the Lower Depths". Nastya - O. L. Knipper (sitting on the right), Satin - K. S. Stanislavsky (sitting on the left). Moscow Art Theater. Moskvin I.M. as Luka (“At the Lower Depths”, M. Gorky). Pre-revolutionary postcard. Premiere of the play - October 12, 1987 Role - Nastya. Staged by G. Tovstonogov. Director - V.B. Shabalina Stage partners - E. Lebedev, K. Lavrov, O. Basilashvili, S. Kryuchkova. Big Drama Theater(Leningrad) 1987 "At the bottom" (M. Gorky). - Gorky At the bottom.ppt

Gorky Lesson at the bottom

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What is more necessary? Epigraph for the lesson. Man - that's the truth! We must respect the person! Working on the content of the play. 7. Quiz. Which of the characters in the play "At the Bottom"? 8. Crossword. Which character owns the words? 9. Summary of the lesson. 10. Homework. Working with the play poster. Characters Mikhail Ivanov Kostylev, 54 years old, owner of a rooming house. Vaska Pepel, 28 years old Klesch, Andrey Mitrich, mechanic, 40 years old. Nastya, girl, 24 years old. Kvashnya, dumpling seller, about 40 years old. Bubnov, Kartuznik, 45 years old. Baron, 33 years old. Satin and Actor are approximately the same age: about 40 years old. Luke, a wanderer, 60 years old. - Gorky Lesson at the bottom.ppt

Gorky's play At the Bottom

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Maksim Gorky. M. Gorky. America, 1906 P. Korin. Portrait of M. Gorky, Sorrento, 1932. Moskvin I.M. as Luka (“At the Lower Depths”, M. Gorky). Pre-revolutionary postcard. A scene from the play based on M. Gorky's play "At the Lower Depths". Nastya - O. L. Knipper (sitting on the right), Satin - K. S. Stanislavsky (sitting on the left). Moscow Art Theater. 1987 "At the Lower Depths" (M. Gorky) Premiere of the play - October 12, 1987 Role - Nastya. Staged by G. Tovstonogov. - Gorky's play At the Depth.ppt

Old woman Izergil Gorky

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M. Gorky. Romantic works M. Gorky. “Makar Chudra” “Old Woman Izergil” “Song of the Falcon” “Song of the Petrel”. From a letter from M. Gorky to A.P. Chekhov: Representations of F. Nietzsche. The Legend of Larra. What is the tragedy of Larra’s immortality? Life of Izergil. What was Izergil’s life dedicated to? Is it possible to call Izergil strong personality? What is Izergil doomed to at the end of her life? The Legend of Danko. What is the difference between the “strong” Danko and the “strong” Larra? Izergil calls both Larra and Danko “proud.” Is the epithet used in the same meaning or not? M. Gorky's values. To live, you need to be able to do something. - Old Woman Izergil.ppt

Gorky Chelkash

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A.M. Gorky "Chelkash". Antithesis. Chelkash. Gavrila. REPEATS! Conclusion: How to define each other. Chelkash about Gavril. Gavrila about Chelkash. Whose words hit the target exactly? Property. Torn shirt and dirty pants. Free. Attitude to freedom. The opposition set by the author becomes obvious. At the end of the story: Which of the two is more terrible? Read the landscape with the words: “The sea howled...”. Determine the functions of a landscape. Who is the story about? About two unfortunate people. What a story? Whose side is the author on? Pay attention to the title of the story. -

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Maxim Gorky Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov (1868 – 1936)

Origin Father, Maxim Savvatievich Peshkov (1840-71) - the son of a soldier, a cabinetmaker, died of cholera. Mother, Varvara Vasilievna, née Kashirina (1842-79), was the daughter of a Nizhny Novgorod merchant. She died of consumption.

Childhood Alexey Peshkov was born on March 16, 1868 in Nizhny Novgorod. The writer spent his childhood in his grandfather's house. The grandfather taught the boy from church books, the grandmother introduced her grandson to folk songs and fairy tales, but most importantly, replaced the mother, “saturating,” in the words of Gorky himself, “strong strength for difficult life"("Childhood").

Education 1877 - 1879 - Alexey Peshkov studies at the Nizhny Novgorod Kunavinsky School. Due to lack of money, Alexey Peshkov is forced to leave his studies and go “to the people.” 1879 – 1884 – Alexey changed places of “training” one after another. First he is an apprentice to a shoemaker (a relative of the Kashirins), then an apprentice in a drawing workshop, then in an icon painting studio. Finally he becomes a cook on a steamship sailing along the Volga.

Failures and wanderings December 1887 - a streak of failures in life leads Peshkov to attempt suicide. 1888 - 1891 - Alexey Peshkov wanders around Russia in search of work and impressions. He travels through the Volga region, Don, Ukraine, Crimea, Southern Bessarabia, and the Caucasus. He manages to make contacts in a creative environment. While wandering, Peshkov collects prototypes of his future heroes - this is noticeable in early creativity writer, when the heroes of his works were people of the “bottom”.

Gorky’s early works On September 12, 1892, Peshkov’s story “Makar Chudra” was first published in the Tiflis newspaper “Caucasus”. The work was signed “Maxim Gorky”. 1893 - 1895 - Gorky's stories are often published in the Volga press. During these years the following were written: “Chelkash”, “Revenge”, “Old Woman Izergil”, “Emelyan Pilyai”, “Conclusion”, “Song of the Falcon”.

Pseudonyms Peshkov signs his stories with various pseudonyms, of which there were about 30 in total. The most famous of them: “A.P.”, “M.G.”, “Ah!”, “One of the Perplexed,” “Yegudiel” Chlamys", "Taras Oparin" and others.

Family and work 1895 - with the assistance of Korolenko, Gorky becomes an employee of the Samara Newspaper, where he writes feuilletons daily in the “By the way” section, signing “Ehudiel Chlamida.” At the same time, in the Samara Newspaper, Gorky met Ekaterina Pavlovna Volzhina, who serves as a proofreader in the editorial office. 1896 - Gorky and Volzhina get married. 1896 - 1897 - Gorky works in his homeland, in the newspaper Nizhny Novgorod Listok. 1897 - Gorky’s tuberculosis worsens, and he and his wife move to Crimea, and from there to the village of Maksatikha, Poltava province. The same year, the writer’s son Maxim is born.

First arrest April 1901 - Gorky was arrested in Nizhny Novgorod and taken into custody for participating in student unrest in St. Petersburg. The writer remained under arrest for a month, after which he was released under house arrest and then deported to Arzamas. In the same year, “Song of the Petrel” was published in the magazine “Life”, after which the magazine was closed by the authorities.

Triumph 1902 - the plays “At the Lower Depths” and “The Bourgeois” were staged at the Moscow Art Theater. The premiere of “At the Lower Depths,” directed by Stanislavsky, is an unprecedented triumph.

Gorky and the revolution 1905 - Gorky actively participates in the revolution, he is closely associated with the Social Democrats, but at the same time, together with a group of intellectuals, on the eve of “Bloody Sunday” he visits S.Yu. Witte and is trying to prevent the tragedy. After the revolution, he was arrested (accused of participating in the preparation of a coup d'etat), but both Russian and European authorities came out in defense of the writer. cultural environment. Gorky is released.

Emigrant Beginning of 1906 - Gorky emigrates from Russia. He goes to America to raise funds to support the revolution in Russia. 1907 - the novel “Mother” is published in America. In London, at the V Congress of the RSDLP, Gorky met V.I. Ulyanov.

Life on Capri End of 1906 - 1913 - Maxim Gorky permanently lives on the island of Capri (Italy). Many works have been written here: the plays “The Last”, “Vassa Zheleznova”, the stories “Summer”, “Town of Okurov”, the novel “The Life of Matvey Kozhemyakin”.

Return 1913 - Gorky returns to Russia. In the same year he wrote “Childhood”. 1915 - the novel “In People” was written. Gorky begins publishing the journal Letopis.

Disagreements with the new government 1917 - after the Revolution, Gorky finds himself in an ambivalent position: on the one hand, he stands for the new government, on the other, he continues to adhere to his convictions, believing that it is necessary to engage not in the class struggle, but in the culture of the masses... At the same time, the writer begins working at the publishing house “World Literature”, founds the newspaper “New Life”.

Challenge to Lenin The end of the 1910s - Gorky’s relations with the new government gradually worsened. In 1918, the newspaper Novaya Zhizn published a series of articles “Untimely Thoughts,” where he accused Lenin of seizing power and unleashing terror in the country. But in the same place he called the Russian people cruel, “beastly” and thereby, if not justified, then explained the ferocious attitude of the Bolsheviks towards these people.

Flight from the Bolsheviks 1921 - Maxim Gorky leaves Russia, officially to Germany, for treatment, but in fact - from the massacre of the Bolsheviks. Until 1924, the writer lived in Germany and Czechoslovakia. 1921 – 1922 – Gorky actively publishes his articles in German magazines (“The Vocation of a Writer and Russian Literature of Our Time”, “Russian Cruelty”, “Intellectuals and Revolution”). They all say one thing - Gorky cannot accept what happened in Russia; he still strives to unite Russian artists abroad.

Moving to Sorento 1923 - Gorky writes “My Universities”. 1925 - work begins on the novel “The Life of Klim Samgin,” which was never completed. The novel “The Artamonov Case” has been written. Contemporaries noted the experimental nature of Gorky's works of that time, which were created with an undoubted eye on the formal quest of Russian prose of the 20s. Mid-1920s - Maxim Gorky moves to Sorrento (Italy).

USSR, Moscow, NKVD 1928 - Gorky makes a trip to the USSR. He travels around the country all summer. The writer’s impressions were reflected in the book “Around the Union of Soviets” (1929). 1931 - Gorky moves to Moscow. 1934 - Maxim Gorky acts as the organizer and chairman of the First All-Union Congress of Soviet Writers. May of the same year - Gorky's son Maxim was killed. According to one version, this was done on the initiative of the NKVD.

Death June 18, 1936 - Maxim Gorky dies in Gorki. Buried in Moscow. The writer became very ill and took to his bed. And soon an expensive candy bonbonniere with a silk ribbon appeared at the patient’s bedside - a sign of attention from the Kremlin. Gorky was not the only one who treated himself to candy, two other orderlies were with him. An hour later all three were dead.

Honorary funeral Professor P Letnev, who treated A. Leksei Maksimovich, was first sentenced to death for murder famous writer, Then death penalty he was replaced with twenty-five years in the camps. It was humane to a man who had no idea about the box of fatal chocolates. P.P. Kryuchkov, an NKVD officer, pleaded guilty. The urn with Gorky's ashes is placed in the Kremlin wall in Moscow.



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