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Smoothie with raspberries and strawberries. Strawberry smoothie. Cooking recipes. Pineapple and banana smoothie with ginger

A juicy and tasty smoothie can also be very healthy if it is made from berries and kefir. It is recommended to drink the drink with dinner; it helps improve digestion. Those who want to lose weight or are on a diet will also like this smoothie - it has few calories, but is very nutritious. You can use both fresh and frozen berries. Those who are allergic to honey can replace it with granulated sugar. Be sure to stock up on these aromatic berries in the summer so that you can prepare a delicious berry smoothie in winter too.


  • 150 g strawberries
  • 100 g raspberries
  • 1 tbsp. kefir (250 ml)
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. honey


1. Wash the strawberries, remove the stems from the berries, place the berries in the bowl of a blender or food processor. If using frozen strawberries, defrost them for about 30 minutes at room temperature.

2. Wash the raspberries, also remove their stems and place the berries in a blender bowl. If the raspberries were frozen, defrost them first for about 20 minutes. However, if you have a powerful blender, then you don’t have to defrost frozen berries. Then they will replace ice - they will cool the drink (this is especially important in the summer) and give it taste and aroma.

3. Place any kind of honey in a bowl: flower, linden, buckwheat, etc. It can be replaced with granulated sugar. For those who prepare smoothies without sweetness, we recommend adding banana or ground cinnamon to the drink - they have a sweet aroma.

4. Pour in kefir. Instead, many people use classic yogurt, drinking yogurt, and fermented baked milk.

Raspberries are among the leaders in the content of vitamins and antioxidants. It is also rich in iron, potassium, magnesium. The gallic acid and quercetin contained in this berry invigorate and energize. Eating raspberry desserts helps fight depression, resist negative environmental influences and infections, and maintain youth and external attractiveness longer. In addition, such delicacies do not threaten to add extra pounds, quite the contrary. One of the most popular berry sweets is a raspberry smoothie.

Cooking features

You can make a raspberry smoothie in different ways. In some cases, its taste comes to the fore, in others the beneficial properties of this thick cocktail are a priority. The advice of experienced chefs will help you prepare exactly the raspberry smoothie you want.

  • Raspberry smoothies are made from both fresh and frozen berries. While frozen ones need to be allowed to thaw before preparing the drink, fresh ones need more careful preparation. They need to be filled with cool water for a while so that insects float to the surface if they have climbed into the berries. After this, the water is drained, the raspberries are sorted and washed, dipping them several times in a colander in clean water. After this, it remains to be dried, for which it is scattered on a towel - moisture is absorbed into the fabric, and the berry becomes dry very soon.
  • Cool cocktails are often prepared using raspberries. When using fresh berries, add crushed ice. After adding it, it is recommended to beat the mixture again with a mixer or blender. When using frozen berries, ice is not needed; it is enough not to defrost them completely.
  • In order for the smoothie with raspberries to have the most uniform consistency, experienced chefs recommend grinding the berries and other ingredients separately, and then mixing them and whipping them together.
  • If you are preparing a raspberry smoothie to lose weight, do not add ice cream, sugar, heavy cream, or chocolate to it. In this case, it is advisable to eat the cocktail slowly, with small spoons.
  • In cases where there is a need to sweeten the cocktail, maintaining its benefits or even increasing them, add sweet fruits or honey to it.
  • If you want to make the smoothie thicker, you can add fruits with a high pulp content, cottage cheese, or oatmeal.

Raspberry smoothie looks attractive and has a pleasant aroma, but proper serving will help make it more appetizing. The glass into which you plan to pour the cocktail can be decorated with sugar frost. To do this, rub its edge with a slice of lemon, then dip it in powdered sugar. You can also decorate the drink with fresh or frozen berries - its thick consistency will not allow them to sink to the bottom. A sprig of fresh mint will also be a good addition, which will not only decorate the glass, but also add additional notes to the raspberry aroma.

Smoothie with raspberries and apples

  • raspberries (fresh or frozen) – 150 g;
  • apple – 0.2 kg;
  • kefir – 0.25 l;
  • honey – 5 ml;
  • mint – 20 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the raspberries after sorting them out first. Lay it out on a towel to dry.
  • Wash and pat the apple dry with a napkin. Peel it. Cut out the core. Cut the fruit into small cubes.
  • Wash the mint. Shake off the water.
  • Place a small amount of raspberries in the freezer, arranging them one at a time so that they freeze quickly.
  • Tear off a few mint leaves and set them aside to use for garnish.
  • Place raspberries, apple slices and remaining mint leaves in a blender bowl.
  • Pour liquid honey over everything. If it's candied, melt it in the microwave and let it cool to room temperature.
  • Grind the ingredients, pour in kefir and beat.
  • Add the frozen berries and whisk the cocktail together again.
  • Fill glasses with raspberry mint smoothie. Garnish with mint leaves.

A soft drink made according to this recipe has a pleasant taste. It refreshes well and quenches thirst. However, it is thick enough to be used as a snack. This smoothie option is one of those with which you can maintain the beauty of your figure.

Smoothie with raspberries, strawberries and wild berries

  • raspberries – 0.2 kg;
  • strawberries – 0.2 kg;
  • blackberries – 150 g;
  • blueberries – 100 g;
  • raspberry juice – 150 ml;
  • lemon juice – 30 ml;
  • milk or kefir – 60 ml;
  • sugar or honey - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Sort all types of berries, removing debris, twigs, sepals and spoiled berries. You need to take not 200 g of raspberries, but more, since part of it will be used to prepare raspberry juice. For 150 ml of juice you will need about one and a half cups of berries.
  • Wash the berries carefully. Lay them out on napkins.
  • Cut the strawberries into several pieces.
  • Setting aside 200 g of raspberries, place the rest in several layers of gauze and squeeze out the juice. If desired, it can be replaced with berry juice.
  • Place the berries in a mixing container, add raspberry and lemon juices, liquid honey or sugar if you want a cocktail with a more pronounced sweet taste.
  • Pour kefir over everything and blend with an immersion blender until smooth. If you want the smoothie to have a milder taste, you can add milk to it instead of kefir.

This version of raspberry smoothie is one of the healthiest. However, it is not only supporters of a healthy diet who enjoy using it. Its taste is so good that even children like it.

Smoothie with banana and yogurt

  • raspberries – 150 g;
  • black currant – 150 g;
  • bananas – 0.3 kg;
  • yogurt – 100 ml;
  • fruit or berry juice - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Sort through the berries. Remove twigs and sepals. Rinse in running water and dry, pouring onto a towel.
  • Wash and peel the bananas. Cut the banana pulp into medium-sized cubes. It is better to give preference to fruits that are as ripe as possible, even slightly overripe.
  • Place the berries in a blender jar, add yogurt to them and blend. The result should be a homogeneous mass in which there are no unchopped berries.

If the consistency of the raspberry smoothie prepared according to this recipe seems too thick to you, you can dilute it with any juice to your taste. It must be mixed with a cocktail using a mixer or blender. However, you should not take a lot of juice so that it does not interrupt the taste and aroma of raspberries and black currants, which together make up a harmonious duet.

Smoothie with raspberries and oatmeal

  • raspberries – 150 g;
  • apple juice – 100 ml;
  • apple – 0.2 kg;
  • cranberries – 50 g;
  • banana – 100 g;
  • oat flakes – 50 g;
  • nutmeg - a pinch;
  • ground cinnamon - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  • Grind the oatmeal using a coffee grinder or, without grinding, pour in the juice and let it swell. The method you choose to prepare your oatmeal smoothie depends on how smooth you want it to be.
  • Wash the apple. Cut out the seed pod. Cut the pulp into slices and peel if desired. Cut the apple pulp into small cubes.
  • After peeling the banana, cut it into medium-sized pieces of arbitrary shape.
  • Sort and wash the raspberries and cranberries. Wait until they dry.
  • Place all ingredients in a blender bowl. Add spices.
  • Beat the products, while grinding them, until smooth.

This satisfying smoothie can replace breakfast or a snack. It will be healthier if you do not peel the apple and do not chop the oatmeal, but from a peeled apple and chopped rolled oats the cocktail turns out softer.

Raspberry smoothies can also be prepared with the addition of ice cream and chocolate. Knowing the principles of preparing this healthy cocktail, you can invent recipes yourself and get different types of dessert.

Smoothies - general principles of preparation

A smoothie is a thick drink made from berries, fruits or vegetables crushed in a blender. As a liquid base, you can use natural, vanilla or fruit yogurt, fermented baked milk, juices, milk, herbal teas or ice itself. The ice is crushed in a blender, which gives the drink the desired consistency. You can also add crushed ice (or several cubes) to the finished smoothie. Smoothies are great for breakfasts, snacks and low-calorie dinners. The drink replenishes the body's lack of vitamins and nutrients, provides energy and simply puts you in a great mood. Smoothies are especially relevant in hot summer weather, when you really want to refresh yourself and satisfy your hunger without spending a minute at the stove.

The most commonly used berries for smoothies are strawberries, raspberries, currants, cherries and lingonberries. You can take any fruits: bananas, peaches, apricots, mangoes, pineapples, oranges, kiwis, grapefruits, lemons, apples, etc. To give the smoothie a rich taste and aroma, you can add vanillin, herbs, spices, syrups or herbs. A smoothie can be turned into a delicious dessert by adding ice cream, cream, chocolate or candied fruits. If desired, the drink can be sweetened with sugar or fructose. But for dietary nutrition it is preferable to use honey. The finished smoothie is sometimes sprinkled with cashews or any other chopped nuts.

Smoothies have occupied a special place in dietary and therapeutic nutrition. You can replace a meal with a fruit or vegetable drink without feeling hungry. You can also have a fasting day with just smoothies. To prepare a smoothie for weight loss, you should preferably use the following ingredients:

— Vegetables and herbs. Tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, spinach, cilantro, dill, parsley, sorrel, basil, white cabbage, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower or Brussels sprouts, lettuce, onions, etc. are perfect;

— Frozen or fresh fruits (citrus fruits, pineapples, apples, limes, kiwis, cherries, apricots, melons, peaches);

- From berries you can add raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, blackberries, currants, strawberries, gooseberries;

— Vegetable or fruit juices, green tea without sugar, skim milk, natural yogurt, cottage cheese or kefir are used as the basis for a fat-burning smoothie;

— To make the drink even healthier, add flaxseed, sesame or pumpkin seeds or wheat germ flakes.

You can add a powerful natural fat burner to your weight loss smoothie: grated ginger root. You can also enrich the drink with cereals or turmeric.

Smoothie - preparing food and utensils

To prepare a smoothie, you will need a minimum of kitchen utensils and utensils: a bowl or bowl for a blender, the blender itself, a knife, a cutting board, vegetable cutters or vegetable peelers (for convenience) and a grater. Smoothies are served in transparent thick-walled glasses with straws. The glasses can be decorated with a piece of berry or a slice of fruit, and you can also throw a couple of ice cubes into the smoothie.

Food preparation involves washing and peeling fruits, berries and vegetables. It is necessary to remove the seeds, cut out the stalks and remove the “tails” (if any). You should also freeze enough ice in advance. Some recipes use frozen berries and fruits, so you can place them in the freezer for one hour. For convenience, you can cut large fruits into several pieces so that they are easier to chop in a blender. If cauliflower, broccoli or Brussels sprouts are used in a vegetable smoothie, they must first be boiled a little, or even better, cooked in a double boiler.

Smoothie Recipes:

Recipe 1: Strawberry smoothie (option 1)

Strawberry smoothie is perfectly refreshing, satisfies hunger between main meals and gives the body energy. Ideal for breakfast or dinner. Making a strawberry smoothie is extremely simple. All you need for this is fresh berries and any milk base (kefir, natural yogurt, etc.).

Required ingredients:

  • 0.5 liters of natural yogurt;
  • Fresh strawberries - 700-800 g;
  • Sugar - 1.5-2 tablespoons;
  • Lemon juice - 13-15 ml;
  • Ice cubes.

Cooking method:

Sort the berries, discarding spoiled and overripe ones, rinse, remove the “tails”. Place the strawberries in a bowl and puree with a blender until smooth. Pour in yogurt and lemon juice, add sugar to taste. Mix all ingredients again. Add ice and spread evenly with a spoon. Pour into clear glasses, garnish with half a fresh strawberry and a mint leaf.

Recipe 2: Strawberry smoothie (option 2) with orange juice

This strawberry smoothie can be made from fresh or frozen berries. Orange juice makes smoothies even tastier, healthier and more aromatic. You can use natural or fruit yogurt as a base.

Required ingredients:

  • Fresh or frozen strawberries - several large berries (7-9 pcs.);
  • Packaging of fruit or natural yoghurt;
  • Orange juice - 70 ml.

Cooking method:

Sort out fresh strawberries, wash them, remove leaves with “tails”. Place in the freezer for 1 hour. If frozen strawberries are used, no preparation is necessary. Place frozen strawberries in a bowl and puree with a blender. Then add orange juice and yogurt. Mix the ingredients with a blender again. Pour the smoothie into clear glasses and garnish with fresh strawberries. Serve immediately.

Recipe 3: Banana Smoothie

Banana smoothie is very good for healthy bones and teeth as it is rich in calcium. It can be prepared for breakfasts, afternoon snacks or for a small snack between main meals. Banana smoothies are very satisfying, aromatic and tasty. To reduce calories, you can use low-fat or 1% vanilla yogurt.

Required ingredients:

  • Bananas - 2 pcs. (riper bananas will make a smoothie with a higher glycemic index, which is undesirable for your figure);
  • 60 ml low-fat or vanilla yoghurt;
  • 350-400 ml skim or 1% milk;
  • Wheat germ flakes - 1.5-2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

Wash the bananas, peel them, cut them into several pieces. Place in a bowl, add yoghurt, milk and cereal. Grind all ingredients in a blender until smooth. You can sprinkle the smoothie with pine nuts or throw in a couple of ice cubes.

Recipe 4: Fruit smoothie

A fruit smoothie is very easy to prepare; you can use any fruit: peaches, apricots, mangoes, apples, oranges, coconuts, bananas, etc. An excellent option for a hot summer day. You can also prepare smoothies for breakfast to make your day as fruitful and energetic as possible.

Required ingredients:

  • Sweet oranges - 4 pcs.;
  • 1 red grapefruit;
  • 3 ripe bananas;
  • A handful of ice.

Cooking method:

Squeeze juice from oranges and grapefruit. Remove the zest from the skin. Peel the bananas, cut into several pieces and place in a blender bowl. Pour citrus juice into the bananas and add ice. Grind all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Sprinkle the finished smoothie with orange and grapefruit zest.

Recipe 5: Smoothie for weight loss (option 1)

To prepare such a smoothie for weight loss, currants, cottage cheese and honey are suitable. The recipe also uses pineapple juice, known for its magical fat-burning properties.

Required ingredients:

  • Currants - 2-3 spoons;
  • Liquid honey - 8-10 ml;
  • Cottage cheese - 50 g;
  • Pineapple juice - 180-200 ml.

Cooking method:

Remove the currants from the branches (you can also use frozen ones), wash them and place them in a bowl. Add cottage cheese and pour in pineapple juice. Grind the ingredients in a blender, then add liquid honey. Beat everything again and serve immediately. Add 1-2 ice cubes if desired.

Recipe 6: Smoothie for weight loss (option 2) with ginger

This smoothie not only promotes weight loss, but also provides the body with vitamins and nutrients. The recipe uses kiwi, apple, grapefruit and banana. The smoothie also contains ginger, which is a powerful weapon against excess weight. Green hour is used as a base, and liquid honey is used as a sweetener.

Required ingredients:

  • 1/2 grapefruit;
  • 1/2 kiwi;
  • Apple - 1 pc.;
  • 1/4 ripe banana;
  • 2-3 g ginger root;
  • A glass of green tea;
  • Liquid honey - 2 tsp.

Cooking method:

Wash and peel the fruits. Remove the core from the apple. Grate the ginger. Place all ingredients in a bowl, pour in green tea and add honey. Grind the ingredients in a blender until smooth. You can also add crushed ice to your smoothie.

— It is advisable that the smoothie includes at least one ingredient with a dense texture (banana, pear or mango). Black currants or raspberries are suitable for these purposes;

— Too thick fruit mass can be diluted with a small amount of water, milk or fruit juice;

— In purely vegetable smoothies (for example, from cucumber, green onions and sweet pepper), you can add a little salt and ground black pepper to taste;

— You can turn a smoothie into a healthy energy drink by adding a few drops of ginseng or lemongrass tincture;

— sometimes a few quail eggs (3-4 pcs.) are also sometimes added to smoothies for breakfast;

When you decide to include smoothies in your daily diet, you need to choose the right blender - not all devices are suitable for preparing a fruit drink. You should not buy too bulky models - such blenders are used mainly in cafes and restaurants in order to grind ingredients in large volumes at once. Immersion blenders are not entirely suitable for making smoothies. These models usually come with small bowls, and it is quite difficult to achieve a uniform consistency using an immersion blender. Therefore, it is best to give preference to a stationary device that has compact dimensions. The blender must come complete with a large watch or

a tall glass in which it would be convenient to stir a cocktail. Also, the blender must have a powerful enough motor that can grind all the ingredients at once. Pay attention to the sharpness of the knives and the ability of the device to operate in several speed modes.

You can make a smoothie without a blender: just prepare the berries and fruits, grate them and pass them through a meat grinder. Next, the mixture must be transferred to a bowl or any other container and combined with juice, yogurt, kefir or milk. To mix the mass, you can use an ordinary whisk. A tasty and healthy drink is ready!

It can not only quench your thirst on a hot summer day, but also become a nutritious and healthy fruit and milkshake.

Strawberry smoothie with yogurt and honey

To prepare, take strawberries, yogurt, honey, lemon, mint, ice cubes. You can add banana, kiwi, raspberries and other fruits and berries. In a blender, mix yogurt, a few tablespoons of honey (to taste), strawberries, juice of half a lemon, mint leaves. Pour the resulting puree into chilled glasses and add a few ice cubes. Serve to the table. The number of ingredients can be any, it all depends on what consistency and sweetness of the smoothie you prefer. For a thin drink, increase the amount of yogurt. Do not over-sweet the cocktail, especially if you choose a sweet fermented milk product.

Strawberry, orange and mango smoothie

Try making an exotic yogurt-based drink. Use lime or lemon juice, strawberries (fresh or frozen), ripe mango, large orange, yogurt, peel the zest and membranes from the orange. Cut the pulp into cubes. Do the same with mangoes. Pour carrot juice (about 150 grams) and yogurt (200 grams) into a blender bowl. Add orange, mango and strawberries. Blend to a thick puree. Add lemon or lime juice. Pour into glasses. If the fruit is not frozen, then add a few pieces of ice to the cocktail.

Strawberry and banana smoothie

You will need cold milk, a few strawberries, a banana, and a little cinnamon. In a blender bowl, combine berries and chopped fruit. Add a pinch of cinnamon and milk. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, pour the smoothie into glasses and drink immediately.

Strawberry, raspberry and kiwi smoothie

You can make smoothies for children without a dairy base. Take strawberries, raspberries, kiwi, honey and mint leaves. If so, let them thaw at room temperature. Peel the kiwi. Cut into pieces and mix with one spoon of honey in a blender. Then beat the raspberries and strawberries separately, adding a spoonful of honey to them alternately. You shouldn’t mix everything at once, because you should prepare the finished dish in layers using a tall glass. Place strawberry puree on the bottom, a layer of chopped kiwi on top of it, and raspberries on the very top. Garnish the smoothie with mint leaves and serve.

Strawberry and cherry smoothie

A vanilla milkshake will not leave indifferent not only children, but also adults. Prepare it using strawberries, cherries (frozen or fresh). This one with strawberries requires milk and vanilla. You can calculate the proportions yourself, based on how many fruits you have. Cool the milk and wash the berries. Remove the pits from the cherries. Place all ingredients in a blender bowl and blend. Add a little vanilla and beat again. If you have a sweet tooth, you can season the cocktail with sugar or honey. Pour the finished drink into glasses and serve immediately.



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