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Reincarnation according to Edgar Cayce. Mediums about life after death

This article provides translations of Cayce's statements on the origin and purpose of man. Most of the "readings" (numbers 3744-1, 3744-2, 3744-3, 3744-4, 3744-5) were given at the Phillips Hotel, Dayton, Ohio, 02/14/1924. If the reading number is not specifically indicated below, then it refers to one of these readings.

Questions are indicated by the symbol (B), Casey's answers are indicated by the symbol (O).

(Q) Is the Darwinian theory of human evolution correct or incorrect? Give an answer that will enlighten people on the issue of evolution.

(O) Man was created in the beginning as the ruler over those elements that were prepared on the earthly plane for his needs. When this plan became such that man could be supported by its forces and conditions, man appeared, not from what had already been created, but as Master over everything that was created, and in man was everything that was in the whole world on the earthly plane, and besides this, there was the soul of man, which placed him above all the animal, plant, and mineral kingdoms of the earthly plane.

Man did not evolve from the ape, but man evolved, from time to time, a little here, a little there, step by step.

In all eras we see that this has been a development - day after day, day after day, or evolution; man formed himself, gradually the things made by man were improved, made to satisfy certain needs of man, but there was always something left that formed the needs, whether it was livelihood or other individual needs of man created by man; this is an example of the power that the Creator has endowed him with for the World, needs and conditions; a person’s agreement with the laws leads him gradually to the development that is necessary to satisfy needs, based on the conditions, place or sphere in which the person is placed. Something like this:

The needs of those who live in northern lands are not the same as in hot regions. Thus, development comes from meeting the needs in the various conditions in which a person finds himself. He only uses those laws that have always existed on this plane, given in their relationships...

(Q) Mr. Case, what is the soul of man?

(O) This is what the Creator gave to every creature or person in the beginning and what seeks its home or place of the Creator.

(Q) Does the soul ever die?

(O) She can be banished from the Creator, but cannot die.

(Q) What does the expulsion of the soul mean? From the Creator?

(O) By the will given at the beginning, freedom of choice on the earthly plane, all unsatisfactory material is thrown onto Saturn. To work out its own salvation, as it may be expressed in words, an entity or person banishes itself or its soul, which is its essence.

(Q) Where does the soul come from, and how does it enter the physical body?

(Oh) She's already there. “and He breathed into him the breath of life, and he became a living soul,” just as breath, like ether, enters the human body, when the breath of life is breathed in at birth, so it becomes a living soul, providing development in creation, where the soul can enter and find your home.

All souls were created in the beginning, and are seeking their way back to where they came from.

(Q) Where does the soul go when it is fully developed?

(O) To the Creator.

(Q) What is the subconscious mind of the body?

(O) Property of the soul or mind of the soul.

(Q) What is the law of love?

(O) Recoil. As it is said: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” And as it is said: “Love your Lord with all your heart, soul and body.” In this, as in many other things, we see manifestations of this law on the physical or earthly or material plane, without directly the law itself. In some circumstances we find manifestations of the opposite of the law of love. A gift or giving, with the hope of a reward or payment, is the direct opposite of the law of love. Remember, there is no more than is expressed in the words: “God so loved his creation, or the World, that he gave it to the Only Begotten Son for redemption.” Through love, if a person manifests it in his heart and life, this law is observed, and in accordance with the Law, the law becomes part of the person. This is the law of love. Giving without coercion, expressed, manifested, shown, desired desire for a reward for what was given. It is not that the law of love abolishes other laws, but it makes the law of reward, the law of faith, the law of the divine, the laws of earthly forces, not effective, not defective, but not effective.

Thus: LOVE is the LAW, THE LAW is LOVE. GOD is LOVE. LOVE is GOD. In this we see a manifestation of the law, not the law itself. We see the manifestation of unity, comprehensiveness in love. Now, if we, as people on the earthly plane, have all the other elemental forces that make life better, and do not have love, we are nothing - nothing. “Someone may have the gift of prophecy, which gives deep understanding, even virtues in Hope, in Charity, in Faith, and does not have the law of love in their heart, soul, mind, and although they physically manifest these virtues, they do not have love , they are nothing.” In many, many ways the manifestation of the law of love can be shown, but without greater love, which the Father gives, which the soul gives, there is no understanding, and there is no agreement between the forces, there is no effect.

(B) Definition of the word evolution in relation to the human family (humanity).

(A) Evolution, as commonly understood by people, and about which there has been much discussion by many people, involves many different phases and meanings among different people. In relation to humanity, it rather means the awakening of those forces that gradually lead a person to understand himself (inner law) from the inside, and the understanding that such a law will push the best forces in a person and cause gradual changes in a person, known at all times.

Man was created as a man. All flesh is not one flesh, but development always remains the same, and occurs only when meeting the needs of man, for which everything that was done was done, and human development, or evolution, is a gradual growth upward to the mind of the Creator.

(Q) In accordance with the concept of the Oneness of all powers, explain the popular concept of the Devil, explicitly described in many passages in Scripture.

(O) In the beginning, celestial beings. First there was the Son, then the other sons or heavenly beings who were given their power and authority.

Therefore, that force which arose in the invisible forces (or in the spirit) that were active was that influence which is called Satan, the Devil, or the Serpent; that's one thing. This is a riot!

Thus, when a person in any activity rebels against the influence of good, he listens to the influence of evil, and not to the influence of good. (262-52)

Our individuality (self), but not selfishness, matters to God. Selfishness turns to the devil! Individuality turns to God! (815-7)

When separated from God, conscious attention to the influence of evil appears. The key to soul growth (that is, to be beyond the influence of evil) is obedience to the High Will.

(IN). Please comment on the following. Does this shed any light of truth?

The Creator, in an attempt to find or create a being worthy of companionship, realized that such a being could only be the result of free will, realizing its divine inheritance, and through its own efforts finding its Creator. Thus, to make the choice truly Divine, he brought into existence a state of consciousness that carried the free will of the soul.

(A) The only change we would make is that all souls in the beginning were one with the Father. Separation, or deviation, gave rise to evil. Then the need arose to understand oneself, being out of harmony or outside the realm of blessedness; and, as it is given, “yet He knew obedience by the things by which He suffered.” (262-56)

This has been understood by the majority of those who have achieved awareness of the various concepts of good and evil in manifested forms, as we have pointed out, it is the prince of this world, Satan, Lucifer, the Devil - as the soul - who created the necessity, consciousness in materiality; that man may, or that the soul may comprehend, its separation from God. (262-89)

Edgar Cayce made quite a lot of statements on the topic of the origin of man and his purpose. This article provides translations of some of the most interesting entries. Most of the "readings" were given at the Phillips Hotel, Dayton, Ohio, 02/14/1924. If the reading number is not specifically indicated below, then it refers to one of these readings.

Questions are indicated by the symbol (B), Casey's answers are indicated by the symbol (O).

(Q) Is the Darwinian theory of human evolution correct or incorrect? Give an answer that will enlighten people on the issue of evolution.

(O) Man was created in the beginning as the ruler over those elements that were prepared on the earthly plane for his needs. When this plan became such that man could be supported by its forces and conditions, man appeared, not from what had already been created, but as Master over everything that was created, and in man was everything that was in the whole world on the earthly plane, and besides this, there was the soul of man, which placed him above all the animal, plant, and mineral kingdoms of the earthly plane.

Man did not evolve from the ape, but man evolved, from time to time, a little here, a little there, step by step.

In all eras we see that this has been a development - day after day, day after day, or evolution; man formed himself, gradually the things made by man were improved, made to satisfy certain needs of man, but there was always something left that formed the needs, whether it was livelihood or other individual needs of man created by man; this is an example of the power that the Creator has endowed him with for the World, needs and conditions; a person’s agreement with the laws leads him gradually to the development that is necessary to satisfy needs, based on the conditions, place or sphere in which the person is placed. Something like this:

The needs of those who live in northern lands are not the same as in hot regions. Thus, development comes from meeting the needs in the various conditions in which a person finds himself. He only uses those laws that have always existed on this plane, given in their relationships...

(Q) Mr. Case, what is the soul of man?

(O) This is what the Creator gave to every creature or person in the beginning and what seeks its home or place of the Creator.

(Q) Does the soul ever die?

(O) She can be banished from the Creator, but cannot die.

(Q) What does the expulsion of the soul mean? From the Creator?

(O) By the will given at the beginning, freedom of choice on the earthly plane, all unsatisfactory material is thrown onto Saturn. To work out its own salvation, as it may be expressed in words, an entity or person banishes itself or its soul, which is its essence.

(Q) Where does the soul come from, and how does it enter the physical body?

(Oh) She's already there. “and He breathed into him the breath of life, and he became a living soul,” just as breath, like ether, enters the human body, when the breath of life is breathed in at birth, so it becomes a living soul, providing development in creation, where the soul can enter and find your home.

All souls were created in the beginning, and are seeking their way back to where they came from.

(Q) Where does the soul go when it is fully developed?

(O) To the Creator.

(Q) What is the subconscious mind of the body?

(O) Property of the soul or mind of the soul.

(Q) What is the law of love?

(O) Recoil. As it is said: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” And as it is said: “Love your Lord with all your heart, soul and body.” In this, as in many other things, we see manifestations of this law on the physical or earthly or material plane, without directly the law itself. In some circumstances we find manifestations of the opposite of the law of love. A gift or giving, with the hope of a reward or payment, is the direct opposite of the law of love. Remember, there is no more than is expressed in the words: “God so loved his creation, or the World, that he gave it to the Only Begotten Son for redemption.” Through love, if a person manifests it in his heart and life, this law is observed, and in accordance with the Law, the law becomes part of the person. This is the law of love. Giving without coercion, expressed, manifested, shown, desired desire for a reward for what was given. It is not that the law of love abolishes other laws, but it makes the law of reward, the law of faith, the law of the divine, the laws of earthly forces, not effective, not defective, but not effective.

Thus: LOVE is the LAW, THE LAW is LOVE. GOD is LOVE. LOVE is GOD. In this we see a manifestation of the law, not the law itself. We see the manifestation of unity, comprehensiveness in love. Now, if we, as people on the earthly plane, have all the other elemental forces that make life better, and do not have love, we are nothing - nothing. “Someone may have the gift of prophecy, which gives deep understanding, even virtues in Hope, in Charity, in Faith, and does not have the law of love in their heart, soul, mind, and although they physically manifest these virtues, they do not have love , they are nothing.” In many, many ways the manifestation of the law of love can be shown, but without greater love, which the Father gives, which the soul gives, there is no understanding, and there is no agreement between the forces, there is no effect.

(B) Definition of the word evolution in relation to the human family (humanity).

(A) Evolution, as commonly understood by people, and about which there has been much discussion by many people, involves many different phases and meanings among different people. In relation to humanity, it rather means the awakening of those forces that gradually lead a person to understand himself (inner law) from the inside, and the understanding that such a law will push the best forces in a person and cause gradual changes in a person, known at all times.

Man was created as a man. All flesh is not one flesh, but development always remains the same, and occurs only when meeting the needs of man, for which everything that was done was done, and human development, or evolution, is a gradual growth upward to the mind of the Creator.

(Q) In accordance with the concept of the Oneness of all powers, explain the popular concept of the Devil, explicitly described in many passages in Scripture.

(O) In the beginning, celestial beings. First there was the Son, then the other sons or heavenly beings who were given their power and authority.

Consequently, that force which arose in the invisible forces (or in the spirit) that showed activity was that influence which is called Satan, the Devil, the Serpent; that's one thing. This is a riot!

Thus, when a person in any activity rebels against the influence of good, he listens to the influence of evil, and not to the influence of good. (262-52)

Our individuality (self), but not selfishness, matters to God. Selfishness turns to the devil! Individuality turns to God! (815-7)

When separated from God, conscious attention to the influence of evil appears. The key to soul growth (that is, to be beyond the influence of evil) is obedience to the High Will.

(IN). Please comment on the following. Does this shed any light of truth?

The Creator, in an attempt to find or create a being worthy of companionship, realized that such a being could only be the result of free will, realizing its divine inheritance, and through its own efforts finding its Creator. Thus, to make the choice truly Divine, he brought into existence a state of consciousness that carried the free will of the soul.

(A) The only change we would make is that all souls in the beginning were one with the Father. Separation, or deviation, gave rise to evil. Then the need arose to understand oneself, being out of harmony or outside the realm of blessedness; and, as it is given, “yet He knew obedience by the things by which He suffered.” (262-56)

This has been understood by the majority of those who have achieved awareness of the various concepts of good and evil in manifested forms, as we have pointed out, it is the prince of this world, Satan, Lucifer, the Devil - as the soul - who created the necessity, consciousness in materiality; that man may, or that the soul may comprehend, its separation from God.

“Everyone has psychic abilities,

just like he has the ability

hit the piano keys. But of course

not everyone develops these abilities

to such a level as to become a real pianist.”

- Arthur Ford

Since time immemorial, in all cultures of the world, in all centuries, there have always been people gifted with clairvoyance (sixth sense), that is, the ability to perceive what is beyond the range of the five senses. At different periods of history, such people were called differently: saints, prophets, sages, seers, psychics, mediums, spiritualists, guides. These people sometimes exist in this world somehow differently from their family and friends, who perceive the world and the universe exclusively through the five senses. These seers are somehow mysteriously endowed with a sixth sense that allows them to see “through the veil” of the material world, connect with the spiritual realms and communicate with the souls residing in them.

Contacting a psychic or medium has only become widely accepted in recent years. Before the media started talking about psychics and their predictions, contacting them was considered dubious, and people usually tried to keep silent about it. But almost everyone can remember some experience, vision or dream in which "otherworldly forces" or extrasensory perception were involved. Extrasensory abilities serve as the personification of the feelings of the soul. These are facets of our feelings of life that cannot be understood from the perspective of three dimensions. This intangible nature of the soul or spirit, as well as our thought processes and feelings, indicates that there is some larger invisible reality that permeates both the material world and our inner life.

Often people experiencing a crisis seek guidance from a psychic because they cannot find an answer in the material world. This is where a “breakthrough” often occurs and we begin to look for answers in the spiritual realm. For example, the grief that accompanies the unexpected death of a loved one often prompts the mourner to seek mediumistic guidance or spiritual counsel. In the second half of the nineteenth century, many people in England and the United States began to attend séances and mediums in the hope of making contact with their deceased friends and family. Such communication provided a unique opportunity to go beyond the material world and experience life beyond it. Many people, thanks to a visit to one or another gifted medium, have found serious consolation and support and have been able to let go of their grief. In the second half of the nineteenth century, due to their ability to communicate with souls residing in the invisible realms, several gifted psychics and mediums came to the center of the nation's attention: Arthur Ford, Jane Roberts, Ruth Montgomery, Eileen Garrett. Today, the phenomenon of mediumship and individual mediums are treated with somewhat greater trust and recognition.

A man who had only an eight-year education, but had an extraordinary psychic gift, helped pave the way to understanding this invisible connection between the material world and the world of spirit. This man's name was Edgar Cayce. At the very beginning of the twentieth century, he began his journey of quest, which ultimately made him the most famous medium in the world. Cayce had a great variety of psychic gifts and abilities. He was a telepath, clairvoyant, clairaudient, and also had the ability of mediumship and could foresee both in the waking state and in the trance state.

Edgar Cayce was a telepath and clairvoyant, both while awake and unconscious. For him there was no real distinction between the material world and the world of spirit: throughout his life he had the ability to see through the veil and communicate with the dead. Cayce's family took special care to document and preserve his psychic abilities, both in his normal state of consciousness and during the 14,000 "readings" he performed until his death in 1945. Edgar Cayce was a man who traveled between two worlds. His readings concerning life in the invisible realms and descriptions of the various planes through which the soul travels after physical death provide one of the most complete descriptions of the existence of the soul beyond the material world.

Casey developed psychic abilities when he was still a little boy. He told his mother and grandmother that he often saw his late grandfather, whom he loved very much, and talked with him. Edgar’s mother and grandmother did not get rid of Edgar with excuses that, they say, you made it all up, but on the contrary, they listened carefully to his stories about meetings with his late grandfather and believed him.

It would seem how these two women, who lived on a farm in Christian County, Kentucky, could know about such things, although psychic abilities were observed in many members of the Cayce family. Edgar's grandfather, Thomas Jefferson Cayce, had psychic abilities his entire life. He was a well-known dowser in Christian County, that is, he knew how to determine the presence of underground water using a willow rod, and farmers from neighboring and distant farms came to Casey Sr. and hired him to help them find water underground. He also demonstrated other psychic abilities.

“Your grandfather was a wonderful man,” Casey’s grandmother told her. “Everything he touched grew.” He was not just a gardener: he was a wizard. All the wells in this area were dug exactly where he directed the people, and that is where they always found water. Sometimes a neighbor would come and ask him to show him where to dig a well. And he set off, sometimes cutting off a well-branched hazel twig right along the road. Then he walked around the area where the farmer wanted to dig a well until the rod told him where to stop: the small branches that formed the “fork” of this rod began to twitch in that place. “Here, here,” he said, and they dug and found water.”

“He made tables and chairs move,” she added, “and brooms moved when no one touched them. It’s unlikely that anyone saw this except me. He often told me: “Everything comes from God... The Lord said that each of us is left to choose between good and evil. Therefore, if I spend all my time making broomsticks dance and entertaining people with all sorts of tricks, then apparently I have chosen evil."

Casey’s grandmother instilled the same principle in her grandson. She began very early to teach Edgar to read the Bible and to ask in daily prayer for guidance and direction on how to use his spiritual gifts. Edgar diligently followed her advice, and soon he began to have mystical experiences.

“Even as a child, I prayed that I would be able to do something for my neighbor,” Cayce said, “to help others understand themselves, and especially to help sick children. One day I had a vision that convinced me that my prayer had been heard and that an answer had come to me.”

One day, while sitting in his favorite place in the forest and reading the Bible, young Casey felt the presence of a beautiful woman standing in front of him. He was filled with awe, for this woman was not from this world: he could distinguish the outlines of wings. Then this woman told Edgar that she had come to him in order to fulfill his desire. After he told this woman that he wanted to be useful to other people, especially children, she disappeared as quickly as she had appeared. At that time, Edgar Cayce could not even imagine how his wish would come true in the future. This inspiring vision was the first of many visions that Edgar Cayce had when he spent time as a child in his favorite place in the forest. Here is what he wrote many years later to a friend about this place and about his early psychic experiences:

“...when I was six or seven years old, we lived in a small forest...we lived there for several years. It was there that I read the Bible in its entirety for the first time, learned to pray, and had many visions and experiences... involving what appeared to be ghosts that appeared to people in the old days...”

(464-12, Reports)

When Edgar Cayce was twenty-four years old, he lost his voice. His voice gradually, though painlessly, weakened to a barely audible whisper. Laryngitis did not go away for almost two years. Experts were convened from all corners of Kentucky, who nevertheless could not detect any physiological abnormalities in Casey’s vocal cords. Eventually, an unconventional hypnotist named Al K. Laney heard about this mysterious illness and offered Casey his help. After putting Casey into a state of hypnosis, Laney began to suggest to his subconscious that Casey would be able to speak normally again. Finally, for the first time in almost two years, the hypnotized Casey spoke very clearly, although his speech became somewhat monotonous. Casey spoke as if he were observing himself from a distance and referring to himself in the third person. While in a trance, Cayce identified the cause of his illness, saying that it was caused by poor circulation and stress. After a pause, Casey asked the hypnotist to repeat the suggestion that the blood circulation had completely returned to normal. Laney continued the suggestion and then brought him out of his hypnotic trance. When Casey returned to his waking state a few seconds later, his voice had fully recovered. Everyone, including Casey himself, was amazed. Although Casey was glad to have regained his voice, he was also somewhat frightened: having returned to his normal state of consciousness, Casey could not remember anything that he had said while under hypnosis.

Years later, Cayce spoke about these bygone days in one of his lectures: “The gentleman who helped me in this first reading believed that if I could describe my own disorder, then I could help others. He asked me to try this, and so I began to spend a significant part of my time in an unconscious state, giving information to those who, listening to this unusual force, sought help.

Eventually, Cayce learned to put himself into a trance without the help of a hypnotist, and a stenographer recorded every word of his unconscious interpretations. After some time, it turned out that Casey only needed to have the name and address of the person who sought help: this person did not need to be present in the room where the reading took place, just as Casey did not need any additional information about the person before performing a spiritual reading . The accuracy of his medical diagnoses was consistently high, and Casey, while unconscious, seemed to have no restrictions on access to any information. It seemed that the hopes of Cayce's grandmother and mother had come true: Edgar Cayce actually had clairvoyance. His gift has helped thousands of people find relief from their physical ailments, and thousands more have found greater meaning and purpose in their lives through his spiritual readings. However, Cayce never took credit for the fact that the readings accurately determined the cause of the disease and actually helped people. He was even embarrassed to talk about his psychic abilities. He sacredly guarded the sacred gift that was given to him, and throughout his life he was an unusually modest person.

Over the past century, we have seen a parade of mediums, psychics and stargazers on the world stage, many of whom craved attention, fame and glory. Edgar Cayce shunned fame to such an extent that there is not a single photograph of him performing a reading. He never sought fame and never boasted of his abilities. In the early years of his psychic work, Cayce rarely discussed readings with people outside his circle.

“I was... embarrassed to talk about these readings,” Casey wrote. “People thought I was strange, and for some time I was offended by the somewhat dismissive attitude towards me on the part of my colleagues, who took pleasure in laughing at me. It's hard to be different from everyone else. I eventually chose photography as my main activity and devoted only my free time and evenings to fulfilling the increasing number of requests for readings. It was only when I began to come into contact with those who were receiving help, following the advice given in the readings, that I began to realize the true nature of the activity that was opening up to me...”

Writer Thomas Sagrue, a lifelong friend of the Cayce family and biographer of Edgar Cayce, poetically described Cayce's reluctance to accept his unusual abilities:

“First of all, Edgar Cayce's task was to convince himself that he was neither some kind of “natural miracle,” nor an unconscious swindler, nor a spiritual charlatan. For many years he lived uneasy and embarrassed about his strange peculiarity; for many years he was afraid to give the help required of him, because he did not know or understand what he was doing. For many years his life was a mental torment, full of doubts, an interweaving of ideas, ideals, delusions and disappointments...

He survived rumors that he was a charlatan, a healer, a medium, a clairvoyant, a hypnotist, a fraud and a deceiver. He experienced misunderstanding, pain, disappointment, loss of friends and attacks from enemies. He survived the torment of ignorance, ... finding peace and happiness in the knowledge of the truth and the possession of an ideal.”

As it turned out, Casey could answer any question on any topic that was asked to him while he was unconscious. In this state he seemed to have an unlimited range of extrasensory perception and could access an inexhaustible store of physical, mental and spiritual knowledge. From many sources in this repository, Casey extracted the necessary information. The following excerpt is taken from one of Cayce's readings, which describes how and where he could look for information while in a trance state:

“The information received and transmitted by this subject is obtained through the power of the mind over the mind... He receives his information... from the subconscious of other people, coming into contact by force... of suggestion... or from minds that have passed on to another world. .. What is known to one subconscious, or one soul, is also known to another soul, regardless of whether it is aware of this fact or not...” (254-2)

The "Power of Suggestion" mentioned above is a hypnotic instruction that was read aloud by a "guide" when Edgar Cayce entered a trance state. This suggestion determined the type of information that Cayce was to obtain for the individual who turned to him for a reading (information about health conditions, information relating to mental-spiritual issues, interpretation of dreams, and so on). Casey's subconscious literally followed the suggested instructions. If the suggested instruction was vague or general, then the information coming through Casey was also of a general nature. The concisely formulated specific instructions that were instilled in Casey enabled him to convey more detailed and clear information. In another reading, Casey says:

“...this subject, Edgar Cayce, being in a mediumistic or subconscious state, is capable of reaching all subconscious minds when he is directed through suggestion to these subconscious minds, located either in the material world or in the world of spirit... Edgar Cayce, having reached the level subconscious, can communicate with those who have moved to the subtle plane.” (900-22)

In other words, part of Edgar Cayce's subconscious traveled through time and space and extracted information from the minds of other people, both living and departed. As more became known about this facet of Edgar Cayce's psychic activity, many people began to come to him wanting to ask questions regarding the deeper meaning of life and the mysteries of death. One of the most frequently asked questions on this topic concerned the existence of the soul after death. Those who were looking for answers did not leave him empty-handed. Cayce's subconscious described in detail the path of the soul after physical death, which was once considered a mysterious journey from which no traveler returns to tell what happened to him. According to the readings, the last path of the soul, leading it away from this world, is as natural as its birth into this world. Many people came to Casey with questions about their deceased friends and relatives. Quite a few of them came in the hope of receiving news “from the other world.” Cayce was not a medium in the classical sense, but on some occasions he conveyed messages from the dead to those who approached him for readings. In rare cases, the deceased spoke directly through Casey, conveying this or that information to the questioner. In one of his lectures, Edgar Cayce described in detail his thoughts and feelings on this topic:

“Some people think that the information coming through me is given by some person who has left this world who wants to communicate with them, or some benevolent spirit, or a healer from the other world. Sometimes this really happens, but in general, I am not a “medium” in the usual sense of the word. However, if a person comes because he is looking for this kind of contact or information, then I am confident that he will receive it... If an individual very much desires to communicate with a grandfather, uncle or any other soul significant to him, then this contact will happening precisely in this direction will become a source of [mediumistic information]. Do not think that I am discrediting those who seek answers in this way. If you are ready to receive what “Uncle Joe” tells you, then you will get it. If you're willing to rely on a more universal source, that's exactly what you'll get."

Hugh Lynn Cayce spent his entire life researching, studying, and passing on everything related to his father's readings. He offered the following understanding of the "mechanics" of how Cayce's psychic abilities worked and how information was obtained:

“Edgar Cayce claimed that he could leave his physical body in the same way as one leaves the body at the moment of death. Thanks to his development, he was able to move to many levels of consciousness. He could also tune into higher levels of consciousness, get in touch with the aspirations, goals and development of the soul-mind... He could tune into thought patterns and thought forms... In addition, he could tune into the minds of entities living on other planes, different from earthly."

Edgar Cayce's ability to see and communicate with his deceased grandfather, observed in childhood, remained with him throughout his life, and he had many amazing meetings with a wide variety of people who were at different levels of consciousness after their death. In one of his lectures, Cayce discusses the following story to emphasize that there is no real difference between the world of the living and the world of the dead. This experience happened to him while he was traveling on a train:

“A young man entered the smoking car, sat down next to me and started a conversation: “Well, I’ve finally come to my senses. The day before yesterday I almost drowned in Virginia Beach. My brother could not be saved, and now he is being taken home in a coffin on the same train.” I want to try to convey to you what the survivor experienced, as he himself told me about it. He knew he was dying. He felt that his strength was leaving him. When he, exhausted, sank to the bottom, he realized that he had never seen such blue water: everything was very, very blue. Oddly enough, he was happy... He was with his mother, although he knew for sure that she was not in the water and that her grave was in Kentucky. But he was very conscious of her presence, and she insisted that he make at least one more attempt. After that, he was not aware of any fear or additional efforts to save himself. He didn't even realize how he was pulled out of the water and what happened after he was rescued. But the most interesting thing for me was... as he himself put it, that there is no difference between the impressions of physical life and the impressions of that invisible world, except that this invisible world (invisible to us) is not as densely populated as the visible world. When death comes to a person, he knows that he has passed from what we call life to what we call death. If there is no fear in life, then there is no fear in death.”

On several occasions, literally before entering an unconscious trance state to perform a reading, Cayce experienced other dimensions of life existing after physical death. Cayce said that this experience served as his best illustration of the places where the soul can end up after physical death:

“When I went into unconsciousness [to do the reading], I was aware that I was leaving my body. A clear, straight and thin line appeared in front of me, like a ray of white light. On both sides there was fog and smoke, as well as many ghostly figures who seemed to cry out for help and beg me to enter the state in which they found themselves. As I followed the beam of light, the path became clearer. The figures on both sides became more distinct, taking on clearer outlines. But it seemed that they were trying to lead me astray, to lead me away from my goal. However, thanks to this narrow path that opened before me, I continued to move forward. After a while I stepped to where these figures seemed to be just ghosts trying to help me. Now they were urging me on rather than trying to stop me. They then took shape and seemed to be engaged in their activities. And if they paid any attention to me at all, it was more to hurry me along. Finally, I came to the hill on which the temple stood. I entered this temple and found myself in a large hall, very similar to a library. There were books about human lives. They recorded the activities of each individual, and all I had to do was get a record of the individual for whom I was looking for information. This was my personal experience."

Edgar Cayce considered this experience very real. As he passed through these dimensions, he maintained a state of heightened awareness. He believed that the realms through which he passed to obtain information of a spiritual nature were the same realms through which the soul passes after physical death. But he was confused by certain elements. For example, ghostly figures calling for help seemed to him to be those souls who found themselves “tied to the earthly plane.” Cayce's readings showed that human desires and attachments to the earthly plane do not simply "die" after physical death. The desires, passions and habits that the mind cultivated during physical life are not left behind when the soul leaves the body. These invisible desires of the inner self follow with the soul when it leaves the physical body at the moment of death. If these earthly desires are strong enough, then they create a world in which the soul lives in phantoms of its earthly desires, aspirations and thoughts. This world, which the soul has created for itself, keeps it in a state of attachment to the earthly plane, preventing its ability to go beyond what Cayce called “mundane” consciousness. On the other hand, if a person's desires have been so sublime that the person has freed himself from earthly attachments, desires and interests, then the soul awakens in a sphere filled with light, where it experiences great joy, peace and satisfaction. In one of his lectures, Cayce said:

“When the soul passes from the physical body, it continues to build... The way we lived day after day, the way we used our abilities and talents, will remain with us after the transition called death, just like the qualities of the soul acquired us on earth. Our transition from earthly life will not be too different from the transition from one room to another, for “In my Father’s house are many mansions.” It depends on us how we furnish our room in this monastery. If we arrange it beautifully, then this will be our first experience at the moment of awakening in the world of shadows. If we have filled our lives with malice, self-interest and hatred, then, either in this life or in the next, these very things will meet us exactly in the form in which we created them. If we filled our lives with love, sacrificed ourselves for the sake of others, then love will be repaid to us when we enter the other world.”

Sause, EWhat I Believe, p. 32 (Casey, E. "What I Believe")

Sause, EWhat I Believe, p. 23-33 (Casey, E. "What I Believe")

Edgar Cayce is one of the greatest clairvoyant predictors and healers of our time, who after his death left about 14 thousand shorthand notes, 26 thousand predictions, 30 thousand diagnoses based on clairvoyance - a huge, scrupulously documented work over a period of forty-three years. His predictions are extremely accurate, unlike many other prophets who left behind vague, often encrypted messages. There is no need to unravel Casey's predictions - he said everything in plain text, naming the year and sometimes the day of the event, without any hints or vagueness.

Edgar Cayce was born on March 18, 1877 in the United States on his grandfather's tobacco farm in the rural community of Christian County near Beverly, 11 kilometers south of Hopkinsville, Kentucky. Casey's father was Justice of the Peace Leslie B. Casey and his mother was Kerry Casey. Edgar was their first surviving child. The Caseys were deeply religious, and they later had four more children, all girls: Annie, Ola, Mary and Sarah.

As a child, little Edgar was distinguished by a quiet and calm disposition, an easy-going character, and even, as his relatives noted, wisdom unusual for his years, for which he received from them the playful nickname “Old Man.” The boy, who grew up in a deeply religious family, from an early age began to show an interest in reading and understanding the Bible, which would remain with him throughout his life. In addition, Edgar was far from interested in childish philosophical questions about the world order and the mysteries of life, about which he asked adults from an early age, sometimes perplexing them with his thoughtful questions.

Already in that early period, it became clear that little Edgar was different from most of his peers, and soon he himself realized this. The shock he experienced at the age of 4, when he witnessed the accident that resulted in the drowning of his beloved grandfather Thomas Jefferson Cayce, deeply affected Edgar. Since then, and many years after, he claimed that the spirit of his grandfather repeatedly appeared to him, and they had long conversations with him. After this incident, Edgar began to retire more and more - instead of playing with peers, he preferred communication with nature, with the inhabitants of the forest and the invisible life that reigned around. And soon Edgar began to see an unusual glow around people - an aura; in addition, he claimed that he could talk to those who had left the confines of earthly life.

Needless to say, many did not believe the boy and considered him not of this world. Therefore, studying at school was difficult for Edgar - his peers did not like the fact that he was different from others, and they made fun of him every now and then, on top of everything else, he had difficulties with the development of memory, especially Edgar was not good at spelling. The teachers at school considered him lazy and a dreamer, and his father beat him mercilessly and to no avail, believing that Edgar was lazy and idle. And then one day, his father, who had run out of patience, hit nine-year-old Edgar so hard that he lost consciousness and fell into oblivion right over the hated textbook. After Edgar woke up, to his considerable surprise, he was able to tell his father not only the last lesson without hesitation, but also discovered that somehow he knew by heart all the contents of the textbook - every page of it clearly stood before his eyes. However, at first, neither Edgar, who simply did not understand what had happened, nor his father paid much attention to this unusual incident, and for several more years studying at school was difficult for Edgar. But soon everything changed...

One morning Edgar, sitting in the forest under his favorite tree, reread the biblical story - the vision of Manoah. He had long been tormented by a feeling of dissatisfaction with schoolwork, which had recently caused him so much trouble and trouble at school and at home. A deeply religious boy, already in childhood he had a clear life goal - the dream of helping people. Returning home in the evening, Edgar began to fervently pray to God to fulfill his desire and make it so that he, Edgar, would no longer disappoint his loved ones at home and teachers at school, but would be able to actually do something useful for people and be able help those who need his help. He prayed until late at night and was ready to fall asleep when he suddenly felt an unusual surge of strength. At that same moment, the twilight of the room was filled with light, as if the sun’s rays were breaking through from everywhere, and in this light, a certain image appeared right next to Edgar’s bed. At first the boy thought it was the image of his mother, but the light in the room became brighter, and a shining halo appeared around the ethereal image and Edgar thought it was an angel. “Your prayers are heard, and your desire will be fulfilled. But be loyal to him, remain honest to yourself and to people. Help the sick and suffering,” the angel said quietly.

The next day, 13-year-old Edgar, returning home from school, sat down to his homework and, as usual, experienced hellish torment from the inability to concentrate. That May evening, he went to bed earlier than usual, thrusting the hated textbook under his pillow and tossed and turned for a long time, unable to fall asleep. Already in a half-asleep state, he heard an inner voice: “Sleep, and we will help you,” after which he fell asleep, and in the morning he knew every word in the textbook. Since that time, Edgar has not only significantly improved his memory, but also his success at school.

Now Edgar no longer had problems with his lessons - literally in a day, as if by magic, a hopeless student turned into an excellent student who amazed teachers with his knowledge of the educational material. He could recite textbooks practically by heart and at the beginning of the school year he knew almost the entire school curriculum for the coming year. As Edgar Cayce himself noted, already in his mature years, this was his first experience of entering a state of sleep through the “Universal Mind” or “Source,” as he called the voices that he heard while in a trance.

Meanwhile, another incident happened to Edgar that revealed his extraordinary abilities even in childhood. It was 1890, Edgar, while playing during school recess, received a strong blow to the cervical vertebrae with a baseball and lost consciousness from the pain. His son Edgar is carried into Casey's house in his arms - the boy is unconscious and no one can understand what happened. It is impossible to get the child out of the strange state and the mortally frightened father does not know what to do. Suddenly a clear and calm voice is heard, the adults do not immediately understand what Edgar is talking to them: “I was hit on the spine with a baseball,” the teenager says without regaining consciousness, “you need to make a special lotion and apply it to the base of your neck.” Then, just as calmly, the boy dictates to the stunned parents a recipe - which herbs and in what ratio should be mixed with raw onions to prepare a poultice and adds: “Hurry up, otherwise the brain risks being damaged!” The father, shocked by everything that happened, obediently does everything his son said. By evening the fever subsided, and in the morning Edgar woke up completely healthy. To all his parents' questions about what happened to him and where he learned the recipe, which was unknown to anyone, Edgar answered that he did not remember, but when he was unconscious, he seemed to hear some voice and perhaps it was he who dictated the recipe to him?

This was the first case in a number of numerous insights of the great clairvoyant, which people paid attention to and which made Edgar Cayce himself think about his abilities.

In December 1893, the Casey family moved to Hopkinsville, Kentucky, where they settled at 705 West Seventh, on the southeast corner of Seventh and Young Streets. By this time, Edgar Cayce had received eight years of education and, despite improving mental abilities and memory, at the age of 16, he was forced to interrupt his further studies, abandoning his dream of becoming a priest. Casey, who grew up in a religious family and was himself a deeply religious person all his life, was a parishioner of the Protestant Church “Followers of Christ” and at that time discovered a spiritual calling in himself. However, to become a priest, it was necessary to continue his education, and the Casey family, which was then experiencing financial difficulties, did not have the means to pay for it. And then Edgar decides to go to work to help his family.

Casey worked on his uncle's farm for about a year, then as a clerk at the Hopper Brothers Bookstore in Hopkinsville, then moved for a while to Louisville, where he worked at the J. P. Morton & Co., and early in 1900, in partnership with his father, he organized an insurance sales business and became an agent for the insurance company.

Edgar expresses the religious spirit of his soul in the fact that in his free time he regularly visits the local Presbyterian church and is engaged in related activities: he teaches in Sunday school, visits the sick and prisoners in prison.

Soon, Casey is forced to interrupt his work as an insurance agent due to a mysterious and prolonged attack of aphonia - loss of voice, which may have arisen due to laryngitis. Unable to work, Edgar lives with his parents for about a year and decides to take up photography, since this activity does not require straining his voice. He is training at the photographic workshop of W. R. Bowles in Hopskinsville. But the lack of opportunity to communicate normally with people and forced loneliness greatly depress the 24-year-old young man. And then one day another miracle happens in Edgar’s life.

In 1901, a certain hypnotist Hart, who came to the city on tour, performed at the Hopkinsville Opera House. He learned about Edgar Cayce's illness and offered to try to cure him. Edgar agreed and Hart conducted a hypnotic session during which the young man’s voice returned, but after awakening it disappeared again. Despite Hart's further attempts to convince Casey to continue speaking after waking up, everything was in vain - Edgar continued to remain silent. Soon, without achieving success, Hart was forced to leave the city to continue touring. Casey was promised by a local doctor and psychotherapist who had the skills of hypnosis, Elbert Lane. Having put Edgar into a state of sleep, the hypnotist inspired him: “Your unconscious mind will now examine your throat and tell us what can be done to cure it.” To the surprise of the parents present during the session, Edgar answered in a crystal clear and confident voice: “The disease consists of partial paralysis of the vocal cords due to nervous tension.” Edgar's throat turned a dark red color - blood gushed to the sore spot and after 20 minutes, while in a trance, Edgar Cayce declared the treatment complete. Having regained consciousness, he spoke in a normal voice. After this incident, Lane and Casey became good friends, and later business partners.

Having saved some money, Edgar opens his own photo workshop, where he works. One day, Edgar is doing his daily routine in the studio - developing photographic films, printing photographs, when suddenly Jane, the fiancée of his best friend Elbert Lane, runs into the studio. “Al is dying,” the girl says through tears, “he has never been in good health, but this morning there was some kind of crisis - he does not get out of bed and cannot speak.” “Jane grabs Casey’s hand,” “Edgar,” she begs, “you can cure him, please try.” Casey initially refuses - after all, he is not a doctor and knows nothing about medicine, so how can he help? Jane falls to her knees in front of him and begs him to at least try - Edgar gives up.

He lies down on the floor right in the studio, closes his eyes, a few seconds pass, and in a strange, clear and strong voice, Casey dictates to Jane a recipe for a medicine that will save Elbert. Within a day, Elbert will be on the mend, and soon news of the sleeping healer will spread throughout the city and people will begin to turn to Casey with requests for help.

But Edgar refuses the role of savior; he is tormented by conflicting thoughts. On the one hand, being a deeply religious person, he always dreamed of helping people, on the other hand, he understands that he knows nothing about what people are asking him for. After all, the circumstances were such that he did not receive a good education, barely graduating from a rural school, and especially since he is not a doctor, what would happen if he made a mistake, because then, instead of helping, he would only harm the patient even more. The voices that he hears while in a trance now rather frighten him - who is talking to him? In addition, after emerging from the trance, he remembers almost nothing, but the prescriptions that were written down for him are full of medical terminology and names of drugs that Casey had never heard of before. At first, the young clairvoyant and healer experienced such mental anguish, torn between his calling to help people, and, as it seemed to him then, his inability to do this.

However, Dr. Lane, with whom Casey had already become friends, and who owed each other a cure, had the experience in medicine that Edgar lacked and, as a doctor, saw something more in Edgar’s predictions than accidents or coincidences. Lane has a hard time convincing Casey to be his consultant. Casey agrees, he is ready to use his unusual gift, provided that professional doctors will always be present at the sessions, which, in general, included Dr. Lane, and, in addition, he will not accept a penny from patients.

During sessions, Edgar Cayce immersed himself in a hypnotic state. Much later, he himself will describe his technique: “You need to put both palms to your forehead and wait for a signal. The signal is a flash of white light, sometimes with a golden tint, then the palms move to the solar plexus, breathing becomes even and deep, the eyes close, and at that moment he receives an answer from above and begins to speak.”

This is how modern hypnologist Gennady Goncharov comments on this method of entering Edgar Cayce’s trance: “In my opinion, as a hypnologist, his technique of immersion in self-hypnosis is the best in the world, that is, it simply does not exist better, and I’m even surprised how he could get out to this level. The first is touching your temples with your hands, the second is a certain expectation of a flash of light. The fact is that the nature of light and the nature of consciousness are almost identical, that is, light has a quantum-wave nature and our consciousness spreads in all directions like a wave and like a ray, and then transferring concentration of attention to the solar plexus puts us into sleep and, as it were, creates such a kind of protection in a state of deep self-hypnosis. By and large, this is the best technique and one can only be glad that people, sometimes intuitively, reach this level.”

A year later, Casey moved to the provincial town of Bowling Green, east of Hopkinsville and halfway between Nashville and Louisville. Here he intends to continue his photography studies, in addition, it was here that he was destined to meet his future wife Gertrude Evans, with whom they would soon begin a long and happy family life and give birth to their first child, Hugh Lynn Casey.

Meanwhile, Casey continues his consulting practice with Lane. One day Lane asks him for help in treating a particularly serious illness. Six-year-old Ema, the daughter of the director of Hopkinsville High School, Dr. Dietrich, needs help. The girl suffered from unexplained severe seizures from the age of two, as a result of which she developed amnesia. The doctors were powerless and did not give a positive prognosis for recovery. But Dr. Lane believed that he could cope and cure her, thanks to the extraordinary abilities of his friend and consultant Casey, and therefore took on this, as it seemed to everyone, a hopeless case.

Edgar fell into a hypnotic sleep and began diagnosing. First, he established the cause of the disease (numerous doctors were unable to do this) - the girl had congestion of the brain, a consequence of an injury to the base of the spine received several years ago as a result of a fall from a carriage. Then, as it seemed to everyone, the child escaped with only fright, however, as it now became clear, the injury was serious and had far-reaching and tragic consequences. Having established the cause of the disease, Casey immediately begins to dictate the course of treatment: it is necessary to relieve pressure on the nerve tissue by displacing individual vertebrae.

The girl underwent treatment according to Casey's instructions and within a week the first positive results appeared, and after three months she was healthy. This was one of the first cases of diagnosing and curing a serious illness using Cayce’s “sleeping diagnosis” method, which received wide publicity.

In the same 1903, a certain Mr. Andrews from New York approached Casey with a request, then unusual for Casey, for psychodiagnostics at a distance. Edgar agrees and falls asleep. Already in an unconscious state, he is told the address and name of the patient, and in a calm, confident voice he makes a diagnosis and prescribes a course of treatment: a very rare medicine, almost forgotten at that time, “Clara’s tincture,” which, nevertheless, was successfully achieved with great difficulty. get it from France.

The results were amazing - the medicine turned out to be effective against a serious illness, and the patient began to recover. This was the first experiment of this kind conducted by Edgar, and it was a success. In the future, Casey will often resort to the method of remote diagnosis, and many of his patients will be helped in this way.

Edgar Cayce continues his consultations with Lane, combining them with his busy schedule: photography and activities in the Christian church. Given the fact that Cayce refused to take money from his patients, photography was a very important source of income for his family. In subsequent years, the number of requests for diagnosis increased, the popularity of the medium grew, and interest in him grew, first from local and then from more famous doctors.

One day, Casey even regretted his desire to allow doctors to study his unique gift. Lately there has been a real crowd of doctors at his sessions, who, instead of helping, only hinder the medium with their constant bickering. Once, at his appointment, a furious argument broke out, in which, in addition to doctors, members of the religious community were also involved. As always, the conversation was about Casey’s extraordinary abilities, and most importantly about what exactly is his state of ordinary sleep, self-hypnosis, trance? Representatives of the religious community even stated that this was nothing more than an obsession, which would greatly upset and discourage Casey when he found out about it. Moreover, after leaving the trance, Casey felt a sharp pain - the doctors began to apologize: “a small experiment,” they explained. It turned out that the dispute regarding Casey’s state during sleep developed into a kind of experiment without his consent - the doctors stuck needles into his body and even cut off the nail on his index finger for some reason - there was no reaction. Edgar lost his temper, throwing the doctors out: “I’ve had enough,” he said, “I thought you wanted to find out the truth. And you don't care about that. Nothing will convince you. No matter how many miracles happen around you, you will not believe in any of them - because this can shake your arrogance. You are convinced that everyone except you is a charlatan. You will never believe that there are honest people in the world.”

“If Casey had received at least some kind of education, not even medical, but simply a person of broad erudition and had some kind of education, let’s say philosophical, then we could assume that such a powerful intellect, such a vast amount of knowledge and therefore, without being, say, a doctor, he had some basic knowledge, and maybe even serious knowledge of medicine. Then we would talk about what it is in him. But since in a state of trance, that is, a disturbance of consciousness, he made diagnoses using medical terminology that he did not know or understand in ordinary life, there is nothing left to do but to assume that he received this information from the outside. But how, why, is a mystery that has not been solved to this day,” says psychiatrist and psychotherapist Vladimir Fainzilberg.

However, soon official medicine recognizes Casey - his unusual abilities attracted the attention of the local secretary of the doctors' union, John Blackburn, who forms a committee of three doctors - at all sessions they not only observe, but also ask questions and compare the results. Moreover, every time their diagnosis differs from what Casey says in a trance, it soon becomes clear that he is right. Blackburn sends reports of what he saw to New York. As a result, a few months later, Edgar Cayce's supernatural abilities were for the first time officially recognized by traditional medicine, without understanding the mechanisms by which he found a way to treat the disease itself. The General Association of Physicians of America gives Casey written permission to conduct psychic consultations, but for a long time he himself, in spite of everything, tries to renounce his gift. Another such attempt almost ended in disability for him.

Casey's recipes and diagnoses are accurate and effective, grateful patients tirelessly talk about the great miracle worker, articles about the phenomenal abilities of the medium are distributed throughout the country. However, not everyone believes his supernatural abilities. Soon the investigation material comes out - a note in a Connecticut medical journal, quoting a certain practicing doctor, an article in which he tries to expose Casey. “In fact,” the newspaper says, “Edgar Cayce is an ordinary physician who received a professional education, who pretends to be a healer in order to arouse additional interest in his person.” Casey is furious: not only was he literally forced to do something he didn’t want to do, but now he’s also publicly accused of lying. This was the last straw. In vain do Elbert and Jane try to convince him not to pay attention to magazine gossip - Edgar is ready to give up his practice. After all, he still hasn’t figured out himself, these voices have always scared him and now they have brought him nothing but trouble - Edgar doesn’t want to hear them anymore. From now on there will be no consultations - from now on he will only deal with photography.

Edgar moves with his family to his parents - they all understand and support him. Here, in the atmosphere of serene youth, he spends six months thinking, he wants to understand what to do next and what his calling is. Casey spends his time studying the Bible and praying - he asks to be shown the path to his true calling.

However, as soon as Casey interrupts his sessions, a misfortune happens to him - absolutely unexpectedly, for no apparent reason, he completely loses his hearing.

Here is what modern psychic Leonid Konovalov thinks about this: “There are cases when a person has a gift from God and if he does not use it, then the person’s health deteriorates. Sometimes you just need some advice, that for example, you need to help people, otherwise your health situation will not be very good, and certain problems will become more complicated.” Edgar turns to doctors, but medicine is absolutely powerless - not only can they not prescribe him treatment, but even make a diagnosis, and only Casey himself can guess why this misfortune befell him - he abandoned his calling, he did not want to hear voices and his wish came true - he became deaf! Edgar understands that the only way that can help him is to get back on the path from which he so hastily and thoughtlessly turned. He must return to his calling - to help people through his unusual abilities.

But how to do that? After all, he quit his consulting practice and there are no more patients. However, Casey was soon given a chance to resume his consultations - one day he was found by a relative, a sickly middle-aged man, whom he had already helped once in one of his sessions. Now the man needed help again. Edgar is still hesitant, but agrees to help - as always, his treatment method is impeccable and effective. But what is also important is that Casey’s illness, his deafness, as if by magic, begins to gradually recede. A little later, a grateful relative, noticing Edgar’s mental anguish, will say these words to him one day when Casey visits him to inquire about his health: “God has given you something that He gives to few. You must think carefully about how to use this gift from God. Don't abuse it, but use it to your advantage. Don’t be ashamed of him, as you did before, but help the poor, suffering people just as you helped me.” The words of a relative acted on Edgar Cayce as a powerful catalyst in making a decision. Now he knows that his calling is to help people through his abilities.

The Casey family moves to a small cottage outside the city. Edgar resumes his consulting practice with Dr. Lane. Life is slowly getting better and returning to normal.

Casey's popularity is growing rapidly, and new rumors about his incredible abilities leave the city and spread throughout the country. His diagnoses and treatment methods, dictated in a trance state, are incredibly accurate and effective. At all his sessions, as he wanted, doctors are present, each healing is recorded and signed, his diagnoses are carefully recorded and transcribed. Medical professionals came from all over America to attend these sessions. Many of them were skeptical; some wanted to expose what they thought was a charlatan. However, they left with completely different thoughts - Casey was not mistaken, although traditional medicine could not explain this phenomenon. Doctors who attended Cayce’s sessions and observed with their own eyes the healing of sometimes “incurable” extremely severe patients whom the country’s leading clinics refused to treat, claimed that the treatment methods and medications that Cayce prescribed were known to them, but in some cases their combination was so unusual , and sometimes risky, that they themselves would never have prescribed such a course of treatment, nevertheless, to their considerable surprise, they turned out to be extremely effective for the patients treated by Casey.

Now that Casey had gained confidence in his calling, it seemed that the world around him and the attitude towards him had changed. Rumors about him had previously spread to different parts of the country, but they were very dubious and only touched a nerve in Edgar, who was then experiencing mental anguish regarding his medical practice. Now everything became different, as if everyone around felt the inner confidence of the medium in their actions. No, it’s not that there were no more skeptics and critics, although there really was less criticism, it just seemed that the attitude in society, including among doctors, towards the psychic healer had changed to more loyal. Perhaps this happened as a result of the official recognition of Casey’s abilities by medicine, or perhaps he himself changed, ceasing to notice and take to heart the barbs of the newspapermen.

Family photo.

The next consultation is over, there are no more patients, next to Casey are Dr. Elbert and his wife Jane, who served as an assistant and stenographer during the sessions. Suddenly, to their considerable surprise, Edgar begins to dictate new recipes, but for whom, since there are no more visitors? Despite this, Jane continues to write down everything Edgar says. When the medium woke up, Jane cautiously remarked: “Are the last three prescriptions left without an addressee?” “They are addressed to people who will come from afar,” Casey explained, “but, unfortunately, I will not be able to receive them.” And indeed, in the morning, Casey is unexpectedly called to a neighboring town on an important and urgent matter - he is forced to go. An hour after he left, strangers knocked on his house—patients—two men and a woman who had come for help from as far away as Texas. Jane understands that the three recipes dictated by Edgar yesterday were intended specifically for these visitors.

“Such sudden insights, insights, are very common in everyday life, to a lesser or greater extent. For Casey, this existed at a very high level, this time, besides this, I believe, his case is unique in a slightly different way - he is not so much an intuitive as a direct contactee,” astrologer Mikhail Levin shares his assumptions.

In 1910, an energetic young man—“Dr. Ketchum,” he introduces himself—enters the Cayce house and explains the purpose of the visit: he wants to investigate Edgar’s unusual abilities and perhaps offer him financial support by opening a research center with him. However, first, Dr. Ketchum wants to personally see Casey’s abilities and hear about his own diagnosis. Edgar agrees; within three minutes he falls into a deep sleep and begins to say: “Your sores are the result of your suspiciousness. Forget about the problems associated with your appendix, they are all a thing of the past. You are absolutely healthy and do not need medication. But I clearly see that many people will soon need our help. In four years the Great War will begin. Four empires will disappear from the face of the earth, millions will suffer.”

In July 1914, one of the largest conflicts in the history of mankind will begin - at first this war will be called the Great, - half a century later - the First World War. Millions of people will become victims of this terrible war, and as a result, four empires will disappear from the world map: German, Austro-Venus, Russian and Ottoman. But all this will happen later - Casey’s prophecy will come true with frightening accuracy. And then, in the summer of 1910, the shocked Edgar Cayce realized that under hypnosis he was able not only to heal people, but also to see future events!

“I think that when a person exhibits psychic abilities, for example at an early age like Edgar Cayce, then most likely he does not fully believe in these abilities, first of all, because there is no one to compare with, if someone has similar abilities, and then very often at first a lot of things look like some kind of coincidence, some kind of guess. And only later, when a person begins to have sober logic, he understands that in his visions, in his predictions, in the voice that he hears, there is some kind of certain logic,” says psychic Leonid Konovalov.

However, at that time, Dr. Ketchum did not pay attention to Cayce's prophecies, attaching importance only to his diagnosis. Distrustful at first, Dr. Ketchum was so intrigued by Edgar's unusually accurate diagnosis that he submitted a report to the American Society for Clinical Investigation in Boston. This fact attracted the attention of the press, including the country's largest newspaper, the New York Times, which published an article with the headline: “A man without education becomes a doctor under hypnosis. Edgar Cayce’s strange ability baffles experts.”

At that time, Casey was 33 years old, and he was literally bombarded with letters asking for help from people in need of healing. Everywhere he appeared, there were a crowd of annoying newspapermen demanding interviews and simply not giving him access. Ultimately, Edgar agreed to give them an interview, just so that they would quickly leave him behind, and soon new newspaper articles about him were distributed throughout the country.

Convinced of Casey's extraordinary abilities, and also considering his popularity the key to success - after all, there is no end to clients, Ketchum returns to the business conversation for which he came to Edgar. Cayce, interested in the idea of ​​founding a scientific research society where he could immerse himself in his work and help sick people, agrees, as a result of which a contract was signed, and a new office appeared in Hopkinsville with a fresh sign on the door: “Edgar Cayce - Psychodiagnostics.” Nearby, in the same building, Casey's photographic workshop was located. Appointments are by appointment, and sessions are organized by Dr. Ketchum.

In the midst of these events, a whole series of misfortunes begins in the Casey family. First, the loss of his second son, a six-week-old boy, then after the death of the child, Edgar’s wife, Gertrude, becomes seriously ill and over the course of six months her condition only worsens. Usually Edgar avoided using his abilities in relation to his family and friends, but now he could no longer hesitate. He should try to help his wife, just as he helped many of his patients. Edgar decides to conduct a psychodiagnostic session for his wife.

Everything is ready for the experiment. Edgar is noticeably nervous, but as soon as he falls asleep, a calm and confident voice is heard, already familiar from previous sessions. This voice is alien, as if it belongs not to Edgar, but to someone else. The medium makes a diagnosis and dictates a complex and unknown prescription for medicine. His speech is old-fashioned and flowery, but replete with complex medical terminology. Edgar discovers that Gertrude has tuberculosis, a deadly and practically incurable disease. A medical professional present at the session said to Edgar afterwards: “This was the most amazing lecture I have ever heard on tuberculosis.”

A local pharmacist takes on a complex recipe for an unusual medicine. After the medicine was prepared and given to Gertrude, her condition improved within two weeks. After this, Edgar again looked at his gift in a new way - at first he was afraid and shunned it, then he resigned himself and accepted it as inevitable, but now he was grateful to fate that he had this gift. The medium himself expressed his attitude to this in the following words: “We can argue, bicker and in every possible way condemn the phenomenon we observe, but if it concerns those we love and gives them relief, then it becomes valuable; no matter what they say, this is the real thing.”

Meanwhile, cooperation with Dr. Ketchum, which seemed so promising at first, did not last long and brought Edgar only disappointment. Two years after organizing a joint business, serious disagreements arose between the partners - Edgar learns from his patients about the exorbitant prices for consultations - Ketchum deceived him, taking advantage of the fact that, while in a trance, Edgar practically did not remember anything. Having checked Casey's latest transcripts, he becomes furious and reproaches Ketchum, because he has been deceiving him and his patients all this time, and violated the contract, which clearly stipulated the low cost of the sessions. He agreed to take money for his help only because Ketchum constantly insisted on the need for funds for special research. But it turns out that the money did not go to scientific research, but directly into Ketchum’s pocket. The doctor is irritated - he has to pay rent, correspond with leading experts in the field of medicine, and give interviews to newspapermen. His time is valuable and he has no intention of doing charity work. Finally, the doctor says to Casey: “Who are you, without me you will lose all your clients.”

Within a day, Edgar terminates the contract with Ketchum. Well, he got burned once again because of his gullibility and openness to people. He is not going to make a business out of people’s misfortune, since he has always strived to help his patients either for a nominal fee, which went only to the maintenance of assistants and the office, or for free. In the depths of his soul, Edgar Cayce has a dream - to found a special clinic where real doctors will work - unselfish and free from prejudice. They could implement and monitor treatment according to his recommendations. But to implement such a project, a lot of money is needed; photographs alone cannot earn it, and all his attempts to raise the necessary amount have so far failed.

Soon Edgar and his family moved to Selma, Alabama, where he continued his photography business and his consultations. This is an important period in Edgar's life. He increasingly sees global changes coming - the Great War is approaching, which he predicted several years ago, and he returns again and again in his visions to this topic - to the changes that will occur as a result of this in his country and in the world. Edgar predicts the collapse of the Russian Empire, the October Revolution and the formation of the USSR, the Great Depression in the USA and other global changes in the world.

Just as life in the new place begins to improve, a new misfortune occurs in the Casey family. February 1913, Edgar's son Hugh, playing with matches, explodes magnesia in his father's photo workshop. The boy was seriously injured, his right eye was burned and he was almost completely blind. A doctor arrives, examines Hugh Lynn and remarks: “Only surgery can save the child. The affected right eye must be removed to preserve the remaining weak vision in the left and prevent blood poisoning.”

Casey is horrified: he decides to take a risk and, having sent the doctor out, begins a psychodiagnostic session. The recipe for Hugh Lynn is written down by his wife: “No operation is needed,” Edgar says in his sleep in a clear, well-trained voice, “a two-week course of tannic acid lotions is required.” Experts consider this method madness, but Edgar, torn by painful contradictions, does not dare to disobey his voices and turns out to be right, after 12 days, as if a veil had fallen from the child’s eyes, and not a trace remained of the burn - Hugh recovered and can see again!

Almost all treatment methods prescribed by Edgar Cayce through psychodiagnostics to his patients were intended for individual use for a specific patient. Otherwise, the medicine could not only be completely useless, but also cause harm, even if another person has all the same symptoms and has been given the same diagnosis. However, the general recommendations given by him for a number of diseases have also been preserved. For example, for the treatment of arthritis, Cayce recommended the use of salt tampons to improve blood circulation, baths and massages using various extracts of resins and oils, such as peanut butter and myrrh. For the prevention and treatment of all types of abdominal diseases, including appendicitis, cholelithiasis and intestinal complications, the healer recommended the ingestion of olive oil and hot compresses with castor oil.

These treatment methods have proven their effectiveness and prompted Edgar, along with his assistants, to delve into the study of the medicinal properties of oils.

In addition, Cayce described the mechanism and causes of the development of cancer, arguing that they are caused by “intrinsic destruction that is not completely restored by leukocytes due to the weakening of the viability of the circulatory system.” The methods of treatment he recommended for this terrible disease included applications of blood serum from rabbit skin, special diets based on beet juice and almonds, therapeutic therapy using ultraviolet rays of a mercury lamp passed through a special green filter, often in combination with a medicine called “live” ash".

In 1918, another boy was born into the Casey family, Edgar Evans. After the end of the First World War in the early 20s, Edgar became increasingly inclined to devote his life entirely to people who needed his help.

He returns to his old dream of earning money for the hospital. In 1919-1922, Casey made a decisive attempt to realize his dream; he conceived a risky, but if successful, profitable business - searching for oil in the state of Texas.

Edgar finds partners, two poor oil producers from Texas, and together with them rents a plot of land. Casey convinces them that there is oil here, at least this is the place he saw in a hypnotic sleep session specially conducted for this purpose. The well was drilled in the place indicated by him, however, despite the fact that all sessions were now devoted only to drilling, and they reported exactly what layer the drill was going through, oil never appeared, and in the meantime, accidents at the well became more frequent. At the insistence of his colleagues, Casey continues to put himself into a hypnotic sleep, but the voices he hears invariably emphasize that the enterprise will be doomed to failure until there is agreement among the participants regarding the investment of future capital. Casey understands that although his colleagues unanimously claim that the proceeds will be used to build a hospital, their actual plans regarding possible profits are completely different. In 1922, after several accidents, the enterprise was curtailed, and Casey’s partners, disillusioned with the clairvoyant, dispersed. Only drilling equipment remained on the site.

Edgar is pacing the ground on which he had pinned so many hopes, when he suddenly kneels down and covers his eyes with his hands - he should try to plunge into a trance again, maybe he will still get an answer to where to find funds for his dream. However, this time he hears nothing, but strange and frightening pictures appear before him - a peninsula from which the ocean is retreating, powerful tremors coming from underground and a huge wave covering the coast after this. Hundreds of dead and thousands of injured, destroyed buildings... Casey opens his eyes in horror, his mind is clear and he remembers in detail everything that he saw in a trance and knows exactly what he saw - an unprecedented earthquake in Alaska, the first after 35 years, the second after 42 years. Edgar, in the hope of preventing the loss of life, talks about his vision to journalists. The prediction is published, but seismologists ridicule Edgar, because according to their forecasts, at least in the next hundred years, residents of Alaska have nothing to fear from dubious prophecies.

In March 1957, Alaska was shaken by a powerful earthquake of magnitude 9.1. A destructive fifteen-meter tsunami, resulting from tremors, will reach the Hawaiian Islands, sweeping away everything in its path. In 1964, a catastrophe of similar magnitude will occur in the same region; seismologists estimate the strength of the tremors at 9.2 points. The disaster will claim hundreds of lives, and the damage will amount to 311 million dollars. Casey's predictions will come true exactly.

In the meantime, Casey returns home to his family. He was tired and absolutely crushed, so much effort was wasted, and his dream again remained out of reach. However, the healer’s halo has not faded at all, and as soon as word spreads about the medium’s return, people in need of healing come to him again.

In 1923, Casey made a courageous decision - he left photography and, at the age of 46, devoted himself entirely to medical psychodiagnostics. Soon the Casey family moved to the town of Dayton in northwestern Ohio. Here, with the moral and financial support of his new friend Arthur Lammers, Edgar founded the missionary organization "Cayce Research Institute", located in a local hotel at 322 Grafton Avenue. Edgar Cayce's service secretary and stenographer becomes a young girl, Gladys Davis Turner, who was carefully selected from a variety of other applicants for this job. Gladys' choice was extremely successful. The young girl was completely devoted to her work and soon became almost a member of the Cayce family and remained Edgar's secretary-stenographer until the end of his life. It was thanks to her painstaking work that Edgar Cayce remained the most documented clairvoyant in history.

By this time, Cayce was already known not only as a healer, but also as a predictor. In accordance with his principles, he refused to charge the usual fees from his patients, although he gratefully accepted voluntary donations.

Once during a session, a man approached Casey with a country request, this man assured that although he was healthy physically, he was tormented in soul - and explained the reason - he was a Jew and he had no homeland, not even a small piece of land that he could name this sacred word. The visitor asks the clairvoyant to look into the future and find out whether this situation will change. Edgar is somewhat embarrassed; he has not yet been approached with similar requests concerning the fate of entire nations, but he agrees to help. Within a few minutes, Edgar will say: “In the middle of this century, a Jewish state will appear in southwest Asia between the three seas.” Casey's prophecy will come true and on May 14, 1948, on the basis of a UN resolution, the creation of a new Jewish state of Israel will be proclaimed.

In the 20s, Casey's popularity reached its peak; more and more people turned to him not only as a healer, but also as a fortuneteller. As always, his diagnoses are correct and his prophecies are accurate. However, soon several of Casey’s predictions will turn out to be wrong; the medium will not immediately understand the meaning of what is happening.

Once a young man came to Casey for a session; he begged the prophet to tell him which horse to bet on in the upcoming races. “This is my last chance, Mr. Casey,” the player insisted, “I don’t even have money for tomorrow’s dinner, “I had to go into debt to come to you.” Edgar took pity on the visitor, having fallen asleep, he was silent for a long time, which was somewhat unusual, however, in the end, he spoke, as it seemed to those present, with reluctance and dissatisfaction, he named the name of the prize-winner’s horse. Having thanked Edgar, the visitor hastily left, and Casey lay there until the evening with an incredible headache. A day later, a phone call rang in Casey's office - this was yesterday's visitor - but instead of words of gratitude, he accuses Edgar of fraud and even threatens to sue him - the horse named at the session did not come first, and he lost. Casey is perplexed: was he really mistaken, and if so, does he have the right to continue his medical consultations? Edgar's past doubts return, but he does not dare to interrupt the consultations - he remembers too well how that long-ago story ended when he tried to abandon his calling. Before Edgar understands what is happening, he will make two more incorrect predictions - first he will make a mistake, incorrectly predicting price fluctuations on the stock exchange, then he will tell where to look for the old treasure, but nothing will be found in the indicated place. And only after this, having analyzed his incorrect predictions and connecting them with his first mistake, the one when he was looking for oil in Texas, will he understand that he must use his gift to help those who are truly in need - the weak and sick, people in a tragic situation, and prophecies associated with quick enrichment will certainly be erroneous.

Manufacturer Jack Craig is beside himself with anger: how did he go to the great clairvoyant for two days, and he refuses to accept him! Edgar tries to explain to him: “Understand, I don’t want to mislead you, you are interested in cotton prices, but I will not be able to predict them correctly.” He tries to explain to the businessman that all his prophecies related to getting rich turn out to be wrong. However, Craig does not believe him, believes that the only question is Casey’s price and offers him a lot of money for those times, one hundred dollars for each day of the price forecast. After Edgar refuses this offer, the manufacturer loses his temper: “Go to Russia, damned communist, that’s where you belong!” The Bolsheviks don’t like money either.”

After the brawler’s departure, Casey cannot come to his senses for a long time; he puts a dollar in front of him, thoughtfully and for a long time examines it: “It’s strange, does money really mean so much to a person.” Then he closes his eyes and the following images appear before him: a distant snowy country, one that is engulfed in civil war - the seer hears a voice - “Russia, which rejected the omnipotent power of money, will become a powerful superpower, but the idea of ​​​​general equality will eventually turn to dust and in a few decades the communist system will collapse.”

At the end of the 20s, Casey again returned to the idea of ​​​​creating a charitable hospital. However, as before, a serious obstacle in this endeavor is the lack of funds. All of the Casey family's funds were invested in the missionary organization founded by him and Lammers. However, this time Edgar is confident that everything will work out and a miracle will happen; the wait won’t be long at all. He shares his hopes with his wife. At this very moment there is a knock on the door - a large postal order has been received in the name of Edgar Cayce - one of his former patients sent him a large letter of gratitude and the first donation to the future hospital.

In February 1929, Edgar's dream became a reality. The treatment center, a four-story building with thirty rooms, a lecture hall and a dining room, is ready to receive patients. The courses of treatment prescribed by Edgar Cayce were carried out under the supervision of professional doctors. During the first year, about 3,000 people received help here. Edgar is happy - now he can help many.

Daily sessions of hypnotic sleep do not tire the medium at all, but lately the voices that Casey hears speak more and more insistently about healing not only physical, but also spiritual. Edgar's predictions about the past and future are becoming more global. The voices tell him about the origin of civilizations, the destiny of man and the afterlife.

The next medical consultation is completed; secretary-stenographer Gladys Davis and the conductor, Casey's wife, are waiting for Edgar to complete the session, but instead he says: “Continue to write down: in 1968, off the coast of Florida, near the Bahamas, the temple of Atlantis will rise from the water, “A great civilization, destroyed due to human greed, will reveal its secrets.” This was one of many predictions Edgar Cayce received about Atlantis between 1924 and 1944, information about which he received through psychic channels and which, like his other prophecies, were recorded, including in the form of so-called “readings”. Later, this information will form the basis of Edgar Cayce's book about Atlantis and become the starting point of a serious scientific discovery.

In the appointed year 1968, three enthusiasts, armed only with Cayce's predictions, plunge into the ocean in a submersible. There, at the very bottom, they will find a whole city - a central road made of massive hewn slabs, weighing 80 tons each, streets, large stone buildings, huge pyramids, massive fortress walls, ring structures of unknown purpose, and even a port with a breakwater. Location of the find: Bimini Island, Bahamas. Today, some scientists admit that the structures on the ocean floor may be the surviving ruins of one of the cities of the legendary Atlantis.

The 30s were the most favorable period in Casey's life. Casey's capabilities are expanding; he dictates his predictions and recipes in thirty languages, although in reality he only knows English! Doctors note almost one hundred percent healing of Casey’s patients; Casey’s interviews and rave reviews about him are regularly published in newspapers. However, all this could not protect Edgar from persecution by the American police. The fact is that in the 30s, another round of “witch hunts” began in the United States and Casey, who came to New York on business, was accused of fraud and put under arrest. He spent two weeks in a holding cell, followed by a high-profile trial, as a result of which Casey was completely acquitted.

During this period, they will be given many accurate prophecies, which have now already come true and which may still be destined to come true. He predicted natural and man-made disasters - devastating earthquakes, devastating floods and tsunamis, and in one of his “readings” catastrophic events were described with frightening accuracy, very much reminiscent of what is happening now in Japan. Cayce predicted the beginning of the pole shift process and global warming, as a result of which the climate of our planet will change - today this is a scientific fact, these processes have already been launched by the complex and hidden mechanism of our planet. He also predicted global economic upheavals occurring in our time. After 2012, according to the prophet, terrible disasters will occur on Earth - most of Japan will go under water, the upper part of Europe will change in an instant, the Poles will be freed from ice and the remains of ancient civilizations will be exposed. In the Mediterranean Sea area, earthquakes will begin, Mount Etna will awaken, and parts of the land will rise. The earth will be split - huge fractures in the earth's crust will take place in the Americas...

However, Casey emphasized that all these destructive processes do not happen without reason. Our world is on the threshold of great events. According to Cayce, physical changes are nothing more than a signal and omen of the Second Coming. After all, all this is said in the oldest book of humanity, the Bible, and he is only a conductor of a voice from above that calls humanity to turn to the spiritual. Also in subsequent “readings” he notes the following: “Hope will come from Russia to the world - not from the communists, not from the Bolsheviks, but from free Russia! It will be years before this happens, but it is the religious development of Russia that will give the world hope.” A new Fifth Root Race of people will appear on Earth and new opportunities will open up in the knowledge of the spiritual and material world. The secrets and mysteries of ancient civilizations will be revealed to them.

1937 Casey is sorting mail with his eldest son Hugh Lynn. “Look, father,” says Hugh, “it looks like it’s from Germany.” Edgar takes the envelope in his hands and suddenly falls silent, leans back on the sofa, closing his eyes. Hugh Lynn immediately grabs a notepad and pen from the table, he understands that his father has something important to say. The prophet’s breathing becomes slow and deep, Edgar says: “In two years, war will begin in Europe. Millions of dead, death camps... America will also take part in the conflict. The war will end in May 1945." Casey's prediction will come true exactly, but the prophet will not live to see victory.

In the early 40s, the Casey Clinic was under real siege - so many patients were coming to him from everywhere that the hospital was simply unable to accept them all. People are setting up a real tent city nearby, waiting for their turn. Edgar is 66 years old and conducting sessions is becoming increasingly difficult, but he is increasing the number of his trance dives from two to six per day. Casey strives to help everyone, and the monstrous stress immediately affected his health - in August 1944 he fell ill and was diagnosed with nervous exhaustion.

For the first time since his distant childhood, Edgar turns to voices to find out about the state of his own health, and, falling asleep, dictates the verdict calmly and detachedly, as if we were talking about a stranger: “Let Casey retire and rest,” says Casey about myself. The surprised wife asks the question: “How long will her husband be able to rest?” And Edgar replies: “Until he recovers or dies. It will all end on January 3, 1945 at 5 pm.”

In September 1944, Edgar Cayce suffered from paralysis - the left side of his body was completely immobilized. “This is exactly the kind of rest that the Higher Powers told me about. I wonder which of the two endings they will still prefer,” the prophet will say quietly one day. In serious condition, occasionally falling into a coma, Casey will live for several more months.

January 3, 1945, on the day and hour predicted by himself, one of the greatest predictors of the planet, Edgar Cayce, died. The secretary of the “sleeping prophet” recorded his last words: “How much the world needs God!”

"Man needs a beginning and boundaries. First, all space
filled the sea of ​​spirit. It was motionless, calm, pleased with itself,
the giant rested on the chest of his own thoughts, intently looking at
What is it.
Then everything began to move, the sea of ​​spirit subsided, space
empty. The resulting void began to be illuminated by a glow from the center.
A restless, rebellious consciousness began to shine. This is how she showed herself
individuality of the spirit. Then everything was filled again and awakened to life.
Then it was discovered that it was God.
God sought to express himself. He needed companions. Therefore he
created his own reflections - space and souls. The cosmos was built with the help
means that people called music, arithmetic and geometry,
that is, through harmony, system and balance. For construction
blocks used a material called the essence of life. It was strength
given by God. People considered it the original ray: changing the length
of its waves and vibration frequency, such a beam became a sample
various forms, content and movement. As a result, diversity
became a law that gave rise to countless plans and
new forms. God played with this law of diversity, like
a person playing the piano - extracting melodies and creating
of which are symphonies.
Each mental prototype initially contained a plan for its own
evolution. Such a plan had to be improved as it developed,
growth or, as they say, change. It's similar to the sound of a note
when playing the piano. From the combination of sounds of several notes arises
chord, and it in turn creates musical phrases from phrases
a melody is formed, the melodies intertwine and move in different
directions, along, between and around each of them - this is how
symphony. The music ends the same way it began, and after it
emptiness remains, but between the beginning and the end we hear beautiful
and majestic sounds and we understand that this is a wonderful experience.
(You should not use the terms “light”, “heat” and “electricity”,
referring to space, since we can feel their influence in the very
earth's atmosphere. Human feelings do not operate outside the earthly
atmosphere: for a personality in the process of becoming, the Sun can be an idea,
influence factor or angel).
Everything moves, changes and is embodied in various stages of form.
and content. Activism was born and established itself with the help of law
attraction and repulsion: positive and negative,
attracting and repelling, giving shape and
bringing into action everything that exists.
And all this was a piece of God, a reflection of His plans.
Consciousness became His driving and infinite force, consciousness
brought to life everything planned by God; everything that exists is
particle and state of consciousness."

"Souls were created for communication with God in His image and likeness: spirit, consciousness,
personality; cause, effect, result. The spirit was the first to declare itself, then it arose
an action which absorbed the spirit into itself, and as a result the personality of God arose.
The spirit took part in the creation of the soul, knowing that it was the likeness of God, in this
contained both the active principle of consciousness and the possibility of manifesting such
activity of consciousness separate from God.

So, a new personality has appeared, born of God and dependent on Him, but in
at the same time, aware of her separate existence from Him. There were new personalities
given the necessary strength to choose and approve one’s own activity, without
free will it would remain part of the personality of God. Consciousness, primordial force,
given by God, of course, will embody what He intended, if it is not directed towards
the other side. The power that can direct consciousness differently is what people
called their free will. The reflection of this free will is the soul. She
begins to express himself with its help and thanks to the power of consciousness. First thought
having found expression, the first deviation of the forces of consciousness from the usual course means
birth of the soul.
The core of the soul is balanced, positive and negative forces are equal, their
activity is harmonious: positive begins, saturates, pushes forward,
negative - absorbs, absorbs, discards. Stages of this action
are equivalent to the stages of thought: perception, reflection, opinion.
Consequently, the soul contains two states of consciousness: the first of them is
a spirit that knows about its similarity to God, the second is a new personality that knows
everything she has experienced.
The soul must go through a cycle of tests, not limited in scope or time.
It is in it that a new personality, if its will is used for good, will be able to know
various facets and aspects of creation. The cycle will end when those generated by the will
desires will become indistinguishable from God's thoughts. Then the consciousness of the new personality
will merge with the spiritual consciousness of the likeness of God, and the soul will return to its origins,
as the companion of God he once conceived.
In this state the soul will remainyour consciousness of an individual personality and confidence,
that, having her own free will, she will continue to
act like a particle
God, without turning away from the path chosen by this will and
being in agreement with the direction
given strength. Until this state is reached,
the soul is not God's companion
in the literal sense of the word.

(The very idea that returning to God means losing one's identity is paradoxical,
since God knows everything that happens, and therefore knows about the consciousness of each
personality. In this case, the return of the soul is the return of the image to the One Who
called it to life, and the consciousness of the individual, everything written in her thoughts, cannot be
destroy without destroying and a piece of God himself. When the soul returns to God,
she begins to perceive herself not only as a particle of God, but also as a part of any
another soul and all things.
In fact, the “ego” disappears - the desire to do something different from God’s dictates.
will. When the soul returns to God, the "ego" voluntarily gives up its place, in
This is the meaning of the symbolism of the crucifixion)."

Let's stop the "readings" of Edgar Cayce here. I want to clarify that those born of God
souls not literally born, just as human children are born. God created
souls from different spectra of initial energy and the soul did not begin its existence with
zero, but from one, that is, God gives each soul the same charge of his energy
and gives the soul a free choice of how to behave; by their actions, self-improvement
By voicing, the soul collects an individual energy composite into its matrix,
due to which each soul is a separate person.



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