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Alexander Bukhtiyarov - how to get out of a vicious circle. How to break out of a vicious circle

“Many people spend most of their lives in a closed circle. A vicious circle is when waking up in the morning

The first word that comes into our consciousness is “MUST”. I NEED - but I don’t want to. I don’t want to, but I HAVE TO. We need to go to work, but we don’t want to, because work doesn’t bring us satisfaction. I need to send my boots in for repairs, but I don’t want to, because it doesn’t give me any pleasure to continue wearing them. It is necessary to clean the apartment, but there is no particular desire, since the furnishings have not been updated for a long time, and the degree of coziness and comfort does not contribute to the emergence of motivation to do something in this apartment.

A vicious circle is when we do not live the way we would like. If we chronically lack something that is important and necessary for us. If we are unhappy with the way we live, and yet month after month, year after year, the state of things remains the same. When our life passes as if in a fog. One day is similar to another, and we are painfully missing something extraordinary, new, some significant events and positive changes. When such wonderful holidays as birthdays and New Years stop making you happy. Because these dates, like milestones, remind us that another year has passed, and again nothing in our lives better side hasn't changed.

Five key points , the long-term absence or shortage of which indicates to us that we are in a vicious circle - this is money, time, recognition, improvement, and self-realization. Moreover, without “dealing” with the first two, it is very difficult to make up for the lack of the others.

Concept lack of money, very relative. For some, they are not enough for the basic necessities, and for others, they are not enough to buy an island in Pacific Ocean. The case when financial income is not enough to normally satisfy basic human needs is, unfortunately, the most common, and certainly the most offensive. It looks classically familiar. If, instead of living a bright, fulfilling life, instead of receiving moral, creative and material satisfaction from your activities, instead of giving joy to your children, you have to work from morning to evening so that the family does NOT go hungry. So that the family is NOT undressed. To NOT turn off gas, electricity, telephone. All this looks less like life and more like survival.

Lack of time is also not uncommon, and a monetary deficit often goes hand in hand. There is no time to relax with family, chat with friends, or read a book. Not to mention the fact that sometimes you have to give up doing what you love due to lack of time and money. Every single day it’s either ND (no money) or NV (no time). The child asks to buy him mobile phone- ND. Go to the cinema - NV. Attend the concert of your favorite “star” - NDNV. Interestingly, the reason for the lack of time, as a rule, is that all of it is spent on earning “little” money. Money that is only enough to NOT starve, NOT to be naked, and a few more “NOTs”.

Periodically, rebellious thoughts arise: “What kind of life is this! How long can you tolerate this!?” But time passes (which is not enough), and one becomes accustomed to this state of affairs.

DANGEROUS ADDITION. Watching TV programs about travel and different countries, we stop WANTING to go there. We go to expensive stores less and less. It's a shame that so many people settle for "what is" when the range of what money can buy is simply limitless! When new ones open almost every day travel agencies! When in Home stores you can buy the most unimaginable things that can improve and decorate our lives, the variety of household appliances is simply amazing, and cars are gradually ceasing to be a luxury! Who is this all for!? After all, just think, having an income of $800 per month, literally within a year you can get rid of the burden of “financial tails” (if they are not very large) and take out a car on credit; start saving enough every month to spend time with your family abroad once a year; eat and dress quite well, and every two months buy something that will increase our enjoyment of being in our own home (food processor, vacuum cleaner, etc.).

A fair question may arise here: Where can I get them, $800? Do you really want this? If your answer is “Yes, very much!”, then I think you will be fine, and with this information I will try to help you as much as possible. Perhaps you are wondering how you can earn more than eight hundred dollars a month? Well, on this site you can find the answer to this question. Ultimately, it all depends on what you take from what you read.

Life around us is becoming brighter and more interesting every day, but this brightness may not be for you. In the event that WE allow ourselves to come to terms with what is. If we allow ourselves to get used to that routine, to the vicious circle we find ourselves inside. If we don't remember what we want and have the right to. And we can live the way we want! If we don’t remember this, then it may happen that nothing will NEVER change. Why? Yes, because as long as we get used to finding something good in what we have, and at the same time, we stop thinking about how we would like to live and at the same time, we stop looking for ways to improve our life, then we can We get bogged down to such an extent that we are simply unable to see the opportunities that slowly float by.

Eat different types"vicious circles". It happens that there seems to be money, but you have to work “for it.” When there is no time to take advantage of the benefits that having money provides. Because if you just stop, they will immediately disappear.

Sometimes you have to hold on to a “straw” for a long time, seemingly a good income, while feeling that at any moment this straw could break, leaving behind only one question: “What to do now?” There are closed circles in which we chronically feel a lack of prospects, or constantly experience pressure and underestimation of us as individuals by our superiors. Vicious circles of lack of communication and the opportunity to express oneself. There are many types of vicious circles, but what they all have in common is that they CAN be broken. If there is an entrance, then there must be an exit somewhere. And, in order to find this way out, we must first start thinking about HOW we really want to live.

It often happens that a person, having fallen into a routine, slowly but surely forgets about how he really wants to live. In this case, if you ask him what he wants, he can say: “I want to earn 50 USD. more per month." Or: “I want to buy new shoes.” Or: “Pay off debts.” This is not the true answer. It won't be a life changer. It will be the same vicious circle, only it will expand by 50 USD. per month, or for one pair of shoes. Or it will be a vicious circle without debt.

For the same to get out of a vicious circle, you need to fully imagine how you want to live. How do you want to furnish your apartment? Where would you like to visit? What do you want for your children? What do you want to bring to this world? What kind of attitude do you want from other people towards yourself as a person? Finally, how much do you want to earn per month in order to feel great? To wake up in the morning with a smile on your lips from the feeling of reliability and security of your future! And you need to not only remember your desires. We need to stop forgetting about them! Start living them! Wake up and fall asleep thinking about them!

The treasured word is “really.” Are you really resigned to the fact that you will never see with your own eyes how beautiful the sunset on the French Riviera is at the end of September? And Venice!? Millions of tourists visit it every year. Why not you? Don't you deserve it? Film it all on a video camera (take it with you) leading role) and show it to your parents and friends (and thereby help them start to get out of their own vicious circle)! What if you get into your own car in mid-May, put your family in it, and go to Sochi? Everything is in bloom there at this time! Your children will not forget this!

Many people completely stop thinking about their most important goals and desires. So as not to “reopen” your wounds. “What,” they say, “is the point of thinking about something that is unrealistic to happen! After all, there are no opportunities. Just not for me. Not in this country,” etc. d.i.t. etc. However, at the same time others FIND opportunities. Not only those who are “lucky”. Not only those who had “convenient circumstances.” No. First of all, those who did not give up their dream of living like humans! So, do you realize WHAT you want to change? Then ….

Open your eyes and set your mind to finding YOUR opportunity. AND SHE WILL APPEAR!
Opportunity can come to us from any direction and from anyone. It happens that she circles around us for several months, waiting for us to turn our attention to her, and we are too busy solving current problems to notice her.

An opportunity will arise, and then it will be important to make the right decision regarding it. It will be necessary to evaluate it soberly and without bias in order not to become a victim of your own stereotypes. It happens that a person has a chance to change a lot in his life. An opportunity arises to prove himself, improve his financial situation, learn something new, but he does not use it. For the simple reason that this opportunity is not like what he is used to. Reminds me of the story of a drowning man, a log floated past him, and he did not grab onto it. Because the log was birch. And he liked acacia. Like this.

Everything we know and can do is all ours life experience is our invaluable capital, but it is he who can become our main enemy, it is he who can prevent us from achieving a better life if we lose flexibility. If an opportunity appears in our field of vision, WE will evaluate it from a position of distrust, suspicion, and criticism. You should also not approach the choice of opportunity lightly, making a decision rashly - this can be fraught. You need to make a decision about choosing YOUR opportunity responsibly. To do this, I can offer you a special technique consisting of five steps, but before we move on to them, I would like to once again draw your attention to a very important thing:

Never turn down any opportunity without considering it carefully and with an open mind. Perhaps this is your chance! You don't know how soon someone else will appear in your life.

5 steps to select an opportunity:

1. Check it against the “map” of your goals. Does this opportunity offer solutions to issues that are important to you? Does it show you the way to improve aspects of your life that you have long wanted to improve? Perhaps it will serve as that very step, the launching pad from where you will step towards the realization of your larger aspirations and goals?

2. Assess the degree of risk. You shouldn't rush into the first adventure that comes your way. You probably remember how many people in the “post-perestroika” period lost money, and sometimes a lot of money, on financial pyramids, trying to “hit the jackpot out of the blue” and get a lot without doing anything. Soberly evaluate the opportunity offered to you, remembering that free cheese is most often found in a mousetrap. On the other hand, don't go to the opposite extreme. There is a fair saying: “He who doesn’t take risks, doesn’t drink champagne.” Risk is an integral part of any change and achievement, and it comes in different forms. There is a reasonable risk, and there is a senseless one. Any person who starts a new business risks to a certain extent, and most often he risks precisely what he should not be afraid of. The most common risk is “what if I don’t succeed.” Because of this virtual risk, many people lose opportunities every day. They lose the chance to change their life, and return to their familiar and hated vicious circle. Thus: in order to make the right decision, the degree of risk must be assessed OBJECTIVELY.

Z. Determine what resources are needed to successfully pursue your opportunity..
And money
Sometimes a person gets down to business without calculating what “infusions” will be required for the development of the project. As a result, it turns out that the business will require more and more investments, and in the absence of necessary funds you have to give it up, time, money, and mood are lost due to your own lack of foresight.

On the other hand, sometimes the amount of investment required to start and develop a business is very small, but a person, having the necessary amount, does not want to part with it. Often, at the same time, he loses much more (without even realizing it), namely, he loses the very OPPORTUNITY to improve his life, and again returns to his “bird in the hand.”

B) Special knowledge and experience.
If the business you are considering is in an area in which you are not an expert, determine whether you will have access to resources and examples of success in the industry.
There is an old proverb: “If you don’t know the ford, don’t go into the water.” Different people interpret it differently. Some carefully avoid everything that does not fit into their usual framework. Such people continue to do the same thing for years, or even decades, while getting the same results that do not suit them. Others readily take on a new task, realizing that if you don’t know the ford, you just need to ask someone who does. This approach is much more useful, and sooner or later it leads to the fact that a person finds his way to everything he dreams of. Therefore, the next step is to decide whether the opportunity in question is OURS.

4. Consult with someone who has experience and SIGNIFICANT RESULTS(this is very important), specifically in the business you are going to do. Ask him questions that concern you in advance, and be sure to get advice regarding the degree of risk and resources. Find out from him what difficulties he had to overcome, what skills he developed, thanks to what qualities he was able to achieve success in a business that promises to bring the fruits you so desire. Please note that this is the person who will be able to give you the most valuable recommendations.

* * * Be careful when listening to advice and opinions from people who are not experts in the field, especially those who have failed. Of the most good intentions they can confuse you, causing pointless and harmful doubts. If one of these well-wishers does gain access to your ears, remember, perhaps, there have been cases before when you achieved greater success in something than they did? Perhaps it has already happened that they gave advice that was not worth following?

Well, let's summarize some results. If you decide that you no longer have the strength or desire to continue to travel the “trodden paths” of the same vicious circle every day. If you realized what exactly you want to change in your life and opened your eyes in search of YOUR opportunity. If something or someone appears in your field of vision, offering you a path to such desired changes, moreover, the degree of risk is low, and your resources are sufficient...

And now, the time has come to move on to consider the issue that literally at this very moment worries almost 90% of the population of our country.

Just twenty years ago, our country had a firmly established system. The state “grew” specialists like cucumbers in a garden.

There was a plan. This year the country needs 2,430 new mechanics, 1,790 mechanics, 684 teachers, 365 engineers, and 81 “cultural workers.” All specialists were provided with work and free medical care. Everyone was paid enough money to “exist” well, and a vacation was guaranteed once a year. The state was responsible for people in exchange for their freedom. Freedom of speech, opinion, creative freedom. Bread cost 20 kopecks, but no one (almost no one) could travel abroad. The sausage was 3 rubles, but any creative expression people were constrained by strict censorship. Everyone (almost everyone) ate the same food and wore the same clothes, and were happy because all this was GUARANTEED.
Then the system was destroyed. Since 1991, the state has ceased to be responsible for people, gradually returning their freedom (which few people knew how to use). Since 1991, everyone has become responsible for themselves. The problem was that over the 70-odd years of the system’s existence, people forgot how to take responsibility for themselves. An even bigger problem was that there were no conditions for “effectively” taking responsibility for oneself.

People were divided into three groups:

The first group are those who managed to take advantage of the created chaos and “make” colossal money from it. Some “broke the bank” by being in the “right place in right time“, others made money from inflation or from the sale of state property, and still others from racketeering, or from deceiving a completely confused population, etc. etc.

The second group is people with an entrepreneurial spirit. They managed to maintain a relatively good standard of living, looking for suitable opportunities in the unstable, constantly changing reality of the destroyed system (they bought something here, sold something there).

The main part of the population belonging to the third group was left with nothing. The vast majority of people had to “plow for pennies”, turning like squirrels in a wheel, in order to simply survive.

For most people, there was NO stable, constant, reliable opportunity to do business, receiving fair remuneration for their work.

A. Bukhtiyarov

How to break out



Chapter 1. Do we want to change something?

“... We have already played this half,

And they only managed to understand one thing:

So that you are not lost on earth -

Try not to lose yourself!..."

from the song by Alexander Gradsky

How many times has it happened that we lie in front of the TV in the evening and watch a movie in which main character Having overcome difficulties, doubts and self-doubt, he achieves incredible changes in his life, becoming rich, happy and respected. Having overcome suffering, emptiness and depression, despite the fact that someone underestimates him and does not believe in his abilities, he achieves his goals. Often such films end with him (the main character) going on a trip on a white ship (or his own yacht), experiencing well-deserved satisfaction from the fact that he COULD do it.

We are lying on the sofa, watching the finale, and a lump is rolling up to our throats (of course, we make every effort necessary so that no one notices this). And in my head I thought: “Damn it! How great everything turned out for him! I would like it too... Cars, yachts, travel... Respect, love, confidence in the future and the well-being of children... I would like it too... Getting rid of boring problems, victories, achievements, a feeling of joy and inner peace... An interesting, rich life, recognition... I would like it your own “happy ending”...

Then we fall asleep. We wake up in the morning, and... everything starts all over again. We again set out on our journey in our vicious circle.

Many people spend most of their lives in a closed circle. A vicious circle is when the first word that comes into our consciousness in the morning is the word “MUST”. I NEED – but I don’t want to. I don’t want to, but I HAVE TO. We need to go to work, but we don’t want to, because work doesn’t bring us satisfaction. I need to send my boots in for repairs, but I don’t want to, because it doesn’t give me any pleasure to continue wearing them. It is necessary to clean the apartment, but there is no particular desire, since the furnishings have not been updated for a long time, and the degree of coziness and comfort does not contribute to the manifestation of motivation to do something in this apartment.

A vicious circle is when we do not live the way we would like. If we are chronically lacking something, something that is important and necessary for us. If we are unhappy with the way we live, and yet month after month, year after year, the state of things remains the same. When our life passes as if in a fog. One day is like another, and we are painfully missing something extraordinary, new, some significant events and positive changes. When such wonderful holidays as birthdays and New Years stop making you happy. Because these dates, like milestones, remind us that ANOTHER YEAR has passed, and again nothing in our lives has changed for the better.

Five key points, the long-term absence or shortage of which indicate to us that we are in a vicious circle: money, time, recognition, improvement and self-realization. Moreover, without “dealing” with the first two, it is very difficult to make up for the lack of the others.

The concept of lack of money is very relative. For some, they are not enough for the basic necessities, and for others, they are not enough to buy an island in the Pacific Ocean. The case when financial income is not enough to satisfy basic human needs is, unfortunately, the most common, and certainly the most offensive. He looks painfully familiar. If, instead of living a bright, fulfilling life, instead of receiving moral, creative and material satisfaction from your activities, instead of giving joy to your children, you have to work from morning to evening so that you do NOT go hungry. So that the family would NOT be undressed. To NOT turn off gas, electricity, telephone. All this looks less like life and more like survival.

Lack of time is also not uncommon, and money shortages often go hand in hand. There is no time to relax with family, chat with friends, or read a book. I'm not even talking about the fact that sometimes you have to give up doing what you love due to lack of both time and money. Every single day it’s either ND (no money) or NV (no time). The child asks to buy him a mobile phone - ND. Go on a picnic - NV. Go to the concert of your favorite “star” - NDNV. Interestingly, the reason for the lack of time, as a rule, is that all of it is spent on earning “little” money. Money that is only enough to NOT starve, NOT to be naked, and a few more “NOTs”.

From time to time, rebellious thoughts arise: “What kind of life is this! How long can you tolerate this?!” But time passes (which is not enough), and one becomes accustomed to this state of affairs. DANGEROUS ADDITION. Watching TV programs about travel and exotic countries, we stop WANTING to go there. We go to expensive stores less and less. We begin to look at beautiful cars “in a pedestrian way” (they say, there are so many of them, there is nowhere to pass). It's a shame that so many people settle for "what is" when the range of what money can buy is simply limitless! When new travel agencies open almost every day! When in Home stores you can buy the most unimaginable things that can improve and decorate our lives, the variety of household appliances is simply amazing, and cars are gradually ceasing to be a luxury! Who is this all for?! After all, just think, having an income of a little more than $1000 per month, literally within a year you can get rid of the burden of “financial tails” (if they are not very large) and take out a car on credit; start saving enough each month to spend time with your family abroad once a year; eat and dress quite well and every two to three months buy something that will increase the pleasure of being in your home (for example: a food processor, microwave oven, vacuum cleaner, etc.)

A fair question may arise here: “Where can I get it, this $1000?” Do you really want this? If your answer is “Yes, very much!”, then I think everything will be fine with you, and through this book I will try to help you as much as possible.

it's possible. Perhaps you are interested in how you can earn moneymore thousands of dollars a month? Well, in this book you can find the answer to this question. Ultimately it all depends on what youtake it from what you read.

Life around us is becoming brighter and more interesting every day, but this brightness may not be for us. If we allow ourselves to come to terms with what is. If we allow ourselves to get used to the routine, to the vicious circle we find ourselves inside. If we don't remember that we want, we have the right And Can live the way we want! If we don’t remember this, then it may happen that nothing will NEVER change. Why? Yes, because when we get used to finding something good in what is, at the same time we stop thinking about how we wanted living, while at the same time ceasing to look for ways to improve our lives, we can get bogged down to such an extent that we are simply unable to see the opportunities that sometimes slowly float past our windows.

There are different types of "vicious circles". It happens that there seems to be money, but you have to work “for it.” When there is no time to take advantage of the benefits that having money provides. Because as soon as you stop, they will immediately disappear.

Sometimes you have to hold on to a “straw” for a long time, seemingly a good income, while feeling that at any moment this straw could break, leaving behind only one question: “What to do now?” There are closed circles in which we chronically feel a lack of prospects or experience pressure and underestimation of us as individuals by our superiors. There are vicious circles of lack of communication and opportunities to express oneself. There are many types of vicious circles, but they all have one thing in common: YOU CAN GET OUT OF THEM. If there is an entrance, there must be an exit somewhere. And in order to find this way out, it is necessary, first of all, to start

Cyclical behavior is familiar to most of us. Have you ever felt like you spend most of your life having the same conversations (frustrating, pointless and destructive) about the same things with the same people? Have you made and broken the same promises to yourself and to others? Have you set but never achieved the same goals? Have you tried to cope with the same problems, habits and destructive patterns and behavior, and as a result, returned to the point where you started or even worse? Have you lost weight and then gained it back? Have you been thrown from a state of elation to depression?

If you say “Yes” to any of the above, then you are a qualified Cyclical Behavior Specialist. Now I must explain why I came up with such a term and its definition.

If you have experience doing the same things in the same way only to be convinced of getting the same undesirable result, then you are not just an expert, but a professional. Perhaps now is the time to get out of this vicious circle where you constantly return to the point where you started. Or, as often happens, even further than the starting line.

The truth is that while most of us know what we should do and why, we often work hard to turn a theory of change into a practice that so many are experts in theory but don't have. successful examples implementation in real life. However, that is the key definition of this lesson: lifelong transformation. Constantly. Forever.

Temporary changes are not what we want, but it is what most of us do. Think about what you have achieved in life and then think about what you have not achieved along the way. You are not alone in this. We all do it, but the question is: how to stop doing it?

Many of us have been on the path to the abyss of doing the same thing for a long time, where we cross our fingers and hope for luck, subconsciously expecting failure because we have done it many times before. If at one level we expect failure, then:

1. Most likely this will happen.

2. It won’t hurt us so much when this happens because we lowered our demands on ourselves and were emotionally ready for it.

How to break out of the vicious circle of Circular Behavior?

Do it differently

Yes, use different approaches. The obvious is not always universal. We love clarity and predictability. Unfortunately, this is not what will give you growth. The number of people who continue to do the same thing is growing, although the expectations for a different result are overwhelming.

Like begets like. Certainly. I know a lot of people who have the same arguments for the same people on the same issues year after year... and then wonder why that person or that situation never changes. Maybe 10 years of screams, tears, disappointments and clashes with this person are a signal for something? Call me crazy. Yes children, it’s true – if you don’t change anything, nothing will change.

Take risks

Security does not lead to miraculous transformations. Security leads to underachievement, frustration, and cyclical behavior. Risk is not recklessness, it means being courageous and doing what you don’t want to do in order to go where most will never reach.

Leave the comfort

Commitment to comfort is undoubtedly a path through a vicious circle of cyclical behavior. If you are in a state of comfort, you will invariably do what is easier, and not what gives results.

De-emotionalize the process

When our emotions control us, we always make worse choices, take counter-productive positions and react inappropriately. There is nothing wrong with being a bit of a strategist, logician and practitioner when needed to plan and create better life for myself. In fact, it is simply necessary.

Start with yourself

The only person you can change is you. Why not start with this? Stop wasting time and energy trying to change other people because the inevitable result will be disappointment (for you) and resentment (for them). Consciously and without emotion, determine and acknowledge what and how you need to change. Everyone has flaws, even you, and that's okay. Now that we have cleared this up for ourselves, let's get down to business.

Be realistic and practical

I am surprised by the number of people who are constantly waiting for something to discipline them. This is great stupidity and delusion. Life doesn't get better, we get better. Getting better results in our lives is our doing. Success doesn't come unexpectedly. We design, create it and live in it. Or not.

Identify your triggers

Identify the things that consistently push you back over the starting line. For example: it would not be best idea for an alcoholic, surround yourself with booze and drunks. It is obvious. By identifying what usually pulls us back (and this will require some humility and honesty), we can then begin to plan and behave accordingly.

Finish what you start

Complete and undiscussed commitment signifies the end of what we started, whatever it is. Why do you always protect and worry about your children? Why don't you just do it whenever the urge arises? Or when you are not very busy? Or are you tired? Because your commitment to this “work” is complete and non-negotiable, that’s why.

There are defaults (rules, beliefs, values, standards) in your central computer that command the children to be cared for in a certain way and are not negotiable. Therefore, the results that you get with your children are linear, not cyclical. It is that they grow, learn, adapt, develop and move forward.

Many of us have unfinished works and projects in many areas of our lives. Total commitment means persevering even when the path is not easy or enjoyable. Even when New Year, and you feel that you can afford to relax and consume several thousand calories that are completely unnecessary for you. (For example)

So now that you've read, understood, and agreed with it, the natural question is... What are you going to do about this?

« Wake up, breakfast, work, lunch, work, dinner, sleep” - this is what the working day looks like for most people. Days, weeks, years go by and you begin to notice that you are running in a vicious circle. What to do? How to break out of this circle? How to change your life?

“If you want to have something you have never had, then you must do something you have never done!” - Jim Rohn said so. Therefore, the conclusion that can be drawn from what has been said is we need to do something different.

Every person is born with three possibilities:

  • To be healthy;
  • To be rich;
  • Be happy.

But for some reason, not everyone becomes like that. What is the reason?

The main reason people don't become rich, happy and healthy is because of their beliefs.

We are all under someone's influence, which shapes certain beliefs in us.

Since childhood, we have been surrounded by parents, teachers, TV, and friends. That is, every day we come across various information and take it for granted. Growing up, according to acquired beliefs, we form certain habits. By repeating these habits day after day, we accordingly get the lifestyle that we have been pursuing for many years.

But, believe me, you and I always have a choice! What house to live in, what car to drive, what countries to vacation in - this is always our choice. Don't believe me? Do you think this is fate?

If you live in a house like in this picture, then you chose this, this is your choice, your beliefs led you to this. After all, if you think that better home You will never have, then this is your belief and you are absolutely right.

Job! What should it be like? “Less work and more salary” - this is the kind of job many people want. If you also want to live by this principle, then you should live your whole life in such a house and travel not by car, but by trolleybus. Cruel? But you yourself chose this life.

Failure does not happen as some isolated, fatal event. It doesn’t happen that one fine morning we suddenly wake up as losers. Failure is the inevitable result of the accumulation of wrong mindsets and wrong decisions. In other words, failure is nothing more than a series of errors in judgment repeated every day.

Don't you like it? Do you want to change your life? Are you tired of endless “running in circles”? If yes, then let's break out of the vicious circle of poverty and failure.

There are two reasons for starting a change.

Firstly, this is despair.

Despair is the final and inevitable result, accumulated over many months or even years of neglect, which brings us to that point in life when we ourselves feel an urgent need to immediately find solutions to the accumulated problems.

Secondly, it's inspiration.

Inspiration can come to us at any time and from many sources. A book can inspire us, just like someone's powerful and moving speech can. The story of a person who achieved success against all odds can awaken strong emotions in us. A spark of desire flares up in us, we begin to mentally go through one possibility after another. In this fleeting moment when inspiration takes possession of our soul, we must take action. Otherwise, having missed this moment, we will again return to a vicious circle.

So, if you decide to change your life, then you need to know and apply several important principles that will help you greatest influence to your health, happiness and bank accounts.

5 long-term principles of Success:

  • Beliefs that define our value system.
  • The only way changing our thinking patterns means introducing new information. How should we expand the boundaries of our knowledge?
  • First, analyze your own past experience.
  • Secondly, learn from the failures and successes of other people.
  • Third, become a good observer and listener.
  • Fourth - read books, watch videos.
  • Fifthly, develop individual rules of discipline and be sure to adhere to them.
  • Attitude to life.
  • Accept your past as life experience. Don't torment yourself for past wrongs, mistakes, failures and losses. Your best future starts in the present moment. However, the prospect of the future is not free. There is a price to be paid for every future reward. The price of the future consists of the rules of discipline, perseverance and a burning desire to make the future better than the past or present.
  • Activity.
  • However, correct beliefs and a positive attitude towards life are not sufficient on their own. Remember, they only represent the foundation on which to build a better future. Action is required to complete the picture. You need to learn everything you can about your business, communicate with people who can help you achieve your goals, develop new plans, and work day after day to make those plans a reality.
  • Result.
  • The result is a reward for those who prudently managed to take advantage of the opportunity that opened up earlier. If the opportunity was missed, then there will be no reward either. If today's achievements seem insignificant, despite the efforts of the last ten, twenty or thirty years of work, then this will be a sure indicator that something needs to change. This means you need to return to the first two principles of success and start working again on your beliefs and attitude towards life. Success must be attracted to oneself, and not chased after it.
  • Life style.
  • Lifestyle is a reflection of who and what we are. Lifestyle means creating ways to make life unique. It is the art of finding new ways to bring joy, satisfaction, excitement and real life values into our lives and into the lives of those we care about. Learn to be happy with what you have right now, otherwise you will never be happy, no matter how great luck I didn’t meet you on your way.

To sum it all up, we can say for sure that the ultimate success or failure depends on three fundamental aspects:

- What do we know;

- How we feel about what we know;

- What do we do with what we know and feel.

However, there is one more fundamental basis that must be mastered, otherwise we will again be running in a vicious circle. This basis can be formulated as follows: “Everything you want is outside your comfort zone.” Therefore, if you really want your life to get better every day, you must constantly go beyond your comfort zone. The worst thing that can happen in a person’s life is a lack of desires and goals.

Remember! The clock is ticking. You are capable of achieving anything you want if you start the process now.

It's easy to achieve success and happiness.

But it is also easy not to achieve it.

It's your choice what to do with your life.

I think many people are familiar with the feeling of pointlessly running around the circle of the circus arena, when you are already tired of this passion, but you cannot escape, because any attempts to get out of the circle return you back... to the circle. There are different types of closed circles: your whole life can be enclosed in it; the circle could have formed in one of the spheres of this life, for example, in money; or maybe you see some specific situation as a vicious circle, for example, negotiations that have reached a dead end. The situation is, of course, unpleasant, but you can always solve it in your favor. This is what I propose to talk about today – how to get out of a vicious circle.

Step one - remove the importance

As long as you are emotionally involved in a situation that has created a vicious circle, your thinking will follow well-trodden paths that suggest despair, anger and others that cannot be called the best advisers. If you want to find a way out of the circle, remove the importance of the situation. This can be done, for example, by withdrawing: perform or simply imagine yourself as a third party for whom the outcome of the situation is not vital. Describe the facts that make up your problem in the form of a problem, and then take the paper and look at it as a task to develop your abilities or just a problem that you would be interested in solving.

As soon as you feel yourself becoming emotionally involved again, put the task aside, walk around the room, and breathe. By stepping back from the vicious circle, you can see already existing exits (doors, windows, holes in the wall) from it - those that were previously obscured by emotions.

Step Two - Use Creative Thinking

Every person is accustomed to thinking in one, two, five or ten ways. Considering that every life problem has hundreds or thousands of solutions, this is very little, you will agree. In order to “teach” your mind to see non-standard ways out of a vicious circle, you need. I advise you to try to solve your situation - if you work well with it, you will get not only a new perspective on the current circumstances, but also new ways to get out of them to another level.

It is also very useful to look at your problem not on a plane, as you are used to, but in volume, that is, in three-dimensional space. Draw three axes, label each of them as one of the three components of your situation. For example, it is not possible to move from employees to entrepreneurs; the components here will be an idea, investments and yourself.

Try to “complete” the cube by finding various solutions, which would satisfy you in all three planes. For clarity, place the most successful solutions in the center of the cube, and less so – below or above.

Step three - don't be afraid of feedback

Very often, in order to get out of a vicious circle, it is enough to hear from another person. Don't be afraid to seek advice from experts in the field where your problem lies, as well as from those around you. Personally, I would advise you to describe your situation to a person you don’t know very well - he is impartial, not involved in a relationship with you, and also communicates in a completely different environment (after all, it has long been known that people who spend a lot of time together begin to think similarly or in the same way) . The opinion of such a person can be absolutely fresh; after taking a clear look at your situation, he is able to come up with a solution in one or two moments that for some reason you haven’t even thought about.

Step four – process and let go

I sometimes resort to the following technique: divide a sheet of paper into two parts. In the left column, write down all the ways out of the vicious circle that you have already tried and which did not pay off. Now in the right column, whether you want it or not, you can or you can’t, you must write at least the same number of new solutions, and it’s better if there are 1.5-2 times more of them. Don't think you can't do this - brainstorming techniques work with absolutely everyone. The main advantage is that when writing solutions in the right column, you are not limited by any ceilings or walls: write down any options there, even those that seem implausible. When you finish writing, put the piece of paper aside and do not return to it or to your problem in your thoughts for several days.

Then read both columns, and, with a 99% probability, you will see there a ready-made and very real solution to get out of the vicious circle. Finally, I suggest you watch a short video:



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