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Angel Gabriel: characteristics, place in the heavenly hierarchy and main references in sacred texts. How does Archangel Gabriel help?

The "Archangel Gabriel" card appears several times. I started looking. It turns out Archangel Gabriel:

Archangel Gabriel is known by different names, such as: Gabriel, Abruel, Serafili, Jibril, Jiburili. The name Gabriel, received by the Archangel from God, means in Russian the Fortress of God or the Power of God.

Archangel Gabriel brought news to Elizabeth and Mary about the upcoming births of their sons - John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth. Archangel Gabriel also dictated the text of the Koran -

spiritual book of Islam - Muhammad. For this, Gabriel began to be called the messenger angel.

Gabriel has long been known as a powerful and powerful archangel, and those who call upon him very soon find themselves pushed into action that is sure to lead to a wonderful result. Gabriel can confidently be called the archangel of action.

Archangel Gabriel has been serving humanity since the creation of life on Earth.

Having called upon Archangel Gabriel once and clearly stated your requests, you can be sure that by your joint work, by your joint efforts, you will certainly complete the task, and it will be much easier and simpler for you to fulfill the goals and objectives that you set for yourself in your spiritual development. Why is it easier? Because, at your request, they will help you find your errors and help eliminate them.

Archangel Gabriel, Fourth Ray of Service, White Ray. This Archangel and Archeya Hope Serve on this Ray - harmony and purity. The name Gabriel means "Annunciation of God and Harmony of God."

Archangel Gabriel has always been one of those Archangels who brought Good News here from higher hierarchical structures and maintained harmony and purity on the planet. The task of Archangel Gabriel is also to protect here the Primordial Purity of the God-Plan, which was embedded in the program of existence of this planet, to maintain here undistorted, purity and purity, harmony, for the fulfillment of the main divine purpose regarding this planet.

Archangel Gabriel and his Archeia maintain, by protecting the purity of relationships, especially the relationship between a man and a woman, relationships with a child. If you need to bring your relationship with your other half into a harmonious state or harmonize your relationship with your child, you can always turn to Archangel Gabriel and Archea Nadezhda for help in clearing your relationship of all negative things, harmonizing these relationships and acquiring purity in them. Archangel Gabriel also helps children, helps new souls who are born here. He helps them, descending into this world, from the moment of conception to manifest the highest qualities of their soul, to manifest best quality the causal body, which carries all the beauty and original divine impeccability of the soul.

From time to time, Archangel Gabriel appears as an Annunciator, bringing Messages from God, but he does this not only through himself and the servants of his Ray.
He also helps everyone who wants to strive and become the Voice of God, and helps when contacting him to communicate with various Saints who have ever manifested themselves on this planet. It helps to ensure this connection, to provide communication to obtain direct contact, direct communication with the Saints and those souls who, while living here, showed purity, harmony and the highest divine qualities through themselves.

source http://star-way.in.ua/light-power/archangel-gabriel.html

I was very surprised, I was also surprised that I was expecting a female form; when reading the card it spoke about femininity, hope, pregnancy. In my opinion, Archangel Gabriel guides me on the true path, on fulfilling my calling. Therefore, it was surprising for me that he harmonizes relationships in relationships with children, and that he leads from the very beginning :). I already have several signs about the completion of a level and the transition to a new one, for me this new one is heralded by the Archangel Gabriel. When I read, watched, I felt such tender, pleasant incredible sensations, I am very grateful, there is gratitude in my heart.

In Christianity, there are many important figures who are truly devoted to the Almighty. The archangels closest to God have miraculous power and have a desire to return lost souls to the true path.

These beings are called upon to fulfill certain roles that are rationally assigned by the Supreme Father. Orthodox man, leading a pious life, always has the right to count on the divine help of Archangel Gabriel, who is one of the highest heavenly messengers.

The role and significance of the Archangel in Orthodoxy

His main task was to deliver good news and knowledge. The Church assumes that the Archangel Gabriel is privy to all the secrets of the Lord, which is demonstrated in the truthful prophecies that the messenger announced. In the heavenly hierarchy he is destined for the highest place of seraphim.

About spiritual life:

Icon of the Archangel Gabriel

In the Holy Scriptures, this heavenly messenger appears as the main defender of humanity from the harmful effects of passions. He is considered a servant of miraculous accomplishments, the owner of sacred knowledge, a messenger of joy and salvation.

About other archangels:

On a note! In Rus', the veneration of Gabriel began immediately after Vladimir baptized the people.

Initially, the Archangel was the patron saint of the capital Kyiv, as stated in the Hypatian Chronicle, created in 1037. These records also tell that when creating the Orthodox monument of the Golden Gate, Yaroslav the Wise asked for blessings from Gabriel and the Blessed Virgin. The first church in Rus', erected in honor of the archangel, saw the light of day in 1413.

Gabriel's Help to Believers

The heavenly messenger has a special favor on the part of the Lord, therefore Orthodox believers have the right to hope for the necessary help.

Researchers believe that the prayer sung by Gabriel himself emits divine radiance and strong vibration. People of those professions that are associated with the dissemination of information (journalists, writers, teachers, etc.) turn to him.

On a note! Church craftsmen with extreme reverence depict on canvas an event that tells the story of the descent of the divine light to the Virgin Mary and the announcement that she will become the Mother of God.

Gabriel is shown in deacon's vestment and with wings, which speaks of unquestioning service and heavenly origin. With his right right hand he performs the blessing of the future Mother of God, and in his left hand there is a spear. In other versions of the paintings, the attributes are: a green branch of the tree of paradise, a lantern with a lit candle, and an all-seeing mirror.

Prayer service rules

The request must be thought out in advance and made with a clear conscience and in clear language.

  1. You should join the heavenly beings by allocating a special place for them in your soul and home altar. You need to get rid of irritating factors in your environment.
  2. The likelihood of receiving an answer increases if you say the prayer out loud and use the name of the Lord, who is in every atom of the Universe.
  3. In order for Gabriel to hear the petition and understand that you really need it, it must be said daily and persistently.
  4. Contact the archangel if you really need help and you can’t handle it on your own. There is no need to bother him over trifles.
  5. Having desired a gift from the archangel and the Almighty, you need to imagine the consequences of its fulfillment in your own imagination. A person must clearly decide whether to ask for it. You should prepare for a “surprise”, since gifts are made up of a combination of good and bad deeds.
Interesting! The most ancient image of Gabriel on the territory of Rus' is considered to be a painting called “Angel of Golden Hair”. Currently, this icon is kept in the museum of St. Petersburg.

Some researchers confirm that the date of writing dates back to the 13th century, but the painting was discovered only in the 20th century. The head of the Archangel is covered with golden hair, to which golden threads are laid, which symbolizes divinity.

Angel Golden Hair. Archangel Gabriel

Days of Praise archangel Gabriel

The Church honors this heavenly messenger three times a year:

  1. The Cathedral of the Archangel Gabriel is celebrated April 8. This celebration follows the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary. The celebration has existed in Israel since ancient times; it was prescribed in the church charter and was accompanied by joyful chants.
  2. The re-celebration of the Council takes place 26 July. There is an assumption that the celebration is connected with the good consecration in honor of Gabriel of the temple in Constantinople, built in the 17th century.
  3. The memory of all heavenly messengers is celebrated November 21. On the same day, all people named Gabriel are glorified.
Interesting! In Byzantium, only the two greatest archangels were revered. Archangel Michael was glorified to a greater extent, and Gabriel was known only in Nazareth. Here a most beautiful temple was erected to the latter, where he announced to Mary the imminent miraculous appearance of the Savior. It was only in the 9th century that Gabriel was given a special date of veneration and several prayer texts were written.

The help of Archangel Gabriel extends to those believers who turn to him with sincere humility.

Video about Archangel Gabriel

Gabriel is revered by Orthodox Christians as the messenger of the coming of the Son of God to earth. The icon of the Archangel Gabriel can become a real defense of your home from troubles, enemies and misfortunes.

The history of the holy image of Archangel Gabriel

Of the entire host of angels, the most famous are two archangels close to God - Michael, who expelled Lucifer from Paradise, and Gabriel, who announced to people about the coming of Jesus Christ. The name of the Archangel itself is translated from Hebrew as “My strength is the Lord.” According to legend, it is Gabriel who knows all the good and evil deeds of people and intercedes for sinners before the Lord, begging them to forgive their sins.

The Gospel text says that Archangel Gabriel also appeared to Zechariah, the priest in the temple, to inform him of the birth of John the Baptist. The most common image of Gabriel is the icon of Our Lady of the Annunciation, which depicts the appearance of the Archangel to the Virgin Mary with the news of the imminent birth of Jesus Christ.

Where is the icon

The most ancient image highest angel Gabriel's "Golden Hair" dates back to the 12th century. The icon was originally discovered in the Moscow Rumyantsev Museum in 1921. Where the ancient image came from in the Russian capital still remains a mystery. After restoration, the icon went to the Tretyakov Gallery, and then to the Russian Museum, where it is currently located.

Description and meaning of the icon

In the icon, Archangel Gabriel is depicted standing on a cloud. In one hand he holds a lantern with a lit candle, and in the other a mirror made of jasper, reflecting human deeds, visible only to the Archangel and God.

The light of the lantern and the mirror are invisibly connected with each other: with their help, Archangel Gabriel can reveal to a person who is pure in heart the secret of the Grace of God. To do this, a person needs to look into a mirror, illuminated by the light of truth and love emanating from the lantern.

How does the icon of the Archangel Gabriel help?

The messenger of God, who announced the birth of the baby Jesus to the Virgin Mary, is first of all addressed to women who want to give birth to a child. It is generally accepted that Archangel Gabriel is able to preserve the health of the expectant mother and gift the baby with true talent from God.

Gabriel is also considered heavenly patron people whose profession is related to the word and the transmission of information: teachers, journalists, writers, poets and historians. Prayers to the Archangel can help you succeed in your business and maintain ardent faith in God and His love.

Gabriel is fair, but has no mercy for hypocrites and liars. That is why people who are betrayed or cruelly deceived by someone turn to the Archangel in prayer. Those who sincerely ask the Messenger of the Lord for help and protection always receive it.

Prayers to the image of Archangel Gabriel

“O holy Archangel, beloved by God, messenger of human salvation, who announced the birth of John and the coming of Christ! I beg you, bearer of justice, to grant the servant of God (name) your protection. Show God's servant (name) the way true faith, in order to atone for sins, voluntary and involuntary, and gain the path to the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen".

This prayer to Archangel Gabriel can protect someone close to you from a fatal mistake and turn them onto the path of kindness and love for the Lord.

"Gabriel, good news immaculate virgin who brought, proclaimed to the Mother of God the glory of the entire human race, I pray you, help me, the servant of God (name) to be filled with goodness and continue the race according to the commandment of my Lord Jesus Christ, who created the world and gave life to every creature on earth and in heaven! I pray to you, O most holy and just Archangel, grant me the good news to hear and rejoice in the justice and love of our God. Amen".

“Gabriel, beloved by God, who sees all human sins and asks for sinners who repent and seek the path to the Kingdom of Heaven! With tears, I pray to you: ask our God to forgive me all my sins, voluntary and involuntary, committed in dreams and in reality, bad thoughts and wicked deeds. Show me, a weak and unworthy servant of God, the path to forgiveness and redemption, so that I can be filled with the light of the Lord’s true love and humbly enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen".

This prayer to the icon of the Archangel Gabriel must be read to atone for sins and change one’s destiny.

What does the holy icon look like?

The most common image of the Archangel Gabriel is an icon where the messenger of the Lord is depicted with a jasper mirror in one hand and a burning lantern in the other. It is believed that this particular icon should be kept in the home of people whose profession is related to information. This image can protect the owner of the house from injustice, failures in work and deception.

Also very common is the icon of the Archangel Gabriel holding white lilies in his hands. These flowers are considered a symbol of spirituality, faith and purity.

In Gabriel's hands, they become both a symbol of the good news and a reminder that only by cleansing your soul from sin can you experience the grace of God's blessing.

In many churches you can find the image of the Archangels Gabriel and Michael. This icon reminds us all of the good deeds of two Archangels close to God. This image is useful to have in the home for those people whose lives are connected with the struggle for justice and judicial activities.

The days of veneration of the icon of the Archangel Gabriel are April 8 and July 26 according to the new style. At this time, prayers for the forgiveness of sins are especially strong, and good wishes close people can protect them from great danger. We wish you peace in your soul and strong faith in God. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

Archangel Gabriel - messenger of God

Ar-khan-gel Gav-ri-il was elected by the State House in order to bring good news to the Virgin Mary, and with Her and all people -what joy about the Incarnation of the Son of God. That's why, on the next day after the Blessing, having glorified the Most Pure Virgin, we bless the State -yes and how-we eat Him according to Ar-khan-ge-la Gav-ri-i-la, after serving the living ta-in-st -she-go spa-se-tion.

Holy Ar-hi-stra-tig Gav-ri-il - servant of the Divine Omnipotence. He proclaimed to the old man about the future incarnation of the Son of God: the inspiration lyated about Mo-and-Sei while writing the book of Genesis; about-ro-ku Da-ni-i-lu announced about the coming destinies of the Jewish people (; ); appeared to the righteous Anna with the news of the birth from her of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary. Holy Ar-hi-stra-tig Gav-ri-il did not step-but was with the holy Ot-ro-ko-vice Ma-ri-ey in Jeru-sa-lim- church and subsequently guarded Her throughout her earthly life. He appeared to the sacred Za-kha-ria, foretelling the birth of the Lord's Lord - John on the Cross. The Lord sent him to Saint Joseph Ob-ruk-ni-ku: he appeared to him in a dream to reveal to him the secret of the incarnation of Sy -on God from the Most Holy Virgin Mary, he warned about Herod’s plans and ordered to flee to Egypt with the Young den-cem and Bo-go-ro-di-cey. When the Lord, before His stra-yes, prayed in the garden of Geth-si-man until the blood flowed , to strengthen Him, according to the Church Pre-da-tion, Ar-khan-gel Gav-ri-il, whose name signifies, was sent from Heaven cha-et "Fortress of God" (). Women-mi-ro-no-si-tsy heard from Ar-hi-stra-ti-ga the good news about the Resurrection of Christ.

Remembering on this day the multiple appearances of the holy Ar-hi-stra-ti-ga Gav-ri-i-la and his zealous worship fullness of the Divine will, exercising his intercession before the Lord about Christ-a-nah, the Right-to- The glorious Church calls upon her children to run with faith and earnestly in prayers to the great An-ge- lu.

; in the house of St. Di-mit-ria of Ro-stov.


Troparion to Archangel Gabriel

Heavenly armies of the Archangel,/ we always pray to you, we are unworthy,/ with your prayers protect us/ with the blood of your immaterial glory,/ preserving us, who fall diligently and cry out:/ from troubles. see us, // as the chief of the Supreme Powers.

Translation: Heavenly armies, we constantly pray to you, unworthy ones, that you protect us with your prayers under the roof of the wings of your immaterial glory, preserving us, who fall diligently and cry: “Deliver us from troubles, as the head of the Highest Powers!”

Kontakion to Archangel Gabriel

Blessed and Honest, and Omnipotent,/ the most innumerable and terrible Trinity,/ you are, Archangel, glorious servant and prayer book,/ now pray unceasingly/ to deliver us from all troubles and torments, and call Rejoice, protection of your servants.

Translation: Blessed, and venerable, and omnipotent, incomprehensible and terrible, you are, glorious Archangel, minister and prayer book. Now pray unceasingly for deliverance from all troubles and torments, so that we may cry out to you: “Rejoice, protection of your servants!”

Kontakion to Archangel Gabriel

Archangel of God, servant of the Divine glory,/ Chief of angels, and teacher of men,/ ask for what is useful to us, and great mercy,// like the Bodiless Archangel.

Translation: Archangel of God, servant of Divine glory, chief of angels and mentor of people, ask for what is useful to us and great mercy, as the Archangel of the Ethereal.

Kontakion to Archangel Gabriel

In Heaven in vain God’s glory / and on earth from on high giving grace, / the chief of the angels, the wise Gabriel, the servant of God’s glory / and peace, Divine champion, / save, keep those that cry out: // Be your own helper, and no one else can help us.

Translation: In Heaven, contemplating the glory of God and giving to earth from Heaven, chief of the Angels, wise Gabriel, servant of God's glory and Divine protector of peace, save and protect those who cry to you: “Be yourselves our helper, and no one is against us.”

Greatness to the Heavenly Orders of the Ethereal

We magnify you,/ Archangels and Angels,/ and all the hosts,/ Cherubim and Seraphim, // glorifying the Lord.

Prayer to Archangel Gabriel

O, holy Archangel of God Gabriel, ever present to the Throne of the Most High, joyful evangelist and zealous hastener of our salvation! With the mercy characteristic of you, accept this song of praise brought to you from us unworthy. Correct our prayers, and bring them, like incense, to the Heavenly Altar of incense; illumine our minds with the light of knowledge of the mysteries of our saving faith; inflame our hearts with love for Christ our Savior, turn and strengthen our desires to the saving path of His Gospel commandments; May we live quietly and piously in this time for the glory of God, and in the future may we not lose the eternal Kingdom of God, even if we receive it, and may we be made worthy of the grace of Christ our God, through the intercession of His Most Pure Mother Tere, Most Immaculate Virgin Mary and your many powerful prayers to the Lord God for us, and yes Let us glorify with you and the other incorporeal powers of heaven and all the saints the One in the Trinity, glorifying God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer to Archangel Gabriel

Oh, holy Archangel Gabriel! We earnestly pray to you, instruct us, servant of God (names), to repentance from evil deeds and to confirmation in our faith, strengthen and protect our souls from seductive temptations and beg our Creator for the remission of our sins. Oh, holy great Gabriel the Archangel! Do not despise us, sinners, who pray to you for your help and intercession, in this time and in the future, but the Helper has always appeared to us, so that we may continually glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the power and your representation in eki centuries. Amen.

Prayer three to Archangel Gabriel

Holy great Archangel Gabriel! Stand before the Throne of God, illuminated by the illumination of the Divine Light, and enlightened by the knowledge of the incomprehensible mysteries of His eternal wisdom! I earnestly pray to you, guide me to repentance from evil deeds and to confirmation in my faith, strengthen and protect my soul from seductive temptations, and beg our Creator for the remission of my sins.
O, holy great Gabriel the Archangel! Do not despise me, a sinner, who prays to you for your help and intercession in this world and in the future, but the helper has always appeared to me, so that I may continually glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the power and your presence ministry forever and ever. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Canon to Saint Archangel Gabriel

Song 1

Irmos: I will open my mouth and be filled with the Spirit, and I will vomit the word to the Queen Mother, and I will appear, brightly triumphant, and I will sing, rejoicing, those miracles.
As the Light exists in the extreme light of immaterial communion, Divine and immaterial, I pray to you, Archangel of the Lord: enlighten my mind with your prayers, as if I praise you.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
Let us today form the face of the Divine, rejoicing, first honoring disembodied minds, announcing the inexpressible joy that came into the world for goodness.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
You are the greatest representative, and to God the intercessor, and the wall, and the affirmation, Gabriel, the possessor, loving you, we get rid of the troubles and harm of the serpent, praising you.
Theotokos: Pure You, the All-Immaculate One, as Gabriel has seen, rejoice! To you, the Lady, cry out brightly, O wicked one, for the salvation of men, the praise of angels and honesty.

Song 3

Irmos: Thy hymns, O Theotokos, living and unenvious Source, spiritually establish the face of yourself, and grant crowns of glory in Thy Divine glory.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
By the communion of the most immaterial Light, as the immaterial is truly, Gabriel, immaterially enlightened, the Light was visible to the second, material people always enlightening, singing to you.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
You have been honored with the greatest blessing, having revealed a great mystery to us, the greatest of the Angels, who took you from the earth to the greatest heights of those who honor you.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
Appear to all from Heaven, who always seek you with love, and cast a storm upon us driven by misfortunes and sorrows, O Gabriel the Archangel!
Theotokos: Telling the ancient hidden sacrament, O Youth, Gabriel sometimes cried to you: Rejoice, chamber of God, dwelling in the nude, adore all men, as you are blessed.
Sedalen, voice 4th. Similar to: Ascended:
You take precedence over the incorporeal servants, before the ages a certain terrible sacrament, to you alone, the glorious Gabriel, trust, the ineffable Nativity of the Holy Virgin, rejoice, proclaiming to Her, Delighted One. In the same way we must, faithfully, please you with joy forever.
Glory is the same now.

Song 4

Irmos: The prophet Habakkuk saw the unsearchable advice of God, from the Virgin of the incarnation of You, the Most High, and called: glory to Your power, O Lord.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
Thou stoodest, with the sacraments of God of old, to Gabriel most miraculously, enlightening the prophet Daniel and setting forth the manifestation of those unknown in spirit.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
With mortal lips we joyfully praise you, being of a fiery nature: extinguish the fire that always scorches us, Divine, Gabriel, through your intercessions.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
We dress ourselves in Divine clothing, shining with unapproachable glory, more than the sun, like the Archangel servants, standing before the Heavenly King, rejoicing.
Theotokos: All of You, purified by the spirit of Gabriel, the All-Immaculate One, having understood, clearly cries out to You: Rejoice, deliverance of the oath and proclamation of the forefathers.

Song 5

Irmos: Everyone was terrified of Your Divine glory: You, the unartificed Virgin, had God in your womb above all and gave birth to a flightless Son, giving peace to all who sing Your praises.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
The mind is enlightened by the sacrament of the first, the second was seen by the Light, calling with countless Angels: Holy Father, Almighty, Son without Beginning, and Spirit Co-Throne.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
Your appearance is fiery, your kindness is wonderful, every thought is terrible, great is the glory, Gabriel the greatest, Divine bodiless ruler, fertilizer for all who faithfully sing of you.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
The Divine One, seeing you standing incense in ancient times, Zechariah, becomes mute: for there is no faith in your terrible proclamation, which you proclaimed, Gabriel the Archangel.
Theotokos: Temple of the sacred being, O All-Immaculate One, through the voice of Gabriel the Archangel, who rests in the saints, you gave birth to the All-Holy God, who sanctifies everything and takes away the fierce.

Song 6

Irmos: This divine and all-honorable celebration, O Divine Wisdom, Mother of God, come, let us clasp our hands and glorify the God who was born from Her.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
The pagans of the earth will not be able to honor you, the luminous and heavenly mind, who is more luminously enlightened than the mind by the ineffable Divine Lordships.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
The dawn of the sun is multi-bright, the fiery servants of the Archangel, with your luminous prayers to the Lady, the singing darkness of passions.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
Destroy the councils of tongues, establish the Orthodox faith, establish church discord, Archangel, to the Creator of all with your prayers.
Theotokos: You are obedient to the Divine verbs, you were pure, you were Gabriel’s, and you gave birth to the Pre-Eternal Word in the flesh, delivering the world from wordlessness.
Kontakion, tone 8:
Blessed, and Honest, and Omnipotent, the most innumerable and terrible Trinity, you are, Archangel, glorious servant and prayer book, now unceasingly pray for us to be delivered from all troubles and torments, and we call to you: Rejoice, protection for your servant.

Song 7

Irmos: Having not served the creation of God’s Wisdom more than the Creator, but, having stood up manfully from the fiery rebuke, I rejoiced, singing: O Lord and God of the fathers, blessed art thou.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
John's Nativity, glorious, you sometimes announced to Zechariah, I stand inside the Divine Temple and sing to the Deliverer and God: revered Lord and God of the fathers, blessed are you.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
The glorious splendor of your temple has brightened, Gabriel, sanctifies the souls of the faithful and commands them to cry out loudly: O Lord and God of the fathers, blessed art thou.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
We enlighten with the sacrament, Archangel, the first Light was secretly, the second Light was truly visible, always singing and enlightening: revered Lord and God of the fathers, blessed art thou.
Theotokos: The Archangel Gabriel was quickly sent, proclaiming joy to You, Pure Virgin Mother, even though sorrow ceased, and the oath was truly unfruitful, and the blessing of prosperity to the faithful forever.

Song 8

Irmos: The pious youths in the cave saved the Nativity of the Theotokos, then what was formed, now in action, raises up the entire universe to sing to You: Sing to the Lord’s deeds, and exalt Him to all ages.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
In sacred words, people sing in sacred words, having fun, for you are the all-guilty Word embodied, which for us, Archangel, who exists from us, invites the Virgin more than mind and words. Moreover, we honor you forever.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
To the great and first immaterial mind, Archangel, united with your fiery lips, sing a terrible song, which all the faces of the angels sing: Sing the works of the Lord, and exalt Him to all ages.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
Blessed by the Divine, you pass through Heaven, as well as earthly ones, fulfilling the sacred desires of Christ, all God, the chief Angels Gabriel, who ever praise you with beauty through faith.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
In the flesh, by hypostasis, the Word is mixed with man, although in your name, forerunner and pre-preparer of the sacred chamber, O sacred Gabriel, sing to the Lord, crying out, and exalt Him to all ages.
Theotokos: Like the throne of the King is red, like the one who predominates all creatures, like the One Who Existed, who made man deified by the union best christmas ineffable and strange, let us praise the blessed Virgin.

Song 9

Irmos: Let every earth-born leap, let us be enlightened by the Spirit, let the nature of the disembodied minds triumph, honoring the sacred triumph of the Mother of God, and let it cry out: Rejoice, All-Blessed One, Mother of God, Pure Ever-Virgin.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
You stand, fearfully serving the throne of Grace, and we shine with bright faces that exist more than the mind, and sacredly adore, and see the Light, and enlightening with faith honoring you, sacred Gabriel the Archangel.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
Like the sky, you see, adorned with stars, Divine lordships, and, like a commander, you hold the bright scepter with your hands and flow across the whole earth, always doing the will of the Lady and taking away the fiercely faithful.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
Calm the fierce barbaric storm that is always raised against your servants, the church rules of discord, grant deliverance to those who sing of you for their sins, and grant victorious to the faithful, Gabriel, through your warm intercession.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, pray to God for us.
Preferred by the two and most glorious, Michael and Gabriel, standing before the throne of Divine glory, ask for the forgiveness of sins and the change of evil for all, as intercession and as the goodness of the Lady in all respects.
Theotokos: The light of the splendor of Thy Nativity has risen, and enlightened the whole sunflower, and destroyed the representative of darkness, All-Pure Mother of God, praise to the Angels and salvation of all men, with unceasing voices praising Thee.

Akathist to Saint Archangel Gabriel

Kontakion 1

Chosen from all the ranks of Angels, the only one worthy of the revelation of the Divine mystery about the incarnation of the Son of God from the Blessed Virgin, flew from the heavenly circles to Nazareth, proclaiming to Her the great: Rejoice, and do not leave us earth-born by Your intercession at the Throne of the Holy Trinity, proclaiming to You: Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought us Great Joy from heaven.

Ikos 1

To the first fiery angel Gabriel, the Most Joyful Messenger, we pray: You yourself instruct and instruct us to glorify and sing praises to you: Rejoice, standing before the Throne of the trisolar light of the Divine. Rejoice, richly radiant with divine lordships. Rejoice, in the Christian race - the banner of the cathedral, for you now we compose a song. Rejoice, those who exist on earth praising you, joyfully rejoice with you. Rejoice, Archangel Gabriel, with everyone heavenly powers rejoicing. Rejoice, assist us all in the pious conduct of our temporary life. Rejoice, you who establish the steps of the path of salvation. Rejoice, as Voevodo holds the bright scepter with his hands. Rejoice, always do the will of the Lord. Rejoice, having become one of three men who visited our forefather, Patriarch Abraham, in the form of three pilgrims. Rejoice, who foretelled to Him the birth of His son Isaac from his barren and decrepit wife Sarah, under the canopy of the Maurian oak. Rejoice, for the sky is adorned with stars by Divine lordships. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought us Great Joy from heaven.

Kontakion 2

Seeing with the combs of faith the spiritual beauty, strength and greatness of your lightning-fast appearance, First Angel of God Gabriel, we, earth-born people, are filled with great joy, surprise and great gratitude to the Holy Trinity, calling with all the Holy Angels: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Give us a bright mind to understand the divine will, wonderful Gabriel, so that we can always walk according to the commandment of the Lord and constantly sing praises to You: Rejoice, you taught the Prophet Moses, who escaped from Pharaoh, to write books in the desert. Rejoice, having told him the world of being, I am the beginning and creation of the first man Adam and the life of him and those who followed him. Rejoice, having told Him and all the previous generations and years about the flood and the division of languages. Rejoice, having taught him to understand the arrangement of the celestial planets and elements and all the wisdom of God. Rejoice, the prophet Daniel understood wondrous knowledge about kings and kingdoms, who later were transformed into various beasts. Rejoice, you who showed Him the time of Christ’s first coming into the world by incarnation from the Most Pure Virgin. Rejoice, for you flow to the whole earth, saving us from troubles and praying for our souls. Rejoice, vigilant guardian God's Church and the church, stop strife. Rejoice, having calmed the fierce barbaric storm that is always raised against your servants. Rejoice, thou who freest the faithful from fierce misfortunes and evils. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought us Great Joy from heaven.

Kontakion 3

Strong in Divine strength, Great Archangel of God Gabriel, do not abandon us who pray to You with faith, omnipotent help in the fight against sin and temptations, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

If you have a great helper and a strong champion of resistance, we pray to you, be our patron in all the paths of our lives, and with thanksgiving we cry to you: Rejoice, thou who hast appeared Saint righteous Anna between the garden trees, she lamented about her barrenness and prayed with tears to God, proclaiming to Her: Anno, Anno, having heard Your prayer and Your sighs passed through the clouds, Your tears hept up before God, saying to Her great joy: Rejoice Anno, behold, conceive and give birth to a daughter most blessed, all the tribes of the earth will be blessed because of her, and through her the salvation of the world is given; her name will be called Mary. Rejoice, the holy righteous Joachim, who fasted in the desert, also announced the birth of a daughter, chosen from centuries to be the Mother of the Messiah, who wants to come to the salvation of the human race. Rejoice, for you were appointed guardian by God for the barrenness of the Virgin Mary. Rejoice, brought into the temple of the Lord, brought food to Her every day. Rejoice, you stand before the throne of Divine glory with all the heavenly powers. Rejoice, thou who reigned with the Archangels for seven weeks over all the heavenly hosts. Rejoice, great-glorious Gabriel, one of the seven Archangels: Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Selafail, Jehudiel, Barahiel, who constantly glorify the Holy Trinity. Rejoice, great and glorious Maiden, together with Michael the Archangel. Rejoice, for those who come running under your roof are a good and kind protector. Rejoice, ask forgiveness of all sins and repentance of evil. Rejoice, Great representative of the goodness of the Lord, who has become like us in everything. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought us Great Joy from heaven.

Kontakion 4

The storm of evil misfortunes, through Your strong intercession, our merciful intercessor, do not leave us helpless in the sorrowful days of everyday trials, singing to all the Creator and God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Seeing Your greatness before the throne of the Most High, all dark force I am terrified of you, light-bringer Gabriel, not daring to do dirty tricks to all who honor Tisitsa: Rejoice, you who calm the storm of immeasurable temptations. Rejoice, bringing faithful souls into the Kingdom of Heaven, who heartily honor Thee with love. Rejoice, appear to Saint Zechariah, standing at the right hand of the altar of incense. Rejoice, for bringing His good news the solution to the infertility of Elizabeth, his wife, who had become immature in her days. Rejoice, for the birth of John the Baptist, the tongue of the unbeliever is bound with muteness until the time of the fulfillment of his words. Rejoice, O Divine One, for when you are seen standing incense in ancient times, Zechariah is mute. Rejoice, having enlightened Him, who did not believe Your terrible announcement, which You spoke to Gabriel the Archangel. Rejoice, you gloriously proclaimed the Nativity of John to Zechariah inside the divine temple. Rejoice, having held back the hand of Saint Simeon the God-Receiver, who labored in rewriting the Holy Books and wanted to correct the word “Virgin”, conceive in the womb and write “Woman”. Rejoice, you who enlightened the doubting old man and assured Him of the truth of the words written. Rejoice, you who proclaimed to Him: you will not see death until you meet Christ the Lord. Rejoice, thou who hast revealed to us the divine since the beginning of time great secret. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought us Great Joy from heaven.

Kontakion 5

The guiding stars of the All-Blessed and Most Holy Souls of the Archangel Gabriel of God and all the other Holy Guardian Angels with him and all the Angels and all the heavenly ones, the most honorable rank will take out those coming Holy Trinity and illuminated by the light of the ever-present glory, constantly glorifying Her name, we resort to you with faith and hope. Intercede for us at the Throne of the Lord Almighty with your chief, the first angel Gabriel, singing to the eternal King of glory: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing You, shining among the nine ranks of Angels, like the great light of the Archangel Gabriel, we pray to You: illuminate us with the light of the radiance of Your glory singing to You like this: Rejoice, having been sent from God to Nazareth and presented to the Most Pure Virgin, who was betrothed to the righteous Joseph to announce to Her the conception of the Son of God by the overshadowing and action of the Holy Spirit taking place in her. Rejoice, you appeared to the holy elder Joseph in a dream, assuring Him about the unskilled young woman, as if there was something conceived in Her from the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, shepherds who keep watch at night over your flock: I bring you good news of great joy, for today the Savior was born. Rejoice, with the multitude of heavenly armies you sing: Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Rejoice, those who accompanied the holy flight into Egypt from the murder of Herod. Rejoice as you guard the holy and upon your return to the city of Nazareth. Rejoice, you who accompanied the Holy Family to the Temple of Jerusalem on the feast of Easter. Rejoice, you who served the twelve-year-old boy Jesus with fear and trembling. Rejoice, you who stood before Him invisibly with the heavenly powers at the Baptism of the Lord. Rejoice, you who served the Lord in the desert in the temptation of the enemy with the angelic armies. Rejoice, sent from heaven to the Garden of Gethsemane to Christ the Savior before His free suffering. Rejoice, to those who pray in Vertograd, tenderly your name, Gabriel, it is interpreted as “the strength of God” and you strengthened Him, as if you had in your other ministries this too, which you can strengthen in your struggles. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought us Great Joy from heaven.

Kontakion 6

The whole Christian world preaches your great glory and service, all the holy Archangels and Angels and all the heavenly powers standing at the terrible Throne of the Holy Trinity, constantly singing, calling and saying: Holy, Holy, Holy! We, sinners on earth, cry out with mortal lips: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Lifting up the whole earth with Your heavenly Light, ever since you flew from the heavenly circles to blessed Nazareth, the most joyful Archangel Gabriel, and you appeared unartifically with the Archangel’s greeting: Rejoice, full of grace, the Lord is with You, and we sinners, rejoicing in this heavenly news, we cry out with joy and gladness: Rejoice, you who call with the countless Angelic ranks: Holy is the Father Almighty, the Son is without beginning and the Spirit is co-existent. Rejoice, through the communion of the first light we enlighten; the second light was visible. Rejoice, having a fiery appearance and wonderful kindness, every thought is terrifying. Rejoice, great Glory - Gabriel, the greatest Divine Ethereal commander. Rejoice, fertilizer for all who faithfully praise Thee. Rejoice, placing quiet joy in the hearts of all who love the Lord and their Creator. Rejoice, the pagans of earth will not be able to honor the luminous and heavenly mind. Rejoice, enlightening with faith those who honor you. Rejoice, kind and faithful mentor and leader in our earthly journey. Rejoice, Great Protector and Patron of all who honor the mistress of the world and fervently pray to her. Rejoice, we brightly enlighten the mind with the ineffable Divine Lordships. Rejoice, with Thy luminous prayers to the Lady, singing Thy darkness of passions. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought us Great Joy from heaven.

Kontakion 7

Although the merciful Lord will save all people from the attack of the enemy, the ambassador of the holy Angels to serve people, you are the first intercessor and representative for us, the chief of the Angels, the Divine Gabriel. For this reason, we call more gratefully to the Lord Almighty: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

Although the salvation of all, our good intercessor, you grieve and lament for those who do not fulfill the commandments of God and thereby deprive themselves of eternal joy with all the saints in the Kingdom of Heaven. Help us, O our Great Intercessor life path ours and save all those who cry out to you: Rejoice, you who accompany the Lord and sympathize with Him in all the ways of His passions. Rejoice, looking with fear and trembling at the cross of your crucified Lord Jesus. Rejoice, you appeared to the holy myrrh-bearing women, sitting on the tomb stone, proclaiming Christ’s rising from the tomb. Rejoice, be the first to proclaim this Great joy to the Holy Virgin Mary. Rejoice, crying out to Her, Pure Virgin, Rejoice, Your Son has risen three days from the grave. Rejoice, who was the evangelist of the birth of the Lord at the conception of the Lord. Rejoice, you appeared to be the herald of His Resurrection. Rejoice, sacredly praised and visible to the light. Rejoice, most joyful of all the angels of God. Rejoice, you who brought the joy of all joys into the world. Rejoice, sacred hymns the sacred people sing with joy. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought us Great Joy from heaven.

Kontakion 8

A strange and terrible miracle is happening today in the voice of the Archangel. God descended to earth and became incarnate from the Virgin for the salvation of all people, and to Him we all call: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Your whole appearance is kind and fiery, and Your singing is terrible, Holy Archangel Gabriel, the closest servant of the Holy Trinity, You alone accept Her mystery, having been the guardian of the Holy Virgin of the Eternal Council, having served Her in awe and the first to worship the Savior God, visible to you in Her womb, for this reason is commendable We offer singing to Ty: Rejoice, the glorious splendor of Your temple brightly illuminates the souls of the faithful. Rejoice, you warm the hearts of all those who strive to pray in the temple of God for fiery and fervent prayer to the Lord. Rejoice, we enlighten with the communion of the Archangel of the First Light. Rejoice, the second light was truly visible. Rejoice, always enlighten those who sing to You. Rejoice, advice is the most ruinous. Rejoice, you who have established the Orthodox faith. Rejoice, you who have put an end to church strife. Rejoice, having set forth the vacillations of Hagaryan Your flock and save everyone faithful people Yours. Rejoice, O sanctified Gabriel, in the flesh and hypostasis you foretold the word to men in Your name, forerunner and in advance of the sacred payment. Rejoice, you foretold Great joy to us, Archangel. Rejoice, you who exist from us invite the Virgin, above all mind and words, to sing strangely. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought us Great Joy from heaven.

Kontakion 9

All foreigners and Orthodox Christians are worthy to wear Your Sacred and the Glorious Name, they tremble and revere the joy of having such a great prayer book and representative at the Throne of the Most High, to whom You, O Archangel of God, unceasingly sing the Trisagion hymn: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The florid tongue does not suffice to utter all Your glory in heaven, the holy Archangel of God Gabriel, who surpasses in glory and honor all the ranks of heaven, standing before the throne of all, begging His goodness of mercy for the people who honor You, crying out to you: Rejoice, fiery servants of the Archangel. Rejoice, standing before the terrible throne, servant of grace. Rejoice, Gabriel, commander of angels and teacher and intercessor of men. Rejoice, beauty of those who always praise You through faith. Rejoice, you are covered with divine blessings. Rejoice, enlightening my mind with Your prayers. Rejoice, you who announced the indescribable joy that came to the world for goodness. Rejoice, those who love and praise Thee are delivered from the troubles and harm of the serpent. Rejoice, we enlighten the immaterial Light, the second one was visible. Rejoice, material people who always sing and enlighten you. Rejoice, we honor You with the same throughout all ages. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought us Great Joy from heaven.

Kontakion 10

To save the human race, the eternal Council of the Holy Trinity chose You, Archangel Gabriel, to serve this most terrible mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God, but you, as a faithful servant of the will of God, always sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

The wall is strong for all who resort to Your intercession and help, Archangel of God, our constant guardian from enemies visible and invisible, who contrive at every step to destroy us and always seek our eternal destruction, but protected by the roof of the wings of the immaterial Thy Glory and by Your intercession before the Lord, we cry out with thanksgiving To you: Rejoice, you have been granted the greatest blessing. Rejoice, resting quiet joy in your heart, fiery heavenly messenger to all who love the Lord and Creator. Rejoice, by the illumination of light that exists more than the mind. Rejoice, beauty of those who always sing and praise you. Rejoice, having revealed to us a great mystery, greatest of angels. Rejoice, who promised His second coming to the world after the Ascension of the Lord. Rejoice, who were taken by the image from the earth to the Greatest height, the great ones who honor Thee. Rejoice, having cast a storm upon us driven by misfortunes and sorrows. Rejoice, first of all, the ineffable Nativity of the Holy Virgin was entrusted to you alone, the most glorious Gabriel. Rejoice, let us also please you with joy. Rejoice, in the Old and New Testaments the Holy Church remembers numerous appearances and Your unceasing intercession to God. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought us Great Joy from heaven.

Kontakion 11

Constantly lifting up divine singing to the Most Holy Trinity, the Holy Archangel Gabriel, with all the heavenly powers, encouraged to glorify Thee for the multitude of Thy mercies to the Christian race with a song of praise: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Enlightened by the Light of the Holy Trinity, like the unsetting sun, you shine in the glory of the unapproachable light and enlighten us with the light of Your Divine Glory, so that we can sing to You like this: Rejoice, more than the sun we put on the Divine robe with the unapproachable glory shining. Rejoice, mortal lips, you are a joyfully fiery being, we praise you. Rejoice, who takes us away from the fire that always scorches us through the Divine Gabriel of Your intercessions. Rejoice, O Archangel of the servants of the Heavenly King, you stand rejoicing. Rejoice, on the Mount of Olives, the most pure Virgin Mary prayed warmly, appearing to announce the honest migration that has approached Her and from earthly to heavenly. Rejoice, that you may give Her heavenly, Luminous, fragrant health, and the Holy Apostle John carried the tomb of the Mother of God in front of her. Rejoice, after Her Honorable Dormition she was carried by the holy Apostles for burial throughout Gethsemane, punish by beheading the hands of the Jew Athos, for his daring trick. Rejoice, during the meal of the holy Apostles you surrounded the Mother of God who appeared to them after Her Assumption with all the heavenly powers. Rejoice, you who freed the Holy Apostle Peter from prison bonds and iron chains. Rejoice, the guards who brought Him out from prison, and came with him for one stage and became invisible. Rejoice, all faithful Christians ambulance and intercession. Rejoice, who delivers from troubles and circumstances the love of those who honor Thee. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought us Great Joy from heaven.

Kontakion 12

Having great grace from the Lord, ask us for this grace too and accept our prayers as a tribute offered to You and drive away from our souls all evil thoughts and all slander, his avenger, and make us with a pure heart worthy to sing a song of praise to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Chanting Your Divine service of the Holy Trinity, we praise You, all Your faithful servants, Our patron saint and warm intercessor, do not leave us here in our earthly journey and there be our strong and mighty intercessor on the day of the Last Judgment of God, who cry out to You like this: Rejoice, through Your prayers the remission of sins is accepted by the love of those who honor Thee. Rejoice, the people of God are awakened to zeal and always flow more warmly to the intercession and help of such an intercessor and benefactor for the human race. Rejoice, invisibly protecting the sick and helpless. Rejoice, O good comforter of the orphans and the oppressed. Rejoice, luminous Gabriel, with Your warm intercession intercede for us a blessed death, appearing to us all from heaven as a warm intercessor. Rejoice, at the hour of our departure, appear to us bright and joyful, and deliver our souls from evil demons and protect us. Rejoice, igniting the lack of our good deeds through Your Almighty intercession before the Lord. Rejoice on the day Last Judgment begging the righteous judge for pardon and the salvation of our souls. Rejoice, our Great Intercessor for our establishment in the Kingdom of Heaven in the endless blissful joy of eternal peace. Rejoice, great Archangel Gabriel, who brought us Great Joy from heaven.

Kontakion 13

Oh, Light-Bearing, All-Joyful Archangel Gabriel, accept this song of gratitude from us and do not leave us falling to Your mercy. Be our helper and great intercessor throughout our entire life and at the end of our death, save us from eternal torment who sing forever: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Prayer to Saint Archangel Gabriel

Oh, Holy Archangel of God Gabriel! Ever stand before the throne of the Most High, joyful evangelist and zealous helper of our salvation! Kindly accept from us, unworthy of you, this song of praise brought to you. Correct our prayers and, like incense, lift them up to the heavenly incense altar. Illuminate our minds with the light of the Orthodox faith, inflame our hearts with love for Christ our Savior, convert and strengthen our desires on the saving path of the Gospel commandments. May we live quietly and piously in this time for the glory of God, and in the future may we not be deprived of the Kingdom of Heaven, which we may receive by the grace of Christ our God, through the intercession of His Most Pure Mother, and by your many-powerful prayers, and may we glorify with You and other incorporeal forces of Heaven and by all the saints of the One God glorified in the Trinity: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Did you know that Archangel Gabriel is found in Judaism, Christianity and even Islam? His name is interpreted as “The Almighty is my strength.” It is this Archangel who is revered as one of the closest to God, therefore, by turning to Gabriel with a prayer, you enlist the support of one of the most strong defenders humanity.

In the article:

Saint Archangel Gabriel in Judaism

This celebration has a very long and rich history. There are many signs associated with this day. For example:

  • if the weather is dry on July 26, then you need to wait for a rich harvest and a dry autumn;
  • if the weather was rainy on July 26, then the harvest will be meager and you will be hungry all season;
  • On April 8, the bird cherry tree turns green - it’s time to plant early potatoes;
  • frosts on April 8 - a long and cold spring.

People believed that on this day it was worth making wishes. Since the angel wanders among ordinary people and listens to their wishes. If the dream is bright and sincere, then it will definitely come true.

That day, at dawn, the man went outside and looked at the weather. If the sunrise was bright, then snow was no longer expected and the sleigh could be hidden.

The women had to finish the yarn before this day. Because people believed that the housewife who violated this rule would lose everything.

Iconography of Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel appears before us in the guise of beauty young man, with a neem shining above his head, and beautiful wings behind his back.

Archangel Gabriel with lily

There is another image of him, preserved only in the earliest drawings. On them, the assistant of the Almighty is immortalized in a long robe, but he does not have wings or the usual halo. Similar drawings can be found in the catacombs of Priscilla in Rome.



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