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Poverty is not a vice Gordey Karpych butts characteristic. Gordey karpych ends. Problems raised by Ostrovsky

The famous play “Poverty is not a vice” was written by the wonderful writer Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky in 1953. And exactly a year later this work was published as a separate book. It is known that Ostrovsky’s comedy was a success, so in 1854 it was staged on the stages of the Moscow Maly and Alexandria theaters. The author himself did not expect such success. Let's briefly consider the features of this comedy.

In contact with

History of the play

Alexander Ostrovsky planned to write his new work in mid-July 1853, but was able to fulfill his plan only at the end of August. The author conceived a plot in which there should have been only two acts. But during writing, Alexander Nikolaevich changed not only the structure of his book, but also the name. When its writing was finished, when reading it there was unexpected and huge success, which stunned even Ostrovsky himself.

Important! The original title of Ostrovsky’s work is “God Resists the Proud.”

Meaning of the name

The title of the play allows us to see that, despite the fact that there is no justice in the world in which the main characters live, love can still exist. The world of the Russian worker is beautiful, its holidays and rituals are beautiful. But at the same time, the Russian people are starving and live their lives in poverty, from which they cannot get out. The workers are completely dependent on their boss, who is rude and rude. First place comes not spiritual values, but wealth, and this is the main vice of humanity.

Problems raised by Ostrovsky

The writer Ostrovsky raises many problems in the play “Poverty is not a vice,” but the main one is the confrontation between the individual and the environment.

If a person is poor, then often many of the values ​​of this world pass him by. He turns out to be unhappy in love, and difficulties arise constantly on his way.

But money cannot bring happiness either. You cannot love for money or be friends, as this will still turn into hatred.

But relationships with a person often develop because of how rich he is. Unfortunately, mental and moral qualities recede into the background.

The idea of ​​the play “Poverty is not a vice”

Alexander Nikolaevich in the play perfectly describes how money influences a person, how quickly he begins to obey it, putting it first, and forget about what surrounds him, even about his family and friends. But Ostrovsky shows that, having enormous power over people, they are still powerless. And this idea is proven in the story of Lyubov Gordeevna, who was able to defend her love, although both she and Mitya had to go through trials.

Plot feature

A feature of the plot as a whole is the disclosure of the main, main problem through the conflict of the play. According to the writer, the older generation is trying to completely subjugate adult children. They do not think about the happiness of the younger generation, but only trying to increase their wealth in. Love means nothing in their value system.

Important! Ostrovsky shows not only the conflict between generations, but also the tyranny of people who have money.

The comedy is structured as follows:

  1. The plot in which the young and poor clerk Mitya confesses his feelings to Lyuba.
  2. The climax in which Lyuba's father wants to marry his daughter to a rich manufacturer.
  3. The denouement in which the reader constantly hears Lyubim's monologue, and the lovers receive parental blessing.

Characteristics of the characters

Play Poverty is not a vice Ostrovsky

Ostrovsky has few characters, but all of them are necessary in order not only to understand the content, but the writer is trying to make fun of stupidity and ignorance of society, headed by money.


  • Tortsov Gordey Karpych, rich merchant.
  • Pelageya Egorovna, wife of Tortsov.
  • Lyuba, their daughter.
  • We love Tortsov, the brother of a rich merchant.
  • Korshunov Afrikan Savvich, manufacturer.
  • Mitya, clerk.

Many expressions of Ostrovsky’s heroes have firmly entered our speech and become popular. And this happened because the language of the characters in Ostrovsky’s work is expressive, flexible, bright and rich. An apt word or expression has been chosen for everything.

Lyubov Gordeevna: description and brief description

Ostrovsky created several female characters in his literary work “Poverty is not a vice,” denouncing people who have wealth. One of them is Lyuba, who grew up in a merchant family, but suddenly unexpectedly fell in love with Mitya. The guy is poor and serves as a clerk for her father.

Note! The girl herself is well aware that Mitya is not suitable for her as a groom, since he is not her equal in terms of wealth and position in society.

And the father, Gordey Tortsov, had long ago chosen the groom he liked. Chance decides Lyuba's fate and gives her the opportunity to be happy with the one she loves. All the father's plans collapse, and the marriage with the unloved groom did not take place.

The first action takes place in Tortsov’s house, where Mitya is reading a book, and Yegorushka tells him the latest news. The clerk tried to work, but all his thoughts were about his beloved.

But then Pelageya Egorovna came, complaining about her husband. According to her, after a trip to Moscow, he stopped loving Russian and began to drink a lot. And he even conceived his own daughter to marry in Moscow give away.

And Mitya told his story to Yasha. He is forced to work in Tortsov's house, since his beloved lives here. But he is the only son of a poor mother, to whom he gives all his salary. And he could get more if he went to Razlyulyaev, but he cannot leave Lyubasha.

But soon the cheerful Razlyulyaev appears, with whom the young people begin to sing. Suddenly, right in the middle of the song, Tortsov appears in the room. He starts yelling at Mitya and then drives off again. After his departure, girls enter the room, among whom is Lyubov Gordeevna.

Soon Mitya and Lyuba Tortsova are left alone in the room. The clerk reads the poems he composed for her. After listening to the life story of Lyubim Tortsov, Mitya reads a note from Lyuba, where the girl confesses her love to him.

The second act takes the reader into the living room of Tortsov’s house, where it is already dark. Lyuba confesses to Anna Ivanovna that she loves Mitya. Soon the clerk appears and decides to confess his love. The young people decide to inform Tortsov about this tomorrow and ask for his blessing.

When Mitya leaves, girls appear, having fun, singing songs and telling fortunes. The mummers also appear. At this time, Mitya kisses Lyuba, but Razlyulyaev is dissatisfied, since he himself was going to marry the girl, because he had money. But then Tortsov unexpectedly appears again. He came home with Korshunov, whom he constantly fawns over. Having driven away the guests, he apologizes for his uneducated wife. Korshunov gives Tortsov’s daughter earrings with diamonds.

Tortsov informs the family that he is going to move from the district town to Moscow. After all, he had already found his son-in-law there, with whom they had already agreed on the wedding. Mother and Lyuba against such a decision of the father, they cry and ask not to destroy the young girl. But Tortsov doesn’t even want to hear anything.

The third act begins in the rooms where preparations for the daughter’s wedding have been underway since the morning. Mitya decided to go to his mother and came to say goodbye, but he himself could barely hold back his tears.

The young man, hearing that Pelageya Egorovna was against marriage with a bad person, reveals a secret that they are in love. Soon the girl appears. The hour of farewell comes when they both cry.

In desperation, Mitya offers to secretly bless them, and then they can go together to his mother, where they can get married in peace. But no one can go against their father’s will, because it is sinful. The young man, having accepted the girl’s decision, leaves sad.

Korshunov tries to explain to Lyubasha what happiness awaits her with a rich husband. But then Lyubim Karpych appears, who not only disperses the guests, but also demands that the old debt be returned. A scandal arises, and in a fit of anger Gordey Karpych, considering himself insulted, gives consent to the marriage of Mitya and Lyuba.

The play “Poverty is not a vice” - summary

Poverty is not Ostrovsky’s vice - analysis, content, plot


Ostrovsky ends his work with the triumph of good and the punishment of vice. It is the wedding of the main characters that proves the title that poverty cannot be a vice, and the main vice is the callousness of human souls and the thirst for wealth.


Gordey Karpych Tortsov, a rich merchant.

Pelageya Egorovna, his wife.

Lyubov Gordeevna, their daughter.

We love Karpych Tortsov, his brother, who wasted money.

African Savich Korshunov, manufacturer.

Mitya, Tortsov's clerk.

Yasha Guslin, Tortsov's nephew.

Grisha Razlyulyaev, a young merchant, the son of a rich father.

Anna Ivanovna, a young widow.

Masha, Lisa) friends of Lyubov Gordeevna.

Egorushka, a boy, a distant relative of Tortsov.

Arina, Lyubov Gordeevna's nanny.

Guests, guests, servants, mummers and others.

The action takes place in a provincial town, in the house of the merchant Tortsov, during Christmastide.

Act one

Small clerk's room; there is a door on the back wall, a bed in the corner to the left, a wardrobe to the right; there is a window on the left wall, a table near the window, a chair near the table; near the right wall there is a desk and a wooden stool; there is a guitar next to the bed; There are books and papers on the table and desk.

First appearance

Mitya walks back and forth around the room; Yegorushka sits on a stool and reads “Bova Korolevich.”

Yegorushka (is reading).“My lord, father, glorious and brave king, Kiribit Verzulovich, now I don’t have the courage to marry him, because when I was in my youth, King Guidon wooed me.”

Mitya. What, Yegorushka, are our houses?

Yegorushka (presses his finger on the place where he reads, so as not to make a mistake). Nobody here; went for a ride. Gordey Karpych is alone at home. (Is reading.)“That’s what Kiribit Verzulovich told his daughter...” (Pinches with his finger.) Only so angry that it’s a disaster! I've already left - everyone is swearing. (Is reading.)“Then the beautiful Militrisa Kirbitevna, calling to her servant Licharda...”

Mitya. Who is he angry with?

Yegorushka(squeezes again). To my uncle, to Lyubim Karpych. On the second holiday, Uncle Lyubim Karpych dined with us, during dinner he got drunk, and began to throw out different knees, but it’s funny like that. I’m funny, it’s painful, I couldn’t stand it, I burst into laughter, and that’s all, looking at me. Uncle Gordey Karpych took this as an insult and ignorance, became angry with him, and drove him away. Uncle Lyubim Karpych took it and, in retaliation against him, disobeyed him, went with the beggars and stood at the cathedral. Uncle Gordey Karpych says: he put the whole city to shame, he says. Yes, now he is angry with everyone indiscriminately who comes to hand. (Is reading.)“With the intention of coming under our city.”

Mitya (looking out the window). It seems that ours have arrived... So it is! Pelageya Egorovna, Lyubov Gordeevna, and the guests with them.

Yegorushka (hides the fairy tale in his pocket). Run upstairs. (Leaves.)

Second phenomenon

Mitya (one). What a melancholy, Lord!.. It’s a holiday on the street, everyone has a holiday in the house, and you sit within four walls!.. I’m a stranger to everyone, no relatives, no friends!.. And then there’s... Oh, come on! It’s better to get down to business, maybe the melancholy will pass. (Sits down at the desk and thinks, then starts singing.)

Her beauty cannot be described!..

Black eyebrows, cloudy eyes.

Yes, with drag. And just like yesterday in a sable coat, covered with a scarf, walking away from mass, so this... ah!.. I think so, such beauty has never been imagined! (Thinks, then sings.)

So where was this beauty born...

Well, work will come to mind here! I wish I could still think about her!.. My soul was tormented by melancholy. Oh you, woe-sorrower!.. (She covers her face with her hands and sits silently.)

Pelageya Egorovna enters, dressed for winter, and stops at the door.

The third phenomenon

Mitya and Pelageya Egorovna.

Pelageya Egorovna. Mitya, Mityenka!

Mitya. What do you want?

Pelageya Egorovna. Come and see us this evening, my dear. Play with the girls and sing songs.

Mitya. Very grateful. I will consider it my first duty, sir.

Pelageya Egorovna. Why should you sit in the office all alone? Not much fun! Will you come in, or what? Gordey Karpych will not be at home.

Mitya. Okay, sir, I'll definitely come in.

Pelageya Egorovna. He’ll leave again... yes, he’ll go there, to this, to his own... what’s his name?..

Mitya. To Afrikan Savich, sir?

Pelageya Egorovna. Yes Yes! I imposed myself, God forgive me!

Mitya (giving a chair). Sit down, Pelageya Egorovna.

Pelageya Egorovna. Oh, no time. Well, I’ll sit down a little. (Sits down.) So here you go... such a misfortune! Really!.. We became friends, so what? Yes! What a deal! What for? What's the point? Please tell me! He is a violent and drunk man, African Savich... yes!

Mitya. Maybe Gordey Karpych has something to do with Afrikan Savich.

Pelageya Egorovna. What's going on! There is no business. After all, he, Afrikan Savich, drinks everything with aglicin. There he has aglichin at the dilekhtor factory - and they drink it... yes! But ours has no trace with them. How can you talk to him? His pride alone is worth it! I, he says, have no one to keep company with, everything, he says, is a bastard, that’s it, you see, men, and they live like men; and that one, you see, is from Moscow, more everything is in Moscow... and rich. And what happened to him? But suddenly, my dear, suddenly! Still, he had some sense. Well, we didn’t live luxuriously, of course, but still in such a way that God forbid everyone; But last year I went on vacation and took it over from someone. I adopted it, I adopted it, they told me... I adopted all these things. Now everything Russian is not nice to him; I get along with one thing - I want to live in the present way, to be involved in fashion. Yes, yes! .. Put on a cap, he says! Ugh! Well, go with him! Yes! I haven’t drunk before... really... never, but now they’re drinking with African! He must be drunk (pointing to his head) and got confused. (Silence.) I really think it’s his enemy who’s confusing him! How to have no sense!.. Well, if only he was young: for a young man it’s all about dressing up, and all this is flattering; but he’s under sixty, dear, under sixty! Right! What is fashionable for you and what is current, I tell him, changes every day, but our Russian custom has lived on from time immemorial! The old people were no more stupid than us. But how can you even talk to him, given his cool character, my dear?

Mitya. What should I say! A strict man, sir.

Pelageya Egorovna. Lyubochka is now in a real time, it is necessary to settle her, but he gets along with one thing: there is no equal for her... no, no!

Mitya. Maybe Gordey Karpych wants to extradite Lyubov Gordeevna to Moscow.

Pelageya Egorovna. Who knows what's on his mind. He looks like a beast, he won’t say a word, as if I’m not his mother... yes, really... I don’t dare say anything to him; unless you talk to a stranger about your grief, cry, vent your soul, that’s all. (Rises.) Come in, Mitenka.

Mitya. I'll come, sir.

Guslin enters.

The fourth phenomenon

Same with Guslin.

Pelageya Egorovna. Well done again! Come, Yashenka, to sing songs with us upstairs with the girls, you are a master, and bring your guitar.

Guslin. Well, sir, this is not difficult for us, but also, one might say, a pleasure, sir.

Pelageya Egorovna. Well, goodbye. Go take a nap for half an hour.

Guslin and Mitya. Farewell, sir.

Pelageya Egorovna leaves; Mitya sits down at the table, saddened; Guslin sits on the bed and takes the guitar.

Fifth appearance

Mitya and Yasha Guslin.

Guslin. What a crowd there was for skating!.. And there were yours. Why weren't you there?

Mitya. Why, Yasha, I was overcome with sadness and sadness.

Guslin. What kind of melancholy? What do you have to worry about?

Mitya. How can you not bother? Suddenly the following thoughts come to mind: what kind of person am I in the world? Now my parent is old and poor, I have to support her, but with what? The salary is small, from Gordey Karpych all the insults and abuse, and he reproaches everyone with poverty, as if it were my fault... but he does not increase the salary. I would look for another place, but where can you find him without meeting him? Yes, I must admit, I won’t go to any other place.

Guslin. Why don't you go? Life is good with the Razlyulyaevs - they are rich and kind people.

Mitya. No, Yasha, not a hand! I’ll endure everything from Gordey Karpych, I’ll be in poverty, but I won’t go. This is my plan!

Guslin. Why is this so?

Mitya (rises). Well, there is a reason for this. Yes, Yasha, I still have grief, but no one knows that grief. I didn’t tell anyone about my grief.

Guslin. Tell me.

Mitya (waving his hand). For what!

Guslin. Yes, tell me what is the importance!

Mitya. Talk, don’t talk, you won’t help!

Guslin. Why should we know?

Mitya (approaches Guslin). Nobody will help me. My head is gone! I fell in love with Lyubov Gordeevna painfully.

Guslin. What are you doing, Mitya?! How can this be?

Mitya. Yes, after all, it’s already done.

Guslin. Better, Mitya, get it out of your head. This thing will never happen, and will never be born.

Mitya. Knowing all this, I can’t figure out my heart. “You can love a friend, you cannot forget!..” (Speaks with strong gestures.)“I fell in love with the beautiful maiden, more than my family, more than my tribe!.. Evil people don’t tell me, they tell me to quit, stop!”

Guslin. And even then you have to quit. Anna Ivanovna is my equal: she has nothing, I have nothing, and even then the uncle does not order me to get married. And you have nothing to think about. Otherwise you’ll get it in your head, and then it’ll be even harder.

Mitya (recites).

What in the world is most cruel? -

Love is beyond cruelty!

(Walks around the room.) Yasha, have you read Koltsov? (Stops.)

Guslin. I read it, but what?

Mitya. How he described all these feelings!

Guslin. Described it exactly.

Mitya. That's exactly what it is. (Walks around the room.) Yasha!

Guslin. What?

Mitya. I composed the song myself.

Guslin. You?

Mitya. Yes.

Mitya. Fine. Here you go. (Gives him the paper.) And I’ll write a little - there’s something to do: Gordey Karpych will ask. (Sits down and writes.)

Guslin takes the guitar and begins to pick out his voice; Razlyulyaev enters in harmony.

Appearance Six

Same with Razlyulyaev.

Razlyulyaev. Hello, brothers! (Plays harmony and dances.)

Guslin. Eco fool! What did you use to buy this harmony?

Razlyulyaev. It is known what to play for. Like this… (Plays.)

Guslin. Well, important music... nothing to say! Stop it, they tell you.

Razlyulyaev. Well, I won’t give it up!.. If I want to, I’ll give it up... That’s the importance! Don't we have money? (He hits himself in the pocket.) They are ringing. Here we go for a walk - so go for a walk! (Throws out the harmony.)

One mountain is high

And the other is low;

One darling is far away

And the other one is close.

Mitya (hits Mitya on the shoulder) and Mitya! Why are you sitting?

Mitya. There is a case. (Continues to study.)

Razlyulyaev. Mitya, and Mitya, and I’m walking, brother... really, I’m walking. Wow, go!.. (Sings: “One mountain is high,” etc.) Mitya, oh Mitya! I’ll be walking throughout the holiday, and then I’ll get down to business... My word! Well, don't we have any money? Here they are!.. And I’m not drunk... No, I’m just walking... having fun...

Mitya. Well, have fun.

Razlyulyaev. And after the holiday I’ll get married!.. Truly, I’ll get married! I'll take the rich one.

Guslin (Mitya). Well, listen, will it be okay?

Razlyulyaev. Sing, sing, I’ll listen.

Guslin (sings).

No, angrier, more hateful

Evil orphan's share,

More evil than fierce grief,

Harder than bondage.

Happy holiday to everyone in the world,

No fun for you!..

Is it a wild little head?

No wine hangover!

Youth is not happy

Beauty does not amuse;

Not a zanoba girl -

Grief scratches his curls.

During all this time, Razlyulyaev stands rooted to the spot and listens with feeling; At the end of the singing, everyone is silent.

Razlyulyaev. Okay, it hurts good! It’s such a pity... So it’s enough for the heart. (Sighs.) Eh, Yasha! play a funny one, it’s a lot of hassle to drag this out - it’s a holiday today. (Sings.)

Wow! How can you not love a hussar?

This is no good!

Play along, Yasha.

Guslin plays along.

Mitya. Stop fooling around. Let's sit down in a small group and sing a little song.

Razlyulyaev. OK! (They sit down.)

Guslin (sings; Mitya and Razlyulyaev join in).

You guys are young,

You are my friends...

Gordey Karpych enters; everyone gets up and stops singing.

Seventh Appearance

The same goes for Gordey Karpych.

Gordey Karpych. Why are you singing! They bawler like men! (Mitya.) And there you go! It seems that you don’t live in such a house, not with men. What a half-beer house! So that I don’t have this in the future! (He goes to the table and looks at the papers.) Why did you scatter papers!..

Mitya. I checked the accounts, sir.

Gordey Karpych (takes Koltsov’s book and a notebook with poems). What kind of nonsense is this?

Mitya. It’s me, out of boredom, on holidays, sir, who rewrite Mr. Koltsov’s poems.

Gordey Karpych. What tenderness in our poverty!

Mitya. Actually, I study for my own education, so that I can have a concept.

Gordey Karpych. Education! Do you know what education is?.. And he also talks there! If only you could sew a new fur coat! After all, when you come upstairs to us, there are guests... shame! Where do you put the money?

Mitya. I am sending it to my mother, because she is old and has nowhere to take it.

Gordey Karpych. You send it to your mother! You should have shaped yourself first; The mother doesn’t know what she needs, she wasn’t brought up in luxury, she closed the tea sheds herself.

Mitya. It’s better if I endure it, but at least my mother doesn’t need anything.

Gordey Karpych. Yes, it's ugly! If you don’t know how to watch yourself with decency, then sit in your kennel; If there's a goal all around, then there's no point in dreaming about yourself! Writes poetry; He wants to educate himself, but he walks around like a factory worker! Is this what education consists of, singing stupid songs? That's stupid! (Through clenched teeth and looking sideways at Mitya.) Fool! (Pause.) Don't you dare show yourself upstairs in that little fur coat. Do you hear me telling you! (To Razlyulyaev.) And you too! Your father, hey, is raking in money with a shovel, and he’s driving you around in this zip-up bag.

Razlyulyaev. What is this! It’s new... it’s French cloth, they ordered it from Moscow, through an acquaintance... twenty rubles arshin. Well, I don’t need to put on something like that, like Franz Fedorych’s, at the pharmacist’s... short-haired; That's how everyone teases him: stram coat! So what's good about making people laugh!

Gordey Karpych. You know a lot! Well, there’s nothing to collect from you! You yourself are stupid, and your father isn’t very smart... he’s been walking around with a greasy belly for a whole century; You live as unenlightened fools, and you will die as fools.

Razlyulyaev. Okay.

Gordey Karpych (strictly). What?

Razlyulyaev. Okay, please.

Gordey Karpych. You're an ignoramus, and you know how to say something worthwhile! Talking to you is just wasting words; It’s all the same to the wall, so it is to you, fools. (Leaves.)

The eighth phenomenon

The same, without Tortsov.

Razlyulyaev. Gosh, how formidable! Look, you've lost yourselves! So they were scared of you... Well, keep your pocket!

Mitya (To Guslin). This is what my life is like! This is how sweet it feels for me to live in the world!

Razlyulyaev. Yes, from such a life - you will drink, you really will! Come on, don’t think about it. (Sings.)

One mountain is high

And the other is low;

One darling is far away

And the other one is close.

Enter: Lyubov Gordeevna, Anna Ivanovna, Masha and Lisa.

Appearance Ninth

The same ones, Lyubov Gordeevna, Anna Ivanovna, Masha and Lisa.

Anna Ivanovna. The world of honest company!

Razlyulyaev. You are welcome to our hut.

Mitya. Our respect, sir! You are welcome!.. By what fate?..

Anna Ivanovna. But no, they just took it and came. Gordey Karpych left, and Pelageya Yegorovna lay down to rest, so now it’s our will... Walk - I don’t want to!..

Mitya. Please sit down obediently.

Sit down; Mitya sits opposite Lyubov Gordeevna; Razlyulyaev is walking.

Anna Ivanovna. I'm tired of sitting silently, cracking nuts, - let's go, I say, girls, to the guys, and the girls are happy.

Lyubov Gordeevna. What are you making up? We didn’t imagine coming here, you made it up.

Anna Ivanovna. How could it not be! Yes, you are the first... It’s a well-known fact that whoever needs what thinks about it: guys about girls, and girls about guys.

Razlyulyaev. Ha, ha, ha!.. It’s you, Anna Ivanovna, I’m telling you exactly.

Lyubov Gordeevna. Never again!

Masha (Lisa). Oh, what a shame!

Lisa. This, Anna Ivanovna, you say is completely opposite.

Anna Ivanovna. Oh, modesty! I would have said a word, but it’s not good in front of guys... I was in girls myself, I know everything.

Lyubov Gordeevna. There's a difference between girl and girl.

Masha. Oh, what a shame!

Lisa. What you are saying is very strange even for us and, one might say, embarrassing.

Razlyulyaev. Ha, ha, ha!..

Anna Ivanovna. What was the conversation upstairs now? If you want, I’ll tell you!.. Well, talk, or what? What, calm down!

Razlyulyaev. Ha, ha, ha!..

Anna Ivanovna. You've got your mouth open! Not about you, I suppose!

Razlyulyaev. Hosha is not talking about me, however, maybe there are someone who is thinking about us. We know, we know! (Dances.)

How can you not love a hussar?

This is no good!

Anna Ivanovna (approaches Guslin). What are you doing, bandura player, when you marry me?

Guslin (playing guitar). But when permission will be issued from Gordey Karpych. Where should we rush, it doesn’t rain on us. (Nods her head.) Come here, Anna Ivanovna, I need to tell you something.

She comes up to him and sits down next to him; he whispers in her ear, pointing to Lyubov Gordeevna and Mitya.

Anna Ivanovna. What are you saying!.. Really!

Guslin. This is true.

Anna Ivanovna. Well, okay, shut up! (They speak in a whisper.)

Lyubov Gordeevna. Mitya, will you come to us in the evening?

Mitya. I'll come, sir.

Razlyulyaev. And I will come. It hurts me to dance. (Becomes a freak.) Girls, someone love me.

Masha. Shame on you! What are you saying?

Razlyulyaev. What is this importance! I say - love me... yes... for my simplicity.

Lisa. They don't tell girls this. And you had to wait for them to love you.

Razlyulyaev. Yes, I’ll wait from you, of course! (Dances.)

How can you not love a hussar?

Lyubov Gordeevna (looking at Mitya). Maybe someone loves someone, but won’t say: you have to guess for yourself.

Lisa. What girl in the world can say that!

Masha. Certainly.

Anna Ivanovna (comes up to them and looks first at Lyubov Gordeevna, then at Mitya and begins to sing).

And as you can see,

When someone loves someone -

He sits opposite the dear one,

Sighs heavily.

Mitya. On whose account should this be accepted?

Anna Ivanovna. We already know whose.

Razlyulyaev. Stop, girls, I’ll sing you a song.

Anna Ivanovna. Sing, sing!

Razlyulyaev (sings drawlingly).

A bear flew across the sky...

Anna Ivanovna. Don’t you know worse than this?

Lisa. You can even take this as a joke.

Razlyulyaev. And if this one is not good, I’ll sing you another; I'm cheerful. (Sings.)

Ah, hit the board,

Remember Moscow!

Moscow wants to get married -

Take Kolomna.

And Tula laughs

He doesn’t want it as a dowry!

And buckwheat, four each,

Grain for forty,

Here is our millet hryvnia,

And barley is three altyns.

(Addressing the girls.)

Oats would also become cheaper -

Freight is too expensive!

See what the weather is like!

Masha. This does not apply to us.

Lisa. We don't sell flour.

Anna Ivanovna. Why are you here? Now guess the riddle. What is it: round - but not a girl; with a tail - isn't it a mouse?

Razlyulyaev. This is a tricky thing!

Anna Ivanovna. What a tricky one!.. Just think about it! Well, girls, let's go.

The girls get up and get ready to go.

Guys, let's go.

Guslin and Razlyulyaev are getting ready.

Mitya. And I'll come later. I'll clean something up here.

Anna Ivanovna (while they are getting ready).

Girls' night

The evening is red,

That evening the girls brewed beer.

Went to see the girls

I went to the Reds

An uninvited guest came to see the girls.

Anna Ivanovna lets everyone through the door, except for Lyubov Gordeevna, closes it and does not let her in.

The tenth phenomenon

Mitya and Lyubov Gordeevna.

Lyubov Gordeevna (at the door). Stop it, don't be a fool.

There's a girlish laugh outside the door.

They don't let me in!.. Oh, what! (Moves away from the door). Pampered girls, really!..

Mitya (giving a chair). Sit down, Lyubov Gordeevna, talk for a minute. I am very glad to see you here.

Lyubov Gordeevna (sits down). I don’t understand what there is to be happy about.

Mitya. Yes, sir!.. I am very pleased to see such attention on your part, beyond my merits for you. This is another time I have the happiness...

Lyubov Gordeevna. Well! She came, sat and left, that’s not important. I'll probably leave now.

Mitya. Oh, no, don’t go, sir!.. For what, sir!.. (Takes paper out of his pocket.) Let me present you my work... as best I can, from the heart.

Lyubov Gordeevna. What is it?

Mitya. Actually, I composed poems for you.

Lyubov Gordeevna (trying to hide joy). Also, maybe some kind of stupidity... not worth reading.

Mitya. I cannot judge this, because I wrote it myself and, moreover, without studying.

Lyubov Gordeevna. Read it.

Mitya. Now, sir. (Sits down near the table and takes the paper; Lyubov Gordeevna moves very close to him.)

Not a flower withers in a field, not a blade of grass, -

The good fellow is withering and withering.

He fell in love with the beautiful maiden on the mountain,

To your misfortune and to your great advantage.

The guy is ruining his heart in vain,

That a guy loves an uneven girl:

In the dark night the red sun does not rise,

What kind of guy would a red girl not be.

Lyubov Gordeevna(sits for a while thinking). Give it to me. (Takes the paper and hides it, then gets up.) I'll write to you myself.

Mitya. You sir?!

Lyubov Gordeevna. I just can’t write poetry, it’s just that.

Mitya. For your great happiness, mail for yourself is such a favor, sir. (Gives paper and pen.) If you please, sir.

Lyubov Gordeevna. It's just a pity that I write poorly. (Writes.)

Mitya wants to look in.

Just don’t look, otherwise I’ll stop writing and tear it up.

Mitya. I won't look, sir. But allow me, with your indulgence, to do the same as best I can, and write poetry for you a second time, sir.

Lyubov Gordeevna (putting down the pen). Write, perhaps... Only my fingers got all dirty, if I knew, it would be better not to write.

Mitya. Please, sir.

Lyubov Gordeevna. Here, take it. Just don’t you dare read in front of me, but read it later, when I’m gone. (Folds the piece of paper and gives it to him; he puts it in his pocket.)

Mitya. It will be according to your wishes, sir.

Lyubov Gordeevna (rises). Will you come upstairs with us?

Mitya. I’ll come... this minute, sir.

Lyubov Gordeevna. Goodbye.

Mitya. Have a nice goodbye, sir.

Lyubov Gordeevna goes to the door; Lyubim Karpych comes out of the door.

>Characteristics of heroes Poverty is not a vice

Characteristics of the hero Gordey Tortsov

Gordey Karpych Tortsov is the hero of A. N. Ostrovsky’s comedy “Poverty is not a vice,” a rich merchant, father of Lyubov Gordeevna, brother of Lyubim Karpych. The name of this character speaks for itself. Gordey Karpych is a proud and arrogant man. After the death of his father, he chose to inherit a profitable establishment, and gave it to his brother Lyubim in money and bills. Lyubim Karpych quickly squandered part of the inheritance in Moscow, and entrusted the rest to the manufacturer Korshunov, who subsequently deceived him. Gordey Karpych, on the contrary, did not lose his inheritance, but increased it and was very proud of it.

Throughout the entire work, Tortsov’s various emotional outbursts can be traced. In the first and second acts he appears as an angry and angry master. Everyone around him annoys him, including his family and guests. He often shouts at his clerk Mitya. Paying him a meager salary, he demands that he buy himself a more expensive caftan and not visit them in cheap things. He considers his brother’s behavior completely offensive, while Lyubim is forced to earn his living by buffoonery. He considers his wife an uneducated ignoramus and does not hide it.

Having visited Moscow, Gordey Karpych decided that his place was only in the capital and in high circles. Now he doesn’t like anything Russian, just give him something foreign. That is why he makes friends with the manufacturer Afrikan Savich, who often drinks with his English director. However, he does not even suspect how cunning this manufacturer is and that it was he who ruined his brother. He is even ready to give his only daughter for this rich old man. Fortunately, in the third act, Lyubim Karpych exposes Korshunov and the wedding is cancelled. In this part of the work, the reader sees Gordey Karpych from a different side. This is a person who is able to admit his mistakes and repent. He thanks his brother for opening his eyes and bless his daughter to marry the man who is dear to her.

“Poverty is not a vice” is a play by Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky, a playwright of Russian literature. This play is written in the style of comedy. The story describes the love situation of a rich merchant's clerk for his daughter, who is against their relationship and prevents the lovers from being together.

This story is the property of Russian literature. It teaches understanding, responsiveness, and illuminates life principles and views. But not many people have the opportunity to read the comedy in its entirety due to being too busy, because the story is quite voluminous.

If a person does not have such an opportunity, but wants to read a similar play, he can read Ostrovsky’s story “Poverty is not a vice”, a summary of the chapters, where the main events and incidents of the work are concisely and briefly described. By reading a summary of the play, a person will simultaneously save time and become culturally enriched.

Note! Before reading the work, you should familiarize yourself with the main characters of the comedy. Knowing the disposition and character of the main characters, the play will be perceived better and more intense.

Table: the main characters of the comedy.

Hero Characteristic
Gordey Karpych Tortsov Rich merchant. Many do not like him for his selfishness, arrogance and pride.

After the death of his father, he inherited a considerable fortune, which he could only increase, unlike his brother Lyubim, who squandered all his money in the capital.

In different actions, Gordey appears in different roles.

In the first act, he acts as an evil master, demanding obedience and good returns in terms of work.

He is irritable and unusually angry towards his daughter and wife.

Gordey strives to leave a small village, settle in Moscow and become a respected and influential person.

Korshunov Afrikan Savich African is an influential manufacturer living in Moscow.

He is characterized as a strong, strong-willed, purposeful person, ready to go through a lot to achieve his goal.

African's main passion is women. He is loving, so he is often surrounded by young ladies.

We love Karpych Tortsov The brother of a selfish and narcissistic rich merchant who wanted to marry his only daughter to a rich but old manufacturer.

In the story, Lyubim is characterized as a positive character. He is radically different from his brother.

His priorities include spirituality, high moral qualities and values.

After spending all his father's money, Lyubim is forced to earn his living by buffoonery, which greatly angers his brother.

Lyubov Gordeevna Tortsova Gordey's daughter. She is described as a girl with a big soul, capable and willing to help the people around her.

In the story, she falls in love with a poor but very sweet guy, Mitya, who works for his father.

Mitya Tortsov's clerk. The poor young man is forced to live in a small room and receive pennies for his work from Tortsov.

He falls in love with Lyubov Gordeevna and secretly wants to marry her.

Pelageya Egorovna Tortsova The wife of a selfish merchant. The woman sacredly honors Russian traditions and customs, condemns her husband’s intentions to break into high society.

Having learned about the secret love between the clerk and his daughter, Pelageya supports her daughter, but does not dare to go against her husband.

Act one

The events take place in the Uezdny town on Christmastide (an ancient Russian holiday).

Chronology of events:

  1. The main character of the comedy, Gordey Karpych, became very angry after another drunken prank of his brother, considering it an insult.
  2. The second act begins with the arrival of his daughter, wife and guests. Mitya, who has been in the room all this time, goes into the office and wants to work, but he can’t. He is in love and his thoughts are occupied by the beautiful Lyubov Gordeevna.
  3. Pelageya invites Mitya to the table and complains about her selfish and narcissistic husband, who after a trip to the capital wanted to live in a new way, to join the high society of intellectuals.

    She notes that her husband is going to marry their only daughter to a Muscovite, because in their village there is no equal party to Lyubov Gordeevna.

  4. After a conversation between Pelageya and Mitya, Yasha, the merchant’s blood nephew, enters the room. He begins a conversation with Mitya about his love for the merchant’s daughter.
  5. During the conversation, the cheerful and spontaneous Razgulyaev enters with an accordion, who begins to invite everyone to sing and have fun.
  6. After this, the evil Gordey Karpych bursts into the room and demands that Mitya sew a new frock coat, citing the fact that in his house it is not customary to walk like a poor man.
  7. After Gordey leaves the premises, his beloved comes to Mitya with her friends:

    Anna Ivanovna.

    With the help of Anna's cunning trick, the lovers are left alone. The guy reads poetry to Lyubov and confesses his love.

    After hearing what she heard, the merchant’s embarrassed daughter writes a response to the guy, where she confesses her reciprocal love feelings for him. After that she leaves.

  8. Gordey's brother comes into the room and hints at revenge on him for his unworthy attitude towards Mitya.

Important! Lyubim wanted to take revenge not only for the insult inflicted on Mitya, but also for the insult and humiliation on the part of his brother towards himself.

Act two

Chronology of events:

  • Anna and Lyubov are located in the living room. Mitya comes in and asks whether his lover wrote the truth about her feelings. Having clarified this, they mutually decide to go ask her father’s blessing for their marriage.
  • At this time, the living room is filled with an abundance of guests who are having fun, dancing and singing. But suddenly the owner of the house suddenly appears and the fun stops.
  • Having learned about Mitya's intentions, he drives the guy and all the guests out of the house.
  • Gordey intends to marry his daughter to the wealthy manufacturer Afrikan Korshunov. He comes to the girl, gives her earrings with diamonds and hints at wealth and prosperity in marriage with him.
  • Having learned about African's intention to marry her, the girl pulls out her hand, but her father declares that the decision about the wedding has already been made and this is not being discussed. He says that soon Lyubov will move to the capital and marry African.
  • Having learned about her father's decision, the girl is in despair. She cries, begs her father not to do this, not to marry her to an unloved man, but Gordey is adamant.

Act three

The third action takes place the next day.

Note! Pelageya already knows about her husband’s intention to marry off her daughter. She does not feel joy from this news, but cannot resist her husband’s decision.

Event Detailed description
Pelageya enters the room She superficially tries to persuade Gordey not to commit this act, not to marry Lyubov.
Mitya enters the room He came to say goodbye to the owner and his wife. He announces his decision to go home to his sick mother. He once again tries to explain to Gordey about the mutual feelings of Love for him.
Love enters the room Seeing the inflexibility of Lyubov’s father, Mitya invites her beloved to run away with him, but she refuses due to fear of her father’s anger. The guy leaves.
Parish of Korshunov African's arrival is accompanied by flattering stories and stories about Lyubov's rich, carefree life with him.
Parish of Gordey After another confession from African, Gordey enters. He treats the rich man in every possible way and shows his cultural and educational level.
The appearance of Yegorushka Yegorushka’s arrival is accompanied by the news that Lyubim is saying goodbye to the guests, sending them home.

A quarrel arises between the brothers, in which the manufacturer gets involved. The brother insults the rich man. The African is outraged by the attitude and points out disrespect to Gordey.

Quarrel between Tortsov and Afrikant Tortsov did not like that his future son-in-law allowed him to reproach him.

A conflict begins between them and the merchant breaks off his daughter’s engagement to the manufacturer.

Mitya and Lyubov's engagement Having learned about the termination of the engagement, Mitya comes to Tortsov’s house and again asks for his daughter’s hand in marriage.

Gordey at first does not agree, but then changes his anger to mercy and allows the lovers to be together.

Video retelling

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