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"Immortal Regiment" - a mass cult of the dead. The art of being yourself

Around noon, the paramilitary part of the May 9 holiday in the center of Moscow was completed - the planes flew to their home airports, the armored vehicles went to Khodynka, and from there they went to their units. It's time for a more civil part festive event. A procession was planned for three o'clock in the afternoon" Immortal Regiment"Before this day, I admit, I had only vaguely heard something about this event. However, when the Victory Parade ended and I had an alternative in the form of seeing off heavy equipment with Khodynskoye field, I ultimately chose to march along Tverskaya Street.
When I understood the essence of this action, I was simply delighted with this idea.

On the website of the civil initiative “Immortal Regiment,” about 250 thousand people were registered for the march in Moscow, but according to my estimates, the number of march participants greatly exceeded this figure. The press voices a figure of more than half a million, and I am ready to believe even a higher figure, because I saw with my own eyes how many people passed in front of me and with me.

In this report I posted a relatively small selection of photographs from Tverskaya Street and Red Square

It was possible to join the general column from several points, starting from Belorusskaya, but they say that people started walking from the Dynamo metro station.
Since I was filming from Mayakovka, I got into the column from this part of Tverskaya Street. Many people prepared in advance for the procession, preparing in advance photographs of their relatives who had passed this terrible war. Many came with whole families, adults and children were dressed in military uniform that period but many walked just like that, without any paraphernalia or even photographs.

People very carefully carried portraits of their heroic ancestors.

The number of portraits of front-line soldiers was amazing.

People were in a great mood. On the one hand, everyone had a feeling of celebration, and on the other hand, people felt proud that they could show involvement in this event. I can say that judging by the emotions I saw, this was all done without any coercion on anyone’s part, simply at the call of my heart. It is probably possible to plan such an action by forcing several hundred, maybe even several thousand people, but not half a million. And the faces of many people reflected such spirituality that it was impossible to suspect them of any self-interest from participating in this event.


An endless stream of people began to move along Tverskaya Street, probably starting at one o'clock in the afternoon, maybe even earlier. Every minute it filled with more and more big amount of people. At first it was just streams, but after an hour it was a full-flowing river.
I saw TV footage afterwards, which showed the entire Tverskaya Street filled with people, and it was very, very impressive. Of course, I wasn’t able to film this, but from my height you can also understand the scale of the action.




It was extremely interesting to look at both the march participants and the photographs of the front-line soldiers whose memory they wanted to honor

You could meet people on the march different ages and social classes. These were children and elderly people, officers and Suvorov soldiers, students and pensioners.

Legs of victory

I am glad that young people honor the memory of their ancestors. We must not forget that terrible war

Let's smoke, comrade one by one
- Let's have a smoke, my comrade.





Most of the banners were clearly not made using professional printing; everyone dealt with the situation based on their capabilities.


Some carried a banner with one portrait, some carried two, and some had large banners with several photographs in their bundles


To Tverskaya for the safety of all participants They were allowed in only after inspection.



People once attached stick holders to banners

And someone didn’t attach anything at all, just carried a photo from a home album

Someone restored torn photographs


Battle Banners

Fighter in full uniform



There are not many real war veterans left and special attention is always paid to them. They say veterans came to Bolshoi Theater, but I haven't gotten there yet

Everyone celebrates the Victory and participates in events in their own way

Grandfather does not participate in the procession, but participates in the action :)
He received a storm of applause and cheers


There were a lot of children

Elderly people also took part in the march, despite the fact that it lasted quite a long time

Girls, as always, use any event to show themselves :)

A wonderful poster. Excellent preparation

Portraits, portraits...

We are already at the Moscow Government building

The Kremlin appeared ahead. The path from Belorussky Station to Red Square was almost 4 kilometers



There were many foreigners among the participants. The Chinese representatives were very pleased with everything that was happening around them


From time to time, a loud “HURRAY!” was heard on Tverskaya, which was picked up by everyone and instantly covered the entire street like a wave. It was quite exciting


- No pasaran

War songs sounded everywhere

Looks like Ruttger Hauer


Before taking a selfie, you need to get yourself in order

The parade is a parade, and lunch is on schedule :)



Descendants of children of the Spanish Civil War




There are 54 days left until Victory Day.

On Hotline The headquarters of the “Immortal Regiment - Moscow” and through the feedback form receive many questions daily regarding the May 9 procession and preparations for it. We have collected the most popular of them for you and provide detailed answers.

1. For those who want to participate in the project

1.1. Are “Immortal Regiment” and the same project? Where to enter data if a relative is from Moscow?

The “Immortal Regiment – ​​Moscow” project is the Moscow part of the “Immortal Regiment” project. Official website with information about social movement"Immortal Regiment - Moscow" -

Information about your relative-hero of the Second World War can be placed in the electronic Book of Memory “Immortal Regiment - Moscow”. At the same time, the veteran does not necessarily have to be from Moscow. He could have gone to the front from here or lived here, or he could have been from another city altogether, but now his descendants live in the capital. This means that they will add information to the site. There are no restrictions on territorial affiliation.

1.2. My grandfather died during the Second World War, I want to participate in the “Immortal Regiment - Moscow” project. Where and how can I publish his data, a story about him?

The public movement “Immortal Regiment - Moscow” is waiting for everyone who wants to take part in the procession. From young to old... With and without a hand-made banner. You can take photographs, orders, flags, caps of soldiers and helmets of tankers. By your presence you are saying that you honor the Feat of the Victorious Soldiers of 1945. But if you want to preserve information that is precious to you forever, the “My Documents” public service centers and the electronic Memory Book are waiting for you.

Enter all the information into any of the 104 public service centers (without reference to your place of residence or registration in Moscow). All centers are open 7 days a week, seven days a week, from 8.00 to 20.00. The specialist will fill out the form, scan all available materials and enter all the information into the electronic Memory Book “Immortal Regiment - Moscow”. You will also receive a login and password to enter the site, so that in the future, if you wish, you can edit the page about “your” hero, enter new data and photographs.

The second option is to enter information about the participants of the Great Patriotic War independently, without leaving home, through the electronic Memory Book “Immortal Regiment - Moscow”. Upon registration, the user receives a login, password and the ability to administer a page about “his” hero, supplement it with information and photographs. Here you can also make a note about which photo needs to be printed for free at government service centers to participate in the Immortal Regiment march on May 9 and at which center it was convenient for you to pick it up.

For now, the site is operating in the mode of filling out questionnaires. But soon it will work at full capacity and the biographies of the heroes of the “Immortal Regiment” will be available to everyone.

You can also tell about your hero on the website of the “Immortal Regiment - Moscow” project in the section. We publish interesting stories, stories, memories of the war, letters from the front and photographs in the form of a news feed. All published stories can be found in the section.

1.3. Is it possible to edit a page on the site after publication?

1.11. Is it possible to find some information through public service centers?

Unfortunately no. In this case, public service centers act as platforms for collecting and preserving information about WWII veterans for future generations as part of the “Immortal Regiment - Moscow” project.

2. For those who want to participate in the procession

2.1. Do I need to register on the website to participate in the procession of the Immortal Regiment - Moscow column?

Registration is not required. But we need to know the approximate number of participants in the action to plan and organize the route. Also, everyone who registered on the website before the event will receive a notification by email or via SMS about the place and time of the procession of the Moscow Immortal Regiment.

Information on the site comes from government service centers, from educational institutions, cadet corps, just Muscovites. Your applications for participation are summed up and displayed on the general counter of the participants of the promotion.

2.2. I don’t want to enter data on the website or bring materials to the MFC, can I just come to the procession?

Of course, you can just come to the procession.

2.3. Is it necessary to bring a banner?

No, a banner is not required. You can simply hold the photo in your hands. If it is not there, take the veteran's awards and flag. If you know how to accompany on the accordion (bayan, harmonica), and we sing a lot and from the heart, many participants in the procession will be grateful to you. An improvised sing-along will form around you. The paraphernalia of the front-line years and the uniform of soldiers will be in place.

2.5. Do government service centers print photographs for banners for free or do they make the banner itself?

Government service centers will help you print out a photo of a WWII hero for free only after filling out a form for the project of the electronic Memory Book “Immortal Regiment - Moscow.”

2.6. What are the requirements for the banner, what size should it be?

There are no strict requirements for the banner. There are only recommendations and exchange of experience in production. Public service centers are not the organizers of the project and do not have such information.

2.7. What are the photographic requirements for a banner? What to do if there is no photo?

The photo will be laminated and printed in A4 format. If there is no photo that you would like to enlarge with the help of public service centers, they can make you a text poster in A4 format with the name and rank of your soldier. You can use drawings of pilots, tank crews, and artillerymen without drawing the face. Find them in books about that era. If you have time, you can look for a photo in your personal file in the Podolsk archive of the Ministry of Defense (only for direct relatives of the soldier).

2.8. In what form should I bring photographs for free printing at public service centers? On a flash drive or on paper?

The all-Russian action “Immortal Regiment” became part of the Victory Day holiday. In all Russian cities on this day, columns of people walk through the streets carrying photographs of soldiers who did not return from the war. This is our memory of people who gave a bright future to their descendants at the cost of their lives. Many questions are associated with this action among those who are just planning to take part in the procession. Our portal has not only developed a service for creating a sign sign online and completely free of charge, but will also answer all the questions asked by our visitors. If you have not found the answer to your question, write to [email protected] and we will definitely answer.

Who was the first to come up with the “Immortal Regiment” in Russia?

The “Immortal Regiment” campaign was first invented in Russia in Tomsk. In 2012, it was proposed to take to the streets of the city on Victory Day with photographs of those relatives who died during the war. A little earlier, back in 2007, a “Parade of Winners” was organized in Tyumen on Victory Day. It's almost the same thing, just the name was different.

Since what year has the “Immortal Regiment” campaign been held in Russia?

The “Immortal Regiment” campaign in Russia is held annually on Victory Day. The photo parade in the city of Tomsk began its procession in 2012. It is under this name that the action now exists. All Russian cities were gradually added to it, and it was already carried out abroad.

Who organized the first “Immortal Regiment”?

The initiator of the “Parade of Winners” event in Tyumen was Gennady Ivanov. First, he offered to take to the streets of his city with portraits of front-line soldiers, and then sent out invitation letters to other cities. The action in Tomsk was organized by Igor Dmitriev, Sergey Kolotovkin and Sergey Lapenkov. They are historians, they previously worked on the TV-2 channel. They also came up with the name for their action “Immortal Regiment”.

How to take part in the “Immortal Regiment” campaign?

Anyone can take part in the now traditional “Immortal Regiment” event. This does not require any registration or invitation at all. It is enough to follow a few simple recommendations:

  • prepare a sign with the last name, first name and photograph of a war participant (order or make it yourself);
  • come to the gathering place of the column in your city;
  • walk along a certain route with everyone else.

What are the dimensions of the pillar, photos?

To participate in the action, a pillar is prepared in advance. This is a symbolic banner, a poster that displays a photograph of a war participant and information about him. The frame size is standard - 295 mm X 435 mm. Photo size - 245 mm X 345 mm. Handle length - 500 mm. You can make a banner from any material (from plywood to plastic).

What are the font sizes for the inscription on the sign?

To design the inscriptions on the pillar, the PT Sans group font is used:

  • surname, first name - 44 pt;
  • rank - 36 pt.

What did Vanga predict about the “Immortal Regiment” in Russia?

All Vanga's predictions are a little veiled. She said that Russia will become the greatest power when the dead rise from their graves and stand in ranks with the living. It was difficult to understand the meaning of the words until the columns of the “Immortal Regiment” began to walk through the streets. So it became clear what she was talking about.

Where can I download a template for a sign to participate in the procession?

On our website you can generate and print or save a template for a sign for May 9 completely free of charge. There is no need to download or process anything in the program Adobe Photoshop. Everything is done online. To do this you need:

  • prepare a photo of a war participant in advance (if it has defects or abrasions, then you can resort to the services of Photoshop);
  • upload a photo to the site from your computer or flash drive using the review;
  • enter the last name, first name, patronymic of the fighter in the specified field;
  • enter in the field below military rank;
  • select a template option (splash-background) for designing a brand book;
  • generate a pillar;
  • print the result and paste it into a frame.

If it is not possible to immediately print the finished portrait, you can save it to your computer, download it to a flash drive and print the materials in a photo studio, at work, or with friends.

How to create a frame for a pillar?

Many have already ordered a frame for the “Immortal Regiment” pillar and will use it for many years, keeping it at home until the next anniversary Great Victory. Others can make their own frame by downloading it online. Even if there is no photo of the hero left at home, you can simply walk in a single column, writing only the warrior’s first and last name on the poster. To make the sign look more solid, the promotion logo is placed in the frame, which can be processed in Photoshop.

What does a sample sign look like from the photo?

The photo shows what a sample poster with a photo looks like, carried by participants in the “Immortal Regiment” action. This is a photo frame of the established dimensions (295 mm X 435 mm) with a handle holder, 500 mm long. Since the weather can be unpredictable even on the day of the holiday, it is better to laminate the photo or place it in a frame under glass. The handle must be strong so that the banner rises above the column and is visible to others. After all, this is the essence of the action: to tell everyone about those who died.

How to arrange a sign?

Millions of people are participating in the action, so I want to look decent and join the general ranks. For this purpose, uniform requirements have been established for the design of photographs and frames, and for the execution of inscriptions. Registration involves several mandatory steps:

  • select from family archive best photo(portrait) of a hero;
  • generate a sign on our website;
  • check for errors;
  • print or save the resulting image;
  • insert the finished photo with the inscription into the frame.

How to use the Immortal Regiment logo?

Many descendants of warriors do not have photos of heroes. In this case, you shouldn’t be upset, because the sign can be made without a portrait. And it will look no worse, because the promotion logo is used instead of a photograph. You can download it on a transparent background (vector), and upload it instead of a photo, and add an inscription below.

What symbolism is used during the procession?

The organizing committee has established that only certain symbols are used when decorating the column. The main symbol of the “Immortal Regiment” are photographs of heroes. Participants in the procession do not carry anything in their hands except the sign. If someone wants to carry a banner, orders, flowers, balloons, or other banners, they can do this outside the “Immortal Regiment” column.

What does the promotion logo look like?

The emblem of the “Immortal Regiment” combines people’s memory of their exploits and the belief that the war will not happen again. Soaring cranes are visible against the background of a five-pointed star. The star is considered a symbol of the invincibility of our army, and the cranes represent those soldiers who died. And I immediately remember the song “Cranes” based on the words of R. Gamzatov. The campaign logo on a transparent background can be downloaded and placed next to the hero’s photo.

The main task of the Immortal Regiment is to preserve in every Russian family the memory of the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. Participation in the Immortal Regiment means that everyone who remembers and honors their army and navy veteran, partisan, underground fighter, resistance fighter, home front worker, concentration camp prisoner, on May 9 goes out onto the city streets with a photograph of a soldier to take part in the parade in the Immortal column shelf, or pay tribute to memory yourself by bringing a photograph to Eternal Flame or other memorial place. Our final goal– turn the Immortal Regiment into a national tradition of celebrating Victory Day on May 9.

1. What do you need to do to take part in the May 9 Parade as part of the Immortal Regiment?

First, you need to look in your home archives or on third-party sources for your soldier’s full name, military rank and some other data. Then try to register it on the Immortal Regiment website. The most important and important step in participating in the action is making a sign with a portrait and data of a soldier and showing up at the beginning of the May 9 Parade in our city.

2. Help me find information about my grandfather, a war veteran, is there no information left in the family?

We do not do search work, but we can tell you from which open sources you can obtain information about your relative who participated in the Great Patriotic War.

Most full information contained in the “Find a Soldier” section. At the bottom of the page there is a presentation that can be downloaded. There you can find information on how and where to search.

There are two websites prepared using the Ministry of Defense databases. Nothing more complete than them exists in the public domain. Mistakes are, of course, possible. The sites are valuable because they contain scanned copies of documents.

5. Can I enroll not my grandfather in the Immortal Regiment, but my grandmother, who fought? Certainly! Not only is it possible, but it is also necessary. As well as father, great-grandfather and other front-line relatives. 6. Which regiment should I enroll my grandfather in if he was conscripted from a city where there is no “Immortal Regiment”? You can enroll a front-line soldier in the regiment of your city, or, if there is none in your city, in the section ‘Russian Federation, Russia’.

7. Maybepassing in the ranks without registering your grandfather on the site? Of course, take a photo or a pillar and come to the formation.

8. Where to do itpillarwith a portrait for the “Immortal Regiment”? To find out the addresses of partner salons, you need to contact the organizer in your city. The coordinates of the organizers can be found on the website moypolk.ru in the section “Regimental Headquarters”. 9. Can I join the “Immortal Regiment” just with a photograph? If you do it yourselfpillarwhat size should it be?

People should see the faces of the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. If you carry a photograph, few will see it. Especially in a column. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you come to the “Immortal Regiment” column with a photo on pillars (sticks). Make them yourself or order them at order centers. You can come with a photo, but it is better to enlarge it. The recommended size is approximately A4 format (20x30 cm). In case of bad weather, it is better to roll it up in laminate.

10. Whatwhat to do if you don’t have a photo of your front-line soldier? If your photo album does not contain photographs of a front-line soldier, you can make a sign on which the NAME, SURNAME, PATRONIC NAME and military rank will be written. With this sign you can also join the ranks of the “Immortal Regiment”.

11. Where and when will the construction take place in my city? Do I need to register in advance? There is no need to sign up in advance, just come with a portrait of a front-line soldier to the formation. The organizers inform the media of your city in advance about the place and time, and it will also be posted on the website moypolk.ru. If you do not find this information, contact the organizers in your city.

Now I’m probably going to say a very unpopular thing, but the “Immortal Regiment” action terrifies me. Tens of thousands of people walking along the river photographs of the dead people... Well, once again this can be understood. To visually imagine the number of deaths that the war took. But from year to year...

I don't want to look at this. I have so many photographs of people who are no longer alive, collected in one place, that causes only and exclusively negative physiological reactions. Procession of the risen dead.
You see... Photos of those killed in Auschwitz should remain within the walls of Auschwitz. They are not meant to be taken to photo exhibitions. Death is very serious.

Go look at the faces of those killed there, look into their eyes - this must be psychological work. The point is precisely this - FORCE yourself to look at it, recognize it, let it pass through yourself, take the trouble to enter this information into your brain and body, comprehend it, digest it, accept it and draw conclusions. At least paying tribute to their memory in such a small way. At least with such a small thing, try to pay off your debt for not being able to stop these murders.

It MUST BE psychologically difficult. These are one-time promotions. You can’t go to Auschwitz, like at the Berlinale, and look at photographs. And it’s absolutely wild to hang photographs of those killed in Auschwitz on plywood and organize a procession with him every year through Auschwitz or Warsaw on the day of liberation.

This neutralizes these deaths. It neutralizes your own mental labor, which must be expended.
It's too personal. It's too one-man. This cannot be done on a mass scale. Does not tolerate crowds. It must be inside you. This is your personal spiritual work. Your work, which you yourself must do.

I just can’t imagine what should make me hang up a photo of my already deceased grandmother on a tablet and, putting it on public display, walk with it through the streets. For what? This is my grandmother. This is my family. This is our family's memory. Why should I hang my family memory on a plaque and deliberately show it to everyone? Why should everyone else look at a photograph of my grandmother or my grandfather, who fought in Khalkhin Gol as a tank driver, and know that they are already dead? No, I understand, thirty years ago, with the message - these people could still live. But now everything is already, these people would have died anyway. Well, seventy years have already passed.
Too much. That's the truth - it's too much with the number of deaths collected in one place and put on public display to people who didn't ask for it.

Devaluation of each individual tragedy.
This mass cult death is redundant.
There is no need to take the dead out of their graves and shake them in front of the whole world's nose.
Leave them alone already...



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