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Biography. Prose works These words already contained the ardent cry of the poet’s heart. Without covering his thoughts with any vague effusions, as many of his contemporaries did, Ivan Franko declared frankly and boldly

Ivan Yakovlevich Franko(Ukrainian Ivan Yakovich Franko; August 27, 1856 - May 28, 1916) - Ukrainian writer, poet, scientist, publicist, decadent and leader of the revolutionary socialist movement in the kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria (Austro-Hungarian Empire). In 1915 he was nominated to receive Nobel Prize, but his premature death prevented his candidacy from being considered.

One of the initiators of the founding of the “Russian-Ukrainian Radical Party” (later “Ukrainian Radical Party” - URP), which operated in Austria.

In honor of Franko, the city of Stanislav was renamed Ivano-Frankivsk, and in the Lviv region the town of Yanov was renamed Ivano-Frankovo.


Born into the family of a wealthy peasant blacksmith; mother, Maria Kulchitskaya, came from an impoverished Ruthenian noble family of the Kulchitskys, coat of arms of Sas, and was 33 years younger than her husband. He described the first years of childhood in his stories in the lightest colors. In 1865, Ivan's father died. The stepfather, Grin Gavrilik, was attentive to the children, and actually replaced the boy’s father. Franco maintained friendly relations with his stepfather throughout his life. In 1872, Ivan’s mother died, and his stepmother began raising the children.

He studied first at the school in the village of Yasenitsa-Solnaya (1862-1864), then at the so-called normal school at the Basilian monastery of Drohobych (1864-1867). After graduating from the Drohobych gymnasium in 1875 (now Drohobych Pedagogical University), was forced to earn a living by tutoring. From his earnings he allocated money for books for his personal library.

In many autobiographical stories Franko (“Gritseva school science”, “Pencil”, “Schnschreiben”) artistically recreated the atmosphere of the then school education with its scholasticism, corporal punishment, moral humiliation of students. They show how difficult it was for a gifted peasant boy to get an education. Franko lived in the apartment of a distant relative Koshitskaya on the outskirts of Drohobych, often sleeping in coffins that were made in her carpentry workshop (“In the carpentry”). Already studying at the gymnasium, he discovered phenomenal abilities: he could repeat the teacher’s hour-long lecture almost verbatim to his comrades; knew the entire “Kobzar” by heart; homework in the Polish language was often completed in poetic form; deeply and for the rest of his life assimilated the content of the books he read. His reading range at this time included works of European classics, cultural and historical works, and popular books on natural science topics. In general, the personal library of Franco the high school student consisted of almost 500 books in various languages. At the same time, Franco began to translate works of ancient authors (Sophocles, Euripides); under the influence of the works of Markian Shashkevich and Taras Shevchenko, he became fascinated by the richness and beauty of the Ukrainian language, began collecting and recording samples of oral folk art(songs, legends, etc.).

In the fall of 1875 he became a student at the Faculty of Philosophy at Lvov University. During his studies, Emelyan Partitsky provided financial assistance to Franco. He was a member of the Russophile society, which as a literary language used "paganism". Franco’s first works were written in pagan - the poem “ folk song"(1874) and the long fantasy novel "Petria and Dovbuschuk" (1875) in the style of Hoffmann, published in the printed organ of Russophile students "Friend". One of the first who drew attention to the work of the young Franco was the Ukrainian poet Caesar Belilovsky, who in 1882 published an article in the Kyiv newspaper Trud “A few words about the translation of Goethe’s Faust into Ukrainian language Ivan Franko”, and in the Lviv student magazine “Friend”, under the pseudonym Dzhedzhalyk, poems by eighteen-year-old Franko - “My Song” and “Folk Song” - appeared for the first time.


Under the influence of the letters of the Kyiv professor Mikhail Drahomanov, the youth, grouped around “Friend,” became acquainted with Russian literature of the era of great reforms and Russian writers in general, and became imbued with democratic ideals, after which they chose the language of the Galician common people as the instrument of their literary speech; Thus, Rusyn literature received Franco into its ranks, along with many other talented workers. Old Russophiles, especially the editor of Slovo, Venedikt Ploshchansky, turned to the Austrian police with denunciations against the editors of Friend. In 1877, all members of the editorial board were arrested, and Franco spent 9 months in prison, in the same cell with thieves and tramps, in terrible hygienic conditions. Upon his release from prison from him, as from dangerous person, the entire Galician conservative society turned away - not only Russophiles, but “Narodovtsy”, that is, Ukrainophile nationalists of the older generation. Franco also had to leave the university (he graduated from the course 15 years later, when he was preparing for a professorship).

He was born into a farrier’s family on August 27, 1856, in the village. Naguevichi (Lviv region). Franko studied at a rural school, first in Naguevichi, and then in the neighboring village of Yasenitsa Silny. In 1864 he went to study at the Drogobitsy “normal” school.

In 1865 There is grief in his family - his father dies. Soon, stepfather Grin Gavrilik comes to Ivan Frank’s house. It was about the death of his father that Ivan Franko would write his first poem, “The Great Day of 1871” (1871). The stepfather turned out to be not an evil person and gave my stepson the opportunity to continue his studies. In 1867 future writer graduated from school, and since 1873. study at the gymnasium, which he graduated with “excellent” marks on July 26, 1875. and receives a matriculation certificate. While studying at the gymnasium, Frank's mother Maria died (in 1872), whom he loved very much and dedicated his memories to her in the poem “Song and Practice” (1883), in the poem “Nasty Things on the Edge” (1881).
After the death of his mother, his stepfather married again, but did not change his attitude towards his adopted son and helped him continue to study.

WITH early years“Kobzar” by T. Shevchenko became I. Frank’s favorite book. In the gymnasium he continued to form his worldview, so he was also interested in Polish, German, French literature. As a result, Franko came to the idea that the basis of the Ukrainian literary language should be the native language.

Summer of 1874 Ivan Yakovlevich Franko travels independently for the first time in Podkarpackie and makes folklore recordings. After Drogobich in the fall of 1875. he goes to Lvov and enters the Faculty of Philosophy at Lvov University. He writes a lot and becomes the most influential person in the editorial office of Friend magazine.

While still a high school student, he printed his first literary works in the student university magazine in Lviv “Friend”. Having joined the student “Academic Circle”, Franco became an active worker and author of the magazine “Friend”. In the magazine he publishes poetry, translations, publishes the first big story"Petria and Dovbuschuk." Franco also published a translation of the novel “What is to be done?” M. Chernyshevsky in the magazine “Friends” (1877).

His activities, thanks to denunciations from envious people, were soon noticed, and he and members of the Friend magazine were arrested. I. Franko spent 8 months in prison. before trial, but he was sentenced to only 6 weeks. After leaving prison, the writer did not give up and continued his activities. Together with M. Pavlik, I. Franko begins to publish the magazine “Public Leisure”, in which he publishes his poems “To Comrades from Prison”, “Patriotic Pores”, the beginning of the story “Boa constrictor”. Unfortunately, after the second issue the police confiscated the magazine, so the name of the magazine had to be changed to “Dzvin”.

In the renamed magazine, Franko published his famous poem “Kamenari” and the story “My strіcha with Oleksa”. The last issue of the magazine (the fourth in a row) was published under the title “Hammer”. In this issue, Ivan Yakovlevich finished publishing the story “Boa constrictor”, the satirical poem “The Thought about Naum Bezumovich”, his very popular article “Literature, its history and the most important workshops” .

At the end of 1878 I. Franko became the editor of Praca, which he eventually turned into an organ for all Lviv workers. Ivan Yakovlevich began publishing the “Dribna Biblioteka”, writing a whole list of short stories for the “Slovenian Almanac”, including “Mulyara” for the planned new newspaper “Nova Osnova”, “Borislav Smeetsya”, working on translations of “Nimechchin” by G. Heine, “Faust” "Goethe, Byron's Cain, etc., creates the "Catechism of Economic Socialism."

In March 1880 I. Franko goes to Kolomoisky district. On the way, he was arrested a second time in connection with the trial that the Austrian government was conducting against the villagers of Kolomiya. Franco spent three months in prison, after which he was sent, accompanied by police, to Naguevichi, but on the way he was once again put in Drogobicki prison, which I.Ya. Franko described it later in the story “On the Days”.

Returning to Lvov after such adventures, he accepts Active participation in the workers' newspaper "Praca", writes the social program "What does the Galician community want." Also in the Praca newspaper, Franco publishes his famous poem “Hymn” (“Eternal Revolutionary”).

In 1881 Franko issues a brochure in Polish “About Pratsiu. A book for robotics." In the same year, he began publishing the magazine “Svit”. In it, in almost every issue, he publishes parts of the story “Borislav laughs”, unfortunately I.Ya. Franko was never able to publish the story to the end, because the magazine was closed. But before the magazine closed, he still managed to publish to many famous article“Reasons for evaluating the poetry of Taras Shevchenko.” In 1881, in April, Ivan Franko travels to the village. Naguevichi. There, in addition to writing new works, he performs daily village work.

In February 1885 I. Franko travels to Kyiv, where he meets with O. Konisky and V. Antonovich regarding the publication of the newspaper. But unfortunately, the negotiations were unsuccessful. The only warm memory of Kyiv is about meetings with the Lysenko, Starytsky and Kosach families. Taras Shevchenko

In the magazine “Svit”, Ivan Yakovlevich Franko publishes a number of revolutionary poetry, which were later included in the collection “From Peaks and Lowlands”. After this magazine was closed, Frank had to earn a living in the magazines “Dilo” and “Zorya”. In "Zori" he publishes historical story"Zakhar Berkut", and very big article"Ivan Sergiyovich Turgenev."

Dreaming of publishing his own magazine, Ivan Yakovlevich traveled to Kyiv twice (1885, 1886) to receive financial assistance from the Kyiv “Gromada”. But the Kyiv liberals simply did not keep their word and gave the money to Zori, and not to the writer.

IN 1886 in Kyiv, Ivan Franko married Olga Khorunzhinskaya and took her to Lvov. But his happiness was overshadowed by his dismissal from “Zori”, from that moment he had to look for how to earn money for bread. He was lucky - he became an employee of the newspaper “Courier Lvivsky”. In the same year, the collection “Through the Peaks and Lowlands” was released.

Heavy financial condition forces Ivan Frank to work for Pravda. But even the need for money could not keep him there for long - in May 1889. he breaks off his ties with Pravda and in a letter “To Whom Behind the Tsar” he accuses the “Pravda” people of nationalistic isolation.

In August 1889 I. Franko travels with a student group from Russia on a tourist trip. The Austrian government saw the writer as an attempt to separate Galechina from Austria and annex it to Russia. For this he was arrested along with the students. As a result, Franco spent 10 weeks in prison, after which he was released without trial.

In 1890 together with M. Pavlik, Ivan Franko publishes the fortnightly journal “The People”, which became the organ of the “Ukrainian Radical Party” founded this year. In “The People” the writer publishes the stories “Pig”, “Like this year there was a house”. In the same year, his collection of short stories “In the Pot” with Frank’s autobiography was published.

In Lvov, Ivan Franko organizes the “Science Reading Room”, in which he himself speaks on issues of political economy, scientific socialism, and the history of the revolutionary struggle. Franco decided to organize a fight in the scientific field. He decided to write a doctoral dissertation, choosing the topic: “Political poetry of T.G. Shevchenko."

Lviv University did not accept the dissertation for defense. Therefore, the writer goes to Chernivtsi, but failure awaits him there too. Disappointed, Franco writes a new doctoral dissertation “Barlam and Joasaph” - an old Christian spiritual novel and his literary history.” In June 1893 he is given the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

In 1893, Franco published the second (expanded) edition of the collection “Through the Peaks and Lowlands.” After it, four more wonderful collections were published: “Zivyale Leaves” (1896), “My Izmaragd” (1898), “From the Days of Zhurby” (1900) and the story “Crossing Stitches” (1900).

Since 1898 The magazine “Literary and Scientific Newsletter” begins to be published in Lviv. Naturally. That Franco immediately becomes the most active employee of the magazine, and then the editor. In this magazine he publishes his articles “From the secrets of poetic creativity”, “Lesya Ukrainka” and others.

In 1905 I. Franko writes in honor of the revolution in Russia his famous poem“Moses”, poem “Conquistadori”. At the same time, the writer writes a review article “New History of Russian Literature”. He also appears with his famous and popular article “Ideas” and “ideals” of the Galician Muscovophile youth,” in which he shows Galician Muscophiles in all their “glory.”

In 1906 a collection of poetry “Semper tiro” was published, and a year later the story “The Great Noise” was published.

In 1907 Franko is trying to take a place at the department of Lviv University, but he does not receive an answer to his request, because... Grushevsky has already taken this place.

In 1908 Ivan Franko falls ill. Large overload led to nervous disorders and contractures of both hands. Treatment in Croatia helped me recover from this. But over time, my health began to deteriorate again. He went for treatment to Kyiv, the Carpathians, and Odessa (1913). As soon as he felt even a little bit better, he immediately got to work. Thanks to such dedication, he wrote an article about Pushkin’s drama “Boris Godunov” (1914), an article “Taras Shevchenko” (1914), poems “Yevshan-Zillya”, “Konchakov’s Glory” and others.

IN 1915 The writer’s health condition deteriorated no further. In the spring of 1916. the sick Franko moved to his house in Lvov. On March 9, 1916, anticipating his imminent death, Ivan Yakovlevich Franko draws up a will, in which he asks to transfer all his handwritten works, along with his own library, to the Scientific Society named after. T.G. Shevchenka. May 28, 1916 Ivan Franko died. Three days later, the truna with his body was temporarily placed in the crypt. But the “temporary” lasted for 10 years, only after this period the remains of the great writer were transferred to the Lichakiv cemetery in Lviv. A monument was built on the grave of Ivan Frank with a stone worker carved on it. This monument can still be seen today.

Franko Ivan Yakovlevich was born on August 27, 1856 in the village. Naguevichi of Drobetsky district. He died on May 28, 1916 in Lvov at the age of 60. Ukrainian writer, publicist and poet, scientist, translator, political and public figure, Doctor of Philosophy, current member of the Scientific Society named after T. Shevchenko, honorary doctor of Kharkov University.

The feat of Ivan Franko.

Franco - great classic Ukrainian literature No. 2 after T. G. Shevchenko, who glorified Ukraine in the image of Kamenyar, so that his talent and world-class greatness were recognized

In the USSR - the city of Stanislav, a regional center in the Ukrainian SSR, which became Ivano-Frankivsk, was renamed after him in 1962;

In independent Ukraine - on the 20 hryvnia banknote there is a photo of Franco;

IN modern Russia streets in Moscow, Tula, Ufa, Kaliningrad, Tambov, Lipetsk, Perm, Cheboksary, Irkutsk and a number of other cities of modern Russia are named after Franko;

In Canada, a street in Montreal bears the name of Franco, and in Winnipeg there is a monument by Ignashchenko;

In Kazakhstan, a street in the city of Rudny, Kostanay region of Kazakhstan, also bears the name of Ivan Franko;

During Ivan Franko's lifetime, his works were translated into German, Russian, Polish and Czech.

This global recognition named after Franko, as well as his passion for Marxism (although he later became an ardent critic of it), caused a backlash among a number of nationalist figures of independent Ukraine, and among the mass circle of Ukrainian readers, indifference grew, and in some cases - almost undisguised hostility towards Franco himself and a disdainful attitude to his legacy. Who is Ivan Franko for us? It is impossible to answer this question without knowing who he was in his time for Galicia and all of Ukraine.

- Ivan Franko began working for the benefit of Ukraine in 1873, starting with literature. Later he worked in the scientific field as a public and political figure, as a journalist, and wherever it was necessary to work for the benefit of the people. At the beginning of his career, Ivan Yakovlevich Franko was not known at all as a writer, but as an economist;

He studied the problems that in one way or another arose in connection with the abolition of corvee, as well as the introduction of capitalist relations in the village. Thus, not only theoretically, but also in practice, I tried to explain the teachings of Marx and Engels on the creation of added value, showing this using the example of salt mining in Naguevichi, etc. In the article “What is progress?” (1903), giving general characteristics Engels' views on the future of socialist society, Franco wrote:

Time has shown the correctness of Franco's forecasts regarding the future of the state, which was built on the basic principles of Marxist theory. These predictions are strikingly consistent with general contours administrative-bureaucratic system that operated in Ukraine for 70 years.

- In 1904, Ivan Franko predicted what happened in Ukraine during the 70 years of dominance of the Soviet system. He wrote that if the communist program were to be implemented, it would be “the negation of all free workers’ unions,” it would be “the same forced labor for everyone, there would be the establishment of forced armies, especially for agriculture.” The author of “Moses” 90 years ago wrote about “the omnipotence of the communist state, indicated in all 10 points of the communist manifesto, in practical translation would mean the triumph of the new bureaucracy over all its material and spiritual life.”

The position occupied by Ivan Franko in last years one's life can be called nationalism. He had a good sense of the difference between Marxist theory and the practice of national movements. The slogans put forward by Marx and Engels, “Workers of all countries, unite” and “Workers have no Fatherland,” provide for the international nature of the labor and social democratic movement. But national movements, according to Franco, put first the interests of the “single nation” as the largest unit that a person can embrace with his labor.

Reading the works of Ivan Franko, we are convinced that the writer was against national and social enslavement. In 1887, he published the fairy tale “How a Rusyn trampled through the next world,” where he correctly presented Russia’s policy towards Ukraine.

Ivan Franko through the eyes of the artist Yuri Zhuravl.

The famous Ukrainian artist and animator Yuri Zhuravel portrayed Ivan Franko as follows:

Ivan Franko and social networks.

Group, dedicated to Franco on the VKontakte social network.

Biography of Ivan Franko.

1875 - graduated from high school in Drohobych, became a student at the Faculty of Philosophy at Lvov University;

Franco's active publishing and socio-political activities, as well as his correspondence with Mikhail Drahomanov, led to the writer's arrest on charges of belonging to a secret socialist society;

1880 - arrested for the second time on charges of inciting villagers against the authorities;

1881 - co-publisher of the magazine "Svet";

1882 - after the closure of "Svet" he works in the magazine "Zarya" and the newspaper "Delo";

May 1986 - married Olga Khoruzhinskaya;

1888 - worked in the magazine "Pravda";

1889 - arrested for the third time for his connections with the Dnieper people;

1890 - with the support of Mikhail Drahomanov, Franko becomes a co-founder of the Russian-Ukrainian Radical Party;

1908 - there is a significant deterioration in the writer’s health. Nevertheless, he continues to work;

The organizers of the funeral were Kost Levitsky.

Ivan Franko had three sons. One of them, Andrei, died at the age of 26. The other two - Peter and Taras - became writers. There was also a daughter, Anna, also a Ukrainian writer, publicist and memoirist.

On the Inter TV channel they filmed a film about Ivan Franko documentary. In the project "Great Ukrainians" Svyatoslav Vakarchuk talks about Ivan Franko. Inter TV channel, 2008

Perpetuating the memory of Ivan Franko.

1962 - the city of Stanislav was renamed Ivano-Frankivsk;

Streets and squares are named in honor of Ivan Franko in many cities of Ukraine;

Asteroid 2428 Kamenyar is named in his honor;

In memory of Ivan Franko, many monuments were opened in Ukraine and abroad. In particular, in Ivano-Frankivsk there is a monument and bust to Ivan Franko:

July 27-29, 2012 in the present day. the village of Naguevichi hosted the musical and creative festival "Franco Fest";

In the village Krivorivnya, Vekhovinsky district, opened a museum named after Ivan Franko, which displays many things that his hand touched:

Another museum in the village of Lolin;

In Kalush there is a house-museum of the Franco family;

National Literary and Memorial Museum named after Ivan Franko in Lviv:

2006 - coin with the image of Franco:

A stamp whose face value was 70 kopecks:

2003 - Franco’s image on the 20-hryvnia bill:

How often do Yandex users from Ukraine look for information about Ivan Franko in the search engine?

As can be seen from the photo, users of the Yandex search engine were interested in the query “Ivan Franko” 7,169 times in September 2015.

And according to this graph, you can see how Yandex users’ interest in the query “Ivan Franko” has changed over the past two years:

** If you have materials about other heroes of Ukraine, please send them to this mailbox

I. Franko’s prose works are presented from authoritative sources: individual books (mainly collections) published during I. Franko’s lifetime and under his supervision, from lifetime publications in almanacs, newspapers, and magazines, where they were published with the knowledge and consent of the author. Unpublished works are submitted by autograph.

During I. Franko’s lifetime, with his direct participation, the following collections of the writer’s works appeared:

Borislav. Pictures from the life of the Podgorsky people. Lvov, 1877. Contents: introduction. - Oilman. - At work. - Converted sinner.

Galician icons. Lvov, 1885. Contents: Maly Miron. – Gritseva school science. - Pencil. – Schonschreiben.

By the sweat of your brow. Images from the life of working people. Lvov, 1890. Contents: M. Drahomanov. Preface. – Excerpt from a letter to M. Drahomanov. – Stories: Lesishin’s servants. - Two friends. - Bricklayer. - Small Myron. – Gritseva school science. - Pencil. – Schonschreiben. - At the bottom. - It's my own fault. - Slug. – Good earnings. - Peasant commission. – The story of my straw cutter. - Gypsies. – Forests and pastures. - Dovbanyuk. - Home craft. - Manipulant. - To the light! - Between good people.

Obrazki galicyjskie. Lwów, 1897. Contents: Nieco o sobie samym. – Dwaj przyjaciele. – Historja mojej sieczkarni. - Hawa. – Jeden dzień z życia uliczników lwowskich. - Pantałacha. (Part of the edition was published without a preface).

When did the animals speak?. Fairy tales for children. Lvov, 1899. Contents: Preface. – Donkey and Lion. - The old goodness is forgotten. - Fox and Crane. – Chanterelle and Cancer. - Fox and Drozd. - Hare and hedgehog. - The King and the Bear. - Wolf Voit. – Hare and Bear. - Crow and Viper. - Three bags of tricks. - Wolf, Fox and Donkey. - Foxy nun. - Murko and Burko. - Fox-godfather. – The war between the Dog and the Wolf. - Painted Fox. – Crows and Owls. - A fable about a fable.

Poluyka and other Borislav stories. Lvov, 1899. Contents: Poluyka. - Oilman. - Shepherd.

Seven Tales. Lvov, 1900. Contents: Rubach. – A tale of prosperity. - Animal budget. – History of the casing. - Pig constitution. - Sharp, sharp headman. - The story of one confiscation.

Good earnings and other stories. Lvov, 1902. Contents: Preface. - Good income. - Bricklayer. - It's my own fault. - Slug. – The story of my straw cutter. - Home craft. - Dovbanyuk. - In the forge.

Pantalakha and other stories. Lvov, 1902. Contents: Preface. - Pantalakha. - Peasant commission. - In the prison hospital.

From turbulent years. Lvov, 1903. Contents: Preface. - Rezuny. - Grisha and panych.

Maly Miron and other stories. Lvov, 1903. Contents: Preface. - Small Myron. – Gritseva school science. - Pencil. – Schonschreiben. - My father is a comedian. - Mustard seed. - Boris Grab.

The Manipulator and Other Stories. Lvov, 1904. Contents: Manipulant. - Lesisha’s servants. - Between good people. - Are you crazy, or what?

In the lap of nature and other stories. Lvov, 1905. Contents: In the lap of nature. - Nikitichev oak. - Yandrusy. - Dryad. - Pike. – Odi profanum vulgus. - Mavka. - In the hayloft. - My crime. - In the carpentry workshop. - Duel. - While the train starts moving. - Jay wing.

Mission. Plague. Fairy tales and satires. Lvov, 1906. Contents: Mission. - Plague. – Fairy tales and satires: 1. Where do the old years go? – 2. Like a gentleman, he was looking for trouble for himself. – 3. How the Rusyns pushed through the next world. – 4. Our audience. – 5. Pig. – 6. How the Concord built a house. – 7. Dr. Besservisser. – 8. From the Galician “Book of Genesis”. – 9. Thistles. – 10. Thomas with a heart and Thomas without a heart.

Motherland and other stories. K., 1911. Contents: Introductory remarks. - Motherland. - Coal miner. - William Tell. - Genius. – Gershko Goldmacher. - Crow and Vovkun. - Blueberry pies. - For the sake of the holiday.

Corvee Bread and Other Stories. Lviv. 1913. Contents: Foreword. - Corvee bread. – Forests and pastures. - Gypsies. – History of the casing.

Rutenians. Types of Galician Rusyns from the 60s and 70s. Lvov, 1913. Contents: Introductory remarks. – I. Young Rus'. – II. A common person. – III. Disappointed. – IV. Patriotic impulses.

As a separate collection, published in three editions, “ Old Russian stories"Franco, published in 1900 in three books of the Prosvita society. Content:

Vol. 1: Opening remarks. – 1. The story of the death trumpet and the four boxes. – 2. A story about one-year-old kings. – 3. The story of King Haggai. – 4. A story about a tasty guardian;

Vol. 2: 5. The story of the half. – 6. The story of a man who lent to God;

Vol. 3: 7. The story of the robber Flavian. – 8. The story of the mason Eulogia.

Of the above-mentioned collections, they are original in composition, i.e. those that are formed from stories that were first published together in a separate publication are “Borislav” (1877), “Galician Pictures” (1885), “When the Animals Still Spoke” (1899), “Seven Tales” (1900), “Old Russian stories" (1900), "From stormy years" (1903), "In the lap of nature" (1905), "Mission. Plague. Fairy tales and satires" (1906), "Motherland and other stories" (1911), "Rutentsy" (1913). The rest of the collections are a selection of stories from previous collections with the addition of several works published for the first time as part of the collection.

This edition follows the chronological principle of arrangement of I. Franko’s stories. The exceptions are the collections “Borislav”, “When the Animals Still Spoke”, “Ancient Russian Stories”, “From Stormy Years”, “Rutentsy”, which are presented holistically, along with prefaces.

Ivan Franko is an outstanding Ukrainian fiction writer, poet, publicist and scientist. The classic's legacy is enormous, and its influence on culture is difficult to overestimate. In 1915, the writer was nominated for the Nobel Prize, but Ivan Franko’s candidacy did not reach consideration due to the death of the applicant.

Childhood and youth

The future classic of Ukrainian literature was born into a wealthy family. Its head, the Galician peasant Yakov Franko, earned money blacksmithing, and my mother, Maria Kulchitskaya, was one of the “noble” ones. Younger than husband at 33 years old, a woman from an impoverished family of Rusyn-gentry raised children. The classic called the first years of life bright.

When Ivan Franko was 9 years old, his father died. Mom got married a second time, and her stepfather replaced the children's father. He established a friendship with Ivan and maintained it throughout his life. At 16, Ivan became an orphan: his mother passed away.

At the Drohobych school at the Catholic monastery, Ivan turned out to be the best student: the teachers predicted a future for him as a professor. The guy had a phenomenal memory - he quoted lectures verbatim, and knew “Kobzar” by heart.

Franko knew Polish and German, made poetic translations of the Bible, and voraciously read European classics, works on history and the natural sciences. Earning money by tutoring, high school student Ivan Franko managed to collect a library of half a thousand books. Knowing foreign languages, he valued his native Ukrainian, collected and recorded ancient folk songs, legends.

Ivan Franko lived with a distant relative who owned a carpentry business in Drohobych. It happened that a young man slept in freshly planed coffins (the story “In the Carpentry”). In the summer, the future classic of Ukrainian literature tended cattle in his native Naguevichi and helped his stepfather in the field. In 1875, Ivan Franko received a certificate with honors and entered Lviv University, choosing the Faculty of Philosophy.


Ivan Franko published his first works in the university magazine “Friend”, thanks to which it turned into the printed organ of revolutionaries. Denunciations from ill-wishers and reactionaries became the reason for the first arrest of Ivan Franko and members of the Friend editorial board.

Franco was sentenced to 6 weeks, but was released after 9 months (he waited 8 months for trial). The young man was placed in a cell with inveterate criminals, poor people whose poverty pushed them to commit serious crimes. Communication with them became the source of writing fictional works, which, after his release, Ivan Franko published in publications he edited. The stories of the “prison cycle” have been translated into foreign languages ​​and called the best in the writer’s legacy.

Having left the prison dungeons, Ivan Franko faced the reaction of conservative society: both Narodnaya Volya and Russophiles turned their backs on the “criminal”. The young man was expelled from the university. A young revolutionary with socialist views found himself in the vanguard of fighters against the Austrian monarchy. With his colleague M. Pavlik, he published the magazine “Public Friend”, where he published poems, essays and the first chapters of the story “Boa constrictor”.

Soon the police confiscated the publication, but Ivan Franko resumed publication under another, more a telling name- “Bell.” The magazine publishes Franco’s programmatic poem “Masons” (“Kamenari”). And again confiscation and name change. In the fourth and last issue of the magazine, called “Hammer,” Ivan Yakovlevich published the ending of the story and poetry.

Ivan Franko published a magazine and clandestinely printed brochures with translations of works and to which he wrote prefaces. In 1878, the Galician revolutionary headed the magazine “Praca” (“Labor”), turning the organ of printers into a publication of Lviv workers. During these years, Ivan Franko translated Heinrich Heine’s poem “Germany”, “Faust”, “Cain”, and wrote the novel “Borislav Laughs”.

In the spring of 1880, on the way to Kolomyia, Ivan Franko was arrested a second time: the politician took the side of the Kolomyya peasants with whom he was driving litigation Austrian government. After a three-month stay in prison, Ivan Yakovlevich was sent to Naguevichi, but on the way to the village, for his impudent behavior, he ended up in the dungeons of a prison in Drohobych. What he saw became the reason for writing the story “At the Bottom.”

In 1881, Ivan Franko published the magazine “Mir”, in which he published the story “Borislav Laughs”. Readers never saw the last chapters of the work: the magazine was closed. Ivan Franko's poems were published by the magazine Svet. From them the collection “From the Heights and Lowlands” was soon formed. After the closure of Svet, the writer is forced to earn money by publishing in Narodnaya Volya publications. During these years, the famous story “Zakhar Berkut” was published in the Zarya magazine, but soon the writer’s collaboration with Zarya ceased.

In the mid-1880s, in search of income, Ivan Franko came to Kyiv twice, asking the capital’s liberals for money to publish his own magazine. But the promised money did not go to Ivan Yakovlevich, but to the editorial office of Zarya. In the summer of 1889, Russian students arrived in Galicia. Together with them, Ivan Franko went on a trip around the country, but soon the group was arrested, Franko was accused of trying to “tear” Galicia from Austria and intending to annex it to Russia. Two months later, the entire group was released without trial.

In the early 1890s, Franco wrote his doctoral dissertation using political poetry as a basis. But Lviv University did not accept the dissertation for defense. Ivan Yakovlevich submitted his dissertation to Chernivtsi University, but he was rejected there too. In the fall of 1892, the writer went to Vienna, where he wrote a dissertation on ancient Christian spiritual romance. A year later in Austria, Ivan Franko was given a Ph.D.

In 1894, after the death of Professor O. Ogonovsky, who headed the department of Ukrainian literature at Lvov University, Franko tried to fill the vacant position. His test lecture aroused enormous interest among students, but Ivan Yakovlevich was not accepted into the department. On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Ivan Franko’s work, which was widely celebrated by writers and creative youth of Ukraine, a collection of poems “My Izmagd” was published.

The revolution of 1905 in Russia inspired the writer; he responded to the event with the poem “Moses” and the collection of poems “Semper tiro”, which included the poem “Conquistadors”.

In the early 1900s, relations between Ivan Franko and Ukrainian nationalists, led by Mikhail Grushevsky, worsened. In 1907, an attempt to head a department at Lvov University once again failed: Franko’s application was not even considered. Support came from Kharkov: the university awarded Ivan Yakovlevich a doctorate in Russian literature. The writer and scientist is honored in Russia and the Dnieper Ukraine.

Ivan Franko, like his predecessors and contemporaries, repeatedly turned to theological and biblical themes. The writer's interpretation of Christian humanism is original. The brightest example– verse “The Legend of eternal life».

In 1913, the writer and scientist celebrated the 40th anniversary of his work, but the publication of anniversary collections was suspended due to the outbreak of the imperialist war. Dozens of the master's prose and poetic works were published after his death.

In total, Ivan Franko wrote more than five thousand works. Contemporaries compared him with the great people of the Renaissance, called him “great astral body, warming the whole of Ukraine." But speaking about the life of the Ukrainian classic, one often recalls his quote: “Executioners live like gods, and worse than a dog the poor man lives."

Personal life

The writer met his future wife Olga Khoruzhinskaya in Kyiv in the mid-1880s. Ivan Franko was not a handsome man: red-haired, with teary eyes, and short. He attracted women with his incredible erudition, progressive views and encyclopedic knowledge. Beauty Olga fell in love with a Galician. Warnings from relatives and friends that the young man belonged to another circle came to nothing. Ivan Franko was late for the wedding: having put on a wedding tailcoat, he read a rare book in the library.

The Kiev woman’s move to the capital of Galicia did not bring happiness: prim Lvov women called Olga a “Moskal”; despite her efforts, the young woman never managed to become one of her own. The family, which had four children one after another, was in dire need of money. Ivan Franko was not hired, he was persecuted by the police and authorities, his creativity brought modest income.

The father read the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm to his sons Andrei, Taras, Peter and daughter Anna, Ivan Yakovlevich translated them with lightning speed German language. In his native village, Franco took children to the forest and to the river. Olga, having put the children to bed, translated from German and French, wrote articles for almanacs, and discussed his works with her husband. But life's troubles and poverty undermined her unstable psyche - Olga showed a hereditary tendency to nervous breakdowns.

In 1898, Ivan Franko received national award. Olga added the rest of the dowry to this money and took upon herself the construction of a house in Lvov. But it was not possible to live happily in the new house. Mental disorder Olga’s condition worsened, nervous disorders and breakdowns began in Ivan Yakovlevich. The last straw was the death of his eldest son Andrei in May 1913; Olga ended up in a psychiatric hospital.


The last months of his life, Ivan Franko lived in a shelter for Sich Riflemen: student volunteers looked after the writer. Franco did not live to see his 60th birthday for 3 months. He was dying in all alone. Son Taras was in captivity, Peter fought, daughter Anna worked in a Kiev hospital.

The writer died at home: Franco escaped from the orphanage in May 1916. That year he was nominated for the Nobel Prize, but it is given to a living person. The scientist and writer passed away on May 28. He was buried at the Lviv Lychakiv cemetery.


  • 1877 – “The Converted Sinner”
  • 1880 – “At the Bottom”
  • 1882 – “Zakhar Berkut”
  • 1882 – “Borislav laughs”
  • 1884 – “Boa constrictor”
  • 1887 – “Lel and Polel”
  • 1887 – “Yats Zelepuga”
  • 1890 – “Fox Mikita”
  • 1891 – “The Adventures of Don Quixote”
  • 1892 – “Stolen Happiness”
  • 1894 – “Pillars of Society”
  • 1895 – “Abu Qasim’s shoes”
  • 1897 – “For the Hearth”
  • 1899 – “Oilman”
  • 1900 – “Crossing Paths”


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