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Beans fortune telling g aksu. Fortune telling by beans: correct interpretation, methods and features

Kan Victoria Vladimirovna

Specialist in fortune telling and spiritual practices. For 2 years she traveled in Tibet and India. Conducts free fortune telling sessions for readers of our resource.

Articles written

More than ten thousand types of magical predictions are known in the world. They are all used different peoples and are not suitable for every nation. Therefore, it is better to always ask for advice or ask questions only about Slavic methods of communicating with the secret world.

One of the Slavic methods is fortune telling using 38 or 41 beans. It came to Rus' in those distant times when tribes were just beginning to unite. It quickly spread throughout all villages and took a leading place among all fortune-telling events. Why? The answer is simple: easy to study and decipher. A novice fortuneteller will not experience problems in his activities using this method.

Although it is easier to get predictions online for free for the future. This will save your time, and the interpretation will be received within a few minutes.

Why is it so simple and what methods exist?

Fortune telling on beans has been customary at all times. The technology was especially popular among ordinary people, and among aristocrats. Women either gathered in groups and tried all the options for fortune telling. But it’s better, of course, to do everything yourself, without prying eyes and ears. Fortune telling for 41 peas or beans is convenient because it can be used by literally everyone, at any age. Does not require specific knowledge, skills and abilities. Also, fortune telling on beans has a simple interpretation.

Before you guess on the beans, you should decide on the option. Use everything if desired. But then dry the beans you use well and prepare a cozy place for storage. A velvet fabric bag with embroidered designs or amulets will do. Always ventilate them and talk to them.

Since you have decided to become a fortuneteller, and you have chosen legumes as your instrument, then perform a ritual of cleansing, taming and charging. At the end of the last rite, you need to talk to them and ask for help in revealing the secrets of the universe.

Still, any prediction reveals the secrets of God’s providence.

There are different ways to tell beans

  • astrological fortune telling with beans. After all, astrology will help to reveal not only the purpose of a person, but also his life paths(ramifications);
  • by first and last name. The number of letters of vowels and consonants is taken into account;
  • according to the age. It resembles the astrological one, but differs in that the amount of beans taken is always different. It all depends on the full years;
  • in different quantities: 31, 38 and 41 beans.

The material is also selected independently, but always from legumes: peas, groundnuts or beans. With the help of beans, fortune telling is one of the most effective and has a 100% result. It is believed that this fruit is more talkative than peas.

Teaching the technique

You can watch a video or study pictures in detail about how to learn to tell fortunes with beans, but learning fortune telling from a picture or video instructions will not bring results until you read it several times and try it yourself. In addition, it is better to have the meaning in finished form (printed or handwritten). But during the interpretation on 41 or during the interpretation on 31 (38) beans, there is a difference. And significant.

To make it easier for fortunetellers to understand the technique, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with it visually and by reading the popular method, which requires 41 peas or beans:

  1. pour all the beans onto a table covered with a tablecloth and divide them into three piles. Without counting down. Separate one bean from the total mass;
  2. There should be no extraneous thoughts in your head. Focus on the process. You can tell fortunes using beans only if the person good location spirit and with faith in one’s strength;
  3. From each received part we count four pieces. We distribute the remainder along the lines. From the second pile is the second line, and the third line will be the last pile;
  4. Such manipulations are carried out until there is nothing superfluous left and the lines are completely formed.

The result of fortune telling will be when counting each line received. The only thing worth remembering is: if the first rad has three peas or beans in each pile, then the fortune telling is stopped immediately. This is an unkind sign, indicating that you are not recommended to tell your fortune. higher power.

Decoding answers

Let's move on to the interpretation of the answers received. Each of the lines symbolizes certain parts of the body:

  1. First or top row:
  • right hand. Everything related to material wealth;
  • middle - head. Emotional state. This includes both the feelings and thoughts of the fortuneteller;
  • left additional.
  1. Second row:
  • middle - heart. The mental side of the issue. Here are love relationships, work moments, experiences;
  • right and left are additional.
  1. Third row:

The answers are easy to understand. It all depends on even and odd. An even number means “no” or a negative result. This also indicates obstacles to achieving goals for some reason. Positive result - no even number beans

If you receive a negative answer, then you should not be upset. It is possible that the technique was performed incorrectly. Therefore, double-check again, laying everything out in a new way. If the result is negative again, then you should pay attention to your behavior and train of thought.

Analyze the actions of desire, achievement. It is possible that you do not need new goals and desires or will only bring trouble.

In this article:

Fortune telling with beans is considered one of the oldest methods of fortune telling, which was very popular among our ancestors. And to this day, many experienced fortune tellers and esotericists claim that this method is one of the most effective and reliable.

Some sources say that fortune-telling began in this way only in the 17th century, however, even then there was an old proverb that says: “I will solve someone else’s misfortune with beans, but I will not apply my mind to my own misfortune.” According to philologists, this proverb refers specifically to the method of fortune telling, with the help of which you can really find out the future.

Fortune telling by beans - methods

There are many different fortune tellings that use peas or beans. We will consider only the most interesting, popular and reliable method, which has been popular for many centuries.

Fortune telling by 41 peas

For this prediction ritual you will need 41 beans (peas, beans, etc.). Place the cooked beans on a flat surface and divide them into three approximately equal parts. After this, with your left hand, begin to put the peas from the first pile to the side.

First, take 4 pieces, then 3, and then 2 and 1 pea, do this until there are only 4 beans left in the pile. The last pea should be the first in a new pile of the next row.

You will need to carry out the same procedure with the remaining two piles from the first row. The beans set aside should be added to the first, second and third piles. Then take one pea from each resulting pile; they should become the basis for the piles of the third row.

Now take a few beans from the second row (not counting) and move them to the third row. As a result, you should have nine piles - three for each row.
The last pea that you take in your hand, do not add to the pile, but put it aside separately; you will still really need it in the fortune telling process.

This method can suggest the right decisions in difficult situations.

Interpretation of fortune telling:
When all the heaps have been laid out, you can proceed to the interpretation of the entire ritual performed. For experienced fortune tellers, each pile has its own meaning.

  • The second one in the first row is the head.
  • The third in the first is the hand.
  • The second in the second is the heart.
  • The third in the third is the leg.
  • These four heaps have special meaning and are considered the main ones, you need to pay attention to this Special attention, asking another question. For example, if you ask a question about love and relationships, then the answer to it will be hidden in your heart, that is, in the second pile in the second row.
  • The heart is not only love, but also other feelings experienced by every person, this is melancholy, sadness, grief, joy, all other emotions.
  • Head – questions concerning the mind, character and abilities of a person.
  • Hand - financial well-being.
  • Leg – movement and everything connected with it.

Only after this can you move on to the most interesting part - fortune telling.

Focus on the question you want answered. Close your eyes, get rid of all unnecessary thoughts and sensations, nothing should distract you at this moment.

Now open your eyes, say your question clearly out loud and immediately count the number of beans in the pile to which the question itself belongs. Usually, an even number initially carries an unfavorable connotation, so the answer to the question is no. An odd number of beans is a good omen, most likely the answer to your question is yes.

But the number of peas alone is not the answer. The last word remains behind the beans in the first row. First look at the third pile - if there odd number, it means that all is not lost for you. The first pile will indicate possible obstacles.

If the answer is no

If everything indicates that you will not be able to achieve what you want, do not rush to despair, remember what you did from the very beginning - you set aside the 41st bean that can be added to any of your piles. Thus, with the help of this fortune-telling, you got not just the opportunity to find out your own future, but also a chance to influence it, change your destiny for the better. Does this method work? It works, the main thing is that you must believe in its effectiveness, and everything will work out for you.

Fortune telling by beans is one of the methods for getting an answer to a question of interest, finding out your future and lifting the curtain on the mystery of future events.

Some people tell fortunes on cards, others on a piece of paper with a pen, some do it with the help of beans. This method is considered very ancient.

It was used by our distant ancestors, and its meaning was passed on from one generation to another in order to provide answers to exciting questions today.

There are many ways to tell fortunes using peas. In this article we will look at the most common, truthful and effective.

Description of rituals

If you decide to do fortune telling on beans, then you will need its main component - beans, peas, lentils or something else.

Before performing the ritual, you should hold them in your hands, pouring all the peas from one to another in turn.

The ritual is performed at any time of the day, regardless of the position of the moon. Guessing is not recommended in church holidays and Sunday.

Yes/no answer

Fortune telling by question is considered the simplest. The question should be formulated as precisely as possible so that it can be answered with a clear “yes” or “no.” Having wished for it, you need to scoop it up from a random pile right hand.

  • Odd number - no;
  • Even number - yes.

So in a simple way you will be able to answer all your questions and understand what the near or distant future will bring you. This fortune telling can be performed no more than five times a day, but with various questions. You can’t guess, if you’re not satisfied with the answer, it’s better to postpone this matter until tomorrow.

A ritual for life, work and family

This ritual is also considered very simple and accessible even to those who have never used magic before. For the ritual you will need legumes, a small pile that would fit in two palms.

Now, by eye, all the peas need to be divided into three piles: the left one is life, the central one is work, the right one is family. In those piles where their number is even, the value will be good, good luck and prosperity await you. Where the number is odd, there may be problems.

Thus, just by counting the number of peas, you will understand what awaits you in life, love and work. This fortune telling can be done no more than once a day.

If you happen to have luck and prosperity not awaiting you in any of the areas, or only in one area, then you can collect all the peas, wrap them in a white paper napkin and throw them away on the street. It is believed that this way you will ward off all the bad things.

Fortune telling 41 beans

For this ritual you will need exactly 41 beans. They need to be kept in a velvety, skin-friendly pouch. Before the ritual, you need to mix all the beans in a bag and hold the bag in your hands for a few minutes. Now you are ready for the ceremony.

Think about what worries and excites you. After this, you can scoop up an arbitrary number of peas from the bag with your right hand and pour them onto the table. Remove five peas at a time until there are 5, 4, 3, 2 or 1 left.

  • 5 - very soon everything in your life will improve, and all problems will be solved and fade into the background. There is very little time left to wait, you just need to make some effort;
  • 4 – your situation will resolve itself and perhaps someone close to you will help you;
  • 3 – the solution to all problems depends only on you, your efforts and strength;
  • 2 – it will be very difficult to solve the problem, but you have a chance;
  • 1 – let go of everything, because this problem is taking away your life.

This ritual is considered very effective and efficient when you want to find out how this or that matter, problem, or idea will be solved. When performing the ritual, you need to relax, let go of grievances, if any, and surrender completely to magic.

It is best to carry out rituals of this kind alone, when no one and nothing can distract you from the event. Therefore, you should make sure that phones, TVs and radios are turned off in advance.

Fortune telling on beans for the future - video

Fortune telling by beans is your opportunity to find out the future and get a definite answer to your question. It is best to perform only one ritual of this type per day, since repeating the ritual may not be the most truthful. It is also recommended to guess only if you believe in its effectiveness.

Fortune telling on beans or beans is a typical Russian urban fortune telling. In the villages, it was street people, not peasants, who used beans to tell fortunes. Fortune telling with beans was also popular in Siberia; in Cossack villages, Cossack women went to see fortune tellers.

At all times, people have wanted to look into the future. And if you don’t look, then at least find out how to enter problematic situation, which decision will be correct. In most cases, it was the resolution of the problem that was the subject of fortune telling. And the problem was certainly resolved, the advice turned out to be correct. This is the uniqueness of “fortune telling”.

Fortune telling technique

There are three types among completely different peoples, so seemingly different - fortune telling on yarrow stems, fortune telling on Siamsi sticks, fortune telling on beans. Upon closer examination, these fortune-telling have one basis - to catch the factor of chance, to join this factor, if everything on this planet is subject to one law. At one and the same time, fate affects both the beans and the person, you just need to be able to grasp it and read it. But we will leave this to the judgment of the attentive reader.

For fortune telling, take 40 beans and one piece of bread, a cracker the size of a bean. This ritual was accepted in Siberia. “Bread is the head of everything.” You need to tune in psychologically, the fortuneteller and the client. The fortuneteller usually whispers something, asks 41 beans to help solve the problem. You can make a wish, but the beans will tell you first of all – the current position and condition of the person asking, and then “whether it will come true or not.” In most cases, the questioner himself makes a decision based on the hint.

The beans are poured onto the table and randomly divided into three piles - the fortune telling has begun. They begin to work with the first left pile, subtracting 4 beans from it, over and over again, until 1, 2 or 3 beans remain in the pile. Also with the second, central pile... and finally with the third - the first line “Head” was laid out. The selected beans are again divided into three random piles and the second “Heart” line is laid out in the same way. When laying out the third “Legs” line, there may be 1, 2, 3 or 4 beans left. Horizontally - the lines “head”, “heart”, “legs”, vertically - orders, the left order shows external circumstances, the right order shows the person and his intentions. In the center are the “head” and “heart”. Upper right – “hand”, shows material wealth The more beans there are, the better.

Decoding fortune telling

Now you can make predictions and advice. An equal number in orders shows difficulty in business, stagnation, unequal – movement, development.

If there are more beans in the left orders and fewer in the right ones, external forces are favorable, the path flows from left to right.

If there are more beans in intention than in outside world– you are dependent on circumstances, some obstacle or difficulty.

Here you need to look at the middle order - the “head” has three beans - good, you act wisely, the “heart” contains one or three beans - good, joy will come (3), you remain faithful to your actions (1).

The bottom line of the “leg” shows your physical abilities to act and the favor of fortune. Four beans in the legs - it’s blocked, movement is difficult, two beans show the path - everything will be easy. It is better to move from left to right - fortune is favorable. It’s also good when there is room to move if the order is not filled to capacity (4).


Two examples: 1 – a good omen (the head is occupied with one thought, there is joy in the heart, movement from the legs from left to right from the outside to you)

2 – difficulty in business (head at a crossroads, heart with one goal, legs moving towards you from left to right, new order busy, full, which means you have not yet freed yourself from old problems in order to solve new ones)

There can be many interpretations of a prediction even for one combination. It all depends on the sorceress and on. But in any case, fortune telling, fortune telling by beans, gives advice on solving the problem and leaves freedom of action. The arrangement of the beans shows external conditions and helps to understand internal motivations.

There is an opinion that fortune telling on beans was brought by the troops of Genghis Khan, who in turn took it from the Chinese.

A very unusual, but interesting ancient method of prediction, which was used by girls in ancient times, is fortune telling by beans. On this moment This method of divination is not particularly common, so if you master it, you can surprise everyone you know with an unusual skill.

Fortune telling by beans - a simple ritual

What are the most unusual methods of fortune telling that you know? Probably this is the pendulum and, of course, the beans.

Do you want an easy way to tell fortunes with beans? You will need exactly 37 beans if you want to bewitch a guy, 31 if you want to bewitch a girl.. As usual, before starting the ceremony, you need to collect your thoughts, let go of all unnecessary information and focus on your question, which should be simple and concise.

Formulate it in such a way that it cannot be answered in two ways. The more clearly you formulate the question, the simpler and clearer the answer will be. Divide the prepared beans into three parts. When casting a spell on a guy, 12 beans are added into piles 1, 2 and 3, and when casting a spell on a girl - 10.

As a result, one grain should remain. Place it in front of you. Next, determine the number of characters in the first, patronymic and last name of the person you are guessing about.

For example: Olga Ivanovna Shukh. It turns out 5, 8, 3.

Below on a piece of paper, write down the question that concerns you.

For example: Does Kostya love me?

Next you need to count the number of vowels in the sentence. In our case, there are 6 of them. From the first pile of grains, take out as many beans as there are characters in the written name. From the second one gets as much as the letters in the patronymic. From the third - accordingly, how much is in the surname.

All the beans that you selected are collected in another pile (the bean set aside at the very beginning is added to it). After that, count out as many beans from it as there are total vowels contained in the written sentence.

  • If nothing remains of the slide, then the dream will not come true, the answer to the question is negative. The same value will be if there is an odd number of attributes left.
  • An even number of beans indicates that the dream will come true; the answer to the question is positive.
Bean fortune telling session

To carry out the ritual and obtain the correct answer, exactly 41 grains of legumes should be prepared. By eye, all the beans taken are laid out into 3 piles. After this, take 4 grains from the first hill with your left hand. After that, take out 3, 2 and 1.

The manipulations are repeated again and again until only 4 grains remain. The last grain will become the first in a new pile in the second row. The same manipulations are carried out with both the 2nd and 3rd piles. All grains, previously placed on the side, are divided between 1, 2 and 3 piles of the 2nd row.

Count out one grain from each formed pile. Each of them will become the first in a new pile, which will be located in the second row. After this, from the second row, count any number of beans by eye and place them in the third row.

The result is 9 piles, three in each line. Set the most recently used bean aside; we'll come back to it a little later. After 9 full-fledged slides are formed in front of you, you can begin to decipher the result obtained.

  • 2 in the first row indicates what abilities the individual has, what his character is, his mentality, what he can achieve;
  • 3 in the first line will reveal all the secrets concerning finances, cash flows and profits;
  • 2 in the second line talks about sensations. About what the individual experiences;
  • 3 in the third row is responsible for everything related to travel.

If you have chosen this particular method of telling fortunes on beans, then, having received exactly 9 slides, close your eyes and once again focus on your question. You know which group is responsible for what, so go straight to the one that is relevant to your question. Count how many beans are in this slide.

If the number of beans is even, then higher powers give a negative answer. If their number is odd, then the answer is yes. There is no need to worry right away if the answer does not live up to expectations.

Count the number of bean grains in 3 pile located in the row you are already working with. If there is an odd number of beans in it, then you will have a chance to correct the situation.

If you want to determine whether there will be troubles on the way to what you want, then count the number of grains in the first pile of this row. An even number indicates that troubles are expected, the path is very difficult.

Some witches are sure that by using this, you can not only find out what will happen to you, but even change your destiny. It is in this case that you will need a bean that you have previously removed to the side. Having received a negative answer, you can add it to the pile you see fit.

This way you will change the state of affairs and attract the necessary energy to yourself. Be sure that in this way you will be able to change the course of events.

Bean fortune telling is truly special. After all, it’s not every day that you have the opportunity to not only find out your destiny, but even change it. However, remember, you cannot often change the course of events, because otherwise higher powers will get angry with you and punish you.



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