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Church of the Kazan Mother of God in Kolomenskoye. Cathedrals and temples of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in Russia

Temple in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God “Kazan”

Dear brothers and sisters! Our temple celebrated its 120th anniversary this year!


Liturgy— Sunday at 8.00

All-night vigil— Saturday at 16.00

The Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in the ancient village of Petrovka belongs to the Sampur deanery of the Tambov Metropolis of the Moscow Russian Patriarchate Orthodox Church. This is one of the oldest churches not only in the region, but also in the Tambov region, and on November 4, 2014, on Kazanskaya, it will celebrate the anniversary patronal holiday - the 120th anniversary of its foundation.


The wooden single-altar cold church in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in the village of Petrovka was built in 1894 at the expense of parishioners. The icons for the new church were purchased at the expense of the landowner, whose name, unfortunately, has been lost. It is known that his grave is located on the territory of the temple. The Feast of the Kazan Mother of God in 1894 became the day of the consecration of a new church in the village of Petrovskoye.

In the description of the temple of that time we read: “The core of the small temple composition is a squat quadrangle supporting an octagon, completed with an octagonal domed roof and a bulbous dome covered with a ploughshare. Adjoining it from the east is a rectangular altar apse, and from the west there is a small refectory and a two-tier hipped bell tower with an onion crown. The outside of the temple is covered with planks and painted in white and blue tones, and the lace carved patterns on the cornices of all volumes give it a special lightness and airiness.” The temple was built in the form of a cross, with a large porch, without frescoes. The ceiling painting is currently painted over. On the Royal Doors there is an image of the four evangelists, an icon of the Annunciation Holy Mother of God and an icon of the Savior. On the northern gate there is an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, on the southern one there is the preacher Moses with stone tablets with the Ten Commandments of the Lord.
The history of the temple is inextricably linked with the history of the village. In 1824, the landowner Kovalsky from the village of Knyazhevo had land to the south of his estate. On these lands, Kovalsky decided to form a farm, and settled 30 families there from his estate in Knyazhevo. On the farm, among the 30 families of immigrants, there was the largest family - the family of the three Petrov brothers, more wealthy and influential than all the others. According to the Petrovs, the village that grew on the site of the farm was subsequently named, where in 1894 a new church with an altar was consecrated in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. According to archival documents, “The church is wooden, cold, built at the expense of parishioners in 1894. There is one throne, Kazan - October 22 (November 4, new style). Parochial school, one-class. There is parochial guardianship. There is an inventory of church property. Parish books since 1871. Staff: priest and psalm-reader."

venerated icons

Icon of the Kazan Mother of God, icon of the Savior, ancient icon of St. Seraphim of Sarov, St. Healer Panteleimon, St. Nicholas of Myra.


In the 30s, the Kazan Church was closed; the Soviet authorities made more than once attempts to destroy it: in 1937, the rector of the temple, Archpriest Andrey Vershinin was arrested and sent to the Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, and the parish was closed. Since 1939, there have been no services in the church, the bells were thrown down, and the icons were taken home by parishioners. During the Great Patriotic War A directive from the authorities followed - to destroy the temple, dismantling it for building materials for household needs. And the temple was actually saved from destruction by a truly heroic person - the chairman of the Tambovskaya Pravda collective farm. Ivan Fedorovich Tetenev. At first, the authorities required roofing iron from the roof of the temple. But the chairman gave away the iron from almost all the collective farm buildings, but did not allow the church to be touched. After the order to dismantle the temple for building materials, providing boards from the floor for construction, Ivan Fedorovich provided timber, boards and nails to the area, and the temple again remained untouched.

There is a historical document - a receipt from the chairman of Tambovskaya Pravda, preserved in the archive - with which the rebirth of the temple actually begins: “1943. On September 1, the first day, it was issued by me, the chairman of the collective farm “Tambovskaya Pravda” of the Dmitrievsky village council, Ivan Fedorovich Tetenev, that the church, located on the territory of the collective farm, was intended to be demolished for construction purposes in the area. The board of the collective farm, instead of the planned destruction of floors from re-cuts inside the building, undertakes to supply 300 m2 of floor boards, 6 m3 of drill material to the Sampur district executive committee by September 5, 1943 oak forest and 10 kg. construction nails. The district finance department, upon its seizure, and the property located in it, except for 10 internal replaced frames, offers the collective farm for rent for use as granaries; the material delivered by the collective farm will be accepted in the assessment and recalculated after the expiration of the 3-year lease. This is what this commitment is about. The obligation comes into force on September 5, 1943." Then the church housed a flight deck military unit, and there was an airfield nearby.

The pilots went to the front, and a new directive came from the district committee - to completely dismantle the church, including the wooden walls. And at the request of the chairman, in one night the collective farmers filled the temple with bags of grain, turning it into a granary. Against the conservation initiative strategic reserves Even the ardent advocates of the destruction of the church did not survive. Thereby Ivan Fedorovich Tetenev preserved the temple for posterity. The chairman's grave is located on the church grounds. The church was reopened in 1946, when he returned from prison father Andrey, and has not closed since then. A few months later, Father Andrei was recalled to the diocese, and a new rector arrived at the church - father Gregory, which served until 1988. Through his efforts, order was maintained in the temple, and the baptismal house was repaired. From 1988 to 1991, the rector of the temple was father Alexander. Since 1991 he has been rector father Yaroslav(Sytnik Yaroslav Mikhailovich). From 2000 to 2009 he was rector father Andrey. In 1993, the temple was restored: the domes were replaced, church crosses, casing and roof of the temple. Repairs and exterior finishing were carried out in 2008.

Today the temple is operational and services are regularly held here.

Works at the temple Sunday School. From 2009 to the present, the rector of the temple is priest Stefan Shurukhin.

While walking through Kolomenskoye Park, be sure to visit Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. This unique church, erected by the first Romanov tsars, remembers a lot historical events. It has survived to this day in its original form, all this time continuing to serve for the benefit of its community. In addition, the temple protects a shrine that is of great importance both for Russian state, and for the Orthodox Church. I also had a chance to visit this amazing place. This story will be about what kind of shrine this is, as well as about the history and modernity of the Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

Where is

What's the best way to get there?

  1. If you travel by public transport, you need to take one of the city bus routes – 219, 608, 820, 263, 299, 291, 701 – and go to the stop "Museum Kolomenskoye". Enter the museum grounds, proceed about three hundred meters and turn right through the gate.
  2. The nearest metro station to the temple is "Kolomenskaya". From there you will need to take buses No. 219, 608, 820.
  3. If you are traveling by private car, from the Moscow Ring Road turn onto Warsaw highway, then turn right onto Kolomensky proezd and eventually you will reach your goal.

Opening hours of the Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

The temple is open daily.

  • Tuesday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • From Friday to Sunday from 8 to 19 hours.
  • On Monday from 8 to 12 o'clock.

Schedule of services in the Kazan Church in Kolomenskoye

Services in the temple are held on a regular basis.

  • Monday to Thursday: at 8 o'clock – morning liturgy.
  • On Friday and Saturday: at 8 o'clock - morning liturgy, at 17 o'clock the beginning of the evening service.
  • On Sunday: at 8:30 – morning liturgy, at 17:00 the evening service begins.
  • On the twelve holidays: at 7 o'clock - early liturgy, at 9:40 - late liturgy, at 17 o'clock - evening service.

Interesting facts from the history of the Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in Kolomenskoye

  1. Kolomenskoye has long been a royal possession. Therefore the first wooden church was built here under the first Romanov ruler, Mikhail, in the 30s of the 17th century.
  2. In 1649, the next tsar, Alexei Mikhailovich, gave birth to an heir, Dmitry. This happened on the feast day of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Kazan. In this regard, the tsar ordered nationwide celebrations, as well as the construction of temples in honor of the image, including the temple in Kolomenskoye, founded on the site of an old wooden church. It took four years to build the temple. It became the home church of the royal family and was even connected to the sovereign's chambers by a passage.
  3. At the end of the 18th century, Kolomenskoye ceased to be a royal residence. The palace lost its significance and was dismantled, and the temple became the center of the village parish.
  4. It is interesting that for a long period, until the beginning of the 20th century, the temple did not have interior paintings. It was applied only in the 1910s.
  5. The temple did not stop worship during the revolution and Civil War, nor in the initial period of Soviet power, when churches were closed en masse and priests were persecuted. Only in the first, most alarming years of the invasion fascist invaders the temple was closed. But he soon resumed his activities, which he has not stopped to this day.
  6. The Kazan Church was built in Kolomenskoye in a style typical of 17th-century architecture. It was erected on a high plinth and has a circular gallery around the building. The dome of the bell tower is made in the form of a tent.
  7. The building is crowned with five chapters.
  8. The main shrine of the temple is the “Sovereign” icon of the Mother of God, the centenary of the miraculous discovery of which was recently solemnly celebrated.
  9. Also, visitors in one of the chapels of the temple can observe a sculpture of Jesus Christ made of wood. This is a unique shrine, considering that for Orthodox churches an atypical sculptural image of the Savior.

Photo of the temple

With its interior, the Kazan Church in Kolomenskoye resembles a tower.

And so, in a completely different way, the temple looks from a different angle.

A solemn service in honor of the centenary of the main shrine of the temple - the “Sovereign” icon of the Mother of God.

This is what the temple looked like in the old days.

And here is the miraculous “Sovereign” Icon of the Mother of God.

Video - Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in Kolomenskoye

The first thing a traveler pays attention to when getting to know a new place is the interior. In this regard, the Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in Kolomenskoye looks fascinating. You immediately notice the ancient, even, one might say, chronicle architecture. It is very pleasant to be inside the temple. Everything is quiet, measured and without excesses.

The majestic, locally revered statue is especially revered by parishioners. Icon of the Mother of God "Kazan" in the icon case on the left side of the choir.
The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, the patroness of the temple, is the oldest shrine. The icon was transferred from the temple, which was located in Stavropol-on-Volga, which was later flooded.

In the temple, unique relics are open for worship by parishioners. Reliquaries with the relics of the elders Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and other saints appeared in the temple in the 80s.

Reliquary with 71 particles of the Kiev-Pechersk Saints.

Reliquary with 61 particles of Optina and many revered saints of both the early church and later times, as well as particles of the Holy Sepulcher and Cross, Mauryan oak and stone from the Mount of Temptations.

Next to the relics there are analogue icons - the Kazan image of the Most Holy Theotokos and the image of the Lord Pantocrator.

Many holy relics are carefully preserved in the temple.

Icon of the Mother of God "Jerusalem"
Burning bush

Amazing Image of the Mother of God “Slaughtered”. This icon is of Greek origin, it was donated to the temple by Greek pilgrims. There is a legend about a miracle associated with this icon. When the monk who had the icon pierced it with a spear, a stream of blood flowed from the icon. The white spot on the cheek of the Mother of God is a mark from a monastic spear.
Wooden Icon of the Mother of God “The Burning Bush” with a particle of the relics of the Holy Infants of Bethlehem.
On the side of the right side chapel in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker there are an icon of the Lord Pantocrator and an icon of the Mother of God “The Sign”.

Appeared in the temple in the 2000s. During Holy Week The Shroud is brought here and the icon case along with it is taken to the middle of the temple for worship. The rest of the time, the icon case contains an icon of the holy elder Peter of Chagrinsky with a particle of his relics and an icon of the holy blessed Matrona of Moscow, consecrated on her relics in Moscow.

Holy crucifix. Calvary.

Ancient icons: the holy venerable Seraphim of Sarov and Sergius of Radonezh, as well as St. Mitrophan of Voronezh with a particle of his holy relics.

Icon of the holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

On the left side of the aisle there is a pre-revolutionary icon of the saint St. Seraphim Sarovsky.

In the Church of the Mother of God of Kazan, the Gospel is kept to this day in a beautiful silver frame. artistic work— a gift from M. Kiseleva, made in late XIX century for Trinity Cathedral.

On the territory of the historical architectural museum-reserve in Kolomenskoye there is the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, built in the 17th century. This beautiful ancient temple is a historical monument and is protected by the state. Here is one of those icons that are especially revered Orthodox people, living all over the world, is the image of the Sovereign Mother of God.

Temple in Kolomenskoye - beginning

The history of the creation of the temple in Kolomenskoye dates back to the 17th century during the reign of Mikhail Romanov. According to information that has survived to this day, a wooden church was built in Kolomenskoye in the 30s of the 17th century. Her throne was consecrated in honor of one of the main shrines of Rus' - the icon of Our Lady of Kazan. One chapel is in honor of the early Christian saint Averky of Hierapolis, and the second is in honor of Demetrius of Thessalonica, the great martyr.

In 1645, Alexei Mikhailovich ascended the royal throne. During his reign, repairs and restoration of the Kolomna Church began. In 1648, the king’s first child was born, who was christened in honor of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica. In connection with this event, to the Kazan Church They built a stone chapel of the same name, and three years later they erected a bell tower, which has a hipped top.

Connection of the church with the royal palace

Towards the end of the 17th century, a palace was being built in Kolomenskoye for the Tsar, which was an architectural masterpiece of Russian architecture and admired with its beauty. The Church of the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God was connected to the royal palace by a covered passage. After that, she essentially became a brownie. All royal family I prayed in it. The temple and its chapels were completed four years later.

Numerous foreign ambassadors who came to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich at his residence were amazed by the beauty of the erected buildings. What they admired most was not the temple itself, but the passage to the palace. It was 50 meters long and 3 meters wide. The floor of the passage was covered felt to retain heat and comfortable walking on it.

An example of Russian architecture

The Kazan temple was built according to the canons of Russian architecture of the 17th century. It is a two-story rectangular building. The church is located on a high basement; two porches with stairs approach it from the southern and northern sides. They lead to the top floor. The stairs on the second floor are connected by a covered walkway (gallery), which has access to the bell tower.

The facades of the church are decorated with small windows. The corners of the temple are decorated with double pilasters (false columns), which serve as a kind of basis for a wide cornice. The upper part of the building is also decorated with small windows and a decorative three-row cornice.

Upper tier and prayer thrones

The facade of the upper tier and the five towers on which the domes are installed are decorated with kokoshniks. There are two chapels adjacent to the church on the southern and northern sides. Each of them also has a tower with a dome. The bell tower was built in a traditional style. It consists of two quadrangles of different sizes. An octagonal tower with a domed top was built on top of them.

According to the chronicles, the Kolomna parish was previously decorated with beautiful icons in gold and silver frames, as well as icon cases carved from valuable wood. The temple had expensive church utensils, covers, shrouds and carpets. For the Tsar and his wife Maria Ilyinichna (and then another wife, Natalya Kirillovna), special throne places for prayer were created and richly decorated. Close to royalty for this purpose they were allowed to the temple iconostases, and the retinue was allowed to pray in the refectory.

Historical features

The Kazan Church in Kolomna has reached our time almost unchanged. The church itself with five domes, a hipped bell tower and its chapels have also been preserved. Under the cross of the central dome there is an inscription telling about the construction of the church on the very spot where a wooden temple was previously built in honor of the centenary of the conquest of Kazan. According to historical chronology, this version has a basis, because the Tatar capital was recaptured in 1552.

The wooden church that was previously located on this site was most likely built in the 30s XVII century Kazan Temple. It is mentioned in several historical documents. Some sources say that at one time in these places there was a camp of False Dmitry I. I., and it was he who built this temple. However, not all historians agree with this version.

Prophetic dream of Evdokia Adrianova

The “Sovereign” icon is the main shrine not only of the Kazan Church, but also one of the most highly revered miraculous images of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Orthodoxy. The veneration of the icon is associated with a new period in Russian history. As the legend says, one of the residents of the Bronnitsky district of Perervinskaya Sloboda, Evdokia Adrianova, repeatedly saw the same dream.

She dreamed of a snow-white temple, while she heard a demand to find a black icon and make it red. In the spring of 1917, in the village of Kolomenskoye, in the basement of the Ascension Church, an icon depicting the Mother of God was found. It had turned black from time and dampness. The icon depicted the Mother of God with the Child Christ sitting on her lap. In the hands of the Mother of God were the royal regalia - an orb and a scepter.

Icon "Sovereign"

At the same time, Tsar Nicholas I. I. signed the abdication of the throne not only for himself, but also for Tsarevich Alexei, handing it over brother Mikhail Alexandrovich, Grand Duke. And people living in Kolomenskoye and neighboring towns began to venerate the icon. According to many Orthodox Christians, The Mother of God keeps the royal orb and scepter, symbolizing royal power and great Russia.

Historians attribute the image itself to the Constantinople, that is, Byzantine canon of icon painting. It is believed that it was written at the end of the 18th century. At the Moscow Alekseevsky Monastery there are art workshops in which the “Sovereign” Mother of God was restored. It turned out that the vestments of the Virgin Mary are depicted in red, as was said to Evdokia Adrianova in a dream.

IN Soviet era icon long time kept in storage Historical Museum in Moscow. In 1990, she was solemnly returned to the fold of the church. Today the original is in Kolomna in the Kazan Church.

Other shrines of the temple

In addition to the “Sovereign” icon, the temple contains:

Nowadays, the Kazan Church is still active and is open to everyone throughout the year. Just like several centuries ago, divine services are held there. In 1910, the walls of the church were painted with scenes from the lives of saints and their faces.

Opening hours

Temple opening hours:

  • Monday - from 8 to 12 o'clock.
  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - from 8 to 16.
  • Friday, Saturday - from 8 to 19.
  • Sunday - from 7 to 19 (at summer time- from 8-30).

Worship times:

  • IN weekdays At 8 o'clock the liturgy is held, at 17 o'clock the all-night prayer is read.
  • On Sundays a late liturgy is added, starting at 9.40.

The temple is located at the address: Moscow, Kolomensky district, Andropov Avenue, 31.

The appearance of the church on Red Square in Moscow is due to the fact that in Rus' they began to venerate the icon of the Kazan Mother of God outside the diocese of Kazan. So, the list from the icon accompanied the second zemstvo militia, which was formed in Yaroslavl and sent to Moscow to fight the Polish invaders.

In 1796, in the “Guide to Historical Moscow” there was a mention that the very first temple of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, at that time still made of wood, was erected in 1652. The guidebook says that the church was built at the expense of Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, who led the militia against the Polish-Lithuanian occupiers.

One of the most important temples in the capital

There is a widespread belief that the Church of Our Lady of Kazan was erected in honor of the expulsion of Polish invaders from Moscow. In earlier sources, preserved to this day, nothing is said about this temple, which allegedly burned down in 1634, about the reasons for the construction of the church. Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich allocated funds for construction stone temple, in order to place in it the “Lubyansky” list from the Kazan icon.

In 1636, the temple was consecrated by Patriarch Joasaph I. 11 years later, a new chapel was added to the church in honor of the Kazan wonderworkers Guria and Barsanuphius. In the temple architecture of the 17th century, traditionally, the quadruple bases of bell towers were built on the northwestern side of the church. The tented bell tower of the Kazan Cathedral was built according to these canons. Despite its small size, the church became one of the most important churches in Moscow. The rector of the cathedral occupied one of the leading positions among the Moscow clergy.

Further history of the cathedral

The history of the construction of the Kazan Cathedral is very complicated. At the end of the 60s of the 18th century, it was reconstructed at the expense of Princess Dolgorukova. During the renovation, due to the impossibility of restoration, the chapel of Saints Gurias and Barsanuphius was demolished.

After the reconstruction of the upper shopping rows, the view of the Kazan Cathedral from Red Square was practically blocked. The lower floor of the bell tower was equipped with benches. At the beginning of 1802, at the insistence of Metropolitan Platon, the old tented bell tower was dismantled. By 1805, a two-tier bell tower was built in a new location, which in 1865 was converted into a three-tier one.

The barbarity of the French soldiers

In 1865, the facades were decorated in the style of the temple classics, and the cathedral became similar to all refectory churches located in Russia. Metropolitan Leonty, who visited this cathedral, said that the temple is no different from a simple rural church.

During the Patriotic War of 1812, French troops occupied Moscow. As the famous playwright of that time A.A. Shakhovskoy testifies, French soldiers brought a dead horse into the altar of the Kazan Church. The corpse was placed in the very place where the throne, which was thrown away, was located. Archpriest Moshkov managed to hide the icon of Our Lady of Kazan. In July 1918, the main shrine of the Kazan Cathedral - a copy of the icon of the Mother of God, which was considered miraculous, was stolen.

Kazan Cathedral in the twentieth century

In the 30s of the twentieth century, the famous architect and restorer P. D. Baranovsky led the large-scale reconstruction and restoration of the cathedral. It is believed that after the work, the church regained its original appearance. But many historians are skeptical about this version, since there is very little documentary material left. The information that has survived to this day is very contradictory. For example, the tented bell tower, demolished in 1802, looks different in the surviving images.

Under the leadership of Baranovsky, ancient kokoshniks and supposed decorative decoration walls . However, in 1936 the Kazan Cathedral was demolished. It became possible to restore it in the future only thanks to a successful coincidence of circumstances. Baranovsky, who learned about the upcoming demolition of the temple, ordered absolutely all external and internal measurements of the church and its chapel.

Re-creation of the temple

The Kazan Cathedral was recreated in the 90s of the twentieth century. The restoration was initiated by the Moscow branch of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments. The author of the architectural project was a student of P. D. Baranovsky - O. I. Zhurin. After completion of construction, artists from Bryansk and Palekh painted the cathedral in the canonical Orthodox manner.

On the day of celebration of the appearance of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God the newly rebuilt temple was consecrated by Patriarch Alexy I. Today it is operational, and services are held in it. You can visit the church daily from 9-00 to 19-00. The restored temple of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God is revered not only by believers, but is also popular among tourists because of its amazing beauty.

In addition to the two described temples, on the territory of Moscow there are several churches dedicated to Our Lady of Kazan, among them are:

  • in Izmailovo;
  • in Uzkoy;
  • in Orlov;
  • in Losinoostrovskaya.



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