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What is Crimea famous for? The most beautiful places in Crimea

The Crimean peninsula is a unique historical and cultural reserve. Culture has been intertwined here for centuries different nations who lived in this area. The history of confrontation between the civilizations of East and West is especially clear in Crimea - this is the history of the Greek colonialists and nomads from the Golden Horde, the first Christians and Muslims who built churches and mosques here.

But Crimea is not only rich historical events a point on the map. It is also a beautiful, varied nature, considered the best place for recreation and tourism in the USSR, during which Crimea was rightly called the “All-Union Health Resort”. In those days, up to 8 million people annually vacationed in more than a hundred sanatoriums in Crimea. It will take more than one month to explore all the sights of the Crimean peninsula, but we bring to your attention ten places that you must visit first.

(Total 10 photos)

1. Swallow's Nest

This menacing-looking Gothic castle, perched on a cliff, was actually not built during the Dark Ages, but only a century ago - in 1912. This layout was ordered by the German industrialist Baron von Stengel, who wanted his “dacha” to remind him of his homeland in its appearance. At the beginning of World War I, the baron urgently sold the castle, and after reconstruction the building became an open restaurant.

2. Submarine base in Balaklava

Ten kilometers from Sevastopol in the resort town of Balaklava there is a top-secret submarine base. For security reasons, even at the construction stage, which began in 1957, the secret facility was given the name City Telephone Station number 825, or GTS 825. This is a huge underground structure, the area of ​​​​all premises of which is more than 5 thousand square kilometers. In 1994, the station was closed, and after the annexation of Crimea, a museum dedicated to this base was opened here.

3. Mount Ai-Petri

One of the most popular places among tourists on the map of the Crimean Peninsula. The Greek temple of St. Peter (Ai-Petri in Greek) was once located here, the ruins of which remain to this day. You can get to the top of the mountain by cable car, which, by the way, is recognized as the longest in Europe. From the very high point The mountain called Roka (1346 meters) offers stunning views of the Yalta mountain forest reserve and the coast of the Crimean peninsula.

4. Karadag Reserve

One of the most mysterious places on the southern coast of Crimea. The unique landscape of Karadag is formed by solidified lava flows that last erupted from the Kara-Dag (Black Mountain) volcano more than 150 million years ago. In 1979, a reserve was established here, designed to preserve the unique flora and fauna of this place, many species of which are included in the Red Book.

5. Chersonese Tauride

This was the name of the city more than two and a half thousand years ago, founded by the Greeks. It is here, in the city, where once there were a huge number of monasteries and Orthodox churches, Prince Vladimir was baptized. Nowadays, the ruins of Chersonesos, or “Russian Pompeii,” attract researchers and tourists from all over the world. In 1892, an archaeological museum was opened here, which collected many valuable artifacts from the ancient city. And later a state reserve was founded.

6. Gazebo of the winds

At the top of Shagan-Kaya at an altitude of 1450 meters there is a stone gazebo built in 1956. The mosaic on its floor depicts a compass rose, from which the gazebo got its name. From here there is an amazing view of Mount Ayu-Dag, Gurzuf, Partenit and the Black Sea, which in clear weather can be seen for 150 kilometers. Next to the gazebo there is a cave in which winter reigns and snow lies even in the hottest weather.

7. Kerch Fortress (Fort Totleben)

It was decided to build a fortress on the shore of the Kerch Strait to bypass the Paris Peace Treaty, which prohibited Russia from having a fleet and military ports on the Black Sea. The central fort of the grandiose structure is named after the general who led the construction of the fortifications. And today the Kerch fortress remains an excellent example of what impregnable fortifications were erected in the middle of the 19th century. Currently, excursions are being conducted around Kerch and it is being studied by specialists - some of the extensive underground passages under it have not yet been properly explored.

8. Mount Demerdzhi

Demerdzhi - which translates from Tatar as “blacksmith” - is a beautiful mountain, similar to a medieval castle, in the northern part of the Alushta Valley. On its western slope there is the so-called Valley of Ghosts. Here, near the ruins of the fortress, there are more than a hundred stone sculptures, reminiscent of human and animal figures in their outlines. And if you climb to the top of the mountain, from a height of more than 1200 meters a picturesque view of the surrounding area opens up.

9. Tarkhankut

Until the end of the 18th century, the population of the Tarkhankut Peninsula was small, only a few hundred inhabitants, mainly engaged in agriculture. Changes began after part of the land was transferred to Major General V.S. in 1784. Popov, who improved the economy of the region. The cape located on the peninsula attracts many scuba divers, archaeologists and tourists. Underwater archaeologists find here priceless artifacts from the ancient era, when the Scythians and Greeks lived here.

10. Genoese fortress in Sudak

At a time when the coast of Crimea from the Bosporus to Chersonesos belonged to merchants from Genoa and Venice, Sudak was chosen by them as a military base. Then, in 1371, the construction of the famous Genoese fortress began. Currently, the fortress is a unique historical monument. Research and restoration work is carried out on its territory, and excursions are held.

Crimea fascinates with its pristine nature. Crimean beauties have always been a source of inspiration for many creative personalities. Plots for many famous and beloved films were filmed here. Beautiful paintings, poems and stories were dedicated to this peninsula, which is called Crimea.

The Crimean Peninsula is extremely rich in amazing Beautiful places and attractions. While relaxing on these picturesque shores, do not refuse numerous excursions - to cities, ancient palaces and temples, modern cultural and recreation parks.

Don't forget to visit the vibrant and unforgettable waterfalls and canyons. If you have your own car, then all the interesting places of the peninsula will be even more accessible to you. If you like to travel around Russia, we recommend reading about.

What to see in Crimea? Best Sights Videos

Sights of Crimea - palaces and fortresses

Legendary Crimea - magnificent landscapes, waterfalls and caves, mountains and sea. The history of this piece of land is full of various events. Military battles unfolding on the territory of the peninsula are reflected in architectural monuments and old fortresses, which still amaze with their grandeur.

The exquisite pearl of Crimea is the Vorontsov Palace. It seems incredible, but time stops its run in the ancient buildings of the palace, surrounded by a paradise park. A German gardener worked on its design for a whole quarter of a century. It took twenty years to build the palace itself.

Numerous rooms, more than fifty of them, are decorated with natural stone and wood. All the ancient decoration of the palace premises, including the personal belongings of the count's family, has been preserved unchanged.

Vorontsov Palace inside

Ancient paintings decorating the walls of the palace rooms allow you to see respected persons of that era. Now there is peace and quiet here.

This memorable estate is located on the territory of Salgirke Park. The small mansion was built back in 1826. The house received this name not in honor of its first owner Naryshkin, but in honor of Prince Vorontsov. He bought this house in 1834.

The appearance of the building combines both oriental and classical European motifs.

From European style here is a not too large terrace that leads to the park, quite original columns and lions made of marble. The east here is expressed by a second terrace, decorated in the Tatar style.

Genoese fortress in Sudak

The Genoese fortress is the most famous landmark of the Crimean peninsula.

The best knightly traditions of the Middle Ages are reflected in the annual festivals that take place on the territory of the ancient fortress. This is the period when any visitor can put on armor to feel like a real knight.

The Vorontsov Palace and the Genoese Fortress are only a small part of the beauty of the peninsula. You can come here not only in summer, but also in winter. Winter Crimea is a real Christmas fairy tale that can be seen and appreciated.

Livadia Palace

You can't get crowded in Crimea in spring and summer; even in the autumn months it is still crowded. But for most it will be a discovery that the southern coast of Crimea is in high demand and has long winter days and nights. If you are still wondering whether to go to Crimea in winter, then we definitely recommend that you do it. Just read what one of the most attractive southern coastal palaces looks like in winter - meet the Livadia Palace.

Livadia Palace

In 1861 there was a simple a private house, Alexander the Liberator bought it, giving orders for reconstruction. The house was given splendor and pretentiousness, but a palace worthy imperial family he didn't. Then at the beginning of the twentieth century Grand Palace it was ordered to be demolished and now Nicholas II rules the roost. He hires the architect Krasnov and gives him the order to build a luxurious palace in a short time. Krasnov did not disappoint - the White Palace appeared in Livadia in the fall of next year.

Palace architecture is imbued with spirit Italian Renaissance with incredible admixtures of oriental, Byzantine and even sometimes Gothic features.

In 25, the Soviet government gave the luxurious Palace to the complete disposal of the people. This is how an ordinary sanatorium for the suffering appears here. The Palace would have fallen into disrepair if the conference, called the Yalta Conference, had not been held here in the final year of the war. It was through the spacious halls of Livadia that Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin walked in gloomy thoughts.

This museum is located on the outskirts of Yalta, at the foot of a cliff. At first, P. P. Bezrukov, a local resident, liked the picturesque place. The master hewed wooden fairy-tale heroes and exhibited his creation in a forest clearing. However, the residents of Yalta liked the fairy-tale characters, and in 1970 the clearing became an open-air museum.

In addition to the figures carved by the first master, they were joined by other sculptures made by other craftsmen. The exhibition expanded. Grandmothers and mothers have already brought their children to the clearing, wanting them to also admire the fabulous wooden sculptures.

By purchasing one ticket, you can also see the Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors attraction. More than 200 fairy-tale figures are located among flower beds and alpine slides. Museum workers help children understand the numerous fairy-tale figures.

Kids can easily recognize Baba Yaga with the hut on chicken legs, Pinocchio, and the famous Three Little Pigs. However, fairy-tale heroes from Ukrainian and foreign literature, children find out with difficulty.

To get to the fairy-tale figures, take route taxi No. 24. An adult ticket costs 200 rubles, a child under 11 years old pays half, and preschoolers get in for free.

Arhaderesse - grape paradise

Ten kilometers from the city of Sudak, almost at the foot of a cape called Meganom, a huge plain with numerous hills and picturesque valleys is comfortably located, the peculiarity of which is that in dry summers this place becomes almost a desert.

This area got its name back in the Middle Ages and began to be called “Arhaderesse”, which means translated from Tatar language, "the back of the ravines." In the 19th century, this place attracted the attention of Prince Golitsyn.

His solution was to turn this place into a special vineyard for growing champagne grapes. This territory, where an insane variety of varieties of grapes and almonds successfully grew, occupied almost a hundred hectares. There were such types of grapes as Cabernet, sophisticated Sauvignon, and no less unique Muscat.

To ensure that products are stored in the most suitable conditions, wine cellars were built. They were done a little unconventional method- they were not dug directly into the ground, but rather, they were covered. At first, the bottom of the future cellar was a leveled surface of several ravines, then this surface expanded even more and after that they only began to cover the ceiling vaults, which were then filled up.

Such Archaderess cellars are still in excellent condition and are three floors deep. Based on Golitsyn’s recipes, unique wines with the names “Lunel -24”, “Madera No. 21”, “Pink Muscat”, etc. are still produced.

However, despite all the wonderful aspects of this place, the history of its creation and development is far from joyful. After some time, the creator of this grape paradise was completely removed from his managerial position and prohibited from entering the territory of the estate, and after that they also destroyed all local varieties of fruit-bearing bushes.

Almost 100 years have passed since these events, and the vineyards have been almost completely restored. Some wine brands are produced exclusively in these territories: “Sunny Valley”, known far beyond the Crimean peninsula.

Water attractions of Crimea

Bakhchisarai Reservoir

The Bakhchisarai reservoir is one of the oldest reservoirs in Crimea. This man-made reservoir was built on the Egizoba gully in 1931.

This magnificent creation of man and nature was created for a specific purpose - in order to regularly irrigate and supply water to nearby territories. Now all these almost two and a half cubic meters of capacity are used only for the first purpose.

Near the Bakhchisarai reservoir there is another very unusual place, which has become almost phenomenal, is the Kachin Gate, or another name for this place is the Breakthrough Valley. It is also a body of water that is ideal for freshwater fishing.

Now it has been given for temporary rental use, and is specially flooded with many types of fresh fish, and twice a year a specialized competition for catching predatory fish is held.

Waterfall of dead and living water

There is one more attraction natural character— Waterfall of dead and living water. This place is located near a cave called “Red”. The settlement “Perevalnoe” is located nearby.

There is also a rock wall where two springs gush out from under a huge stone. The real one flows from one source living water, the temperature of which is – 80 degrees. Another source gives dead water, with a temperature of no more than 60 degrees. Both sources, as scientists have long noted, have water that is completely different in composition. In the first source, the water is enriched with salts.

Waterpark "Banana Republic"

In the Saki district, near the city of Evpatoria, the most popular Entertainment Center for children and adults under interesting name"Banana republic".

This water park is truly an unforgettable place, and all because it is located between the very picturesque Kalamita Bay and salt water lakes.

This is a huge area with various water attractions, representing an entire entertainment complex, built according to all modern international standards of quality and safety. There are more than 25 fashionable water attractions.

You can get to this place along the Simferopol-Evpatoria highway right on the Black Sea coast. The park occupies almost 40 thousand square meters land and here at the same time can freely accommodate 2.5 thousand people.

There are comfortable places for park visitors to relax on the territory: comfortable modern sun loungers will help you relax and unwind after a busy active day on the attractions.

There are boarding houses and hotels nearby, which also contribute to the constant increase in people wishing to visit the famous entertainment venue.

IN evening time“Banana Republic” is illuminated with bright signs and neon lighting, and not only the territory itself is decorated with light bulbs, signs and lanterns, but also attractions, water entertainment carousels and swimming pools.

Adzhimushkay quarries

Not far from the city of Kerch are the Adzhimushkai quarries. These are underground mine workings, which today are considered the most famous historical historical sites in Crimea during the Second World War.

In the second year since the beginning of the Patriotic War, our troops were forced to leave Kerch to the Nazis. Our troops were surrounded near these quarries and, in order to defend their native lands, they went deep into the earth and created a military garrison with over 10 thousand soldiers.

Thanks to its endurance, strict discipline and organized command, the garrison became a fairly strong military organization. The Germans captured the well and threw gas cylinders with asphyxiating gas, but this did not break the powerful Soviet army. Only at the end of the year the surviving soldiers were taken into fascist captivity.

32 years after the Great War ended Patriotic War, a real historical museum was opened on this site, dedicated to the defense of these quarries. The very first guests were the soldiers who survived those battles.

Here you can see the places and furnishings of those times recreated down to the smallest detail. Of course, everything was created bit by bit based on historical authentic documents, the memories of veterans of that great war.

There are also mass graves here, to which Crimeans come every year to pay tribute to the memory of Soviet soldiers who died for the defense of the quarries.

Ayu-Dag - Bear Mountain

On the southern side of the warm shore of the Black Sea, between two popular tourist cities - Alushta and sunny Yalta, there is a mountain called Ayu-Dag. Another name for it, more common and known to numerous travelers and guests of the peninsula, is Bear Mountain.

This giant towers more than half a kilometer above sea level, and its total area is more than four kilometers square. Now this territory is considered a state reserve.

If translated from the Tatar language, the mountain has a completely different name - Holy Mountain. In early medieval times this was the center of Christian faith. A monastery was built on this mountain, inside which there were several temples and small settlements of pilgrims.

Ayu-Dag - Bear Mountain

Bear Mountain is a fairly old peak, more than 150 million years old. Almost all Crimeans know the romantic legend about this mountain. It's connected with ancient history the love of two young people whose love was considered forbidden. And the lover turned into a bear, which froze forever in the form of a bear, and then became a cold block of stone.

Ayu-Dag has simply unique flora and fauna; there are 577 plant species, 44 of which are listed in the Red Book. Also in the Red Book there are 16 different animals that live on Ayu-Dag.

Other attractions of Crimea

In the center of the glorious hero city of Sevastopol, there is an institute that studies the biology of young sea depths. On the ground floor of this institute there is still the oldest aquarium with sea water and inhabitants of the Black Sea. This aquarium has received the status of a real museum.

This maritime museum provides an excellent opportunity for all city guests to plunge into the unique underwater life of the Black Sea. Today, here in this aquarium, 180 very different marine inhabitants live and develop safely, including turtles and sea ​​urchins, and various types of reptiles, tropical fish, starfish. And besides this, you will be able to see the most unique reefs, rapana, and various algae.

The first hall of this museum is dedicated exclusively to tropical varieties of fish. Here you can find fish of various colors, sizes and types. The most famous are: clown fish, predatory moray eels, sea dragons and pipits.

Of course, these are guests of other seas who have successfully taken root in an environment specially prepared for them, adapted to their usual habitat. The next room is inhabited exclusively by representatives of their native Black Sea.

The Swallow's Nest in Crimea was built in 1912 on Aurora Rock.

Gazebo of the winds

This gazebo appeared in 1956 on the top of Mount Shagan-Kaya at an altitude of 1450 meters and immediately became one of the landmarks of Crimea. From here you have stunning views of the surrounding area and the sea.

Mount Ai-Petri in Crimea

You can climb to the top of Roca by cable car. From there you have an amazingly beautiful view of the coast.

Submarine base in Balaklava

This museum was opened after the entry of Crimea into Russia; it was previously a secret underground facility with an area of ​​5000 sq.m.

Tarkhankut Peninsula

A very popular place among tourists, mainly people come here for diving.

150 million years ago, the Kara-Dag volcano erupted here, which formed this local unique landscape.

View from Mount Karadag to the reserve in the village of Koktebel in Crimea.

50 wonders of Crimea - video journey

Read about it here.

I collected in one post the sights of Crimea that are worth visiting if you come to the peninsula. Here you will also find photos, a detailed description, as well as a map of Crimea with attractions.

It’s hard to imagine a vacation on the peninsula without visiting its many interesting places. Many of them are located quite compactly, especially on the southern coast, so you can see several at once in one day.

The most convenient way to get around is by personal or rented car, however, public transport is well developed, you can get almost everywhere without problems, I have provided information on how to get there.

There are a total of 33 places worth visiting in this review, and I hope it will bring clarity and help you plan your trip. Opening hours are for summer time and may vary during low season.

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Sights of Crimea

I’ll start my review of the sights of Crimea with interesting places on the western coast, and then the southern and eastern ones.

One of the most remote and beautiful places in Crimea. The cleanest transparent sea, fragrant steppe, which ends in the sea with picturesque cliffs. A Mecca for divers due to the properties of the water and artifacts at the bottom, windsurfers, kite surfers and lovers of other active recreation also come here.

Near the cape, it is worth visiting the natural pool of the Bowl of Love, the Bolshoy and Maly Atlesh rocks. The nearest village on the cape is Olenevka.

How to get there: to Olenevka from Simeropol by bus for 470 rubles (3 hours travel). Then you can rent a bicycle or motorbike, or drive your own car (the road is unpaved).

Juma-Jami Mosque in Evpatoria

A functioning mosque in the historical center of the city with a peaceful atmosphere inside. It was built in the mid-16th century, and since then it has been restored and restored several times. At the entrance you will be given suitable clothing that complies with the dress code, but it is advisable to arrive appropriately dressed in advance. The mosque is visible from many points in the city center.

Entry fee: free, you can make a donation for the tour

How to get there: minibus No. 1 or tram No. 1 to the stop “Park im. Karaeva"

Read also:

Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Evpatoria

The cathedral is located directly opposite the mosque (and there is also a synagogue nearby) and ranks second in terms of capacity and height in Crimea. It was built at the end of the 19th century in honor of the liberation of Crimea during Crimean War. The whole world collected money for construction, and during the war it was almost blown up, but they did not have time to carry out the order. In 1916, Emperor Nicholas 1 visited the cathedral.

How to get there: just like going to the mosque.

Read also:


Khan's Palace in Bakhchisarai

A city with a rich history and surrounding ancient cave cities. The name is translated from Crimean Tatar as “garden-city”. Bakhchisarai arose in 1532 as the Khan's residence, although settlements existed here before.

In Bakhchisarai you should definitely visit the Khan's Palace, the Holy Dormition monastery, madrassas, mosques, miniature park, cave city Chufut-Kale (more about it below).

How to get there: You can easily get there by bus from Simferopol (70-90 rubles, an hour's journey) or Sevastopol (110 rubles, an hour's journey).

Cave city Chufut-Kale

Ancient city- a fortress 2.5 km from Bakhchisarai, which is easy to climb from the Assumption Monastery. Built in the 5th-6th centuries, presumably by the Byzantines as a fortress to protect distant borders. In the 15th century it became the first capital of the Crimean Khanate before it moved to Bakhchisarai. It is in Chufut-Kale that it is best preserved ancient architecture, and it’s best to take a guide to not just see, but also learn something new. The city offers a wonderful view of the canyon.

Working hours: from 09:00 to 18:00 seven days a week

Entry fee: 200 rubles

How to get there: take minibus No. 1 to the monastery, then walk up the path.

Cave city Mangup-Kale

View of the Crimean mountains from Mangup-Kale

This is the largest of the cave cities of Crimea, with an area of ​​90 hectares, located on a huge plateau. It was founded in the 3rd century as a Byzantine fortress, and from the 15th century it became the capital of the Principality of Theodoro. It is from those times that the foundations, caves, and grottoes have been preserved. Later the city was captured by the Turks, and last people left it at the end of the 18th century. Nearby, be sure to visit the Holy Annunciation Monastery, located right on the rocks.

Working hours: from 09:00 to 17:00

Entry fee: 100 rubles, you can bypass the ticket office, since there are several ways to climb.

How to get there: from the village of Khoja-Sala you can hire a UAZ for 1,500 rubles one way, or on foot. You can get to Khoja-Sala from Bakhchisarai by local bus (4 times a day, 50-90 rubles). The second option is to take a bus to Ternovka from Sevastopol from the 5 kilometer bus station. From there you can take a taxi to the foot of the plateau, then walk further.

One of the best natural attractions of Crimea is located 4 km from the village of Sokolinoe. It is famous for its relict trees, waterfalls and bizarre baths and basins that were washed by the river.

How to get there: It is best to visit with a tour, since transport in those places is very bad.

Panorama Museum "Defense of Sevastopol"

One of the most grandiose museums in Sevastopol, dedicated to the defense of the city during the Crimean War. Visiting is only possible as part of a group. There is a nice park around where you can take a walk.

Opening hours: from 10:00 to 18:00 at weekdays and from 10:00 to 20:00 on weekends

Entry fee: 350 rubles adult, 150 rubles (under 16 years old)

How to get there: trolleybuses No. 1, 3, 4, 7, 9 to the stop. pl. Ushakova; No. 12, 13, 17, 20 to stops pl. Ushakova/University. Route taxis and buses: No. 2a, 12, 17, 20, 22, 25, 26, 94, 95, 105, 120. Along the route from the city center - stops pl. Ushakova, University; to the city center - Panorama stop.

The ruins of an ancient city founded by the Greeks more than two and a half thousand years ago. Located within the boundaries of Sevastopol on the very shore of the sea. Nearby is a museum containing numerous archaeological finds, a nice park and St. Vladimir Cathedral.

Opening hours: from 08:30 to 19:00 seven days a week

Entry fee: free, excursion 300 rubles/150 rubles (adult/child).

How to get there: from the center minibus No. 22A to the final one.

Cape Fiolent, Jasper Beach

A picturesque cape and a cool beach are located a few kilometers south of Sevastopol. There are 800 steps leading to the beach, passing next to the St. George’s Monastery, you can also go there (just don’t drink the water from the source!). There is no particular infrastructure, only a couple of cafes, the same number of changing cabins, and a toilet.

How to get there: bus No. 19 from the center, or minibuses No. 3, 13A, 79. From Balaklava you can sail by boat for 200 rubles (or sail from Jasper Beach to Balaklava).

Military Historical Museum of Fortifications, Balaklava

Balaklava itself is very unusual - it is a narrow bay that goes far into the mainland. Yachts are moored there, there are several beaches in the vicinity (you can go boating), and on the mountain you can see the medieval fortress of Chembalo.

Be sure to visit the submarine museum, this former secret military facility during the Cold War. It was planned to base submarines there (to launch a retaliatory nuclear strike), and the bunker could withstand a direct hit nuclear bomb. A very interesting excursion immerses you in the times of the Cold War.

Opening hours: from 10:00 to 18:30, except Monday and Tuesday.

Entry fee: 300 rubles for adults, 100 rubles for schoolchildren and students.

How to get there: from the 5 km bus station in Sevastopol by buses and minibuses No. 8, 9, 99, 108

The church is located high on the mountain near the village of Foros (which in turn is famous for the nearby “Gorbachev’s dacha”), and from there it offers stunning views of the sea and the surrounding area. It was built by the tea merchant and merchant Kuznetsov in honor of the rescue of Emperor Alexander 3 and his family in a railway disaster.

How to get there: Taxis depart either in your own car or from the Foros bus station. Get to Foros by any passing bus from Yalta or Sevastopol, or by minibus from Yalta.

Mount Ai-Petri and cable car

Cable car cabin

Suspension bridge between Ai-Petri teeth

Mount Ai-Petri is the most popular of the Crimean mountains; more precisely, this is the name of both the peak itself (there are three of them) and the plateau that adjoins it. From Yalta or coastal villages you can get to the top in two ways: by cable car or along serpentines along a regular road. The view from the top is simply crazy, and you can also walk along the suspended bridge between the battlements, or ride a bungee or horseback ride.

The lower station of the cable car is located between Alupka and Koreiz; travel costs 400 rubles one way (250 rubles for children) or 800 rubles both ways (in summer there are long lines at the ticket office). Cars and minibuses often travel from Yalta along the regular road, the cost is 1000 rubles in both directions, 500 rubles in one direction.

How to get there: to the cable car from Yalta by minibuses No. 102 and 132.

Vorontsov Palace

Another top attraction of Crimea, included in any sightseeing tour. A luxurious palace, organically integrated into the surrounding mountains and built in the English and neo-Moorish style. It was built as a summer residence for Count and Governor General Vorontsov, and during the Yalta Conference in 1945 it was the residence of the British delegation led by Winston Churchill.

The beautiful park deserves special attention; there are also small pebble beaches below.

If you plan to visit only one palace in Crimea, let it be Vorontsovsky.

Opening hours:

Entry fee: entrance to the territory is free, visiting the main exhibition is 350 rubles for adults, 200 rubles for teenagers from 16 to 18 years old, under 16 years old is free.

How to get there: from Yalta minibuses No. 102 and 132 to the stop. “Vorontsov Palace”, or minibuses No. 107 and 115 to the stop. “Bus station”, then walk 10-15 minutes.

Yusupov Palace

It is a functioning state dacha, so access is only possible as part of an excursion under the watchful eye of security guards. Little has been preserved from the Yusupovs themselves, but the place is atmospheric and remembers many famous people. Stalin lived here during the Yalta Conference, his office almost unchanged, and Molotov, and Prince Yusupov, famous for the murder of Rasputin. They give you a rather interesting excursion for an hour and a half, after which you can take a walk in the park nearby.

Opening hours: tours are held at 10:00, 12:00, 15:00 and 16:30.

Entry fee: 450 rubles for adults.

How to get there: minibuses No. 102 and 132 to the Miskhora bus station or minibus No. 115 to the stop. "Upper Miskhor".

Bird home

Without exaggeration, it is a symbol of Crimea, known far beyond the peninsula. A fairy-tale castle on the very edge of the cliff, to which a staircase leads. Along the route there are several observation platforms and countless restaurants and souvenir shops. Beautiful place, but too crowded and noisy.

Opening hours: from 10:00 to 19:00 seven days a week

Entry fee: access to the castle is free, entrance fee is 200 rubles, but there is nothing to see there.

How to get there: minibuses No. 102 and 132 from Yalta, you can also take a boat with or without disembarkation.

Livadia Palace

The luxurious residence of the Russian emperors, it was here that the Yalta Conference was held and it was here that the post-war structure of the world was decided. Summits and conferences are still held here, and the rest of the time it is a museum. You can walk around the park and along the so-called Tsar’s Path, but they are in rather disrepair.

Opening hours: from 10:00 to 18:00 seven days a week

Entry fee: 400 rubles for adults, 250 rubles for schoolchildren, pensioners and students - visiting the main exhibition.

How to get there: from Yalta by minibuses 11, 100, 108 to the stop. “Livadia”, further 5 minutes on foot.

Uchan-Su is the highest waterfall in Crimea (95 meters high), located 6 km west of Yalta near the Bakhchisarai highway. It is best to come here in the spring, when the snow melts in the mountains, or during periods of heavy rain, but in the summer it can dry out almost completely.

How to get there: by bus 30 from the bus station in Yalta, or you can take any transport to the Uzbekistan sanatorium and then walk about 4 km, by car - you need to turn off the highway near the Uzbekistan sanatorium and then up 4 km.

Massandra Palace

Initially, the estate was built by the Vorontsovs, and then it was purchased for Emperor Alexander 3. The palace looks absolutely fabulous and like a toy, it is really small in size.

In pre-war times, a sanatorium was located here, and after that Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev rested as if at a state dacha.

Opening hours: from 09:00 to 17:15, Saturday until 19:15 seven days a week

Entry fee: visiting the main exhibition - 350 rubles for adults, 200 rubles for teenagers from 16 to 18 years old, under 16 years old free.

How to get there: It’s most convenient with a tour, or by any transport (buses, trolleybuses) to the stop. "Upper Massandra Park" and further on foot.

What else to see in Crimea?

Nikitsky Botanical Garden

This is not just a garden with a huge collection of plants from all over the world, but a research center. It’s nice to walk here all day long; it will certainly be interesting with children. Each plant has its own flowering season, so you're sure to see something interesting. The garden was badly damaged during the Second World War, and the infrastructure still leaves much to be desired. Another disadvantage is the inadequate price tag for additional exposures.

Opening hours: from 08:00 to 19:00

Entry fee: 300 rubles for adults, 150 rubles for schools (separate fees for individual exhibitions)

How to get there: from Yalta minibuses 29 and 29A to the final stop, or by any transport to the stop. "Nikita" and then walk down to the entrance to the garden.

Mount Ayu-Dag

Mount Ayu-Dag or Bear Mountain is one of the most prominent landmarks on the southern coast of Crimea. The mountain is a failed volcano and part of a large ridge that frames the southern coast, an open-air mineral museum. Located between Gurzuf (more precisely, the children's camp "Artek" and Partenit). There are several routes on the mountain, they are marked, so it’s difficult to get lost. From the top there is a magnificent view of the surrounding area. Bring plenty of water and mosquito repellent.

Entry fee: V summer time Foresters stand there and charge 100 rubles.

How to get there: from Yalta - by trolleybuses 52, 53, 55, minibus 110 to the stop. “Cemetery”, then walk until you turn to Artek and follow the road perpendicular to the main highway; from Alushta, Partenit - by trolleybuses 52, 53, 55, minibus 110 to the Lavrovoe stop, then the same.

Mount Demerdzhi and the Valley of Ghosts

When visiting the sights of Crimea, do not ignore the bizarre rocks under Mount Demerdzhi, near Alushta. The climb up the mountain is of average difficulty, sometimes with steep sections. I recommend the ancient fortress of Funa nearby. It was in these places that some episodes of “Prisoner of the Caucasus” were filmed, for example, here is the tree from which Yuri Nikulin’s hero fell (he actually fell from it).

Entry fee: 50-100 rubles, you can easily bypass the security booths.

How to get there: from Alushta take the bus to the village. Radiant (runs from the bus station about once an hour), further on foot. Or take any bus or trolleybus to the stop. "Luchistoe" along the highway and further on foot.



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