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Traits x. Human character traits, good and bad

Five main signs characterizing a person as a person according to psychologists. These are introversion/extraversion, openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness and neuroticism.

Every person has an idea of ​​their own personality trait - whether they are bubbly or reserved, sensitive and thick-skinned. Psychologists who try to highlight the science that we define personality as individual differences in the way people tend to think, feel and behave.

There are many ways to measure personality, but psychologists have given up trying to neatly divide humanity into types. Instead, they focus on personality traits.

The most common of these Big Five traits are:

  • Openness
  • Conscientiousness
  • Extraversion
  • Conformity
  • Neuroticism

The Big Five were developed in the 1970s by two research groups. According to Scientific American, the teams were led by Paul Costa and Robert R. McCra of the National Institutes of Health and Warren Norman and Lewis Goldberg of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor and Oregon State University.

The Big Five are the traits that make up each person's personality. A person may have a low amount of openness, a lot of conscientiousness, a medium amount of extraversion, a lot of agreeableness, and almost no neuroticism at all. Or someone may be unpleasant, neurotic, introverted, conscientious, and unlikely to be open at all. Here's what each trait is:

Human personality traits list

Sometimes it is difficult to classify a person as a single type. There are many different personal qualities, you can have them, but they can't all fit into one category.


Openness is shorthand for “openness to life.” People with high openness enjoy adventure. They are curious and appreciate art, imagination and new things. Motto open person maybe “Variety is the spice of life.”

People low in openness are the opposite: they prefer to stick to their habits, avoid new experiences, and are probably not the most adventurous people. Personality change is usually considered a difficult process, but openness is a personality trait that has been shown to be susceptible to change over time. adult life. In a 2011 study, people who took psilocybin or hallucinogenic "magic mushrooms" became more open after the experience. The effect lasted for at least a year, suggesting it may be permanent.


People who are conscientious are organized and have a strong sense of duty. They are reliable, disciplined and goal oriented. You won't find conscientious types rushing into round the world travel only with a backpack; they are planners.

People with low conscientiousness are more spontaneous and quiet. They may have a tendency to be careless. Conscientiousness is a useful trait because it is associated with achievement in school and work.


Extroverts vs. Introversion is perhaps the most recognizable Big Five personality trait. The more extroverted someone is, the more social they are. Extroverts are talkative, outgoing and attract energy from a crowd. They tend to be assertive and cheerful in their social interactions.

On the other hand, introverts need large quantities time, perhaps because their brains process social interaction differently. Introversion is often confused with shyness, but it is not the same thing. Shyness involves a fear of social interactions or an inability to function socially. Introverts can be absolutely charming at parties - they prefer solo or small groups.


Agreeableness measures a person's degree of warmth and kindness. The nicer someone is, the more likely they are to be trusting, helpful, and compassionate. Unpleasant people are cold and suspicious of others, and they are less cooperative.

Men who are highest degree conformist, are considered better dancers with women, suggesting that body movement can signal personality. But in the workplace, nasty men actually earn more than nice guys. Obnoxious women did not exhibit the same wage advantage, suggesting that obnoxious behavior is uniquely beneficial to men.

Being envious, which can lead to people being perceived as unacceptable, was found to be the most common personality type out of four studies in a report published in August 2016 in the journal Science Advances. Envious people feel threatened when someone is even more successful than themselves.


Neuroticism is the long-term tendency to be in a negative emotional state. People with neuroticism tend to be more depressed - they suffer from feelings of guilt, envy, anger and anxiety more often and more severely than other people. Neuroticism is the state of being of a neurotic.

Those who have high score Neuroticism tends to be particularly sensitive to stressful environmental influences and react poorly to this. They may perceive everyday situations as threatening and large; trivial disappointments are problematic and can lead to despair.

Individuals with neuroticism may be shy and timid. They may have a tendency to internalize phobias and other neurotic manifestations, such as anxiety, panic, aggression, negativity, etc.

When we're talking about about neuroticism, you often read about high, average, or low scores. People with low scores are more emotionally stable and cope with stress more effectively than neurotic people with high scores.

Individuals with low scores are usually even-tempered, calm, and less likely to become upset and stressed, compared to people who are high in neuroticism.

Other personality traits

Despite the fact that individual personality traits in modern psychological research prove ineffective, they are still used by job consultants and in the corporate world to help crystallize people's understanding of themselves. Perhaps the most famous of these is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. The questionnaire, based on the work of early psychologist Carl Jung, sorts people into categories based on four areas: sensation, intuition, feeling and thinking, and extraversion and introversion.

Feeling and intuition refer to how people choose to gather information about the world, whether concrete information (feeling) or emotional feelings (intuition). Thinking and feeling refer to how people make decisions. Thinking types go with logic and feeling types follow their hearts.

The Myers-Briggs system is completed by the judgment/perception dichotomy, which describes how people choose to interact with the world. Judging types like decisive action, while perceiving types prefer open options. The system further identifies 16 personality types based on a combination of four categories.

The use of Myers-Briggs is controversial because research shows that types do not correlate well with job satisfaction or ability.

Can personality traits change?

They can. A study published in the January 2017 issue of Psychological Bulletin included 207 scientific papers and found that personality can be changed through therapy. "For people who want to change their spouse tomorrow, which many people want to do, I don't have much hope for them," said study researcher Brent Roberts, a sociologist and psychologist at the University of Illinois. However, he continued: "If you want to focus on one aspect of yourself, and you're willing to go for it systematically, there is now increased optimism that can influence change in that area."

Behavior largely depends on what kind of character a person has. Each has its own characteristics. Character is a set of series psychological properties(there are more than five hundred in total). But there are also certain nuances that appear in different situations and relationships. Character traits are divided into positive and negative, congenital and acquired. Each can tell a lot about a person.

Correct assessment begins with determining what types of character people have. All traits are distributed into five main groups:


It includes traits determined by attitude:

To yourself;

I will sell labor and it;

To society.


It includes:




High and low emotionality;



Unstable emotionality.


It includes:









It includes:


Depth and flexibility of intelligence;


Mindset (practical or theoretical);






It includes the following features:




Honesty and similar qualities.

To compile psychological portrait certain qualities are noted.

What are the character traits of a person?

The positive ones include:

Adequacy, altruism, activity;

Fearlessness, frugality, prudence, nobility;

Generosity, good manners, politeness, attentiveness, cheerful disposition, will, high morality;

Humanism, gallantry, harmony;

Friendliness, delicacy, conscientiousness, discipline, foresight, diplomacy, efficiency, kindness, good nature;


Femininity, cheerfulness;

Caring, thrifty;

Ingenuity, initiative, diligence, sincerity, intelligence;

Creativity, sociability, correctness, culture, competence, collectivism, eloquence;

Curiosity, affection, ease of communication;

Wisdom, masculinity, peacefulness, dreaminess;

Tenderness, independence, reliability, observation, resourcefulness;

Experience, sociability, charm, education, caution, responsibility, neatness, responsiveness, talent, objectivity;

Decency, positivity, practicality, understanding, friendliness;

Decisiveness, romance, cordiality;

Self-criticism, modesty, intelligence, conscientiousness, independence;

Tactfulness, hard work, desire for creativity, patience;

Smiling, perseverance, poise, respect, perseverance, courtesy, perseverance;

Thriftiness, charisma, courage;

Chastity, determination;

Sincerity, honesty, sensitivity;

Generosity, playfulness;

Energy, economy, enthusiasm, empathy, erudition.

Negative qualities include all the antipodes of the listed traits.

For example:











Callousness, etc.

Each positive trait there is an opposite meaning. However, there are some qualities that can be called neutral:






For some people these are positive qualities, for others they may be negative. For example, assertiveness. In business it is sometimes necessary, but in personal relationships it sometimes gets in the way. Shyness is good for a girl, but it is perceived negatively when it appears in a girl. young man. When drawing up a psychological portrait, all of the above positive qualities, their antipodes and other features are taken into account.

A person’s character is not formed instantly, but until old age. Great importance provided by the social environment. For example, the volitional qualities inherent in a person manifest themselves in emergency situations when endurance, courage, stubbornness, etc. are required. Emotionality is mental manifestations that arise in certain situations. In this case, feelings can be negative or positive, dynamic or stable, neutral. If we talk about intelligence, then this includes the individual characteristics and quality of thinking of an individual. For example, criticality, stupidity, breadth of soul, flexibility in any relationship, etc.

The character of people greatly influences their perception of the environment. Some consider everyone good or bad, others only themselves. Each person has a certain attitude:

To yourself (self-esteem, self-criticism, self-respect, etc.);

Labor (punctuality, accuracy, negligence, etc.);

Environment (politeness, isolation, sociability, rudeness, etc.).

As a result, a certain temperament is formed. It includes qualities that are constant for a particular person:

1. Sanguine people are very mobile and efficient, but they quickly get tired of hard work. They have bright facial expressions and strong expressions of emotions. They are sociable, responsive, balanced. They look at everything from a positive point of view and are optimistic. They have a cheerful disposition.

2. Cholerics are characterized by sudden mood swings, hysteria, and impetuosity. They have frequent outbursts of anger, short temper, but quick release.

3. Melancholic people are pessimists, they worry excessively about any reason, they are often in anxious state. Such people are very distrustful of others, vulnerable, reserved, and have good self-control.

4. Phlegmatic people have very low activity. However, they are very reasonable, cold-blooded and prudent. Any task is always completed.

Separately, it is worth noting that each nationality has its own character traits, although there are many common features. The Russians have the greatest diversity.

Their character is very different from other nationalities.

Main criteria:

A) Generosity, which most nationalities do not have.

b) Compassion.

V) Craving for justice.

G) Patience, endurance, perseverance.

d) Negative qualities include pessimism, foul language, laziness, and hypocrisy. The positive ones are responsiveness, loyalty, compassion, humanity.

Russians are easily distinguished by a combination of character traits, one of which is a special sense of humor, which other nationalities are not always able to understand. The set of qualities is so diverse that most people experience excessive expression of emotions. Some traits may change throughout life. However, other qualities remain unchanged. However, negative traits are not always regarded as negative. Sometimes they emphasize dignity.

For example:

1. Selfishness is not only ignoring other people, but also putting one's own interests first. Such a person has his own opinion and will not follow the lead of others.

2. Self-confidence can improve productivity and performance. Then the person feels self-satisfied, which ultimately brings positive results for society.

3. Envy sometimes pushes a person to work better and achieve the best result.

4. Stubbornness helps you achieve any goals you set.

The character of any person consists of positive and negative qualities. As a result, a certain type is formed. For example, a person can be lazy, but kind and sympathetic. The other is angry, but very hardworking and aspiring. At the same time, women are always more emotional, selfless, good-natured, and patient. Men are most often reserved, decisive, and responsible.

Characters of people and problems

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Personal qualities of a person– these are complex, biologically and socially determined components of personality. By bringing together all the personal qualities of a person, you can get his complete psychological portrait.

Personality qualities are usually divided intopositive and negative. What are these qualities and can a personality consist of only positive qualities?

Personality qualitiesexpresspeculiarities mental processes, states and properties of the individual, his character traits, temperamental features, specific behavior, interactions with other people, the environment, himself, that is, all the individual psychological characteristics of the individual. In addition, a person's personal qualitiesincludehis knowledge, skills and abilities.

There are many classifications of personality traits and even more personality typologies based on these classifications. Psychologists have always been interested in the mystery of the human personality and they tried to sort it out “on the shelves.”

But why to an ordinary person(Not professional psychologist) know about what personal qualities there are? The fact is that knowledge generates self-awareness, increasesawareness. A person who knows what personality traits exist canidentify them for yourself, and then indicate the paths and directionswork on yourself.

Also, knowing about personality traits, you can understand more aboutpeople around, learn how to properly build and maintain relationships.

The first stage of a relationship of any kind involves getting to know each other, which is essentially a clarification of personal qualities. When two people first meet (be it a job interview or a man and a woman's first date), there is alwaysneed to knowwhat kind of person is in front of you? It is not for nothing that a resume requires you to indicate not only your work experience and basic data, but also list personal qualities, knowledge, skills and abilities.

So, if you need to know your personal qualities in order to understand how to further develop your personality, then knowledge of the personal characteristics of another person is important insofar as it allows you to determine compatibility with him and suggest what kind of relationship may develop.

Positive personality traits are usually supported, reinforced and developed, and negative people trying to correct, change or eradicate.

But the division of personality traits into positive and negativeconditional! It is based on generally accepted rules and norms of morality and ethics. You need to understand that such a subtle matter as a person’s personality, in fact, cannot be decomposed into “black” and “white”.

Personality qualities that are usually called negative are not absolute, butrelativelynegative, just like positive qualities. For example, in a situation where you need to stand up for yourself, aggressiveness (which is considered a negative trait) becomes necessary and simply necessary.

A person's personal qualities can be:congenital, so acquired. Certain personality qualities are developed or under the influence environment and society (upbringing) or are a consequenceself-education.

A person can develop many qualities, traits, behavioral characteristics, abilities, skills,work out, so and eradicate.

Of course, there are personality traits that are practically impossible to change, but you still shouldn’t hang “labels” (either on yourself or on others)!

A person can always, if not change radically, then at least learn to compensate for some of his qualities by developing others.

Negative human qualities, which are undesirable and require correction, all together would form not just a large, but a huge list. Therefore, only a few of them are listed below:

All these personality traits give rise to a correspondingbehaviorThus, a deceitful person lies to everyone all the time, a lazy and careless person is in no hurry to do his work, and an irresponsible person constantly lets himself and others down.

The presence of one or another negative quality spoils the life of the person himself and/or other people, but in any case, itnot a sentence. By working on yourself, you can improve the quality of your life, relationships with others, and become happier.

Positive human qualities

The list of positive qualities of a person is as endless as the list of negative traits. Perhaps most of all, such people are revered and welcomedpositive traits, How:

These positive qualities give rise to correspondingskills and abilities: the ability to make friends, love, learn, create, work, and so on.

In the article “” you will find another informative list of positive personality traits.

As you can see, both the list of a person’s negative qualities and the list of positive ones includes not only those qualities that express the individual’s attitude towards other people and society, but also towards himself, work, things, and the world as a whole. This is because a person’s personal qualitiesmanifest themselves in everything: from who he works to what colors in clothes he prefers.

It is rare to meet a person whose personality contains only positive human qualities. But there are many people whose personality structureprevail such qualities.

Any person always has conditionally negative personality traits, those that are worth working on, but their presence should not be a problem, but a stimulus for development and growth.

Make sure that there is less negativity and positive personality traits predominate,every person can do it!

In what direction do you most often have to work on yourself?

Personality is a qualitative individual characteristic that combines stable and permanent mental properties that determine a person’s behavior and attitude. Literally, translated from Greek, character means a sign, a trait. Character in the structure of personality combines the totality of its various qualities and properties that leave an imprint on behavior, activity and individual manifestation. A set of essential, and most importantly, stable properties and qualities determine a person’s entire lifestyle and his ways of reacting in a given situation.

The character of an individual is formed, determined and formed throughout his entire life journey. The relationship between character and personality is manifested in activity and communication, thereby determining typical modes of behavior.

Personality Traits

Any trait is some stable and unchangeable stereotype of behavior.

Characteristic personality traits in a general sense can be divided into those that set the general direction for the development of character manifestations in the complex (leading), and those that are determined by the main directions (minor). Leading traits allow you to reflect the very essence of character and show its main important manifestations. We must understand that any character trait of a person will reflect the manifestation of his attitude to reality, but this does not mean that any of his attitudes will directly be a character trait. Depending on the individual’s living environment and certain conditions, only some manifestations of relationships will become defining character traits. Those. a person may react aggressively to a particular irritant of the internal or external environment, but this will not mean that the person is evil by nature.

In the character structure of each person, there are 4 groups. The first group includes traits that determine the basis of personality, its core. These include: honesty and insincerity, integrity and cowardice, courage and cowardice, and many others. The second includes traits that demonstrate an individual’s attitude directly towards other people. For example, respect and contempt, kindness and anger, and others. The third group is characterized by the individual’s attitude towards himself. It includes: pride, modesty, arrogance, vanity, self-criticism and others. The fourth group is the attitude towards work, activity or work performed. And it is characterized by such traits as hard work and laziness, responsibility and irresponsibility, activity and passivity, and others.

Some scientists additionally identify another group that characterizes a person’s attitude towards things, for example, neatness and sloppiness.

They also distinguish such typological properties of character traits as abnormal and normal. Normal traits are characteristic of people who have a healthy psyche, while abnormal traits include people with a variety of mental illnesses. It should be noted that similar personality traits character can be considered both abnormal and normal. It all depends on the degree of expression or whether it is an accentuation of character. An example of this could be healthy suspicion, but when it goes off scale, it leads to...

The determining role in the formation of personality traits is played by society and a person’s attitude towards it. It is impossible to judge a person without seeing how he interacts with the team, without taking into account his attachments, dislikes, comradely or friendly relations in society.

An individual's attitude towards any type of activity is determined by his relationships with other persons. Interaction with other people can encourage a person to be active and rationalize, or keep him in tension and give rise to his lack of initiative. An individual's idea of ​​himself is determined by his relationships with people and his attitude to activity. The basis in the formation of personality consciousness is the direct relationship to other individuals. A correct assessment of another person’s personality traits is a fundamental factor in the formation of self-esteem. Also, it should be noted that when a person’s activity changes, not only the methods, methods and subject of this activity change, but also the person’s attitude towards himself in the new role of an actor changes.

Personality traits

The main feature of character in the personality structure is its certainty. But this does not mean dominance of one trait. Several traits, contradicting or not contradicting each other, can dominate a character. Character can lose its definition in the absence of clearly defined traits. The system of moral values ​​and beliefs of an individual is also a leading and determining factor in the formation of character traits. They establish the long-term direction of individual behavior.

The character traits of an individual are inextricably linked with his stable and deep interests. The lack of integrity, self-sufficiency and independence of the individual is closely related to the instability and superficiality of the individual’s interests. And, conversely, a person’s integrity and purposefulness and perseverance directly depend on the content and depth of his interests. However, similarity of interests does not yet imply similarity characteristic features personality. For example, among scientists you can meet both cheerful and sad people, both good and evil.

To understand the characteristics of a person’s character, one should also pay attention to his affections and leisure time. This can reveal new facets and characteristics of character. It is also important to pay attention to the compliance of a person’s actions with his established goals, because an individual is characterized not only by actions, but also by how exactly he produces them. The direction of activity and the actions themselves form the dominant spiritual or material needs and interests of the individual. Therefore, character should be understood only as the unity of the image of actions and their direction. It is on the combination of personality traits and his properties that a person’s real achievements depend, and not on the presence of mental capabilities.

Temperament and personality

The relationship between character and personality is also determined by the individual’s temperament, abilities and other aspects. And the concepts of temperament and personality form its structure. Character is a set of qualitative properties of an individual that determine his actions, manifested in relation to other people, actions, and things. Whereas temperament is a set of mental properties of an individual that influence his behavioral reactions. Responsible for the manifestation of temperament nervous system. Character is also inextricably linked with the individual’s psyche, but its traits develop throughout life under the influence of the external environment. And temperament is an innate parameter that cannot be changed, you can only restrain its negative manifestations.

The prerequisite for character is temperament. Temperament and character in the personality structure are closely interrelated with each other, but at the same time they are different from each other.

Temperament embodies mental differences between people. It varies in depth and strength of manifestations of emotions, activity of actions, impressionability and other individual, stable, dynamic features psyche.

We can conclude that temperament is the innate foundation and basis on which the personality is formed as a member of society. Therefore, the most stable and permanent personality traits are temperament. It manifests itself equally in any activity, regardless of its focus or content. Remains unchanged in adulthood.

So, temperament is the personal characteristics of an individual, which determine the dynamism of his behavior and mental processes. Those. The concept of temperament characterizes the pace, intensity, duration of mental processes, external behavioral reaction (activity, slowness), but not conviction in views and interests. It also does not determine the value of an individual and does not determine its potential.

There are three important components of temperament that relate to the general mobility (activity) of a person, his emotionality and motor skills. In turn, each of the components has a rather complex structure and is distinguished by various forms of psychological manifestation.

The essence of activity lies in the individual’s desire for self-expression and transformation of the external component of reality. At the same time, the very direction, the quality of implementation of these trends is determined precisely by the characterological characteristics of the individual and not only. The degree of such activity can range from lethargy to the highest manifestation of mobility - constant rise.

The emotional component of a person’s temperament is a set of properties that characterize the characteristics of the course of various feelings and moods. This component is the most complex in its structure compared to the others. Its main characteristics are lability, impressionability and impulsiveness. Emotional lability is the speed with which one emotional state is replaced by another or ceases. Sensibility is understood as the subject's susceptibility to emotional influences. Impulsivity is the speed with which emotion turns into the motivating reason and force of actions and deeds without first thinking them through and making a conscious decision to carry them out.

The character and temperament of a person are inextricably linked. The dominance of one type of temperament can help determine the character of subjects as a whole.

Personality types

Today at specific literature There are many criteria by which personality types are determined.

The typology proposed by E. Kretschmer is now the most popular. It consists of dividing people into three groups depending on their physique.

Picnic people are people who tend to be overweight or slightly overweight, short in stature, but with a large head, wide face and short neck. Their character type corresponds to cyclothymics. They are emotional, sociable, and easily adapt to a variety of conditions.

Athletic people are tall and broad-shouldered people, with well-developed muscles, a resilient skeleton and a powerful chest. They correspond to the ixothymic type of character. These people are powerful and quite practical, calm and unimpressive. Ixothymic people are restrained in their gestures and facial expressions and do not adapt well to changes.

Asthenic people are people who tend to be thin, their muscles are poorly developed, rib cage flat, long arms and legs, have an elongated face. Corresponds to the schizothymic character type. Such people are very serious and prone to stubbornness, and have difficulty adapting to change. Characterized by isolation.

K.G. Jung developed a different typology. It is based on the predominant functions of the psyche (thinking, intuition). His classification divides subjects into introverts and extroverts depending on the dominance of external or inner world.

An extrovert is characterized by directness and openness. Such a person is extremely sociable, active and has many friends, comrades and just acquaintances. Extroverts love to travel and get everything out of life. An extrovert often becomes the initiator of parties; in companies, he becomes their soul. IN ordinary life he focuses only on circumstances, and not on Subjective opinion those around you.

An introvert, on the contrary, is characterized by isolation and turning inward. Such a person isolates himself from the environment and carefully analyzes all events. An introvert has a hard time making contact with people, so he has few friends and acquaintances. Introverts prefer solitude to noisy companies. These people have an increased degree of anxiety.

There is also a typology based on the relationship between character and temperament, which divides people into 4 psychotypes.

A choleric person is a rather impetuous, fast, passionate and at the same time unbalanced person. Such people are subject to sudden mood swings and emotional outbursts. Cholerics do not have a balance of nervous processes, so they quickly become exhausted, thoughtlessly wasting their strength.

Phlegmatic people are distinguished by equanimity, unhurriedness, stability of moods and aspirations. Outwardly, they practically do not show emotions and feelings. Such people are quite persistent and persistent in their work, while always remaining balanced and calm. The phlegmatic person compensates for his slowness in work with diligence.

A melancholic person is a very vulnerable person, prone to stable experiences of various events. For any external factors or manifestations of a melancholic person reacts sharply. Such people are very impressionable.

A sanguine person is a mobile, active person with a lively character. He is subject to frequent changes of impressions and is characterized by rapid reactions to any events. We can easily relate to the failures or troubles that befell him. When a sanguine person is interested in his work, he will be quite productive.

Also, K. Leonhard identified 12 types, often found in people with neuroses, accentuated characters. And E. Fromm described three social types characters.

Psychological character of personality

Everyone has long known that in the psychological character of a person in the process of his development and life activity there are significant changes. Such changes are subject to typical (natural) and atypical (individual) trends.

Typical trends include changes occurring with psychological character in the process of growing up. This happens because the older an individual gets, the faster he gets rid of childish manifestations in character, which distinguish childish behavior from an adult. Childhood personality traits include capriciousness, tearfulness, fears, and irresponsibility. Adult traits that come with age include tolerance, life experience, rationality, wisdom, prudence, etc.

As you move along life path and acquisition life experience the individual experiences changes in their views on events and their attitudes towards them change. Which together also influences the final formation of character. Therefore, there are certain differences between people of different age groups.

For example, people between the ages of approximately 30 and 40 live mainly in the future; they live in ideas and plans. All their thoughts, their activities are aimed at realizing the future. And people who have reached 50 years of age have come to the point where their life today meets simultaneously with past life and the future. And therefore, their character is modified in such a way as to correspond to the present. This is the age when people completely say goodbye to their dreams, but are not yet ready to be nostalgic for the years they have lived. People who have passed the 60-year mark practically no longer think about the future; they are much more concerned about the present, and they have memories of the past. Also, due to physical ailments, the previously taken pace and rhythm of life is no longer available to them. This leads to the appearance of such character traits as slowness, measuredness, and tranquility.

Atypical, specific tendencies are directly related to events experienced by a person, i.e. conditioned by past life.

As a rule, character traits that are similar to existing ones are consolidated much faster and appear much faster.

You should always remember that character is not an immutable quantity; it is formed throughout a person’s entire life cycle.

Social character of personality

Individuals of any society, despite their individual personal characteristics and differences, have common psychological manifestations and properties, and therefore act as ordinary representatives of a given society.

The social character of a person is general method adaptability of the individual to the influence of society. It is created by religion, culture, education system and family upbringing. It should also be taken into account that even in a family, a child receives an upbringing that is approved in a given society and corresponds to the culture, which is considered normal, ordinary and natural.

According to E. Fromm, social character means the result of a person’s adaptation to a particular way of organizing society, to the culture in which he is brought up. He believes that none of the known developed societies in the world will allow the individual to fully realize himself. From this it turns out that the individual from birth is in conflict with society. Therefore, we can conclude that the social character of an individual is a kind of mechanism that allows an individual to exist freely and with impunity in any society.

The process of adaptation of an individual in society occurs with a distortion of the character of the individual himself and his personality, to the detriment of it. According to Fromm, social character is a kind of defense, an individual’s response to a situation that causes frustration in the social environment, which does not allow the individual to freely express himself and fully develop, placing him obviously within limits and limitations. In society, a person will not be able to fully develop the inclinations and capabilities inherent in him by nature. As Fromm believed, social character is instilled in the individual and has a stabilizing character. From the moment an individual begins to possess social character, he becomes completely safe for the society in which he lives. Fromm identified several options of this nature.

Accentuation of personality character

Accentuation of a person’s character is a pronounced feature of character traits that is within the recognized norm. Depending on the severity of character traits, accentuation is divided into hidden and obvious.

Influenced specific factors environment or circumstances, some weakly expressed or not manifested traits can be clearly expressed - this is called hidden accentuation.

Explicit accentuation is understood as an extreme manifestation of the norm. This type is characterized by constancy of traits for a certain character. Accentuations are dangerous because they can contribute to the development of mental disorders, situationally determined pathological behavioral disorders, neuroses, etc. However, one should not confuse and identify the accentuation of a person’s character with the concept of mental pathology.

K. Leongrad identified the main types and combinations of accentuations.

A feature of the hysterical type is egocentrism, excessive thirst for attention, recognition individual abilities, the need for approval and honor.

People with the hyperthymic type are prone to a high degree of sociability, mobility, a tendency to mischief, and excessive independence.

Asthenoneurotic – characterized by high fatigue, irritability, and anxiety.

Psychosthenic - manifested by indecision, love of demagoguery, soul-searching and analysis, suspiciousness.

Distinctive feature schizoid type is isolation, detachment, unsociability.

The sensitive type is manifested by increased touchiness, sensitivity, and shyness.

Excitable – characterized by a tendency to regularly recurring periods of sadness and accumulation of irritation.

Emotionally labile – characterized by very changeable mood.

Infantile-dependent - observed in people who play like children and avoid taking responsibility for their actions.

Unstable type - manifests itself in a constant craving for various kinds of entertainment, pleasure, idleness, idleness.

By studying the character traits of a particular person, it is possible to identify what qualities characterize the personality. Their manifestation is based on the influence of individual experience, knowledge, abilities and capabilities of people. The list of biological characteristics includes the innate characteristics of a person. Other personality qualities are acquired as a result of life activity:

  • Sociality

It means irreducibility to individual, biological characteristics of people, saturation with socio-cultural content.

  • Uniqueness

The uniqueness and originality of the inner world of an individual, his independence and impossibility of being attributed to one or another social or psychological type.

  • Transcendence

Willingness to go beyond one’s “limits”, constant self-improvement as a way of being, belief in the possibility of development and overcoming external and internal obstacles on the way to one’s goal and, as a consequence, incompleteness, inconsistency and problematic nature.

  • Integrity and subjectivity

Internal unity and identity (equality with oneself) in any life situations.

  • Activity and subjectivity

The ability to change oneself and the conditions of one’s existence, independence from environmental conditions, the ability to be the source of one’s own activity, the cause of actions and recognition of responsibility for the deeds committed.

  • Moral

The basis of interaction with the outside world, the willingness to treat other people as the highest value, equal to one’s own, and not as a means of achieving goals.

List of qualities

Personality structure includes temperament, volitional qualities, abilities, character, emotions, social attitudes and motivation. And also separately the following qualities:

  • Independence;
  • Intellectual self-improvement;
  • Communication skills;
  • Kindness;
  • Hard work;
  • Honesty;
  • Determination;
  • Responsibility;
  • Respect;
  • Confidence;
  • Discipline;
  • Humanity;
  • Mercy;
  • Curiosity;
  • Objectivity.

A person’s personal qualities consist of internal perception and external manifestations. External manifestation includes a list of indicators:

  • innate or acquired artistry;
  • attractive appearance and sense of style;
  • ability and clear pronunciation of speech;
  • competent and sophisticated approach to .

The main qualities of a person (her inner world) can be classified according to a number of characteristics:

  • a comprehensive assessment of the situation and the absence of conflicting perceptions of information;
  • an inherent love for people;
  • open-minded thinking;
  • positive form of perception;
  • wise judgment.

The level of these indicators determines the individual characteristics of the person being studied.

Structure of individual qualities

For more precise definition qualities of a person’s personality, one should highlight his biological structure. It consists of 4 levels:

  1. Temperament, which includes characteristics of genetic predisposition (nervous system).
  2. The degree of unique mental processes that allows one to determine a person's personal qualities. The result is affected by the level individual perception, imagination, manifestation volitional signs, feelings and attention.
  3. The experiences of people, characterized by knowledge, abilities, capabilities and habits.
  4. Indicators social orientation, including the subject’s attitude to the external environment. The development of personal qualities acts as a guiding and regulating factor of behavior - interests and views, beliefs and attitudes (state of consciousness based on previous experience, regulatory attitude and), moral norms.

Traits of people that characterize their temperament

The innate qualities of a person shape him as a social being. Behavioral factors, type of activity and social circle are taken into account. The category is divided into 4 concepts: sanguine, melancholic, choleric and phlegmatic.

  • Sanguine - easily adapts to a new environment and overcomes obstacles. Sociability, responsiveness, openness, cheerfulness and leadership are the main personality traits.
  • Melancholic – weak and sedentary. Under the influence of strong stimuli, behavioral disturbances occur, manifested by a passive attitude towards any activity. Introversion, pessimism, anxiety, reasoning and touchiness - character traits melancholic.
  • Cholerics are strong, unbalanced, energetic personality traits. They are quick-tempered and unrestrained. Touchiness, impulsiveness, emotionality and instability are clear indicators of a restless temperament.
  • A phlegmatic person is a balanced, inert and slow person, not prone to change. Personal indicators show how to easily overcome negative factors. Reliability, goodwill, peacefulness and prudence - distinctive features calm people.

Individual character traits

Character is a set of traits of an individual that are manifested in different types activities, communication and relationships with people. The development of personal qualities is formed against the background of life processes and the type of activity of people. To more accurately assess the character of people, behavioral factors in specific circumstances should be studied in detail.

Types of character:

  • cycloid – mood swings;
  • hyperthymic accentuation consists of high activity and failure to complete tasks;
  • asthenic – capricious and depressive personal qualities;
  • sensitive – timid personality;
  • hysterical - the makings of leadership and vanity;
  • dysthymic – focused on the negative side of current events.

Individual abilities of people

Individual psychological qualities individuals contribute to the achievement of success and excellence in certain activities. They are determined by the social and historical practice of the individual, the results of the interactions of biological and mental indicators.

Exist different levels abilities:

  1. giftedness;
  2. talent;
  3. genius.

The development of the algorithm of personal qualities and abilities of people is characterized by the ability to learn new things in the mental sphere. Special features are manifested in a specific type of activity (musical, artistic, pedagogical, etc.).

Strong-willed traits of people

Adjusting behavioral factors associated with overcoming internal and external discomfort makes it possible to determine personal qualities: the level of effort and plans for taking actions, concentration in a given direction. Will manifests itself in the following properties:

  • – level of effort to achieve the desired result;
  • perseverance – the ability to mobilize to overcome troubles;
  • endurance - the ability to limit feelings, thinking and actions.

Courage, self-control, commitment are the personal qualities of strong-willed people. They are classified into simple and complex acts. In a simple case, incentives to action flow into execution automatically. Complex acts are carried out on the basis of drawing up a plan and taking into account the consequences.

Human feelings

People's persistent attitudes towards real or imaginary objects arise and are formed on the basis of the cultural and historical level. Only the ways of their manifestation change, based on historical eras. individual.

Personal motivation

Motives and incentives that contribute to the activation of actions are formed from. Stimulating personality traits can be conscious or unconscious.

They appear as:

  • desire for success;
  • avoiding trouble;
  • gaining power, etc.

How do personality traits manifest themselves and how to recognize them?

The personal qualities of an individual are determined by analyzing behavioral factors:

  • self-esteem. manifest themselves in relation to themselves: modest or confident, arrogant and self-critical, decisive and brave, people with high level self-control or lack of will;
  • assessment of the individual's attitude to society. There are different degrees of relationships between the subject and representatives of society: honest and fair, sociable and polite, tactful, rude, etc.;
  • a unique personality is determined by the level of interests in the labor, educational, sports or creative spheres;
  • clarification of a person’s position in society occurs in close connection with opinions about him;
  • when studying psychological factors, Special attention attention is paid to memory, thinking and attention, which characterize the development of personal qualities;
  • Observing the emotional perception of situations allows us to assess the individual’s reaction when solving problems or its absence;
  • measuring the level of responsibility. The main qualities of a serious personality are manifested in labor activity in the form of a creative approach, entrepreneurship, initiative and bringing the matter to the desired result.

A review of people's individual properties helps create big picture behavior in professional and social sphere. The concept of “personality” is a person with individual properties determined by the social environment. These include personal characteristics: intelligence, emotions and will.

Grouping of features that contribute to personality recognition:

  • subjects who are aware of the presence of their inherent social traits;
  • people taking part in social and cultural life society;
  • personal qualities and character of a person are easy to determine in social relationships through communication and the work sphere;
  • individuals who are clearly aware of their uniqueness and significance in the public.

Personal and professional quality of a person are manifested in the formation of worldview and internal perception. An individual always asks philosophical questions about life and his significance in society. He has his own ideas, views and life positions, influencing



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