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What to do if you close a tab in Yandex. How to open a tab you just closed

Every modern user should be able to work with browsers. Otherwise, surfing the Internet will be difficult. What if it happens in one case or another? Is this always possible? Next we will try to find answers to these questions. As practice shows, working with tabs is elementary. Even a novice user can handle it.

When not to restore

Return closed tab This is not always possible in Chrome and other Internet browsers. Therefore, everyone should know under what circumstances the corresponding function will not be available.

On this moment possible ways Restoring tabs in whole or in part will not work if:

  • the person closed the browser (the session ended);
  • the user works in "anonymous browsing" mode;
  • The user has disabled the function of saving the history of visited pages.

In all other cases, there should be no problems with bringing the idea to life. The main thing is to know how to behave correctly.

Through history

First, let's look at some universal tips. Did the girl close the tab? How to return it in any Internet browser?

You can do this using your browsing history. The technique is not in great demand, but it allows you to go to a site that has ever been opened in a browser.

Ideally, it is proposed to act this way:

  1. Open browser.
  2. Go to the main menu of the browser. Typically, the login button is located in the upper right corner of the application, near the address bar.
  3. Place the cursor on the line "History...".

Then the user can act in different ways. He will be presented with a list called "Recently Closed". Tabs that were closed not so long ago will be displayed here. Typically 6-10 sites are displayed in the list. If you click on the corresponding line with the mouse, you can restore one or another site.

The second option is to go to the "History" tab. During the manipulations performed, the history of visits to pages on the Internet will appear on the screen. You can select one or another site with the cursor. After that it will be opened in the browser.

Function menu

Do you need to return the closed one or Chrome? This can be done in any browser using the function menu. No skills or knowledge are required to bring your idea to life.

The user is offered the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Log into your internet browser.
  2. Right-click on the line located above the address bar. It's about about the area in which open pages appear.
  3. Select the "Restore tab" option.
  4. Click on the corresponding line with the left mouse button.

This technique does not work in hidden browser mode. It only helps if pages are restored in the same session.

Keyboard to help

Closed the tab? How can I return it to the browser? The following technique cannot be called universal. It will work differently in all browsers. We are talking about using "hot keys". They will help you figure out what to do when you close a tab. How to get the page back?

To do this you will need:

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + T. The function returns the last closed tab. When you press it again, the second closed page opens and so on. The keyboard shortcut only works in the current session.
  2. Use Ctrl + Z. This combination works in Opera 12.

In Mozilla, it is better to use the function menu or browser settings. The listed combinations may not work in Mozilla Firefox.


Have you closed the last deactivated page? The answer to this question will no longer make you think.

We have studied all possible methods for restoring closed pages. Now everyone can easily cope with the task.

Having accidentally closed a tab in the browser, the first thought that comes to mind is how to open it back. Program developers have provided several options for solving this problem. Thanks to which any user, even not the most advanced one, can easily open a closed tab.

How to open the last closed tab

There are several ways to restore a tab in the browser, all of them are guaranteed to return a page that was accidentally closed:

  1. Simultaneously hold down the Ctrl + Shift + T keys. To correctly type this combination, first press the Ctrl button on the keyboard, then, without releasing its Shift key, and the English letter T (Russian E). By repeating the combination, you can return several last pages from the hierarchy.
  2. Alt + Left Arrow Keyboard Shortcut
  3. Instead of keyboard shortcuts, you can use the right mouse button (RMB): move the cursor to the top of the browser window, right-click, when the context menu opens, select “Open closed tab.”
  4. Each browser has a separate place where all previously viewed pages are stored. different periods time, it is called the Visit Log or History. The required page may not be in History for two reasons: if it has been cleared, or the page was viewed in incognito mode. Depending on your browser, you can access the Browsing History different ways, therefore, below is a different algorithm for each program.

Google Chrome

Go to browser history Google Chrome You can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + H or through the settings button, which is three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the program window. After selecting the “History” item, you will be redirected to a page where all the sites that were opened in the past are collected. Lately. The list is sorted by day, hour and minute. To go to a closed tab, click on it with the left mouse button (LMB).

If you cannot find the page you need, use the search provided in the history. It is located at the top with a corresponding magnifying glass icon and a small textbar. Enter a keyword there and click the “Search in History” button. If you don't remember the exact case of the key, you can only write part of the word. In addition to a keyword or phrase, you can search by site name.

Yandex browser

If you were unable to return a closed tab using the hotkey combination Ctrl + Shift + T, then Yandex Browser History will come to the rescue. To quickly go to a section page, you need to hold down the Ctrl + H keys, or you can also click LMB on the button with three horizontal lines, which is located in the upper right corner of the program.

A list of viewed pages sorted by time of visit will appear in a new tab. You can return a closed site manually by finding the desired entry in the list, or use a history search, as was the case with the previous browser. You can also search by keywords and the name (part of the name) of the site.


All previously visited and accidentally closed tabs are stored in the Opera browser history. You can go there by clicking the “Menu” button in the upper left corner of the program window. To go to the desired site, click LMB on the corresponding line in the list. The developers of the Opera browser also provide a history search. To do this, you need to enter a keyword in the textbar with the inscription “Search in history.”

Previously closed pages in Mozilla browser Firefox can be returned through the log. To do this, in the program window you need to click on the icon of three horizontal lines, then select “Library” and “Journal”. A list of tabs that have been recently closed will appear on the screen. To return to any of them, you just need to left-click on the line with the desired site. To view all recently closed tabs, click "Show all history" at the bottom of the list. A list of all addresses will appear on the screen. On the left you can select specific date, and at the top there is a convenient search for the magazine.

Internet Explorer

In Internet Explorer, to return closed tabs, in addition to the Ctrl + Shift + T hotkeys, the log is also used. It's located under the star button in the top right corner. All previously viewed sites in Internet Explorer are stored there. For user convenience, the tabs are sorted by day. The order can be changed; to do this, you can select a different sorting in the top drop-down list.

Restoring tabs after restarting the computer

Often the entire current session is lost due to an emergency reboot of the computer. In this case, to restore a closed tab, it is recommended to follow the following algorithm:

  1. Most browsers, when logging in after an emergency shutdown of the computer, offer to return the uncompleted session correctly. A notification will pop up at the top of the program with a corresponding recovery button.
  2. The Mozilla Firefox browser has a separate item in the program settings, which is called “Restore previous session”.
  3. If the previous two points did not help to return closed tabs, then you can always use the command Ctrl + Shift + T or search the history (log).


When surfing the Internet, users often open links in new tabs to return to the current page or newly opened tab later. As a result, situations sometimes arise when there are a lot of tabs open in the browser. Sometimes you can make a mistake and accidentally close a tab, then the problem arises: how to restore a closed tab, using what key combination?

What keys do you use to restore a closed tab in Yandex, Chrome, Mozilla and Opera browsers?

In all these browsers, you can use a single key combination - “Ctrl+Shift+T”. It will allow you to restore the tab that the user last closed. Pressing this key combination again will open another, already penultimate closed tab. This way, you can move deeper into the history and restore all recently closed tabs during the current session.

Also, in each browser you can solve the problem without remembering hotkeys by selecting the appropriate items in the browser menu. Let's look at each of them.

How to restore closed tabs in Yandex browser?

A tab you accidentally closed can be restored by opening the “History” item in the browser menu. The eight most recent tabs will appear directly in the drop-down submenu. By clicking on them, the corresponding page will open in the browser.

If this number is not enough, then you can go to history by selecting the first item in the drop-down submenu (or the Ctrl+H key combination), and there try to find the tab of interest. There will either be a “Recently Closed” tab, or you will have to search not by closed tabs, but by visited pages.

How to restore closed tabs in Google Chrome?

You can restore a closed tab in Google Chrome without using keyboard shortcuts by selecting “History” in the main browser menu (located in the upper right corner of the window and indicated by a hamburger icon). When you select this item, a submenu will open, which will contain the “Recently Closed” section. It is this list that interests us. It should be noted that not all tabs are displayed here, but only the last few closed tabs, so if the tab is not in the proposed list, then you should turn to the history tool.

As an alternative there is more quick way To reopen a newly closed tab, right-click on any tab. A menu will appear in which there is the item we need - “Open closed tab”.

How to recover closed Firefox tabs?

The hotkeys for restoring a tab are the same as in all other browsers “Ctrl+Shift+T”.

If the user accidentally closed a tab in Firefox, then you should use the button to view history, bookmarks, etc. on the toolbar. In the drop-down menu you need to select “Journal”.

This will open a log list showing the recent history of web pages visited. In this case, two items “Recently closed tabs” and “Recently closed windows” will be available at the top.

By going to the appropriate item, a list of the ten most recently closed tabs that interests us will appear in Mazil. All you have to do is select the desired tab, and it will be restored. Also here at the bottom of the list the “Restore all tabs” function is available.

How to recover a closed tab in Explorer and Microsoft Edge?

To restore the last closed tab in Explorer, you can still use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+Shift+T”. However, users have access to others no less simple ways. For example, by right-clicking on any open tab, a submenu will open, which will contain, among others, the following two items - “Reopen closed tab” and “Recently closed tabs”. Just like in other browsers, you can immediately open all closed tabs in one action.

The Microsoft Edge interface is slightly different from Explorer, but this does not change the essence. By clicking the right mouse button, exactly the same menu appears.

How to restore closed tabs in Safari?

There are several ways to restore accidentally closed tabs on a Mac in Safari.

The first and main method is to go to the “History” menu and select “Recently Closed” from the drop-down menu that appears. A list of closed tabs will open; all you have to do is select the one you need. This method is no different from that in other browsers.

The second method is to right-click on the plus sign located to the right of all tabs. This is analogous to clicking on a tab in Chrome. A contextual drop-down menu will appear with a list of closed tabs.

And the third is to go to the “History” item in the main menu of the browser, in which there will be a sub-item “Open all tabs from the last session again.” When you select this action, Safari will open all sites that have been opened during operation since the beginning of the current session. This method will help even if the browser window was completely closed, for example, by mistakenly pressing “Cmd+Q”.

In addition to the cross-browser combination “Ctrl+Shift+T”, the keyboard shortcut “Cmd+Z” works in Safari.

How to restore a closed tab in Opera?

In the Opera browser, reopening a tab that was accidentally closed is also easy. In the main browser menu, in the top left menu, look for the “Recently Closed” item. It will contain a list of the last few tabs.

You can also use an alternative option through history. Select the appropriate item in the menu or press Ctrl+H.

In the history window that opens, you should find by time the page that you were viewing and you wanted to restore. Next, clicking on the link with the left mouse button will lead to a transition to the selected page. Right-clicking will open the page in a new tab.

How to restore a closed tab in Vivaldi?

The methods are similar to other browsers. For example, clicking on the right mouse button, just like in Internet Explorer, leads to the appearance of a context menu in which the last item is the “Restore Closed” action.

Also, by going to the “View” section in the main menu of the browser, you can find the “History” section. In it you can find any tab that was opened earlier, not necessarily just recently, maybe even yesterday or a few days ago.

Clicking with the left mouse button leads to the link, and right-clicking opens a context menu that allows you to open the page in a new tab. This can be convenient when searching for the desired closed page if the page names are the same.

Accidentally closing a browser tab causes the user to panic. After all, it can be open important information necessary for work, or your favorite movie. Of course, you can find a disabled site again, but sometimes this is not easy. In addition, there are the easiest ways to restore a closed tab in different browsers.

Google Chrome

One of the most popular browsers provides three options for restoring an accidentally closed window:


A relatively old columnist who is still developing and does not lose his audience. The browser provides four tools that will allow you to return the last windows:

Mozilla Firefox

The second most common browser among users of the global network. There are three ways to return a page:

Yandex browser

A relatively new browser from the well-known company Yandex provides only two recovery methods:

  1. Standard method by pressing the key combination CTRL+SHIFT+T
  2. Through your browsing history, which can be accessed through the web browser menu.

Internet Explorer

The standard browser on all Windows operating systems offers only two ways to return sites:

  1. Standard, simple and effective method restoring a closed site CTRL+SHIFT+T;
  2. For an alternative method, go to the “Tools” section and select the “Reopen last browsing session” function. A list of sites that the device owner has recently visited appears. Select the one you need or open everything at once.

One of the most annoying situations when working on the Internet is accidentally closing a tab that contained a page with information that you have been looking for on the global network for so long. This happens quite often and greatly frustrates inexperienced users who do not know how to quickly return closed tabs. And it’s not at all difficult to do this. You just need to correctly configure the browser you are using and use its basic tools.

Let's look at ways to restore a closed tab in popular browsers.

Mozilla Firefox
The Mozilla Firefox browser remembers a list of the last ten closed tabs. To view this list, click the orange button labeled “Firefox” in the upper left corner, in the menu that appears, select “Log” and in the next menu, select “Recently Closed Tabs.” Select the desired tab from the drop-down list based on the page names.

If you do not see a list of recently closed tabs, check the value of the “History” parameter in Firefox-Settings-Privacy. “Will remember history” must be selected.

Google Chrome
The Google Chrome browser has similar functionality. You can also see a list of recently closed tabs, but it remembers slightly fewer pages - only eight. But this is also more than enough, and to view them, click the Chrome settings button in the upper right corner in the form of three gray stripes. In the list that appears, select “Recently opened tabs” and in the next “Recently closed sites”.

The capabilities of this browser to save a list of tabs closed during the current browser session are truly impressive. It saves more than 50 recently closed tabs. This is more than enough for most users. To view these tabs, click the menu button labeled “Opera” in the upper right corner, select the top line “Tabs and Windows” in the list that appears, and select “Hidden Tabs” in the next menu.

Yandex browser
The relatively new web browser from the largest Russian search engine does not yet have a tool for viewing tabs closed in the current session. But the browser is young and still has a long way to go. In the meantime, you need to look for closed pages in the general history of visiting sites, which can be called up with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + H (English).

Internet Explorer
Not the most convenient browser for those who often accidentally close necessary tabs. There are no tools to view recently closed tabs. Therefore, you can only view general history visiting sites. The easiest way to open it is by pressing the same key combination Ctrl + H.

In order not to waste time searching for randomly closed pages on the Internet, if they really are of some value to you, we recommend saving them immediately to your computer after reading them so that you can always quickly access the necessary information.



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