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What do bears eat in Minecraft? Addon for polar bears for minecraft pe

And they are neutral animals that can be found in snow biomes. The Tameable Polar Bears mod will allow you to tame a bear using fish, so you can keep it as a pet.

How it works?

To tame a polar bear you will need raw fish. It can only be tamed with raw fish.
  • Android/IOS: take the raw fish and press the taming button with a long tap on the bear.
  • Windows 10: take the raw fish and click the right mouse button.
As soon as you see heart particles, it means that you have successfully tamed the polar bear.

Tired of long trips around the world MCPE? Ride the bear and he will give you a ride. Hold the fish in your hand to control direction.

You can also tie the bear to a post if you don't want him to follow you.

Give your bear a treat, otherwise he will kill you.


  • You can tame little bear cubs and ride them.
  • A polar bear will not defend you if someone attacks you.

Installing the Tameable Polar Bears mod (.mcpack):

  • Download the mod file marked .mcpack follow the link below.
  • Just open the file (via ES Explorer on Android) and the game itself will install all the necessary components.
  • Run Minecraft Pocket Edition and go to world editing.
  • Select Parameter Sets.
  • Find the add-on file and click on it to activate.
  • The mod is installed, enjoy the game!

Minecraft provides curious players with a lot of possibilities. Those farmers who are tired of messing around with harmless animals and want something more exotic can turn their attention to bears.

This article will help you solve the question of how to tame a bear in Minecraft.

General information

These are wild but neutral mobs. They drop a drop in the form of a fish, and the number of health units is fifteen.

In tamed individuals, the amount of health can increase up to twenty units, subject to proper and regular feeding.

They become aggressive and very dangerous if you attack them or small cubs. Before attacking, bears stand on their hind legs. It is not easy to escape from them, so it is recommended to be attentive and careful if a group of these animals appears on the horizon.

However, it is quite possible to tame these mobs if you know the principles necessary for this. There are also white polar relatives in Minecraft. You can find out more about how to tame a polar bear in Minecraft.

Taming a polar bear

With the help of fish, you can restore the health of a tamed pet.

Taming and hunting bears unlocks a variety of achievements that will satisfy players who love a challenge. It is worth domesticating these animals not only because of their attractiveness. appearance, but also because of the qualities.

You can tame a bear, including a white one, using fish. To do this, you must first insert the raw fish into the character’s hand and make a few clicks directly on the mob itself. When the button responsible for the “feed” command appears, you should use it.

Once an individual eats a fish, there is a 25% chance that it will become tamed.

The main benefit of tamed bears is that they follow the player and protect him from other mobs. Using a special stick or bone, you can give commands to “stand” or “sit.” When using this tool, it is possible to control a saddled animal.


Many farmers, in pursuit of a large farm and corresponding achievements, will want to start breeding individuals. This becomes possible when the player tames two adult bears. You should also take care to place a couple of individuals in the pen.

This is where raw fish comes to the rescue again. It is necessary in order to persuade the couple to reproduce. In addition, small cubs grow much faster if they are fed fish.

Cubs raised under the player's protection are automatically tamed. Sick bears recover faster if they are also fed fish.


Video: How to tame a bear in Minecraft.

There are a great many mobs in Minecraft, and with each new version their number is increasing. The developers delight us not only with hostile entities, but also with friendly and neutral ones that can be tamed. Today we’ll figure out how to tame mobs in Minecraft. No mods or command blocks are required for this, just clean .

How to tame a chicken

The chicken is the most popular and frequently encountered mod in the game, and of course you can tame it, and to do this, you need to get seeds. You can use not only wheat seeds, but also pumpkin and watermelon seeds. Only chickens will reproduce only in the presence of wheat seeds.

How to tame a pig

Another domestic and fairly common animal in Minecraft. A pig can be easily tamed using carrots. Find some of this keratin-rich vegetable and go look for pigs. When you find it, give some carrots to the pig using RMB and it may or may not follow you. More carrots - more chance of taming. You can find a pig in biomes with green grass.

How to tame a cow

In general, a cow is already a domestic animal and does not need to be tamed. But if you want to start breeding them, how can you organize this? First you need to lure two cows into a pen. To do this, just show the cow the wheat and she will follow you. Thus, bring two cows into the pen, give them both wheat again, hearts will appear above their heads and after a few seconds they will give birth to a calf. This is not in your life, waiting for several months. In Minecraft, the birth process is extremely fast.

How to tame a sheep

Sheep are another pet that does not require taming. We do everything the same as with a cow, i.e. we lure two individuals into the pen using the same wheat. In the pen we feed them and, voila, we have a new little lamb. Just like breeding using genetics.

How to tame a horse

And here is the most useful animal in the game, in my opinion. There are a couple of ways to tame a horse in Minecraft. If you have a lot of patience and a couple of dozen saddles, then you can just try to ride the horse you like. Just like in life. Sit on him and hope that he will accept you and love you. For those who don’t want “reality” there is a simpler option. Get food, bread, for example, and better apple and feed the horse and, lo and behold, it will follow you in gratitude, which means that you have tamed it. And this is also a very good and fast transport in the game, just get in and go.

How to tame an ocelot (cat)

Let's move on from livestock to more modern animals and tell you how to tame an ocelot. Wild cats in Minecraft are called ocelots and live mainly in the steppes. But before you go looking for him, he highly recommends stocking up on fish, cats love fish. Once you have found an ocelot, do not run to it with open arms. These animals are very shy. Just stop and wait a little. Your future cat will become interested in you and come closer out of curiosity. At this moment, throw him a fish, then another and another, until a red collar appears on him, which will mean that the ocelot has been tamed and he has become your cat.

How to tame a wolf (dog)

The wolf is a formidable and biting animal, and if you want to know how to tame a wolf in Minecraft, then first you need to get enough bones. Bones are not fish or apples and wheat; they cannot be caught or grown. But bones are easily knocked out of skeletons. Wait until nightfall, arm yourself well and kill a dozen or two of these bony mobs. Knocked out some bones, go in search of wolves, they mainly live in forests. Give a bone to the wolf you like and he will become your faithful friend, become your faithful dog, who will protect you in every possible way and help you in your travels.

Polar bears are new mobs that were recently added to Minecraft for PC. This addon replaces cows with polar bears. You can tame, feed, breed and ride them. If you are looking for an animal friend for your next adventure, then you need to download this add-on. This works similar to the wolf, but with the added option of riding.

Creator: Gona

How to make a bear in Minecraft PE? How to find?

Polar bears are replacing cows. Their natural habitat is the snow biome, but you can find them all over the world where cows previously roamed. In this example, I decided to use the seed: Kaboom. He will spawn you right next to a large snow biome.

Bears are neutral mobs, meaning they will only attack if they or one of their cubs is attacked.

How to tame a polar bear in Minecraft PE

You can tame a polar bear by feeding it raw fish. Hold the fish in your hand and tap on the polar bear, then press the Feed button. By doing this, you will have a 25% chance of success. Taming gives about 30% more health than a normal bear.

Polar bears will follow you and also protect you from other mobs. If one of the bears gets sick, you can feed him raw fish to heal faster. If you attack a tamed polar bear, it will try to kill you, so treat it well.

The polar bear can also be used as a means of transportation. You can sit on the back of it and control the direction with a stick.

Bear Breeding

Once you have tamed two adult polar bears, pen them and feed them raw fish until they mate and give birth. The cub will be automatically tamed.



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