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What does it mean to wash your feet in a dream? In clean and dirty water. Why do you dream about washing your feet?

Dream interpretation of washing feet

Legs are a symbol of the life path of a sleeping person. Depending on their appearance and the actions of the sleeping person, the interpreter can make his own individual prediction.

The smallest details can radically change the prediction. Hair on the legs may indicate that the dreamer will have to follow the lead of another person.

Washing feet in a dream

Why dream of washing your feet in a dream? Interpreters believe that in reality a certain situation will arise that will require your direct intervention. It will be quite unexpected, and you will have to react instantly.

The positive thing is that the dream book believes that if you quickly navigate the situation, you will even be able to benefit for yourself.

Place of ablution

Dreaming of ablution in a basin

It is important for making a prediction where the dreamer washed his feet. If you managed to note this in a dream, then the interpreter will be able to give an accurate prediction.

Wash in a basin

At least once in a person’s life the question arises: to be decent or to ensure a comfortable future for oneself. A dream when you happen to wash your feet in a basin is a signal that just such a situation will soon arise in front of you. The interpreter cannot tell you exactly what to do; it’s up to you to decide.

Often such visions visit petty people, those who are ready to make a profit by any means. You should decide whether it is worth losing the favor of the people around you because of making money.

If you noticed that water was flowing from the tap and foam was forming in the basin, then you should temporarily distract yourself from pressing troubles and try to abstract yourself from the situation.

Get your feet wet in the river

Do you have visions of washing your feet in a river? The interpreter advises taking a closer look at the cleanliness of the reservoir. This point is initial when drawing up an interpretation:

Walking into a river in a dream

  • the water was clean - life will turn into better side, happiness will enter your home;
  • muddy water with a disgusting smell - unpleasant events are coming that can lead to quite disastrous consequences.

If the water was ice-cold, then you should worry about your own health. Soon your immune system will fail, and you risk becoming seriously ill.

Get your feet wet in a puddle

If you dreamed that you were washing your feet in a puddle, you are a person who is used to letting everything take its course. Your condition is close to infantile. The Dream Interpretation believes that this cannot continue. If you don't change your behavior, you may face greater difficulties and other people will have to deal with the consequences.

It is believed that if you have such dreams, then you should take a more adult position.

What will the predictors say?

Washing limbs in a dream

In dream books you can find a large amount of information about what the legs themselves can dream of. But bathing them in a dream is a rather rare symbol that cannot always be found in interpreters.

Interpreter of Catherine the Great

If you had a dream in which you wash your feet - get ready for the fact that they will want to deceive you. Your friends will try to ruin your plans.

Ancient interpreter

If your feet were dirty in a dream, then trouble awaits you. When you wash them, it is possible that you will go on a pleasant journey. The dream also promises joy that will unexpectedly arise in life.

Home dream book

Taking care of your feet, washing them - frees you from doubts. You will learn to believe in yourself again, even if you have to go through difficult events in life.

Owner of legs

Tidying up your legs in your sleep

If you want to consider the dream according to all the rules and get a correct prediction, then you should clarify whose feet were washed in the dream. This point will be of great importance when making a prediction.

Wash your feet

If you washed your own feet in a dream, then the dream book believes that you will be faced with a situation that will require an immediate solution. You will have to work hard to resolve this issue. It will seem that you can find the right solution in no time, do not delude yourself.

A washed body in reality means getting rid of negativity. But in a dream, washed feet can be evidence that enemies have become active against you. The dreamer should be extremely careful, since the machinations of his enemies can catch him at the most inopportune moment.

Another such dream can predict useless work for you, which will not be appreciated by higher management, will not bring you profit, and will be generally useless.

Wash the dirt off someone else's feet

According to the dream book, washing another person’s feet means you are too carried away with achieving your goal, while forgetting about the feelings of the people around you. Karma will still catch up with you, and you will have to pay for your actions.

The dream suggests that you should moderate your ambitions and try to start life anew. If you moderate your ardor, then circumstances will turn out in your favor.

Wash a man's feet with soapy water - soon you will meet the man of your dreams. The dreamer herself will be surprised at how much her new acquaintance will correspond to her dreams. True, the dream book says that disappointment will soon come. Perhaps the man will not be who he said he was.

Sometimes “in the arms of morpheus” a person appears interesting images, which can be interpreted in completely different ways. One gets the impression that the compilers of dream books take their explanations “out of their heads.” However, it is not. More precisely, not quite so - many of them use psychological laws in their work and draw certain parallels.

What if you dream about washing your feet?

Often, everyday processes such as washing feet penetrate into dreams. Surprisingly, the compilers of dream books make very interesting predictions based on such visions, and sometimes reveal the thoughts of the sleeper, hidden deep in the subconscious. This article was written precisely so that everyone could understand why they dream of washing their feet, and could use the information received for their own benefit.

Washing your feet in a dream may mean that in the near future the sleeper will face a long journey or some exciting journey that requires some preparation.

For business people Washing your feet in a dream can be a very good sign. Such a dream is sometimes perceived as a signal that the sleeper will not be left alone with his problems, and will definitely receive support from his companions.

In the case of women, such a dream may mean that they will receive the desired protection and patronage that comes from a wealthy person. It is quite possible that it will help you feel more confident and somehow “rise” in society.

Washing your feet in a dream can be a kind of warning. Finding your feet dirty and deciding that they urgently need to be cleaned, according to many, means that you should be wary of other people's cunning and intrigues. They say that they consciously harm, actively interfere with the prosperity of the sleeper.

It is also believed that washing your feet in a dream is an obvious sign that in reality you will have to sort things out with someone because of some unpleasant rumors or offensive gossip. Therefore, having seen such a dream, it is better to be careful when communicating with others.

Sometimes, washing feet is interpreted by the compilers of dream books as a quick release from the heavy burden of doubts about one’s own competence in resolving any issue or doing useless things.

What does it portend?

Since ancient times, people have associated dirty feet with some kind of discomfort. Therefore, you should not be surprised that most dream books indicate that this dream speaks of troubles. Wiping your feet when entering a house is interpreted as a gift that the sleeper will definitely wait for, and washing your feet means a joyful event.

Dreams that focus on the legs can also be inspired by sexual desires. However, most likely, the subconscious simply emphasizes the need to act - perhaps to find a way to avoid some unpleasant situations that could have a very sad ending.

Sometimes washing your feet indicates that the dreamer may be prevented from fulfilling his plans. Caution should be exercised.

At the same time, seeing yourself barefoot in a dream often means the interference of some ill-wishers in the dreamer’s life. Kissing other people's feet, as one might guess, means submission and submission. Swollen feet are associated with soreness.

Whatever washing of feet seen in a dream means, do not forget about personal hygiene in real life. After all, cleanliness in general is the key to health, and clean feet means comfort, a sense of self-confidence and the ability to get rid of shoes without embarrassment.

Description of the page: "Why do you dream of washing your feet in clean water"from professionals for people.

Washing your feet in clean water in a dream foreshadows troubles or obstacles that the sleeper will successfully overcome. The plot promises a fight against the intrigues of enemies, participation in a quarrel, but sometimes - the fulfillment of a wish or family happiness. Our dream book will tell you, focusing on the details, what the vision is about.

Act as a peacemaker and make your deepest wish come true

The dream plot foreshadows: the dreamer will unwittingly witness a quarrel between his two friends. We will have to show diplomacy in order to understand all the vicissitudes and promote the reconciliation of opponents.

To see how in a dream you had a chance to wash your feet in clean water means: happy events ahead, calmness, tranquility.

The dream book calls a dreamed vision a harbinger of fulfillment cherished desire, which will provide spiritual harmony, joy. The time is coming when you can take a break and enjoy life.

Overcoming troubles, traveling

Why dream of washing dirty feet? In reality, you will be able to cope with upcoming troubles in business. You yourself will find where you made a mistake and correct it.

Did you dream of washing your dirty feet? The dream book explains: you will soon go on a trip that will give you a lot of pleasant impressions.

Did a woman dream that she was washing her dirty feet? She will become more attention pay attention to your appearance. This will have a positive impact on her popularity among the stronger sex.

Cope with difficulties and the machinations of spiteful critics

Have you ever washed your feet in clean water? The dream book indicates: you will soon encounter some difficulty or obstacle that will need to be quickly resolved or eliminated. Don’t think that you can do this with a “cavalry charge” - you will have to think about how to do this, spend a lot of energy and time. But you can handle it.

Seeing such a plot in a dream often means: there will be a clash with enemies, perhaps at work. The dreamer will be entrusted with some unpromising task, which will only take a lot of energy, but will not give the desired result. At the same time, spiteful critics will constantly reproach the sleeper for laziness, unprofessionalism, and other shortcomings.

Miller's Dream Book: Someone's cunning will harm plans

Why dream of washing your feet? A dreamed vision indicates: someone will show cunning that will discourage and confuse your plans. But if the water remained clean after washing, you will come up with a counter move.

Where did this happen?

The interpretation of the dream takes into account where it happened. So, in your dream you used:

  • bath - you will be very disappointed because of someone’s unfulfilled promises;
  • pelvis - you are too economical, do not go to extremes;
  • water tap - it’s time to take a vacation to take a break from routine;
  • clear streams of the river - good luck on the love front;
  • clear lake - happy family life.

Meeting the man of your dreams, fighting against enemies

Why does a girl dream of washing a man’s feet, but the water is clean? The dream book promises: she will soon meet the man of her dreams. Feelings will flare up that can tear you away from reality, but you still need to control yourself, maintaining sober judgment. Please note: over time, opinions about this standard of masculinity may change.

Did you wash them in your dream? In reality you will need to defend your position. Or strangers will find out about some of your secrets and begin to actively discuss it. You must fight against your enemies using honest methods - then you can defeat them.

Every day various stories come to our dreams. Some of them we take for granted, and some bring surprise and misunderstanding. Did you dream about washing your feet last night? Need to know what the dream means: washing your feet with soap?

If you washed your feet in a dream, then remember that fate is trying to tell you something and protect you, cleanse you from problems and troubles. Details of the vision that point in the right direction will help you decipher more accurately.

Dream details

Dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation of Phoebe

Wash your feet with soap dreams of getting rid of failures. A new stage in life will bring relief.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

We saw how they washed their feet? Soon you will find yourself at a party, after the evening they will not talk very well about you. You will be able to defend your good name.

Home dream book

Soap in a vision symbolizes getting rid of anxiety, bad emotions and guilt. If the emotions were positive, then everything will be good. Negative feelings from the vision and process of washing feet predict bad consequences.

Magic dream book

Soaped feet? Most likely, choose the wrong path. Except

In addition, you will be busy clarifying a useless matter.

Ancient dream book

Wash your feet? Expect joy and good luck in your home. Don't scare away happiness.

Eastern dream book

If the dream focused on how you soaped your feet, then newly established friendships will benefit you. For unmarried women, the dream predicts a comfortable life.

Lunar dream book

Wash your feet with soap dreaming before a trip.

Maly Velesov dream book

Wash your feet means illness, but then instant healing. Troubles at home will be quickly resolved, and the road will be easy and fast.

Family dream book

Wait for people's gossip if you washed your feet. To those who used soap, gossip won't hurt.

Dream Interpreter

Wash yourself- to boredom. You should also expect troubles or illness . Soap is a symbol of getting rid of problems.

Dream book of the 21st century

A journey awaits you if you have seen or used soap while washing your feet.

Miller's Dream Book

Wash your feet with soap. Enemies and ill-wishers will be flattered by your plans and deeds, but you will be able to repel them.

Anchor points:

  1. To someone
  2. In the pelvis
  3. In a river
  4. In a puddle

To someone

There is an opinion that washing feet in another person's dream in real life - is a harbinger of repentance. It is possible that the dreamer, being a purposeful person, is too active in achieving the task, sometimes crossing the line of what is permitted. However, sooner or later the moment will come when he will have to answer for his actions and find a worthy justification for them.

To avoid getting into such a situation, it is better to moderate your ardor for a while and surrender to chance. Reconciliation with circumstances will ensure a favorable outcome of events. And the position of an “outside observer” will allow you to maintain good relations with others.

To yourself

There are two interpretations on this matter.

The first version says that wash your own feet in a dream- this means that soon in real life you will have to face a problem that requires an immediate solution. There is no need to delude yourself and believe that the issue can be resolved instantly. The matter will require a certain amount of time and energy. And yet the dreamer will cope with the problem, and will also be able to learn a useful life lesson.

Another interpretation promises that washing feet in a dream promises the dreamer a meeting with insidious enemies. Most likely, at work you will have to work on a hopeless project that will not bring the desired result and will only take a lot of time and effort. And there will always be people nearby who will reproach the dreamer for laziness and unwillingness to work for the common cause, while trying to secretly take possession of his achievements.

There is only one conclusion: you should not take the failure of the business you have started to heart. This project will bring the only positive result - it will allow the dreamer to demonstrate business qualities"In his best". The management will appreciate this. And it is better to minimize communication with hypocritical colleagues and not pay attention to attacks from them.

In the pelvis

There are times in life when a person is faced with a choice: to preserve his moral character or improve his material well-being in a not entirely decent way. If you had a dream, the plot of which had to wash your feet in a basin, bowl or tub, - this is the same case. The dream speaks of the dreamer's greed and victory material assets over the spiritual.

There are events coming up in life that will allow you to significantly replenish the contents of your wallet. And for the sake of profit, a person will decide to take risky steps, forgetting about the people around him. It is possible that the dreamer will appropriate both his own and someone else’s, depriving his colleagues of the opportunity to earn money. To avoid troubles and general condemnation, you don’t need to “walk over corpses.” The ability to share and think about others will allow you to maintain your good name and good reputation.

In a river

The essence of the interpretation of such a dream depends on the cleanliness of the reservoir. If you have to wash your feet in clean river – this means joy and good luck in life. If the water in the river is cloudy or unpleasant smell- this means you should expect unexpected troubles that can lead to annoying consequences.

In addition, the dreamed river with cold water, where the dreamer had a chance to wash his feet - may mean an upcoming cold and worsening health.

In a puddle

Many dream books agree that washing feet in a puddle- characterizes the dreamer as an infantile and irresponsible person. In reality, a person is prone to reckless actions, for which others often have to pay.

This dream should be taken into account and try to “grow up.” Sooner or later, the consequences of rash actions will entail big problems that you will have to solve on your own, without anyone’s help. This means that you need to carefully control your behavior now, drawing conclusions from past mistakes and making only informed decisions.

Go to main interpretation- why do you dream about legs?

Legs in a dream are a very multifaceted symbol. Therefore, it is not easy to interpret. Be sure to remember all the details storyline night dreams. It is believed that legs in a dream always reflect the dreamer’s self-confidence and self-sufficiency. Legs seen in a certain place in a dream reflect a person’s confidence in his actions in reality. This symbol in night dreams can tell a lot about internal state person.

Of no small importance for correct interpretation It has appearance legs If you dreamed that your own legs were beautiful, smooth and well-groomed, then even if they are not, this is very good dream. Otherwise, interpretations may differ.

Why do you dream about hairy legs?

Very often the question arises: why do you dream about hairy legs? If you see legs with black hair, then this indicates internal problems dreamer Most likely, he has a lot of invented fears in his soul that prevent him from becoming a successful person.

A very dangerous warning is a dream in which the hair on your legs begins to fall out suddenly. This may indicate the development of a serious disease that is difficult to treat.

Alien feet

If you dream about someone else's ugly legs, then this indicates that people in your environment often irritate you. In addition, such a dream may be a warning that the business to which you have devoted a lot of time and attention will turn out to be unprofitable.

In addition, unattractive legs can predict the following:

    When you dream of red and swollen legs, this foreshadows family troubles; If you dream of legs with ulcers, it means that your income will be reduced due to charitable activities; Crooked legs indicate that the hard work that the dreamer will have to do will not bring any results .

Dirty feet

Dirty feet in a dream are an unfavorable sign. It is a warning that troubles, difficulties and obstacles await you in life. But on the other hand, all dream books focus on the fact that with the dreamer’s competent behavior in reality, it is possible to prevent possible complications certain events.

A dream in which you have to wash off the dirt on your feet is quite informative. This may mean that the dreamer will be able to avoid the consequences of slander and get out of a difficult life situation with dignity.

If you dream of a woman with dirty feet, then this foreshadows intrigue in real life. Maximum caution must be exercised, as enemies will use the most dishonest methods to harm the dreamer.

You need to pay attention to the appearance of your dirty feet in your dream:

    Bare feet - one should expect hostility from familiar people; Bare feet foreshadow troubles in reality and focus attention on the dreamer’s vulnerability; Feet in shoes give hope that solutions to all problems will be found.

If you dream of dirt underfoot, this indicates that in reality the sleeping person will soon quarrel with people from his immediate circle. Moreover, the dreamer will be entirely to blame for this.

Clean feet

Beautiful, slim and clean feet portend the onset of a favorable life period. Most likely, the dreamer will have new faithful friends or partners. For young people, such a dream can be a harbinger of a feeling of falling in love.

Big legs - interpretation of sleep

If you dream of well-groomed big legs, then this is a very favorable omen. Such legs indicate that in reality all the dreamer’s affairs will go well, and he will have good luck in all his endeavors.

When interpreting dreams, the following should be considered:

    The left leg indicates that the dreamer is disturbed by events of the past. In addition, a dream can warn that wrong actions will be taken in reality. The right leg indicates the dreamer’s ambition and his desire to take a leadership position. But besides this, such a dream may indicate that a person is confident in his own abilities. Long legs warn that one needs to take things more seriously own life. In addition, this is often a sign that momentary pleasures can destroy health. The legs of a deceased person foreshadow losses in real life, in addition, they can predict life disorders.

Different legs

When you dream of different legs, for example, one shorter than the other, this indicates that many people in life are trying to help you. But, unfortunately, nothing good comes of this; each assistant is trying to win you over to their side.

If you dream of feet wearing shoes, then the interpretation depends entirely on appearance:

    New shoes on your feet portend good luck in life; Old shoes on your feet warn of troubles.

Very often, dreamers wonder why they dream about a broken leg. IN various dream books You can find several options for such a dream. But first of all, such night dreams indicate that the dreamer has chosen the wrong path, and it will lead him to losses and disappointments.

When interpreting dreams, the following nuances of plot lines should be taken into account:

    When a broken leg is associated with the fact that you see yourself in a dream on crutches, then this symbolizes that in the coming period of life you will have to study a lot. If you dreamed that you were lying on the floor or on the ground with a broken leg and no one was helping If you rise, this indicates that in reality you will become a victim of gossip. When in a dream someone else breaks a leg, then in reality you should expect disagreements with people from your inner circle.

Do you see yourself without a leg?

If in your night dreams you see yourself without a leg, then this indicates that you may lose your support in life. You may be in danger of breaking up with your loved one. After such a dream, you need to prepare yourself for not very pleasant events and, if you still cannot avoid them, then you need to try to maintain your sanity and not fall into depression. Cut off legs can symbolize the dreamer's uncertainty about the future.

Bruises and abrasions on the legs

Other leg injuries seen in a dream may mean the following. Bruises on the legs warn that the planned trip should be abandoned. If you dreamed of abrasions on someone else’s legs, then this draws the dreamer’s attention to the fact that you need to pay attention to little things that may seem insignificant only at first glance. A bruise on your knee is a warning that someone is trying to pull the rug out from under you.

Wound on the leg - dream book

The wound on the leg emphasizes to the dreamer that he has not taken decisive action for a long time, so he stopped in place. According to Freud's dream book, such a dream indicates that the dreamer is not ready for a new relationship. If in a dream you see a wound on another person’s leg, then this draws your attention to the fact that you do not notice the person next to you who sincerely loves you and makes him suffer.

Blood on my feet

If you dreamed of blood on your feet, this indicates that in real life there is a high probability that you will have to lose trust close friend. For a person in love, such a dream predicts disappointment in his partner.

Worms in the leg - the meaning of sleep

Worms in the leg are a very unfavorable dream. Such a plot can be seen if the dreamer has strayed from the right path in life. But this same dream may be evidence of the development of a serious leg disease. If alarming symptoms have not yet appeared in reality, then after such a dream it is advisable to undergo diagnostics at a medical institution in order to be able to carry out timely treatment.

Parts of legs in a dream

Various parts of the legs can often appear in dreams. In this case, dreams may have different interpretations. In particular, the feet that appear in night dreams are always very symbolic. The thing is that this part in reality bears the entire load of the human body. Therefore, having seen his own feet in a dream, the dreamer can conclude that in reality he stands confidently on his feet. If in night dreams the focus is on cleanly washed feet, then this foreshadows a long journey. In addition, such a dream can be a harbinger of a romantic adventure.


In most dream books, toes are associated with the material sphere of a person. If they appear in a dream in a well-groomed condition, then this is very good sign. It indicates that the dreamer has chosen the right life path which will lead him to prosperity. If you have such a dream before any transaction, it means that it will be successful, so in real life you need to cast aside all doubts about its conclusion.

A dream in which the dreamer sees his own feet with extra big toes is considered a very good omen. This dream portends unexpected enrichment. This may be due to a promotion or inheritance.

Toenails - how to interpret

Quite often we come across the question of why we dream about toenails. This symbol indicates a desire to protect yourself from external aggression, and, most likely, in real life there are good reasons for this. But such a dream also warns that the actions taken to protect themselves may be overly aggressive and completely thoughtless. This can lead to loss of respect from loved ones. Long toenails seen in night dreams are an indicator of the dreamer's hidden aggressiveness.

Cutting toenails

When you have to cut your toenails in a dream, dream books interpret this action as a harbinger of the arrival of guests. Moreover, the longer the nails, the more important the guests will be. If you have to cut a stranger’s toenails, this portends career growth in real life. But such a dream also focuses attention on the fact that they will help you in this and you will definitely have to pay for it.

Cut your leg

For the correct interpretation of dreams, it is necessary to take into account what actions were carried out with the legs according to the plot of the night’s dreams. Cutting your leg in a dream is not a very good omen. In reality, you need to be careful in your actions and desires. This symbol can also foreshadow separation.

Wash your feet in a dream

If you have to wash your feet in your dreams at night, this portends an exciting journey in real life. But it should be understood that it will require special preparation. Washing your feet in a dream is a positive sign for business people. This is a sign that in reality the dreamer will not be left alone with his problems; he will definitely be supported in Hard time faithful partners. Feet in the water in night dreams are a harbinger of an unforgettable vacation. Such a dream may foreshadow a non-binding holiday romance. Such an adventure should not be taken seriously, it should simply be accepted as a short-term gift of fate.

A very common question is why you dream about shaving your legs. Such a dream is a multifaceted symbol. When interpreting, the following should be taken into account:
    If a man has to shave a woman’s legs in a dream, then this is a recommendation for him to take everything that happens in real world under strict control. If this is not done, it can lead to financial problems. For a woman, shaving her legs in a dream represents the dreamer’s determination. The dream indicates that she is used to solving all problems on her own. If you dream that she is shaving your legs stranger, then this warns that an enemy will appear in life who will seek to harm.

I dreamed of being bitten on my leg

A bite on the leg in a dream is interpreted by most dream books as an unfavorable sign that is warning in nature. You can advise the dreamer in the next period of his life to check all the information that comes to him and carefully consider all his actions.

Dog bites your leg

A bad sign is a dream in which the dreamer is bitten on the leg by a dog. This means that in reality you will have to face treachery. Also, such a dream may indicate that the dreamer will have very strong enemies in real life. In addition, after such a dream, you need to pay attention to your closest relatives, it is advisable to prevent brewing disagreements.

Snake bite on leg

A snake bite on the leg is always considered a warning. In most cases, this means that your enemies are trying to cut the ground from under your feet. If a snake bites your leg in your night dreams so quickly that you do not have time to react, this means that you will be powerless against the actions of your enemies. In addition, such a dream may be a harbinger of the development serious illnesses. When a snake bites your leg in your night dreams, you should mentally prepare yourself for life’s troubles. This will avoid stress and depression.

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Interpretation of dreams is quite a fascinating and interesting activity. Not everyone thinks about the fact that their dreams always mean something and can influence their fate in real life.

But sometimes after waking up in the morning, thoughts arise about what this or that dream means. That’s when numerous dream books come to the rescue. They can interpret dreams in completely different ways, but still the main idea and explanation are the same for everyone.

Why do you dream about legs?

Legs, in general, in a dream embody the path of life, but what it will be depends on specific events and details of the dream.

Beautiful and slender legs mean good luck in business and a happy journey or journey; it is also a symbol of sexuality. Looking at your feet means thinking about your relationship with someone. Ulcers, scratches, wounds or even broken legs dream of misfortunes, obstacles and failures in business. Getting your feet dirty in a dream means a careless mistake you made.

The calves of the legs are a symbol of problems in upcoming matters. If you dream that you are scratching someone’s feet, then some kind of misfortune or trouble awaits your loved ones. Burning feet - an urgent trip should be postponed. Making deft movements with your legs in a dream is a very favorable sign, meaning that any business will work out thanks to your intelligence, ingenuity and ingenuity.

Hairy legs dream of a favorable moment to express yourself, own desires and feelings. If you see another person with hairy legs, it means that he has some kind of power over you.

Shaving your legs in a dream represents confidence, a firm course and achieving your goal.

If a person dreams that he has become crippled, then trouble will inevitably occur. Similar dream portends bad luck in business, misfortune or deprivation. A broken leg means reduction or demotion career ladder. Swollen legs mean losses and losses. When your legs do not obey you in a dream, then loss is expected. loved one, illness or an abundance of unnecessary troubles.

Why do you dream of children's feet?

Admiring children's feet in a dream is a symbol of good luck and pleasure. It also foretells profit or interesting trip. Seeing many legs means failure, but having a wooden leg in a dream means deception.

It’s easy to understand why dirty feet dream of - trouble and scandal.

But this is why you dream of washing your feet: when the water is clean and transparent - fortunately and great luck, when the water is dirty and muddy, then the dream means deprivation and illness.

Washing someone's feet in a dream can be interpreted as quick repentance for what they have done and submission to circumstances. If someone washes your feet, then this means good luck, pleasure and prosperity. In general, clean feet in a dream are a favorable symbol.

Getting your feet wet in a dream means thinking about your relationship with a loved one.

A dream that your leg is stuck and cannot be pulled out means obstacles in business. But, if you managed to pull it out, then success is guaranteed no matter what.

Losing a leg in a dream

Losing a leg in a dream means losing a close friend. If a legless person is chasing you in a dream, then this means the onset of great difficulties.

To see in your dream that there is a hole in your leg portends trouble; even worse, if it bleeds or hurts, then you definitely need to expect trouble. But having many legs means finding a long-lost valuable thing.

Seeing your feet naked in a dream, that is, without shoes, is a sign of a romantic adventure. Sometimes bare feet symbolize vulnerability and hindrance in business. And other people's naked feet - to monetary losses. Wounded or mutilated feet mean trouble and failure.

Toenails have a double interpretation: if they are beautiful, well-groomed and clean, then this means victory or sudden gain, but if they are dirty, broken and unkempt, then failure in business will certainly overtake you.



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