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What to do to curse a person. Place in a damp place underground. Hex on salt

A person who is about to impose a curse should think about the consequences of such a step. After all, a curse is a conscious one negative impact, performed with the help of special magic phrases, which can lead to illness, collapse of material well-being and even death of the one to whom it is addressed.

The history of curses goes back to the ancient world, when there were many Gods, each ancient tribe lived according to its own way of life and turned to shamans and sorcerers on all life issues. To maintain their power, the priests and wise men cursed those who disobeyed on behalf of the Gods, expelled them from the tribe and deprived them of all communication. Naturally, it was almost impossible for the exile himself to survive, and the death that befell him was considered confirmation of the effect of the curse.

Later, with the advent of Christianity, the church also continued to use the tool of curses in order to assert its supremacy over the world. Anathema was imposed on all non-believers. The heretic faced excommunication from the church and denial of the salvation of his soul after death.

At the same time, folk beliefs, preserved from the times of paganism, spread knowledge about the power of witchcraft, tribal and curses of individual nationalities (for example, gypsies).

Natural sciences, which discovered the concept of the materiality of thought, confirmed the theory about the action of curses as thoughts and word forms energetically enhanced by negativity, which can affect the life of a guilty person and accelerate his death.

Types of curses, characteristics

Interested in how to curse a person, an inexperienced person is faced with many options magical influence. This diversity made it possible to build a certain classification of curses according to the subject (the one who applies them):

  • Witchcraft curse. This type done by practicing magicians and sorcerers.
  • Ancestral curse. It is also called parental, when the effect of magic extends to the entire family or a specific branch (a direct relative curses - mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, etc.)
  • Religious curse. The fate prepared for non-believers and those who do not comply with the tenets of religion (in different beliefs).
  • The curse of the "evil ones". When a person is cursed by an offended beggar or wretched person. This also includes gypsy curses.
  • Household curses. Voiced in conflicts and quarrels between people connected by everyday life (relatives, spouses, neighbors).
  • Self-curses. Constant negative self-talk that triggers a program of self-destruction. Only help here Full time job over oneself and seeking help from a specialist (psychologist, psychotherapist).

In a fit of strength negative emotions Anyone can impose an effective curse: a wife on her unlucky husband: “You ruined my whole life, so that you die!”, a mother on her disobedient daughter: “It would be better if you weren’t born!” “I don’t have a daughter anymore, damn you!”, to friends in the heat of a quarrel, “May you be empty!” Angry, cursing phrases fly out of the mouth unconsciously, but the threat from the words is great.

Much stronger are magical spells that are specially prepared and used consciously, as do black magicians, witches, and gypsies who are aware of the consequences. Equal to them in power are perhaps curses expressed by a person on his deathbed.

Curses also include such forms of negativity as damage, evil eye, conspiracy, love spell. They all use words charged with dark energy, enhanced by specially selected magical attributes (photos, candles, needles, pieces of clothing, hair, blood of the victim).

How to avoid a boomerang when casting a curse

Interfering with energetically charged words in someone else's fate often entails a backlash when the negative wish intensifies and returns to its sender (boomerang effect). Then a carelessly expressed curse turns against the person who gave birth to it. You can avoid “return” (a term in occultism) if you control your emotions and prevent an outburst of negativity towards other people.

There is no protection against the return of negativity as such, even among magicians. But they are protected from someone else’s negative energy when casting a curse on someone if they themselves do not seek revenge against the recipient (they are simply doing the job). Indeed, often deceived wives, angry at their husband for cheating, take his photograph and take it to the sorcerers, asking to punish the infidel and his passion.

If you really regret the curse and do not have malicious intent, forgiving the person against whom the cursing words were spoken will help get rid of the opposite effect.

You just have to apologize sincerely and clarify what exactly you are asking for forgiveness for.

Finally, I would like to help those who suffer from the effects of the curse or may suffer in the future. Words spoken with anger towards you will have no effect if in response you do not support the quarrel. Smile at the person and wish him happiness and health - you will see how all the negativity will immediately dry up, or the one spewing curses will fall silent mid-sentence.

To protect against gypsy damage, a strong swear word is well suited: swearing prevents the introduction into a state of trance, which is often practiced by people of this nationality, and gives strength to resist the onslaught of a verbal stream in an incomprehensible language.

If the conflict has already taken place, and you are very worried about the words you heard, do not even think about contacting your opponent in the coming days, much less letting him into the house and giving him any of your things - this way you will only consolidate the curse placed on you and help the enemy avoid the “return”. It’s better to go to church, temple, light candles for this person’s health, confess and pray.

Lead plate with inscription. Athens, 313–312 BC. e.

Write the inscriptions on the signF. Costabile. "Defixiones dal Kerameikós di Atene" / "Minima epigraphica et papyrologica", fasc. 7-8, 2004–2005

Plistarchus, Eupolemus, Cassander, Demetrius of Phalerus, Eunomus of Piraeus [I curse].

The magic spell must contain the names of those being cursed. A lead tablet with the names of famous Macedonian generals was found in 1970 in the Ceramics cemetery in Athens and dates back to 313-312 BC. e. During the period of Macedonian rule, the oligarchic and democratic party- the first sought to transfer control of the state to a small group of wealthy families and was supported by the Macedonian ruler Kassandro. His protege Demetrius of Phalerum (future founder of the Library of Alexandria) ruled Athens in 317-307 BC. e. Eupolemus and Plistarchus were other Macedonian politicians of the time. Eunom of Piraeus was apparently one of the Athenian oligarchs who also supported the rule of Cassander. The political spell on the lead tablet was apparently left by one of the adherents of Athenian democracy and opponents of the Macedonian occupation.

2. Complain about the offender to the gods (or God)

Papyrus amulet. Egypt, IV century AD e. Hermitage inv. 5657 / The Papyrological Navigator

Holy Trinity, Holy Trinity, Holy Trinity. Through the holy martyrs I pray to the Lord. Even the angel knows about our suffering, which indicates that Theodosius is behaving in a tyrannical manner. I suffered terrible troubles because of his tyrannical behavior and found help only in the power of the Lord and a testimony for us through the saints. Therefore, I run to you and, crying, look at your holiness to see your strength. How much harm he did to me! Weeping, I suffered terrible evil at his hand. Lord, do not neglect this and do not help him, Theodosius, as I mentioned before; and do not reject me. For there is only one Lord, only one God, in the Son, and in the Father, and in the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen, amen, amen, amen, amen. Lord, Lord, Lord...

Usually in magical texts a person is “dedicated” to pagan gods so that they will bring harm to him. With the spread of Christianity, prayer spells appeared addressed to Christian God. This papyrus amulet from the collection of the State Hermitage against Theodosius uses passages christian prayers. Although preachers forbade Christians from using magic spells, and emperors passed laws against magic, people still continued to seek divine help against their enemies. Thus, magical spells took on a Christianized form.

3. Subscribe

Papyrus in Coptic. 6th century AD e. P.Mich.inv. 3565 / Papyrology Collection, Graduate Library, University of Michigan

Alo, daughter of Aese and Foibammon. EOOOOOOOOOO. I write, I conjure you, Hosts, hosts: that you take this incense from me and pronounce words useful to me over Alo, the daughter of Aese. May you bring misery and sorrow, may the spell reach the sky as you carry out my will against Alo, daughter of Aese. The curse of God will come to Alo. Let darkness take her: Alo, daughter of Aese. Pray to him to accept this incense from me. Let the curses of the Law and Deuteronomy come upon Alo, daughter of Aese, let hunger and want take possession of the body of Alo and Foibammon. May their eyes... May the heat of fire come from the mouth of Alo, daughter of Aese, may the curse of God come on Alo and her entire house. Let the fear of death be in Alo's house. Yes, you will make sure that they are chained to the bed. Amen, amen, Hosts.
Apa Victor, son of Tibammon

For the effectiveness of the curse, it does not interfere with signing (although such signatures, for obvious reasons, are not very common) - then the deity will help the specific petitioner. This is what Victor did, creating a Coptic spell (dating back to around the 6th century AD) against a woman named Alo and her parents Aese and Foibammon. It is unknown why Alo aroused Victor’s hatred. By signing the oath, Victor also indicated his ecclesiastical status: the term "apa" means that he was a priest or monk. The Christian context is also indicated by the fact that Victor calls upon Alo the curses of biblical books Old Testament- Law and Deuteronomy.

4. Indicate a specific body part of the enemy

Lead plate. Athens, IV century BC. e. Jessica Lamont

Hecate Chthonius, Artemis Chthonius, Hermes Chthonius, turn your hatred on Phanagora and Demetrius, and on their tavern, and on their money and property. I will bind my enemy Demetrius and Phanagora in blood and dust with all the dead. The next cycle of four years will not free you. I will bind you with this spell, Demetrius, as tightly as possible, and I will throw a dog's ear on your tongue.

Five lead tablets were found in 2003 in Piraeus, near Athens. They contain almost identical spells against four different married couples - tavern owners in Athens in the 4th century BC. e. All the tablets were pierced with an iron nail, rolled up and placed in the young woman's grave.

Pointing to a specific part of the body is a common magical technique that is often found, for example, in. The tongue usually appears in judicial spells - when it is necessary to prevent a person from speaking in court. In this case, the tongue is conjured with a dog's ear. Most likely, this was the name of the most unsuccessful combination when throwing dice. The wish could be due to the fact that gambling was played in taverns.

5. Add more obscure words

Lead plate. Beirut, 3rd century AD e. Dr. Rudolf Habelt. "Magica Graeca Parvula" / "Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik", No. 100, 1994

To restrain horses and charioteers.
Freex Fox Beyabu Stokta Neotere above or below ground
Damno Damna Lucodamna Menippe Puripipanux
Evlamo Evlao Evla Evlamo Vlamo Amo Mo O
Oreobarzagra Krammahadari Fnukentabaof Obarabau
you holy angels will attack and hold back
Lulaltau Audonista them.
Oyatitnunamintu Maskelli Maskello Fnukentabaof Oreobarza
attack now, bind, turn over, trim, cut into pieces the horses and chariots of blue flowers:
[horses] Nymphic, Tallofor, Aettet, Musotroph, Callimorph [charioteer],
Philoparthenes, Pantomedon, Hypatus, Philarmatus, Macarius [charioteer],
Omphalius, Hegemon, Ocean, Tyrant, Horicius [charioteer],
Callimorph [charioteer], Avriy, Actinobolus, Ekdik, Zabades,
Horikios [charioteer], Nomothetes, Barbarian, Hieronices, Xanthus,
Macarius [charioteer], Donatus, Anferet, Phosphorus, Lycotram,
Herman [charioteer], Obelisk, Asprof, Anatolik, Antiochus.
Tie tightly and do not let go of the arms, legs, bundles of horses and charioteers of blue flowers.

This jinx against the Blue team could have been written by sports fans. It was found next to the Roman hippodrome in Beirut and dates back to the 3rd century AD. e. In late Antiquity in Constantinople and others major cities associations were widespread that supported teams at the racetrack - blue or green. The struggle between fan parties could take on a serious social and political character. On the lead tablet, after the various magical words, there is a long list of horse names (four in each chariot) and the names of the blue charioteers. Whoever scratched out the text mistakenly included the title at the beginning, probably copying this spell from some collection of magic spells. Such sports spells were not buried in the ground, like other tablets (see below), but were nailed directly to the wall of the hippodrome. Most of the hippodrome spells were found in Carthage.

6. Draw a mummy or other image of the cursed person

Jasper gem. Egypt, 3rd century AD e.

Draw the inscriptions on the gemTrustees of the British Museum

Memnon, son of Hemera, fell asleep.
Antipater, son of Philippa, fell asleep.

This is a jasper gem from Egypt (3rd century AD) with a magical image of a mummy. In Antiquity, gems gems with carved images, could have been used as amulets. “Fell asleep” here is a synonym for the word “died.” Memnon and Hemera are mythological characters: Memnon, the king of the mythical people of the Ethiopians, who lived during the Trojan War, was the son of the goddess of dawn Eos, who is here called Hemera (goddess of the day). In Egypt, Memnon and Eos were identified with Osiris and Isis. Antipater, the target of the spell, is compared to the mythological Memnon for emphasis. That is, Antipater must fall asleep, just as the mythological Memnon-Osiris fell asleep. Also on the gem there is magic words"Azazel" and "I Am That I Am." A drawing of a mummy wrapped in burial shrouds also enhances the spell. Images of the person being cursed, demons who were supposed to perform the spell, and other symbolic drawings were often added to the texts of spells.

7. Write the text backwards

Lead plate. Bath, Roman Britain, 2nd–4th centuries AD. e. failing_angel/Flickr

Write the inscriptions on the signRoman Inscriptions of Britain / romaninscriptionsofbritain.org

Let the one who stole the vilbia from me become liquid like water. Let the one who stole it become mute: Velvinna, or Exupereus, or Verianus, or Severinus, or Augustalis, or Comitianus, or Cathus, or Minianus, or Germanilla, or Jovina.

On this lead tablet from Bath in Roman Britain, the letters of the words are written in reverse order, as is often the case in magical spells. It is unclear what "vilbia" means. Maybe it's Celtic female name, and then we are talking about the kidnapping of a slave. During excavations of the Roman baths in Bath, more than 130 such tablets were found in a spring dedicated to the goddess of the place, Sulis Minerva. Usually the spells were addressed to bath thieves of clothes: the tablets mention the theft of a cloak, tunic, gloves, and capes. To return property, you need to dedicate the stolen items to a deity - then the loss will offend this god, and he will want to take revenge for the stolen property.

8. Roll several times

Lead plate. Athens, approx. IV century BC e.F. Costabile. "Defixiones dal Kerameikós di Atene" / "Minima epigraphica et papyrologica", fasc. 7-8, 2004–2005

Write the inscriptions on the signF. Costabile. "Defixiones dal Kerameikós di Atene" / "Minima epigraphica et papyrologica", fasc. 7-8, 2004–2005

I destroy the crew of the Hermes [ship] Gene and the minds of the cruel sailors of the ship Euporia. Andokid - desecrator of germs.

Thin lead tablets containing spells were often folded or rolled into a scroll and then pierced with a nail to make it more difficult to unroll. Thus, only the gods or the souls of the dead, to whom they were intended, could read them. The events to which the text of the tablet from the Ceramic cemetery in Athens refers, occurred on the eve of the departure of the Athenian fleet to Sicily in 415 BC. e. and led to a high-profile political case. The desecration of the statues of the god Hermes, and a parody of the Eleusinians, one of the most important religious rituals of the Greeks, was regarded as blasphemy and was used in the political struggle against the leader of the Sicilian expedition Alcibiades (Arzamas spoke about these events in the video ""). Here the sailors from two ships that belonged to the famous Athenian orator Andokid (late 5th - early 4th century BC) are cursed. The tablet was probably written at the beginning of the 4th century BC. e., after the second trial of Andocides for the desecration of the sacred herms and a parody of the Eleusinian Mysteries, but before he was expelled from Athens in 392 BC. e. The sign was shaped like a ship.

9. Break into small pieces

Clay shards. Egypt, Middle Kingdom period, XIX-XVIII centuries BC. e.Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung / Naunakhte / Wikimedia Commons

Ruler Ii-anak Erum and all the supporters who are with him. Ruler Ii-anak Abi-yamimu and all the supporters who are with him. Ruler Ii-anak Akirum and all the supporters who are with him.
The ruler of Shutu Job and all the supporters who are with him. Ruler Shutu Kushar and all the supporters who are with him. The ruler of Shutu, Zebulon, and all the supporters who are with him.<…>
The ruler of Ashkelon, Halu-kim, and all the supporters who are with him.<…>
The ruler of Jerusalem, Yakar-Ammu, and all the supporters who are with him. The ruler of Jerusalem, Seth-Anu, and all the supporters who are with him.<…>
All Asians - from Byblos, from Ullaz, from Ii-Anak, from Shutu, from Iimuaru, from Kehermu, from Rehov... them strong people, their fast runners, their allies, their assistants and mentu Mentu- people, neighbors of the Egyptians. in Asia, who can rebel, who can plot, who can fight, who can talk about fighting, who can talk about rebellion - in this whole land.
All the people [Egyptians], all the people, all the people, all the men, all the eunuchs, all the women and all the officials who can rebel...

IN Ancient Egypt During the Middle Kingdom (XIX-XVIII centuries BC), enemies were cursed using spells on clay shards, which were then broken. The magical effect occurred as a result of the ritual of destroying an object with text. Often such spells mention foreign kings and cities that posed a threat to Egypt, or entire peoples: Nubians, Asians, Libyans, hostile Egyptians. This allows you to use spell texts as a source on geography and history foreign policy countries.

10. Place in a damp place underground

Apetius, may you bind Trinemetus and Caticnus, may you undress Seneciolus, Acedis, Tritius, Neocarinus, Dido. Let Sosiy rave. Let Sosius suffer from fever, let Sosius endure pain every day. Let Sosius not be able to speak, let Sosius not defeat Mathur and Eridunna, let Sosius not be able to make sacrifices. Let Aquan torment you. Let Nana torment you. May Sosius never surpass the mime actor Eumolpus. May he never be able to play the role of a married woman sitting drunk on a donkey. Let him not be able to make sacrifices. Let Sosius not be able to defeat the actor Photius...

It was believed that the effectiveness of the spell could be ensured by placing it in a grave, well, spring, or some other place associated with the underground gods to whom the message was intended. Dampness and cold corresponded to the sinister goals of destroying a person. For the same reason, apparently, the most common material for recording spells in Antiquity was lead, a cold and heavy material, the color of which resembles the color of a dead person. One of the instructions of that time said that it was necessary to take lead from the aqueduct pipe - because cold water flowed through it.

This lead tablet was found in 1887 in a well in the French settlement of Rum near Poitiers, where a Roman fortress was located in ancient times. First, scientists read the spell as text in the local Celtic language. Then an interpretation of the tablet appeared as a Latin curse of mime actors. In 2007, an article was published with another reading of the text as a love spell in a mixture of Latin, Greek and Celtic languages.


  • Kagarov E. G. Greek curse tablets (defixionum tabellae).

    Kharkov, 1918.

  • Pomyalovsky I. V. Epigraphic sketches.
  • Yunusov M. M. Toponymy of Palestine in the Egyptian “curses texts” of the Middle Kingdom.

    Judaic and Biblical Studies: Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference on Jewish and Oriental Studies. St. Petersburg, 2013.

  • Costabile F. Defixiones dal Kerameikos di Atene IV.

    Minima epigraphica et papyrologica, fasc. 7-8, 2004–2005.

  • Gager J. G. Curse Tablets and Binding Spells from the Ancient World.

    New York, Oxford, 1992.

  • Jordan D.R. Magica Graeca Parvula.

    Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, No. 100, 1994.

  • Lamont J. L. A New Commercial Curse Tablet from Classical Athens.

    Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, No. 196, 2015.

  • Meid W. Die pseudogallische Inschrift von Rom (Deux-Sievres): Text und Interpretation.

    Gaulois et celtique continental. Geneve, 2007.

  • Meyer M. Ancient Chrisitan Magic Coptic Texts of Ritual Power.

    Princeton, 1994.

  • Pritchard J. Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to Old Testament.

    A curse can target a person, a place, or even an object. Whether the curse will be successful depends on how protected the target is currently.

    The curse can last for years and even after death, pursuing the goal of its next incarnations.
    A curse is an active attempt to "break" someone else's free will. This violation of the highest spiritual Law instantly lowers our spiritual vibrations.
    Signs that may indicate you are cursed:

    1. You found scary/strange stuff in your house.

    Witches who target a victim must make contact in order to effectively curse you. To do this, they need to use several methods. The most common tool of Dark Witches is Fear. Fear binds people. If you are cursed, it will most likely happen as a self-fulfilling prophecy. Psychologically speaking, we will be convinced that we are acting like damned people, losing our minds and submitting to someone else's will...

    2. Strange symbols in your home

    Likewise, witches may need to "mark" your territory with a sign or demonic talisman. Finding "magical" talismans or a symbol of unknown origin on your property means that a witch or someone who represents a "witch" has been there. This symbol may have been inscribed with a knife (ritual dagger) or paint with magical ink.
    In fact, it could be vandalism. Call the police if you feel you should report vandalism on your property, as it could mean someone may be trying to intimidate you.

    3. “Missing” photos

    It is believed that photographs (especially old or non-digital ones) contain a piece of your energy. They can actually act as a reference to the person or place being photographed. They are used as a focal point for many rituals, both good and evil. Therefore, missing photos from your room or home means that someone might be stealing them to use them for dark rituals or again, just trying to scare you.

    4. No underwear or VERY personal items.

    Underwear or clothing (especially worn-out ones) have a strong auric imprint; they are saturated with it. The same applies to your personal items (such as your watch). This powerful energy can be used as a reference in rituals for both good and bad purposes.
    5. Unidentified Liquids on Your Doorstep or Elsewhere on Your Property Once upon a time, a witch might have used enchanted potions to strike you or your home. To do this, the liquid must be spilled around the house, inside it or on the threshold. Finding such liquids along with iron nails or scattered glasses may mean that someone is trying to curse or intimidate you.
    What to do:
    If you don't know the origin of the liquid, call a professional to clean up the substance from your area. Pour Holy Water over the area AFTER everything is cleaned.

    6. Random pain

    Psychic Attack - The curse interacts with your energy matrix, which you likely feel as pain. Therefore, this pain is actually a warning from your aura that something bad has happened. Especially if this pain is no different than anything you have ever felt or affected a part of your body that is 100% healthy.
    What to do:
    Call your doctor. Any pain should be examined by a doctor first. Watch out for pain.

    7. Houseplants get sick

    If houseplants getting sick for no reason, you need to test the ground first.
    Typically, witches prefer to bury enchanted objects in indoor plants.
    Houseplants get sick easily because they have no effective way to cleanse their aura. They will be the first to suffer. What to do:
    Examine the soil and pot. If a mystical or unidentified object or liquid is discovered, prepare to cleanse. Get rid of the item.
    Go to church, pray, light a candle for your health.

    8. Pets or local animals are acting strange

    Typically, a curse attracts low vibrational entities who lurk around the cursed target. Consequently, animals that are more sensitive to poisoning spirits and/or energies behave strangely. Consider the following examples:
    Birds - usually crows - fly around your home or property. Dogs bark for no reason. At least that's what you think...Cats are staring into space. At least that's what you think...Cats adopt a defensive posture. Ants (especially red ones) migrate to a new location. What to do:
    Watch the animals' behavior carefully. Try using prayers for cleaning or rinsing your home with Holy water. Do animals behave differently now?

    9. Seeing someone cursing you in their dreams

    Usually, witches who curse and anger people tend to make mistakes. Therefore, they do not hide their “psychic traces”. Hence, an intuitive but cursed target may persistently see the target in his/her dreams. This could be a warning sign.
    What to do:
    Ask yourself: is there a reason why this person is cursing me? If you think you might do something bad to this person, try to make things right.

    10. Dark omens

    The appearance of a blue butterfly is an omen that Magic is present here.
    Crows and owls also attract magic, both good and evil. If an owl hoots before dawn or a raven accidentally crosses your path, try to see what's going on.
    What to do:
    Watch the signs patiently. Write them down. Consult healers, go to church.

    11. You see will-o'-the-wisps

    Will-o'-the-wisps are bad omens for Dark Magic or even Death. They are also known as "cadaver candles". It is an atmospheric ghostly yellow, greenish or pale white orb that appears to follow someone.
    What to do:
    Don't follow them, cross yourself and go another way.

    12. Protective amulets do not work or disappear

    Amulets are worn so that they take on all damage instead of protecting a person or home. Therefore, when an amulet is destroyed or disappeared, it means that its energy has been absorbed.
    What to do:
    Replace the Amulet with a new one! Don't use broken one.

    Curse This is a type of remote harm that entails serious problems - illness, disorder in life, a change in fate.

    How to cast a curse

    Almost anyone can send a curse, even a close relative (this often happens). The mistake of many is that they are convinced that only a sorcerer or a witch is capable of this.

    A curse is one of the most severe injuries intentionally inflicted on a person. Curses are often generic and harm not only the individual, but also his family, including the future generation up to the 9th generation.

    The power of the curse is determined by special malice, special hatred towards the object of imposition. Even the most powerful damage to death cannot compare in its destructive power with a curse.

    Types of curses

    Curses can be clearly programmed, which is typical for experienced performers, and unprogrammed, which is typical for ordinary people and amateurs. Programmed curses carry certain information that characterizes the specifics of the negative impact.

    • One of the most common curses today is the curse of failure in personal life or, as people call it, “the crown of celibacy.”
    • Less common are curses programmed for a specific severe birth illness, failure, destruction of the family, etc.
    • Non-programmable curses are cast with the goal of “harming” - without specifying exactly how. Such curses underlie minor diseases that are inherited, visual impairment, hearing impairment and much more.

    Basically, all curses are generic and are passed on from parents to children.

    It is also necessary to note the curses responsible for organizing energy leakage channels. These curses provide a person with a constant outflow of energy. In practice, most often there are complaints about failures in business, the inability to accumulate financial potential, promote a business or achieve success in any matter, less often - complaints about general decline and energy weakness.

    Curse of the Black Magician

    Most often, professional magicians, before starting to use strong spells, including curses, renounce those close to them and their relatives during initiation. This is due to the fact that the curser experiences the consequences of the curse and his other magical effects, the so-called rollback.

    Rollback This is a kind of counteraction effect that can spread to the magician’s close people, and manifests itself in various kinds negative consequences, right up to death.

    Curses are usually cast as revenge or influence. Also, for the purpose of protection, certain places that are of significant value to the curser can be cursed. A curse takes effect either immediately or after a certain period of time.

    Who can curse

    It is worth remembering that the strength of the curse depends on the emotional state and position of the curser. It is believed that if curses sent by authoritative people, such as priests, members of the royal family, as well as people who master the magical arts, or suppose people who cannot avenge themselves in any other way, for example, women, the poor or the sick on their deathbed, have the greatest by force.

    Most often there are three types of curses:

    • A generational curse, in which a negative program comes from one of the ancestors (for example, a parental curse) and falls on the entire subsequent generation; the negative program falls on the entire family.
    • A witchcraft curse, cast by a practicing sorcerer or magician, accordingly includes a specific ritual for casting negative program.
    • Curses from beggars - comes from beggars, as well as from gypsies who ask for money, who can curse both those who do not give them money, and vice versa, those who do.

    The custom of cursing enemies, wishing all sorts of misfortunes to their entire family, was born in ancient times. How to appeal to higher power in search of justice. In other words, we are talking about an energy attack that can fall under any person who, due to circumstances, accidentally finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong moment.

    The mysterious power of words

    People in ancient times knew the power of curses, and were careful not to use them in vain. Then it was forgotten, materialistic science declared witchcraft, conspiracies, corruption by the inventions of ignorant ancestors who endowed natural phenomena with supernatural powers. And now we throw around “dark” words, not knowing their true meaning and not even suspecting the consequences. But it was the consequences of curses that scientists became interested in. And she pushed them to do this biological theory heredity.

    Biologists around the world were confident that all the hereditary information according to which the body develops is contained in chromosomes, in huge protein chains of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). It is here that the “drawings” are contained, according to which, in a strictly technological sequence, a Living being. And although puzzled voices were subsequently heard, indicating that the information contained in the chromosomes was clearly not enough to build a full-fledged organism, they still hoped that this “deficit” of hereditary information would certainly be found someday.

    Experiments with genes

    This was believed until several years ago, Doctor of Biology, full member of the Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences, member of the New York Academy of Sciences Pyotr Garyaev carried out an experiment that had already become a textbook. He took a frog embryo and placed it in a chamber made of permalloy metal, which does not transmit any radiation, including electromagnetic waves any range. The most favorable conditions for the development of the embryo were created in the chamber - atmosphere, pressure, temperature, humidity, light conditions. Everything is like in your own swamp.

    Nevertheless, the tadpole developed into a freak and soon died. Again and again, Garyaev repeated the experiment, again and again he received the same result - a non-viable mutant developed. In conditions of complete isolation from external influences, the embryo clearly did not have enough hereditary information for full development. But this meant only one thing: chromosomes do not contain all the information; some of it comes from outside.

    But in what form can external information pass? Yes, only in the form of some kind of radiation, some kind of wave command signals. Garyaev found them precise definition: wave genes that affect DNA and organize its work. And these waves can be not only electromagnetic, but also acoustic (sound).

    To test this theory, he turned to curses. And the test was carried out on the seeds of the Arabidopsis plant, which has been studied as well as the famous Drosophila fly. What happened after irradiating plants with “cursed” waves was simply terrifying. The power of swear words that fell on the poor plant was like 40 thousand roentgens of radiation. From such a blow, DNA chains broke, chromosomes disintegrated, genes scattered and got mixed up.

    It is surprising that all these creepy phenomena did not depend on the volume of sound. When shouting and whispering, the result was the same.

    A word can kill or heal

    It can be argued that the destructive effect of curses transmitted by inheritance has been tested for thousands of years. This energy radiation equally affects both the person and everything that surrounds him.

    Speech and words work as a program for triggering certain events and can be destructive and life-saving. They knew this truth long before us and knew how to use it.

    Curses damage the body and soul, prayers and blessings heal them. Moreover, words affect not only the one about whom we're talking about, but also to everyone who hears them.

    It’s not for nothing that there is a proverb: whoever you get along with, you’ll gain from it. And you will gain either health or illness. And you yourself will be healthy exactly to the extent that good prevails over evil in your thoughts, words and deeds, because they are all inextricably linked with each other.

    Everyone has been familiar with such concepts as the evil eye and damage almost since childhood. However, not everyone knows that these methods of magical influence differ from each other. In most cases, you can jinx a person purely by accident. However, ignorance of damage and the imposition of a curse on the victim is a procedure controlled by the customer himself. Such rituals are carried out, in fact, consciously in order to take revenge on the offender, punish an enemy or thief, or undermine the health of an enemy. And today we’ll talk about how to damage a person with or without a photograph.

    It often happens that a person commits thoughtless actions due to emotions. However, before causing damage (to death, a strong curse), you should evaluate all the risks and begin the ritual consciously.

    To harm the offender, to put the evil eye on him or to place a curse on him is very powerful spells. Damage in general is irrevocable strong ritual. Not all beginners practicing magic know about the negative consequences of such rituals. Therefore, in order to assess all the risks, you should know the features of the rituals.

    According to sorcerers, every person should know about the peculiarities of inducing damage (with or without a photograph). For those who practice magic, they will help not only to effectively harm the enemy, but also to defend themselves if something happens, recognizing such manifestations in relation to themselves.

    • It is desirable that rituals for casting spells and damage be carried out experienced magicians or at least a person familiar with the magical sphere of influence.
    • In order to deliberately jinx a person or put a spell on him, it is better to do rituals during the waning moon.
    • To prevent damage from turning against the author of the spell, it is worth using only one of the days of the week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) to carry out the plan.
    • Orthodox church holidays It is strictly forbidden to perform rituals to induce damage.
    • The most powerful type of spell is photo damage. The magician will need to put maximum effort into the curse. In this case, several requirements for the photograph itself must be met:
    • The photo should be good quality without distortion.
    • The photo should show only one person - the victim (others who are in the frame can significantly interfere).
    • If possible, you need to select a photo that shows the person (victim) in full height. As a last resort, a portrait photograph of the victim's head and torso will do.
    • To damage a photograph, you need to use only a “fresh” photograph that is no more than 1 year old.

    Conspiracy to hit a photo hard

    This is perhaps the easiest way to bring trouble and damage to the person who offended you, the enemy. Having chosen the most suitable day of the week for the ritual, perform the ritual in the afternoon.

    Go where you can meet your opponent. When you see him, whisper the words behind his back three times:

    “I curse (the scoundrel’s name) for misfortune, misfortune and grief. I will take away your luck, I will deprive you of your happiness. As the hump grows on this back, so trouble will follow in the footsteps of (his name). The void, the curse and the jackals are your friends from now on.”

    If it is not possible to personally say words of damage to the enemy, you can strongly jinx him using a photograph. Taking a photograph of the victim, every night when the moon is waning, read the spell over it:

    “I entrust your fate, my enemy (the name of the enemy), to the devil, I send misfortunes, I take away health, kindness and harmony from your life. Let all your wealth and blessings (can be listed more specifically) be washed away with tears, a dark river, and sink into the sand. So that from now on you do not live, but exist, suffer, suffer, do not sleep, cry. Language. Lock. Key. My word is firm.”

    You need to read the magical text of corruption for nine days in a row, at the same time of day. During the last session, you need to tear the picture into small pieces. This garbage will need to be taken to the cemetery at night to be scattered among the graves.

    Damage to take revenge on the enemy

    To “annoy” the person who offended you or to punish him, to make him regret his action, you can send a curse using this method. First you need to find the place where the enemy walked. After following in his footsteps (you don’t have to follow him right away), say the spell 6 times, taking 6 steps at the same time:

    “Let the devil run in your footsteps (name of the enemy), let him stick and drink all the blood. Let it be my way!”

    You can continue the ritual next Tuesday. You need to be at the cemetery at 6 pm. Stand at the grave of the deceased, who during his lifetime was called by the same name as the enemy. Say the curse 6 times in a row:

    “I tie you (enemy’s name) to this grave, seal you in a coffin, and leave you in this cemetery. I bury your health and joy in the ground so that all your strength goes to Hell.”

    Taking a handful of earth from this grave, leave the cemetery without looking back. Immediately take this soil to the enemy's house. Having thrown it under his threshold so that the enemy enters or steps over the ground, go home. As soon as the enemy’s foot touches the cemetery ground, the damage will immediately begin to take effect.

    A strong curse to bring a person to the grave

    If you are interested in how to spoil death, this conspiracy is just right for this.

    In order for the curse to be successful, you need to obtain some genetic material from the enemy. Having acquired a few hairs or a piece of the victim’s nail, you can begin the ritual. First recite the spell:

    “I conjure, I slander, I want to jinx, to plague the slave (enemy’s name). I place a curse on him so that more troubles, bad weather, grief, bad luck and illnesses will appear in his life. Let everything dashingly attack him and not let him live. So that everything goes badly for him!”

    The enchanted object will need to be thrown into the open coffin of the deceased. If you do not do this within three days, the damage will lose its effect.

    A strong spell for pain and suffering

    How to put the evil eye on a person and how to put a spell on him severe damage possible from the photograph. As a rule, this type of magical effect is not only very strong, but also instant. That is, the effect of casting a curse on a photo is immediate.

    If in this way you want to cause pain, suffering and grief to a person, stock up on the most recent photo of the victim. You will also need to prepare:

    • black candle;
    • pin.

    On Monday (Wednesday or Friday) evening, light a candle, and then use it to burn only the lower right corner of the photo depicting the enemy. Then stick a pin in the places where you want the person to experience pain. At the same time read the curse:

    “A hard bed made of pine boards awaits you (enemy’s name). You will not live, but suffer, until you come to bow to me. I want to put the evil eye on you.”

    Then you need to get rid of the photograph, and hide the candle and pin in a secret place. In the future, they may be useful for a new ritual of inducing damage or the evil eye.



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