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What does the orange peel hide? Effective fight against orange peel

The orange peel effect has been “manifested” in women at all times: its occurrence directly depends on both physiology and lifestyle. Stress, intemperance in eating, sedentary work, tight clothes from medieval corsets to jeans, smoking and even wearing stiletto heels all this Right way to cellulite.

There is no consensus among experts both in identifying the stages of development of this disease, and in approaches to determining its essence and causes of occurrence. Some are inclined to consider this skin defect as a phenomenon that accompanies the natural processes of the female body. Specifically for women, because men, even with severe obesity, do not have cellulite. This happens because their subcutaneous fibers, which support fat cells - adipocytes, are located differently, due to which these fibers can hold both small and large adipocytes in their “networks”. It's different for women. Their hormonal levels change significantly several times in their lives, which leads to a failure of metabolic processes and the development of cellulite. And although official statistics does not exist, many doctors believe that up to 97% of women are predisposed to it.

Surprisingly, the generally accepted name of the disease does not at all reflect the essence of this phenomenon. Translated from Latin, “cellula” means “cell,” and “itis” means inflammation, which means “inflammation of the cell,” although in fact no inflammation occurs in the cell during this disease.

What is cellulite and where did this scourge even come from? The most common prevailing opinion is that this is an external manifestation of obesity. However, it is fundamentally wrong to equate cellulite with excess weight. These are two different things. It is not so rare that the effect of lumpy skin, which is called “orange peel”, can be seen in slender young women. There are many cases of symptoms of cellulite even in adolescence (it does not happen in childhood, because then the subcutaneous fat has different properties and cannot have such defects). Early development cellulite in to a large extent Hereditary predisposition contributes. This means that cellulite is not an elementary retribution for gluttony and physical passivity, but a disease of the subcutaneous tissue. This tissue, which is located deep under the skin and makes up up to 15% of the body's weight, contains billions of fat cells and adipocytes. Their purpose is to accumulate fat reserves and maintain the body’s energy balance to ensure its normal functioning. Normally, large fat cells (most of them have a rounded drop-shaped shape) are connected to each other by thin but quite strong connective fibers. This structure is initially very harmonious and resembles a honeycomb in structure. In the intercellular spaces there are small arterial and venous vessels and intercellular fluid flows, which delivers oxygen and nutrients to the cells and carries away waste products. This is an extremely delicate and balanced process supported by many physiological and biochemical mechanisms.

Under normal metabolic conditions, the amount of fat entering adipocytes (lipogenesis) and the amount released from these cells (lipolysis) are balanced. But in places that are commonly called problem areas, the balance of these two opposing functions is very precarious: in the fat cells located here there are 6 times more receptors responsible for the synthesis of fats than those responsible for their breakdown. And any provoking factor can lead to metabolic disorders and a shift in lipid balance towards accumulation.

In this case, all the fats absorbed from food do not have time to be processed and begin to accumulate in adipocytes. They gradually swell (adipocytes can increase in size up to 60 times!) and occupy all the free space, interfering with normal capillary and venous blood flow and the movement of intercellular fluid. Moreover, fat cells also have the ability to retain water. Scientists have proven that just 1 molecule of fat can hold 15 thousand water molecules around it!

Stagnation of blood and lymph circulation occurs, which leads to insufficient supply of tissues with oxygen, vitamins, minerals and as a consequence - to metabolic disorders already in the skin. Slags, toxins and waste products that are not removed from tissues serve as the basis for the formation of cell destroyers - free radicals. These, in turn, damage the protective membranes of the cells of the lymphatic and blood vessels, as well as the collagen fibers that serve as the framework of the connective tissue. Losing elasticity, the collagen “networks” that normally supported accumulations of fat cells can no longer support the weight of swollen adipocytes. The latter move from their place, merge with neighboring ones and form growing colonies of cells similar to bunches of grapes, and then a bump appears on the surface of the skin. IN initial stage cellulite can only be seen by gathering the skin into a fold, but as it further development skin defects are visible to the naked eye. Moreover, the tension of the skin becomes very painful, and even bruising is possible, as the permeability of the capillary walls increases. In some women, cellulite may even appear in the shoulder area. The picture of disorders in the subcutaneous tissue is aggravated by excess weight, varicose veins, and arterial diseases lower limbs, cardiovascular and endocrine diseases, which primarily include hypofunction of the thyroid and pancreas, diabetes mellitus.


Measures to combat cellulite are aimed at reducing the intensity of fat formation processes and activating the breakdown of fats in adipocytes, increasing blood and lymph circulation while eliminating fluid stagnation in tissues and strengthening the collagen framework of the skin. In many ways, the problem of getting rid of cellulite can be solved on your own.

In many ways, the problem of getting rid of cellulite can be solved on your own. Firstly, with the help of a diet that is aimed against the deposition of fat, waste and toxins in tissues and to prevent fluid stagnation. In addition to it, you should take biologically active food supplements containing substances that help improve metabolic processes or vitamin and mineral preparations.

Secondly, physical exercise. They are extremely important, since muscle work enhances metabolism and prevents stagnation of blood and lymph in the tissues. The most useful exercises for cellulite are exercises that make the muscles of the pelvis and lower extremities work, where disorders in the subcutaneous fat tissue first develop. Cycling, swimming, race walking and jogging are great for activating blood circulation. There is absolutely no need to exhaust yourself with hours of exercise; half an hour of daily exercise is enough to achieve results.

Thirdly, massage. It must be included in a complex of treatment and preventive measures for cellulite or a predisposition to it in order to revive lymph circulation and soften hardened fat deposits. Self-massage is best performed using an anti-cellulite cosmetic product, using five classic techniques: first, gently stroking the skin, warming it up and improving blood circulation in the capillaries, then more active rubbing, increasing the tone of deep-lying tissues (not recommended for increased fragility of capillaries), the next technique is kneading deep into the skin with your fingertips or a fist, which helps to disappear small areas of cellulite and restore muscle tone. This is followed by twitching of the skin, which increases its elasticity, and then vibration (performed on one area of ​​the body, without moving the hands), which consolidates the overall effect. This massage should be performed not only for cellulite, it is also useful for its prevention and for preventing skin aging.

And the last thing is water procedures. Warm baths and showers that stimulate blood circulation using special products based on plant extracts, seaweed and organic iodine compounds are very useful. Products applied to the skin, such as scrubs, gels, peelings, help exfoliate dead epidermal cells, which improves their respiration and thereby enhances metabolic processes in the deeper layers of the skin. They contain natural essential oils and extracts of medicinal plants, such as brown algae, fucus and kelp, ivy, horse chestnut, gingko biloba, arnica, cinnamon, stimulate blood and lymph circulation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, activate the breakdown of fats, increase the outflow of intercellular fluid, soften and soothe the skin.

Today's popular anti-cellulite clothing also has a good effect. Its therapeutic effect is ensured by one of two or both components: either anti-cellulite substances are introduced into the fabric structure, or this structure, when worn for many hours, creates a sauna effect, heating the body and thereby promoting fat burning. It would seem that nothing could be simpler: put on “magic” shorts or trousers and go about your business. However, it must be taken into account that staying in clothing with a thermal effect for a long time is contraindicated for a number of diseases, for example, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, and gynecological diseases.

Valentina Imova

Natalya Kolenko, dermatologist VICHY: B last years The market for anti-cellulite products has expanded significantly thanks to the use of new, modern biotechnologies. VICHY Laboratory specialists are also constantly working in this direction. Based on four years of research and scientific papers that received two Nobel Prizes, a new anti-cellulite product for figure correction with a drainage effect was created LIPOZIN. The active component of LIPOZIN is Adrenaliz™ a complex of plant saponins obtained from horse chestnut, which has a dual effect. It stimulates the removal of formed fat deposits, increasing the number of channels for their removal, and, in addition, inhibits the ability of the fat cell to absorb fat, that is, it creates an anti-lipid barrier. Additional components of the product, such as ginkgo, escin and caffeine, stimulate the process of fat breakdown inside the adipocyte, and rutin salts provide an anti-sugar barrier, limiting lipogenesis. Deprived of lipids and glucose, the fat cell stops increasing in volume, which means the “orange peel” effect decreases. However, when talking about LIPOZIN, one cannot help but notice that the problem of cellulite in its solution requires an integrated approach, because it arose as a result of failures of many processes in the body. Therefore, one cannot ignore those methods that have long confirmed their importance in the fight against various diseases, including metabolic disorders. In particular, each woman should follow an individual diet and perform special physical exercises. Some people will benefit from drainage massages, hot or cold wraps, but here we must take into account the presence of concomitant diseases. So don't hesitate to contact the experts.

Roman Knyazev, head of the Cellulite medical center: Often women who address the problem of cellulite treatment find it difficult to make their choice which technology to use. It is most correct to choose one that includes three areas: correct diagnosis, recognition and treatment of concomitant diseases, and, finally, physiotherapy. In order for the diagnosis to be objective, it is necessary to carry out not only a visual, often subjective, examination, but also hardware examinations. The simplest thing is thermography, that is, a method of applying special films to the skin that clearly show areas of cellulite in a certain color. Hypertrophied cells appear as a “hot” zone in red, those cells that lack nutrition (“cold” zone) are visualized in blue color. The tissues that act as conductors between these two types of cells are visible in green. A more detailed study can be carried out using a thermal imager, which allows you to visualize congestion in tissues at the micro level, literally on every square millimeter of the body. This allows specialists to see at the first stage of treatment what is happening in the subcutaneous fat and, if necessary, quickly change tactics. Consultation and treatment with a dermatologist is mandatory in the process. Is it possible to consider the problem of cellulite without monitoring the condition of the skin as a whole? As for physiotherapeutic effects, hardware treatment is also selected individually for each patient. What matters here is not only the type of procedure itself, but also the level of physical parameters of the devices, the degree of impact on a particular tissue, and the order of their use. If you do not approach this with the utmost scrupulousness, then any good procedure can backfire. Take, for example, myostimulation, which activates an increase in muscle tone; a professional will never prescribe it at the beginning of cellulite treatment. Because in the muscle tissue there is a network of deep lymphatic vessels through which fluid is drained from the adipose tissue, and if we start this procedure ahead of time, the lymphatic system will “squeeze” and we will not get any outflow of stagnant fluid. And most importantly, when releasing the initial procedures, it is very important not to overdo it. It is better to reduce their dosage or even take a break than to injure the tissue.

Almost every woman knows what “orange peel” is. It looks like irregularities on the skin with depressions. It especially spoils the mood with the arrival of spring and summer, when you can sunbathe and go on vacation. But every woman will feel embarrassed to show such a flaw. This is predominantly a women's problem.

For what reasons does cellulite appear?

In the female body connective tissues significantly weaker than in men's, they are susceptible to stretching, especially during pregnancy. The amount of fat increases. In addition to the fact that cellulite looks terrible, it also spoils the skin. Because of large quantity fat, blood circulation slows down, which leads to fluid retention in the layers of the skin. Cellulite does not cause physical pain, but it affects women; complexes, depression, and low self-esteem appear.

How does diet affect orange peel skin?

The food you eat is the main reason that affects your skin condition. The previous article contained information about which foods should not be eaten if you do not want to be the owner of such a “gift”. This article will talk about what you need to eat.

Our allies

1. Fish. It does not contain a large amount of fat, and due to its rich protein content it is an excellent fat burner.
2. Nuts, despite their high calorie content, should be present in the diet; they restore skin elasticity. No more than 1 handful of nuts per day.
3. Fruits and vegetables. These are the very first assistants in the fight against cellulite. They contain a large amount of antioxidants and vitamins. You should especially pay attention to those that are rich in potassium: carrots, bananas, oranges, melons, potatoes. Also, spinach and asparagus are good at fighting this disease.
4. Garlic. It is a must-have in your diet; it removes cholesterol, improves blood circulation, and protects small blood vessels from damage. Due to the fact that it improves blood circulation, including in fatty tissues, fat burns, this leaves no chance for cellulite to survive.
5. Berries. Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries will help remove toxins from the body, which will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.
6. Green tea. It’s better not to buy in bags, but to buy the real thing green tea. It will help remove excess moisture from fatty tissues and restore water-salt balance.

The most important thing is a balanced diet. You must consume sufficient amounts of vitamins, microelements, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.
Where can I get them?

To get the required amount of minerals and trace elements, you need to consume a sufficient amount of vegetables, fruits, and seafood (shrimp, oysters). Main important vitamins: E, C. They are found in foods such as: vegetable oils, eggs, vegetables, fruits, beef liver. It is best to get carbohydrates from cereals, boiled potatoes, and honey. As for fats, not all foods are suitable for this. Recommended to eat: sea ​​fish fatty varieties (halibut, sardines, mackerel, herring), use corn and flaxseed oil.

Is it possible to find the most ideal method in the fight against cellulite? What to do if it is everywhere: on the hips, legs, stomach?
5 most effective ways:

1. Anti-cellulite massage
It improves blood circulation while breaking down fat cells. Cellulite disappears very quickly. This procedure is not enjoyable and may even cause bruising. What can you do? Beauty requires sacrifice, the result is smooth skin.
2. Mesotherapy
One of the most effective ways to get rid of it forever. To do this, an anti-cellulite cocktail is injected under the skin. Injections are made into the most problematic areas of the skin; the procedure causes virtually no pain. The effect of this procedure is truly magical; women believe that this is one of the most effective ways to get rid of cellulite. This procedure is especially relevant for young mothers.
3. Lymphatic drainage

An effective method, this procedure softens the fat layer, partially removes excess water, and rids the skin of toxins. This procedure not only helps in the fight against cellulite, but also improves the condition of the body.
4. Anti-cellulite wrap
There are two types: hot and cold. The principle of action is to improve blood circulation in tissues. Medicinal mixtures based on honey, seaweed, and medicinal mud are used. Several treatments are needed to improve the condition of the skin.
5. Exercise
For those who want to get rid of “orange peel” at home, this method is perfect. Physical exercise will help solve the problem effectively. During the exercises, exactly those muscles are involved, the active actions of which help cope with cellulite.

Cellulite has become a scourge for modern women, and the question of how to remove orange peel has become one of the most pressing. This problem has deprived many, especially young girls, of their usual way of life: beaches are only a pleasant memory, in the summer pants instead of meek skirts, tight clothes gather dust on the sidelines.

For a long time, cellulite was mistaken for ordinary obesity, and they were going to treat it, accordingly, with diets for weight loss, only excluding. But not so long ago it was discovered that even thin ladies can have skin like an orange peel. This has seriously changed the approach to treatment. Now it has become extremely clear that this is not just obesity, but a serious pathology. It will surprise many, but cellulite is not just a cosmetic defect, but a pathological process characterized by degenerative changes in the body. It is associated with stress, hormonal imbalance, poor nutrition, and a sedentary lifestyle. That is why you need to not just follow diets for weight loss, but seriously approach complex treatment.

The process of appearance and stages of cellulite

The development of cellulite includes four stages:

The mechanism of cellulite development is as follows:

  • The store-bought food that we are used to eating contains a large amount of water-insoluble additives, which subsequently, due to their inability to dissolve in water, are not excreted from the body through the kidneys and skin.
  • Fluid is removed from the tissues through lymphatic vessels, the work of which depends entirely on the work of the muscles.
  • With a sedentary lifestyle, the outflow of lymph slows down, which, in turn, leads to stagnation of fluid.
  • Excess fluid, fat and toxins put pressure on the blood vessels and, as a result, the skin over the affected area does not receive proper nutrition.

In order not to start the process, it is necessary to start treatment in the early stages. The orange peel is usually found on the buttocks and thighs. Stress can aggravate the problem, since at this time the process of vasoconstriction in the periphery starts, as a protective reaction of the body to an external factor.

Prevention and treatment of cellulite

Knowing the causes, you can find a way to get rid of orange peel. First you need to study your diet: exclude from it canned food, sausages, everything spicy, fatty, smoked, salty. Reduce the caloric content of food to 1800 kcal - this is the optimal amount for the normal functioning of the body.

In no case do not give up food completely - this can aggravate the problem, since, firstly, fasting is stress for the body, and secondly, food is necessary for building cell membranes, including skin cells. Eat more fruits and vegetables, try to eat only boiled and steamed food. You can also eat meat, but not fatty meat.

The sedentary lifestyle of many representatives of the fair sex is one of the main reasons for the occurrence of this disease. It is not surprising that after a while many of them begin to notice the appearance of cellulite tubercles on their butts. Therefore, in order for you not to observe a similar picture in yourself, prepare your body for a long course physical education. You need to pay attention physical activity on the muscles of areas that are already affected by cellulite. Such exercises include jumping rope, running, squats, exercise bike, and swimming.

Procedures such as salt baths have a beneficial effect on the skin. These procedures help improve blood circulation and remove toxins from the body, as well as increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

Massages using anti-cellulite creams, essential oils, honey and other products also have a great effect. With the help of massage, fat deposits are physically broken down and the skin is nourished useful substances, which are rich in auxiliary means with which massage is performed.

Wraps are good for cellulite. Their main principle is to create greenhouse effect. Wraps can be cold or hot. Each type has its own contraindications, and you need to know them before starting procedures. Honey, algae, clay, essential oils, and medicinal mud can be used as an anti-cellulite mixture. For wrapping, you can use regular cling film.

How is this procedure carried out? Since cellulite is usually localized on the legs, buttocks and abdomen, these are the areas where the mixture should be applied. Then you need to wrap the treated areas with film and remain in this state for 30-60 minutes, depending on the product you used. Then you need to remove the film, rinse off the remaining mixture with warm water and treat the skin with a moisturizer.

A sauna or bathhouse is very effective against cellulite; going to a steam room will only benefit you. Under the influence of high temperature, the pores open, and cellulite deposits soften and come out through the skin. For greater effect, it is necessary to use a broom, since in this case it plays the role of a massager.

Several healthy recipes from show business stars

Many show business stars also share recipes for cellulite remedies with us. One of these recipes really deserves attention.

Must be collected within a week coffee grounds into a tightly sealed container, and at the end of the week add it there olive oil and honey and mix everything well. Before applying this mixture to the skin, it is necessary to prepare it. How you do this: a hot shower or a massage is not so important, the main thing is that the skin is warm. After the procedure, wrap yourself in film and lie down for a while. The effect will be visible after several uses of the coffee mixture.

Be careful when treating orange peel

All recommendations for the prevention and treatment of cellulite will be effective only if they are followed correctly and regularly. Incorrectly performed procedure best case scenario will not have an effect, at worst it will lead to undesirable consequences.

Let’s say contrast shower procedures need to begin with gradual adaptation, using more gentle water temperatures. Can't pour cold water on the head, since temperature changes can lead to changes in blood pressure, the development of colds and inflammatory processes in the body.

Carefully study the contraindications to the use of a particular product or procedure. For example, wrapping should not be carried out in case of illness of cardio-vascular system, hypertension and a number of skin diseases. And massages cannot be performed in case of fever, varicose veins in the area of ​​influence, during various inflammatory processes and pustular formations on the skin. But in general, I would like to advise you to just treat your body with love.

Our expert - cosmetologist Yulia Savchuk.

But there was a time when no one had even heard of this “terrible” defect! And even vice versa: the painters in their canvases actually savored the dimples and tubercles on the buttery bodies of their appetizing models. But since 40 years ago, American Nicole Ronsard declared cellulite the main enemy not only feminine attractiveness, but also health, since “orange peel”, they say, is an indirect sign of metabolic disorders and excess toxins, the fairer sex all over the world has declared an irreconcilable war on cellulite.

Dossier on the enemy

Doctors understand the word “cellulite” as an acute inflammatory disease of subcutaneous fat, which is caused by streptococci or staphylococci and, like most microbial infections, is treated with antibiotics. And what cosmetologists call this word has nothing to do with the described disease. Scientifically speaking, “orange peel” would be more correctly called lipodystrophy, that is, a specific change in subcutaneous adipose tissue. Fats are distributed unevenly throughout our body; most of them settle in the so-called fat depots (hips, buttocks, back, stomach, arms). It is in these places that cellulite thrives (okay, that’s what we’ll call it out of habit).

It is not at all to blame for the appearance of cellulite. excess weight, as is commonly thought. Otherwise, where would this defect come from? slender girls? The main culprit is the female sex hormones estrogens. They affect blood vessels, disrupting blood circulation in them, and therefore reducing the supply of oxygen to tissues. The cells of the subcutaneous fat, similar to a honeycomb, become clogged, and as a result, hard lumps of fat form in them. It is precisely the fact that the development of cellulite is associated with estrogen that explains why “orange peel” most often appears in women during periods of the most serious hormonal changes in the body: during puberty, pregnancy and after menopause.

Support Group

The development of cellulite is also influenced by hereditary factors, poor nutrition, poor environment and physical inactivity, stress and many hormonal disorders (for example, dysfunction of the pancreas, due to which the volume of fat cells increases and their nutrition deteriorates, as well as decreased function of the thyroid gland, which contributes to the development of spasm of small vessels). The growth of “orange peel” is also aggravated by varicose veins and wearing too tight clothes that impair blood circulation. Bad habits also contribute - alcohol and smoking, which prevent the removal of fluid from the body.

Cosmetologists distinguish 4 stages of cellulite. At the first stage, it is noticeable only when the skin is pinched. On the second, it is visible only when standing. On the third it is found already in supine position. At the last, fibrous, stage, cellulite is so obvious and widespread that it can only be eliminated through surgery - the destruction of fat cells (liposuction).

Small caliber weapons

Getting rid of the nasty “orange peel” is much more difficult than just losing weight. No diet can save you - everything becomes thin except problem areas. You can regain even, smooth skin only through a complex effect on the enemy. Persistent exercise and sports, coupled with regular visits to the sauna, will help. And of course, you need to give up cigarettes and alcohol. It is very important to follow a diet. You need to avoid foods rich in salt (canned food, smoked meats, sausages, chips) and eat foods containing potassium, which helps remove excess fluid: dried fruits, bananas, plums, oranges, etc.

Do not believe the sweet-tongued advertising - there is no remedy anywhere in the world to get rid of this trouble once and for all. You should not count on a great effect from anti-cellulite creams. But such products, thanks to the active substances they contain (kelp, aromatic plant extracts, caffeine derivatives, etc.), can improve blood circulation.

The action of special tights and shorts against cellulite is based on the effect of the sauna, due to which excess fluid leaves the body. In some products, the positive effect is enhanced by the massage effect. It is better to use such things in conjunction with anti-cellulite gel.

Self-massage of problem areas using brushes made of natural bristles or sesal (agave fiber) gives good results, but, of course, professional massage is more effective. By the way, proper power massage for cellulite is not a relaxing procedure at all.

The effect is aimed at breaking up the cellulite mass, so you will have to endure the pain. The course must include at least 10 procedures. Power massage is a more effective remedy than all of the above; it helps not only to improve blood circulation, but also to better drainage of lymph.

On all fronts!

Hardware methods of combating cellulite are more effective.

Myostimulation- combination of massage and physical exercise. The method is based on a series of comfortable impulses that massage the muscles and cause them to contract without any effort on the part of the patient. In 30 minutes of such “gymnastics” the muscles can contract up to 240 times! Devices for myostimulation have several modes of influence, and only a doctor can choose the most suitable one, since excessive stress on the body does not bring benefit, but harm. During the procedure, blood flow to the muscle increases, the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids is activated, and lymphatic drainage improves. The first session lasts approximately 15-20 minutes, and then, depending on the program, the time increases to 40 minutes. To achieve the effect, you need to complete a course of 15-20 procedures.

Vibromassage is performed using a special device that has several attachments for different parts of the body.

In problem areas, sweating increases, blood circulation improves, and stagnant fluid leaves adipose tissue. Usually the course consists of 10-15 procedures.

Electrolipolysis is based on the influence of low-frequency current, which removes toxic metabolic products and excess fluid from the cell. The procedure is carried out using thin disposable electrode needles (from 8 to 14). During the session, the patient feels a slight tingling sensation. Course - 6-12 procedures (1 per week).

Ultrasound method allows you to activate cellular metabolism and lymphatic drainage. Special plates connected to an ultrasound source are fixed on the skin. Vibrations provide micro-massage to the tissue, which helps remove toxins and water from it.

Devices operating on the basis of vacuum aspiration (the most famous is LPG), combine the effects of vacuum and roller mechanisms. At the first stage of the procedure, lymphatic drainage is performed: the lymph nodes are opened and blood circulation is stimulated. Then comes the direct thinning of the cellulite mass. The third stage of influence is aimed at the formation of renewed tissue. Using the device, the doctor individually determines both the stage of cellulite and optimal mode exposure, and session duration, as well as the percentage of aspiration for each body area. The procedures are painless and comfortable. As a rule, it is necessary to conduct a course of 14-20 sessions (2 procedures per week). Contraindications: varicose and skin diseases, endocrine disorders, gynecological and oncological diseases.

Whether we like it or not, each of us has cellulite. And that's even good! Indeed, from a medical point of view, the appearance of “orange peel” is a sign good health. A kind of reminder from nature that we really are women!

The main purpose of the fair sex is procreation. Nature has thought out everything to the smallest detail! Small fat deposits on the hips and buttocks are reserves for a “rainy day”, insurance for preserving the appearance. It is necessary so that a woman can bear and give birth to a child in unforeseen situations - illness, hunger. Few people know that 1 kilogram of fat is almost 900 kilocalories, which means a supply of energy!

An “orange peel” appears, as a rule, during puberty, when a woman’s body experiences a surge in the activity of estrogens - female sex hormones. They affect the activity of lipoprotein lipase (LPL). Acting in tandem, they create favorable conditions for the deposition of fat on a woman’s body.

But cellulite and cellulite are different! Its “natural” form - small tubercles and dimples, invisible to the eye, can turn into clearly visible, sometimes painful deposits.

This does not happen on its own, but as a result of a woman ignoring the rules healthy life. Poor nutrition, low activity, bad habits - there are 1000 and one reasons for the degeneration of cellulite. As a result, “natural” irregularities acquire serious outlines, which, moreover, are associated with the risk of unpleasant consequences.

What are the types of cellulite? And is it possible to fight them?

In the image and likeness: 3 types of “orange peel”

Approximately 95% of women experience the “natural” form of cellulite, caused by genetic and physiological reasons. Even very thin representatives of the fair sex have such cellulite and it is impossible to “defeat” it. And it’s not necessary - it doesn’t cause problems, it doesn’t catch your eye!

But it is necessary to fight such forms as fatty, fibrous and edematous cellulite. And not only in the name of beauty! In some cases, cellulite causes pain and significantly impairs the quality of life.

You can get rid of everything unnecessary with a healthy balanced diet, moderate physical activity and use of cosmetics.

What and when to eat and what means to use - more on all this below!

Where did the division of cellulite into types come from and why is this necessary? The thing is that the transformation of the “orange peel” is always the result of the influence of three main factors: water, fat and changes in the structure of the skin.

To plan an effective anti-cellulite regimen, you need to determine your type of cellulite and minimize the influence of the provoking agent. Only in this case can pronounced fat deposits be left in the past, choosing the beauty and health of smooth body skin.

Fat cellulite

This type of cellulite is the most common. It is not associated with circulatory problems, but rather is a result poor nutrition and low physical activity. A woman’s diet is replete with high-calorie foods and contains a lot of fat. Due to the fact that the activity is low and the calories supplied with food are not consumed, the layer of subcutaneous fiber increases, and therefore changes appearance skin.

How to recognize? This cellulite is usually located on the thighs, buttocks and abdomen. The skin looks flabby, and the deposits themselves are jelly-like. The bumps and dimples are soft to the touch, the skin is loose.

You are at risk!

If you have chubby kids in your family, you have a couple of extra pounds and you often have to experience the effects of stress.

Fight plan: To get rid of fatty cellulite, you must first normalize your diet. To do this, limit sugar in the diet and flour products, exclude saturated fats - fast food, margarine, fried and fatty foods, and processed foods.

The only source of fat in the body should be healthy types - from natural products - for example, fish, vegetable oil, poultry, beef, etc. Be sure to include fiber-rich foods in your diet - fresh berries, fruits, vegetables.

Make sure that every day of your life is active! Pay attention to endurance exercises and cardio exercises. You can devote 30 minutes a day to brisk walking, cycling, or running on a treadmill. Separately, we need to work on strengthening muscle mass, because muscles are the main resources that burn fat. By the way, muscles work not only during training, but also for several hours after its completion.

Try anti-cellulite massage. To do this, apply a massage product - choose products based on caffeine, green tea and carnitine. They break down fat well. After applying cosmetics, actively massage the problem area using pressing and rubbing movements.

Edema cellulite

This type of cellulite is most often caused by problems with blood circulation (lymphatic or venous). If the outflow of fluid is impaired, water and toxins are retained in the body. Due to the large amount of excess fluid, the skin looks swollen; when you press on it, a dimple is formed in places where cellulite is localized, which does not straighten immediately.

How to recognize? Slender women are more susceptible to the edematous type of cellulite than others. In addition to the cosmetic defect - the actual manifestations of cellulite, they may also suffer from the effect of heaviness in the legs and varicose veins. After all, all of the above are links in one chain. The “orange peel” itself can “decorate” almost any part of the body - buttocks, thighs, stomach, legs and arms.

You are at risk!

If you struggle with heavy legs from time to time, you sometimes experience cramps at night, cold limbs, and swelling in your ankles and toes.

Fight plan: Your main task is to improve blood circulation, which means rely on active species sports - swimming, walking, practice Pilates, yoga. At the same time, you should pay attention to the fight against swelling of the legs; compression stockings and dousing your extremities with alternately hot and cold water every night can help you. Your doctor may recommend special supplements that help strengthen the vein walls.

Limit foods in your diet that can cause fluid retention, such as salty foods and carbonated drinks. Love green tea and any herbal teas that have a diuretic effect.

Practice lymphatic drainage massage. Complete your home beauty rituals by applying modeling creams based on ivy, cypress, and red grapes - active ingredients that remove excess water.

This form of cellulite is the most complex and it is simply impossible to confuse it with other types. Typically, this is hard cellulite (due to hardened elastin and collagen fibers surrounding the fat cells). It is not possible to move him from his “home” place by all of the above methods. It is most often localized on inside hips and knees.

How to recognize? The skin is hard to the touch, and pain occurs when pressed. The “orange peel” effect is clearly visible, the skin tissue sag a little.

You are at risk!

If you lose weight mostly in your upper body rather than your lower body while on a diet, your skin usually looks pale, dry, and thin.

Fight plan: To overcome this type of cellulite you need movement. There's nothing better than a combination of cardio and strength training. You should consistently work your legs, buttocks and abs, for example in a Pilates class. Choose circuit training, for example, Zumba, aerodance, spinning. You can also try to join high art, having looked at the ballet.

As for your diet, eliminate fast carbohydrates and foods high in sugar at night. Avoid eating “light”, diet and low-fat foods. Fill your diet with complete protein, it is needed to maintain the structural fibers of the skin - this is fish, seafood, eggs, meat (turkey, chicken). Focus on foods rich in antioxidants - vitamins C and E, selenium, beta-carotene and zinc. These are fruits - oranges, apples, red berries, fresh vegetables - celery, zucchini, carrots, broccoli and legumes - beans, lentils, peas.

Among the cosmetic procedures effective against fibrous cellulite are mesotherapy, injections based on vitamins and natural plant extracts.



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