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What is nobility in Dubrovsky's story. The noble robber (based on the story by A.S. Pushkin “Dubrovsky”). Other questions from the Education category

Fedorova Victoria

Essay on literature by a 9th grade student.




"The spiritual potential of the Russian classical literature»

Honor and nobility in works

A.S. Pushkin “Dubrovsky” and “ Captain's daughter»

Abstract prepared by:

Fedorova Victoria,

9th grade student

OU Secondary School No. 17

Scientific adviser:

Yurenkova L.F.,

teacher at Secondary School No. 17

  1. Introduction. In search of moral guidelines…………………………..3
  2. Main part. “And everywhere there are fatal passions, and there is no protection from fate” (“Gypsies” by A.S. Pushkin)
  1. About the concepts of “morality” and “honor”. ………………………..5
  1. “The Masked Robber” Vladimir Dubrovsky in A.S. Pushkin’s work “Dubrovsky”………………………..7
  2. The theme of honor and nobility on the pages of “The Captain’s Daughter” by A.S. Pushkin………………………………………………………………………………10
  1. Conclusion. “Know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (Gospel of John, 8, 32)………………………..………………….............. ............14


I. Introduction

In search of moral guidelines

“Where did the moral foundation of man crack?” - we hear this question more and more often now. All aspects and spheres of our modern life speak of society’s great concentrated attention to morality. It is possible that in the near future, ethics lessons will be on a par with the lessons of mathematics, the Russian language, biology... No matter what people talk about today - on television, on the pages of the media, on parent meetings, during friendly meetings, their thoughts invariably return to the ethical facets of the existence of society and the individual, “revolving” around moral theme, which has become the most relevant.

The Philosophical Dictionary defines morality as a form public consciousness, a set of norms that guide people in Everyday life, a scale for assessing actions and behaviors as concepts of good and evil, duty, justice, honor and dishonor.

Of course, personality is formed under the influence of society, but a bright, purposeful personality also influences society. And literature plays a big role in shaping a person’s moral character. “A book is an executor, an impeccable custodian of spiritual values ​​of all centuries and all peoples, and it is an unquenchable source of light” , - wrote Yu. Bondarev. And this is one of the many reasons that force us to re-read the classics again and again, and first of all Pushkin, with whom Russian literature has been vitally connected for over 200 years and which consistently continues to develop his ideas and images.

The main subject of the image in fiction is human life, as well as all phenomena of reality perceived from the point of view human life. And the peculiarity of Russian literature is that “our literature lives by the restless idea of ​​man, by man’s struggle for man, for his spiritual improvement.”

Issues of honor and morality are always a fundamental problem in the relationships of people in society. One of the important places is given to this topic in Russian XIX literature century. Russian writers of this significant period in development national history created works that not only fully reflected life, but also had enormous moral and educational significance, revealing the best that is in the people, on which this people should rely.

Problem moral education young man of his time deeply worried Pushkin; with particular poignancy she stood before the writer after the defeat of the Decembrist uprising, which in Pushkin’s mind was perceived as tragic ending life path the best of his contemporaries. The accession of Nicholas I led to a sharp change in the moral “climate” of noble society, to the oblivion of the educational traditions of the 18th century. Under these conditions, Pushkin felt an urgent need to compare the moral experience of different generations and to show the continuity between them. He perceives fidelity to educational ideals and high moral standards as the only salvation from official government morality, which was intensively instilled in the years of the post-December reaction. And in his last story “The Captain's Daughter” A.S. Pushkin depicts people who are morally whole, not affected by the thirst for ranks, orders and profit. The theme of honor is one of the main themes of the work, which can be considered the final one in the work of the writer and poet. But even earlier, in the novel “Dubrovsky,” Pushkin depicted the life and customs of the provincial nobility with the idealized moral principles of the ancient nobility. He contrasted honesty with meanness, generosity with greed, love with hatred, restraint with revelry. He brought to the fore one of the representatives of the provincial nobility, an ambitious, noble rebel.

What unites the main characters of these works is that they are faced with a moral choice: what is the right thing to do in order to preserve human dignity? They are in search of moral guidelines.

Russian writers have always addressed the problem of honor and morality in their works. It seems to me that this problem was and is one of the central ones in Russian literature. Honor ranks first among moral symbols. You can survive many troubles and hardships, but, probably, not a single people on earth will come to terms with the decay of morality. Loss of honor is a decline in moral principles, which is always followed by punishment. Those who live in the 21st century should also remember this.

Therefore, the following topic was chosen for the abstract: “Honor and nobility in the works of A.S. Pushkin “Dubrovsky” and “The Captain's Daughter”.

The purpose of our essay is to prove that honor and duty are important and the only true guidelines for a person in any life situation.

To do this, we studied the works of literary scholars Tchaikovskaya O., Petrunina N.N., Marantsman V.G., Gillelson M.I., Esaulov I.A., in which the features of these two works, their ideas and images were studied.

II. 1. About the concepts of “honor” and “morality”

In S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary, the concept of morality is considered as rules that determine behavior; spiritual and mental qualities necessary for a person in society, as well as the implementation of these rules. Who develops and approves these rules? Who monitors their compliance? Will A.S. Pushkin help answer these questions?

To answer these questions, it is necessary to turn to the “spiritual homeland” of writers of the 18th -19th centuries. - Christianity. All of them were raised on the commandments of God. The path to salvation is difficult - following the Christian commandments. And the other path - hatred, enmity, condemnation, envy - is easier, but disastrous. You can’t expect to maintain an excellent resume in all cases in the eyes of people in this life: the person is too weak morally, both the judge and the judge. This means that you need to focus on your conscience, on honor in the eyes of God, on God. This will help maintain honor in the eyes of people. You can come to such conclusions by reading Russian classics.

All socially significant guidelines, conventions, priorities have their own boundaries; life does not fit within them in its entirety. You need to have a deeper basis for your actions, a certain value system that is focused on “the internal moral dignity of a person: valor, honesty, nobility of soul and a clear conscience.” This is how the concept of “honor” is explained in Dahl’s explanatory dictionary.

Honor is that high spiritual power that keeps a person from meanness, betrayal, lies and cowardice. This is the core that strengthens the choice of action when conscience is the judge. Life often tests people, presenting them with a choice - to act honorably and take the blow, or to be cowardly and go against their conscience in order to gain benefit and avoid troubles or even death. A person always has a choice and how he will act depends on his moral principles. The path of honor is difficult, but retreat from it, the loss of honor is even more painful. Dishonor is always punished. This is apparently the order of the higher powers.

Like the laws of motion of history, from the point of view Christian morality(from paganism to Christianity), from darkness to light, human life develops. And the most important thing that Pushkin is sure of is that none of our sins and crimes are capable of completely distorting and erasing the image of God in the human soul, and as long as a person lives, hope for salvation remains in a loving and believing heart.

The theme of honor, morality and nobility was fundamental for Pushkin. It was closely connected with another, deeper question: how to live in history? What to hold on to? What to follow? Especially in troubled transitional periods of history, when established traditions and institutions are called into question.

The Decembrist uprising was such a test for young Pushkin. And although Pushkin, returned from exile in 1826 by Nicholas I, courageously answered the emperor’s direct question: “Pushkin, would you take part in December 14 if you were in St. Petersburg? “Certainly, sir, all my friends were in the conspiracy, and I could not help but participate in it.” Absence alone saved me, for which I thank God!” - however, this answer, remarkable in itself for its duality, was not a solution to the question. And in “The Captain's Daughter,” completed a few months before his death, this question was answered, the fruit of a lifetime of reflection. "Young man! - as if Pushkin is addressing us with a will, “if my notes fall into your hands, remember that the best and most lasting changes are those that come from improving morals, without any violent upheavals!”

II. 2. “The Masked Robber” Vladimir Dubrovsky in A.S. Pushkin’s work “Dubrovsky”

A.S. Pushkin’s hero Vladimir Dubrovsky from the novel of the same name also faced a moral choice. Work on this work began on October 21, 1832. The plot was based on an episode reported to Pushkin by his friend P.V. Nashchokin. He told about one “Belarusian poor nobleman named Ostrovsky” (as the novel was originally called), who had a lawsuit with a neighbor for land, was forced out of the estate and, left with only peasants, began to rob first the clerks, then others. Nashchokin saw this Ostrovsky in prison.

At this time Pushkin was thinking about a plan historical novel about the daredevil Shvanvich, a nobleman who entered the service of Pugachev, and he found in Nashchokin’s story a plot about a hero of the same type, suggested by life itself.

From the beginning to the last written chapter, Dubrovsky remains a personality presented exclusively in his ideal manifestations (unlike other characters). But nothing human is alien to him. Like all young people of the noble class, he leads a secular lifestyle in St. Petersburg, thinks little about the future: he is “wasteful and ambitious”, indulges in “luxurious whims”. His thought does not struggle with the “damned questions” of human existence, but his soul retains the capacity for pure impulses and is subject to the charm of the “quiet joys” of “family life.” His father's death forced him to grow up. When Troekurov, who was indirectly responsible for the death of Andrei Gavrilovich, arrived in Kistenevka, Vladimir behaved independently and decisively, which greatly reminded him of the elder Dubrovsky.

The hero was overcome by a feeling of spiritual impassability, loneliness, in which he found himself after the death of his father: “He walked without making out the road; branches constantly touched and scratched him, his leg constantly got stuck in the swamp - he did not notice anything... Vladimir stopped... and thoughts, one darker than the other, crept into his soul... The future for him appeared covered with menacing clouds. Enmity with Troekurov foreshadowed new misfortunes for him.” How to live further? What to follow? A combination of circumstances pushes the hero onto the path of protest against social injustice and turns him into a robber.

But Pushkin himself calls Vladimir a “masked robber.” And not only because he appears before Masha in a half mask at the end of the novel, this is another role, the role of a noble savior. He always plays some role: a general who returns money to Anna Savishna Globova, stolen by her clerk; teacher Deforge, who managed to force himself to be respected, courageous and decisive, and was not afraid to be alone with an angry bear; ataman of the robbers (but the author does not show how the hero leads the rebels). Throughout the entire novel, no matter what role Vladimir Dubrovsky plays, he is always generous, noble, courageous, and faithful to the principles of honor. He also acts as the ataman of the robbers, as long as this made sense: first - revenge for the insult and death of his father, then - noble service to all those unjustly offended and deceived (Globova), and, of course, - saving his beloved girl from a hated marriage. By his character and principles, the hero does not fit into the circle of robbers. Pushkin does not show his hero as a like-minded person of the rebellious peasants. Therefore, the author did not leave his hero at the head of the rebels.

The nobility, honesty and generosity of the nobleman Dubrovsky are incompatible with the environment in which he finds himself and with the role that befalls him. He made his moral choice: refused revenge on Troekurov: “I forgave him... I realized that the house where you live is sacred, that not a single creature connected with you by blood is subject to my curse,” he explains to Masha. Love helped the hero choose the right guidelines in the darkness of life.

Pushkin puts the heroine herself before a choice: “...marriage frightened her like a scaffold, like a grave... No, no,” she repeated in despair, “it’s better to die, it’s better to go to a monastery, it’s better to marry Dubrovsky.” Marriage to Vereisky is tantamount to the chopping block for Masha; in a hopeless situation, she chooses the lesser of two evils - she decides to turn to Dubrovsky for help and was ready for the fate of the robber’s wife. But again, a coincidence of circumstances... And after the wedding with the prince, she refuses Vladimir’s proposal. Why? “I took an oath,” was her answer. A sense of duty and honor takes over.

Before us is Pushkin’s beloved female image- a pure, meek soul, weak in its defenselessness and strong in its virtue. It is easy to offend her, to cause harm, but it is impossible to force her to pay for her happiness with someone else's misfortune. She will endure any torment, except the torment of conscience. “For God’s sake,” Masha implores Dubrovsky from the crime against the prince, “don’t touch him, don’t dare touch him... I don’t want to be the cause of some horror.” And his promise reflects her moral height: “Never will a crime be committed in your name. You must be pure even in my crimes.”

In the manuscript of the novel, a passage was preserved that Pushkin crossed out when editing: Dubrovsky “was considered one of the brilliant officers of his brilliant regiment. There was always some company around him, his room was always full. He was loved." This is the background of the life of many Decembrists. But it's not a matter of external signs. The idea of ​​honor and independence, which must be defended and preserved even in poverty, was characteristic of the Decembrists. Pushkin recognized the idea of ​​individual independence as one of the conditions social progress. In "Rebuttal to Critics" he wrote about historical significance ideas of honor, about the ancient nobility - the bearer of nobility and independence: “Whatever my way of thinking, I have never shared with anyone democratic hatred of the nobility. It has always seemed to me a necessary and natural class of a great educated people. Looking around me and reading our old chronicles, I regretted seeing how the ancient noble families were destroyed, how the rest were falling and disappearing... and how the name of a nobleman, hour by hour more humiliated, finally became a byword and a laughing stock for commoners who had become nobles , and even idle jokers!” These notes by Pushkin, written in Boldin in 1830, are very close to the feelings that animate Dubrovsky. But for Pushkin “there are virtues higher than the nobility of the family, namely: personal dignity.” “The idea of ​​honor and the protection of human rights lay at the heart of Pushkin’s humanistic worldview. Fidelity to this idea determined poetic creativity, and personal behavior."

II.3. The theme of honor and nobility on the pages of “The Captain’s Daughter” by A.S. Pushkin

If you look at "The Captain's Daughter" through the eyes Orthodox man, then you are simply amazed at how deeply the problems of the structure of the noble Christian soul are covered in it!

Take care of your honor from a young age.It was not by chance that Pushkin took this Russian as his epigraph folk proverb: what is nobility, what is honor and what is chastity in the relationships of young people - all this can be studied very deeply in this wonderful story.

The epigraph to the story suggests that life tests each hero primarily in relation to honor and duty. This test is subjected not only to the absolutely opposite Grinev and Shvabrin, not only to the Mironov spouses, meek Masha or old Grinev, who is not happy with the life given to his son because it is covered in dishonor, but also to extreme opponents: the leader of the uprising and the autocratic queen. Also in the rough introduction to the story, the elderly “author” of the notes, Pyotr Andreevich Grinev, addressing his grandson, speaks of the most important qualities, serving as a guarantee of a life worthy of a person: “kindness and nobility” - about those moral standards and values ​​that are always honored by ordinary people. Pushkin, who, according to Herzen, “knew all the sufferings of a civilized person,” who, in the end, fell victim to persecution and artificial conventions of “the world,” in the fatal year 1836, plunged into the world of folk simplicity with its ideal of “kindness and nobility."

The epigraph is an abbreviated version of the Russian proverb: “Take care of your dress again, but take care of your honor from a young age.” Grinev, the father, recalls this proverb in full, admonishing his son as he goes to the army. The historical and the private (including the family) in “The Captain's Daughter” are presented from the very beginning in their “homely” interweaving. The concepts of honor, service and family duty are put on a par. The epigraph to the 1st chapter “Tomorrow he was a captain in the guard...” ends with the question: “Who is his father?” And as if offering an answer to this question, the chapter opened with the phrase: “My father Andrei Petrovich Grinev in his youth served under Count Minich...”. The blood relationship and its inviolability are constantly emphasized throughout the entire narrative. Looking at military service As a nobleman’s duty, old man Grinev sends his son not to the guard, but to the army, so that he “pulls the strap, becomes a disciplined soldier.” Saying goodbye to Peter, the old man gave him instructions, in which he expressed his understanding of the service: “Serve faithfully, to whom you swear allegiance, listen to your superiors; Don’t chase their affection; don’t ask for service, don’t talk yourself out of service, and remember the proverb: take care of your dress again, but take care of your honor from a young age.”

And Peter took care. On the way to his duty station, he naively lost himself to a man with whom he had barely met. No amount of persuasion from Savelich to throw himself at the winner’s feet forced Grinev to do this, since he had to give back if he lost. Pyotr Grinev did not sully his honor even in those cases when he could easily have paid for it with his head. The first case is a duel. Peter could not simply leave Shvabrin’s shameless slander against Masha Mironova unanswered. Protecting her from the gossip of a rejected and because of this angry admirer was a matter of honor for Grinev. As for Shvabrin, in the story he is the complete opposite of Grinev, a man for whom the concepts of honor and nobility do not exist at all. During the fight, Shvabrin does not hesitate to take advantage of the ambiguity of the situation to deliver a dishonorable blow. It costs nothing for this deeply immoral man to swear allegiance to another sovereign, while Grinev is noble here too. But Shvabrin is an educated person, he was not an undergrowth, like Grinev was. With this fact, Pushkin emphasizes that nobility and education are two different things. Moreover, the relationships in the family in which a person was raised are of great importance.

The second case, in which the high moral qualities some heroes and the baseness of the feelings of others, the arrival of Pugachev in the Belogorsk fortress. Preferring a noble death to a shameful pardon, Captain Mironov and his wife, poorly educated, naive and, at first glance, narrow-minded people, died. Grinev was ready to follow their example, but chance saved him from death. And the reason for this is also the nobility Peter showed towards the counselor who once helped them get out of the blizzard. Fortunately, this man turned out to be none other than Pugachev himself.

“I was again brought to the impostor and made to kneel before him. Pugachev extended his sinewy hand to me. “Kiss the hand, kiss the hand!” - they said around me. But I would prefer the most brutal execution to such vile humiliation. “Father Pyotr Andreich! – Savelich whispered, standing behind me and pushing me. “Don’t be stubborn!” What does it cost you? Spit and kiss the evil one... (ugh!) kiss his hand.” I didn't move. Pugachev lowered his hand, saying with a grin: “His honor, you know, was stupefied with joy. Lift him up!” They picked me up and left me free.” What does it cost you? - Savelich asks. Honor is worth it, and Grinev does not trade it, even in exchange for life: he swore allegiance to the empress.

After listening to the arguments of the young nobleman, Pugachev did not become angry, moreover, he became sympathetic to him and even helped in the release of Masha Mironova. And all this is not because of the hare sheepskin coat, but thanks to Grinev’s nobility and high morality, which so amazed the people’s rebel. Masha Mironova herself remained faithful to her heartfelt affection despite her fear. She is her father's true daughter. Mironov in life was a gentle and good-natured person, but in an extreme situation he showed determination worthy of a Russian officer. His daughter fainted from a cannon shot, but when it came to her honor, she was ready, like her father, to die rather than do anything contrary to her conscience. Pushkin leads us to the conclusion that honor and dignity are necessary qualities whole and organic personality. Each of the heroes of the story understands these concepts differently and acts as his conscience tells him

Grinev’s noble feelings were also evident in the episode of his arrest. Peter does not want to involve his beloved in this story, so he does not mention her name. But Masha herself goes to St. Petersburg to seek intercession and finds it. The Empress herself helps her. The story with Pugachev ends well for the lovers, they are happy. In my opinion, the author came up with such an optimistic ending because he wanted to emphasize: nobility is most often responded to with nobility. Or maybe because Pushkin just really wanted it to be that way.

As for Grinev, he remained a man of honor until the end of his life. Having become Grinev the memoirist, this man truthfully and without distortion conveyed to paper not only his meetings with the leader of the uprising, but also his thoughts regarding him. He told the whole truth about Pugachev, despite the fact that it contradicted the official opinion about the popular rebel.

Main character In the story “The Captain's Daughter” Pyotr Grinev is a seventeen-year-old boy, lively, smart, noble, before whom fate has set a difficult task: an honest death on the gallows or a disgraced life, and he did not think twice about the choice; all these questions have nothing to do with him. Yes, he is the son of his age, a nobleman from head to toe, but in him, in addition to this temporary and social conditioning, there is also a living, gifted soul. True, Grinev’s spiritual talent did not always find understanding with criticism; Belinsky said about him: “An insignificant, insensitive character.” Behind his courageous restraint, the critic did not notice the sincerity and strength of feelings that are visible in every act of the hero, whether he responds to Pugachev, or bows to the gallows before leaving the Belogorsk fortress; only in the minute before the attack, parting with Masha, he could not restrain himself. And how can one talk about the insignificance and insensibility of someone who loves so desperately, who is ready to sacrifice his life for another, and Grinev did it twice, but with such simplicity and naturalness that it was not considered a feat.

It is impossible not to notice that Grinev is the embodiment of a high sense of responsibility, completely unfamiliar to the ignorant, including modern ones. In general, how lacking in our educational process is the glorious Grinevsky principle! Unfortunately, the moral instability of young people has become a kind of stable phenomenon in our time. Pushkin's hero has qualities such as intelligence, nobility, honesty - which will be valued at all times.

Not on historical events on their own, not on psychological characteristics heroes - the main attention of the author of "The Captain's Daughter" is aimed at the discovery inner man in man, in the depth of his freedom in the face of God and another man.

  1. "Know the truth and the truth will set you free"

(Gospel of John, 8, 32)

We happen to live in hard time when people don’t notice lack of spirituality, immorality, and lack of principles. They are closed and angry, the main problem for the majority is getting money and food. The concept of honor and nobility is perceived by many as a relic of the past.

Moral decay, the decline of moral principles leads to the collapse of both an individual and an entire nation. That is why the importance of the great Russian classical literature, in particular, the story “The Captain’s Daughter” - the most Christian work Russian literature, which is a moral foundation and assistant for many generations of people. Vivid images, created by writers with love and vitality as if they acquire materiality. They live among us and are an example of morality and honor, Christian morality.

In the life of every person there is an intersection of two roads, and at the crossroads there is a stone with the inscription: “If you walk through life with honor, you will die. If you go against honor, you will live.”

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin himself was a “slave of honor,” as another wrote about him in his poem “The Death of a Poet.” genius poet M.Yu. Lermontov. He fell victim to dishonest and evil envious people. Defending the honor of his wife and his own, Pushkin challenged Dantes to a duel, who could discredit his dubious behavior good name the Pushkin couple. Alexander Sergeevich could not live “slandered by rumor” and put an end to dishonor at the cost of his own life.

But he managed to tell his parting words to his descendants. The proverb “Take care of honor from a young age” has acquired the meaning of a life talisman that helps to overcome harsh life trials.


  1. Bondarev Yu. “Moments”, Roman-newspaper, No. 20, 1978.
  2. Gillelson M.I., Mushina I.G. The story of A.S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter” comments. Leningrad. "Enlightenment", 1977
  3. Dal V.I " Dictionary Russian language". Modern version. Moscow. "EXMO", 2002
  4. Katasonov V.N. Ph.D. Philosopher Sciences, Art. “The theme of honor and mercy in the story by A.S. Pushkin “The Captain’s Daughter”, Literature at school, No. 6 1991.
  5. Marantsman V.G. “A.S. Pushkin’s novel “Dubrovsky” in school study.” Leningrad. "ENLIGHTENMENT", 1974
  6. Popova T.I. “Family beginning in “The Captain’s Daughter” by A.S. Pushkin and “Taras Bulba” by N.V. Gogol”, Scientific and methodological journal “Literature at School”, Moscow, No. 1, 1998.

The basis for A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Dubrovsky” was real events- mass uprisings of peasants who were dissatisfied with their lives after the War of 1812. The main character of the book is the young nobleman Vladimir Dubrovsky, a noble robber. The events unfolding on the pages of the work are directly related to his life and fate.

Dubrovsky is a noble robber. Summary

For a deeper understanding of the image of Vladimir, it is necessary to refer to the contents of the book.

The fathers of the protagonist and Masha Troekurova were neighbors and service comrades. They are both widowers. Once Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky, while visiting Troekurov, spoke disapprovingly of the poor living conditions of his servants compared to dogs. In response to this, one of the hounds declares that “it would be nice for another master to exchange his estate for a dog kennel.”

Dubrovsky the father leaves and in a letter demands an apology from Troekurov. The tone of the letter does not suit Kirill Petrovich. At the same time, Andrei Gavrilovich finds Troekurov’s serfs in his possessions, stealing timber. He takes away their horses and orders them to be whipped. Troekurov decides to take revenge on his neighbor by illegally taking possession of his estate, the village of Kistenevka.

Due to strong experiences, Andrei Gavrilovich is weakening. A letter is sent to his son, Vladimir, and he comes to the village.

Kirill Petrovich understands that he treated his old friend badly and goes to him to make peace, but when he sees him, old Dubrovsky dies.

The house is handed over to Troekurov. The serfs do not want to move to another master. Vladimir orders the house to be burned, and the officials inside die from the fire.

Soon a gang of robbers begins to operate in the surrounding area, robbing estates. There is a rumor that the leader of the robbers is young Dubrovsky.

Vladimir, as a French teacher, ends up in Troekurov’s house. Masha and young Dubrovsky fall in love with each other.

Vladimir opens up to the girl and disappears, as it becomes clear that Dubrovsky and the teacher are one person.

Masha is proposed to by the 50-year-old Prince Vereisky. Troekurov orders his daughter to marry him. Dubrovsky asks Masha on a date and puts a ring on her. Masha hopes that she can convince her father.

However, Troekurov does not yield, and he and Vereisky decide to speed up the wedding.
Masha and the prince are getting married. On the way back they come across Dubrovsky. The noble robber offers Masha freedom. Vereisky wounds Dubrovsky. Masha is married, so she refuses to run away with Vladimir. Dubrovsky disbands the gang.

The image of Dubrovsky at the beginning of the novel

On the first pages of the book, Vladimir appears before us as a young nobleman, the only son of his father. He received a good upbringing and education, and is serving. Dubrovsky leads a cheerful life, spends his father's money, and does not think about the future.

The reason for changes in the inner world and outlook on life

The news of the illness of his father, whom he loved very much, excited the young man. His death and the loss of his estate changed Vladimir's character. After the funeral, he realizes how lonely he is. Dubrovsky thinks about the future for the first time. Now he is responsible not only for himself, but also for his peasants.

Dubrovsky's Revenge

"Dubrovsky is a noble robber." An essay on this topic is offered to eighth grade students in every school. I would like to understand whether he is noble, given that he is driven by the desire for revenge? To take revenge for everyone who was wronged unfairly. He robs the rich and kills no one. His image takes on romantic features.

Obsessed with retribution, he enters the house of his enemy under the guise of the Frenchman Deforge. However, love for Marya Kirillovna disrupts his plans, and he abandons them. The nobility of nature overcomes the desire for revenge.

Why was Dubrovsky called a noble robber?

Vladimir Dubrovsky took the path of robbery because he saw no other way out of the situation in his life. He could not allow the family estate to go to Troekurov. Dubrovsky ordered the house to be set on fire, but at the same time the door was unlocked so that the officials could run out. Arkhip did not listen to the master, and the people burned. He did not count on the judges' leniency in considering this incident, since they did not spare his father in a just case. Dubrovsky and a gang of serfs took the path of robbery. This is how a completely different life began for Vladimir.

To answer the question why Dubrovsky is a noble robber, you need to remember the contents of the book. As it is written in the novel, the gang led by Vladimir robbed only rich people. Although the robbers terrified everyone, they did not kill anyone. For this they were called noble.

However, having embarked on this slippery slope, Dubrovsky, a noble robber, pursued by government troops, is nevertheless forced to abandon his principles and commit the murder of an officer.

To answer the question of why he was called that, you also need to compare life circumstances and characteristics inner world this young man. Vladimir comes from a noble family, a representative of the noble class, the son of a man who was distinguished by straightforwardness, courage, and enjoyed the respect of rich neighbors and the serfs entrusted to him. He took over many things from his father positive traits, but, like Andrei Gavrilovich, young Dubrovsky was prone to ardor and did not tolerate injustice. After the loss of his father, he becomes the leader of a gang of people devoted to him.

For all these reasons, Dubrovsky is a noble robber.

How does the author relate to the hero?

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin certainly sympathizes with the main character of this novel. He endows him with such qualities as kindness, honesty, the ability to love and forgive. However, he debunks the myth of Vladimir’s nobility, explaining this by saying that an honest and decent person cannot abandon the people loyal to him to the mercy of fate and hide abroad. A noble person is responsible for his actions.

Vladimir Dubrovsky is presented as a noble defender of individual rights, an independent person capable of feeling deeply. The tone in which Pushkin writes about Vladimir Dubrovsky is always full of sympathy, but never ironic. Pushkin approves of all his actions and claims that all those who are offended should rob, steal, or even take the high road. So, my version: this is a novel about nobility. About nobility in the meaning indicated by V.I. Dal. “Nobility is a quality, a state, a noble origin; actions, behavior, concepts and feelings befitting this title, consistent with true honor and with morality. “Dal directly connects nobility with the nobility, of course, and Pushkin did not separate them, so the topic is broader: the fate and purpose of the nobility or the honor of a nobleman. Surely Pushkin was very concerned about this topic. “Take care of your honor from a young age” is the epigraph of his next work, “The Captain's Daughter,” which again talks about this topic.
So, the novel is about nobility, the hero of the novel is a nobleman, “who became a victim of injustice.” There is no doubt about the nobility of the hero, but still sometimes he betrays his nobility. When does this happen for the first time? In Chapter 4 we read: “Tell Kirill Petrovich to quickly get out before I order him to be kicked out of the yard... Let's go! – The servant ran joyfully. “The author did not say a word about the ardor of young Dubrovsky. And we can fully understand his feelings - he is amazed at his father’s condition: “The patient pointed to the courtyard with a look of horror and anger. “But Dubrovsky’s hasty order to drive Troekurov out of the yard carries with it bad consequences, and the main one is not Troekurov’s offense, but the fact that the servants were allowed to behave impudently. “The servant ran joyfully. In this “joyful” there is some kind of revelry of servile insolence. It is possible to understand and justify Dubrovsky, but judge for yourself, is Dubrovsky right?
Dubrovsky became a robber, a noble robber: “he attacks not just anyone, but famous rich people, but even here he shares with them, and does not rob outright, and no one accuses him of murders...”
But Dubrovsky himself understands well the path he has taken. “An atrocity will never be committed in your name. You must be pure even in my crimes." Pushkin nowhere gives any assessment of Dubrovsky’s actions (unlike, by the way, Troekurov’s actions; just the remark “Those were noble amusements Russian master!"). The reader himself will guess that atrocities and crimes are incompatible with high honor. At the first explanation with Masha, Dubrovsky said: “I realized that the house where you live is sacred, that not a single creature connected with you by blood ties is subject to my curse. I gave up revenge as if it were madness.” But he did not give up revenge altogether, continuing to remember other offenders.
“Spending the night in the same room with a man whom he could consider his personal enemy and one of the main culprits of his disaster, Dubrovsky could not resist temptation. He knew about the existence of the bag and decided to take possession of it." And our moral sense is indignant at the fact that Dubrovsky succumbed to temptation, once again betraying his nobility. And again, we can understand and justify Dubrovsky, and the author again does not give any assessments, but we cannot agree that this act does not correspond to the concept of true honor.

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Educational: through the analysis of prose text, lead students to an understanding of the originality of Pushkin’s interpretation of the artistic type “noble robber”;
Developmental: develop students’ skills in independently comprehending and perceiving text;
Educating: using the example of Dubrovsky’s image to lead to an understanding of such concepts as nobility, justice, honesty.

Methodical techniques: heuristic conversation, dialogue, teacher’s word, problem situation.

During the classes

1. introduction teachers.

Hello guys! Hello, guests of our lesson! My name is Natalya Mikhailovna. The topic of our lesson is “Dubrovsky” - a novel about a “noble robber”. Write down the date, topic of the lesson and epigraph (we write it down in the right corner of the notebook). As an epigraph to today’s topic, I took the words of Honore de Balzac: “Unfortunately, nobility of feelings is not always accompanied by nobility of actions,” which we will return to during the lesson. So, today we turn to one of the wonderful works of A.S. Pushkin - novel “Dubrovsky”.

Guys, we must define the features of such a literary type as the “noble robber”; try to understand what nobility is, a robber; think about whether these concepts are compatible.

2. So, let's start by analyzing the image of the main character.

We will try to determine the main qualities of the title character. The character of the hero is manifested in his actions and relationships with other people.

  • Under what circumstances do we meet the main character? (Chapter 3, 3rd paragraph: “Vladimir Dubrovsky was brought up in Cadet Corps and was released as a cornet into the guard; his father spared nothing for his decent maintenance, and the young man received more from home than he should have expected. Being wasteful and ambitious, he allowed himself luxurious whims; played cards and went into debt, not caring about the future, and envisioning sooner or later a rich bride, the dream of his poor youth.”
  • How does this passage characterize Vladimir Dubrovsky? (Young Rake).
  • How do events develop further in the life of a young man?
  • Having received a letter from home, Vladimir returned home to Kistenevka. How does the hero appear in this episode? (Loving son).
  • You said that Vladimir is going home. In what state does he find his father? What thoughts took hold of Vladimir when he learned about his father’s plight? (Seeking revenge).
  • Does Dubrovsky fulfill this desire? (Partly because he gathered a gang that robbed rich travelers).
  • How do the courtyard peasants treat the young owner? Why did the serfs follow the master? (Kind, fair).
  • Knowing who Dubrovsky’s main enemy was, why were those around him surprised and Troekurov himself rejoiced? What made Dubrovsky abandon his insidious plan - to destroy Troekurov, his sworn enemy? (Loving).
  • Even after becoming a robber, Dubrovsky remains a servant of truth and honor. Remember the story of Anna Savishna Globova (Chapter 9). What character traits were demonstrated in this episode? Give more examples (Noble).

3. Let's summarize.

Positive character traits of Dubrovsky (write in your notebooks in the same way) are:

4. Let's return to the epigraph“Unfortunately, nobility of feelings is not always accompanied by nobility of actions.” Does the content of the novel prove the statement of Honore de Balzac?

Students' reasoning with arguments from the text.

5. Teacher. Pushkin follows the literary tradition, depicting the image of a “noble robber.” The literary type of the “noble robber” arose in romantic literature. This is a man of noble birth (nobleman) who, due to various circumstances, finds himself outside the law, becomes a robber. A representative of the upper class turns into an outcast, an outcast. As a rule, the motives for such a transformation are insult, humiliation or resentment. “Noble robbers” fight for justice and take revenge on their offenders. These are truly noble people who sacrifice their social position for the sake of honor and the triumph of justice.

Who can you remember from world literature?

6. Let's see what definitions S. Ozhegov gives in his explanatory dictionary.

Noble –

  1. Highly moral, selflessly honest and open.
  2. Exceptional in its quality and grace.
  3. Noble origin pertaining to nobles (obsolete).
  4. Usage as part of various terms to designate something. distinguished categories, breeds. B. metals, b. deer.

Robber –

  1. A person who commits robbery is a robber. Translated: notorious scoundrel (colloquial).
  2. Naughty, spoiled, scoundrel (usually in circulation) (colloquial).

7. And here, guys, a doubt arose in me: “Can a robber be called noble?”

Guys' thoughts.

We know that the novel “Dubrovsky” is not completed. It was published after the author's death. According to many literary scholars, A.S. Pushkin could not answer this question. It is known that there are options for continuing the novel:

  1. Death of Prince Vereisky;
  2. Life of Marya Kirilovna;
  3. Widow;
  4. Englishman;
  5. Date.

As we see, Pushkin wanted to continue only the love line. The main character, Dubrovsky, is defeated because the murder of soldiers and officers does not fit into the concept of honor and justice that he adhered to. This is how Pushkin debunks the myth of “the noble robber.” Perhaps he wants to show that robbery can lead to murder, that sin can give rise to even greater sin.

So what conclusion do we come to?
- Pushkin showed a noble robber, but at the same time he pushes to the idea that the concepts of “noble” and “robber” are difficult to combine.
- Do you agree with this?

8. Now, guys, let’s do some creative work - make a syncwine.

Word " syncwine” comes from a French word that means five-line. Thus, a cinquain is a poem of 5 lines, where:

  • First line. 1 word – concept or topic (noun).
  • Second lineka. 2 words – description of this concept (adjectives).
  • Third lineka. 3 words - actions (Verbs).
  • Fourth pageoka. A phrase or sentence that shows an attitude towards a topic (aphorism).
  • Fifth lineka. 1 word is a synonym that repeats the essence of the topic.

As an example, I offer a syncwine about Cinderella from a well-known fairy tale.

  • Cinderella;
  • Poor, hardworking;
  • Suffering, dreaming, loving;
  • Believes in happiness and it comes;
  • Happy.

Try to describe Dubrovsky using syncwine.

  • Dubrovsky;
  • Brave, honest;
  • Protects, takes revenge, loves;
  • Strives to be fair;
  • Nobility.

9. The guys read out their works.

10. Conclusions. So, guys, in class we tried to analyze the novel by A.S. Pushkin; identified the main features of the title character; talked about the literary type “noble robber” and came to the conclusion that such a hero deserves respect because he fights for justice, honor and dignity. But further actions cannot be assessed unambiguously, since to justify murders means to justify evil. Everyone showed creativity in our lesson. We have compiled a syncwine that will help you express your attitude towards the hero. The work has shown that you can identify the main features of the characters, highlight the main actions, and reflect the essence of the action or concept.


11. Homework: write a miniature essay “A noble man is...”.



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