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What are prophetic dreams? When dreams are prophetic

Many would like to find out their destiny, look beyond reality and receive a hint from the universe. How to do it? They can come to help prophetic dreams.

What is a prophetic dream? On what days do you have prophetic dreams?

What dreams are usually called prophetic? These are those dreams that predict a number of events, give a person a hint, and sometimes even come true completely. Completely - this means that in reality the whole picture that came in the dream is repeated.


Complete repetition of the dream;

Partial repetition (meetings seen occur, but with other people);

The clues that appeared in the dream are realized.

Even in ancient times, a person who had prophetic dreams was considered special. It was believed that he had a strong connection with his ancestors and could thus predict the future of the entire clan or tribe. Such people were approached for advice and predictions.

The same shamans had the opportunity to leave the body in a meditative dream and travel beyond the boundaries of earthly reality. On the one hand, this sounds mystical and mysterious, but in reality these facts have been confirmed by scientists for decades.

Physicists and psychologists agree that there are several types of prophetic dreams:

Those that the subconscious projects;

Those that come from parallel realities.

The subconscious can give out in a dream hidden images, which a person, thanks to dream books, will interpret as a full-fledged warning. It can also dive into parallel time zones and read information from them.

Events related to a sleeping person do not always occur in a dream. So it is quite possible to predict someone else's fate by seeing a dream. Scientists say that there is nothing phenomenal in this. It just opens up additional opportunities for a person to see other people’s destinies.

Scientists have also found that there is a close relationship between certain days and the opportunity to have a prophetic dream. So on what days do you have prophetic dreams?

Dreams and mysticism. On what days do you have prophetic dreams?

It is believed that if a girl tells fortunes at Christmas time, she will definitely have a prophetic dream. Such is the pagan and Christian tradition. These days, higher powers patronize lovers and, through special rituals with the help of prophetic dreams, provide answers to pressing questions.

So, many people know fortune-telling for their betrothed, which is quite simple to perform. On the night of Christmastide, on the old New Year, on the night of Ivan Kupala, you need to light a wax candle, write the names of your betrothed on pieces of white paper and then put the paper with the names under your pillow.

Do not put out the candle, but ask that the one who will marry you appear in a dream. And be sure to pull out one name in the morning. This is the name the girl’s betrothed will be given. Mostly such predictions come true. But why? It's quite simple. Carrying out such a simple ritual, the girl turns to her subconscious and then gives her the necessary information.

Physicists have long proven the existence of parallel realities and, thanks to this proof, claim that a person can travel from reality to reality in a dream. Thus, he can look into the future, can receive answers from the past.

Also, prophetic dreams may appear after special rituals. They are usually held on the night from Thursday to Friday and from Saturday to Sunday. How to induce such dreams? Usually you need to read a special plot before going to bed and ask a person to appear in a dream or the answer to a pressing question.

A person who appears in such a dream can also appear thanks to the reading of a special spell-challenge. They are read on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. And then within three nights from reading the right person I'll definitely dream about it.

Is it dangerous to have prophetic dreams? No. Dreams themselves do not pose any danger. The main thing is to interpret them correctly, otherwise the actions that the dream causes may pose a danger. For example, if you dreamed that your loved one was cheating on you, do not rush to throw a scandal and break the dishes. Most likely, it's just a dream and you shouldn't pay so much attention to it. It can mean both a grandiose acquisition and the fact that you don’t really trust your soulmate.

On what days do you have prophetic dreams - church and other traditions

It is believed that prophetic dreams cannot be dreamed all the time. And that's true. There are people who do not have prophetic dreams at all, or they simply do not remember their plot. It is believed that the greatest likelihood that a dream will come true is if it was dreamed from Thursday to Friday. But what should you do if you had a dream from Thursday to Friday and have a very negative prognosis for the future? It’s worth getting out of bed to say: “Where is the night and sleep, night is out the door and grief is out.”

Based on centuries-old observations, it is worth asserting that dreams had on the night under New Year and at Christmas - also prophetic. It is believed that the higher powers themselves bless a person so that these dreams appear to him. That in them he gets answers to all his questions. It’s worth guessing and asking for help higher powers on the eve of these holidays.

It is also believed that the third day of each month is also the date when prophetic dreams will appear almost one hundred percent. The number three is a special number in many religious traditions. It allows you to open pathways in different directions to enhance the movement of energy.

That is, the third day of the month is a powerful day on which various incidents of both a positive and negative nature can occur. Also, dreams can appear both foreshadowing positive events and negative ones.

It is worth taking a good look at the dreams that come to a person during great times. church holidays. These are exactly the dreams that can portend:

Further significant events in a person’s life;

Childbirth and sudden death;

Possibility of changing place of residence;

Opportunity for advancement in the love sphere.

The entire dream is rarely remembered by a person. Mostly the brightest symbols are remembered. Numbers or even inscriptions may appear in a dream. A person remembers the attitudes towards him of people who participate in the events from the dream. It is also worth remembering that a prophetic dream can occur any night, but often the appearance of such dreams is associated with certain dates.

On what days do you have prophetic dreams?

It is believed that it is from Sunday to Monday night that one can make a dream. What does it mean? On this night you can ask for an event to appear that is about to happen. The way it appears in a dream is the way it will be in reality. This is often asked before an important transaction, before a trip, when they don’t know what to do love relationships.

Worth paying Special attention for dreams that occur from Thursday to Friday. Many mystics believe that such dreams predict long-term events. That is, if you dreamed of a wedding, you should not take it literally and expect that it will happen in a couple of months. The implementation of the events seen may take a couple of years.

If you had a dream from Saturday to Sunday, then it can come true before lunch. This means that it can predict meetings and other small joys that life will bring to the sleeper on the same day. The dream can be very disturbing and foreshadow some quarrels and conflicts - then you should be especially attentive to such clues and at some points remain silent, based on the events of the dreams.

It is also worth noting that dreams and visions happen. Which are repeated periodically. In these dreams, a person can see both the near and distant future, a future that invariably and often appears to him in a dream. Why is this happening? This happens when a person does not want to see obvious things or change his attitude towards life. He begins to have prophetic dreams that warn him of danger, but he does not want to listen to their parting words.

So, we figured out what days prophetic dreams can occur. You should not be categorical and refuse to believe dreams that appeared on other days. They may also come true. The main thing is not to look for negativity in dreams. It is worth remembering that any reality can be changed. If a dream foreshadows something bad, you should thank your subconscious that it warned you in advance about the occurrence of such an event. Then it will be possible to change something for the better or prevent trouble altogether.

Dreaming is the most mysterious phenomenon human life. Esotericists believe that any dreams carry some information. But why do some prophetic dreams come true and others not? What if we are missing something important in the clues of fate?

What are prophetic dreams?

Not every dream is a hint for the future. Often we cannot cope with daytime experiences that spill out during the night's rest and simply cannot see prophetic dreams. And not everyone has the talent of clairvoyance, which some people develop over the years. What prophetic dreams mean in the understanding of most people is a prophecy that we receive when immersed in the kingdom of Morpheus. If what you saw was really a hint from above, then soon your dreams will come true.

Prophetic dreams are divided into two types: literal and symbolic. Literal dreams include dreams, the actions of which are accurately transferred to real life. It is much more difficult to understand symbolic dreams, because predictions in such dreams come in the form of symbols and indirect clues. Such predictions are almost impossible to decipher without dream books.

How to distinguish a prophetic dream from an ordinary one?

Some clairvoyants say that predictions come in unusual light and are remembered in great detail. How to find out whether a dream is prophetic or not, if it is not so easy to understand this issue, because predictions are not much different from an ordinary dream. In what case will you definitely not see the clues of fate:

  1. Having eaten a hearty meal. Scientists have proven that people who overeat have nightmares, but when they fall asleep on an empty stomach, they think about their favorite foods.
  2. Taking medications changing human consciousness, such as alcoholic drinks and drugs.
  3. Feeling painful disorders in the body. Headache, fever and body spasms do not allow the body to completely immerse itself in dreams.
  4. External factors . If the room is too hot or cold, or there is a source of bright light or loud sounds, then it is impossible to get a predictive dream.

What kind of people have prophetic dreams?

IN modern times There are many who want to receive a hint of fate by plunging into the kingdom of Morpheus. Turning to history, you can find out that ancestors more often saw prophetic dreams. This is explained by the fact that ancient people were more attentive to predictions and worked harder to solve them. At first, people believed that only representatives of religious movements, such as priests, monks and priests, possessed clairvoyance. When asked who has prophetic dreams, psychics answer that any person who has the maximum ability can receive a prophecy.

Why do I often have prophetic dreams?

Don't be afraid of your dreams. In support of this, scientists have put forward a theory. They explained why prophetic dreams occur: throughout the day a person experiences a large number of emotions, but due to his busyness does not notice the small details of what is happening. That’s why strange dreams appear, which pull out from the depths of the subconscious all the details of the past day.

How to see a prophetic dream?

In order to receive a prediction for the future, it is necessary to properly prepare for such a phenomenon. Practicing clairvoyants say that predictions come most often early morning. You need to make sure that nothing will disturb you during this time. Before we fall asleep, we focus on our problem, think about all possible methods for solving it, and when we wake up, we try to remember all the details of what we saw and decipher them.

Those who want to know how to induce a prophetic dream should pay attention to the conspiracy. To carry out the ritual, you need to take a round mirror and put it under the bed with the words: “As light and darkness are reflected in a mirror, so will my future be reflected and dreamed of”. Then, after thinking about what worries you, go to the land of dreams and receive fateful clues.

Prophetic dreams - how to develop a gift?

In esotericism there are several rules for developing your own gift. How to learn to see prophetic dreams when you really need it:

  1. To purify consciousness, you need to sincerely believe that clairvoyance can be achieved by anyone.
  2. While in a daydream, it is important to try to focus on the most basic thing, whether it be pictures, voice or emotions - it’s different for everyone.
  3. It is recommended to take up meditation, it helps develop your inner voice. After all, the most important thing in the ability to decipher a prediction is internal harmony with oneself.

On what days do you have prophetic dreams?

If you are interested in a dream, you need to not only look into the dream book, but also take into account the day on which you dreamed it. Everyone has long known that every day is influenced by a certain planet. Depending on this, we receive predictions or suffer from it, and some people cannot sleep at all. You can find out on which days you have prophetic dreams using this hint:

  1. Monday is under the patronage of the Moon. She is responsible for human emotions and sensitivity. If you dreamed of something pleasant and bright, you can safely turn your ideas into reality.
  2. Tuesday ruled by Mars, responsible for courage and strength. There are no predictions on this day. Chaotic activity and an abundance of plots do not allow one to grasp the specific essence of the dream.
  3. Wednesday- day of Mercury. The lightness and calmness of this planet will help you see the true solution to problems.
  4. Thursday, being in the power of Jupiter, is responsible for activity and actions. Prophetic dreams from Thursday to Friday are the most stable, since on this day most people’s intuition becomes more intense.
  5. Friday patronized by sensual Venus. On this night you can predict the fate of both yourself and your loved ones.
  6. Saturday is marked by trials of fate sent by Saturn. Often, night dreams come true on the same day.
  7. Sunday- day of the Sun. Giving strength and energy, this planet shows how busy we are in real life. This is a clear reason to stop and take a break from all the problems.

Is it possible to tell prophetic dreams?

Experts in the mystical field advise not to talk about your night dreams. First you need to decipher the prophecy and outline a plan of action in accordance with the prompts from above. Prophetic dreams can be told only when you are sure that everything you saw has already come true. And even in this case, you should not trust everyone, let only the closest people become listeners.

Prophetic dreams - fact or fiction?

For many years, scientists have been trying to understand whether prophetic dreams actually exist. How to refute this phenomenon They are not able to, then it is also impossible to deny the existence of predictions. In addition, history has recorded a lot interesting cases, in which great scientists and poets have prophetic dreams. For example: Pushkin repeatedly saw the necessary rhymes, immersed in deep dreams, and the great scientist Mendeleev discovered the chemical table in a dream and many artists paint paintings based on dreams.

There is a theory that there is an information field around our world. This field contains all information about the past, present and future. And at the moment when we are maximally ready to perceive the future, our consciousness plunges into information flow. But as they say, “how many people, so many opinions,” so whether to believe in clairvoyance or not is up to everyone to decide.

Prophetic dreams and Orthodoxy

In Holy Scripture you can often find prophecies sent by God through dreams. In biblical times, anyone could become a fortuneteller, regardless of their faith or financial status. Scripture also speaks of the appearance of false dreams, which are far from revelation and carry a detrimental effect on spiritual purity. Orthodoxy tries not to perceive prophetic dreams as true predictions, and priests say that the Bible itself is the main source of answers to all questions.

The concept of “prophetic dreams” implies dreams in which a person can see a certain event that after some time occurs in real life. Since ancient times, people have taken this phenomenon very seriously, but there is still no reliable answer to the question of why prophetic dreams occur. Of course, not every dream is true. Also, you should not equate with them various symbols and images, which can be interpreted in completely different ways.

A true prophetic dream is considered a very rare occurrence. More often, a person, having seen a certain image, tries to fit it into reality, and if any coincidences arise, he begins to consider the dream true. As a rule, only selected people who devote their entire lives to a specific cause manage to see prophetic dreams. In fact, their brain gets used to it over time and, as it were, tunes in to a specific wave; a kind of obsession appears in its activity, which is reflected in dreams. This is how artists see their future masterpieces in their dreams, scientists see important scientific discoveries, etc.

What causes them?

To understand various aspects this interesting phenomenon, and also answer main question A lot of research has been conducted into why prophetic dreams occur. It was possible to find out that the prediction seen is always associated with the part of the brain that is responsible for emotional manifestations. The most clear and clear dreams are for people of a creative nature, as well as for those who practice various meditation techniques and yoga.

As for the question of when exactly true dreams come, there is also no exact answer. There are quite a few folk beliefs, according to which, a prophetic dream can be seen in certain days week, for example on the night from Thursday to Friday or from Monday to Tuesday or during some specific phase of the moon. IN ancient Rus' people believed that true predictions dream about baptism, but Catholics believe that such dreams always come at Christmas. There is also a theory that the greatest likelihood of having true dreams occurs on days when there is an energetic imbalance, for example, on the full moon or during the summer or winter solstice.

Types of dreams

Prophetic dreams can be literal and symbolic. Literal dreams are always easy to interpret, and the events seen in them are repeated in detail in real life. Much harder to analyze symbolic images, which can also predict the future, but not directly, but indirectly.

And although the nature of prophetic dreams is still poorly understood, they can all be divided into three groups, the first of which will include dreams associated with human activities, which she is engaged in most of her time. History knows many examples when poets saw their poems in their dreams, composers create melodies, engineers find new ideas for projects, etc. similar dreams can be easily explained by the fact that the human brain is heavily loaded with certain information. Even when distracted by extraneous matters, consciousness continues to concentrate on a specific activity or a specific idea. When a person sleeps, he is in complete silence in a state of rest, and it is at this moment that consciousness can give out an idea or solution to a problem that could not have been born before.

To some extent, those dreams that come true by the will of the person himself can also be classified as prophetic. We can simply believe that the dream we had is true and carry it out ourselves. It is also related to brain activity.

The third group is the most interesting and mysterious, because it includes those dreams that can be associated with the real gift of clairvoyance. Such dreams are seen by people with a very fine mental organization and emotional sphere. No one can reliably explain the ability to see the future in a dream, but, nevertheless, such a phenomenon exists.


Many people try not to show their true interest in dreams, but once they have seen a prophetic dream, they radically change their worldview. But how can you understand when dreams are truly prophetic? They can be recognized by the following criteria:

Astrologers claim that such true dreams are a solution to future or existing problems, which is suggested to a person by some higher mind.


The interpretation of dreams can only be appropriate when they do not concern truly exciting issues. this moment problems or events. If you go to bed on a full stomach in a poorly ventilated room, it is quite natural that you may have nightmares that essentially mean nothing and do not portend anything. Also, prophetic dreams cannot be dreamed and in a state alcohol intoxication or as a result of taking any psychotropic drugs or other medications. True dreams occur only under normal conditions and when you feel well. Often they are in no way connected with present reality, therefore, upon waking up, a person cannot build any logical chains in order to somehow interpret his own dreams.

In fact, dream books are not needed to interpret dreams, but it is important internal state the person himself, his emotions, feelings, intuition. Astrologers believe that when trying to understand the meaning of a particular dream, it is necessary to take into account the day on which it was dreamed, the phase of the moon and other factors. Often true dreams occur at a time in life when a person is experiencing some difficulties or going through serious changes. It is important to note that even unpleasant or downright scary prophetic dreams should not be taken too seriously and turned into an obsession, since this is just a tiny part of a person’s future, which can be interpreted in different ways, because a dream reflects, first of all, the internal state personality.

The most striking examples

The history of mankind knows many examples when someone managed to see a dream that was truly prophetic and significant in all respects. If you turn to the Bible, you can remember Joseph, to whom an angel came in a dream and ordered him to take Mary, pregnant with Jesus, to his house. Hecuba also had a prophetic dream. She dreamed that she gave birth to a torch that burned the entire city. To prevent the dream from coming true, her newborn son Paris was left far in the mountains, but he grew up and returned to Troy, meeting the beautiful Helen there. Further events are known - a brutal war broke out, and the city was completely burned.

Also of interest is the incident that occurred with the President of the United States of America, Abraham Lincoln, who received a prophecy about his own death in a dream. Exactly ten days before his death, he dreamed of a coffin under the state one, standing in the middle of the hall in the White House. It was the funeral of the country's president.

An interesting fact is that many of the greatest scientists and artists saw prophetic dreams and found inspiration in them to make scientific discoveries and creativity. One can immediately recall the case when Dmitry Mendeleev managed to see a table of chemical elements in a dream. You can remember others greatest examples: the writer Dante dreamed of the plot of his famous “Divine Comedy”, the mathematician Turing saw the scheme and created the first computer based on it, the composer Tartini wrote “The Devil’s Sonata”, also inspired by the plot of his dream.


Many people are interested in the question of how and when this can be done. In ancient times, people performed special rituals to attract true dreams. In fact, anyone can try to do this by doing a few simple rules psychological preparation:

  • before going to bed, it is useful to meditate to relax, clear your thoughts and concentrate as much as possible on the desired object;
  • it is also important to correctly formulate the desire in your mind, because even scientists do not deny the materiality of thoughts, the main thing is that they are clearly formulated;
  • trying to induce prophetic dreams, you can light pleasant incense in the room, you must go to bed alone;
  • if you see true dream If you succeed, it is advisable to remember it well, so that you can then try to interpret it correctly. There are also special techniques for remembering images seen.

The human mind, as well as memory, rests during sleep, which explains why it can be so difficult to remember one’s own dream. Interestingly, prophetic dreams are usually so clear and vivid that they are practically not forgotten. If a person tries to invoke a true dream intentionally, he needs to learn to remember it. To do this, you can keep a kind of dream diary, in which you will need to record in detail each of the dreams you have and be sure to date them. You need to enter information into your diary immediately after waking up to make sure you don’t forget anything. Subsequently, it will be possible to compare events occurring in life with your own dreams and understand whether any of them were truly prophetic.

To whom and when do you have prophetic dreams? Prophetic dreams are prophetic dreams. They can predict future cataclysms, bad or good events. For many, prophetic dreams cause skepticism; their existence can be called doubtful. But this is only at first glance.

Even in the distant past, prophetic dreams excited people with their mystery and unknown nature. Since ancient times people have been interested who gets dreams like this?. It was believed that a prophetic dream may come only to people close to religion. They listened to them, although in truth they very rarely had prophetic dreams.

Despite doubts, scientists believe that prophetic dreams really exist. Multiple studies have shown that positive events are predicted less frequently than negative ones. Weddings, the birth of a child, and other joyful moments are not as often predicted as disasters, death, illness and murder. Statistics say: dark prophetic dreams account for 80%. And the probability of seeing them is 1:22,000. Experts explain prophetic dreams by the fact that our subconscious never sleeps. It is constantly at work, recording every event of our life when consciousness is dormant. Then, in a dream, information comes that can be regarded as a prophetic dream. In addition, we often replay in our heads an event that we would like to see in reality. When the subconscious transmits this information to us in dreams, we can sometimes mistake it for prophetic things.

To find out when prophetic dreams occur, it is worth paying attention to the lunar and solar calendars. Zodiac data also influences the appearance of such predictive dreams. Astrologers say that not all people can see prophetic dreams. It depends on the zodiac sign they were born under. Who is most likely to have prophetic dreams? According to experts, colorful prophetic dreams most often occur representatives of such zodiac signs as Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. These people were born under the sign of the water element. Cancer sees prophetic dreams in positive tones. Mostly he dreams of traveling to distant, unexplored countries. Dreams may be career related. This also applies to Scorpios. But Pisces dreams of love adventures, which often come true.

There is an opinion that those who have prophetic dreams, - people are bright, spiritually rich, living a rich, stormy life.

Often prophetic dreams come to us in the form unidentified, chaotic pictures, sets of plots that defy logical explanation. In this case, you have to interpret prophetic dreams yourself or seek help from specialists. Such specialists were and are the famous great scientist-philosophers Jung, Freud, the prophets Vanga, Nostradamus and others. Who, if not them, knows more about these dreams than anyone else! These people devoted a lot of time to the study of prophetic dreams, their origin and interpretation. Jung, for example, just like modern scientists, believed that The culprit for the appearance of prophetic dreams is the subconscious, which supplies consciousness with certain information. According to S. Freud, prophetic dreams are associated with human sexual instincts. He believed that attention should be paid to the smallest details in order to put together a picture of subconscious desire. Vanga and Nostradamus had the rare gift of prophecy. Having a keen perception of the world, they saw in their dreams events that came true and are still coming true, after the death of the prophets.

In connection with these discoveries and the prophetic gift, these people created dream books, where they invested their knowledge regarding prophetic dreams. Scientists around the world worked on these books for centuries, discovering new and unknown details as thousands of people puzzled over this strange phenomenon. Symbols in dream books are presented in alphabetical order. Each detail has its own interpretation - either it is a description of a situation that is possible in the future, or an interpretation of the paths along which you need to move in life. These explanations make it possible to correctly understand what you saw in a dream and it is possible to identify prophetic dreams.

Prophetic dreams are a phenomenon still shrouded in mystery. When and who has prophetic dreams?– is an individual question. But it has been proven for sure: their appearance does not depend on the position in society, a person’s appearance or material wealth. It is a gift that can come to anyone, at any time. Listen to your dreams, perhaps they will show you the way to the future.

Dear readers, tell us about your prophetic dreams, if you have any. When and what is the reason for their appearance, in your opinion?

A prophetic dream is a night vision that warns a person about what may happen to him in the future. This kind of vision most likely comes to every person, but not everyone understands and perceives their meaning.

The results of the studies showed that approximately 13-38% of people had at least one prophetic dream.

A real prophetic dream should directly, and not indirectly, predict future events. For example, a girl saw her in a dream own wedding, and after a while he actually receives a marriage proposal. Prophecies can concern not only personal life an individual, but entire states. For example, before the tragedy in New York on September 11, many people subsequently admitted that in their dreams they had already seen the disaster in great detail.

A person can see from 4 to 7 dreams per night. The average dream period is between an hour and two each night.

There are several types of prophetic dreams:

Pseudo-prophetic dreams. When a person himself adjusts events. For example, a snake. The dream book says that this means trouble. Man being impressed and in bad mood, he himself runs into conflict. As a result, trouble happens. It turns out that, but he was not prophetic.

Twin dreams. A phenomenon that often occurs in creative people or among scientists who devote all their time to solving one problem. It is well known that D. Mendeleev dreamed of his periodic system in all its details.

Truly prophetic dreams. The situation in a dream is completely repeated in life. In 1741, Mikhail Lomonosov had a dream. The body of his father, washed up on an island in the White Sea. Upon arrival in St. Petersburg, Mikhail learns from his brother that there has been no news of his father for four months. He, as usual, went fishing and disappeared. He knew the island that Lomonosov saw in his dream - he and his father had been there during his childhood. Mikhail sends a letter to the local fishing crew with details of where to look for the body of his missing father, and in fact the fishermen find it.

How should you treat prophetic dreams?

Under no circumstances should you take dreams to heart, much less model your own after them. life situations, but you shouldn’t just ignore them.

Human life is multifaceted and there is no specific program that everything should happen exactly this way and not otherwise. You shouldn’t take dreams as a final verdict and start preparing for the worst. Perhaps this is just a signal or a warning, and whether to listen to it or not is a personal matter for everyone.



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