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What is a registration? Definition of the concept. Where are the best parties? In our dorm. What is registration for students?

Trying to understand youth slang and the worldview of modern teenagers, it is interesting to find out what a registration is. The fashion of big cities is rapidly addictive, so progressive youth strive in every possible way for emancipation, are in search of their inner self, and enjoy communicating with their own kind, so to speak. This is where it comes in handy to understand the meaning of the word entry in order to be at least a little closer to the younger generation. The question immediately arises of who is included and where.

What does the word entry mean?

The adult generation is little familiar with youth slang; it’s time to expand your own horizons and learn a lot of new things. Vpiska is a place where you can always spend the night for free and meet like-minded people. At a certain address, for example, in an apartment, young people gather according to their interests large quantities, discusses topical topics and shares impressions and personal experiences. Holding parties of this type lifts your spirits, helps you make new friends, and relax after a long journey without alcohol.

Tradition of entries

Such a progressive movement appeared in the Soviet Union, when hippies who did not have a permanent residence and wandered around the country were considered a popular youth trend. They were looking for places and suitable premises where they could stay overnight and communicate with new people. For them, this was one of the safest types of recreation in a circle of like-minded people. Such an opportunity to spend the night and arrange a meeting of “intellectual friends” is provided to young people in everyday life; the tradition of registration has been preserved.

What are registrations for young people?

Groups of people who gather at the homes of like-minded people and walk until the morning, participate in the registration, they are, as it were, “inscribed” in new company. This is an opportunity to see new world, to be in an unfamiliar environment. You can choose a dacha, an apartment, an abandoned house, a dorm room or other types of housing for your entry. You can’t invite a girl here for a romantic date, but you can have an unforgettable time with friends with jokes, music and songs. Simply put, registration is when you can go to friends of friends, where you can find temporary shelter.

Types of entries

Like-minded people can be found on the Internet, for example, VKontakte or other social networks and sites. It is quite possible to approach unfamiliar companies or become a member chance meeting. IN modern society exist different types entries, however, this youth term has a standard meaning for the younger generation. One way or another, the newcomer will have to find himself in someone else's apartment.


This is the most simplified entry option when we're talking about about a small party among like-minded people. Such events are always noisy and fun, and small companies always have something to talk about, something to discuss, and how to have fun. “Flat” translated from English means “apartment”, and young people gather mainly to listen to music. They communicate even if they don't know each other. Party for the most ordinary people, however, according to informals, this is a tough party without rules. So the explanations are very contradictory.


This is the safest type of vacation, since you can meet in the same company with good friends and old acquaintances. Required condition such a social event - an equal number of boys and girls listening to music, communicating, sharing emotions and experiences, playing games. The Legion very soon becomes boring, and young people choose already unsafe types of meetings to find new friends.


Each owner prepares for such a long event in advance, stocking up big amount food and alcoholic drinks. When figuring out what a “subscription” is in youth slang, it’s worth immediately clarifying that young people on a “submarine” are going to remote places, disappears from civilization for several days, switches off Cell phones to mentally rest and relax. There are several overnight stays ahead, and newcomers are faced with an unusual environment. The most interesting thing is dancing, drinking, socializing at night.


This is a noisy get-together with a huge number of strangers in an apartment, where there is nowhere for anyone to fall. The apartment is not suitable for living, but you can have a free snack, spend the night, and have fun. This is not a safe place to hang out because under certain conditions life situation and under the current circumstances, a police squad may knock on the door at night, having received a complaint from disgruntled neighbors.

Road Party

In this case, young people get together, traveling to unfamiliar city. The meeting place can be a train carriage, a ship's cabin, or other types of public transport. The purpose of the registration is to search for like-minded travel companions, new acquaintances, and determine a place of temporary residence. This kind of travelers belongs to a separate community and will find temporary shelter in any country in the world.

What do they do at registrations?

If particularly active teenagers organize such large-scale events, it is for the purpose of socializing and having fun. You can also live for free in a foreign city, meet new people, make useful contacts and create an accurate list of where you can always spend the night for free. This is what young people often do when they don’t get along with their parents or the kids in their yard. The desire to stand out from the crowd and express oneself makes the entry especially popular among the masses. This extraordinary tradition has been alive for many decades and continues to live.

How to get registered

The task of the organizers is not only to find a free apartment and a secluded place, but also to provide progressive youth with exciting leisure time, unforgettable fun, and for themselves a good reputation and new acquaintances. Registration is practiced in almost every city, but the appearances and passwords are hidden from the public. Such meetings of “friends” are accompanied by secrecy, and you can get to this kind of event through friends. Other options for finding out about registration are presented below:

  • through social media, groups, VKontakte applications;
  • using youth sites, World Wide Web forums;
  • from conversations of advanced peers;
  • from well-known partygoers from personal circles.

How to behave at registrations

If you decide to attend such a traditional party, you need to find out everything existing rules so as not to accidentally offend the host of this event. If the global question, what is registration among young people, no longer causes difficulties in answering, then not all newcomers, good guys, are familiar with the basic rule of the party. Here's what you need to know before agreeing to such an extraordinary pastime with like-minded people:

  1. The owner of the registration, even before the start of the evening, announces the basic rules that mandatory must be observed by all those present. For example, a dress code may be introduced, or an exciting check of guests upon entering the apartment may be prepared.
  2. Politeness and cleanliness are the main tasks of all invited guests, who must respect the host’s home. So, wash the dishes yourself, take out the trash in a timely manner and pack the bed.
  3. Other people's things cannot be taken out of the apartment; moreover, you should not even touch them without prior permission. Otherwise, you can anger the owner and be left homeless at night due to violation of basic rules.
  4. You cannot use landline phones in the owner’s apartment, and if you really need to, you need to ask his permission. International and long-distance calls are out of the question.
  5. More often you have to sleep on the floor, and use the bathroom and kitchen only with permission. Do not occupy such public places for a long time, do not abuse the hospitality of the owner of the registration.

Earlier my uncle told me about his student years spent in the dorm. These were stories about booze, sex, drugs, which were very difficult to believe. Now, I’m 18 years old, I moved to another city to study and began to understand my uncle. One day something crazy happened, now I’ll tell you about it.

We have a company, every Friday we gather in one of the rooms, and in general, like most students, we drink alcoholic drinks while listening to music loudly. The beginning of this evening was practically no different from the others - everyone gets drunk to the point of nausea, and then someone dies at the sink, someone makes out with someone else, or generally spends a great time with a neighbor in the toilet.

It’s already past twelve, the music is still playing loudly, and the most fun stage has begun. At the same time, someone starts knocking on the door. Most of us thought that it was one of our own who had come and we simply did not react. Then came the second wave of knocks. I begin to notice that one of the drunkest gets out of bed, manages to get to the door, opens it, and there the guard meets him and starts yelling at us to turn off the music, otherwise she will call the cops. After that, she calmly turns around and leaves.

None of us paid any attention to it, as drunk students should. All this continued, by that time I had already managed to retire with the senior student in the far corner of the room. The people were already starting to disperse. I was confident in my abilities, we felt good together, there was a feeling that there was no one but us... We just didn’t notice anyone. After some time, most of them went to smoke in the corridor - we were left alone. I realized that this was my chance! Taking this opportunity, I run up to the door and lock it, then I sit down on the bed with her, she smiles sweetly, I take her hand, our eyes crossed and this happened, I think you understand.

It all started so quickly that already 30 seconds after everyone else left, we were lying in bed, because we had very little time. We heard someone start banging on the door. After a couple of seconds, some adult voices were heard. Julia, that was the girl’s name, asked me to open the door. As soon as I opened the door, two huge big guys burst into the room and knocked me to the floor. Yulia starts screaming, by which time all the remaining people come running to scream. The reason for this visit turned out to be not loud music at 3 am or drunk bodies on the floor, but drugs. The watchwoman, calling the cops, said that we smoke and have illegal substances. After the men realized that they had come in vain, they let me go and they left. In the end, no one except the watchman had any problems. That's it, to be honest, I was blown away

Vpiska is a place where a hitchhiker can spend the night, wash, eat and, having rested, hit the road again. True, the same term also applies to apartments where young people gather in a familiar or unfamiliar company for a party and hang out until the morning. That is, as you understand, registration means the opportunity to be a guest at some address, to temporarily “fit in.”

Today we will clarify how and why various types of entries are organized. Probably, information about the rules of behavior on the territory provided by the hospitable host will also be of interest to the reader.

Where did the new meaning of the word “inscription” come from?

History says that the term mentioned appeared in the Soviet Union, when the hippie movement became fashionable. It was then that free youth looked for a place where they could all get together and have fun. Moreover, hippies never had money, and they always loved to travel around the vast country - and in such situations, their registration helped them out, allowing them to spend the night and relax for free.

It is very important to have mailing addresses

Perhaps not everyone understands what to do during registration. After all, this is, basically, not an invited visit (although today this is increasingly the case), but a forced stop along the way, which for hippies and similar representatives of other youth movements almost never ends. Therefore, the masters keep precious notebooks in which not surnames are written in alphabet, but the names of cities with the addresses of those who can provide an entry, and therefore the opportunity to spend the night under a roof, wash and eat.

Features of life on registration

For a newcomer, his first listing (you can see photos of such apartments in this article) is an entrance into a special world of free and sometimes very strange relationships. After all, most often those who come have no idea who from this colorful crowd located on every centimeter of the apartment is the owner. But he cannot always answer how many people (“people”) there are in this moment lives on its territory.

And although the rules that all guests in the house try to follow are usually dictated by the owner, how the next entry will end largely depends on the company gathered at the moment under one roof.

Usually, the conditions of stay at the registration are far from those of a hotel: there are much fewer beds in the apartment than there are people willing to spend the night, so guests sleep 3-4 people on a single bed or even on the floor. If one of the experienced ones has his own, then they look at him as a master of survival, and they are not mistaken - he will not be lost anywhere!

And what do you feel like in the morning?

Yes, for many people the word “incorporation” sounds magical and romantic! What does this noisy, motley group, a bunch of new acquaintances and prospects mean for a newcomer? Probably some kind of initiation into a special world, unlike the boring and ordinary one that is observed around.

True, in the morning from fatigue and an uncomfortable position during sleep, which, alas, there is no way to change, because everyone is lying like sprats in a jar! My head aches, heavy from tobacco (and other) smoke, through which I had to look at my roommates. And the check-in visitor himself looks very shabby, because he has to sleep in clothes.

You must follow the rules of residence at the registration

Registration is, in spite of everything, an opportunity to feel freedom, allowing you to break free at any moment and go wherever your heart desires. And in order to get on the list again and again, in order to please experienced travelers who can give you new addresses, try to follow the generally accepted rules:

  • the host dictates conditions that are unconditionally fulfilled by all guests (if he goes to bed early, you do the same, and if he hangs out until the morning, no sleep is expected);
  • Be polite;
  • cleanliness should be your credo (wash the dishes not only for yourself and be sure to take out the trash);
  • you cannot touch other people's things;
  • a landline telephone can only be used with the owner’s permission and within the city limits (it’s unlikely that anyone would like to pay for other people’s long-distance calls);
  • bathroom and kitchen are amenities that are used only with the permission of the owner;
  • When going on a trip, take some tasty treats with you to thank the kind person for his hospitality.

Be friendly and sociable, get to know your neighbors - this can always come in handy.

Why is registration useful?

If, by all means, you want to watch the sunrise on the St. Petersburg embankment or walk along the Black Sea beach, but you don’t have the money for it, then register - what you need. She will help your dream come true, however, for this you need to find a person who will let you in.

By the way, do not think that every apartment where registration is practiced is always something similar to a brothel and a drug den at the same time. No, not always! After all, it is often organized by lonely people in need of communication, for whom new acquaintances are much more valuable than any monetary equivalent. This is how accommodations appear, which are more like hostels for those who have no funds at all, and in the media you can read advertisements inviting those who want to spend the night at an accommodation.

True, in large cities there are much more such addresses than in small ones. And experienced travelers keep the best of them in their treasured notebooks and share them only within their own circle. But if you set a goal, you can find such an entry in any geographical location.

Remember that after receiving desired number telephone, do not delay calling: make an agreement in advance, because the owner may have other plans or an excessive number of guests at the time of your arrival.

Be sure to introduce yourself to the owner by phone and explain how you found out your registration number, when you are arriving and how long you want to stay. By the way, you may be refused without even explaining the reasons. Well, keep searching, call other numbers, someone will definitely take you. Know that if you have any acquaintances with the intended owner (this means those who have visited him before), then the chance of arranging registration is much higher than in other cases.

Let us separately remember what it means to register with friends

There are also types of entries that have special names. For example, “Legion”: it is considered one of the safest, because everyone gathered in one apartment knows each other and comes together not only to drink alcoholic beverages, but also to communicate.

Guys, as a rule, bring girls with them, sometimes those they met through correspondence. This brings an element of adventure to the meetings. Although, unfortunately, after only five or six meetings, the “legionnaires” begin to look for places to sign up on the side...

An entry called “Flet” is considered even safer. Friends and acquaintances gather there to do what they love, for example, listening to music, watching a match or playing on the computer. By the way, such “congresses” were especially honored by the informals under the Soviet Union: dissidents gathered here.

Is it dangerous to spend the night on the premises?

Let's not hide it, for beginners going to strangers in a strange city is a fairly big risk of running into a psychopath or maniac. But this is not what you should be most afraid of. After all, registration is very often a place for cheerful parties, with drinking and more. And only in the morning, the one who has taken the excess suddenly finds himself robbed, and it’s good, if only that!

In this case, there is only one conclusion: don’t get carried away with alcohol! Do not use suspicious potions, be careful and prudent if there are strangers around you! Good luck with your registration!

School and student years are considered the best. No worries or problems, half the day is studying, and half the day you can relax, walk and actively spend time with friends. Students and schoolchildren spend a lot of time communicating with each other, because it is the friends of this period who stay with us for life. How do modern youth relax? One of the favorite pastimes of students and schoolchildren is to gather at someone's place. But not everyone is familiar with this expression. In this article we will talk about what “on lists” means.

Origin of the phrase

Every teenager today can tell you what “on the list” means. This is a group of friends or strangers who have gathered in one apartment to have fun. This is a modern interpretation. But where did this phrase come from? The word “incorporation” came into active use among Soviet citizens in the 1980s.

This expression owes its popularity to the promotion of the hippie style in our country. Hippies, who led a vagabond lifestyle, always wanted to have a place where they could rest, communicate with fellow souls and sleep in normal conditions. It’s precisely these gatherings with friends, and often completely strangers and began to be called pisks. Today there are many such meetings various types, which we will discuss below.

How are the parties going?

Many parties of this kind take place in apartments. Most often, they are organized by schoolchildren on those evenings when parents leave home. But it happens that students also organize parties in their apartments or apartments that they rent. What is “on the list” in the minds of young people? This is a party to which many friends and friends of friends are invited. Young people buy many types of alcohol, cigarettes or hookahs. Many young people at such events even “indulge” in soft drugs. The registration is considered successful if at the end of the evening the neighbors, who have already repeatedly complained about loud music, call the police. This way, children feel like adults, like the characters in their favorite comedy films. This is a standard party scenario, but entries vary:

  • Meeting people with similar interests - board games are very popular today. But the guys who enjoy this kind of leisure are not always surrounded by people who share their interests. Therefore, you can often find an advertisement for registration, the purpose of which is to get together in a large group and play board game a certain type.
  • Carriage meetings are practiced quite often. People who have a long journey from one end of the country to another can find friends with similar interests. Such companies usually occupy adjacent seats in a reserved seat or even retire to a compartment. Of course, it happens that the purpose of such gatherings is an intellectual conversation, but more often people are just going to have a drink.

  • Sassy stranger - entries of this kind are a little dubious. A description of such an unexpected guest can be given using an example. A stranger approaches you on the street and asks you for shelter for one night. It's up to you to decide whether to give a person a roof over their head or not. Sometimes these are people who really have had troubles, but often this method of spending the night is practiced by those who feel sorry for paying money for a hotel.
  • Unplanned party - there are many examples of such inclusions in foreign cinema. Standard youth comedies often tell the story of how some modest student is visited by a group of his friends, friends of their friends, and friends of these friends.

Who goes to registration?

Parties are most often attended by students who want to unwind after a day of school. Young people have a large reserve of time and have the opportunity to sleep off in the morning after a sleepless night. But do all students like such events? Youth slang, cigarettes, piercings and dancing until you drop - these activities are somehow naturally associated with adolescence. After all, it is at this time that recklessness turns into responsibility for one’s actions.

But not all young people experience this period. There are nerds who don’t understand why registrations are needed at all, and try to avoid such events. And there are quiet people who, perhaps, would like to go to the party, but no one invites them there. In general, Russian enrollment usually consists of young people who are considered good students at the university, and those students who often get “satisfactory” grades.

How do the parties end?

We understand what “on registration” means, and now we will find out how such events end. Usually, drunken brawls among young people are dispersed by the police or neighbors. The latter simply cannot fall asleep to loud music, stomping and loud speech. But if no one disturbs young people, then the likelihood that the night party will turn into a morning one is very high. But most of the guests of the event will either go home or fall asleep by that time. It also happens that after one party, students move to another or go together to continue having fun at a nightclub.

Why is this type of entertainment needed?

Like youth slang, drunken parties are needed by students in order to feel more mature and have fun in their youth. Usually people who did not have fun parties during their college years begin to catch up at the age of 30. But most people by this time have already managed to start a family and children.

And when all you think about is parties and clubs, it’s quite difficult to be a good father or a worthy mother. Therefore, everything must happen in a timely manner. After all, only when one stage of life has been experienced can conclusions be drawn from it. Of course, this does not mean that you need to test everything from your own experience.

Examples of film entries

The youth company in the Russian-made film “Hipsters” perfectly demonstrates examples of how apartment parties were held in the USSR. Moreover, modern real life not far from this fictional scenario. Human feelings timeless. Students and schoolchildren will always be friends, fall in love and hate. These first experiences build character and help a person to better adapt to adulthood.

“The Bachelor Party in Vegas” is a sensational film about a wild night before the wedding. Undoubtedly, this picture is loved by modern youth not only due to the abundance of comedic situations, but also because the picture teaches how to avoid awkward situations that the groom and his friends may encounter.

How do parents view the recreation of modern youth?

When friends’ registration ends with the arrival of the police, parents usually don’t even know about it. But when the party ends with the arrival of the guards of peace directly to the student and schoolchildren, his parents fly into a rage. A lecture begins about how the son is a disgrace to the family, and it is unclear who he has become.

But how can you scold a child for growing up, learning the rules of living on the register and having fun from the heart? Decent children will not be rowdy, they are too well brought up for this, but they are unlikely to refuse to dance and have a little drink.

What conclusions do young people draw?

Vpiska in youth jargon is not just a party, it is an event where you can meet interesting people. You can later become with many of them best friends. The turbulent student years go differently for everyone. Some people prefer to sit at their textbooks, while others prefer to dance until the morning. You can't blame people for finding pleasure in different things.

But former students who prioritized their studies may not have the chance to attend registration and meet incredibly colorful people. It's all about setting priorities, and what to focus on - everyone decides for themselves.

Neighbors, food, hygiene and the communist system - everything you need to know about student dormitories

Entering a university is already quite an exciting step. adult life. But for many it is also a baptism of fire in independent life. And if you think that life in a student dormitory is a lot of fun and long-awaited independence, then you are certainly right. But you will also find that clothes no longer wash themselves, ready-made food is no longer waiting for you on the table, money is like water, and privacy and silence are the most valuable currency after food.

1. Neighbors

If you are lucky enough to live in a separate room your whole life, forget about it for the next five years. Now you will have neighbors. Not only behind the wall, but also in the room. As a rule, two or three students live in one room. And this random people with your quirks. You will have time to get to know them better, but do not rush to spoil your relationship with them.

If you come across a neighbor who washes the floors strictly in his half of the room and twitches when you sit on his bed, or a neighbor who quickly builds nests of candy wrappers around himself, eats crumbs from the keyboard and turns his deep house on at full blast, don’t make a scandal . You can dump your neighbor. The easiest and most painless way is to find a person who meets your standards and agree on relocation. And watch your language - gossip spreads in such closed communities faster than you can close your mouth, completing your plaintive story about a bad neighbor. Good relationships with these people may come in handy in some non-trivial cases, which will be discussed below.

You shouldn't argue with your neighbors, because these are the people with whom you will spend the next few years.

2. Tolerance

You have a formed view of things, you know better than anyone who is to blame, what to do, what to listen to, what to say and what to think. Well, just know it quietly.

A student dorm is the whole world in miniature. Moreover, stuffed with the same maximalists

If you had any stereotypes regarding the mentality of residents of certain regions or representatives of certain subcultures, do not rush to broadcast them. They will still undergo significant revision in the near future.

Don't you like the smell when the Chinese are in the kitchen preparing "that food of theirs"? You'll soon be devouring their concoction on both cheeks. A dorm is a charge of tolerance (in rare unfortunate cases, an injection of misanthropy and xenophobia) for the rest of your life. Where else can you come into such close contact with so many absolutely different people- from devout Muslims to hockey fans, black metalists and skinheads?

3. Order

It’s better to agree with your roommates right away about how you’ll live, what time you’ll go to bed, how many times a month you’ll clean, and so on. At the same time, find out who is what in everyday life. You will immediately understand how this world works away from parental care. If you don’t clean up, no one will, the mountain of garbage will grow quickly, but, unfortunately, without legs. The bed will shelter half the contents of the closet and desk, and once you enter the room, you will not immediately be able to determine its location. Don’t get dirty in anticipation of the big cleanup; you can spend the weekend much more usefully by regularly and jointly maintaining order in the room.

It is better to agree on the mode of maintaining order in the room in advance.

4. Hygiene

If you live in a corridor-type dorm, do not part with your shower slippers. You don’t want to, like all those unfortunate people from advertising, writhe from itching, burning and unnecessary suffering? Oh, and get ready to remember your basin washing skills. Showers, they don’t work everywhere, and if they do, where is the guarantee that someone hasn’t confused them with a toilet? Well, if they do work, no one has confused them with anything else, take a book with you so as not to waste time in line.

5. Noise

If your neighbor regularly gets thrown up at six in the morning, he starts rattling plates, shuffling his feet and slamming drawers, you, of course, can try to dump him (see point 1) or re-educate him. But if everything is hopeless, get earplugs. An amazing invention: with them, neither such scrupulous larks, nor night drinking, nor anyone’s active sex life, it boils at least within an arm’s length radius (and the distances there are approximately the same).

You still can’t escape the noise in the dorm, so it’s better to buy earplugs right away

6. Commandant and security

The commandant is a supply manager and a representative of the authorities rolled into one. A necessary evil, to which you need to sacrifice your love of truth and do not hesitate to curry favor with him. Make friends with the commandant and the guards. The commandant will be able to move you to a better renovated room, bless you to move to a new neighbor, and generally, if necessary, will solve everyday problems rather than create new ones for you. If your team gets into the habit of often looking into your room to check, you can open the door naked once. She will be shy and will come around less often. It is better to cajole and feed the security - for a small bribe they will allow guests to visit you outside of school hours.

7. Room above the canopy

Do you like overnight guests? Then you just need to find out who lives in the room whose windows overlook the entrance canopy, and immediately make friends with them. Indeed, in the coming years of study, you and your friends will often climb through this window after midnight. By the way, three years ago there was still a curfew in the hostels, after which residents (officially) could not get through security. Therefore, the visor was also used in the absence of the steward who was lying around as a bribe for security. In 2014, the curfew was lifted, students are free to return home at any time. If for some reason they still don’t let you in, download your license. And send your friends to the visor.

If you already have to live in a hostel, then it is better to quickly understand that the main skill here is the ability to negotiate

8. Dead souls

According to Gogol: good soul- dead soul. If you want to live like a king, find a student who has the right to a place in the dorm, but by some lucky coincidence he is not going to use this right. Grab this man, run with him to the commandant and ask to be accommodated together. The dead soul goes to live with its sweetheart (or wherever it is going to live), and you enjoy the freed up space.

9. Communism

Lenin may not be alive, but his work is alive. Otherwise we would not have gathered here. Here is the main life hack - the communist system. To each according to his needs, from each according to his abilities. You will be surrounded by people with very different incomes. But all of them will be united by one common sign - the sparkle of hungry eyes. Don’t sneak gifts from grandma into corners, share them. Consider it an investment in the future. When you have nothing to eat, you will appreciate the percentage of this contribution: neighbors, remembering your delicious sausage, they will certainly feed you. By the way, this applies not only to food.

Living in a dorm means being able to share. Almost everything you have

10. Food

You will be tempted to eat all sorts of rubbish, which will fall to the bottom of the stomach, be difficult to digest and poison other organs. Even if your legs give way from fatigue, cook and eat normal food. All these chips, “doshirak” with dumplings and “cheburek in French” will come back to haunt you sooner or later. If you still don’t plan to stay in this world and the weight you’ve gained doesn’t bother you, at least think about money. Cooking is cheaper.

11. Keys

Don't lose your room keys, take care of them like the apple of your eye. Students sleep like the dead, so you have every chance of sleeping under the door if you're late. For the same reason, you should not close the door with a latch, only with a key.

Not everyone and not everyone lives in a hostel legally. Guests will probably come to you as well. To avoid kicking anyone out, you must, again, be able to support a good relationship with neighbors. If anything happens, they will cover you

12. Illegals

Do you remember good relations with all your neighbors? So that's what else they are needed for. If you are expelled from a university, according to the rules you must move out of the dormitory. But who really cares about these rules? Be a person of peace, and you'll be able to fit in at the dorm for years while you sort out your problems with recovery, work, and everything else.

Rented housing for a student is an unaffordable luxury. For most people, returning to their father's home is an unimaginable unwanted stress, a step back. You will be surprised at what lengths you are willing to go and in what position to sleep on the floor, just so as not to return to hometown and do not listen to the reproaches of your parents. Because at this moment you will definitely fall in love with someone, find some part-time job and become attached to the city and the hostel with all your heart.

In the same way, you can fit your friends who came from other cities (or locals who wanted something exotic) into the hostel for a short time. You can also include friends with your neighbors if you don’t have space in your room. What do you need for your neighbors to meet you halfway? Well, you understand. Periodically, the team combs the dorm for illegal immigrants. They are often found in closets. Therefore, it is better to hide illegal immigrants in the most visible place. Or from the neighbors.

13. Dramas

Lifehack for girls. If you stole her from a neighbor young man- check the cereal for the presence of fragments, and in general, be careful at first. Your closeness with your neighbor in this case gives rise to a huge number of options for revenge and reduces the number of obstacles to its execution.



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How to cook barley porridge in water?

Be sure to sort and rinse the barley before cooking, but there is no need to soak it. Shake the washed cereal in a colander, pour it into the pan and...

Units of measurement of physical quantities International System of Units SI

Units of measurement of physical quantities International System of Units SI

System of units of physical quantities, a modern version of the metric system. SI is the most widely used system of units in the world, as...

The essence and basic principles of flow organization of construction production

The essence and basic principles of flow organization of construction production

The organization of construction production involves the following areas of scientific and industrial activity: organization of construction,...

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