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Number 2 in pencil. How to draw beautiful numbers. Birthday number made from napkins

When the birthday of their beloved child approaches, all parents try to prepare all kinds of treats for their baby. To ensure that the holiday takes place in a solemn atmosphere, mothers and fathers decorate the apartment with balloons, photographs and other attributes of the celebration.

Volumetric figures for a child’s birthday are becoming increasingly popular among parents who want to decorate their apartment for the holiday, prepare for a photo shoot and simply make their child happy. However, not every parent knows how to make such a figure on their own.
The work on creating a deuce can be divided into two stages: creating a frame and decorating the number.

How to make a frame-base for a two-piece?

In order to make a frame, you will need:
  • large cardboard box,
  • wide tape,
  • paper-based masking tape,
  • ruler, marker,
  • stationery knife, scissors.

First you need to draw the number two on the box. Try to carefully draw all the corners. When the drawing is ready, it needs to be cut out. Since cutting thick cardboard with scissors is very difficult, it will be better and more convenient to use a stationery knife. Then you should make a copy of the two, placing the base on cardboard. As a result, you should have two cardboard figures.
To make the two look three-dimensional, you should cut out a few more cardboard elements and use tape to connect them to two numbers.

The frame is ready.
It is known that flowers made from napkins will not be attached to ordinary tape. To make the decorating process easier, you should cover all joints with paper-based tape. Cover the frame of the double with napkins of your favorite color using PVA glue.

How to decorate a three-dimensional figure?

There are many ways to decorate a three-dimensional figure. Some people prefer to use corrugated paper for decoration, others choose felt. There are also those who like flowers made from napkins.

In order to decorate a voluminous two-piece with roses made from napkins, you will need:
  • several packs of napkins of any color,
  • PVA glue,
  • stapler,
  • scissors,
  • cardboard circle.

The easiest way to make a flower from napkins.

1. Take three napkins folded in four. Place a medium-sized circle cut out of cardboard on top of them. Cut along the outline.
2. Staple all the resulting napkin circles in the center with a stapler.
3. Now you need to detach the top layer of the paper napkin and crumple it, then the second one, and so on. Crumple each layer individually, trying to apply as much pressure as possible from below. As a result, you should get a rose. You will need a lot of such flowers.
Preliminarily consider the design of the two-piece. It can be made either in one color or in a combination of several colors, you can come up with some unusual pattern, or you can simply alternate roses of different colors.
It is necessary to decorate the number with flowers not only on the front, but also on the sides. This will visually increase the size of the two-piece and give it additional volume.
Volumetric figure 2 is ready.

Description draw number 2

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Now let's draw two spheres next to each other.

1. Draw a circle. If space permits, continue on the same page.

2. Draw a second circle behind the first. To do this, use three of the. Draw a second circle a little smaller and a little higher on the paper than the first and hide it behind the first. In doing this, we are guided by the three laws of drawing: size, position, and overlap. Write these notes down in your notebook.

Law of size= Draw larger objects to make them look closer, smaller objects to make them look further away.

Law of arrangement= Draw objects on the bottom of the paper to make them look closer, and on the top to make them look further away.

Law of overlap= Draw objects in front, either partially overlapping other objects to make them appear closer, or hiding them behind other objects to make them appear further away.

So, draw the second sphere smaller, higher and not completely like in my sketch below.

3. Determine where the imaginary light source will be. This is perhaps the most important step in making a picture look realistic. Without determining the position of the light source, your drawing will not have appropriate shading. And without appropriate shading, your drawing will not look three-dimensional.

4. Let's draw a falling shadow. Keeping the location of your light source in mind, draw a cast shadow. Remember that it moves to the side, as if it were on the ground in the opposite direction from the light. You don't need a ruler to determine the exact mathematical angle. Just draw by eye!

As already mentioned, a good solid shadow serves as an anchor for the design on the surface of the paper. If you don't quite understand my explanation, just take a look at the example sketch and repeat it. Be patient - all this information will be repeated in the future and you will certainly master it.

5. “Secret” shadow. To separate objects in your image, draw a shadow between two adjacent spheres (we'll call this a "secret" shadow from now on). This shadow will allow you to indicate the separation of two objects. Notice how we labeled the “secret” shadow on the far sphere. The “secret” shadow is applied within the object, on the farthest one. To understand this, place your hands together on the table in front of you. Look at the small and very dark shadows that define the boundaries of each of the fingers. Make a note in your sketchbook: “secret” shadows: separating, defining and defining objects in your drawing.”

6. Using light pressure with the pencil, sketch out the first layer of shading on both spheres. Shade the surface opposite the light source. To achieve the desired effect, you need to apply several layers.

7. Glare. Make the second sphere darker without going overboard. Make the shading darker at the edge and lighter and lighter as it gets closer to the light source. Look at the sketch below and notice the brightest spot on the nearby sphere. This is called "flare". A highlight is the area on an object that receives the most direct, brightest light. Determining this point in the drawing is very important when applying shadows.

8. Shading. Next, make a few more strokes (where the shading will be feathered) between these two spheres. Now comes the fun part! Using your finger, carefully blend the shading from darkness to light, trying to keep the highlight snow-white. Don't worry if you go overboard or blur the highlight. You can use an eraser to fix this.

Attention! I know that adherents of academic drawing are against finger shading, but in these lessons it is used because it makes the drawing process easier and helps you learn the basics and achieve the first results in the shortest possible time. But if you want to learn academic drawing, don't do shading with your finger, do proper shading.

Great job! Look at your beautiful 3D drawing! A masterpiece worthy of your refrigerator gallery. You can be proud of yourself and hang this great work on your refrigerator next to the children's drawings. If you don't have children, hang it anyway. You'll enjoy your art every time you step into the kitchen, not to mention the oohs and aahs from your friends! =)


Now that you have mastered drawing spheres, place two tennis balls on the table in front of you so that one of them obscures the other. Draw what you see. Be sure to pay attention to the position of objects, shadows and shading.

If you don’t have balls on hand, you can use this photo or any other one from the Internet as a guide.

If you got something like this

you can proceed to the next lesson -

Don't forget to share your successes and get advice in

Production time: 1 week, 4-5 hours per night.

Materials: thick cardboard (large box), good large scissors, double-sided adhesive tape, PVA glue (or super glue), pencil, compass, protractor, long ruler - 50 cm, thin colored office paper, decorative ornaments optional.

1. Draw a beautiful number 2 . To begin with, we lay out the cardboard box, measure it and draw the necessary boundaries of the numbers on it (width: height). Next, take a compass and draw 2 circles in the upper part of the workpiece like this - first a small one, then set the distance between them (this will be the thickness of the number) and draw a large circle. Next, draw a straight line from the center of the small circle, which divides the 90 angle in half. Further everything is clear from the drawing.

I needed a number with monograms and so I also had to draw outlines by hand based on the number drawn with compasses and rulers. It turned out like this

Here you can see the gaps on the folds of the box; after cutting them out, they need to be sealed with the remains of the cardboard.

2. Cutting. You need to cut in small steps, gradually bending the number up.

3. Covering the workpiece with paper and adhesive tape . Before you move on to decorating the front part with flowers, you need to paste the back part with paper of the desired color.

The front side must be completely covered with double-sided adhesive tape. As you move, you will need to peel off the non-sticky paper (mustard color, I don’t know how to explain it;)).

the previous photo shows how First I experimented with paper for flowers - I tried corrugated paper, papyrus paper, but in the end I settled on office paper. She was the best fit.

4. Decoration with flowers .

It is best to prepare flowers as you go along, rather than in advance, as their sizes differ, and in some places very small flowers are needed.

So, let's make a flower: take a sheet of office paper and cut out a random circle.

Then we twist this spiral from the outer edge to the base (marked with a cross in the photo), lubricate the base with glue, press the folded part and glue it to the number (on the tape).

The size of the flower depends on how much the spiral is lowered and on the width of the spiral. Tighter - small flower, wider and more relaxed - big. In this way we decorate the entire number.

Our ready-made option

A child's birthday is a special holiday that should take place in an atmosphere of joy and fun.

Balloons, garlands and various inscriptions hung in the room will charge the birthday person with positivity and happiness from the very morning.

Buying jewelry is not difficult, but not everyone can afford it. It is much more profitable and interesting to create beauty with your own hands.

A number corresponding to the age of the birthday person is an original way to transform a room and delight the little creature.

Making figures

Most often, small balls are used to create such decorations. But not everyone can make an air number for their birthday on their own.

There are other, no less beautiful options:

From cardboard

You will need a large (or not so large) unnecessary box. On it you should draw a beautiful number corresponding to the child’s age, and then cut it out.

From photographs

A kind of collage made on a cardboard figure.

Photo cards should be selected in advance and arranged according to the desired pattern.

From flowers

The cardboard blank must be pasted over with many flowers made from colored or corrugated paper.

The decorations should be laid out closer to each other, and in this way fill the entire base with them.

From pompoms

The meaning is the same as in the previous version, only you need to paste it with multi-colored pom-poms made from woolen threads.

From satin ribbon

Cover the cardboard number with a bright satin ribbon. Additionally, you can decorate with beads or sequins.

From buttons

If you have a large number of buttons, you can paste them over a cardboard base.

From felt

Sew two pieces of bright fabric in the shape of a number, like a toy, and stuff them with padding polyester. Additionally, you can decorate with small felt figures.

With this number, the birthday boy will even be able to play after the holiday.


Volumetric figures

If there is still time before the name day, then you can make a three-dimensional birthday figure with your own hands, which the baby can play with and move around the room.

The same cardboard is used as the basis, only this time you will need two identical parts. In addition to them, you need to prepare several cardboard strips of the desired width - these are the sides of future beauty.

You can assemble the number using masking tape or tape: to do this, glue the parts to each other one by one.

Frame decoration

From napkins

To create a “fluffy” figure, in addition to napkins, you will need a lot of patience. But this is nothing compared to how happy the little birthday boy will be.

The process of creating a decoration is quite simple: a napkin (single-layer) must be folded in four and cut - you should get four squares. They should be stacked on top of each other and secured in the center. Wire, stapler or thread can help with this.

The sharp parts of the resulting part need to be cut off so that the final result is a circle. Then cut through the edges without touching the central part. All that remains is to lift and straighten the petals.


This creates one flower. To cover the figure completely, you will need quite a lot of them. Having prepared the required amount, you need to glue the flowers to the base, filling the entire space with them.

Corrugated paper

A large birthday number decorated in this way will turn out simply incomparable.

In order to create beauty you will need a large number of corrugated paper. It would be better if it were multi-colored. You should cut the paper into strips of half a meter.

The optimal width is 3.5 cm. at this stage you need to follow the veins on the paper: they should be directed along the future flower.

Then you should stretch the strip on one side. Hold the workpiece in waves upward and, grabbing the base, wrap it around its axis. Secure the bottom of the flower with thread or wire. Spread the petals of the resulting rose.


Cover the cardboard frame with flowers. For convenience, you can use a glue gun.


You can make a beautiful number for your child’s birthday by using the appropriate technique. Paper flowers mounted on a cardboard frame will create the desired composition.

When working on numbers, you shouldn’t regret the time spent. It is more than compensated by the smile and joy of your beloved child. And for inspiration, it is recommended to look at photos of birthday numbers.

Photos of birthday numbers with your own hands



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