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Quotes on art. Aphorisms and quotes about art and culture. Architecture is music frozen in stone

Nature knows two minds:
the mind of animals and from God!

A donkey drinks water in the river -
tongue thirsty.
Man putting his palm up
invented the first glass!

And the pinnacle of beauty -
crater found in Pompeii:
centuries the rosary does not fade
naked dumbness...

Animals have keener senses
but what should they do in the museum?



Statements of great people about art

- Life is short, art is eternal!

Alexandre Dumas - son
- Art requires either solitude, or need, or passion. Whether he holds a chisel, a pen or a brush in his hand, the artist truly deserves this name only when he infuses soul into material objects or gives form to spiritual impulses.

Leonardo da Vinci
- Where the spirit does not guide the artist’s hand, there is no art.

Giordano Bruno
- Art makes up for the shortcomings of nature.

Salvador Dali
- Painting is done by hand color photography all possible, super-refined, unusual, super-aesthetic examples of concrete irrationality.

L. N. Tolstoy
- Simplicity - necessary condition beautiful.

Honore de Balzac
- Constant work is the law of both art and life.

- Genuine immortal works of art remain accessible and bring pleasure to all times and peoples.

Emile Zola
- A work of art is a piece of nature filtered through the artist’s temperament.

Johann Joachim Winckelmann
- Drawing for an artist is the same as for an orator in Demosthenes: he should be in first, second and third place.

Leonardo da Vinci
- Painting is poetry that is seen, and poetry is painting that is heard.

Anton Semyonovich Makarenko
- To refuse risk means to refuse creativity.

Boris Pasternak
- The purpose of creativity is dedication,
Not hype, not success.
When a line is dictated by a feeling,
It sends a slave to the stage,
And this is where the art ends,
And the soil and fate breathe.

- The arts are useful only if they develop the mind and do not distract it.


T. Dreiser
- Art is a powerful means of correcting human imperfections.

A. N. Tolstoy
- Perceiving art... is as difficult as creating it.

- Everything beautiful is rare.

G. Flaubert
- All colors are good, you just need to know how to paint with them.

P. Picasso
- Why try to understand art? You are not trying to understand what the bird is singing about.

- No, I will not leave, Muses, your altar... There is no true life without art.

L.N. Tolstoy
- Art is one of the means of uniting people.

V. Goethe
- We need an artist even in moments of greatest happiness and greatest misfortune.

Andre Gide
- Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less artist, the better.

Denis Diderot
- Art lies in finding the extraordinary in the ordinary and the ordinary in the extraordinary.

Michelangelo Buonarotti
- Art is jealous: it demands that a person devote himself entirely to it.

G. Hegel
- Art has as its task to reveal the truth in a sensual form.

Brecht Bertolt
- All types of arts serve the greatest of arts - the art of living on earth.

Alexandrov Georgy
- Highest art is a slice of time frozen for centuries.

Malevich K
- The time has long come to understand that the problems of art and the problems of the stomach are very far from each other.

Sand Georges
- The roads leading to art are full of thorns, but you can also pick beautiful flowers along them.

Leonardo Vinci
- Painting argues and competes with nature.

Helvetius Claude Adrian
- The task of art is to excite hearts.

Schiller Johann Friedrich
- Precisely because true art strives for something real and objective, it cannot be satisfied with only the appearance of truth.

Anatole France
- There is no need to be especially afraid of attributing to the artists of the past an ideal that they never had. Admiration is impossible without an admixture of illusion, and to understand a perfect work of art means, in general, to re-create it in one’s inner world. The same works are reflected differently in the soul of those who contemplate. Each generation looks for new emotions in the creations of old masters. The most gifted viewer is the one who finds, at the cost of a few successful false interpretations, the most tender and strongest emotion. Therefore, humanity experiences a passionate attachment mainly to such works of art and poetry that contain dark places that allow for the possibility of different understandings.

Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev (1906-99)

Letters about the Good and the Beautiful

Letter thirty-two


So, life is the most great value what a person has. If you compare life to a precious palace with many halls that stretch in endless enfilades, which are all generously varied and all different from each other, then the largest hall in this palace, the real “throne room”, is the hall in which art reigns. This is a hall of amazing magic. And the first magic he performs happens not only to the owner of the palace himself, but also to everyone invited to the celebration.

This is a hall of endless celebrations that make a person’s whole life more interesting, more solemn, more fun, more significant... I don’t know what other epithets to express my admiration for art, for its works, for the role it plays in the life of mankind. And the greatest value that art rewards a person is the value of kindness. Awarded with the gift of understanding art, a person becomes morally better, and therefore happier. Yes, happier! For, awarded through art with the gift of a good understanding of the world, the people around him, the past and the distant, a person makes friends more easily with other people, with other cultures, with other nationalities, it is easier for him to live.

But understanding works of art is far from easy. You have to learn this - learn for a long time, all your life. For there can be no stop in expanding your understanding of art. There can only be a retreat back into the darkness of misunderstanding. After all, art constantly confronts us with new and new phenomena, and this is the enormous generosity of art. Some doors opened for us in the palace, followed by others.

They often say about someone: he has innate taste. Not at all! If you look closely at those people who can be said to have taste, you will notice that they all have one thing in common: they are honest and sincere in their sensibility. They learned a lot from her.

I have never noticed that taste is inherited.

Taste, I think, is not one of the properties that are transmitted by genes. Although the family cultivates taste and from the family, much depends on its intelligence.

You should not approach a work of art with bias, based on established “opinion,” fashion, the views of your friends, or the views of your enemies. One must be able to remain “one on one” with a work of art.

Nietzsche's aesthetics. "Art was Given to us so as not to Die from the Truth."

Art, like life, is beyond the capabilities of the weak. Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Art never dies. Gaius Petronius Arbiter

Sheet music is just the art of writing down ideas, the main thing is to have them. Stendhal

The picture should not be judged by the amount of time that is wasted on it without success, but by the ability and skill of the one who executes it. Michelangelo Buonarroti

With the help of art, nature creates miracles. Carl Linnaeus

There are people who show their art in slandering the arts. Hippocrates

What can't art do? “Women know how to cry beautifully!” They cry when they want and how they want! Publius Ovid Naso

A work of art is the most highest work human spirit; it gives life, it perfects man. Nikolai Nikolaevich Ge

A thing that exists in nature becomes much more beautiful if it resembles an object of art, but an object of art does not become truly beautiful by resembling a thing that exists in nature. Oscar Wilde

A person who is not familiar with the art of horse riding will not undertake to give advice on how to break horses. But in morality we are less distrustful. Here we always consider ourselves knowledgeable and able to give advice to all people. Claude-Adrian Helvetius

Art is, in essence, science; this is what we should see in architecture. Etienne-Louis Boulet

The importunity of young amateurs should be treated with condescension; in adulthood they will become true admirers of art and its masters. Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Pitiful is the master whose work is ahead of his judgment; that master advances in the perfection of art, the works of which are surpassed by judgment. Leonardo da Vinci

Art is alive - through the living blood of sacrifices. Maximilian Aleksandrovich Voloshin

A work of art reproduces something - however, not only something past or present, but also something future. Karol Izhikowski

Science is spectral analysis; art is a synthesis of light. Karl Kraus

The main thing in oratory is not to let the art be noticed. Marcus Fabius Quintilian

It is more pleasant for an artist to paint a picture than to finish it. While he was writing, art itself delighted him. The adolescence of our children is richer in fruits, but their infancy is dearer to us. Lucius Annaeus Seneca (younger)

Life is learned from books and works of art, perhaps even more than from life itself. Theodore Dreiser

The arts go around the whole world and circulate like blood in our veins. Voltaire

Painting is quite concrete art, it can only be an image of actually existing things. This is the language of nature, the language of the visible world. What we do not see, non-existent and abstract, does not belong to the field of painting. Gustave Courbet

Art never left a person, always met his needs and his ideal, always helped him in finding this ideal - it was born with a person, developed next to his historical life. Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Painting is a quiet art, and this, in my opinion, is its considerable merit. Ferdinand-Victor-Eugene Delacroix

A wonderful addition to the art of living and dying would be a book on the art of growing old, which would teach people how to gradually renounce their pretensions, the pleasures and courtships of youth, as age and illness approach. Richard Steele

Painting is an art through which the artist depicts passion through facial features and body position and moves the viewer with his sympathetic and ironic attitude towards the subject. Stendhal

No one except the artist can promote art. Patrons encourage the artist, this is fair and good; but this does not always encourage art. Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Art never addresses the crowd, the masses, it speaks to the individual, in the deep and secret recesses of his soul. Maximilian Aleksandrovich Voloshin

The art of drawing and painting itself are nothing more than tools that promote literature and, consequently, the enlightenment of the people. Alexey Gavrilovich Venetsianov

Among all the arts that nature has assigned to the human race, painting is the most pleasant and serves for useful amusement of the eyes and mind. Alexander Andreevich Ivanov

The highest purpose of art is to make the human heart beat, and since the heart is the center of life, art must constantly be in the closest connection with the entire moral and material life of mankind. Jean-Marie Guyot

Art is the ability to see the invisible, touch the intangible and draw what has no form. Joseph Joubert

For artists, constant touching of art dulls their aesthetic sense, replacing it with an aesthetic eye. Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

In love, as in art, you don’t need to say what others have said: you need to say what you feel; and he who is in a hurry to speak when he still has nothing to say runs the great risk of never saying anything. Romain Rolland

Only he is gifted with a happy fate,
He is joyful whose heart is just.

Albukasim Ferdowsi

What is a poet? A person who writes poetry? Of course not. He is called a poet not because he writes in poetry; but he writes in verse, that is, he brings words and sounds into harmony, because he is the son of harmony, a poet.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Truly, art lies in nature; whoever knows how to discover it owns it.

Albrecht Durer

A wonderful imagination is as necessary for the historian as for the poet, for without imagination nothing can be seen, nothing can be understood.

Anatole France

A sense of proportion in art is everything.

Anatole France

Whoever has experienced the pleasure of creativity, for him all other pleasures no longer exist.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Happiness is spending yourself on the creation of your own hands, which will live even after your death.

Every climb is painful. Rebirth is painful. Without being exhausted, I won’t be able to hear the music. Suffering and effort help the music to sound.

Did the effort seem fruitless to you? Blind man, take a few steps back... The magic of skillful hands has created masterpieces, hasn't it? But believe me, success and failure have created them equally... A beautiful dance is born from the ability to dance.

Only a bee recognizes the hidden sweetness in a flower,
Only an artist senses the trace of beauty in everything.

Afanasy Afanasievich Fet

When I create music, I don't think about it in isolation from the idea.

Benjamin Britten

An unmistakable sign that something is not art or someone does not understand art is boredom... Art should be a means of education, but its goal is pleasure.

Bertolt Brecht

All types of arts serve the greatest of arts - the art of living on earth.

Bertolt Brecht

Art requires knowledge.

Bertolt Brecht

When humanity is destroyed, there is no more art. Unite beautiful words- this is not art.

Bertolt Brecht

The round dance has started - dance it to the end.

Bulgarian proverb

Art is always, without ceasing, occupied with two things. It relentlessly ponders death and relentlessly creates life.

Boris Leonidovich Pasternak

Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, and creativity.

Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky

The third ability of the soul after mind and will is creativity.

Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky

Creativity is a high feat, and feat requires sacrifice.

Vasily Ivanovich Kachalov

Life is not a burden, but wings of creativity and joy; and if anyone turns it into a burden, then he himself is to blame.

Vikenty Vikentievich Veresaev

Music is the universal language of the world.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

When I listen to music, I hear very clear answers to all my questions, and everything in me calms down and becomes clearer. Or, more precisely, I feel that these are not questions at all.

Gustav Mahler

In order to discover the laws belonging to the world of primary images, the artist must awaken to life as a person: almost all of his noble feelings, a considerable share of intelligence, intuition, and the desire to create must be developed in him.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

The laws of Art originate not in the material, but in ideal world Where Beauty dwells, matter can only indicate the boundaries within which artistic inspiration extends.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

God created music as a common language for people.

When love and craftsmanship come together, you can expect a masterpiece.

John Ruskin

Without impressions, delight, inspiration, without life experience- no creativity.

Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich

To always remain unsatisfied is the essence of creativity.

Jules Renard

Only a chosen one can create art,
Everyone loves art.

Julien Grün

Music is intelligence embodied in beautiful sounds.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

The layman imagines that in order to be creative one must wait for inspiration. This is a deep misconception.

Igor Fedorovich Stravinsky

High art not only reflects life, it, by participating in life, changes it.

Ilya Grigorievich Erenburg

In any work of art, great or small, everything down to the last detail depends on the design.

Art is a mediator of what cannot be expressed.

The impulse for creativity can fade away just as easily as it arose if left without food.

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky

Not a single moment of creativity, even the initial moment of creativity, can occur without the work of imagination.

Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky

Simplicity, truth and naturalness are the three great principles of beauty in all works of art.

Christoph Willibald Gluck

Study the science of art and the art of science.

Leonardo da Vinci

The art of living has always consisted mainly of the ability to look forward.

Leonid Maksimovich Leonov

Let your life be equal to you, let nothing contradict one another, and this is impossible without knowledge and without art, which allows you to know the divine and human.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

Music is a mediator between the life of the mind and the life of feelings.

Ludwig van Beethoven

Music should strike fire from people's hearts.

Ludwig van Beethoven

Each one has a genuine piece of music I have an idea.

Ludwig van Beethoven

Others, who love their art, devote themselves entirely to their work, forgetting to wash themselves and eat. You value your nature less than an engraver values ​​engraving, a dancer values ​​dancing, a money lover values ​​money, an ambitious person values ​​fame. Does generally useful activity really seem to you less significant and less worthy of effort?

Marcus Aurelius

The art of living is more reminiscent of the art of fighting than of dancing. It requires preparedness and resilience in the face of the unexpected and unexpected.

Marcus Aurelius

The artist's most important tool, which is formed through constant training, is faith in his ability to create miracles when necessary.

Mark Rothko

Art is jealous; it demands that a person devote himself entirely to it.

Michelangelo Buonarotti

Music rules autocratically and makes you forget about everything else.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

In the hands of talent, everything can serve as a tool for beauty.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

I remember with horror how people who considered themselves educated raged against Wagner, calling his music cacophony. Obviously, every achievement must go through the ordeal of denial and ridicule.

Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich

A true artist must sacrifice herself to her art. Like a nun, she has no right to lead the life desired by most women.

Anna Pavlovna Pavlova

The spirit is the master, the imagination is the tool, the body is the obedient material. Each person has his own inner world, created by the power of imagination. Imagination is born pure and strong desire hearts. If this power is sufficient to illuminate every corner of this inner world, then everything that a person thinks about will take shape in his soul.


Inspiration is the kind of guest who does not like to visit the lazy.

Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Everyone is capable of creating well only what the muse inspires him to do.

Music inspires the whole world, supplies the soul with wings, promotes the flight of imagination...

The path to the abode of the muses, alas, is not wide and not straight.

True artists are equally successful in types of scoundrels and decent people. V. G. Belinsky

A true depiction of moral ugliness. more powerful than all attacks against him. V. G. Belinsky

With works of art, as with people: they can be sweet even with the greatest flaws. L. Burnet

An artist can be a historian, a poet, a philosopher, and an observer. And it is truly like this: all the great artists were together learned people. A. A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky

Great art should not defile itself by turning to immoral subjects. L. Beethoven

A true artist is devoid of vanity; he understands too well that art is inexhaustible. L. Beethoven

The ultimate goal of art is to encourage people to do what they need to do and realize what they know. M. Blondel

Inspiration always comes when a person wants it, but it does not always disappear when he wants it. Charles Baudelaire

Art is always a metaphor for reality. Yu. Bondarev

Progress in art does not lie in expanding its boundaries, but in understanding them better. J. Marriage

The main thing in art is simplicity, grandeur and feeling, and the main thing in its form is restraint. B. Brecht

An artist cannot consider spontaneous success as the true criterion of the value of his work. B. Brecht

Great art serves great purposes. B. Brecht

Varnishing and decoration are the most terrible enemies not only of beauty, but also of political wisdom. B. Brecht

The perception of art can only lead to true pleasure when the art of perception exists. B. Brecht

Epochs without great goals have no great art. B. Brecht

All types of arts serve the greatest of arts - the art of living on earth. B. Brecht

The artist's skill lies in the fact that he can depict any thing as significant. B. Brecht

Any great work is born only after a long period of quiet and in-depth reflection. W. Bagejot

Art has always been a beautiful mirror social order. R. Wagner

Art ceases to be art as soon as our consciousness begins to perceive it as art. R. Wagner

Creator work of art of the future is none other than the artist of the present. R. Wagner

Restraint should be in art what modesty is in love. K. Vatle

The artist makes the smallest things big. V. V. Veresaev

Only reality has the right to be implausible, art never. This is why art cannot merge with life. E. Verharn

The secret of art is that it corrects nature. F. Voltaire

No major work of art has ever been created without passionate partisanship. F. Wolf

Often one powerful artistic image puts into our soul more than what has been gained through many years of life. V. M. Garshin

Art is a language, therefore, in highest degree social function. G. Hauptmann

Art is the conscience of humanity. K. Goebbel

Art became the first teacher of nations. G. Hegel

Genuine immortal works of art remain accessible and bring pleasure to all times and peoples. G. Hegel

In art, as in all human affairs, content is decisive. G. Hegel

Art has as its task to reveal truth in a sensual form. G. Hegel

The artist belongs to his time, he lives by its morals and habits, shares its views and ideas. G. Hegel

Art is not for the small vicious circle, not for a few very educated people, but for the whole people. G. Hegel

One great genius is molded by another, not so much through imitation as through communication. One diamond polishes another. G. Heine

If an expert doesn’t like your creation, this is not a good sign; if it has received the praise of an ignoramus, then it should be completely thrown away. K. Gellert

Much beauty exists in the world separately, and this is the task of our spirit: to discover connections and thereby create works of art. I. Goethe

Every artist has courage, without which talent is unthinkable. I. Goethe

A perfect work of art is a work of the human spirit and in this sense a work of nature. I. Goethe

Every artist contains a germ of daring, without which no talent is conceivable. And this sprout comes to life especially often when they want to limit, appease and force a gifted person to serve one-sided goals. I. Goethe

An amateur is to art as a hack is to craft. I. Goethe

Amateurs, having done everything in their power, usually tell themselves as an excuse that the work is not finished yet. Of course! It can never be finished, because it was started incorrectly. I. Goethe

Art remains art! Anyone who does not feel it deeply has no right to be called an artist. I. Goethe

The originality of expression is the alpha and omega of all art. I. Goethe

No one but the artist can contribute to art. Patrons encourage the artist. This is fair and good; but this does not always encourage art. I. Goethe

We must credit all other arts, and only to the Greek we remain eternally in debt. I. Goethe

In a work of art, the “what” interests people much more than the “how.” They can learn the first in parts, but they cannot grasp the second as a whole. I. Goethe

Inspiration is not a herring that can be pickled for many years. I. Goethe

Taste develops not from mediocre, but from the most perfect samples. I. Goethe

Art is a serious matter, especially serious when it deals with noble and sublime objects; the artist stands above art and above the object; over the first - because he uses it as a means, over the second - because he interprets it in his own way. I. Goethe

Technology combined with vulgarity is the most terrible enemy of art. I. Goethe

In every work of art, great or small, down to the smallest, everything comes down to a concept. I. Goethe

Life is short, art is eternal. Hippocrates

To create beauty, you have to be yourself pure at heart. M. I. Glinka

Simplicity, truth and naturalness are the three great principles of beauty in all works of art. K. Gluck

Mastery comes on its own, despite us, with experience and with greater ease the more you think about something other than it. P. Gauguin

Fantasy, devoid of reason, gives birth to a monster; united with him, she is the mother of art and the source of its wonders. F. Goya

Art should ennoble people. M. Gorky

Art, first of all, must be clear and simple; its meaning is too great and important for “eccentricities” to take place in it. M. Gorky

At its core, art is a struggle for and against; There is no and cannot be indifferent art, because man is not a photographic apparatus, he does not “fix” reality, but either affirms it, or changes it, destroys it. M. Gorky

The artist is the sensitivity of his country, his class, his ear, eye and heart: he is the voice of his era. M. Gorky

Art sets as its goal to exaggerate the good so that it becomes even better, to exaggerate the bad - hostile to man, disfiguring him - so that it arouses disgust, ignites the will to destroy the shameful abominations of life created by the vulgar, greedy philistinism. M. Gorky

Artistic form is content that has become visible. I. Gofmiller

Whoever has become a master in art can forget about the rules without any harm to himself. A. Graf

Only a chosen one can create art; every person can love art. A. Grün

Rules and patterns kill genius and art. W. Gaslitt

Infinity lives in the poet and artist. V. Hugo

In our time, the horizon of art has expanded significantly: before the poet addressed the public, now - to the people. V. Hugo

The greatest triumph of an artist is if he makes those who are capable of it think and feel. E. Delacroix

Art has an enemy: its name is ignorance. B. Johnson

Nature is sometimes dry, but art should never be dry. D. Diderot

The task of art is not the accidents of everyday life, but their general idea, vigilantly guessed and correctly taken from the whole variety of homogeneous life phenomena. F. M. Dostoevsky

Only then does the feeling become purified when it comes into contact with the highest beauty, with the beauty of the ideal. F. M. Dostoevsky

Art is honey, stored human souls and collected on the wings of hardship and labor. T. Dreiser

As long as art remains the beauty salon of our civilization, both art and civilization are in danger. D. Dewey

Harmony is what underlies all forms of art throughout human history. I. V. Zholtovsky

Art is proof that is confirmed by nature. George Sand

When file marks are visible on a piece of art, it means it has not been sanded enough. J. Joubert

A work of art is a corner of the universe seen through the prism of a certain temperament. E. Zola

An artist must be on par with the concepts of his time. A. A. Ivanov

Mastery does not make you an artist. P. Casals

Where there is no truth, there is no art. M. I. Kalinin

The highest purpose that art serves is to help people understand life more deeply and love it more. R. Kent

Art is science made clear. J. Cocteau

Art is valuable only if it is an expression of morality. J. Cocteau

If life is movement and struggle, then art, a true reflection of life, must represent the same movement, the struggle of opinions and ideas. V. G. Korolenko

Life is movement, struggle, and art is an organ of mental movement and struggle; This means that the goal is not simply to reflect it, but to reflect it by denying or blessing it. V. G. Korolenko

A political idea, like any other, has the right of citizenship in art. V. G. Korolenko

A true masterpiece must be repeatable so that the artist can make sure that he is not a plaything of his own nerves or chance. G. Courbet

In some areas, mediocrity is intolerable: such are poetry, music, painting, oratory. J. Labruyère

Only touching action in art is irresistible. He who knows how to touch can do everything. A. Lamartine

There is no creativity without dedication and without suffering. G. Lanson

Art belongs to the people. It must have its deepest roots in the very depths of the working masses. It must unite the feeling, thought and will of these masses, lift them up. It should awaken the artists in them and develop them. V. I. Lenin

A person has no taste if this taste is one-sided. True taste is a comprehensive taste, to which beauty of all kinds is accessible. G. Lessing

When art is true to reality, when it draws strength from the surrounding life, the artist - at the behest of his own or social needs- will create genuine masterpieces. K. Liebknecht

In every work that shocks, there is poetry, and the greater the shock, the more poetry there is. A. V. Lunacharsky

It seems to May that it is very little to demand from art that it be a reflection only of reality. Then there will be enough photographers. Maxim Tank

The only sphere in which the divine is discernible is art, whatever its name. A. Malraux

Aesthetics are a product of hopeless times, of states that destroy hopes. G. Mann

Art is the most beautiful, the most strict, the most joyful and good symbol of man’s eternal, unreasonable desire for good, for truth and perfection. T. Mann

The artist's view of the phenomena of external and inner life different from ordinary: he is colder and more passionate. T. Mann

I will always sacrifice form if it comes down to a choice between form and content. The thought is the main thing. Mark Twain

If you want to enjoy art, then you must be an artistically educated person. K. Marx

An object of art - something similar happens with every other product - creates an audience that understands art and is able to enjoy beauty. K. Marx

Everyone in whom Raphael sits must have the opportunity to develop unhindered. K. Marx, F. Engels

Anyone who does not master the technique of some art, science or craft will never be able to create anything outstanding. N. V. Michurin

Only a work of art that is at once a symbol and an accurate expression of reality is outstanding. G. Maupassant

Art is a reality ordered by the artist, bearing the stamp of his temperament, which manifests itself in style. A. Maurois

An artist is a synthesis of theorist and practitioner. Novalis

Art is about not being noticeable in a work of art. Ovid

The thirst for profit has not yet created a single artist, but has destroyed many. V. Alston

The service of the muses does not tolerate fuss. A. S. Pushkin

Art begins where chance ends. And yet, everything that chance brings into it enriches it. P. Reverdy

Always remain unsatisfied - that's it. the essence of creativity. J. Renard

The beautiful in art is always truthful, but the truthful is not always beautiful. E. Ritschel

The purpose of art is not a dream, but real life. R. Rolland

All the joys of life are in creativity. To create means to kill death. R. Rolland

Talk about art for art's sake is absurd. All art, as a product of people, bears a reflection of one or another human environment. Y. M. Sverdlov

True art is ahead of its time. Saint-Paul Roux

The arts are useful only if they develop the mind and do not distract it. Seneca the Younger

To reduce art to a question of “form” means to belittle and narrow it beyond all measure. C. Sainte-Beuve

Eat highest point, where art, nature and morality merge into one. C. Sainte-Beuve

Time is powerless over truly beautiful things in art. A. N. Serov

Art is like searching for diamonds. A hundred people search, but only one finds. But this one would never have found the diamond if a hundred people had not been looking nearby. V. Soloukhin

All art is a dialogue between the artist and the public. V. Soloukhin

If science is the memory of the mind, then art is the memory of the senses. V. Soloukhin

True art does not tolerate lies.

  • № 12276

    Painting is a hand-made color photograph of all possible, super-exquisite, unusual, super-aesthetic examples of specific irrationality.

    Salvador Dali
  • № 11999

    The best thing about music is when it gives you goosebumps.

  • № 11957

    Art should be cold.

    Igor Stravinsky
  • № 11840

    A monument requires a cohesive, central idea that visually and poetically unifies the presentation.

    Konstantin Pobedonostsev
  • № 10625

    Our art is blindness to the truth: only the light on the face that recedes with a grimace is true, nothing else.

    Franz Kafka
  • № 10599

    All types of arts serve the greatest of arts - the art of living on earth.

    Bertolt Brecht
  • № 10594

    A sketch is the creation of ardor and genius, a painting is the creation of labor, patience, long study and complete knowledge in art.

    Denis Diderot
  • № 10589

    The painter and the sculptor are both poets, but the latter never falls into caricature. The sculpture does not tolerate buffoonery, clowning, or the funny, and rarely even the comic. Marble doesn't laugh.

    Denis Diderot
  • № 10579

    Every work of sculpture or painting must express some great rule of life, must teach, otherwise it will be dumb.

    Denis Diderot
  • № 10572

    To paint a storm, there is no need to paint every wave, it is enough to give a picture of a troubled sea.

    Romain Rolland
  • № 10571

    In music you are always punished when you lie and write out of vanity. Music can only be modest and sincere.

    Romain Rolland
  • № 10539

    The greatness of art lies in this eternal, intense dichotomy between beauty and suffering, love for people and passion for creativity, the torment of loneliness and irritation from the crowd, rebellion and harmony. Art balances between two abysses - frivolity and propaganda. On the crest of the ridge along which a great artist moves forward, every step is an adventure, the greatest risk. In this risk, however, and only in this lies the freedom of art.

    Albert Camus
  • № 10405

    Art is like searching for diamonds. A hundred people search, one finds. But this one would never have found the diamond if a hundred people had not been looking nearby.

    Vladimir Soloukhin
  • № 10382

    The envy of other artists has always served as my thermometer of success.

    Salvador Dali
  • № 10346

    An artist should go to a museum, but only a pedant can live in a museum.

    George Santayana
  • № 10331

    Architecture. A representative embodiment of the will directed towards the future. - Bad: the embodiment of will directed to the past; although it can be very cute. Modern architecture: modern will, realized taking into account circumstances, is quite correctly defined as modern style. The will to the future, of course, has no other means of expression other than architectural mimicry, that is, a very limited means and one that is always overestimated by amateurs.

    Robert Musil
  • № 10319

    Political history and art history. In connection with some of the present difficulties of the fine arts, the following reasoning: for every serious turn of life there are five in art - for example, in the last hundred years: all modernity seems to have arisen from the smooth, continuous movement of the past, while in literature, for example, we we have classical, romantic, epigonic, im- and expressionist (not counting Buchner, Grillparzer, Hebbel). It is easier to predict what the world will be like in a hundred years than how this world will be written in a hundred years. It’s impossible to prophesy about this even in hindsight. A note to this: it is an illusion that political and general history flows more smoothly. But it's clearer. For there is more rationality in it, more unambiguity (rationality and violence, rationality and lust). Art history is influenced by affect and determined by fashion. Political history contains more nonsense and consists almost entirely of beautiful accidents and fits of cruelty. General history more logical (consistent) than art history. Since she is governed by calculation and lust, the thirst for power (where calculation fails), her image is unsympathetically clear, it even seems (but only seems) almost unambiguously quantifiable. The history of art, on the contrary, in particulars filled with high meaning (or at least high thoughts) as a whole becomes nonsense, since it is left to the uncontrolled play of higher affects.

    Robert Musil
  • № 10316

    The question of whether there is stupid music reveals all its delicacy only in isolation from what in this music can be studied and memorized. To one, this question seems quite natural: why not, after all, there is deep, even thoughtful music; to another, however, it seems completely impossible, since it is pointless to apply the definition of “stupid” to form and feeling. We can recommend both a small and harmless trick - turn the question around and ask yourself: maybe stupidity itself is musical? Endless repetitions, capricious stubbornness with which the same motive is repeated, bloating own finds, movement in a circle, very limited deviations from what was once comprehended, pathos and energy instead of spiritual insight - stupidity without false modesty could declare that all these are the favorite properties of her nature! However, to end the matter peacefully, let's say this: the question of whether the great goddess is afraid of being tickled under the arm is not a question for idle curiosity, but only for an ardent admirer.



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