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Quotes about indifference. Indifference is a terrible weapon

The worst sin towards one's neighbor is not hatred, but indifference; This is truly the pinnacle of inhumanity. (Bernard Show)

Sympathy is indifference superlatives. (Don Aminado)

How painful is indifference to oneself! (A.V. Suvorov)

I have always believed and will continue to believe that indifference to injustice is betrayal and meanness. (O. Mirabeau)

Do not be indifferent, for indifference is deadly to the human soul. (Maksim Gorky)

They say that philosophers and true sages are indifferent... It is not true, indifference is paralysis of the soul, premature death. (A.P. Chekhov)

When a person is so vulnerable that he is unable to show generosity, at these moments he especially needs sympathy and support.

You love everyone, and loving everyone means loving no one. You are equally indifferent to everyone. (O. Wilde)

Don't feel sorry for yourself. Only primitive people sympathize with themselves. (H. Murakami)

Where moderation is a mistake, there indifference is a crime. (G. Lichtenberg)

Indifference to painting is a universal and enduring phenomenon. (Van Gogh)

Only those who cannot pass indifferently past the joys and sorrows of an individual are capable of taking the joys and sorrows of the Fatherland to heart. (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

No more dangerous than a person, to whom humanity is alien, who is indifferent to the fate of his native country, to the fate of his neighbor. (M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

An ungrateful son is worse than a stranger: he is a criminal, since a son has no right to be indifferent to his mother. (Guy de Maupassant)

Coldness is a consequence not only of sober conviction that one is right, but also of unprincipled indifference to the truth. (C. Lam)

One very talented writer, in response to my complaint that I did not find sympathy with criticism, wisely answered me: “You have a significant flaw that will close all doors in front of you: you cannot talk to a fool for two minutes without giving him to understand that he is a fool.” (E. Zola)

Tolerance inevitably leads to indifference. (D. Diderot)

Teenagers, of course, are emotionally tender creatures and highest degree vulnerable, but they don’t have much empathy. It comes later, if it comes at all. (S. King)

The eagle gaze of passions penetrates into the foggy abyss of the future, while indifference is blind and stupid from birth. (C. A. Helvetius)

It is easy to hide hatred, difficult to hide love, and most difficult to hide is indifference. (K.L. Burne)
Indifference is a serious illness of the soul. (A. de Tocqueville)

The most unforgivable sin towards one's neighbor is not hatred, but indifference. Indifference is the essence of inhumanity. (J.B. Shaw)

Selfishness is the root cause of cancer of the soul. (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

Family selfishness is crueler than personal selfishness. A person who is ashamed to sacrifice the benefits of another for himself alone considers it his duty to take advantage of the misfortune and need of people for the good of the family. (L.N. Tolstoy)

Don't be afraid of enemies - in the worst case they can kill you.
Don't be afraid of your friends - in the worst case, they can betray you.
Fear the indifferent - they do not kill or betray, but only with their tacit consent does betrayal and murder exist on earth. (B. Yasensky)

Indifference is the highest cruelty. (M. Wilson)

Calmness is stronger than emotions.

Silence is louder than a scream.

Indifference - worse than war. (M. Luther)

On the road you need a companion, in life you need sympathy. (proverb)

The key to family happiness is kindness, frankness, responsiveness... (E. Zola)

Taking the path of dialogue is much more effective and smart than trying to prove how selfish or sympathetic everyone can be. (H. Bukai)

The responsiveness of neighbors is often best psychologist or a psychiatrist. (L. Viilma)

Life teaches a lot, but not tact, not responsiveness, not the ability to help a person in Hard time. (I. Shaw)

What I value most in women is shyness. It is beautiful. The basis of femininity is not appearance, but an increased sense of shame and sympathy for others. (F.A. Iskander)

If someone else's grief does not make you suffer,
Is it possible to call you a human then? (Saadi)

The more you live, the more convinced you are that to arouse sympathy for yourself is a rarity and happiness - and that you should value this happiness. (I.S. Turgenev)

Whoever has acquired the ability to sincerely sympathize with human grief, at least in one single case, has, having received a miraculous lesson, learned to understand any misfortune, no matter how strange or reckless it may appear at first glance. (S. Zweig)

True help always comes from someone who is stronger than you and whom you respect. And the sympathy of such people is especially effective... (F. S. Fitzgerald)

Sympathy alone is not enough. Actions speak louder than words. (N. Vujicic)
Excessive empathy often becomes a barrier.

Sympathy in times of adversity is like rain in times of drought. (Indian proverb)

After all, it is necessary that every person should have at least one place where they would feel sorry for him! (F. M. Dostoevsky)

Don't be too sympathetic to people who are unhappy. If someone is unhappy, help, but don't sympathize. Don't give him the idea that suffering is something worthwhile. (Osho)

She said in the sense that when a beloved animal dies, a person is left alone with his grief, no one sympathizes much. When he dies close person, then everyone understands, some sincerely, some formally, and some for the company, but everyone understands and sympathizes. But the cat died, she said, and loneliness became terribly exposed. (E.V. Grishkovets)

Love and hate are not antonyms. The opposite of love is indifference. It hurts much more.

Constant indifference is a disability. A person who cannot feel ceases to be a person. Dies... - Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

He just stood there... And he felt the smell of freshly cut grass. Trees, birds, stream, grayish stone blocks... All this was calming. It dulled the pain. And suffering was replaced by saving indifference.

Mutual indifference can lead to endless love.

Here he is. Messenger of death. No more fear. When there is nothing to lose, all horror, all doubts simply die. The Duke felt how despair, wild, all-consuming despair was being replaced by indifference...

Despair turns into nothing compared to indifference...

If a person is not jealous at all, he is indifferent to you.

To love everyone equally means to have feelings on a certain level. To love everyone is to treat them indifferently. – Oscar Wilde

Sooner or later, even the most terrible despair comes to an end. And its place is filled with indifference...

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And it is not to the one who is disgusting to us that we are most unjust, but to the one with whom we have nothing to do.

People now have no time for each other.

I just wanted to say that if you ignore someone and don't call them, you can really hurt their feelings.

There is no worse enemy than indifference! It is with the tacit consent of the indifferent that all atrocities are committed. Have you read Mumu? Did you understand the parable? How was he still silent? He was silent, but the dog died.

Or the beast has nothing to do with it, and the whole curse is not at all that man is a beast to man, and even a rabid one, but that man is a log to man. And no matter how much you pray to him, he won’t hear, no matter how much you cry, he won’t respond, you tap your forehead, knocking your forehead in front of him, he won’t move: just as they put it, he’ll stand there until he falls or you fall.

It is easy for people who are indifferent to everything to be selfless, because there is nothing in the whole world that they value.

Of course you would treat her well - that's always easy if you don't care about the person

I try not to pay attention to the problem. In the idiotic hope that the problem will get tired of my indifference and disappear...

No one cared whether he lived or died, and he reciprocated everyone's feelings. – C. Palahniuk. "Fight club"

Indifference and neglect often do much more harm than open hostility...

A nervous breakdown is not necessarily a breakdown; it can occur in such a way that you quietly and calmly sink into indifference.

IN love relationships It is very important to keep in mind that the only impenetrable shell, the only long-range cannon, the only mine that cannot be bypassed, and moreover, oh horror, the only bomb that cannot be dropped on the heads of others, because its explosion will only continue the terrible battle, is indifference .

Mom died today. Or maybe yesterday - I don’t know. - Albert Camus. Outsider

How can you be so gifted and at the same time so blind to everything that surrounds you?

In the evening, already lying in bed, I felt that some new feeling had appeared in my soul - a mixture of joyless calm and dull indifference. It's not a good feeling, you shouldn't give in to it. The main thing is not to weaken and not to lie down on the bed ahead of time, because chronic bedridden patients who have given up on themselves, as a rule, never get up again...

They say that death kills a person, but it is not death that kills. Boredom and indifference kill. – Iggy Paul

Every time someone asks me this question, I answer: “Thanks, everything is fine.” Although in reality everything is not okay at all. Do people actually want to know how you are doing when they ask this question? Or is this empty politeness?

The greatest sin towards one’s neighbor is not hatred, but indifference; This is truly the pinnacle of inhumanity. In the end, my dear, if you look closely at people, you will be surprised how similar hatred is to love.

If you are indifferent to the suffering of others, you do not deserve to be called a human being. – M. Saadi

It’s no secret that no one needs you, the secret is that you doubt it...

When we become indifferent to how the one we love sees us, it means we no longer love him.

What's left for you? In the morning - a groan, in the evening - gnashing of teeth... And who, who in the world cares about your heart? To whom?.. Here, enter any Rooster’s house, ask at any threshold: What do you care about my heart? My God…

Our moral problem- This is a person’s indifference to himself. – E. Fromm

The worst crime we can commit against people is not to hate them, but to treat them with indifference; This is the essence of inhumanity. – B. Shaw

Sometimes it is enough not to come to terms with arrogance and conceit in order to turn them into nothing; sometimes it is enough not to notice them for them to become harmless. – Nicola Sebastian Chamfort

It is easy to hide hatred, it is difficult to hide love, and most difficult to hide is indifference.

Now only indifference remained in him, and this was worse than despair.

Fear the indifferent - they do not kill or betray, but only with their tacit consent does betrayal and murder exist on earth.

Sometimes it’s much easier to shout to God’s ears.

Do not be indifferent, for indifference is deadly to the human soul.

Even if at that moment they had announced to me that they would not kill me and I could calmly go home, it would not have disturbed my indifference: you have lost hope of immortality, what difference does it make whether you have to wait a few hours or a few years.

Sometimes nothing makes such a depressing impression as the striking of a clock. This - frank confession in complete indifference. It is eternity itself, declaring loudly: “What do I care?”

I painfully feel that we have nothing more to say to each other. Just yesterday I wanted to bombard her with questions: where did she go, what did she do, who did she meet? But this interested me only insofar as Annie was able to devote herself to it with all her soul.

Even hatred is better than indifference.

Don't be afraid of enemies - in the worst case they can kill you. Don't be afraid of your friends - in the worst case, they can betray you.

People who are called weak are only indifferent, for everyone has strength when the object of his passions is touched. – C. Helvetius

I send you a nameless farewell bow from unknown shores. It doesn't matter to you.

she scolds me because she loves me, and I am polite to her because I stopped loving her.

There are two ways to kill yourself - suicide and indifference - Simone Weil

You love everyone, and loving everyone means loving no one. You are all equally indifferent.

People live and do not see each other, they walk side by side, like cows in a herd; V best case scenario They'll drink the bottle together.

I read somewhere that walruses remain completely indifferent when hunters, attacking the herd, kill their neighbors with clubs - and I saw how during the war entire nations behaved in exactly the same way.

Science has invented a cure for most of our diseases, but has never found a cure for the most terrible of them - indifference. – Helen Keller

It hurts less when you just don't care. - "Dr. House"

Condescension towards evil very closely borders on indifference to good.

All this nonsense that you hear on TV about expressing feelings is complete bullshit. Nobody really cares what you say.

The main enemy of love is indifference, not hatred. – Clive Lewis

Self-indifference is a glove into which the devil can easily slip his hand.

I know people in whose souls the universe is immeasurable, infinite. But no one cares about her, even kill her.

One of the lowest crimes against a person is not passionate hatred, but indifference. It is this that is the main component of inhumanity. George Bernard Shaw

Hatred and love for a person can be hidden, but indifference immediately catches the eye.

Feelings of hatred are not difficult to hide. Love, if you try, may also not be noticed. But the indifference is evident to everyone. Karl Ludwig Berne

Often a huge and incomprehensible universe lives in a person’s soul. But most people around them simply don’t notice this.

Indifference to oneself is the main ethical tragedy of man.

Love and hate often live side by side, changing places. But if indifference sets in, then there is not a single chance of salvation.

There are people on Earth who are indifferent to everything that happens in their country, in their city, in their home. They represent the greatest danger to society. Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin

Whether I’m still alive or have already gone to another world, no one cares. I also don’t care at all which of those around me have already finished their earthly existence. Ch. Palahniuk. "Fight club"

If you don't care about others, then first of all you spit in your own soul. Leonid S. Sukhorukov

The big vice is indifference, dispassion. Small man with a piece of ice in his heart - a future everyman. Already in childhood, it is necessary to ignite in the heart of every person a spark of civic passion and intransigence towards what is evil or condones evil. – Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky

People will forgive me out of indifference,

A woman is tormented not by a man’s tyranny, but by his indifference. – Jules Michelet

They say that death kills a person, but it is not death that kills. Boredom and indifference kill. – Iggy Paul

People now have no time for each other.

They easily agree with what they are indifferent to. – Valentin Grudev

Now only indifference remained in him, and this was worse than despair.

I don't care what you think about me, I don't think about you at all. – Coco Chanel NN Unknown

People who are indifferent to everything go into hibernation. – Emmanuel Mounier

The only thing I value about freedom is the struggle for it; owning it doesn’t interest me – NN Unknown

Nothing emphasizes the beauty of the eyes more than indifference in a glance. – Mikhail Mamchich / INDIFFERENCE

Do not be indifferent, for indifference is deadly to the human soul. - Maksim Gorky

As someone put it, just keeping the madness under control is enough. Cry, worry, get irritated, like any normal human being, without forgetting that up there, your spirit is making fun of all this fuss. - Paulo Coelho

The hottest corners of hell are reserved for those who remained neutral during times of greatest moral crisis. – Alighieri Dante

They say that philosophers and true sages are indifferent. It’s not true, indifference is paralysis of the soul, premature death. - Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

He lived in opposition to everyone, although no one noticed it... - Mikhail Mamchich

It is better to be shocked by what you hear than to remain deaf to everything. – Leonid S. Sukhorukov Leonid S. Sukhorukov

Indifference is paralysis of the soul, premature death. - Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

People live and do not see each other, they walk side by side, like cows in a herd; At best, they will drink the bottle together.

People who are called weak are only indifferent, for everyone has strength when the object of his passions is touched. – C. Helvetius

Desire is half life, indifference is half death. – Khal il Gibran Gibran

It hurts less when you just don't care. - "Dr. House"

The eagle gaze of passions penetrates into the foggy abyss of the future, while indifference is blind and stupid from birth. – Claude Adrian Helvetius

Indifference is a serious illness of the soul. – Alexis Tocqueville

When we become indifferent to how the one we love sees us, it means we no longer love him.

If you are indifferent to the suffering of others, you do not deserve to be called a human being. – M. Saadi

The world will perish from indifference. – Emmanuel Mounier

Sometimes it is enough not to come to terms with arrogance and conceit in order to turn them into nothing; sometimes it is enough not to notice them for them to become harmless. – Nicola Sebastian Chamfort

The main enemy of love is indifference, not hatred. – Clive Lewis

Science has found a cure for most of our diseases, but has never found a cure for the worst of them - indifference - Helen Keller

Unrequited indifference is even worse than unrequited love. – Yana Dzhangirova

Science has invented a cure for most of our diseases, but has never found a cure for the most terrible of them - indifference. – Helen Keller

Indifference is a serious illness of the soul. – A. Tocqueville

I feel very clearly that the opposite of love is not hatred, but indifference. – Leonardo Felice Buscaglia

Indifference can become the strongest revenge for an offense caused. – Georgy Alexandrov

Indifference is a powerful force at work in history. – Antonio Gramsci

Do not be indifferent, for indifference is deadly to the human soul. – M. Gorky

It is easy to hide hatred, it is difficult to hide love, and most difficult to hide is indifference. – Karl Ludwig Börne

Where moderation is a mistake, there indifference is a crime. – G. Lichtenberg

  • It's easy to hide hatred; love is difficult to hide; The hardest thing is to hide indifference.
    Ludwig Berne
  • I am always very friendly towards those who are indifferent to me. Oscar Wilde
  • Let's face it: only those who have completely killed some aspects of their soul live happily in the world. Sebastien Chamfort
  • If nothing can touch your heartstrings, it means you died a long time ago. Absalom Underwater
  • We filled the cities with light, but lost the stars. They laid out kilometers of wires, but forgot how to extend a hand. They taught their voice to travel thousands of miles along them, but they forgot how to see the eyes of loved ones. Megacities reek of rotting freedom, decomposing into thousands of roads to nowhere... Roman Podzorov
  • Indifference is a disease. And I regret that this diagnosis is not made in medicine. In a life full of smells, colors and music, before which our coarsened strings are sometimes powerless. Remaining blind, deaf and dumb is a much worse disease than living in a fantasy world. Vyacheslav Prah
  • Don't be afraid of enemies - in the worst case they can kill you. Don't be afraid of your friends - in the worst case, they can betray you. Be afraid of the indifferent - they do not kill or betray, but only with their tacit consent does betrayal and murder exist on earth . Richard Eberhard
  • Politeness is well-organized indifference. Paul Valéry
  • A woman is tormented not by a man’s tyranny, but by his indifference. Jules Michelet
  • The other side of love is not hatred, but indifference. Makishima Shogo
  • I don’t remember the first time she went for a walk without me, but I remember my feelings about this - I let her go without much excitement, discarding the sluggish thought that we should go together. It’s not that I began to be burdened by her company - I just gradually began to treat her the same way she treated me from the very beginning - like a stool, a cactus on the windowsill or a round cloud outside the window. Victor Pelevin.
  • He hung up. So here it is, the moment, the anticipation of which for twelve long months filled every free minute of his... He imagined how he would find her married, or engaged, or in love with another - he did not imagine one thing: that his return would be indifferent to her. Francis Scott Fitzgerald.
  • People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. Theodore Roosevelt
  • Why ask a person how they are when you don’t care about the answer? Jodi Picoult.
  • What is harder in marriage: unrequited love or unrequited indifference? Jadwiga Rutkowska
  • Desires are half of life; indifference is half death. Kahlil Gibran
  • Saying “I don’t care” is not as convincing as smiling and saying nothing in return. Dasha Barto
  • Manners of gestures, speech and behavior are often the result of idleness or indifference; a great feeling and a serious matter return a person to his natural appearance. Jean de La Bruyère
  • Friends left me, women came and went - I felt it almost the same way as a person sitting in a room feels the rain drumming on the window. There was some kind of glass barrier between me and the world around me, and I didn’t have the courage to break it with an effort of will. Stefan Zweig.
  • The greatest sin against one's neighbor is not hatred, but indifference. This is the most inhuman of all human feelings. George Bernard Shaw
  • It is easier to break through a wall with your forehead than into emptiness. Arkady Davidovich
  • Feeling unwanted and leaving does not mean losing. To endure indifference and remain is every minute defeat. Stephen King
  • The eagle gaze of passions penetrates into the foggy abyss of the future, while indifference is blind and stupid from birth. Claude Adrian Helvetius
  • Poverty is nothing more than the result of our laziness or indifference. Napoleon Hill
  • I can be indifferent to everything. Indifferent - but not equally. Charles Lamb
  • People are so afraid, so worried that the objects of their adoration for them will cool down. In fact, one should be afraid that they themselves will cool down much earlier. Tomi Gretzvelg
  • It's easier. It’s like a child’s game: you close your eyes and you’re in the house, nothing touches you. But if everyone constantly turns a blind eye to their loved ones, will the world go blind?.. Natalia Svetlova
  • The indifference of the tone has a much greater effect on the interlocutor than superiority, hissing or evil laughter. Alexey Efimov.
  • The “In Contact” wall has become something of an embryo of a new kind of life. I asked myself several times why I was writing, then I shrugged my shoulders and ignored all the idiotic questions. Yes, simply because the Internet has already become another vital organ or sixth sense: hearing, taste, network. The epistolary genre of the 21st century: write the words, no one will understand or hear you, but someone will find themselves and joyfully lick them. Alexander Noitov
  • This is all nonsense: smoking does not kill. This is what kills - when your feelings run into the concrete “clear”. Breezin Corps.
  • We don't need each other anymore. Even when we're close in love, you look where I can't go unless I walk backwards, and I go where you can't look unless I look backwards. Milorad Pavic.
  • Many bad people, those whom we consider bad become bad because of our kind indifference. Aishek Noram
  • Sometimes a man tries to ignite passion in a woman who is completely indifferent to him. The question is, isn’t it easier to pay attention to the one who loves him than to waste time on the one who is indifferent to him? Jean de La Bruyère
  • Ah, all these parties... You do your hair, put on a dress, and no one cares about your true essence. Dylan Moran
  • There is no more dangerous person than a person who is alien to humanity, who is indifferent to the fate of his native country, to the fate of his neighbor. Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin
  • Indifference is a serious illness of the soul. Alexis Tocqueville
  • Desire is half life, indifference is half death. Khal il Gibran Gibran
  • Do not be indifferent, for indifference is deadly to the human soul. Maksim Gorky
  • Time does not heal. It leads to indifference. It kills everything we loved so much.
    Janusz Leon Wisniewski.
  • The big vice is indifference, dispassion. A little man with a piece of ice in his heart is a future commoner. Already in childhood, it is necessary to ignite in the heart of every person a spark of civic passion and intransigence towards what is evil or condones evil. Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky
  • The most terrible cross is the one we put on ourselves. Yuri Zarozhny
  • Love and work tend to make a person completely indifferent to other things. Honore de Balzac
  • The world will perish from indifference. Emmanuel Mounier
  • Eternal scene! The servants of violence, their victim, and next to them - always and at all times - a third - the spectator, the one who is not able to lift a finger to protect, to free the victim, because he is afraid for his own skin. And maybe that's why his own skin is always in danger. Erich Maria Remarque
  • When too much despair and grief accumulates in a person’s soul, they either lead to madness and suicide, or they dull themselves - with their own own strength and infinity, so that a person finally somehow becomes stiff and reaches absolute indifference to everything in the world and, above all, to his own person: “There is nothing more to wait for, there is nothing to hope for. Whatever happens, I don’t care! Torture is torture, death is death!” And such a state, predominantly, is the result of the greatest anger at fate and people, the result of wasted struggle and energy. Vsevolod Krestovsky.
  • People who are indifferent to everything go into hibernation. Emmanuel Mounier
  • Some will hate you, some will love you, but most people don't give a damn about who you are, what you live for, or what ideas you're passionate about. Tom Hardy
  • I painfully feel that we have nothing more to say to each other. Just yesterday I wanted to bombard her with questions: where did she go, what did she do, who did she meet? But this interested me only insofar as Annie was able to devote herself to it with all her soul. And now I don't care; the countries, the cities that Annie saw, the men who courted her and whom, perhaps, she loved - all this did not captivate her, deep down she remained completely indifferent: fleeting reflections of sunshine on the surface of a dark, cold sea. Annie is sitting in front of me, we haven’t seen each other for four years, and we have nothing more to say to each other. Jean-Paul Sartre.
  • Indifference is the ideal of the obsessed. Emil Michel Cioran
  • What bothers me most is the blindness of people. Thank God there is no such thing large quantity people who are completely blind to the disgusting, vile things happening in this world. But there is blindness and farce in everything - in politics, in the names of programs, in stores, falsehood in pathos, hypocrisy, sanctimonious pseudo-puritan laws that are adopted in our country. It’s impossible not to see all this. I am amazed at the blindness of people. Gleb Samoilov
  • Only indifference can become the only reproach, under the silence of which the soul leaves the stage, throwing weak wings onto the warm wooden flooring, which just a moment ago belonged to it. Al Quotion.
  • This has its own thrill: they say, look, I’m not like you, and I don’t care what you think. Chuck Palahniuk.
  • If a kingdom rots, everything helps it rot. Let the majority simply connive - what, consider them not involved? I will consider an indifferent person to be a murderer who, seeing a child drowning in a puddle, does not try to save him . Antoine de Saint-Exupery.
  • Sometimes you don't understand the simplest things, he thought; two people in the same room; one is mortally ill, and the other is completely indifferent to this. Erich Maria Remarque
  • Under the shell of indifference you can always find an ugly, deep, unhealed wound. Henry Miller
  • We live in a world where callousness and indifference are increasingly becoming the norm of human relations, and our souls, like a shell, are covered with scabs of dried suffering and resentment. Robert James Waller.
  • Look, there's a cat. The cat doesn't care at all whether the Memory society exists. Or the department of ideology under the Central Committee. Also, however, he is indifferent to the President of the United States, his presence or absence. How am I worse than this cat? Joseph Alexandrovich Brodsky
  • My world is a small island of pain floating in an ocean of indifference. Sigmund Freud
  • I don't care at all about those who don't like me. But I don't give a damn about those who care about me. Dave Mustaine
  • There is nothing more unpleasant for an angry person than when his anger is met with complete indifference. Alexandr Duma.
  • If you wait with all your might, but don’t arrive on time, then everything gets done anyway. Haruki Murakami.
  • When you can't achieve anything for a long time, when you have to lose everything you hoped for over and over again, you gradually start to not care. Lana Del Rey

A selection of quotes, aphorisms and statuses on indifference and indifference

Only from the moment when you become indifferent to the opinions of others does the path to freedom begin.

You love everyone, and loving everyone means loving no one. You are all equally indifferent. Oscar Wilde

When you realize that a person doesn’t care about you, doesn’t care about all your feelings, about the fact that you considered him part of your life, a kind of painful indifference to him appears.

The most terrible thing in all the horrors of our world is the indifference of people. We can cry for hours over a heartwarming movie, and then on the street pass by a person who has become ill.

One person's indifference can lead to the feeling that the whole world has turned its back on you.

Indifference makes a woman nervous, and care makes her affectionate. Every man has what he deserves. Faina Ranevskaya

Nobody appreciates your attention, everyone falls in love with your indifference.

Abuse of responsiveness gives rise to indifference.

Indifference makes a woman nervous, and care makes her affectionate. Every man has what he deserves.

Anger, aggression, jealousy, rage, resentment - this only seems to be the limit of hatred. The limit of hatred is indifference.

Love always finds a way. Indifference always finds excuses.

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No one cared whether he lived or died, and he reciprocated everyone's feelings. (C. Palahniuk. “Fight Club”)

When we become indifferent to how the one we love sees us, it means we no longer love him.

I just wanted to say that if you ignore someone and don't call them, you can really hurt their feelings.

People live and do not see each other, they walk side by side, like cows in a herd; At best, they will drink the bottle together.

People now have no time for each other.

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All this nonsense that you hear on TV about expressing feelings is complete bullshit. Nobody really cares what you say.

Now only indifference remained in him, and this was worse than despair.

I know people in whose souls the universe is immeasurable, infinite. But no one cares about her, even kill her.

Our moral problem is man's indifference to himself. (E. Fromm)

The opposite of love is not hatred, but indifference. If you hate me, it means you care about me, and I still have a chance to make a man out of you.

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Even hatred is better than indifference.

It hurts less when you just don't care. ("Dr. House")

They say that death kills a person, but it is not death that kills. Boredom and indifference kill. (Iggy Paul)

Self-indifference is a glove into which the devil can easily slip his hand.

You love everyone, and loving everyone means loving no one. You are all equally indifferent. (Oscar Wilde)

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For love to be eternal, indifference must be mutual. (Don Aminado)

Condescension towards evil very closely borders on indifference to good.

The worst crime we can commit against people is not to hate them, but to treat them with indifference; This is the essence of inhumanity. (B. Shaw)

It is easy to hide hatred, it is difficult to hide love, and most difficult to hide is indifference.

People who are called weak are only indifferent, for everyone has strength when the object of his passions is touched. (C. Helvetius)



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