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Daniel is a child's name from Greek. Daniel. Meaning of the name


The name Daniel is Hebrew in origin. Derived from the words “dani”, which means “my judge” and “el” - God. The literal interpretation sounds like “my judge is God” or “God’s court.”

The male name Daniil, once popular in all CIS countries, is rarely used today. But new parents who want to raise a true optimist, a positive person who sows smiles around them, should still pay attention to him...

Conversational options: Danila, Danilo, Danil, Daniel

Modern English analogues: Danilka, Danisha, Danya, Danila, Danechka

Meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the name Daniel promises a complex, but unique in many ways, character for the bearer. In general terms, he is a calm, good-natured person, an affable and lively guy in every sense, capable of inspiring the world, drown it in optimism and positivity. This is a person who should have exemplary friendly relations with everyone, with whom rarely anyone is angry, and towards whom rarely anyone acts badly.

Diplomacy, restraint, sociability, prudence, calmness - this is still a long way off. full list qualities that the bearer of the name Daniel can boast of. For the most part, these men are restrained and calm, but it is not worth testing the psyche of such a person for strength, because he can at any moment turn into an emotional and aggressive man, capable of rash actions.

Advantages and positive features: Daniel is reserved and kind, not too emotional and tries to keep all his emotions under reliable control, generous, loves to help other people, but does not want to do it just like that, without asking. He is also positive and optimistic, and has an unusual sense of humor.

Daniel has a bad attitude towards people who do not respect other people's opinions and try to dominate the weak. Plus, he may avoid communicating with people who do not trust him - this offends and insults him at the same time.

In history, the name Daniel was given to the Holy Prophet, who was held captive by the Babylonian king and who predicted the coming of Christ in 600 years. According to legend, the prophet was once thrown to the lions, but they did not touch him.

Character of the name Daniel

The nature of the name Daniel is such that it promises the bearer a lot good characteristics, including eloquence, talkativeness, cheerfulness, optimism, kindness and good nature, diplomacy and honesty. The character of the guy named Daniil is so good that the attention of the people around him is so strongly attached to Dana himself that sometimes the people next to him may feel uneasy.

And in general, his character is simply ideal, in all respects without exception, but over time, as the boy so named grows up, he can change, and not always in better side. Daniel is at his core a traveler and adventurer, but a moderate one, not like many, who knows the importance of responsibility and the ability to stop. At the same time, this person never stops there and goes forward, and this is one of the most important qualities that his character can boast of.

In general, the nature of this name is such that it can give birth to a personality with a unique nature, an unpredictable and freedom-loving, proud person, and at the same time ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of the happiness of the people around him. But it is worth noting that all of the above is only a theory that is not always confirmed in practice.

Early childhood

The early childhood of a boy whose parents decided to choose the name Daniel will be filled with good things. The meaning can endow the bearer with a bunch of good characteristics, including kindness, justice, honesty, benevolence, eloquence, determination, obedience, activity, and many other equally important ones.

True, all these characteristics will manifest themselves differently in each individual case. But all the little Daniels are united by one thing common factor– they are active and always in action, do not sit still and prefer to have a good and fun time with their peers.

However, parents are also given due attention - Daniel is a child who pays attention to everyone without exception, is ready to help, never turns away at the right moment, and is ready for new challenges every minute. Him great relationship with peers, both at such a young age and throughout his life, and moreover, Daniel may well lay claim to the role of a leader, though not an official one, but rather an unspoken one.

And the energy of this name promises him a unique inner world and the talent to easily adapt to everything that happens around. This boy is difficult to embarrass, anger, or drive into a corner; he will find a way out of any situation, and will never argue with anyone to the point of a quarrel. Although, it is worth noting that these are only common features of all boys who are given the name Daniel. Much in reality may look different, and much depends on upbringing and the astrological patrons of the name.


As mentioned earlier, Daniil is a born leader, a person with excellent organizational skills, who easily achieves the favor of people around him, regardless of who’s attitude towards him. A boy over whom the name Daniel has direct power cannot be driven to extremes; he knows how to keep his emotions under control and rarely gets offended, even if he is criticized or lectured.

Already at such a young age, he knows how to win over people, gain attention, be a leader and lead the crowd - his leadership cannot be disputed, but he himself does not want to be responsible for the crowd, and this is his the main problem. Daniel, this is usually a person who is afraid of responsibility, and no one can do anything about it.

But there are also many positive aspects - the ability to concentrate on what is important, attentiveness, caringness, talkativeness, eloquence, the ability to compromise, humorousness, optimism and a bunch of other qualities.

As for studies, Daniil is unlikely to succeed in it - he is only attracted to humanitarian sciences, but even in them he will not succeed, because he does not have such an important quality as perseverance. Even if he likes the subject, he will not be able to focus on it, and this is a problem, and it leads to the same thing - to dissatisfaction on the part of the teaching staff.

Grown man

The meaning and energy of the name play a very important role in childhood and adolescence of a boy named Daniel, but in adulthood, the character is influenced not only by the meaning, but also by other astrological patrons, such as the element, the patron planet, the talisman stone and even sacred animal of the name.

It is thanks to them that many new qualities can be born in a man named Daniel, for example, responsibility, diplomacy, constancy, commitment, diligence, seriousness, positive attitude, hard work, and others.

In fact, the man Daniel is extremely different from the boy, and this is due directly to such a parameter as the meaning of the name, although again, all this is just a theory. But if you still believe it, then this theory should lead to a number of other consequences. For example, adult Daniel must become a real, no longer an unspoken leader. Plus, he may have excellent chances of success in his professional activities.

Interaction of the character of Daniel with the seasons

Winter - the winter boy Daniel, thanks to the meaning of Winter, in the future he may become an emotional and hot-tempered person, at the same time calculating and pragmatic. This is a homebody with family values- family is the most important element for him, and therefore the choice of a female companion is a difficult question for him.

Spring - this child, after many years, will become the owner of a creative nature. Love and happiness, even if illusory, will nourish him throughout his life. He is vulnerable and touchy, sometimes this can lead to loneliness and disappointment in the human race.

Summer - during this season, this name is given to guys who are light-hearted and good-natured by origin. Activity, ambition and energy are factors beyond his control, and his companion must have them. He wants to find a muse, but not a housewife, love, and not just a wife.

Autumn - in the future such people become narcissistic and selfish, which clearly contradicts sociability. Such people value kindness and sincerity, and always achieve their goals. And this one always has a strong character.

The fate of the name Daniel

The fate of the name Daniel in relationships with representatives of the weaker half of humanity, in love and in marriage, is such that it promises a lot of unpredictability. Daniel is a person who is ready to sacrifice everything for the happiness of others, but not ready to sacrifice freedom for the sake of a relationship, even with a loved one. Such is fate, which involves eternal wandering between personal freedom and the desire to be with your beloved.

Daniel is usually a man who is afraid of a serious relationship, afraid of losing his personal freedom, and that is why his fate suggests loneliness in terms of love. Although, over time, everything may change, because the whole point of Daniel is that he is a little man looking for any way to compromise. In general, even after building a relationship with your beloved, with real second half, Daniel will always look back, remembering his lonely past and yearning.

On the other hand, fate is the most unpredictable factor, parameter, and therefore to say something here with one hundred percent certainty would be at least stupid. How will the fate of the boy with the name variation Daniil turn out, or how should it turn out? The question is serious, but does not have an exact answer.

Love and marriage

Daniil takes the process of creating a new unit of society very seriously. He approaches the search for his soul mate with all responsibility. His chosen one should be a soft, flexible, smart and economical woman. It is not always possible for him to create a happy family. But the most important thing is that such a man marries only for love.

Family connections and relationships are very important for a man named Daniel. He loves spending time with loved ones. He follows with pleasure family traditions and tries to collect his own for every holiday big family at one table. In addition, the owner of this name is a real owner, who loves his family nest and helps his wife take care of it.

Daniel is a calm, balanced person who loves to dream and be somewhere in his own world. At the same time, he has a highly developed seventh sense, so it is unlikely that he will be deceived. Lying can make him very angry, but he is very easy-going.

Daniel as Father

Daniel becomes wonderful fathers. He is very kind to his children. He is always happy to spend his time with them free time. Excursions with the whole family into nature, games fresh air, dinner on the coals and songs around the fire - all this will not be uncommon. He loves to go fishing with his children, and with his grown-up son he can go hunting.

Daniel is especially careful about physical health and the development of children, tries to strengthen children from childhood. He happily teaches them to play tennis or football, and helps them learn how to do exercises on the sports ground. In the summer, his children will never sit at home; he will bend over backwards, but he will certainly send them to a seaside resort.

Daniel teaches his children hard work, independence, mutual respect and perseverance. Plus, it helps the wife guide the children in the process of education and upbringing. In addition, he is always ready to listen to his child without judgment or moralizing, and moreover, he will always give practical advice.

Compatible with female names

If we talk about feelings, passion, reciprocal love and building ordinary relationships, then here perfect couples Daniel will have the likes of Ada, Antonina, Bronislava, Lina, Frida and Mirra.

The best compatibility is with such female names as Lilia, Nelly, Praskovya, Edita, Alevtina, Bella and Gloria - in this case it will be possible to build a strong, reliable, strong, happy and effective marriage.

Well, ideally it’s better not to build relationships with Tamila, Dina, Clara and Serafima, because an alliance with each of the named names will only bring negativity.

The male name Daniil came to us from childhood along with the fairy tales of P. Bazhov. Danila the master tried to figure out what the secret of the stone flower was. The hero is an inquisitive observer who, despite everything, stubbornly walked towards his goal. But in reality, what is the owner of this name? What does the name Daniel mean? Where did it come to us from?


The male name Daniel, Danila or Daniel is of Hebrew origin. When translated literally, it can be divided into two bases. The first part “dan” means “judge”, the second “el” means god. Consequently, the interpretation of the name as “God’s judge” is correct. There is also another interpretation - “my God” or “fair”, which is also true in this context.

History and origin

The history of the name Daniel has a long, centuries-old history of origins from Hebrew and biblical names. A holy prophet named Daniel lived 600 years before the rise of Christianity. According to legend, it was he who named the exact time of Christ’s birth. For his faith, he was doomed to death by lions. But heaven did not allow the animals to harm the prophet.
The male name Daniel came to Rus' along with Christianity. It gained popularity among the ecclesiastical and secular nobility.


A man with this name is not a fan of finding out the truth in disputes. Always remaining with his opinion, he will not impose it on others.
What causes him suffering is not a deliberate insult to another. He expresses his respect through selfless help.

Possessing excellent intuition, he is decent in relationships. Knows how to listen. Calm and thorough, he looks at circumstances with optimism.

As if having its origins in ancient legends, the description of Daniel consists of perseverance and the ability to analyze. A boy and a man named Daniel always have a desire to understand for himself what the secret of the “stone flower” is hidden. He is disgusted by aggression and arrogance, rudeness and shouting, lies and fraud. This is the name of good and smart person. Invisible at first glance, it becomes indispensable.

Its negative points

For Daniel, the company around him matters. He gets lost in a circle of unfamiliar people and becomes helpless. It seems to him that those around him will certainly laugh at him. Tries to judge himself too harshly.

Professional status

In the tales of Bazhov - Danila skilled craftsman stone carvings. Does this mean that in real life Is he just as brilliant? Yes, bearers of this name really talented artists and musicians. In every business they have their own professional secret, be it medicine or pedagogy, electronics or construction. Even in such seemingly banal professions as shoemaker or driver, they add their own twist, showing their creativity.


The story of Danila the master is very close to reality. He does not know how to save in reserve, he is not interested in financial gain. But the embodiment of its original idea- that’s what controls his thoughts. He needs a sponsor who can see through the nondescript guy great hand craftsman.

Physical health

For a boy and a man with this name, sports matter only at the amateur level. He attends wrestling classes only with the goal of mastering self-defense techniques. He is attracted to gymnastics in order to show off in front of his friends in the lap of nature. Tennis - so as not to be left out from the team. His peace of mind can be disturbed by the endless search for beauty. He recovers as unexpectedly as he fell ill.

Love and family

Jealous character. However, he is happily married. Mental closeness and commonality of interests prevail over public opinion and material wealth. He loves his children, but he won’t help his wife unless she asks. Daniel meets the characteristics of a cordial, hospitable host. For him, a dacha means cheerful gatherings in the company of friends and family.

What significance does a name have on a child?

Daniel has a calm character as a child. This is a cute baby. Mom couldn’t be happier with the child, especially since he reminds her of her as a child. He doesn't bother his parents over trifles, but that doesn't mean he doesn't need their attention. He needs their support and an objective assessment of his work. A teacher means more to him than just school. Parents must help him choose a spiritual mentor, otherwise he may end up in a sect.

The influence of seasons on character

  • The winter boy has talent, but he often remains alone. It's easy to piss him off, and it's also easy to get him back. peace of mind. This kind child, gladly comes to the rescue. He is unpretentious in food and sloppy in clothes.
  • The characteristics of an autumn child are not very flattering. Since childhood, he has been looking for practical calculation in everything. Somewhat selfish.
  • A year old boy is kind and smart, he is attracted to acting, and can also become a director.
  • The spring boy is a dreamer, his imagination knows no bounds. He will make an excellent artist or writer.

Compatibility with middle names

What middle name will be euphonious and will favorably influence the fate of Daniel? Alexandrovich, Vasilievich, Iosifovich, Pavlovich, Romanovich, Fedorovich.

Significant other

Daniil will be lucky in marriage to Augusta, Anastasia, Angelica, Anna, Gelena, Glafira, Juliet, Evdokia, Elizaveta, Irina, Larisa, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Maya, Maria, Margarita, Marina, Nina, Olesya, Olga, Polina, Snezhana, Stella , Tamara, Tatyana, Ulyana, Elvira.

But Angelina, Elizaveta, Zinaida, Irina, Ksenia, Raisa, Roxana and Tomila are better off avoiding him.

Stories from our readers

What do everyone who bears the name Danil have in common? In this article we will look at the name Daniel: the meaning of the name, character and destiny. After all, it has been known since ancient times that a name determines how a person’s life will turn out.

Daniel: the meaning of the name, main character traits and fate

Origin and meaning of the name Daniel

Danya, Daniel: Origin and meaning of the name

First, let's find out the secret of the origin of the name Daniel and its meaning.

Translated from Hebrew, the name Daniel means “God is a judge.” This name has biblical origin. The Bible mentioned a prophet named Daniel, and believers greatly revere him. Later, several Christian saints bore this name.

Interesting fact: There are several forms of the name Daniil, one of them, Danilo, is Russian folk. The name Danila was very common inXIX century and was considered simple, peasant. These days this name cannot be called common, but it is not rare either.

What kind of character could the boy Daniel have?

The name leaves an imprint on personal traits person. What is the character of a child named Daniel?

All Danils are characterized by calmness. They never fuss, they are difficult to anger, and they do not like strong displays of emotions in others. They face all troubles armed with wisdom. They are willing to take decisive action to deal with problems. If Daniel is unable to influence the environment, he patiently accepts reality as it is; he is not characterized by hot temper, aggression and irritation.

Daniel strives for excellence in everything he undertakes. Daniil understands that time passes very quickly these days, and thanks to science, new knowledge appears every day, so he studies always and everywhere, and tries to stay informed latest discoveries. What irritates him the most is when other people say things based on outdated information. His curiosity makes him an excellent debater. He is good-natured, but fiercely defends his point of view. It’s a pleasure to watch Daniel when he talks about what he likes. He is ready to talk about his hobbies for hours, although to some he may seem laconic; Daniel simply prefers to remain silent if the topic of conversation is indifferent to him.

Daniel is very demanding of himself, which can cause dissatisfaction. If he is not happy with himself, he may begin to torment himself unnecessarily, which will cause psychological problems and internal conflicts.

Daniel treats others more leniently. But, having noticed shortcomings or changes that are not for the better, he will not hesitate to tell his interlocutor about them. However, he does this in a very good-natured manner - rudeness is not characteristic of him - and therefore Daniel’s friends calmly accept all his comments and listen to his advice. Of course, for them he is an authority who knows everything.

Daniel is a monogamist by nature, but he always puts his friends above his chosen one, he values ​​​​friendship, he has a lot of friends whom he has known for many years. Daniel loves to spend his free time with friends; his family and wife should get used to this and treat this fact patiently. This in no way diminishes their feelings for them. And here important holidays, New Year or birthday, D. prefers to spend with his family. Daniil is very hospitable, he loves to receive guests. Daniil prefers to spend as little time as possible in the kitchen and does not like to cook regular food. But in case of preparation for some kind of celebration, he gladly prepares exquisite complex dishes, which undoubtedly surprises the guests.

What fate awaits Daniel?

The meaning of the name Daniel, the main character traits and fate of Dani

Knowing a person’s character, one can draw conclusions about his life. In this section we will take a closer look at the name Daniel, the meaning of the name and destiny.

In his youth, D. dreams of an ideal chosen one. He is not very relaxed in communicating with the opposite sex, and therefore it is not always easy for him to make acquaintances. Girlfriends see Daniil as more of a bosom friend than a potential partner. With age, he becomes more open and acquires the necessary seduction skills. A woman who becomes Daniel’s chosen one will be surrounded by care and affection. Although D. is not inclined to express his feelings openly. He is stingy with compliments and praise, even if he idolizes his companion.

Advice: Daniel's girlfriend shouldn't worry about the fact that the young man rarely tells her nice words. She should pay attention to nonverbal cues his attitude towards her - glances, silent care, sometimes imperceptible signs of attention.

Having married, Daniel prefers to spend time at home with his wife. He is not averse to doing some chores around the house, and is happy to tinker with the children - he walks with them, takes them to sports clubs, watches cartoons.

As for his career, he can achieve success in many areas:

  • Creative professions. Daniel has a well-developed imagination, and therefore he can become an actor or writer.
  • Natural Sciences. Daniel has a penchant for exact sciences; he will make an excellent scientist or writer.
  • Leadership positions. Daniil does not strive for leadership, but he always achieves highest degree mastery in any business he undertakes. Therefore, achieving career heights is inevitable for him, even if he himself does not want it.

What will the child named Daniel be like?

What character will a child named Daniel have?

So, have you decided to name your child Daniel? We will tell you about the name Daniel, the meaning of the name for a boy.

Little Daniel is a quiet and calm child who does not bother his parents. Daniel prefers to spend time alone, reading or playing. At the same time, he easily makes acquaintances with other guys, and he cannot be called shy or downtrodden. It is not difficult for Daniil to find a place for himself in any company, where he very quickly wins the love and respect of others. With age, Daniil begins to become more active, and it would be good for parents to find a sports section that the boy will like.

Daniel does not like to lie, and therefore parents and teachers can trust him. Daniel would rather admit to some of his misdeeds than to invent a false excuse for himself. He expects the same from others, and therefore it is better to be frank with him. D. does not like to argue and prefers to resolve conflicts through diplomacy.

Daniil studies well, although in some lessons he may receive bad marks. And the point is not that he is bad at these subjects - they are simply not interesting to him, and therefore he does not want to pay due attention to them. Good teacher will be able to instill in Daniel an interest in his subject, even if he initially hates it. If this does not happen, parents should think about finding a good tutor for him.

Daniil has authority among his peers; they often turn to him for help and ask his opinion on issues that interest them. D. willingly gives advice and helps with studies. Even if he does not have sufficient knowledge in some areas, he speaks very confidently, so that others have no doubt about Daniel's competence.

Comments from site visitors

    Very interesting information, but I’m interested in the question: is there a difference between the names Daniel and Danil? I just don't think so. And a friend, a philologist and part-time ardent fanatic, says that the Bible describes one prophet whose name was Daniel, and then God called him Daniel, and it seems like the meaning of the name changed. I’m not sure exactly, I wanted to ask you.

    Yes, Nadya, this is true. There is a difference, although to the eye it is purely symbolic. But each name has its own unique meaning, and even such nuances have their own differences. It’s just that Daniel is an older name, it appeared back when the Bible was written, and Daniel is more modern, a derivative of the first name, so what. If this is important to you, then try to find more information and choose which of the two names you prefer.

    my cousin name is Danil. Even as a baby, he was a very calm child, but also sociable. Once I even made friends on the beach with a child who spoke Turkish. And even though they didn’t know the language, they still somehow muttered and seemed to even understand each other!! And as for the chosen one, in general, 100 out of 100. Sometimes it seems to me that she is more of a sister/friend to him than a wife. I can’t even imagine the two of them in the same bed. Everything is very accurately noted)

    our Daniil, who is 5 years old, is a very active and stubborn and sociable child, maybe due to his age, he is already an adult)))) A very smart and mischievous kid, very active child. He starts a fight himself, he can start waving his fists, a little defender, and when he is offended he will never complain about the offender, that’s how Daniels are.

    Hi all!
    I'm pregnant and achieve a lot in life. I want my son to be exactly like this.

    Mom told me that she chose my name based on the description. I really always strive for perfection, I really try to bring everything to the maximum. This is especially true for my work and my actions; I don’t show such categoricalness towards others, but sometimes I really want to be softer towards myself, but I can’t change my character.

    My wife wants to name her son Daniel. Daniil Denisovich, in my opinion it sounds good! After reading the article, I want to believe that the son will take only advantages on his behalf. Although, a lot depends on the person himself, but they say that the name predetermines fate, so let it be so. If there is a craving for sports, I will definitely give it to hockey. But in general, in life I will try to develop his character traits and guide him in the right direction. Thanks for the info.

    Daniil is also very businesslike and hard-working, he takes on any job. My 6-year-old Daniel today tore off the baseboards and unscrewed the hinges on the door, working with a screwdriver, screwdrivers and chisels. In the village he was hammering nails, as soon as he started walking, he would find a hole and hammer a nail into it. No wonder they say Danila is a master. He’s inquisitive, he’s been reading for two years, plays chess... I haven’t regretted for a second that I called him by that name. Of course, she called it according to the calendar.

    My son is an exception. I also chose the name based on the description. There was no more hooliganism from the guy either in the kindergarten or in the classroom. Constantly misbehaves. One never liked to play; the little one never played with toys.

    We named our son Daniil, we really liked the name and its meaning. While he is still a baby, his character does not clearly manifest itself. He is no different from his peers; he sleeps, eats, and is awake. Let's see how it turns out, whether the character traits described here match

    Honestly, there is no one familiar with that name. I don't know if it's true or not. Do you believe in the meaning of a name and can a name influence the fate of a child? Now we are waiting for a new addition to the family, the gender is not yet known, we are racking our brains, we have already looked through a bunch of options and cannot choose

    My colleague is Daniil. He is calm and reasonable good friend. At the same time, he is straightforward, but this does not offend people, but rather attracts them. About the fact that he likes to argue, that’s for sure. When we go home after work, we always argue, and besides, he is an excellent conversationalist

    My husband is Daniel. I am surrounded by care and affection. Although Daniel is not inclined to express his feelings openly. He is stingy with compliments and praise, at first I thought that our feelings had cooled. But he’s like that, he doesn’t like to express emotions clearly and proves everything with actions

    My husband likes to spend his free time with friends, I’m used to it and am patient. But he prefers to spend important holidays, New Year or birthday, with his family. My husband is very hospitable and loves to receive guests. So everything written in the article matches

    We have a son, Daniel, who is a quiet and calm child and does not cause us any trouble. Really prefers to spend time alone, reading or playing. At the same time, he is sociable, easily makes acquaintances with other guys, and has many friends. Average student at school

    I am faced with choosing a university and getting a profession. I like creativity and exact sciences. The fact that “he always achieves the highest degree of excellence in any task he undertakes” is about me. I like to get things done and achieve my goals.

    I didn’t even notice how by the age of 15 I had become much smarter. I was always a leader in my company without achieving this, and all decisions depended on me, where we will go and what we will do was chosen by me, and if I do not agree, then no one will do it. I am very kind, not sociable (closed off with strangers), I prefer solitude and spend time doing what I love, I trust (I open up my whole self) and communicate with people who have known me for a long time and have similar interests to me. I'm very inquisitive. I dream of bringing something new into this world, leaving something behind, making a discovery. I am very secretive, I will never tell my secrets even to my parents (they know me very poorly. In order for me to learn quickly, I need an individual approach (This will be useful for parents). I am very observant of people, I want to fully study human psychology. I must be smart and this makes it hard, it’s hard to understand a lot in this world, I’m in deep thought every night, for me the universe is a mystery that I try to solve every day, I believe in mysticism, I have a lot of thoughts about suicide, but I won’t do it because I haven’t experienced it yet. there are a lot of things in this life, and it would be stupid to just die. I would like to become an extrovert, but it’s not my choice, parents, to make a smart introvert (maybe it’s better for future science) or choose a different name and make a son. an ordinary person who doesn’t think about any bullshit, and he’ll live like everyone else normal people. This is just my opinion. I haven’t met anyone like me yet... maybe because I wasn’t looking for another Daniel, and he wasn’t looking for me either) it’s logical) Your choice.

Do you want to know the origin of this beautiful Russian name, and what unites the people who bear it? Today the topic of our article is Danila: the meaning of the name, character and fate that awaits a boy with this beautiful sonorous name. We will begin, as in other articles, with the history of its origin...

Danila: exact description of a person with this name. What kind of life awaits a boy, guy, man with that name?

In this article you will learn:

Origin and meaning of the name Danila

  • The name Danila is the Russian form of the Hebrew name Daniil.
  • In the Bible, the only bearer of this name was the prophet Daniel. The name is translated as “God is my judge”, “my judge God”.
  • The form of the name Danila is found only in countries former USSR and has a slightly old-fashioned character. But now the name is regaining popularity; more and more parents name their sons by it.

How the origin of the name Danila influenced its meaning

What kind of character could the boy Danila have?

Adult Danila is a kind, calm, smiling person. These are perhaps the defining traits of his character. His positive attitude towards life is felt in everything.

Main character traits:

  • With the people around him, the man is always friendly and welcoming. When meeting a person, Danila sincerely shows interest in him and is ready to support him with advice and kind words.
  • Thanks to his excellent memory, the owner of this name not only remembers all his friends by name, but also remembers their hobbies and interests, which allows him to quickly find general theme to talk with a person and win him over.

Another pleasant feature of a person named Danila is his sense of humor. He knows how to joke in a very kind and non-offensive way, easily defusing the situation in a company or, conversely, creating a friendly atmosphere with a good joke. Moreover, quite often he makes fun of himself, which not everyone is capable of.

  • He has many friends, people are drawn to him. Childhood friends to whom he is very attached continue to communicate closely with him in mature age.
  • However, D. finds many good and faithful friends in his youth and in student years, and then maintains relationships with them throughout his life. He knows how to make friends and appreciate friendship.
  • Danila is not prone to haste in business; he does everything slowly and deliberately. Whatever it concerns, he will first measure seven times, then cut once.
  • Even in difficult times life situations he knows how to stay positive and is determined for the best.
  • Strong and reliable in appearance, a very romantic person at heart. He hides his dreamy nature behind a screen of enterprise and practicality.

What fate awaits Danila?

Danila goes through life calmly and confidently. His kind and balanced character allows him to be at peace with himself and with others.

Reliable, responsive, reasonable, he is always ready to help, listen, give advice, and solve a problem.

In your youth, actively engage in sports, not as enthusiastically as in childhood, but on a regular basis. To maintain good physical shape, he goes to Gym, wrestling or swimming.

Work and profession

In the professional sphere, Danila most often chooses a specialty that is associated with craftsmanship, design, where both knowledge and skills are needed.

The following professions are close to him:

  • builder;
  • engineer;
  • constructor;
  • master of crafts;
  • mechanic;

Characteristics of the name Danila, character traits and fate

Danila is loved and respected in the team. Even there, he always knows how to create a friendly atmosphere, establish contact with management and colleagues, and, if necessary, resolve a conflict peacefully. As an employee, D. is responsible, efficient, and disciplined.

Having “golden hands”, a man may decide to create his own service business. It could be a car workshop, construction company, a furniture manufacturing company.

Money and earnings

In material terms, Danila is not very demanding. He has a job he loves, he devotes himself completely to it and sometimes does not notice that the financial side of the issue is sagging.

At a more mature age, having started a family, he takes finances more seriously, begins to earn more and save money.

Family and love

Danila is a very attractive young man, but not so much because of his appearance, but because of his ability to win over him. Girls really like the guy’s confident and calm demeanor; he exudes reliability and stability. However, in this case, appearances are deceiving. For the time being, it is difficult for him to make a choice, he is somewhat flighty, so novels in his youthful life happen quite often.

Having become a family man, a man still loves active recreation. D. prefers to spend his free time outdoors. He goes fishing, hunting, and barbecues with friends.

  • In his chosen one, he wants to see not only appearance, but also a rich inner world, a community of interests. After several years of searching, a young man usually finds just such a girl, and a happy family life awaits them.
  • Danila attaches great importance to relatives, family connections. As a rule, he prefers to spend holidays with his family, with relatives and friends. Having married, D. becomes a homebody and enjoys spending time with his family, helping his wife arrange her home and improve her everyday life.
  • He loves to receive guests, is often the initiator of such meetings, and is not at all shy about helping his wife with housework and cooking. festive table. If he is in the mood, he can even start preparing food himself; he is especially good at meat dishes.
  • Throughout his life he maintains close contact with his parents, helps and takes care of them, they are frequent guests in his house.
  • For children, the owner of this name is a caring and attentive father. He is ready to get up to the child at night in infancy to give his wife a rest; he can stay home alone with him. He does not have a fear of small children, like many men.
  • When the children grow up, Danila spends a lot of time with them, organizes leisure activities for them on weekends, and takes them to clubs and sections on weekdays.

What will the child named Danila be like?

At a young age, Danila is an affectionate, calm, smiling child. He is open to the world, inquisitive, sociable.

Danya is easy for both children and adults. He communicates with adults judiciously and seriously, listening carefully and thinking deeply about the answers. He easily enters into a discussion with the parents of neighboring children, willingly talks about himself, and shares his childish, but already quite meaningful, conclusions.

Danyusha easily makes contact with his peers, quickly finds mutual language and immediately begins to involve them in his games. Usually this is not running, hide-and-seek, climbing fences, but something more intellectual: building a city out of sand, drawing with chalk on the asphalt, studying the surrounding nature.

At home Danya is moderately playful and restless. He's like ordinary child, also likes to jump on the sofa, throw a ball at a shelf, have noisy races with cars, involve family members in his games, but rarely does anything out of spite or is capricious over trifles.

Study and school

Danila is doing well at school, but there aren’t enough stars in the sky. He can be called average. Moreover, this applies to both behavior and diligence. He does not misbehave, does not enter into conflicts with teachers and classmates, but he can pull the pigtail of a girl he likes, slide down the stair railing, or start playful fights with a school friend.

  • IN primary school Dani does not have a pronounced inclination towards any particular subjects; he studies diligently and goes to school because it is necessary and his parents said so. Already in high school, students have favorite subjects. Danila is rather a humanist; he loves history, languages, literature, and geography.
  • The boy has had it since childhood good health, he grows strong. A rather heavy-set boy comes to the first grade, and he may even be teased with a mattress and a lump.
  • However, the owner of this name takes ridicule quite calmly, does not snap back, laughs it off more, and over time they stop pestering him.
  • At this age, it is better to send a boy to a sport that disciplines and improves physical condition. Dana may be interested in football, hockey, swimming, wrestling, and athletics.
Published: 2017-02-26, Modified: 2017-02-26,


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