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We have dictation in the animal world. Dictations in the Russian language. Separate definitions and applications

In the animal world, we have likes and dislikes. Nobody likes crocodiles. This huge, water-dwelling lizard has a small brain, but powerful jaws and a muscular tail, the blow of which can break the legs of an adult antelope.
The crocodile is a skilled hunter. For hours he can lie motionless in the water, sticking out only his nostrils and bulging eyes - “periscopes” - to the surface.As soon as someone approaches a watering hole and loses his vigilance due to thirst, he instantly rushes at the victim. In Africa it is most often antelope.
The size of the crocodile's victim does not confuse him at all. On land, he does not finish her off, but drags her into the water and drowns her. The predator will not immediately tear the prey, but will place it behind a snag or in a cave dug for this purpose in the shore under water, and wait until the prey “gets wet”.
The stomach of a crocodile is a hellish chemical plant that digests everything: wool, horns, hooves. Even the iron hooks are gradually corroded in his stomach.
The crocodile does not avoid sushi. His favorite pastime is to bask on the sandy shore of a pond. When there is obvious danger, it rushes into the water, bending its body, throwing its hind legs far forward. He is the boss here. (166 words)

(By V. Peskov)

V. Surikov is the author of the famous painting “Suvorov’s Crossing of the Alps,” which tells about the feat of Russian soldiers.
...The artist has been working for two years, and a lot has already been done. The main thing is to think about the placement of the figures on the huge canvas. On the left is Suvorov. He reined in his horse right on the edge of the abyss. In the center are Russian soldiers, rolling down the steep slopes like a rapid avalanche. But a passionate desire for the truth, the desire to write everything from life without fail, led the artist to the peaks of the Swiss Alps.
An artist and a Swiss guide are making their way along a narrow path. Suddenly Surikov quickly slides down an icy steep slope. Not having flown even ten meters, raising a cloud of snow dust, he disappears into a snowdrift. This saves him, because sharp teeth of rocks stick out of the snow ahead. The guide rushes over the cliff, shouting something, but Surikov has already risen and, grabbing the stones, gets to the platform. The artist involuntarily thinks that Suvorov’s miracle heroes descended from the mountains in the same way. (145 words)

(By O. Tuberovskaya)

Autumn is the time when nature fades, when it bursts into life with its last bright colors.
Gold of all shades on the trees, gold on the grass, gold reflected in the still waters of a narrow river. Silence. Not a sound, not a breeze. Even a light cloud froze in the sky.
This is how the landscape artist Levitan depicted nature in his painting “Golden Autumn”. It attracts us with the harmony of colors, and at the same time, this poetic picture of the magical autumn is shrouded in light sadness. Nature is solemn and serene on this quiet day, but it is already freezing. A cold mischievous wind is about to blow, and then the trees will drop their last festive attire.
Peering at the canvas painted by the hand of a great master, we involuntarily penetrate into the inner world of the artist himself. After all, observing and studying nature, a true master of the brush tries to capture in her life the moment that is closest and dearest to his heart and reflect it in his work. (132 words)

(By O. Tuberovskaya)

Dictations 8th grade:
Option 1.
In the animal world, we have likes and dislikes. Nobody likes crocodiles. This huge, water-dwelling lizard has a small brain, but powerful jaws and a muscular tail, the blow of which can break the legs of an adult antelope.
The crocodile is a skilled hunter. For hours he can lie motionless in the water, sticking out only his nostrils and bulging eyes - “periscopes” - to the surface. As soon as someone approaches a watering hole and loses his vigilance due to thirst, he instantly rushes at the victim. In Africa it is most often antelope.
The size of the crocodile's victim does not confuse him at all. On land, he does not finish her off, but drags her into the water and drowns her. The predator will not tear the prey right away, but will place it behind a snag or in a cave dug for this purpose in the shore under water, and wait until the prey “gets wet.” The stomach of a crocodile is a hellish chemical plant that digests everything: wool, horns, hooves. Even the iron hooks are gradually corroded in his stomach. The crocodile does not avoid sushi. His favorite pastime is to bask on the sandy shore of a pond. When there is obvious danger, it rushes into the water, bending its body, throwing its hind legs far forward. He is the boss here. (166 words.) (According to V. Peskov).

Option 2.
V. Surikov is the author of the famous painting “Suvorov’s Crossing of the Alps,” which tells about the feat of Russian soldiers.
...The artist has been working for two years, and a lot has already been done. The main thing is to think about the placement of the figures on the huge canvas. On the left is Suvorov. He reined in his horse right on the edge of the abyss. In the center are Russian soldiers, rolling down the steep slopes like a rapid avalanche. But a passionate desire for the truth, the desire to write everything from life without fail, led the artist to the peaks of the Swiss Alps. An artist and a Swiss guide are making their way along a narrow path. Suddenly Surikov quickly slides down an icy steep slope. Not having flown even ten meters, raising a cloud of snow dust, he disappears into a snowdrift. This saves him, because sharp teeth of rocks stick out of the snow ahead. The guide rushes over the cliff, shouting something, but Surikov has already risen and, grabbing the stones, gets to the platform. The artist involuntarily thinks that Suvorov’s miracle heroes descended from the mountains in the same way. (145 words). (According to O. Tuberovskaya).

Option 3.
Autumn is the time when nature fades, when it bursts into life with its last bright colors. Gold of all shades on the trees, gold on the grass, gold reflected in the still waters of a narrow river. Silence. Not a sound, not a breeze. Even a light cloud froze in the sky. This is how the landscape artist Levitan depicted nature in his painting “Golden Autumn”. It attracts us with the harmony of colors, and at the same time, this poetic picture of the magical autumn is shrouded in light sadness. Nature is solemn and serene on this quiet day, but it is already freezing. A cold mischievous wind is about to blow, and then the trees will drop their last festive attire. Peering at the canvas painted by the hand of a great master, we involuntarily penetrate into the inner world of the artist himself. After all, observing and studying nature, a true master of the brush tries to capture in her life the moment that is closest and dearest to his heart and reflect it in his work. (132 words).

Vocabulary dictations:
Option 1.
Side by side, labyrinth, agitate, receipt, railing, rally, abstract, breeder, champion, shines, anniversary, fair, sports day, red, distance, kilometer, springboard, prototype, patriotism, silhouette.
make up phrases with these words, identify the main words, underline verb phrases;
Underline words that can be used in texts on a sports topic.

Option 2.
Communicative, resume, jacket, phlegmatic, contemporary, literary critic, composer, Olympics, couturier, debate, kerosene, proofreader, genuine, generation, prototype, territory, epigram, squadron, youth, companion.
determine the lexical meaning of the underlined words, make phrases or sentences with them;
write down words that indicate profession.

Option 3.
Rack, recommendation, corduroy, pedestal, delicate, pursue, corridor, improvise, gallery, ornament, devotion, decoration, as if, interior, composition, napkin, coloring, authentic, calories, regulate, lampshade.
make up phrases with these words, determine the type of subordinating connection (coordination, adjacency, control);
Underline words that can be used in texts to describe the room.

Option 4.
Experiment, impression, fiction, effectiveness, prototype, intelligence, epilogue, future, embody, symphony, conservatory, personify, declaration, architecture, bibliography, attraction, composition, stage directions, restore, audience, ambition, comfort.
make up phrases with these words, mark the main word, underline the verb phrases;
Underline words that can be used in a literature lesson when analyzing works.

Option 3.
Reservoir, migration, relic, civilization, imitate, poster, film library, equivalent, exposition, quarantine, pessimist, propagandist, periphery, banner, tribune, line, priority, program, pedestal, presidium.
make up phrases with these words, determine the method of subordinating connection;
Underline 5 - 6 words characteristic of the journalistic style.

Dictation 8th grade:
Behind the glass door with white lace curtains one could see the concierge's room and herself, sitting in an old chair facing the door. She pulled the cord, the latch clicked, and the door opened slightly. "Madame, monsieur?" – she croaked like a learned bird and looked at us questioningly. I began to explain to her the purpose of our visit, but she, without listening to the end, nodded her head and pointed to the stairs: “Second floor, to the left. But it seems the professor is not at home, he went to the library in the morning. However, go up. I think "Mademoiselle is at home. In my opinion, she has not gone out yet."... Having followed us all the way to the stairs, this respectable lady closed the door and then leisurely took up the earthenware coffee pot to pour hot coffee into a thick, voluminous cup. It was noticeable that she felt like a pillar of order and power and lived to her fullest pleasure.
(126 words). (According to V. Kataev).
Grammar task:
1. Write out the predicate from the text: compound verb, compound nominal.
2. Indicate in the text: an introductory word, an isolated circumstance, a predicate in an impersonal sentence, a direct object, an isolated definition, a predicate in a definitely personal sentence.

In the animal world, we have likes and dislikes. Nobody likes crocodiles. This huge, water-dwelling lizard has a small brain, but powerful jaws and a muscular tail, the blow of which can break the legs of an adult antelope.

The crocodile is a skilled hunter. For hours he can lie motionless in the water, sticking out only his nostrils and bulging eyes - “periscopes” to the surface. As soon as someone approaches a watering hole and loses his vigilance out of thirst, he instantly rushes at the victim. In Africa it is most often antelope.

The size of the crocodile's victim does not confuse him at all. On land, he does not finish her off, but drags her into the water and drowns her. The predator will not tear the prey right away, but will place it behind a snag or in a cave dug for this purpose in the shore under water, and wait until the prey gets wet.

The stomach of a crocodile is a hellish chemical plant that digests everything: wool, horns, hooves. Even the iron hooks are gradually corroded in his stomach.

The artist has been working for two years, and a lot has already been done. The main thing is to think about the placement of the figures on the huge canvas. On the left is Suvorov. He reined in his horse right on the edge of the abyss. In the center are Russian soldiers, rolling down the steep slopes like a rapid avalanche. But a passionate desire for the truth, the desire to write everything from life without fail, led the artist to the peaks of the Swiss Alps.

An artist and a Swiss guide are making their way along a narrow path. Suddenly Surikov quickly slides down an icy steep slope. Not having flown even ten meters, raising a cloud of snow dust, he disappears into a snowdrift. This saves him, because sharp teeth of rocks stick out of the snow ahead. The guide rushes over the cliff, shouting something, but Surikov has already risen and, grabbing the stones, gets to the platform. The artist involuntarily thinks that Suvorov’s miracle heroes descended from the mountains in the same way. (145 words)

(According to O. Tuberovskaya)

Autumn is the time when nature fades, when it bursts into life with its last bright colors.

Gold of all shades on the trees, gold on the grass, gold reflected in the still waters of a narrow river. Silence. Not a sound, not a breeze. Even a light cloud froze in the sky.

This is how the landscape artist Levitan depicted nature in his painting “Golden Autumn”. It attracts us with the harmony of colors, and at the same time, this poetic picture of the magical autumn is shrouded in light sadness. Nature is solemn and serene on this quiet day, but it is already freezing. A cold mischievous wind is about to blow, and then the trees will drop their last festive attire.

Peering at the canvas painted by the hand of a great master, we involuntarily penetrate into the inner world of the artist himself. After all, observing and studying nature, a true master of the brush tries to capture in her life the moment that is closest and dearest to his heart and reflect it in his work. (132 words)

(According to O. Tuberovskaya)

Source - G. A. Bogdanova. Collection of dictations in the Russian language for grades 5-9.

“Control dictations for 8th grade. I. In the animal world we have likes and dislikes. Nobody likes crocodiles. This huge, water-dwelling lizard has a small brain, but...”

Control dictations for 8th grade.

I. In the animal world we have likes and dislikes. Nobody likes crocodiles. This huge, water-dwelling lizard has a small brain, but powerful jaws and a muscular tail, the blow of which can break the legs of an adult antelope.

The crocodile is a skilled hunter. For hours he can lie motionless in the water, sticking out only his nostrils and bulging eyes - “periscopes” to the surface. As soon as someone approaches a watering hole and loses his vigilance out of thirst, he instantly rushes at the victim. In Africa it is most often antelope.

The size of the crocodile's victim does not confuse him at all. On land, he does not finish her off, but drags her into the water and drowns her. The predator will not tear the prey right away, but will place it behind a snag or in a cave dug for this purpose in the shore under water, and wait until the prey gets wet. The stomach of a crocodile is a hellish chemical plant that digests everything: wool, horns, hooves. Even the iron hooks are gradually corroded in his stomach.

The crocodile does not avoid sushi. His favorite pastime is to bask on the sandy shore of a pond. When there is obvious danger, it rushes into the water, bending its body, throwing its hind legs far forward. He is the boss here. (166 words)

The artist has been working for two years, and a lot has already been done. The main thing is to think about the placement of the figures on the huge canvas. On the left is Suvorov. He reined in his horse right on the edge of the abyss. In the center are Russian soldiers, rolling down the steep slopes like a rapid avalanche. But a passionate desire for the truth, the desire to write everything from life without fail, led the artist to the peaks of the Swiss Alps.

An artist and a Swiss guide are making their way along a narrow path. Suddenly Surikov quickly slides down an icy steep slope. Not having flown even ten meters, raising a cloud of snow dust, he disappears into a snowdrift. This saves him, because sharp teeth of rocks stick out of the snow ahead. The guide rushes over the cliff, shouting something, but Surikov has already risen and, grabbing the stones, gets to the platform. The artist involuntarily thinks that Suvorov’s miracle heroes descended from the mountains in the same way. (145 words)

(According to O. Tuberovskaya)

III. Autumn is the time when nature fades, when it bursts into life with its last bright colors.

Gold of all shades on the trees, gold on the grass, gold reflected in the still waters of a narrow river. Silence. Not a sound, not a breeze. Even a light cloud froze in the sky.

This is how the landscape artist Levitan depicted nature in his painting “ Golden autumn" It attracts us with the harmony of colors, and at the same time, this poetic picture of the magical autumn is shrouded in light sadness. Nature is solemn and serene on this quiet day, but it is already freezing. A cold mischievous wind is about to blow, and then the trees will drop their last festive attire.

Peering at the canvas painted by the hand of a great master, we involuntarily penetrate into the inner world of the artist himself. After all, observing and studying nature, a true master of the brush tries to capture in her life the moment that is closest and dearest to his heart and reflect it in his work. (132 words)

(According to O. Tuberovskaya)

IV. An old man in a naval uniform was sitting on the river bank. Dragonflies fluttered above him, some sat on worn epaulettes, rested and fluttered when the man occasionally moved. It was stuffy, and he relaxed his unbuttoned collar with his hand and, taking a deep breath, stood still, looking at the small waves patting the shore.

A little, hardly ten years, passed after his resignation, and he was forgotten everywhere: in the imperial palace, and in the Admiralty, and in the headquarters of the fleets and naval schools. Here, in the center of Russia, in the Tambov region, Fedot Ushakov, the disgraced Russian naval commander, ended his life. He conducted forty campaigns without being defeated in a single battle. The brilliant victories of the Russian fleet under his command made the name of Ushakov legendary.

He remembered long campaigns, and his gaze wandered somewhere out there, along distant bays and harbors.

A breeze came, as if trying to swaddle the lonely admiral, and he seemed to push him away with his hand, trying to hold back the visions of the past.

Far from the sea he ended his life greatest commander Fatherland. (140 words)

(According to V. Ganichev)

V. Do you hear how the seagull screams pitifully over the troubled sea? In the foggy distance, in the west, its dark waters are lost. Cold, windy. The dull sound of the sea, now weakening, now intensifying, like the murmur of a pine forest, echoes with majestic sighs along with the cries of a seagull... Do you see how shelterlessly it curls in the autumn fog, swaying in the cold wind? This is due to bad weather.

Here, on the inhospitable northern sea, on its deserted islands and coasts, there is bad weather all year round. Now, in autumn, the north is even sadder. The sea swells gloomily and becomes a dark iron color. From a distance, its vast plain seems higher than the shore. The wind drives waves from the west and carries the cries of a seagull far away.

The sea, rushing onto the shore with a roar and noise, digs gravel under itself and, like boiling snow, crumbles with a hiss and creeps onto the shore, but immediately slides back like glass, propping up a new rotating shaft, and in the distance it breaks against the stones and soars high into the air. (141 words)

(According to I. Bunin)

VI. Venus is the brightest luminary in our night sky after the Moon. Shining with a soft, brilliant light, it has long captured the imagination of people. No wonder the ancients gave her the name of the goddess of beauty - Venus.

Assuming that Venus was two luminaries, the ancients called it the morning or evening star. Indeed, in the morning it appears in the east shortly before sunrise, then disappearing in its rays. A few months later it can be observed in the evening, after sunset, when it shines above the western horizon and, gradually descending, disappears behind the Sun.

Venus appears so bright because it is closest to us heavenly body, not counting the Moon, and, in addition, it is covered with a thick layer of white clouds that well reflect the sun's rays. It is because of this thickness and density of the atmosphere that we know little about the planet, despite its comparative proximity to Earth. Research, however, has proven that the temperature on its surface is high - several hundred degrees Celsius, and the upper layers of the atmosphere contain acids tens or hundreds of times more than the Earth's atmosphere. (150 words)

(According to M. Gumilevskaya)

There was a lot in Efremov’s life: travels, war, work, impressions, reflections. By the age of twenty, he had opened a cemetery of ancient amphibians in the far north, and at thirty-three he became a doctor of biological sciences. Efremov is the creator of taphonomy, or the science of where and how to look for the remains of fossil animals. However, he is known as a science fiction writer.

Fiction is usually about dreams and hopes. Not everyone is able to see the world in a new way, even in their dreams. Efremov had the gift of looking into the distant future. Moreover, science fiction, responding to dreams and hopes, is ahead of its time, and Efremov was ahead of science fiction. For example, he created a novel about the cosmic future of humanity before the first Russian satellite excited the whole world. “The Andromeda Nebula” is a book about the romance of the cosmic, the universal, about friendly extraterrestrial civilizations, about the details of earthly life through millennia. (140 words) (According to G. Gurevich)

VIII. The Russian North is a land of incredible open spaces, freedom and freedom (the North has never known either the Tatar-Mongol yoke or serfdom), a land of rare wealth and rare beauty, which to this day has not lost the charm of primitive savagery.

Limitless forests full of animals and birds, deep rivers and lakes, silver with splashing fish - this is how the people who first came here saw this region.

However, the North is not a fairy tale, not the promised land that peasants have dreamed of for centuries. The north is an endless winter with impassable snow and severe frosts. The North is storms and storms icy seas. It was on this land that a special tribe of Russian people grew up - the Pomors, people of great courage, endurance, and enterprising people. After all, it was they, the Pomors, who cut a window to Europe, making their capital - the city of Arkhangelsk - the first sea gate of Russia. From among the Pomors came our explorers, who, four centuries ago, fearlessly and boldly plowed the Arctic Ocean on their simple boats. From here, from Pomerania, the grandiose movement of the Russian people to Siberia, to the East began. (150 words)

(According to F. Abramov)

IX. Here, at the top, a cold wind always blew, flowing from the glacier onto the plain. The forest in this place retreated further from the rock wall than anywhere else. Apparently, no life could endure the breath of the abyss for long. The gorge resembled a stone river. It seemed as if some force that raged here in ancient times had swept out scatterings of cast-iron-gray rocks. The side of the rock facing the mountains was covered with a layer of yellow coating. The grass didn't want to grow here either.

The randomly piled up boulders retreated somewhat from the edge of the abyss, or maybe they were deliberately thrown down by someone. They formed a small platform. Its far edge fell into the abyss. From there, slowly swirling, a yellowish fog crawled out. Through it one could see the opposite shore, equally rocky and inhospitable, and a narrow suspension bridge.

Below, under the bridge, an immeasurable depth yawned. No one probably went down there of their own free will, and no one, of course, could go back up. And the mountains looked from above, majestic, indifferent, in cloud caps, in bluish cloaks of undisturbed glaciers. (149 words)

(According to M. Semenova)

X. Nowhere in the Moscow region will you see such an abundance of thick grasses and wildflowers as near Zvenigorod. Here, in the village of Dunino, Mikhail Prishvin, a writer and traveler, spent his last seven years of his life. His house, surrounded by greenery, stands on a hill. From the round terrace there is a wide panorama of the river, the quiet and gentle distances beyond the river. Here, in the house purchased by the writer, tired of his wanderings, memories of exciting travels burst in like a refreshing thunderstorm. He told the children who often came to him about them. In the garden they sat on a bench, made, like the table standing here, by Prishvin himself. The guys, of course, asked to tell us about their adventures. Sitting down next to them and looking at the rustling treetops, the writer recalled true stories about his life, which surprised everyone. He told how he developed a passion for travel, how as a child he even tried to escape to America. But it was not just restlessness that called him on the road, but an insatiable desire to see the unprecedented and express in words the unique beauty of nature. (145 words)

(Based on materials from the book “Pearls of the Moscow Region” by V. Osokin)

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