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Andrey Bandera

Zodiac sign:

Eastern horoscope:

Place of Birth:

singer, musician, producer

Biography of Andrei Bandera

Andrei Bandera is a famous and beloved singer, a real example of the fact that true talent does not require large financial investments for “promotion.” Andrei Bandera is also known as a supporter of the idea of ​​“people's production”. Bandera's real name is Eduard Izmestyev; in 2014, the recording studio broke the contract with the singer, and now chansonnier Evgeniy Konovalov performs under the name “Andrey Bandera”.

Folk singer Andrei Bandera, aka Eduard Izmestyev

Andrei Bandera's childhood

The singer's real name is Eduard Anatolyevich Izmestyev. He was born on April 25, 1971 in the small mining town of Kizel, Perm Region. School years The guy remembered Edward not so much for his lessons and homework as for his music lessons - in those years the boy enthusiastically played the drums.

Not far from the place where the guy lived, there was a gypsy camp. Edward spent a lot of time there: he was friends with the gypsy boys, listened to how amazingly soulfully and soulfully the adult gypsies sang their songs with a guitar. Absorbing these unusual intonations, Edward fell in love with music even more.

The beginning of Andrei Bandera's creative career. "Atlantis"

Studying at the Kizelovsky Mining College, where the guy entered in 1985, was supposed to put an end to musical career young men. But it turned out the other way around - during his studies, Izmestyev did not stop doing what he loved, and in 1987 he even organized his own musical group, Atlantis. Her playful pop repertoire was far from the compositions performed by Andrei Bandera today.

Young Eduard Izmailov and the Atlantis group

After graduating from college, the guys entered adult life, everyone went to work; Eduard, like most residents of his city, began working in a mine, but did not abandon his musical brainchild.

Music - main passion in the life of Eduard Izmailov

Edward was simultaneously a songwriter, a soloist, a composer-arranger, and also a producer of Atlantis. The group's success was not long in coming. Possessing enormous potential and many ideas as a lyricist and composer, Eduard wrote about 100 songs for his group (together the group recorded 11 albums), which were successfully included in the rotation of Avtoradio and participated in numerous concerts and festivals. The history of the Atlantis group ended in 1999, along with Izmestyev’s move to Moscow.

Professional development of Andrei Bandera

In 1999, Eduard received an invitation to work at the Soyuz-Production company as an arranger. Izmestyev “had a hand” in the repertoire of many famous performers, such as Dima Bilan, Vitas, Alexander Marshall. But the love of creativity and the desire to pursue my own career soon took over, and in 2000 a project was born under the name “Andrei Bandera”.

Bandera’s first song “By Stage” in the chanson genre did not “take off”, remaining almost unnoticed. A number of subsequent compositions faced the same fate. This continued until 2004, until Andrei Bandera wrote a truly soulful and folk song “Ivushki”, which the public liked so much that it made Andrei popular in one day, immediately after its release into radio rotation "Chanson".

Andrey Bandera – “Ivushki”

After the presentation of “Ivushki”, Andrei Bandera’s career skyrocketed. In 2007, his debut album “Because I Love” was released. The huge circulation of the album could not satisfy public demand, so the record had to be re-released several times.

You could hear Andrei Bandera on radio “Chanson”

The singer’s second album, “It’s impossible not to love,” was released 2 years later – in 2009. It became even more popular than Bandera’s debut album. In the same year, the singer’s duet with performer Rada Rai was released - the song “You Fly, My Soul” found a response in the souls of all lovers of Russian folk songs.

Andrei Bandera and Rada Rai - “You fly, my soul”

Andrey Bandera: folk producing

The idea of ​​“people's production” came to Andrei Bandera's mind a long time ago, at the very beginning of his career, when he realized how difficult it is for a person from the provinces, from the outback, to break out into big stage in the world of show business. With the development of the Internet, the singer’s idea became quite realistic.

Eduard Izmestiev (Andrey Bandera) – “The Enchanted Bird”

The official website of Andrei Bandera invited his fans to take a direct part in the life and work of their idol. Anyone could propose a song idea, lyrics or music, as well as invite a singer to tour in their city. Bandera’s fans liked this extraordinary step. They actively participated in the project, and this cooperation soon bore fruit. Thanks to the collaboration of Andrei Bandera with his “people’s producers,” such popular songs as “Metelitsa” and “Fields of Russia” were released.

Eduard Izmestyev personally writes all the music for his songs

With the help of fans, Andrei Bandera’s third album, “Touch,” was recorded.

Personal life of Andrei Bandera

The personal life of Andrei Bandera aka Eduard Izmestiev is a sealed secret. The singer carefully protects his loved ones from the unnecessary curiosity of fans and annoying journalists. Andrei answers all questions about the family unequivocally: “This is a big secret. My relatives asked me not to tell anything about them.”

Eduard Izmailov (Andrey Bandera) with his daughter

All that is known about Andrei Bandera’s wife is that she supported the singer in every possible way at the beginning of his journey and predicted a concert for him in the Kremlin, which at that time was difficult to even imagine. The prophecy came true - Edward actually gave a concert in the Kremlin, and after that he stated that nothing would have worked out for him if it were not for the support of his wife.

Eduard Izmestyev has a younger brother, Victor. At the beginning of their careers, they planned to perform together as a duet. But fate decided otherwise, and Victor became a backing vocalist in Andrei Bandera’s team.

Andrey Bandera today

In 2013, the Soyuz-Production company broke off relations with Eduard Izmestiev. His contract expired, which was aggravated by the flaring events in Ukraine (singers Andrei Bandera and Denis Maidanov came under an unofficial ban). The rights to the Andrei Bandera brand remained with the studio - since March 1, 2014, singer Evgeny Konovalov has been performing under this name.

In 2016, Andrei Bandera performed under his real name - Eduard Izmestyev

Eduard Izmestyev continued his concert activities, but under his real name. Among his latest compositions is the ballad “Lost Happiness.”

Eduard Izmestyev - “Happiness Lost”

2016-09-24T07:40:06+00:00 admin dossier [email protected] Administrator Art Review

There are their own performers and, accordingly, their own fans. Thus, chanson singers gather a fairly large audience of spectators. Many people mistakenly believe that this genre is the prerogative of people who have visited places not so distant. This is absolutely not true. France is rightfully considered the birthplace of chanson. And its performers are world-famous Edith Piaf, Mireille Mathieu, Joe Dassin and others. In Russia, this musical direction has been turned in the other direction - it is diametrically opposed to its French counterpart. However, they have one thing in common: both European and Russian chanson were developed by people, most of whom were never in prison.

Popular singer

One of the popular representatives of this is Andrei Bandera. The biography of many chansonniers has common features. Thus, many of them did not come to music at a young age. Their calling was sometimes discovered in the most unsuitable places for creativity. For example, in underground mines. This is exactly how Andrei Bandera came into music show business. The biography of this performer for a long time was a description of standard events in the life of the average Russian person. And now he is known throughout the country.

The work of this artist is popular and understandable, but at the same time it is not an example of a primitive prison theme. As the singer himself notes: “Why sing about something you only know about by hearsay?”

Andrei Bandera appeared on the modern stage relatively recently. His name became popular after the successful rotation of the song “Ivushki” on the radio. It was 2004. And before that there was a long journey of several decades.

Gifts of the Gypsies

On April 25, 1971, in the city of Kizel, Andrei Bandera was born. His biography preserved on its pages the singer’s real name - Eduard Izmestyev. Future popular artist was born into a family of hereditary Cossacks. The development of his personality was greatly influenced by the gypsy camp, which was located in a village adjacent to the city. It was there that they instilled in the boy a love of music and taught him to sing deeply and sonorously, passionately, putting a piece of his soul into every note.

Probably, along with his creative talents, the gypsies passed on to Andrey a thirst for wandering. As a teenager, he often hitchhiked. However, he still had dreams of connecting his future with music.

Musical Miner

IN hometown a mining technical school was located, where Andrei Bandera entered in 1985 after graduating from eight years of school. The biography of the next two years of his life is filled with events from the “underground” world: mines, sounds of dust and hard, wear-and-tear work. It was there, under the thickness of the earth's crust, that the idea of ​​becoming a singer was born.

In 1987, Andrei Bandera organized the musical group Atlantis. Together with the group he performs at various venues and participates in competitions. The group released eleven albums.

Then the decision comes to conquer Moscow. And since 1999, a new stage of life began, which can be described as “the path to glory of chansonnier Andrei Bandera.” He acted as an arranger for popular singer Dima Bilan. Then - at Vitas.

Public recognition and love

And in 2004, thanks to radio “Chanson,” Russia fell in love with the new musical artist. It was singer Andrei Bandera. The biography of the chansonnier has been replenished with new pages: it begins Solo career a sought-after and beloved performer by the public. Since 2007, three albums of the talented singer have been released, he is invited to film music programs and anniversary concerts famous artists.

Andrei Bandera always listens sensitively to the opinions of his fans. They are also his first critics.

Andrei Bandera is a famous and beloved singer, a real example of the fact that true talent does not require large financial investments for “promotion.” Andrei Bandera is also known as a supporter of the idea of ​​“people's production”. Bandera's real name is Eduard Izmestyev; in 2014, the recording studio broke the contract with the singer, and now chansonnier Evgeniy Konovalov performs under the name “Andrey Bandera”.

Andrei Bandera's childhood

The singer's real name is Eduard Anatolyevich Izmestyev. He was born on April 25, 1971 in the small mining town of Kizel, Perm Region. The boy remembered Edward’s school years not so much for his lessons and homework as for his music lessons - in those years the boy enthusiastically played the drums.

Not far from the place where the guy lived, there was a gypsy camp. Edward spent a lot of time there: he was friends with the gypsy boys, listened to how amazingly soulfully and soulfully the adult gypsies sang their songs with a guitar. Absorbing these unusual intonations, Edward fell in love with music even more.

The beginning of Andrei Bandera's creative career. "Atlantis"

Studying at the Kizelovsky Mining College, where the guy entered in 1985, was supposed to put an end to the young man’s musical career. But it turned out the other way around - during his studies, Izmestyev did not stop doing what he loved, and in 1987 he even organized his own musical group, Atlantis. Her playful pop repertoire was far from the compositions performed by Andrei Bandera today.

After graduating from technical school, the guys entered adulthood, everyone went to work; Eduard, like most residents of his city, began working in a mine, but did not abandon his musical brainchild.

Edward was simultaneously a songwriter, a soloist, a composer-arranger, and also a producer of Atlantis. The group's success was not long in coming. Possessing enormous potential and many ideas as a lyricist and composer, Eduard wrote about 100 songs for his group (together the group recorded 11 albums), which were successfully included in the rotation of Avtoradio and participated in numerous concerts and festivals. The history of the Atlantis group ended in 1999, along with Izmestyev’s move to Moscow.

Professional development of Andrei Bandera

In 1999, Eduard received an invitation to work at the Soyuz-Production company as an arranger. Izmestyev “had a hand” in the repertoire of many famous performers, such as Dima Bilan, Vitas, Alexander Marshall. But the love of creativity and the desire to pursue my own career soon took over, and in 2000 a project was born under the name “Andrei Bandera”.

Bandera’s first song “By Stage” in the chanson genre did not “take off”, remaining almost unnoticed. A number of subsequent compositions faced the same fate. This continued until 2004, until Andrei Bandera wrote a truly soulful and folk song “Ivushki”, which the public liked so much that it made Andrei popular in one day, immediately after its release into radio rotation "Chanson".

Andrey Bandera – “Ivushki”

After the presentation of “Ivushki”, Andrei Bandera’s career skyrocketed. In 2007, his debut album “Because I Love” was released. The huge circulation of the album could not satisfy public demand, so the record had to be re-released several times.

The singer’s second album, “It’s impossible not to love,” was released 2 years later – in 2009. It became even more popular than Bandera’s debut album. In the same year, the singer’s duet with performer Rada Rai was released - the song “You Fly, My Soul” found a response in the souls of all lovers of Russian folk songs.

Andrei Bandera and Rada Rai - “You fly, my soul”

Andrey Bandera: folk producing

The idea of ​​“people's producing” came to Andrei Bandera's mind a long time ago, at the very beginning of his career, when he realized how difficult it was for a person from the provinces, from the outback, to break onto the big stage in the world of show business. With the development of the Internet, the singer’s idea became quite realistic.

Eduard Izmestiev (Andrey Bandera) – “The Enchanted Bird”

The official website of Andrei Bandera invited his fans to take a direct part in the life and work of their idol. Anyone could propose a song idea, lyrics or music, as well as invite a singer to tour in their city. Bandera’s fans liked this extraordinary step. They actively participated in the project, and this cooperation soon bore fruit. Thanks to the collaboration of Andrei Bandera with his “people’s producers,” such popular songs as “Metelitsa” and “Fields of Russia” were released.

With the help of fans, Andrei Bandera’s third album, “Touch,” was recorded.

Personal life of Andrei Bandera

The personal life of Andrei Bandera aka Eduard Izmestiev is a sealed secret. The singer carefully protects his loved ones from the unnecessary curiosity of fans and annoying journalists. Andrei answers all questions about the family unequivocally: “This is a big secret. My relatives asked me not to tell anything about them.”

All that is known about Andrei Bandera’s wife is that she supported the singer in every possible way at the beginning of his journey and predicted a concert for him in the Kremlin, which at that time was difficult to even imagine. The prophecy came true - Edward actually gave a concert in the Kremlin, and after that he stated that nothing would have worked out for him if it were not for the support of his wife.

Eduard Izmestyev has a younger brother, Victor. At the beginning of their careers, they planned to perform together as a duet. But fate decided otherwise, and Victor became a backing vocalist in Andrei Bandera’s team.

Andrey Bandera today

In 2013, the Soyuz-Production company broke off relations with Eduard Izmestiev. His contract expired, which was aggravated by the escalating events in Ukraine (singers Andrei Bandera and Denis Maidanov

Having received the profession of a mining electrical mechanic at the Kizelovsky Mining College, Eduard Izmestyev - this is the real name of the singer - began his career by working in a mine, and as a hobby he sang in a restaurant in the evenings, besides, this brought in good additional income. The future singer Andrei Bandera began studying music while still in technical school, where he organized the Atlantis group and even became a laureate of a regional competition for young performers in Perm.

After some time, Eduard decided to devote himself entirely to his favorite business and moved to Moscow, where he got a job at the Soyuz Production studio as an arranger. The services of arranger Eduard Izmestyev were used by the following: famous performers, like Dima Bilan, Vitas and others. Edward became Andrei Bandera in 2000, when he first performed with the song “By Stage”. The song “Ivushka”, heard on radio “Chanson”, brought him particular popularity. The chansonnier's solo career began with this song.

https://i2.wp.com/muzh-zhena.ru/_bl/2/55246747.jpg" align="" src-original=" height=" width="274">

In his songs, the singer tries not to exploit the prison theme, with which chanson is most often associated. Andrei often has to perform at corporate events, but he does not consider this offensive, because, according to him, as soon as his songs start playing, people stop chewing and start listening, especially women, who are the majority among Andrei Bandera’s fans. The singer is friends with many of his colleagues, including Alexander Marshal, Tatyana Tishinskaya, and his favorite performers are Grigory Leps, Alexander Rosenbaum, Nikolai Noskov. Andrey says that he would gladly sing with them if they agreed. The singer still continues to work as an arranger and considers this profession to be very responsible.
Also read.

Andrey Bandera(real name Eduard Anatolyevich Izmestiev) was born on April 25, 1971 in the city of Kizel, Perm region.

He graduated from the Kizelovsky Mining College in 1989 with a degree in mining electrical mechanics. For some time he worked in a mine and sang in a restaurant in the evenings.

In 1999 he moved to Moscow, worked as an arranger at the Soyuz Production studio, and is currently engaged in solo career, married.


Creativity can be conditionally divided into two periods: “Kizelovsky” (1987-1998) and “Moscow” from 1999.

At the age of 14, he decided to take up music professionally and entered the Kizelovsky Mining College. As a technical school student in 1987, he created the group "Atlantis", and was also its musical director, author of music and lyrics, arranger and performer of songs in the pop music genre. In 1990, together with the Atlantis group, he became a laureate of the regional television competition for young performers (Perm). As part of the Atlantis ensemble, he recorded 11 albums, songs from the last album “Doctor Time” (1997) “Candles”, “5 minutes”, “Half” were heard on the air of “Autoradio” (Perm). In total, about 100 songs were written during this period.

In 1999 he moved to Moscow, worked as an arranger first for Dima Bilan, then for 7 years for Vitas (2000-2006), collaborated with other pop singers, and was a backing vocalist for A. Marshall. In 2000 Andrey Bandera debuted as a chansonnier with the song “By Stage” (collection “Kalina Krasnaya”-4) then in the chanson genre he performed the songs “Feat” and “Let’s Cross the Cross,” which were included in A. Marshal’s album “Father Arseny” (2002). But these songs did not receive a wide response from the public. Only in 2004, the folk song “Ivushki”, heard on radio “Chanson”, made him popular and marked the beginning of his solo career.

The first public performance in Moscow took place on November 1, 2006 on the stage of the Olympic Stadium in the Chanson radio concert “Eh-eh, Razgulay!” On February 12, 2007, the first solo album “Because I Love” was released, followed by concert tour by cities of Russia. On February 12, 2009, the second album, “It’s impossible not to love,” was released.

The singer's repertoire consists of folk songs in his own arrangement, songs based on S. Yesenin’s poems (“Maple”, “Rus”), modern pop songs, the genre of which he defined as “new Russian song”, combining “pop and soulful lyrics.”

The peculiarity of the song performance is the characteristic gypsy motifs and intonations inherent in each of his songs, which gave rise to the legend of traveling around the country with a gypsy camp, which was replicated by the media.

The secret of the songs' success is largely determined by participation in creative process a group of “folk producers” who offer the performer their texts and music.

On Andrey's website Bandera http://www.bandera.ru Anyone can become a people's producer, just log in, download the working material available there (texts, music, arrangements, demo fragments and versions of songs), or offer your own (author's or other people's songs). In the selection and discussion of material, evaluation and proposals for demo fragments recorded in the studio, which are gradually being finalized, work takes place on new songs, as well as concert numbers, production decisions - on scenography and arrangements, selection of a successful mix, concert costumes and compilation (order) of tracks on the album, the names of songs and albums... in short, absolutely all serious issues.

“People’s producers” also listen to several versions of songs, discuss, make comments, and only after that the song is recorded. Thus, the songs “Metelitsa” and “Fields of Russia” appeared in Andrei Bandera’s repertoire.

Today Andrey Bandera

Lives and works in Moscow.

Awards and prizes

Andrey Bandera- laureate of the “Chanson of the Year” music award for several years, since 2007 he has been awarded this title every year. In 2009, with the song “You fly, my soul,” performed together with the young singer Rada Rai, she won the “Song of the Year” nomination.

Interesting Facts

Eduard Izmestiev began performing under a pseudonym Andrey Bandera from the year 2000.
He was not in prison, criminal romance is alien to him, but the first songs performed under a pseudonym were precisely camp themes.

He recalled his work in the mine this way: “if there is hell on earth, then this is the mine,” something similar was mentioned by B. Pasternak when visiting the Kizel mines, “God brought me to visit the mines: This is real hell!”

"People's Producers" live both in Russia and abroad.

Number albums

2007 Because I love
2009 It’s impossible not to love

Joint projects

2009 Andrey Bandera and Rada Rai - Musical history about love

Eduard Anatolyevich Izmestyev(born April 25, 1971, Kizel, Perm region) - Russian composer, arranger, sound engineer, sound producer and songwriter.

Name Andrey Bandera heard just recently. After the rotation of his songs “Ivushki”, “Rus” and “Maple” on radio “Chanson”, people became interested in the singer’s work on the Internet. And the radio station's phones were ringing off the hook with a flurry of calls. PR technologies or advertising had nothing to do with Andrei’s success; he was not a participant in artificial scandals and did not make populist statements. He was just singing...

The only resource where one could find information about Andrei Bandera was his strict website bandera.ru. It is there that the singer communicates with fans and admirers. The artist and the production team needed a direct connection to realize the unique idea of ​​folk production. Musical material, working versions and arrangements were presented to the audience, who, communicating with the artist and among themselves, participate in the birth of songs.

The work of Andrei Bandera is understandable, but not primitive; accessible, but not marginal. He is honest with himself and his listeners, does not exploit the prison theme, since he has never served time, and does not force his voice, hoarsely portraying “he has seen a lot in his life.” Heartfelt vocals with a share of gypsy intonations - the voice of an open, sincere person loving life. The arrangements are carefully thought out and balanced, there is no excessive pretentiousness in them, and there is enough “air” left. This balance was facilitated by both popular production and friends involved in the creative process - professional musicians, including Victor, Andrei's younger brother, who became the group's backing vocalist.

Andrei is 35 years old (b. 04/25/1971), and everything he has had to do in life is in one way or another connected with music. Born into a family of hereditary Kuban Cossacks, he spent a lot of time in a gypsy camp located next to the village. It was the gypsies, these eternal wanderers, who taught the boy to sing in a special way. Friendship with the gypsies gave birth to a passion for the road and freedom, and instilled in him a love for horses. As a teenager, he runs away from home and hitchhikes around the country for several years, making a living by singing. He experiences poverty and all the hardships of a vagabond life. Later, Bandera gets a job in a restaurant, where he improves his guitar playing skills and masters keyboard instruments and computer music technologies.

In the late 90s, Andrei Bandera moved to Moscow, where he began working with the production company Soyuz Production. Andrey's first songs are heard on Russian radio stations. In 2004, radio “Chanson” broadcast Andrei Bandera’s compositions for the first time.

Andrei Bandera's debut album "Because I Love" was released on February 12, 2007. It is sold out en masse and is constantly being reprinted.

Now Andrey is rehearsing a lot with his group and starting concert activities. However, despite offers from many record labels, he still has no intention of being a product of advertising and an artificial star.
Direct communication with listeners at concerts and on the Internet, participation of fans and popular producers in all stages of work on songs and albums Andrei Bandera believes main reason his success and plans to continue on this course.

Today Andrey Bandera- a popular, sought-after performer with a bright, recognizable repertoire. About 15 concerts every month in large (from 500 to 2000 seats) halls, not counting performances at private custom events.

A more than two-hour concert program, including both songs from the debut album “Because I Love” and new ones; group consisting of professional musicians, many of whom also perform solo acts; consistent quality of live sound at every concert; each new song, recognized as a hit and occupying the top lines of the charts (including “Chanson of the Year” on the Moscow radio “Chanson”) - all this is today’s Andrei Bandera.

We heard his name only recently. After the rotation of his songs “Ivushki”, “Rus” and “Maple” on radio “Chanson”, people became interested in the singer’s work on the Internet. And the radio station's phones were ringing off the hook with a flurry of calls. PR technologies or advertising had nothing to do with Andrei’s success; he was not a participant in artificial scandals and did not make populist statements. He just sang...

Andrei Bandera's secret is in permanent job together with listeners, who are also the most biased critics and producers. Posting not yet completed songs on the website, reacting to reasoned criticism and considering any ideas and proposals, even the most daring at first glance, inviting popular producers to concerts, to record songs in the studio, to special production meetings, not to mention the constant influx of talented authors with their brilliant works - all this gives its results.

The work of Andrei Bandera is understandable, but not primitive; accessible, but not marginal. He is honest with himself and his listeners, does not exploit the prison theme, since he has never served time, and does not force his voice, hoarsely portraying “he has seen a lot in his life.” Heartfelt vocals with a share of gypsy intonations - the voice of an open person who sincerely loves life. The arrangements are carefully thought out and balanced, there is no excessive pretentiousness in them, and there is enough “air” left. This balance was facilitated by both folk production and the involvement of friends - professional musicians - in the creative process.

In the late 90s, Andrei Bandera moved to Moscow, where he began working with the production company Soyuz Production. Andrey's first songs are heard on Russian radio stations. In 2004, radio "Chanson" broadcast Andrei Bandera's compositions for the first time. It’s amazing but true: the first invitations and the first big solo concerts began in the fall of 2006 before the release of the solo album! Just a few songs that were played on radio stations.
This was followed by his songs based on poetry and music by Vyacheslav Klimenkov, along with new recordings of folk songs in his own original arrangement; they adorned many releases of the legendary collection of genre music “Kalina Krasnaya”. Andrey took a special part in recording the camp audio story “Father Arseny”, joint project with Alexander Marshal and Anya Vorobey. He performs some songs from this audio story at concerts.

In February 2007, the debut album “Because I Love” was released, the result of more than a year of work in the studio and on the website, together with popular producers). In June 2008 - Andrei Bandera's karaoke DVD "Because I Love", a unique product - a response to numerous requests to provide or sell backing tracks.

Throughout 2007 and 2008 there were constant concerts.

Current composition of the group Andrey Bandera:
Violin - Ekaterina Tsvetaeva
Lead guitar - Vladimir Rakhmatov
Drums, percussion - Dmitry Khokhlov
Bass guitar, clarinet - Dmitry Stukalov
Rhythm guitar - Nikolay Kanishchev
Sound engineer - Yuri Zakrutkin

On November 1, 2013, Eduard Izmestiev’s contract with Soyuz Production as a vocalist and arranger (who also participated in a number of songs as a composer) came to an end. Since that time he has been performing under his real name.

The Andrey Bandera project has a new face

As previously reported, there is a new soloist in the Andrei Bandera project. Singer Evgeniy Konovalov will perform under this name with old and new repertoire. It is his photograph that is now posted on the website, and will soon appear on concert posters.

Part music group Andrei Bandera returns violinist Ekaterina Tsvetaeva (Variety Violin), who will also perform at concerts with her solo numbers. Ekaterina worked in the project team from 2007 to 2011 as a concert violinist and on recording violin parts.

And singer Andrei Bandera returns to the musical concept in which this project was originally conceived by the entire large creative team led by the producers of the Soyuz Production company. Perfectly prepared new material and a new concert program, which will certainly include several previously beloved hits. Follow the news!
February 20, 2014

Official website: www.bandera.ru, e-izmestyev.ru


Eduard Anatolyevich Izmestyev(born April 25, 1971, Kizel, Perm region) - Russian composer, arranger, sound engineer, sound producer and songwriter. Known under the pseudonym Andrei Bandera. Five-time winner of the “Chanson of the Year” award.



Awards and prizes


...Andrey Bandera, a talented guy and a great musician. They made a monster out of him - a mixture of an orphan song and some kind of cheap, howling gypsy “cheburechka” song. The feeling is intentionally primitive songs, intentionally primitive gypsy stuff. Everything is just pulled out of thin air.


Number albums

Joint projects

  • 2009 - Andrei Bandera and Rada Rai - Musical love story


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An excerpt characterizing Izmestyev, Eduard Anatolyevich

“Oh, quickly, quickly return to that time, and so that everything now ends as quickly as possible, as quickly as possible, so that they leave me alone!”

Bald Mountains, the estate of Prince Nikolai Andreich Bolkonsky, was located sixty versts from Smolensk, behind it, and three versts from the Moscow road.
On the same evening, as the prince gave orders to Alpatych, Desalles, having demanded a meeting with Princess Marya, informed her that since the prince was not entirely healthy and was not taking any measures for his safety, and from Prince Andrei’s letter it was clear that he was staying in Bald Mountains If it is unsafe, he respectfully advises her to write a letter with Alpatych to the head of the province in Smolensk with a request to notify her about the state of affairs and the extent of the danger to which Bald Mountains are exposed. Desalle wrote a letter to the governor for Princess Marya, which she signed, and this letter was given to Alpatych with the order to submit it to the governor and, in case of danger, to return as soon as possible.
Having received all the orders, Alpatych, accompanied by his family, in a white feather hat (a princely gift), with a stick, just like the prince, went out to sit in a leather tent, packed with three well-fed Savras.
The bell was tied up and the bells were covered with pieces of paper. The prince did not allow anyone to ride in Bald Mountains with a bell. But Alpatych loved bells and bells on a long journey. Alpatych's courtiers, a zemstvo, a clerk, a cook - black, white, two old women, a Cossack boy, coachmen and various servants saw him off.
The daughter placed chintz down pillows behind him and under him. The old lady's sister-in-law secretly slipped the bundle. One of the coachmen gave him a hand.
- Well, well, women's training! Women, women! - Alpatych said puffingly, patteringly exactly as the prince spoke, and sat down in the tent. Having given the last orders about the work to the zemstvo, and in this way not imitating the prince, Alpatych took off his hat from his bald head and crossed himself three times.
- If anything... you will come back, Yakov Alpatych; For Christ’s sake, have pity on us,” his wife shouted to him, hinting at rumors about war and the enemy.
“Women, women, women’s gatherings,” Alpatych said to himself and drove off, looking around at the fields, some with yellowed rye, some with thick, still green oats, some still black, which were just beginning to double. Alpatych rode along, admiring the rare spring harvest this year, looking closely at the strips of rye crops on which people were beginning to reap in some places, and made his economic considerations about sowing and harvesting and whether any princely order had been forgotten.
Having fed him twice on the way, by the evening of August 4th Alpatych arrived in the city.
On the way, Alpatych met and overtook convoys and troops. Approaching Smolensk, he heard distant shots, but these sounds did not strike him. What struck him most was that, approaching Smolensk, he saw a beautiful field of oats, which some soldiers were mowing, apparently for food, and in which they were camping; This circumstance struck Alpatych, but he soon forgot it, thinking about his business.
All the interests of Alpatych’s life for more than thirty years were limited by the will of the prince alone, and he never left this circle. Everything that did not concern the execution of the prince’s orders not only did not interest him, but did not exist for Alpatych.
Alpatych, having arrived in Smolensk on the evening of August 4th, stopped across the Dnieper, in the Gachensky suburb, at an inn, with the janitor Ferapontov, with whom he had been in the habit of staying for thirty years. Ferapontov twelve years ago, with light hand Alpatycha, having bought a grove from the prince, began trading and now had a house, an inn and a flour shop in the province. Ferapontov was a fat, black, red-haired forty-year-old man, with thick lips, a thick bumpy nose, the same bumps over his black, frowning eyebrows and a thick belly.
Ferapontov, in a waistcoat and a cotton shirt, stood at a bench overlooking the street. Seeing Alpatych, he approached him.
- Welcome, Yakov Alpatych. The people are from the city, and you are going to the city,” said the owner.
- So, from the city? - said Alpatych.
“And I say, people are stupid.” Everyone is afraid of the Frenchman.
- Women's talk, women's talk! - said Alpatych.
- That’s how I judge, Yakov Alpatych. I say there is an order that they won’t let him in, which means it’s true. And the men are asking for three rubles per cart - there is no cross on them!
Yakov Alpatych listened inattentively. He demanded a samovar and hay for the horses and, having drunk tea, went to bed.
All night long, troops moved past the inn on the street. The next day Alpatych put on a camisole, which he wore only in the city, and went about his business. The morning was sunny, and from eight o'clock it was already hot. An expensive day for harvesting grain, as Alpatych thought. Shots were heard outside the city from early morning.
From eight o'clock the rifle shots were joined by cannon fire. There were a lot of people on the streets, hurrying somewhere, a lot of soldiers, but just as always, cab drivers were driving, merchants were standing at the shops and services were going on in the churches. Alpatych went to the shops, to public places, to the post office and to the governor. In public places, in shops, at the post office, everyone was talking about the army, about the enemy who had already attacked the city; everyone asked each other what to do, and everyone tried to calm each other down.
At the governor's house Alpatych found a large number of people, Cossacks and a road crew that belonged to the governor. On the porch, Yakov Alpatych met two noblemen, one of whom he knew. A nobleman he knew, a former police officer, spoke heatedly.
“It’s not a joke,” he said. - Okay, who is alone? One head and poor - so alone, otherwise there are thirteen people in the family, and all the property... They brought everyone to disappear, what kind of authorities are they after that?.. Eh, I would have outweighed the robbers...
“Yes, well, it will be,” said another.
- What do I care, let him hear! Well, we are not dogs,” said the former police officer and, looking back, he saw Alpatych.
- And, Yakov Alpatych, why are you there?
“By order of his Excellency, to Mr. Governor,” answered Alpatych, proudly raising his head and putting his hand in his bosom, which he always did when he mentioned the prince... “They deigned to order to inquire about the state of affairs,” he said.
“Well, just find out,” shouted the landowner, “they brought it to me, no cart, no nothing!.. Here she is, do you hear? - he said, pointing to the side where the shots were heard.
- They brought everyone to perish... robbers! - he said again and walked off the porch.
Alpatych shook his head and went up the stairs. In the reception room there were merchants, women, and officials, silently exchanging glances among themselves. The office door opened, everyone stood up and moved forward. An official ran out of the door, talked something with the merchant, called behind him a fat official with a cross on his neck and disappeared again through the door, apparently avoiding all the looks and questions addressed to him. Alpatych moved forward and the next time the official exited, putting his hand in his buttoned coat, he turned to the official, handing him two letters.

The editors of InterMedia received a letter signed by Mikhail Tsvetaev, director of the IT/information department of Soyuz Production.

Fragment of the text (“When Ukrainian events came to the forefront of the information agenda, a rather stupid joke appeared about the imminent ban in Russia of performers with the names Andrei Bandera and Denis Maidanov. It was stupid, but it turned out to be almost 100 percent true. The so-called Bandera promptly changed his name and began to perform under his passport name - and obviously to the detriment of his own popularity, which is easy to see if you try to remember what the former Bandera is called now. I think less than half of the fans will name the new name Russian stage") clearly indicates that singer Andrei Bandera (http://www.bandera.ru) began performing under some other name.

I inform you that singer Andrei Bandera continues to record new songs and perform under the name Andrei Bandera. It was and remains a production project of the Soyuz Production company, which has suspended public concert performances, but after some time they will continue.

The situation (including with regard to the “renaming” of Denis Maidanov as well) is presented in detail, in particular, in an interview with Andrey Bandera from July 2015: http://www.bandera.ru/press/andrey-bandera-ne-menyal -familiyu.

I ask you to remove from the specified text a fragment that is 0 (zero) percent true, or arbitrarily shorten it by removing references to the “renaming” of Andrei Bandera.

The editors removed the specified fragment from the text, but became interested in the fate of the Andrei Bandera project. Previously, performer Eduard Izmestyev performed under this name, who now works under own name. On the website of the supposedly current Andrei Bandera there are no current photographs of the performer, and the public activity of the project is Lately reduced to zero. Moreover, the prospects for promoting an artist named Bandera in Russia raise serious doubts. In this regard, the InterMedia agency asked Mikhail Tsvetaev several questions. We publish answers that lift the veil of secrecy over where Andrei Bandera disappeared to.

Unfortunately, there are no current photographs of the artist on the bandera.ru website. Is it possible to provide us with a photo for publication in the material?

On this moment Andrei Bandera does not show his face to anyone. Only songs on the air, on the Internet, on media - with a recognizable sound and voice, an individual creative concept. There will be clips (if) - they will also be without the figure of the frontman. The same promotional move, as you probably know, was used by the White Eagle group from 1996 to approximately 1999-2000. Similarly, Andrei Bandera worked from 2000 to 2006: only on November 1, 2006, Andrei Bandera’s first public performance took place, and on the same day his first published photograph was taken (taken by me and published by me :)) Until this moment - no photos, no videos, no publicity, just voice and songs. That is, for some time the company is fundamentally returning to where it started, and asks to refrain from publishing photographs of Andrei Bandera.

What is the reason for such a long absence of Andrei Bandera in the public space? When are you planning to return to concert activities?

Mainly, with the decline of the concert and record markets, and the company’s concentration on other projects. But this is temporary; it is planned to resume full-fledged concert activities. I can’t give a date.

Is performer Eduard Izmestyev, who previously performed under the name Andrei Bandera, now taking part in the Andrei Bandera project?

I cannot comment on the participation of the designated person in the Andrei Bandera project or even confirm the fact of such participation. I can note that the company did cooperate with E. Izmestiev, but as of today, all cooperation has been terminated, while all the company’s obligations to him, including financial ones, have been fully fulfilled.

- Who will perform under this name now?

This is a trade secret.

Do you plan to develop the Andrei Bandera brand, given that this surname and the term “Bandera” now evoke a predominantly negative reaction in Russia?

The company plans to develop the “Andrei Bandera” brand, namely, to record and publish new songs by Andrei Bandera (which is already happening), and in the indefinitely near future also organize his concert performances.

The scale of the “negative reaction” to this name, in my opinion, is significantly exaggerated, and in the future the current one will decline.

And one more remark, not to any particular issue, but in general: replacing the actor (and then again and again, etc.) who played James Bond raised many questions at one time, but latest movies It’s hard to call them less successful than the first ones. Unlike the series about Indiana Jones - there gradually, from film to film, emerging from the image according to natural reasons Harrison Ford could no longer evoke the same emotions in the audience, despite all the efforts of the producers and, of course, himself. Subjective opinion, Certainly.

Andrey Bandera(real name Eduard Anatolyevich Izmestiev) was born on April 25, 1971 in the city of Kizel, Perm region.

He graduated from the Kizelovsky Mining College in 1989 with a degree in mining electrical mechanics. For some time he worked in a mine and sang in a restaurant in the evenings.

In 1999 he moved to Moscow, worked as an arranger at the Soyuz Production studio, is currently engaged in a solo career, and is married.


Creativity can be conditionally divided into two periods: “Kizelovsky” (1987-1998) and “Moscow” from 1999.

At the age of 14, he decided to take up music professionally and entered the Kizelovsky Mining College. As a technical school student in 1987, he created the group "Atlantis", and was at the same time its musical director, author of music and lyrics, arranger and performer of songs in the pop music genre. In 1990, together with the Atlantis group, he became a laureate of the regional television competition for young performers (Perm). As part of the Atlantis ensemble, he recorded 11 albums, songs from the last album “Doctor Time” (1997) “Candles”, “5 minutes”, “Half” were heard on the air of “Autoradio” (Perm). In total, about 100 songs were written during this period.

In 1999 he moved to Moscow, worked as an arranger first for Dima Bilan, then for 7 years for Vitas (2000-2006), collaborated with other pop singers, and was a backing vocalist for A. Marshall. In 2000 Andrey Bandera debuted as a chansonnier with the song “By Stage” (collection “Kalina Krasnaya”-4) then in the chanson genre he performed the songs “Feat” and “Let’s Cross the Cross,” which were included in A. Marshal’s album “Father Arseny” (2002). But these songs did not receive a wide response from the public. Only in 2004, the folk song “Ivushki”, heard on radio “Chanson”, made him popular and marked the beginning of his solo career.

The first public performance in Moscow took place on November 1, 2006 on the stage of the Olympic Stadium in the Chanson radio concert “Eh-eh, Razgulay!” On February 12, 2007, the first solo album “Because I Love” was released, followed by a concert tour of Russian cities. On February 12, 2009, the second album, “It’s impossible not to love,” was released.

The singer's repertoire consists of folk songs in his own arrangement, songs based on poems by S. Yesenin ("Maple", "Rus"), modern pop songs, the genre of which he defined as "new Russian song", combining "pop and soulful lyrics."

The peculiarity of the song performance is the characteristic gypsy motifs and intonations inherent in each of his songs, which gave rise to the legend of traveling around the country with a gypsy camp, which was replicated by the media.

The secret of the songs' success is largely determined by the participation in the creative process of a group of "folk producers" who offer the performer their lyrics and music.

On Andrey's website Bandera http://www.bandera.ru Anyone can become a people's producer, just log in, download the working material available there (texts, music, arrangements, demo fragments and versions of songs), or offer your own (author's or other people's songs). In the selection and discussion of material, evaluation and proposals for demo fragments recorded in the studio, which are gradually being finalized, work takes place on new songs, as well as concert numbers, production decisions - on scenography and arrangements, selection of a successful mix, concert costumes and compilation (order) of tracks on the album, the names of songs and albums... in short, absolutely all serious issues.

“People’s producers” also listen to several versions of songs, discuss, make comments, and only after that the song is recorded. Thus, the songs “Metelitsa” and “Fields of Russia” appeared in Andrei Bandera’s repertoire.

Today Andrey Bandera- a popular, sought-after performer with a bright, recognizable repertoire. About 15 concerts every month in large (from 500 to 2000 seats) halls, not counting performances at private custom events.

Lives and works in Moscow.

Awards and prizes

Andrey Bandera- laureate of the “Chanson of the Year” music award for several years, since 2007 he has been awarded this title every year. In 2009, with the song “You fly, my soul,” performed together with the young singer Rada Rai, she won the “Song of the Year” nomination.

Interesting Facts

Eduard Izmestiev began performing under a pseudonym Andrey Bandera from the year 2000.
He was not in prison, criminal romance is alien to him, but the first songs performed under a pseudonym were precisely camp themes.

He recalled his work in the mine this way: “if there is hell on earth, then this is the mine,” something similar was mentioned by B. Pasternak when visiting the Kizel mines, “God brought me to visit the mines: This is real hell!”

"People's Producers" live both in Russia and abroad.

Number albums

2007 Because I love
2009 It’s impossible not to love

Joint projects

2009 Andrey Bandera and Rada Rai - A musical love story



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