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Father Fyodor greeted the proposal to talk about the role of the father in the family with a cheerful laugh: “What are you talking about! What a role! You cut me without a knife.”

The famous traveler rarely visits Moscow, and in his workshop there is always a line of people wanting to discuss work issues, receive a blessing, or just get to know each other. But he still found time for an interview.

I put all of myself into my son Nikolai, he is a joy to me. But if I don’t travel, if I don’t move towards anything, don’t strive for anything, how will I differ from the dead? I have to push others, inspire others with my zeal.
I must be an example for my son Nikolai.
I will tell him: “Don’t be ashamed of your father’s actions.”
He won't say that I swam in vain. He will understand me. And I will pray to the Lord about this.

(from the book by Fyodor Konyukhov “Under scarlet sails»,

which included diary entries

from solo sailing 2004-2005)

— Father Fedor, what was your first childhood impression from the sea?

- I do not remember. I don’t remember how I learned to swim either. I grew up on the Sea of ​​Azov. I was even born on the shore. Mom said: “I went to collect crustaceans in the morning, and gave birth there.” Our family is all priests and sailors. And from the age of 8 I already knew that I would be a traveler, like Georgy Yakovlevich Sedov. My grandfather took part in his first expedition to New land.

Grandfather said that before becoming a traveler, you need to learn to be a navigator, and I went to the Odessa Naval School. Then he graduated from the Leningrad Arctic School.

- IN Soviet time They probably talked about your traveler relatives, but did they talk openly about your priestly relatives?

— My relative Archpriest Nikolai Konyukhov was killed on December 29, 1918. They poured water on him in the cold, and when he lost consciousness, they shot him. Under Soviet rule, my parents tried not to mention this anywhere - they were afraid. Even when I went to study at the Theological Seminary in 1969, my dad said: “Don’t talk too much about the fact that you had priests in your family.”

Now, of course, I am proud of my ancestors. I pray and ask their forgiveness for the fact that we were embarrassed and afraid to talk about them.

— How did it happen that you went to study at the seminary?

- It turned out very simply. I got in and that’s it. That’s how I knew from childhood that I would travel, and I also knew that I would be a priest. It seemed to me that at about 50 years old I would stop traveling and serve in the parish. Well, at the age of 58 I was ordained.

— When you were little, your mother said that you would be a very lonely person. Why?

- A mother always sees her child. According to my habits.

— So you were a loner as a child?

- Not like being alone. I have always been busy doing what I like. I love to draw, I have talent. Bad, not enough, but there. It is mine. That's why I studied painting. It's the same with travel. No one is forcing me to go swimming. I just like it there, it’s my world. And I did not become a priest in order to make a career in the Church. I am a priest because it is in my blood.

— Were you the “black sheep” in the family? Not like other children?

- No no no! I don't " White crow" We are two sisters, three brothers. I'm average, but I've always been a leader. I started it, and the others obeyed me. And even when everyone grew up and moved away, if it was necessary to make some family decisions, the parents said: “Fedka will come. As he says, so it will be.”

— It is believed that in Soviet times there was a very harsh upbringing. The children were not spoiled.

- Why didn’t you pamper? How many children under Soviet rule smoked, drank, and ended up in prison!

-What saved you from a bad road?

“The goal saved me.” Since childhood, I knew that I had to reach the North Pole and continue the work of Georgy Yakovlevich Sedov. Grandfather said: “You must justify the Azov fishermen.” He loved Sedov very much and told me a lot about him. I always regretted that I was not with him on the last expedition. Grandfather died when I was eight years old. All the time that I remember him, he was lying on the bench, paralyzed. In the summer it was rolled out into the garden. It was he who taught me to write diaries. I have his cross. (Takes it out from under his cassock.) It’s already worn out. Silver.

At school they said: “Oh, Fedka Konyukhov, he will be a traveler.” So they made concessions to me in many subjects. But if I was bad at math, I crammed it, because I knew that I wouldn’t get into the naval profession. I had a goal. When you live with purpose, you have it all.

And we need to cultivate integrity in children. There must be romance, patriotism. Then the person will not think about smoking, drinking, or money.

— What do you think is the first thing children should do? Sports?

— I am Soviet myself, I am a master of sports in many sports. But when they say that everyone should play sports, I listen and think: “You’re saying it wrong! Wrong!" How many honored masters of sports drank themselves to death and went to prison, especially in the 90s. Why? Because you also need to have spirituality for sports. We just teach sports, but what can an athlete do without spirituality? Just hit their faces and that’s it. You don’t just have to teach, you have to understand the child. I have schools for travelers in Miass and Totma, where children enter after a special selection. We give them everything to try: sailing, climbing rocks, going on hikes... The Lord God pointed a finger at each person, gave each person a talent. But not everyone follows this talent. Here at the school of travelers we give a little bit of everything. And take pictures and draw. It is not necessary to become a photographer or an artist, but at least you need to know the basics. The guys keep diaries, write poetry, and play the guitar.

My daughter graduated from art and music school. And now she works as a nurse. You can take it to a variety of exhibitions and concerts. She listens to both classical and rock.

— Is fatherhood a blessing or a burden?

- Children are happiness. Just like grandchildren. You know, I set so many world records, I wrote the same paintings and books. But today is a record, and tomorrow it has already been broken; today books are admired, but tomorrow they have already been forgotten. And children and grandchildren are an eternity, it cannot be compared with anything.

— Have you traveled with your children?

- Certainly. Carried a yacht across the Atlantic Ocean from eldest son, walked with him around Cape Horn, walked across the Pacific Ocean, across the Indian. We sailed across the Atlantic Ocean several times. But I wouldn't want my children to be travelers.

- And they?

- They're great. They say: “We understand that we will never be like dad.” They have their own destiny.

— Do they also have a goal, like you did?

- Eat. Not the same as mine. Younger son wants to be a military man. Now he will be admitted to Suvorovskoe. And the eldest is like a manager. Wants to organize expeditions. He was also the president of the Sailing Federation.

— What did traveling together give you?

- Well, they just began to understand me better, there was more confidence. As my wife, son and I were crossing the Atlantic Ocean, a storm began. I understand that the situation is serious, and they are calm. They say: “Well, you’ve walked around the world.” They have this: if dad is at the helm, then everything will be fine. But I know that anything can happen, and it can happen with me.

- If one of the children was offended in kindergarten, at school, did you stand up?

“I tried not to walk.” My wife dealt with this. If I came, I was usually perceived as Konyukhov, as a traveler, and not as a father. With such an attitude, it is difficult to resolve any personal issues. But I always told my sons that they need to be able to stand up for themselves.

— Is life harder for your children now than it was for you at their age?

- Not really. I think it wasn’t hard for me or for them. We must always agree with what is. We had one childhood, they have another. We had some difficulties, they had others. You know, never globe there will be no heaven. Was life easy for our grandfathers? No. Neither do our parents. Life will never be easy! There are wars going on all the time. All the time. My grandfather fought in the First world war, dad - in the Second. My uncle fought in Korea in 1953, my brother in Afghanistan. I served in Vietnam. True, he did not fight, he served as a mechanic on a ship. Wars pass through my family all the time.

— What is your favorite children's game?

— As a child, I loved playing Robinson Crusoe.

- How did you play?

— My island was in a swamp.

- So, alone again?

- No. I had a team. I am the captain.

On May 22, 2010, Metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev ordained the world-famous traveler Fyodor Konyukhov as a subdeacon, and the next day - on the feast of the Holy Trinity.

Traveler and Deacon

Father Fedor Konyukhov is a sea captain, yachtsman, the first Russian to visit the South and North Poles and Everest. He has 4 trips around the world and more than 40 unique expeditions. He was born in Zaporozhye, graduated from the Odessa Naval School and the Leningrad Theological Seminary.

In every interview, in all his books, he always spoke about Christ, about faith, about Orthodoxy. During the last expedition, Fyodor Konyukhov erected a cross on Cape Horn and built several chapels. Fedor, explaining his desire to become a deacon, said: “I have done a lot for travel, for the glory of human labors, I want to do now for the Lord God and for our Orthodox Church.”

Channel 5 report:

*There were errors in the report: Fedor Konyukhov was not tonsured, and ordained deacons.

This is what Father Fyodor Konyukhov himself said - in interviews and books:

Fedor Konyukhov's path to faith

I have always been a believer, our family is like that: my grandfather is a priest and his brother too - he was even canonized as a new martyr. I remember at school (and I studied in our fishing village) I argued all the time with the literature teacher. He asked her: “Tell me, Tatyana Semyonovna, how can you say that there is no God, but Pushkin believed in him!”

However, in my life I have become convinced that faith in God is somewhat similar to love for a woman. Some were lucky to fall in love in their youth, some spent their entire lives pursuing their love, and some lived their entire lives and never fell in love with anyone. It seems to the latter that there are no sublime feelings and other things; he laughs at those who say the opposite.

I have a scientist acquaintance, a man of completely Soviet upbringing. All his life he told me, coming to me and seeing icons: why do you need this, you’d better support science! But he recently returned after surgery and told how he was then shown a video taken during bypass surgery. So he lies on the table without moving for four whole hours, the doctor takes out his heart, washes it, does something with it, and then returns it back. This person told me: “You know, Fedya, I watched that video and got up from my chair completely different.” I recently came to his office and saw that icons had appeared there.

Fedor Konyukhov about senseless risk

Not everyone understands that it is a pointless risk extreme sports- sin. You can’t put your life in danger just like that, out of pleasure - it’s empty. But thousands of people do this, and they cannot be stopped! There are four thousand registered climbers in Moscow alone. For them, this is an important part of life, they cannot be stopped by simply approaching them and saying: “Everything you do is pointless and sinful.” They won’t even understand the word “sin” in its original meaning, but will only be offended once again, deciding that they are accused of violating a “church law” that is alien to them.

It seems to me that you definitely need to be close to them, because these people need special prayer, special intercession. The Church is obliged to remember them and pray. Why do we have many priests who care for military units, schools, hospitals, but almost no ones who work with the same climbers and fans of extreme sports? After all, this is part of our society with a special way of thinking.

You need to find people who are passionate about extreme sports mutual language. And this is another dream of mine - to create a parish for such people at least in Moscow. I am sure that the small community will definitely grow. And she will become an example for others, will help a person think about why he goes to the mountains. Just for fun? But is this interest worth the risk, effort and emotions? After all, in order to take the first step towards faith, you must first think about these problems.

“There is no harder work on earth than praying to the Lord God”

When my yacht capsized, I realized that there is no harder work on the globe than praying to the Lord God, namely praying.
When you go to the pole, dragging 135 kilograms of cargo behind you, all the time upward, for two months, at minus 50 degrees, overcoming a headwind, you think: no one on earth can have such a hard job as dragging this. And when I turned over and I was reading prayers, I realized that this is the hardest work.

And only through her did the Lord reveal himself to me.

This happened when I was caught in Hurricane Daniel (130 mph winds). Then I learned that my chances of survival were zero. The yacht was on autopilot because it had to be on the wave all the time, like surfing. My autopilot malfunctioned and I took the steering wheel. But you won’t be able to hold it at that speed for long, you’ll get tired. There are already purple circles in my eyes, I make a mistake and the yacht leaves the wave and lies on its side.

I'm on deck. The waves are crashing, there is only dust, it is impossible to breathe. I hold on and know that now if the yacht capsizes, it will slam me - that’s all. I'm giving away the life raft. But with such a wind, it breaks away and soars upward, like a kite, albeit tethered. I have to put him down like a snake and I pull and pull him towards me... And suddenly the rope breaks and he flies away. That's it, I was left without a raft. The water, however, is warm; a hurricane is coming from the tropics. And I myself am tied. A wave will pass, knock me into the water, I climb out and hold on to the side, but I’m about to lose consciousness... And then silence falls. I've lost control.

I don’t see anything, my eyes have failed, everything is gray - the water, the sky... And the sounds of the song: the choir is singing, I try to listen, to make out the words, but they sing in a whisper... As if there is no difference between women and men, but I can’t make out the words. The music is so... not organ, not trumpets, not guitars, very Beautiful music. Not some kind of cacophony where everything is mixed together, no. It flows... I have never heard such music... And I listen to the voices, I listen to the words to make out the words, but I cannot. It’s not that they sing in German or English or Russian, no, but it’s not clear...

A wave passes, knocks me into the water, I climb out again, swallow salty water, and I’m so thirsty. I know that there are bottles of water on the yacht. I feel like I need to get into the yacht. She floats up, I open the hatch. As soon as he closed it behind himself, the yacht capsized.

It lies diagonally, but it is no longer possible to get out of the hatch. Everything inside is upside down, 120 liters of diesel fuel spilled inside... All the books, food, everything you have is mixed, waist-deep water. I found a lantern, bottles of water, I always have 100-200 bottles on my yacht.

I drink a bottle, strip naked, because the solarium begins to corrode everything, my shirt, my underpants. I’m only wearing a cross, left over from my grandfather...

Everything inside is closed, it’s impossible to work. Most importantly, I realized that the last thing left was to pray. Done. But no one can help. Although everyone knows, everyone is watching. The water mixes with the diesel fuel into such bile, it’s impossible to breathe, it will keep coming up and I’ll have a slow death from suffocation. But where my bed is, there is a niche, there is more air, and I climb into it, making a nest out of the mattress. I take with me bottles of water, an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (I have it on my life vest, it’s metal) and start reading prayers. And I hear blows, bang, bang, the yacht is about to break, blow after blow. I pray, I pray...

According to statistics, every third climber dies on the way to this peak. Zhenya Zinogradsky and I are sitting at an altitude of 8 thousand meters, inhaling before the last ascent. You can’t sleep there, you might suffocate, there’s not enough air. We thought that we would leave at 12 o’clock at night, but the snowstorm prevented us. We planned to leave at two in the morning in order to have time to reach the top and descend before darkness (and arrived at about 5 in the evening). We sit and wait, the wind tears at the tent. And around there, at eight thousand, dead man thirty - they lie as if in battle, all climbers. Dried out. They become mummies there, they don’t bury them there. As he died, he lies there. We sit with Zhenya and think - will we reach the top? Maybe 30 people have already passed, and we are just among the top ten death row?

My brains are clear, I remember everything down to the smallest detail... Even when I accidentally killed a swallow with a slingshot as a child... I accidentally hit it. Grandmother said that swallows should not be touched - it is a sin. You sit and remember everything to the last. You said a bad word to someone, you quarreled with someone, you deceived someone, you killed a sparrow, you remember everything, this is confession. You feel that your time is coming and you don’t know whether you will return or not. And you think about how you will appear before the Almighty, and you want to tell all this to someone...

Build a bridge to Orthodoxy for sailors

Several years ago, the Orthodox Church canonized Fyodor Ushakov, a great admiral, naval commander and at the same time a man of a unique righteous life. But there is no temple in his honor in Moscow yet. The project is already ready, and we are still choosing a location. We really hope that it will be possible to build it in Moscow, because such a temple is especially needed in the capital: look how many sailors there are, retired and active, there is even a club of admirals!

And the sailors love and respect Ushakov very much, he is an example for them - although, unfortunately, they value him only as a great commander who did not lose a single battle. I would like the temple to help tell about other facets of the admiral’s life: about his deep faith, about his family, which includes holy ascetic monks, about the fact that after his resignation, Ushakov settled near the Sanaksar monastery and spent the rest of his life there...

Through the story of this, I would like to provide a bridge to Orthodoxy for modern sailors. After all, they admire Ushakov, many consider him a role model. It seems to me that a story about a man’s path to his faith for sailors will be missionary effective. I have seen this from my own experience. I remember how I came to the Sanaksar Monastery for the first time, the abbot revealed the relics of Fyodor Ushakov to me, invited me to pray, and then left. I knelt before the shrine with the relics and found myself face to face with the saint. I get goosebumps: there is no one around, and I, a senior sergeant major, a naval sailor myself, am standing in front of an admiral, and what an admiral at that! Of course, all my prayers flew out of my head... All this made an incredible impression on me: holiness penetrates our lives, becomes close and understandable...

This is how the idea of ​​building our temple was born, for which we developed a unique project: the architecture would be classical Byzantine, but the entire temple complex as a whole would have to resemble a ship in its shape. Everything is in strict accordance with the canons, and at the same time new, special meanings arise. The temple of memory of the admiral is like a ship in the sea of ​​everyday passions! If you look at it from above, the temple complex is contoured like a fish - another marine and at the same time an ancient Christian symbol.

Fedor Konyukhov's wishes to his son Nikolai, grandson Arkady and grandson Ethan from the North Atlantic

Nikolai, Arkady and Ethan, you need to follow three main rules: fear God, pray often and do good to people.

Being offended, you should not be angry; being praised, you should not be arrogant. And I also tell you that you can never defeat evil with evil, if someone does you evil, then do him good, then your good Evil will defeat him.

Be silent: the ability to speak sets people apart from the world of animals; the ability to remain silent sets people apart from the world of people. The more you remain silent, the more you will be heard. Silence is better than speaking.

Constantly worry about what you think in your mind, what would please God. By doing this, you will easily overcome every sin.

My son and grandchildren! What were you born for? They were born not for rest, but for work, not for laziness, but for achievement. Get started, work hard and don’t be lazy.

From childhood, accustom yourself to work and properly distribute the time of day. Then you will definitely be able to do a lot of things in a day if you try. And if you do your work with pleasure, it will never irritate you, which means you will succeed in everything.

My children and grandchildren, do not judge other people. Think about yourself more often. Surrender yourself to the will of God. Live with prayer. Inflict on yourself more often sign of the cross. I advise you to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ more often. Protect yourself with the cross, prayer, holy water. Let the lamp burn in front of the icons.

Learn also to love and forgive the old and infirm. If they tell you something unpleasant or offensive, say something from old people, sick people, or people who are out of their minds, then don’t listen to them, but just help them. You need to help the sick with all diligence and you need to forgive, no matter what they say or do.

Don't attach importance to dreams; Don’t pay attention to them, dreams come from the evil one, they only upset a person and confuse his thoughts.

You can overcome any pain, treachery, attack, anger, armed with love.

Always wear pectoral cross, a pectoral cross must be on a Christian’s neck.

When starting to perform every good deed (and never commit evil deeds!), ask God for a blessing for this through prayer. Whatever you do, always be in prayer, and may God’s mercy be with you.

From an early age, set yourself a life goal and go towards it, but stick to these words: “True satisfaction comes not from achieving the goal itself, but from overcoming obstacles on the way to it.”

It is very useful to read the word of God. Read the whole Bible intelligently at least once. For one such exercise, in addition to other good deeds, the Lord will not leave you without mercy.

Your hands must always be stretched out to retribution, and what you give to the poor will be rewarded to you in abundance from the Divine Gifts.

In any conditions, remain an ascetic and be demanding of yourself.

Never be angry, be meek like Moses or David, humble like Jacob and more merciful than Abraham. For Abraham gave alms from his many riches, but you do good to the poor from your means.

Always firmly believe and remember that every thought of yours and every word of yours can undoubtedly be action.

Don’t adapt to life, but go your own way.

Always firmly believe and remember that every thought of yours and every word of yours can undoubtedly be action.

Be an enthusiast. I love those. They win. It is enthusiasm that puts a person on the path of achievement. In all my travels, it was enthusiasm that brought me out of difficult, deadly troubles.

Listen to your parents and honor them unquestioningly. Eat what they give you, wear what you give, accept it with gratitude and wear it gratefully.

Our life is the sea, the Holy Orthodox Church is our ship, and the helmsman is the Savior Himself.

Real life passes quickly and death approaches us. Death can suddenly overtake us when we are not yet ready. For this reason, a person must always diligently fulfill the commandments of God. Because in real life You don’t have to be proud of anything and you don’t have to be partial to anything.

May God's mercy be with you and your parents!

Have you read the article Traveler and deacon Fyodor Konyukhov. Read also.

Father Fyodor greeted the proposal to talk about the role of the father in the family with a cheerful laugh: “What are you talking about! What a role! You cut me without a knife.”

The famous traveler rarely visits Moscow, and in his workshop there is always a line of people wanting to discuss work issues, receive a blessing, or just get to know each other. But he still found time for an interview.

Archpriest Fyodor Konyukhov - traveler, writer, artist.
Born on December 12, 1951. Graduated from the Odessa Naval School, Bobruisk Art School, Leningrad Arctic School.
Sea captain. He made four trips around the world, crossed the Atlantic fifteen times on sailing yachts, once on a rowing boat "Uralaz".
The first person in world history who managed to reach the five poles of our planet: the Northern Geographical (three times), the Southern Geographical, the Pole of relative inaccessibility in the Arctic Ocean, the top of Everest (the height pole), Cape Horn (the yachtsman's pole).
The first Russian who managed to complete the “7 Summits of the World” program - climb the highest peak every continent.
Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR. Member of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation. Author of fourteen books.
In 2010 he was ordained to the priesthood.
Married. Has three children and six grandchildren.

I put all of myself into my son Nikolai, he is a joy to me. But if I don’t travel, if I don’t move towards anything, don’t strive for anything, how will I differ from the dead? I have to push others, inspire others with my zeal.
I must be an example for my son Nikolai.
I will tell him: “Don’t be ashamed of your father’s actions.”
He won't say that I swam in vain. He will understand me. And I will pray to the Lord about this.

(from the book “Under Scarlet Sails” by Fyodor Konyukhov,

which included diary entries

from solo sailing 2004-2005)

- Father Fedor, what was your first childhood impression of the sea?

I do not remember. I don’t remember how I learned to swim either. I grew up on the Sea of ​​Azov. I was even born on the shore. Mom said: “I went to collect crustaceans in the morning, and gave birth there.” Our family is all priests and sailors. And from the age of 8 I already knew that I would be a traveler, like Georgy Yakovlevich Sedov. My grandfather took part in his first expedition to Novaya Zemlya.

Grandfather said that before becoming a traveler, you need to learn to be a navigator, and I went to the Odessa Naval School. Then he graduated from the Leningrad Arctic School.

In Soviet times, they probably talked about your traveler relatives, but did they talk openly about your priestly relatives?

My relative Archpriest Nikolai Konyukhov was killed on December 29, 1918. They poured water on him in the cold, and when he lost consciousness, they shot him. Under Soviet rule, my parents tried not to mention this anywhere - they were afraid. Even when I went to study at the Theological Seminary in 1969, my dad said: “Don’t talk too much about the fact that you had priests in your family.”

Now, of course, I am proud of my ancestors. I pray and ask their forgiveness for the fact that we were embarrassed and afraid to talk about them.

Memorial plaques in the courtyard of Fyodor Konyukhov’s workshop in Moscow. Photo: Vladimir Eshtokin, foma.ru

- How did it happen that you went to study at the seminary?

It turned out very simply. I got in and that’s it. That’s how I knew from childhood that I would travel, and I also knew that I would be a priest. It seemed to me that at about 50 years old I would stop traveling and serve in the parish. Well, at the age of 58 I was ordained.

- When you were little, your mother said that you would be a very lonely person. Why?

The mother always sees her child. According to my habits.

- So you were a loner as a child?

Not like being alone. I have always done business - what I like. I love to draw, I have talent. Bad, not enough, but there. It is mine. That's why I studied painting. It's the same with travel. No one is forcing me to go swimming. I just like it there, it’s my world. And I did not become a priest in order to make a career in the Church. I am a priest because it is in my blood.

- Were you the “black sheep” in the family? Not like other children?

No no no! I'm not a black sheep. We are two sisters, three brothers. I'm average, but I've always been a leader. I started it, and the others obeyed me. And even when everyone grew up and moved away, if it was necessary to make some family decisions, the parents said: “Fedka will come. As he says, so it will be.”

Fedor Konyukhov, late 1980s

- It is believed that in Soviet times there was a very harsh upbringing. The children were not spoiled.

Why weren't you spoiled? How many children under Soviet rule smoked, drank, and ended up in prison!

-What saved you from a bad road?

The goal saved me. Since childhood, I knew that I had to reach the North Pole and continue the work of Georgy Yakovlevich Sedov. Grandfather said: “You must justify the Azov fishermen.” He loved Sedov very much and told me a lot about him. I always regretted that I was not with him on the last expedition. Grandfather died when I was eight years old. All the time that I remember him, he was lying on the bench, paralyzed. In the summer it was rolled out into the garden. It was he who taught me to write diaries. I have his cross. (Takes it out from under his cassock.) It's already worn out. Silver.

At school they said: “Oh, Fedka Konyukhov, he will be a traveler.” So they made concessions to me in many subjects. But if I was bad at math, I crammed it, because I knew that I wouldn’t get into the naval profession. I had a goal. When you live with purpose, you have it all.

And we need to cultivate integrity in children. There must be romance, patriotism. Then the person will not think about smoking, drinking, or money.

- What do you think is the first thing children should do? Sports?

I am Soviet myself, I am a master of sports in many sports. But when they say that everyone should play sports, I listen and think: “You’re saying it wrong! Wrong!" How many honored masters of sports drank themselves to death and went to prison, especially in the 90s. Why? Because you also need to have spirituality for sports. We just teach sports, but what can an athlete do without spirituality? Just hit their faces and that’s it. You don’t just have to teach, you have to understand the child. I have schools for travelers in Miass and Totma, where children enter after a special selection. We give them everything to try: sailing, climbing rocks, going on hikes... The Lord God pointed his finger at each person, gave each person a talent. But not everyone follows this talent. Here at the school of travelers we give a little bit of everything. And take pictures and draw. It is not necessary to become a photographer or an artist, but at least you need to know the basics. The guys keep diaries, write poetry, and play the guitar.

My daughter graduated from art and music school. And now she works as a nurse. You can take it to a variety of exhibitions and concerts. She listens to both classical and rock.

- Is fatherhood a blessing or a burden?

Children are happiness. Just like grandchildren. You know, I set so many world records, I wrote the same paintings and books. But today is a record, and tomorrow it has already been broken; today books are admired, but tomorrow they have already been forgotten. And children, grandchildren - this is eternity, it cannot be compared with anything.

-Have you traveled with your children?

Certainly. I drove a yacht across the Atlantic Ocean with my eldest son, walked with him around Cape Horn, walked across the Pacific Ocean, across the Indian Ocean. We sailed across the Atlantic Ocean several times. But I wouldn't want my children to be travelers.

- And they?

They're great. They say: “We understand that we will never be like dad.” They have their own destiny.

- Do they also have a goal, like you did?

Eat. Not the same as mine. The youngest son wants to be a military man. Now he will be admitted to Suvorovskoye. And the eldest is like a manager. Wants to organize expeditions. He was also the president of the Sailing Federation.

- What did traveling together give you?

Well, they just began to understand me better, there was more confidence. As my wife, son and I were crossing the Atlantic Ocean, a storm began. I understand that the situation is serious, and they are calm. They say: “Well, you’ve walked around the world.” They have this: if dad is at the helm, then everything will be fine. But I know that anything can happen, and it can happen with me.

- If one of the children was bullied in kindergarten or at school, did you stand up?

I tried not to walk. My wife dealt with this. If I came, I was usually perceived as Konyukhov, as a traveler, and not as a father. With such an attitude, it is difficult to resolve any personal issues. But I always told my sons that they need to be able to stand up for themselves.

- Is life harder for your children now than it was for you at their age?

Not really. I think it wasn’t hard for me or for them. We must always agree with what is. We had one childhood, they have another. We had some difficulties, they had others. You know, there will never be heaven on earth. Was life easy for our grandfathers? No. Neither do our parents. Life will never be easy! There are wars going on all the time. All the time. My grandfather fought in the First World War, my father in the Second. My uncle fought in Korea in 1953, my brother in Afghanistan. I served in Vietnam. True, he did not fight, he served as a mechanic on a ship. Wars pass through my family all the time.

Priest and traveler Fyodor Konyukhov. Photo: Maxim Korotchenko, maxik2k.livejournal.com

- What is your favorite children's game?

As a child, I loved playing Robinson Crusoe.

- How did you play?

My island was in a swamp.

- So again alone?

No. I had a team. I'm the captain.

Fedor Konyukhov with his wife, children and grandchildren. Photo from personal archive

Interviewed by Alexander Gatilin.

This interview is part project “Being a Father!” , implemented by the online magazine “Batya”, the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation and the publishing house “Nikea”. Full version You can read the interview in the book, which will be published in 2016.

Greetings my dear readers! In the article “Fyodor Konyukhov: biography of a fearless traveler” - about interesting person, priest, honored artist of Russia and writer.

Biography of Fedor Konyukhov

In a fishing village in the Zaporozhye region, on December 12, 1951, a boy, Fedya, was born. The whole world will later know about him. He spent his entire childhood on the Azov coast.

Their family had many children. The mother took care of the house, and the father was a hereditary fisherman. Fedya loved the sea, often went fishing with his father and wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps.

The guy dreamed of sea voyages. He learned to swim and dive, hardened himself, managed a sailboat and a rowing boat. The father talked a lot about the war to his children, instilled in them a love for their homeland and taught them to value their

After school, he graduated from college and became a carver and inlay maker. Realizing that his life could not exist without the sea, he entered the Odessa Marine Corps and received a navigator’s diploma.

But mastering the maritime profession did not end there; Konyukhov trained as a ship mechanic, graduating from the Arctic School in Leningrad. His spiritual world also required knowledge, and he completed a course of study at the Theological Seminary there, in the city on the Neva.


Fedor's first trip was across the Sea of ​​Azov on an ordinary rowing boat. In 1966, he successfully crossed it. And at twenty-six he became the organizer of a yacht trip to Pacific Ocean, along its northern part. The travelers repeated the route of the famous Bering. Fedor had the makings of a researcher; he was interested in absolutely everything.

Having visited Kamchatka, Sakhalin and the Commander Islands, the traveler studied the life local population, traditions, adopted their experience of survival in extreme terrain.

Before setting off on a campaign to explore and conquer the North Pole, Konyukhov walked on skis, under the cover of the polar night, to an inaccessible point far north.

The year 1990 was marked for the traveler with a polar transition of 72 days to the North Pole, reaching it. He fulfilled his old dream!

The year 1995 will be remembered for Konyukhov’s successful expedition alone to South Pole. It was he who planted there Russian flag. With this journey, he also helps doctors in studying the physical, as well as mental state in extreme climates. During his life, Konyukhov made three trips around the world.

Father Fedor is a very versatile traveler. In addition to hiking across the seas and oceans, and participating in expeditions along land routes, he conquers mountain peaks. I've been to Everest twice. In 160 days he rowed across the Pacific Ocean. This was an unprecedented event in solo sailing.

Konyukhov is considered the best traveler. He went through about fifty expeditions of various directions. Conquered all the mountain peaks of the whole world within five years. He also has in his arsenal trip around the world on hot-air balloon. For this, Fedor was awarded the title “Pilot of the Year”.


Traveler and priest is creative personality. He writes works about his impressions from expeditions. He also composes music and poetry for organ performance. As an artist, Konyukhov takes part in various exhibitions, both at home and abroad.

Fedor starred in documentary film"Without Baikal" The film tells about people who care about nature and want to save it.

In 2010 he was ordained a priest in a church in his homeland. He was also awarded the order for his work for the benefit of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Fedor Konyukhov: family

The first wife, Lyuba, married a rich man and lives in America. She is an artist and has her own gallery.

Fedor and Irina Konyukhov

Fyodor Filippovich lives in his second marriage with Irina Konyukhova. His wife is a Doctor of Law and has a professorship. They have a son, Nikolai.

The family includes Fyodor’s two eldest children from his first marriage: son Oscar and daughter Tatyana. Oscar followed in his father's footsteps and is also involved in sailing and travel. There are also five grandchildren growing up in the Konyukhov family. Konyukhov’s height is 1.80 m, zodiac sign is

“I used to think that at fifty it would be boring, that I would become old. At fifty I wanted to be ordained a priest - a village, a small church. But now I understand that every age is interesting. The way you look at a woman - even this shows age.”

The famous traveler Fyodor Konyukhov was born in the Zaporozhye region in 1951. The boy grew up in large family There were five children in total. The Konyukhov family lived in a village, and therefore Fedor grew up and learned physical labor from childhood. Fyodor Konyukhov’s family lived right on the shores of the Azov Sea, which always attracted and fascinated him. The desire to fish and swim arose quite early, and already at the age of 15 he crossed the sea on a boat on his own.

Konyukhov's father Philip was at the front during the Great Patriotic War, told many stories of that difficult time. Fedor's grandfather was also a lieutenant colonel tsarist army, who happened to serve together with the famous explorer Georgy Sedov.

Traveler education. He graduated from the nautical school in Odessa, then studied at the polar school in Leningrad. Further, Konyukhov is studying at a theological seminary. When he graduated from intelligence school in the city of Kaliningrad, he was called up to serve in the ranks Soviet army. Among other things, Fedor has served in such hot spots as Singapore and Vietnam.

In Belarus, Konyukhov received the specialty of a carver-instructor, graduating from the Bobruisk Art School.

Priest Fyodor Konyukhov, personal life, biography

First traveled in the Pacific Ocean in 1977. He came and lived for some time in Chukotka, where he learned the capabilities of his body, and also learned the basics of riding with a dog sled, with the help of which he was able to cross Chukotka in 1981.

  • He skied from the USSR to Canada with an international expedition (1988).
  • 1990 - went and reached the goal at the North Pole alone, on skis.

Further, there were many achievements of Fedor Konyukhov, many ascents, which can be talked about for a long time. The most memorable events in the life of the traveler were his adoption as a priest in 2010, and he crossed Greenland in a record 15 days and 22 hours. In 2012 he became the first clergyman of the Russian Orthodox Church who climbed Everest. He is the first Russian who managed to conquer the seven peaks of the world. He is also the first person in the world to reach the five poles of the planet.

Everyone knows the traveler and explorer Fyodor Konyukhov. The personal life and biography of this person interests many, like any public person. Although no, it is rather precisely the personal life of Fedor Konyukhov that attracts the attention of the public. Everyone wonders how this guy lives amazing person at home, everyone is interested in his family. The personal life of the researcher was quite interesting. He was married twice and has three children.

Fedor Konyukhov and wife Irina Umnova

Fedor Konyukhov and Irina Umnova first met in 1995. At that time, Irina was working on her doctoral dissertation, working for the Federation Council, and had a legal education. As the spouses say, they fell in love with each other at first sight. The relationship began to develop rapidly. Fyodor did not delay, and the very next day after meeting, he invited Irina on a date. By the way, the famous traveler showed up for the date with flowers and a backpack on his back. According to Irina, on the eve of meeting her future husband, she prayed in the temple for the Almighty to send her her beloved. At the time of meeting Fedor, Irina already had two sons, whom she raised herself. After tying the knot, the couple traveled together. For family well-being, Irina decided to quit her successfully developing career. And I didn’t regret it.

Fyodor Konyukhov and Irina Umnova wanted children, but their attempts were in vain. Then, one day, having survived a storm while sailing on a yacht, the couple asked God to give them a child. A few months later, Irina became pregnant.

Children of Fedor Konyukhov

In his first marriage, Fyodor had a son, Oscar, and a daughter, Tatyana. There is a three year difference between them. The son built a career as a sports manager. Tatyana lives in the United States. With his second wife, Fedor had a son, Nikolai, in 2005. Irina admitted that it was difficult for her during pregnancy, since her husband was constantly absent, but she understood and supported him in every possible way. Also, Irina Umnova told a touching story about the birth of a long-awaited baby, about how her husband was present at the birth, saw the child first, and cut the umbilical cord. Fedor Konyukhov, children, family have always aroused interest among the press and the public, but there are many photos of the traveler on the Internet, but children are rare.

Fedor Konyukhov, in addition to traveling and climbing, made a significant contribution to science and wrote many books. During breaks, he painted paintings, selling which he earned money for equipment and other necessary items for travels and discoveries. Fedor Konyukhov is an amazing person, a shining example of a man who sets goals for himself all his life and does everything possible and impossible to achieve them. Fedor did not want to live a quiet and peaceful life, to have regular work, and in the evenings sit in a chair watching TV, this man chose a different path, the path of self-development, discovery, knowledge own strength and opportunities. There is not a person in our vast country who does not know or have not heard about him, and everyone admires him. At 65 years old, he is not going to stop, but wants to conquer ever greater peaks and, without a doubt, will surprise us more than once with his achievements and discoveries.



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