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In Germany, newlyweds mandatory plant a tree or rose bush. Near Leipzig there is even a whole “city of flowering trees”; here, since 1700, there was a strict law according to which a marriage could not take place unless the groom planted six fruit trees.

In the Czech Republic, there is a very touching custom: before the wedding, a tree is planted in the bride’s yard. It is traditionally decorated with colorful satin ribbons and decorated eggs.

In Switzerland, newlyweds plant a pine tree in front of their house, which is a symbol of good luck and wealth.

During a wedding ceremony in the Maldives, it is customary to plant a palm tree, which is a symbol of a future long life. family life. I tie signs to the palm tree that indicate the couple's names and wedding date.

It is customary to plant two fruit trees on the island of Java as a sign of the well-being and prosperity of the family.

In Thailand wedding ceremony ends with planting a tree of love, and in the Philippines this ceremony is performed during the wedding.

Residents of Bermuda bake a cake for their wedding, the top of which is decorated with a young tree. After the celebration is over, the bride and groom plant a sapling in the yard of their house. According to legend, marriage will last as long as the tree grows.

To this day, a touching custom has been preserved in some countries. If a guy brings a tree dug up in the forest and plants it under his beloved’s window, this is perceived by the girl as a marriage proposal.

In Rus', newlyweds, planting a young tree, in honor of an unforgettable event in their lives, thereby, as it were, laying the foundation family well-being. The tree became a symbol of love and a talisman of the family for many, many years. The tree grew stronger and stronger, and every year the relationship between the spouses grew stronger.

Since ancient times, trees that were considered symbolic have been chosen for planting. We present several trees that are especially popular among newlyweds:

  • Since ancient times, oak has meant strength, endurance, courage, fertility, longevity, loyalty and nobility.
  • The linden tree was revered as a talisman tree; it protected love and mutual understanding in the family.
  • Hawthorn is a symbol of marriage, hope and chastity. This is the tree of the goddess of love.
  • Pine was highly valued as a symbol of longevity and marital happiness.
  • Spruce - tree eternal life, hope and fertility.
  • Rowan - guarantees happiness and peace in the family.
  • Viburnum - symbolizes maiden love and fidelity; this tree has been considered a “wedding tree” in Rus' since ancient times.

IN last years ancient tradition Planting the Tree of Love on a wedding day has begun to revive again in Russia. Every young couple can plant any tree they choose, and thereby leave a living memory of the happy moment of starting a family for many years to come.

I would like to wish every family that it would be like a strong tree, its roots firmly rooted in the ground, and not be afraid of any bad weather, winds or frosts.

Our ancestors knew much more about the energy of trees than they do now. What's proven modern science, passed down from generation to generation in the form folk signs.

Here is a small piece of ancient knowledge for those who want health, luck, love and prosperity in the family. But you need a little - choose one that is enough to plant near the porch or under the windows of the house. Its energy and phytoncides will bring many benefits to the owners. Different ones can give different benefits - read the article and choose yours!

Good omen- plant near the house cherry This is an unpretentious plant that requires the bare minimum of care, yet it blooms beautifully and smells pleasant in the spring. Cherry is considered a symbol of fertility and prosperity; this tree is especially revered in the East. It is believed that it is a talisman that brings good luck.

They say that a fire under a cherry tree during its blossoming period increases wealth. You can plant a cherry tree in the place where you are going to cook kebabs and other summer dishes on the fire and grill. This is a good solution from the point of view of attracting material wealth.

- Juniper- this is one of the most powerful plants that protects against love spells, damage and evil forces. If you plant it near your house, the plant will protect all members of your family. It is believed that it should be placed in front of the house, and not in the backyard. The needles of this can be burned indoors from time to time to drive away negative energy.

- Rose hip looks beautiful at any time of the year. In addition, he protects the well-being of the family near whose house he grows. It attracts love and strengthens family relationships. This is an extremely positive plant that will not bring you anything bad. The main meanings of rosehip in magic are love, passion and strong, stable family connections.

- Larch looks especially attractive in autumn. Its influence is necessary for those who constantly experience unreasonable doubts, fears and anxiety. Larch, if planted near the house, helps cope with depression, melancholy and other problems psychological nature. It helps you look at life positively and restore mental strength.

- Acacia has a positive effect on procreation. It treats infertility in both men and women. If you can't have a child for a long time, try planting an acacia tree near your house. In addition, it relieves stress and improves mood.

- Pear- a symbol of motherhood and love, stability and durability. You can use it near a residential building, because it also gives positive qualities- Ability to communicate and make friends.

It is believed that spruceenergetic vampire, and this tree cannot be planted near the house. But it is not so. Spruce absorbs energy throughout the summer and shares it in winter. It is indicated for those who experience winter shortages vitality. A spruce tree near the house protects the family from quarrels, helps to restrain emotions, and removes the unpleasant feeling that everything is not going as it should. But it’s still not worth planting near the house, since its roots can even collapse the house. Place conifers away from buildings.

In some regions, it is believed that spruce drives men out of the home. This refers to the birth of only daughters, widowhood and divorces. They were afraid to plant a spruce near the newlyweds' house, because this could deprive them of their heirs. But in regions where coniferous trees are most common, they do not believe in such signs.

- Kalina - a good option plants to plant near the house. She calms down nervous system and helps to recover in case of illness.

- Maple near your home will help you remove negative energy and quarrel less with your family members. It brings longevity, love and material wealth to your home. The life of people living in a house near which a maple tree grows will be calm and measured. Maple brings calm and confidence.

- Rowan will save your home and family from black witchcraft, evil spirits and any negative energy. She develops psychic abilities, especially in children. Rowan teaches you to control your feelings and show only when it will be beneficial. If you are thinking about whether it is possible to plant rowan near the house, there are no negative signs about this tree.

For women over 40 years old, rowan can give a second youth. It also brings the ability to enjoy the physical side of love and good luck in relationships with the opposite sex. It is best to plant rowan near windows.

An excellent option for planting near the windows of a young girl’s bedroom. She gives beauty, charm, self-confidence, luck in love and happiness in family life. The apple tree is also associated with eternal youth and longevity.

Whether you believe in these signs or not is up to you. But why not rely on the wisdom of your ancestors if you are not yet sure which tree to choose for planting near your home?

Carnelian tree of happiness

The feng shui tree of happiness counts and wealth; the amulet looks like an artificial tree with leaves made of semi-precious stones. The tree of happiness is a family talisman; its roots actively absorb negative Sha energy, and its branched crown saturates the atmosphere of the house with positive Qi energy.

For each individual person, the leaves of the tree are made from a certain type of stone. You can choose your personal stone based on your horoscope.

The ABC of Happiness

Each zodiac sign, as well as each situation, has its own responsible stone; by choosing the right talisman, you can fully use its power.


Stones for the tree of happiness


  • Suitable for signs: Leo, Cancer.
  • The stone helps maintain a joyful mood, a cheerful spirit and a clear mind. Aventurine of any color helps with skin diseases, for example, various rashes and eczema, neurodermatitis and baldness.
  • Suitable for signs: Scorpio, Taurus, Gemini, Capricorn, Cancer.
  • The stone is a talisman of happiness and health; it not only protects you from lies and resists it, but also gives protection from evil spells, protects you from infidelity and betrayal.


  • Suitable for signs: Sagittarius
  • Amazonite is a talisman for housewives and guards the hearth. It has a beneficial effect on maintaining an optimistic mood, relieves feelings of anxiety and uncertainty in one’s actions.
  • Suitable for signs: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Gemini, Leo, Pisces.
  • The stone harmonizes your consciousness, relieves stress, and maintains the health of the nervous and endocrine systems. Talismans with amethyst are an excellent means for meditation and are a type of protective amulets.


Stones for the tree of happiness

  • Suitable for signs: Libra, Pisces, Taurus, Aquarius, Cancer.
  • A stone of happiness, it brings you victory and good luck in business. Turquoise will give you confidence in business and become an inexhaustible source of positive emotions.

Bull's Eye (Labrador)

  • Suitable for signs: Libra, Leo, Capricorn, Aquarius, Gemini.
  • This stone will be an excellent amulet for the home and all households; it should be kept in a visible place so that it meets people and is visible itself. An amulet of practicing magicians and all kinds of high-level wizards.


Stones for the Tree of Happiness

Jet (Black Jasper)

  • Suitable for signs: Capricorn, Gemini, Taurus.
  • This is a talisman for brave and active people, it helps them overcome fears and protects them from obstacles in business. Jet is endowed with the incredible power of daylight, reveals any deception and gives oblivion in unsuccessful love.
  • Suitable for signs: Scorpio.
  • This magic stone, it contains gigantic energy reserves of beneficial Qi, this energy can give you enormous strength and protect you from any attacks. Increases resistance to stress, improves energy at home.


  • Suitable for signs: Leo, Gemini, Capricorn, Libra.
  • Money stone. Prevents disappointment in financial matters. Develops the owner's insight. Protects the house from disasters and accidents

Eye of the Tiger

  • Suitable for signs: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini, Capricorn, Leo.
  • This is a talisman for those people who are associated with trade and commerce. The stone actively eliminates competitors, of course, in energy terms. Tiger's Eye will become an indispensable amulet for those associated with the media.

cat's eye

  • Suitable for signs: Capricorn.
  • This is a wonderful amulet against any damage and the evil eye. The talisman will help its owner not to be seen by the enemy or to be unnoticed by him. It will keep unwanted people and wild animals out of your home.


Serpentine (Serpentine)

  • Suitable for signs: Sagittarius.
  • This is a talisman for doctors, pharmacists and homeopaths; the stone has powerful energy and can give its owner power, but only so that he can share it with others. As an amulet and talisman, the serpentine is a guardian against damage and the evil eye.


  • Suitable for signs: Sagittarius, Scorpio.
  • , effective remedy from asthma, poisoning, rheumatism and frequent violations menstrual cycle.
  • In addition, malachite enhances spiritual powers.
  • Suitable for people who are not very lucky in life. This is truly a stone of happiness, because it attracts people.
  • This is the stone of sages, helping them to listen to advice and draw conclusions.


Jade stone

  • Suitable for signs: Libra, Gemini, Taurus, Sagittarius, Aries.
  • This stone is revered in China as sacred symbol beauty, loyalty and piety. Jade will protect the owner from otherworldly forces, ensure longevity and family happiness.
  • It is also called the “stone of life”


The stone is opal

  • Suitable for signs: Scorpio, Cancer, Libra.
  • In Eastern countries, opal is considered a symbol of fidelity and inexhaustible hope. As a healer, opal influences almost all known types of diseases with its powerful energy field.


Rose quartz

Rose quartz

  • Suitable for signs: Aries, Gemini, Virgo.
  • The stone is a symbol of selfless love and protects the family from destruction. Removes Negative consequences stress, helps to concentrate strength when difficult life situations arise.



  • Suitable for signs: Aries, Virgo, Pisces.
  • This is a stone of sun and fire, personifying the warmth of life. Carnelian lifts the owner's mood, sharpens the mind, calms anger, and bestows eloquence.
  • Carnelian can be used to preserve marriage and fidelity of a married couple.


  • Suitable for signs: Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces.
  • This is the talisman of those people who are engaged artistic creativity, strive for self-expression in beauty, but not so much external as internal. Charoite calms stress and relieves its consequences, activates the brain and memory.


Stones for the Tree of Happiness

  • Suitable for signs: Leo, Virgo, Aries, Aquarius.
  • This is a talisman of a prosperous home, where order and harmony reign, amulets with jasper protect their owner from negative influences and clear the space from negative impact Sha energy.
  • Suitable for signs: Aquarius, Leo.
  • Amber is an excellent biostimulant that encourages the human body to turn on not only reserve defense mechanisms, but also activate reserve forces, which makes them practically inexhaustible, making the owner invulnerable.

Feng Shui tree of happiness: where to place the talisman?

Where to put the tree of happiness

Quite often people have a question: where should the tree of happiness be placed according to Feng Shui? The answer is simple, place your tree of happiness in the zone that is responsible for the fulfillment of one or another of your desires. For example, if you want to get pregnant, then the best place for the amulet it is the west. And if you need money, then the tree should be in the southeast.

Stones by zodiac sign - a good choice, however, it is even more important that you feel a connection with the stone. Then he will be your talisman, serving faithfully for a long time.

Each tree has its own abilities and energy. This energy can be used for your own benefit, but this must be done in accordance with certain rules.

Poplar. A mighty tree with very strong and heavy energy. If you need support to understand yourself, stay close to the poplar. He opens people's eyes so that they can look at themselves, know their fears and unlearn being afraid. If you have a phobia, then poplar can cure that too.

Apple tree. This is the tree of luck. It is universal in application, so if you feel that your confidence has evaporated somewhere, look for it next to the apple tree. This plant also provides a lot of energy. An apple eaten at breakfast invigorates better than coffee.

Oak. The tree of philosophers, it is the patron of elderly and experienced people. If you have experienced something bad or something that has left a scar on your soul, come to the oak tree to heal those wounds. He will take your sadness for himself.

Each tree is unique, so bioenergy experts advise not to confuse their properties. Use nature's gifts wisely and respectfully, taking her energy carefully.

We also recommend using house plants to maintain the body in good energy condition. Previously, we wrote about how to attract good luck, love and happiness according to Feng Shui using indoor flowers. Choose for yourself home friend Right. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

06.07.2016 03:58

The famous clairvoyant Fatima Khadueva shared her knowledge in the field of Feng Shui. Her recommendations will help you choose the perfect...

Many of you may say that you have never heard of such a thing as Crassula. But this plant is found in almost every home! Crassula is popularly called the money tree, or Crassula. This name is due not only to the many beliefs and tales associated with this tree, but also to the fact that its small round leaves resemble coins.

Crassula: signs and beliefs

People by their nature are very greedy for easy money, so since ancient times a lot of legends have been associated with money and well-being. The legend of the money tree came to us from China, where it was believed that there once really was a tree with coins instead of leaves. As soon as you shake it lightly, you immediately find yourself under a real money rain!

Many still believe that the health of a plant is directly related to the health of its host. It has often been noticed that if the owner becomes ill or experiences a period of emotional decline, then the usually bright green tree withers, withers, and its leaves begin to fall off.

Nowadays, it is widely believed that the fat woman can contribute to the growth of the wallet and the solution of financial problems. Coins are usually placed in a pot with it; when Crassula will thank you not only big amount bills in the wallet, but also unusually beautiful flowering.

Features of care

The money tree is an extremely unpretentious plant; you only need to follow a few recommendations when caring for it. Let's take a closer look at the crassula:

  • for the normal functioning of the plant, it is enough to provide good lighting, low temperature and non-excessive moisture;
  • You need to water your pet as the soil dries out, and in winter watering should be reduced to a minimum;
  • Crassula propagation is amazingly simple. The first way is using seeds, which should be sown in clay pots. This method is not particularly popular, since there are more quick way get the “offspring” of your plant. You just need to tear off a twig or even a leaf, root it in a new pot, and after a while they will take root;
  • You can replant the fat plant extremely rarely; it would be optimal to do this once every year and a half. You can read about the rules of replanting indoor plants.

Thanks to the simple propagation conditions, you can safely pinch off a leaf or twig of a Crassula from your friends and plant it on a windowsill. This will not harm the parent tree in any way, and you will attract financial growth to your home!

Medicinal properties of money tree

Crassula has not only mystical abilities, but also very real and proven medicinal ones. Here are just a few options for using Crassula at home:

  • For bruises, cuts and abrasions, a paste of leaves helps a lot money tree, which is smeared on the wound and a bandage is applied on top;
  • Gargling with Crassula juice mixed with water is very effective for sore throats, colds, coughs and gum inflammation. You need to rinse with this solution at least 3 times a day;
  • The plant is also used in medicine in the preparation of medicines. But it is worth remembering that pure Crassula juice can cause poisoning, so it must be mixed with plenty of water.

If you decide to please the people close to you, but do not dare to buy them



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