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Horoscope for Gemini for the year. Zodiac horoscope for Gemini man and woman

In 2016, you are a rising star, but it will require constant effort to avoid slipping down. Are you ready for this? Of course!

Your focus is on making progress, getting and keeping the things you enjoy most, and making sure you don't make mistakes. This year you will ask the right questions and will not act without receiving solid answers and all the necessary information.

In May, and then in September, the planets and their positions will create the most favorable periods for you to act. September will be especially powerful in this regard. The position of the planets will make it easy for you to independently establish life situations and bring your relationships with people to the state you would like.

Family life will bring more satisfaction, and you may also have some fateful thoughts, particularly in September and October. Family secrets may be disclosed or resolved.

Emotional and romantic connections are strongest in November, although possible in December. At the time when you will act most intensely, powerfully and effectively. At the end of the year, the stars especially favor you. Gemini, you can do great things this year!

Relationship horoscope for couples

For Gemini, 2016 will be both intelligent and sensual. At home and in family life everything will be fine, but not boring and ordinary. The main challenge may be to resist the temptation to focus too much on work.

Come February, your social calendar may be crowded, but together you can choose what's most interesting and least tedious or expensive. Come to an agreement about which events are likely to cause the most trouble and politely skip them. You will have many options and invitations, so you will have a lot to discuss.

In August and September, problems in relationships with relatives are possible. Their demands can get out of control. Just remember that big family always requires a lot of work.

Behave sensually well at any time, especially in November, when passions can run high unprecedented heights. Be attentive to your partner's health, and also remember how important you are to each other.

The end of the year is strong in terms of your relationships and happiness.

Relationship horoscope for those who are on their own

Gemini, you are welcome in 2016 Good times And big dreams light your way! You may not be traveling the world, but you also won't be spending time at home. There will be little time in your schedule for being a homebody.

In March, the position of the Sun will ignite the fire and bring you inspiration, as well as several romantic candidates who will be very eager to woo you. Manage your schedule with enough skill and you'll have plenty of fun throughout the spring.

Someone so good that it will be hard to believe will appear at the end of the summer. But look doubly carefully, in any case, make decisions carefully, as events may be too emotional for you. And if the relationship doesn’t last long, don’t worry, it means it was meant to be, this person is not your destiny.

In November and December you can expect hot and important dates. If by then you have not yet met someone with whom you can build a long-term and serious relationship, get ready for romantic excitement. The end of the year will be like riding a roller coaster emotionally. Have fun, but be careful!

Finance and career development horoscope

For Gemini, 2016 is a great time to strengthen their positions, gain real power at work and advance in career ladder. Now you have enough energy and all the prerequisites for this, so think twice when making important decisions or taking actions. If you recently changed your profession or place of work, now you have the opportunity to take root in a new environment.

Due to the influence of the planets, the period of time from the second half of April to the beginning of June can be very important for you to have the best possible year. financially. Use this information when planning for the future.

There are probably a lot of things you would like to buy, places you would like to visit and a lot of things you would like to do, but for now put off the implementation of important items in your plans. Lots of small expenses that you can afford will add up to a lot of fun throughout the year, especially in November and December.

The horoscope for 2016 recommends Gemini to focus on relationships with people around them. Many of them should be torn apart, and some should be strengthened. Geminis will have a hard time forcing themselves to work. The reason for this is not laziness, but ambiguity in work matters. Take part in mass events, then you will gain recognition and achieve success.

The horoscope for 2016 advises Gemini to communicate more with new people. They are the ones who can inspire you and guide you in the right direction. During the spring, Gemini will be tense and irritable. You will have to work hard to prove your place in the sun. In the process of work, you will come to bright discoveries and decide to radically change your life.

Gemini will be able to attract to their activities interesting people. Joint projects will give good results and allow your plans to be realized. The 2016 horoscope promises Gemini energy in everything they undertake. Alas, in May fatigue and apathy will take over. Don't plan new things, but rather complete past things.

In the summer, Gemini will receive news from afar. This information will change a lot in their lives. In August, irritability towards friends and loved ones will appear. The horoscope for 2016 advises Gemini to keep their emotions under control. You shouldn't express everything that's on your mind. Personal life comes first for Gemini. Many will want a serious relationship with their chosen one or go in search of an ideal.

In the fall, Gemini will draw up an action plan that will help put things in order. The horoscope for 2016 advises Gemini not to deviate from their goals, but to persistently achieve results. Don't be afraid to try something innovative. By the way, this applies not only to work, but also to love relationships. If Gemini knows exactly what to do, they will be able to overcome difficulties.

The horoscope for 2016 predicts that Gemini will change their plans for the future. It is possible that some of them require further development and deep reflection. Gemini will be content with what they already have. It is advisable to free yourself from those relationships that slow down your progress. Some projects are already outdated, so find a worthy replacement for them. In December, Gemini will be faced with a choice. They will have to change not only their actions, but also inner world.

Love horoscope for 2016 Gemini

Love horoscope Global changes are predicted for Gemini in 2016. Not all of them will apply to personal life. The main thing is that Geminis do not rush to conclusions, but carefully think through all decisions. If you are not married, then take your affair with your chosen one more seriously. Spend more time with your loved one so that he doesn’t feel lonely.

The horoscope for 2016 advises Gemini to set priorities. What is more important to you - friends, work or love? Many will strive for light flirting and entertainment. Alas, they will not bring joy and moral satisfaction. Geminis shouldn't tell everyone about their feelings. Otherwise, you will harm yourself and your chosen one.

The love horoscope for 2016 for Gemini predicts romance at work. A relationship with a coworker can go far. Unfortunately, not only friends, but also relatives find out about them. Geminis who are faithful to their spouses can also be involved in a love triangle. The reason for this will be misunderstanding in the family.

Family horoscope for 2016 Gemini

The family horoscope for 2016 advises Gemini to be less jealous of their chosen one. In this case, your life together will be cloudless and harmonious. Trust the one you love more. Moreover, if Gemini’s feelings are sincere. You should not constantly criticize your spouse. Try to solve all problems and everyday issues together.
The 2016 horoscope for Gemini predicts difficulties in relationships with a teenage child. Be patient and don't panic for no particular reason. All problems must be resolved closer to summer. Each spouse will be busy own life. Geminis will throw themselves into work, and their significant other will be interested in career growth. All this will negatively affect the relationship, as predicted family horoscope for 2016 Gemini. Do not interfere with close relatives in your life. They will not be able to understand the issues that concern your family. It will be especially difficult for families living with relatives. Many will shamelessly meddle in the life of Gemini and give advice.

Career horoscope for 2016 Gemini

Geminis are not afraid of work, so they have long been known as responsible workers. The career horoscope for 2016 for Gemini predicts bright changes in the professional sphere. Many will achieve promotion through the ranks. After all, Geminis are able to establish themselves as a conscientious worker.

The horoscope for 2016 advises Gemini to contact management with a request for a salary increase. The authorities will definitely not refuse you. If desired, Gemini can radically change the scope of their activities. Believe me, you will be welcome at any enterprise.

The career horoscope for 2016 advises Gemini not to be influenced by their colleagues. Many will use you and your achievements at work as if they were their own. Even monetary rewards for your efforts can be appropriated by impostors. In the fall, Gemini can leave a job without regret, where they are not appreciated and frankly disrespected.

Financial horoscope for 2016 Gemini

The financial horoscope for 2016 advises Gemini not to conceal within themselves those abilities that will help in terms of money. In January, Gemini will be busy with inheritance issues, loans, buying or selling housing. In the spring, you can safely complete matters that have long required resolution.

The horoscope for 2016 advises Gemini to save money and not engage in useless deposits and loans. Immediately discard all offers related to finances.

Geminis should not look for easy ways to get rich. If there is a profit, then financial horoscope for 2016, Gemini is advised to spend it on something pleasant or useful. For example, renovate your apartment. Be on the lookout! In the fall, Gemini may find themselves in an unpleasant situation with paying taxes.

Health horoscope for 2016 Gemini

The health horoscope for 2016 recommends Gemini to take their health seriously. First of all, start fighting bad habits. You've wanted this for a long time, haven't you? Don't take your well-being lightly. Pay attention to old diseases that will remind you of themselves again.

The horoscope for 2016 does not advise Gemini to self-medicate. In case of serious illness, go to hospital. For prevention, Geminis need to play sports and visit the pool.

The main thing is not to refuse treatment from specialists. Even if you feel better, still continue taking your medications. The health horoscope for 2016 recommends Gemini to go to a sanatorium. There you will strengthen your immunity. This year, Gemini will often suffer from ARVI. Beware of complications after a cold.

Sextile Uranus will help you start a new stage in life.

Career and finances in 2016 for Gemini

The year of summing up is coming. Saturn's opposition begins a difficult period in your life. This is a test of maturity and self-awareness. We'll have to evaluate the results and think about what's next. A certain stage in your life is coming to an end. Unfinished business will be completed. Gemini, if you still haven’t found your way to your destiny, if you’re unhappy with what you’re doing and not realizing your ambitions, this year everything will change. The sextile of Uranus will help you start a new stage of life. It will provide you with strength, enthusiasm, drive, brilliant ideas and even a penchant for completely crazy ventures. You will solve many difficult questions, due to which your permanent income will increase and there will be a chance to receive additional income. There will be promising changes in the professional sphere, as Uranus will give great ideas and unexpected solutions. Thanks to suddenly emerging opportunities, there will be a chance to advance in your career. From September, under the influence of Jupiter, it will be easier to absorb knowledge. Use this time to improve your skills or gain a new specialty.

Family and love

Uranus won't let you forget how busy life can be. Pending interesting events Willingly make new acquaintances and strengthen old connections. Even if until now you were timid and kept your distance, now you will become bolder in love relationships, stop hiding what you feel, what you want and expect. Even a little flirtation can develop into romance and passionate love. Under the influence of Saturn's opposition, your relationships will be tested to their strengths. Truly devoted, sincere people will remain nearby, and false friends will disappear from sight. In a long-term relationship, there will come a testing time. The misunderstanding that has accumulated over the years will become unbearable. If you want to save love, you will have to decide to have a serious conversation, resolve misunderstandings and start all over again. Then feelings will blossom again, and it will be possible to restore what was destroyed.

Health and well-being for Geminis in 2016

Sextile Uranus will bring relaxation, and everything will seem easier. You will be convinced that by mastering yourself, you can master any situation. Due to the opposition of Saturn, there will be some loss of strength and decreased immunity. Neptune in square will also have an unfavorable effect, so be careful with taking medications (allergies are possible!) and get rid of bad habits.

Favorable days of 2016– 07.01 Thursday, 28.02 Sunday, 26.05 Thursday, 14.09 Wednesday, 11.11 Friday, 03.12 Saturday.

Successful cooperation in 2016 for Gemini with the following zodiac signs: Taurus, Leo, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.

1. Be critical of praise from your girlfriends - they may be insincere.
2. When defending your interests, do not go too far!
3. Don't believe in miracle diets! The main thing is a balanced diet and daily exercise.

Your credo

“Simplicity should be an everyday outfit. Big feelings, like jewelry, should be saved for special occasions.”
(Clementine Hoffman)

2016 Tarot Prediction for Gemini

At the very end of the outgoing year, a well-deserved reward awaits you. Finally, there will be at least some time for rest and reflection. Soon you will look to the future with optimism. The cards foretell the end of financial problems and a surge of positive energy that will help achieve success in the professional sphere. You will be satisfied with yourself and the results of your work...

The present

The Four of Swords means a time of change and struggle with your weaknesses. Your financial situation may improve. You will also enjoy a well-deserved rest. Finally there will be time for relaxation and reflection. If you are sick, the Four of Swords promises recovery. With new strength, restore what has fallen apart. Good advice will help you get out of a depressed state.

I half of the year

The King of Coins allows you to look into the future with optimism. It symbolizes the end of financial problems and positive energy that will help you achieve success. Perhaps a promotion awaits you. There is a great chance to test your abilities. Make sure the job is done well, try to think logically, and thanks to this you will be able to avoid the blows of fate.

II half of the year

You will be full of optimism. The path will be illuminated by the Star - one of the most favorable cards in the Tarot deck. Under her care you will feel safe and able to enjoy what you do. IN difficult moments The star will give hope and inspiration. With its help, you will enthusiastically take on the implementation of your plans. In addition, your good mood will return.

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2016 will bring you a lot positive emotions. You will spend a lot of time communicating with pleasant people and from these conversations you will draw a lot of useful and interesting information. Many secrets will be revealed to you. Also, people around you will come to you for advice. Surely this period and such events will bring quite a lot of changes into your life, which will further affect your future. Thanks to the fact that you will begin to enjoy special trust and respect among those around you, not only your personal life, but also your official affairs will improve. Representatives zodiac sign Geminis will feel like very important people, collected, intelligent and will become popular. You will constantly be in the hustle and bustle of meetings, because of this you will be constantly busy and your time will be scheduled to every minute, and despite this you will be able to have a great rest and enjoy life, since fate will give you everything that you are so excited about dreamed for a long time.

Also, for representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign, 2016 will be a real adventure. You will plunge into the world of the unknown, you will experience many new feelings that were unfamiliar to you until now. You will be able to achieve a lot, no matter what you undertake, only luck and success will accompany you. It will seem to you that it is during this period that you will be able to move mountains. You will move towards your goal firmly and confidently without noticing any obstacles in front of you. Creative representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign will achieve special peaks in their creativity, which will be able to put those around them into a state of shock with delight. They will begin to treat you with some caution, but not because they will not trust you as an individual, but because they will be afraid of harming your inspiration.

Love horoscope for 2016 Gemini

2016 will provide representatives of the zodiac sign Gemini with the opportunity to completely reconsider their personal relationships. A special period of time will come for lonely Geminis; you will be overwhelmed by love with full strength and the bright colors of this feeling. You will be subject to crazy actions for the sake of your soulmate. It may even happen that the people around you will simply be perplexed by your actions. There is no need to pay attention to anyone, everything depends only on you. Listen to your heart and follow its call. The person you meet will also completely lose his head over you, will idolize you and eagerly count the minutes until your meetings. Most likely, you will decide to connect your life with this person. But before you take such a step, you should think carefully about all the pros and cons. Since you will have to spend every new day with this person and continue your family line.

For family representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign, the beginning of 2016 will be a good period in order to resolve all family conflicts that have arisen and achieve a golden mean in relationships. Try to spend more time at home, pay attention to your children, and rejoice at their successes together. Also, don’t forget about your parents, they will also need your attention. Moreover, my father will have a difficult period. Therefore, you should pay special attention to this. Support him, and if you ever need help, you will be answered with the same kindness and understanding.

The middle of 2016 will also not be able to pamper representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign. Special changes in personal relationships in better side not visible. Some information from the past will come up in the family, which can play a fatal role in your family life. To resolve this situation, you will have to make every effort, otherwise the relationship will be severed. The best way out of this situation would be a long trip. You should leave your home for a while and give your significant other time to think. If you start to escalate the situation, it will have a bad effect on your family relationships. Trust your friends less, as they are the ones who can interfere in your personal life and start giving unnecessary advice to anyone. This can especially affect the correctness of your loved one’s decision. Trust only yourself and your intuition, it will not let you down!

The end of 2016 heralds improvements in personal relationships. The heart of your loved one will melt and be filled with feelings of love with renewed vigor. All problems will slowly begin to disappear from your family. Children will bring you joy. Family life will slowly be filled with trust, understanding and warmth. A period of bright and sincere feelings will come, thanks to your joint efforts with your loved one and the desire to always be there!

Gemini career in 2016

Thanks to the fact that everyone will admire you, you will begin to achieve significant achievements in the professional field. Your boss will pay attention to you, and you will enjoy special favor. Changes will begin at work, and you will have to completely reconsider your attitude towards your professional activities. Of course, after all, when every person climbs the career ladder, he immediately begins to change his attitude not only towards his colleagues, but also towards all the people around him. Even if the moment comes that you have time to relax, you will not be able to spend time with loved ones. Since proposals will come from different sources, permanent contracts, you will be confused by this choice. Only one situation can save you; how you know how to communicate with people, your ability to learn and strive for something new will play a big role. Representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign will have to become more than just popular. The beginning of the year 2016 will be a period of fateful changes for Gemini; you will not only achieve success, but also beat your rivals in any business.

At the end of 2016, the situation will become a little tense. But this will not scare you, and you will continue to achieve your goals with even greater positivity. Each of the Geminis realizes how deeply and grandiosely their position in the professional sphere will change. Don’t stop, if you continue to act just as actively and confidently, an excellent future is guaranteed for you.

Gemini finances in 2016

In 2016, representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign will have a constantly changing financial situation. If you act persistently and confidently, you can overcome a very unfavorable money situation. Show more confidence in your actions, this will help you restore stability in your material well-being. You should not spend a lot of money at the beginning of 2016, as you will need it to implement your plans in your professional activities. No matter how successful a person is, everyone must have initial capital. A big one could happen in mid-2016 financial loss, which will be connected with the family, so refrain from an ill-considered and chaotic step.

The decent amount you have accumulated will be seriously tested in the middle of the year. But you will cope with this situation, and it will not greatly affect your life. professional activity nor on financial situation. Therefore, you will overcome it with ease. Don’t worry if your reserves decrease a little; in any case, by the end of 2016 you will be able to earn the entire lost amount. Judging by the situation that will develop at the beginning of the year, you should find a part-time job or a source that can bring you additional income. So how to implement your plans and support your family on one wages it will turn out to be very difficult.

The beginning and middle of 2016 will be quite cloudy financially. But you should not stop at anything, if you are offered to invest money in a major business, you can confidently completely trust this person, you will not be deceived, and it is this investment that you will increase several times by the end of 2016. But under no circumstances try to get involved in a currency transaction, this could mean complete bankruptcy for you. You can invest money, as mentioned above, in developing plans only in those enterprises that employ people you have known for a long time and have been verified by you in partnership affairs.

The end of 2016 will give representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign the opportunity to understand that business is their strong point. Only during this period will they be able to completely solve all problems related to the professional and financial sphere. By the end of the year, you will already have a completely stable financial situation. And you will experience complete satisfaction from the fruitful work you have done. Your accumulated capital will serve as a good start in the near future, in which you will be able to develop your business and further improve your financial situation.

Gemini health in 2016

The beginning of 2016 portends not very good health for representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign. This may concern emotional disturbances, which may be accompanied by headaches and sleepless nights. Try to relax more time, communicate with people you like, find time for walks fresh air. This will help you not only get rid of emotional stress, but also relieve you from headaches and insomnia.

In mid-2016, be more careful on the roadway. Since this period can become dangerous for you, injuries are possible. There is also an assumption that chronic diseases may worsen. Try to devote as much time as possible to your health. Cordially – vascular system from representatives of the zodiac sign Gemini will require special attention. Walk more, take a contrast shower, drink vitamin tea, all these actions will help you get rid of unpleasant sensations and strengthen your cardiovascular system.

At the end of the year, pay attention to your immune system. Try to lead a healthy lifestyle, do physical exercise, eat only healthy and vitamin-rich foods. Don't forget that your health is in your hands!

Horoscope for 2016 Gemini man

The first six months will be a kind of acceleration for you. You will slowly collect information, acquire the necessary acquaintances and connections, and accumulate knowledge. But due to such activities, your family life, your significant other may be offended because you devote too little time to her. Try to take this into account and properly distribute time between work and family.

The summer of 2016 promises changes in behavior for Gemini men. Some people may take up bookkeeping at home, trying to save money or solve financial problems, while others will discover their talent as a cook. The main task of those around you during this period is to take these changes seriously. The Gemini man will really need support during this period of time.

Horoscope for 2016 Gemini woman

The Year of the Monkey for Gemini women will be filled with useful acquaintances and impressions. This year is good for advanced training courses or language learning. Gemini women are encouraged to expand their horizons. This will help you significantly advance your career and replenish your family budget.

In the year of the Monkey, women born under the sign of Gemini are recommended to go on business trips abroad, and in July you can show off and win honor, respect, and possibly worthwhile prizes. And at the end of the year, the main thing for you will be the successes of your other half.

Astroprofile Gemini

  • Influence: Mercury
  • Symbols: twins, mask, hand, star
  • Colors: purple, gray, light yellow, blue-gray, orange ( green color- unsuccessful)
  • Stones: chrysoprase, beryl, garnet, rock crystal, agate, jasper
  • Favorable numbers: 3, 5, 12, 18
  • Element: Air
  • Antipode: Virgo
  • Compatibility: Aquarius.

Gemini woman

In the new year 2016, a woman born under the sign of Gemini will be surrounded by a lot of impressions and interesting acquaintances. New environment and exploration foreign languages will help not only broaden your horizons, but also effectively advance your career.

Don't give up on long trips. July is a special month in the Gemini horoscope - the stars promise an important event with positive energy. For the fair sex, this is a time of new relationships, devotion, as well as support and honesty. At the end of the year, Gemini women will be full of positivity and positive emotions.

The Year of the Monkey will help Gemini representatives solve the problems left over from last year. Women will stop communicating with those people who prevented them from moving forward.

Having gathered new strength, business beauties will refuse unpromising work. They will feel the energy and will actively look for new opportunities to earn money, which will improve their financial condition. New job will be interesting and fruitful.

The Year of the Monkey will also affect Gemini from the creative side. Representatives of this sign will discover many talents in themselves, including entrepreneurship, public speaking skills, leadership skills. This year, Gemini will be distinguished by extraordinary successes in diplomacy. Such talent will help you move up the career ladder significantly. On the other hand, Gemini can start their own business, which will also be a successful and fruitful step in their life.

The second half of the year deserves special attention. During this period, Geminis must be especially attentive to themselves in order to avoid various injuries or serious illnesses. These factors may have their effect Negative influence next year. In 2016, you need to become more responsible and rely on your own strength. A good help in this case would be fitness, yoga, swimming.

Geminis take confident steps towards change. However, this does not apply to personal life. You should not make hasty decisions, so as not to end up in a dead end situation. Women who are not yet married must decide on a choice - love or friends. Such ladies try to please everyone, while forgetting about their other halves.

Single Geminis, having met their lover this year, must trust him. No doubts or omissions - this will destroy the relationship. Romantic adventures will attract Gemini women like a magnet.

Girls will want flirtation, celebration, love play, even crazy actions. But this must be done beautifully, and not forget about the boundaries of what is permitted. Such fleeting entertainment can lead to a break with your loved one.

For family Geminis, the Year of the Monkey will flow in a calm, peaceful rhythm. Some will want to test their significant other for fidelity. But you shouldn't do this. A self-critical attitude towards yourself will help maintain harmony and harmony in the family. Many couples in which a woman was born under the sign of Gemini will go through a new stage of the relationship, a second honeymoon. Sex life will also be presented in brighter colors.

In the first half of the year, certain disagreements may arise with your own children - teenagers. It is important not to go too far, give them good advice. Towards the middle summer period family troubles will be resolved.


In 2016, pleasant changes await those Gemini women who have worked hard. Hardworking and diligent, neat and attentive workers enjoy authority everywhere and always. Possessing these qualities, Gemini can count on a promotion in the first ten days of the year. The stars favor these women, good luck awaits them.

There is no need to follow the lead of envious colleagues, otherwise all the praise and success at work will go to your colleagues. Autumn will be an excellent period for changes in business life for Gemini. It is at this time of year that your career will go up the ladder, thanks to the insightful mind and intuition of Gemini.

Women will be able to manage finances correctly. However, you need to be careful, because this zodiac sign is ready to get rich quickly, taking advantage of its working position.

Geminis often talk about healthy way life, but this is only in words. In fact, these people do not take their health seriously, as a result of which they have weak immunity. The Year of the Monkey for Gemini women will begin with an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

ENT organs will be in the greater danger zone. If you start the disease in February or March 2016, you can get meningitis and pneumonia. Another important health problem will be disruption of the cardiovascular system. During the summer season and towards the end of the year, varicose veins may be observed.

The twins will need to undergo appropriate treatment. In addition, it is advisable to visit gym, or a swimming pool. Gemini must decide on treatment and rest in a sanatorium. Health is the most important issue for this zodiac sign in 2016.

Which great women were born under the sign of Gemini?

Thanks to their bright character traits, hard work, and remarkable intelligence, many great women born under the sign of Gemini are known all over the world. The list of the most famous and inimitable ladies includes successful actresses, singers, athletes, and models. Lyubov Polishchuk, Larisa Guzeeva, Marilyn Monroe, Angelina Jolie, Kylie Minogue, Christina Orbakaite, Elena Isinbaeva, Naomi Campbell.

2016 will be a year of difficult decisions, challenges and incredible opportunities for Gemini. This year they will have to use their inner spiritual resources more than once, but this will only strengthen their spirit, because they are rightfully considered the most strong sign in this plan.

Many Geminis will reconsider their own values ​​this year, and they may be faced with the need to set priorities, which can be quite difficult for impatient Geminis who are accustomed to grasping at everything at once. The horoscope for 2016 advises Gemini to be more confident in own strength and don’t waste your energy on little things.

Geminis are usually friendly and sociable, but this year they may experience frequent bouts of irritability, accompanied by caustic remarks towards others. The Red Monkey will help those who try to moderate these impulses on the path to success. After all, communication skills – the main feature of representatives of this sign will help them achieve their goals gently and without conflicts.

A Gemini man should look out for new opportunities and listen to his inner voice, because their intuition can become a powerful ally. Astrologers advise representatives of this sign to take care of material condition. Perhaps you should change your career to a more promising one and hold off on major expenses until the summer. But then the stars will give them the opportunity to turn around.

At the beginning of 2016, representatives of the Gemini sign will experience peace and grace. Relationships with loved ones and family will develop harmoniously, and Gemini will again experience all the delights of living together. A Gemini man will strive for a new level of intimacy with his soulmate.

However, the horoscope for 2016 warns Gemini that their excessive suspicion can cause protracted quarrels and conflicts. So have more trust, Gemini, and your soulmate won't disappoint you. For single representatives of this sign, the stars promise a stormy personal life.

The monkey will push them on reckless adventures. The love horoscope promises lonely Geminis many short-term romantic relationships, since lonely representatives of this sign will persistently and enthusiastically search for that person who will accept them as they are. Perhaps some of them will even reach several relationships at the same time, which will give life to restless Geminis and satisfy their curiosity to some extent.

However, the stars recommend that they be careful, because if they don’t stop in time, they can lose sight of the one who Gemini really needs, the one with whom they can build harmonious relationships based on mutual understanding, trust and loyalty. A Gemini man may feel ready to tie the knot. The influence of Venus during this period will intensify and contribute to the creation of strong and reliable family relationships.

The career horoscope for 2016 for Gemini will be very promising. This year is good both for doing business and for moving up the career ladder, which Gemini will obviously be keen on. Representatives of this sign will receive many tempting offers, and their passion for making money can push the brave Gemini to make rash decisions.

Astrologers advise Geminis to carefully consider each proposal and the risks associated with it, because there is a possibility of getting into an unpleasant situation. In general, thanks to Gemini's innate sociability, the stars promise them a year of prospects, hopes and career advancement.

Gemini earns money easily, and part with it with the same ease. Therefore, thrifty Saturn advises them to postpone large expenses until the summer, because by summer Mercury promises representatives of this sign high incomes, which must be spent during this period, because, fortunately for Gemini, the more they spend in the summer, the large quantity they should expect cash flows.

A Gemini man may think about a radical change in his field of activity. New for them workplace will become promising and very profitable. The bosses will definitely notice them. However, representatives of the sign may be faced with the problem of choosing between family and career, and here they will have to decide and set their priorities correctly.

For those who do not want to leave their family for a career, and vice versa, but crave compromise and balance, the stars recommend correctly allocating time, drawing up schedules and plans for the day. This activity can be incredibly difficult for the restless and changeable Gemini, but for those who can still overcome themselves, the Red Monkey promises harmony in both areas.

Due to the turbulent personal life of Gemini, as well as success in their careers and the associated workaholism to which representatives of this sign are so subject, they may not be in very good shape. Constant stress at work associated with promotions, matters requiring immediate intervention and control in business, romantic relationships -

Geminis need to make time for everything and everyone. The horoscope for 2016 tells Gemini to stop and rest at least sometimes, otherwise representatives of this sign may face overwork, exhaustion of the body and depression accompanying all these unpleasant things, which will be difficult for them to overcome.

Astrologers recommend that representatives of this sign correctly and harmoniously distribute work and rest time. Summer or autumn are great times to go on vacation. But the stars warn Gemini that they need to rest on vacation, even if at least for this time the representatives of this sign will not be bothered by work, and then they will be able to fully restore their strength.

Since the gastrointestinal tract is Gemini's Achilles heel, in 2016 they should especially carefully monitor their diet. The stars recommend that representatives of the Gemini sign carefully choose products, monitor their quality, and also establish a diet for themselves, then problems should not arise. The twin should pay special attention to new growths on the skin, otherwise there is a risk of skin diseases associated with constant stress and lack of time.

Which great men were born under the sign of Gemini?

Many great men were born under the sign of Gemini, including John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Alexander Pushkin, Conan Doyle and Ernesto Che Guevara, Johnny Depp, Jean-Yves Cousteau, Morgan Freeman, Count Cagliostro, Robert Rozhdestvensky, Peter I.



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