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Horoscope of love failures: how do zodiac signs cope with separation? How zodiac signs cope with breakups

It is difficult to find a person who has never experienced a breakup. It is very difficult to answer the question why zodiac signs break up. After all, it is not abstract beings who diverge, but living people.

This article is about how to break up different signs Zodiac. You should not take everything written here seriously. This is just an attempt general outline describe those belonging to different signs of the Zodiac, in such a way stressful situation, how Let's try to find out why zodiac signs usually break up, what pushes them to take this step.

How do zodiac signs belonging to the element of Fire separate?

A representative of the fire element can turn a breakup into an enchanting show, participation in which can cost you your health. It's not always easy to understand why people break up. Zodiac signs belonging to the fire element easily flare up under the influence of fleeting passion and cool down just as easily.

Fasten seat belts

If you decide to leave Aries, get ready for a huge scandal. They won't just let you go. An Aries woman may well put a saucepan on your head, full of soup, which she lovingly prepared for you a couple of hours ago. As for the Aries man, the news of a breakup can give him a heart attack.

True, after a couple of days you won’t recognize your partner. An Aries woman will parade past you in full regalia with a new admirer. As luck would have it, he will be a head taller and half a meter wider than you at the shoulders. As for the Aries man, very soon he will announce to you that he will marry Miss World, whom you are no match for.

If Aries himself decided to break up with you, then most likely there will be no turning back. Representatives of this sign quickly leave and almost never return.

Take your toys

Abandoning Leo is like spitting in his soul. As befits him, he will experience the separation like a king. You will never know how bad he is. A person of this zodiac sign licks his wounds in splendid isolation, having previously thrown out everything from his home that would remind him of you.

The Leo woman will return all your gifts to you, no matter how expensive they may be. She doesn't need anything more from you. She will definitely meet a person more worthy than you. As for the Leo man, he is ready to give you everything you ask. His only request will be that you never appear in his life again.

Breaking up with a Sagittarius is very easy. It is enough to announce that you no longer want to tolerate his dog in your bed. After such words, you will no longer see either the animal or Sagittarius himself. He will stop believing in your kindness and humanity and decide that you are no longer on the same path. You won't have any chance to keep him. After all, you have fallen from the pedestal that he erected for you with such love!

Air Element

How do zodiac signs belonging to the element of Air separate? Having parted with the “airy person” on his or your initiative, do not be surprised that after a while you will become best friends. Attempt to lock up representative air element in a cage - this is the main mistake his partner makes. Why do people break up? Zodiac signs belonging to the Air trine cannot tolerate the slightest restriction of their freedom. As a matter of fact, love of freedom is the main reason why marriages of air signs so often collapse.

Tell me, tell me

When Geminis are told that they have been abandoned, they become terribly selfish. They will endlessly wonder why they were abandoned, how their partner came to this decision, how he felt, and so on. At the same time, the feelings of others who are forced to listen to all this will not worry Gemini at all.

A twin who decides to leave on his own also behaves inappropriately. in the best possible way. He will constantly make excuses and at the same time try not to show himself to the person he abandoned. True, oddly enough, very soon Gemini calms down and becomes best friends with their exes.

I'm leaving/staying

“Should I leave or leave everything as it is?” ─ this question will torment Libra for a very long time. True, while they are making a decision, you will have time to buy a house together, have a child, or open a common business. In the end, Libra will decide that they can endure a little longer, so they will prefer to stay without leaving their place.

If you decide to break up with Libra, then leave as soon as you announce your decision. For some time, your partner will be in complete prostration, but, having come to his senses, he will grab you with a death grip. Libra's breakup is very difficult. Mentally, they constantly return to the past, where you were so happy together, and are quite sincerely perplexed, how could you choose someone else over them?

You may not even notice the departure of Aquarius. It's hard to understand why people usually break up. Zodiac signs belonging to the air element do not seem to be guided by logic at all. Just one day you discover that your partner has not returned home, and his shirts are no longer hanging in the closet. Moreover, you will not get any intelligible explanations from him. Since you should have guessed yourself that Aquarius was not happy with something in your life together. And since you didn’t understand, now blame yourself.

Earth Element

How do zodiac signs belonging to the Earth element separate? Parting with them is always very difficult.

Taurus will tolerate your antics until the last moment. Representatives of this sign are ready to tolerate idle husbands and work three jobs so that their children have a father. And a man is able to throw at the feet of his chosen one everything he can earn.

However, Taurus should not be considered such an uncomplaining livestock. People of this sign have great patience, however, when enraged, the bull may well raise you to its horns. If you don’t want to feel like a defeated bullfighter, then don’t push Taurus to the extreme. Cheating is one of the reasons why people break up. Zodiac signs belonging to the Earth element experience their partner’s infidelity especially hard.

Love and hate

The abandoned Virgo doesn't like everything White light. She will cry with grief and calculate options for possible revenge. At the same time, deep down, Virgo will be ready to forgive everything and start over. If you broke up completely and irrevocably, then be prepared for the fact that the skeleton, carefully hidden in the depths of your closet, will soon be put on public display. At the same time, accidentally bumping into Virgo on the street, you will receive an air kiss and an innocent angelic smile.

Capricorn will calmly let you go, taking your choice for granted. However, then alone he can take his own life. Therefore, even after breaking up with Capricorn, at first take an interest in his well-being. And remember that the main thing for him is to maintain his dignity. But he may change his mind about taking his own life. A Capricorn who decides to leave on his own will do so slowly. He will create such an atmosphere in your home that you will run to look for someone softer and warmer.

Why do people usually break up? Zodiac signs belonging to the Earth element break up due to the fact that they are betrayed. However, this situation is typical for all people, regardless of when they were born.

How do zodiac signs belonging to the Water element separate?

This is perhaps the most difficult case. No one does the way Cancer zodiac signs break up.

Cancers take separation extremely hard. If his feelings for you have not yet cooled down, then he will hope to the last that everything can still be returned. A Cancer man will appear in front of you from time to time, taking an interest in your life. What if you broke up with your admirer and are ready to rush into his arms again!? Rest assured, he will happily console you and take you back.

If Cancer himself decided to leave you, then his behavior will depend on your reaction. Seeing your suffering, he will try to help improve your personal life, explaining along the way that you will definitely never be happy with him.

Breaking up with a Scorpio is more like a horror movie. If you decide to leave a representative of this sign (it doesn’t matter whether it’s a man or a woman), then get ready for the fact that your new clothes will be given to charitable foundation for the homeless, carefully grown chrysanthemums will be doused with some kind of poison, and their beloved hamster will be taken to a laboratory for experiments. Moreover, he would have sent you there too, because you abandoned him, which means you don’t deserve the slightest sympathy from him. If as a result of his antics you get an ulcer, he will happily give you a cookbook for preparing delicious and forbidden dishes. So before you leave Scorpio, hide everything that is dear to you as far as possible.

And finally about Pisces

Do you want to know how the zodiac signs Pisces break up with people belonging to other elements? If you decide to leave Pisces, get ready... No, not for a scandal or at home. Streams of tears will fall on you and inhuman mental anguish will be demonstrated. Moreover, Pisces suffer not so much from the situation itself, but from the love of art. And until they worry enough, it is useless to calm them down.

Pisces who decide to leave you on their own will “swim” to visit you from time to time. For example, to sympathize and take pity on you, the unfortunate one. If you need real help, then they will safely dissolve in the abyss of water, leaving you to solve your problems yourself.

Not every person knows how to part with a partner in such a way as to maintain dignity and not turn yesterday’s loved one into a worst enemy. Behavior in the event of a breakup is influenced by upbringing, the ability to control emotions, and the zodiac sign under which the person was born.

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All zodiac signs break up differently. For some, this is not a reason for a quarrel at all; they know how to maintain friendly relations. But for others, a breakup is a whole performance, which sometimes consists of several actions and pretty much spoils the nerves of both partners.

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    People born under this constellation are impulsive and overly emotional. They do not always fully understand the consequences of their decision to break up, but they also do not know how to retreat and admit that they were wrong.


    For an Aries man, the reason for separation can be a trivial quarrel, which other signs would not pay attention to. Moreover, if he acts under the influence of emotions and does not really plan a breakup, he will shout that he is tired of everything, accuse his companion of all mortal sins and claim that separation is the only way out of the current situation.

    The behavior of an Aries guy will be completely different when he really decided to leave his beloved. He will not behave aggressively and emotionally, the man will simply gradually move away from his girlfriend. At first he will spend less and less time with her. free time, then he will begin to regularly disappear on business trips, and then completely disappear from the woman’s life. Therefore, when Aries becomes too quiet and calm, this should alert you.

    However, even if the relationship breaks down and everyone goes their own way, in the person of the Aries man the lady will always find a faithful friend who will support him with advice in a difficult situation. Women may mistakenly perceive this behavior of their ex as an attempt to renew the relationship. Do not delude yourself, Aries breaks off love affairs once and for all.


    Even if the woman herself is the initiator of the breakup, she will try to shift all the blame for what is happening onto her partner. She will accuse him of inattention, coldness, and lack of interest in her person. Moreover, the showdown will be very stormy and emotional.

    A breakup will be much worse if a man initiates the breakup. In this case, he will face a huge scandal with breaking dishes and throwing things from the balcony. To avoid such a development of events, you need to be creative and not talk about your decision directly, but simply gradually move away from your companion. Spend your evenings buried in a book or TV, forget to give compliments and congratulate you on the holidays. The Aries woman will not tolerate such inattention to her person and will herself come to the decision to leave her partner.


    As a rule, representatives of this sign choose their life partner very carefully and meticulously. Cannot appear next to them random people, therefore, breaking up the relationship will be painful for both partners.


    The man of this sign is so possessive and jealous that he will not tolerate even the thought that his lady might be interested in someone other than him. If he decides to break off the relationship, he will always justify his action by saying that he did everything possible to save the family. His suffering is so great that when he decides to punish his companion, he does not realize that he is making things worse for himself.

    His resentment will not allow him to part peacefully; he must express to the girl all the accumulated complaints and only then leave her. A woman can, with some careless gesture or thoughtless word, only speed up Taurus’s decision-making. Then, in a fit of emotion, he will pack his things and, slamming the door loudly, will leave.

    Representatives of this sign do not change their decisions. If he's gone, it's gone forever. It’s also not possible to remain friends with him; the guy is going through the breakup too much.


    If the Taurus lady decides to break the connection, she will suffer alone. She will close herself off from all her friends and will analyze her life together again and again, looking for her own and her partner’s mistakes. Her self-esteem and pride will not allow her to back down and try to return her beloved.

    If such a girl is abandoned by her partner, then this often becomes a reason for her to become depressed. She cannot forgive betrayal, but she will not stoop to take revenge on the offender.


    Breaking up with a representative of this sign is quite easy. He will not persuade his partner to maintain the relationship, but will prefer to go in search of new love.


    For a Gemini man, breaking up a relationship does not seem like something special. He does not believe that there is a need to suffer and worry about this. After all, there are so many women nearby, looking for love and attention, that they become fixated on just one.

    The first symptom that a guy is ready to break up is his frequent disappearance without warning, minding his own business and ignoring his partner’s comments. He will dream that when he comes home, he will no longer find his former lover there, but if she does not hurry to leave, he will simply dissolve himself.


    These ladies never make rash decisions. Even when they are completely sure that the time has come to break up the relationship, they will think for a long time about how to present this to their partner.

    But they won’t wag and deceive their ex. Even after parting, they will maintain a warm attitude towards their companion and will not refuse him friendly help and sympathy if he asks for it.


    This sign is one of the most family-friendly. Even when it is already clear to everyone around that the relationship is coming to an end, he will cling to his partner to the last and try to change the situation.


    For a guy of this sign, there is nothing worse than trying to build new relationships and get out of the comfort zone in which he was with his former lover. He can break only if he is completely sure that further living together will be the source of his suffering and will not bring anything good in the future.

    Usually men of this sign are abandoned by women; they become too attached to their companion to make such a drastic decision. To do this, you need to offend him very much. Signs of an impending breakup will be the Cancer man's frequent mood swings.


    It will be very difficult to break off a relationship with a girl of this sign. You should prepare for constant calls, tears and requests to try to start over. Some representatives will even blackmail their partner with an imaginary pregnancy or suicide if he does not change his decision.

    But we must remember that a Cancer woman is unlikely to take such extreme measures. She will simply use any methods to avoid separation. Long worries about breaking up with a loved one will end when the lady meets a worthy replacement for her former partner.


    The reason for a break in a relationship for Leo can be complete disappointment in their partner. They are too proud and will not get to the point of petty quarrels and mutual reproaches; they will prefer to leave, maintaining their own dignity.


    Features of the behavior of this royal sign during a breakup:

    • Leo will not insult his ex and express to her all the complaints that have accumulated during the time spent together.
    • Will not insist on division of property if the couple was in a marital relationship.
    • He will not refuse to help his children and wife after separation, even if his wife has a new boyfriend.
    • He will not stoop to revenge, even if the reason for the breakup was the girl’s infidelity.

    After a breakup, a Leo man may well maintain friendly relations with his ex, but only if he himself was the initiator of the breakup.


    The partner will not expect tears and hysterics from this woman. She's like true lady, will be able to maintain composure during parting and not show how painfully her lover’s decision hurts her.


    For representatives of this constellation, parting is a real tragedy, which they will experience very emotionally and painfully. They themselves rarely end relationships over minor issues, trying to find ways to solve the problem.


    Representatives of the stronger sex born under this sign will weigh all the positive and negative aspects of the separation for a long time and will make a final decision only if there is a negative family life with a partner there is much more than positive. They will try not to offend their former companion by word or deed and not to let them doubt her feminine qualities.

    Virgos are the kind of guys who, even after breaking up, will call, congratulate you on the holidays and give small gifts just like that, without any reason. This will not indicate their decision to return to the relationship, but in this way they show appreciation to the woman for the time spent together.


    For representatives of the Virgo constellation, divorce or breakup is a reason to doubt their worth as women. They very rarely blame their partner for the breakup and almost always take the blame for what happened on themselves.

    They can easily resume meetings and relationships if the man takes a step forward. Moreover, they will never remember misunderstandings in the past and will try to correct all the mistakes that led to the breakup.


    This sign experiences great discomfort when breaking up a relationship. For Libra, there is nothing more desirable than stability, peace and comfort. Therefore, both men and women end relationships with great reluctance and only in the most extreme cases.


    Loneliness for these men is a huge challenge. They are ready to forgive their partner all her imperfections of character, just so as not to be left alone. Guys may even turn a blind eye to misunderstandings between spouses, but will wait until the last minute, dreaming that everything can still be corrected.

    Usually, he can be pushed to take such a drastic step as separation by a woman who will offend him and ridicule him in front of strangers. But even after the breakup, he will remain an ideal father for his children and a loyal friend for his ex-wife.


    The ladies of this constellation are very sensitive to relationships with their loved ones. For such a woman to decide to file for divorce, something extraordinary must happen. Even a husband’s fleeting infatuation with another girl cannot always provoke her. She would rather find an excuse for her companion or blame everything on her inattention to her partner.

    If the moment of breakup is still inevitable, she will prefer to break up quietly and intelligently, without starting quarrels and scandals and without trying to make the guy feel pity. This sign is very often ready to renew a relationship, if by that time he has not become carried away by the new gentleman.


    Representatives of this sign perceive their partner’s decision to break off the relationship as a personal insult. They will never forgive their ex and are even capable of revenge if they believe that they were treated unfairly.


    Although men do not give vent to feelings and emotions as often as women, in the case of Scorpio one cannot expect a peaceful separation. His opinion is the only correct one for him, and he does not want to agree with his partner’s decision to break off the relationship. At first, he will try to persuade his companion to change her mind and will give a lot of reasons for this, and quite reasonable from his point of view.

    If a woman is not ready to make concessions, his anger and rage will splash out like a fountain on his former lover. He will not forgive the traitor and show generosity and understanding. Until Scorpio takes revenge on his offender, he will not be able to exist in peace. When the plan of revenge is realized and the traitor is punished, he will go in search of new love without any remorse. Moreover ex-lover will cease to exist for him; when he meets her, he will not even spare her a glance.


    These ladies do not admit defeat in anything, including love relationships. To try to peacefully break the connection with a Scorpio woman, you should not tell her about your decision directly. This will cause a lot of negative and offensive words to the ex.

    In this case, it is better to leave in English and try to wait out her indignation somewhere beyond her reach. As a rule, these women cool down quite quickly. If they have no one to take out their anger and disappointment on, they go looking for a new worthy candidate for the role of groom. Since the girl does not suffer from a lack of male attention, she quickly forgets the traitor and finds a replacement for him.


    People of this stormy emotions zodiac sign when parting, they do not demonstrate and soon find a new object of love. Moreover, she knows how to maintain warm and friendly relations with her former partners.


    The patience and ability to build relationships with women that a representative of this sign possesses can only be envied. Until the last moment, he will try to reason with his beloved and convince her to change her mind. However, she will not cling to her skirt and shed burning tears in case of failure.

    Much it will be easier breakup, if Sagittarius initially did not plan anything serious, then he will leave his partner without any problems and go looking for new love. Moreover, he may not even inform the girl about his decision, but simply disappear without explanation, giving her the opportunity to find the reason for such an end to the relationship.


    A girl born under this sign will try to maintain a relationship only if she is truly passionate about her partner. Then it will not be easy for her to survive the breakup without harboring a grudge against the man.

    If for her this relationship is not the meaning of life, she will calmly accept her companion’s decision and will not even say barbs to him, much less take revenge. She values ​​her freedom too much to restrict others from it.


    The straightforwardness of these people is manifested in everything, including in relationships with loved ones. Where it is necessary to show delicacy and restraint, they go ahead, express all their claims to their faces and do not take into account the feelings that their companions may experience.


    If a Capricorn man decided to break off relations with a lady, then there were good reasons for this. This sign cannot be called flighty and fickle, but they will not play the role of a henpecked person. If a woman does not appreciate him, he will not persuade her or suffer for a long time. The guy will express all his complaints, specifically dot all the i’s and calmly leave the girl’s life.

    Such men do not know the pangs of remorse; the feelings of their ex-partner do not matter much to him. However, if a woman subsequently turns to him for help, he will never refuse, but will not return back either.


    These discreet ladies will not show the pain and resentment that their lover has caused them. They will leave quietly and calmly, without a showdown, and will find peace in work. It is more important for them to maintain their dignity than to take revenge on their partner.

    When planning a break with this lady, it is better to tell her the truth and not invent non-existent reasons. Capricorns are quite insightful and do not like to be deceived.


    These people dislike the relationship so much that they would rather simply disappear than listen to their ex-partner's complaints. They take life lightly and do not suspect that such behavior can greatly offend their companion.


    To avoid heartbreaking scenes and tears from his ex, the man will change his phone number, stop appearing in the places where he spent time with the girl, and try to take a wait-and-see approach. When he decides that the woman has already come to terms with his departure, he will contact her as if nothing had happened and even offer his help.


    For easy-going and sociable Aquarius ladies, the moment of separation is not a difficult ordeal. There are always many gentlemen around them who want to lend their shoulder.

    Only if a girl is truly in love with a guy will she worry and look for flaws in herself that could cause the breakup. She will have thoughts that she is not created for a serious relationship and that she is destined to remain alone.


    Representatives of the Pisces sign think for a very long time about their decision to break off relations and do not show it until the last moment. It is never spontaneous or adopted under the influence of emotions.


    Pisces men do not always behave honestly towards their beloved. Even if the reason for the breakup is their betrayal, they never admit their guilt, preferring to shift the responsibility for the breakup onto the woman’s shoulders. They will look for flaws in their partner and eventually come to the conclusion that it is entirely her fault.

    But if a lady decides to break up with such a guy, then he will withdraw into himself. He endures the breakup very painfully, trying to understand what caused it. Due to the fact that the girl leaves, he may develop a complex and uncertainty in communicating with the opposite sex in the future.

The stars can play a significant role in how we fall in love and how each of us goes through relationships. Our zodiac signs are a kind of behavior patterns that we can use to improve our lives. The stars do not stand aside and when a relationship ends, they can show what reactions each of the zodiac signs will have.


People of this sign can get bored quickly. They want a dynamic relationship that doesn't let them relax. If they don’t find this kind of enthusiasm in their partner, they run away very quickly.

When Aries breaks up, he most often tries to immediately eradicate any thoughts or mentions of his partner. Even if the breakup was painful, Aries will not remain in melancholy and grief for long. They have the ability to quickly stabilize their own condition and behave as if nothing had happened.


Representatives of this sign have difficulties when it comes to moving forward after a breakup. Even though they are not in the habit of returning, their condition can be depressing. Taurus develops anger mixed with depression and rage, but deep down they always hope for reconciliation. They endlessly waste the most touching moments of the relationship and this drives them into even greater sadness. They need time to process what happened.


These people can be absolutely happy in a relationship, and then suddenly declare their desire to leave. They hide their feelings behind a smile and can very quickly leave the relationship if they are sure that they are not happy with it. Geminis always have a plan B, which is why they do not suffer much due to separation.

People of this sign are very loving and sensitive. They need an ocean of love. If they do not receive it, then jealousy and other unpleasant emotions are used. Cancers tend to be overly loving and devoted. That is why at the moment of separation they do not realize what happened. It still takes a long time for them to understand that the relationship is over.

Stubborn and arrogant Leos always want to be in charge in a relationship. They need a lot of attention. As soon as they don’t feel it, they go in search of the missing ingredient. If they are abandoned, they are unlikely to return. Pride does not allow them to do such things. Breaking up is easy for Leos, especially if it is their personal decision.


People born under this sign are very practical in everything. If a relationship brings more losses than profits, then Virgo ends it immediately. On the other hand, if these people have already invested a lot into the union and have become attached to their partner, then talking about separation can be very painful. If the time has come to end the relationship, Virgo will do everything intelligently, although in the future there will be a risk of difficulty finding a suitable partner.


Representatives of this sign always try to balance everything in their lives. For them, relationships are, first of all, social contact, and if they lose it, they develop a feeling of shame and pain. If they break up with their partner, they try to explain this by saying that they have new opportunities.


These are people who stew in emotions. Their love is very strong, but their hatred is even stronger. When Scorpios are hurt, they do not hesitate to respond to the offender. If their love for their partner is immeasurable, then most often they are in a foggy state. They don't like being dominated by others, which is why they control everything themselves. Breakups make them completely furious and it is unlikely that they will ever forgive their partner.


Representatives of this sign have a fiery spirit. Sagittarians want both passion and romance. They have so much energy that they rarely date only one partner. Because of this tendency, they do not tolerate separations particularly painfully. Sagittarians jump from one relationship to another.


These are hardworking people who take not only their careers seriously, but also their personal lives. They will try to maintain balance in everything. If they want to leave Capricorn, he will try to achieve reconciliation. They hate the thought of divorce. On the other hand, if the relationship has truly outlived its usefulness, then Capricorn will not prevent its completion.


People born under this sign can be loyal and manipulative at the same time. They combine love and hate. Aquarians try to shift all the heavy responsibilities in a relationship to their partner. They don't like aggression, so most often they use cunning. If Aquarians feel that there is a better place for them somewhere, then they will quickly end the relationship without worry and will not even remember their partner.


These people are calm, but willful. Pisces are very dreamy and want reality to match their fantasies. It's the same with relationships. Otherwise, they get depressed and are unable to get things on track. Pisces tend to fight for relationships, but if they come to an end, these people will do everything to make their partner disappear from their lives so that they can move on.

If you decide to leave it, fasten your seat belts and get ready for a hard landing, i.e. to a scandal. If this is an Aries woman, she will scream loudly, bang the plates loudly, and even try to scratch your eyes out. If the abandoned Aries is a man, then in addition to variations on the theme of the scandal, there will be a chance to find him with a heart attack in a hospital bed half an hour after the news about breaking up.

However, the worst is already over, because Aries often break up forever and seriously, and most importantly, quickly. The departing Aries often has a new plan/project for his life in his head, and more often, a fantasy about new love based on any random object. The main thing is a new goal. And absorbed by her, Aries will easily shake off the dust from his feet, and you don’t have to worry about “whether he will appear to you...” - he won’t even in a dream)

Aries, who has been abandoned, will act even more radically. Having broken all the plates, he will throw away high floor all your things in random order (and then a heart attack may be waiting for you) in order to erase the very memory of you from your life. And with the last of his strength he will fantasize himself new life and new love, so that you quickly choke on envy And jealousy, if you decide to regret what you did)


How to break up with a partner Taurus

Do you think he's breaking up with someone? No - not with anyone, never and for nothing. And it doesn’t matter whether he left you or you abandoned him, the monument to your relationship will stand in his soul forever. The only question is what kind of monument it will be. It could be a tombstone adorned with a blond angel and the words “thank you for the sweet seconds,” or it could be a post-modern reinforced concrete structure with the words “welcome to hell, asshole!”

Having parted, again, both on his own and on someone else’s initiative, Taurus will definitely explain to everyone in detail that either “he was a thousand times right to leave such a scoundrel” or “a thousand times right to allow such a scoundrel to leave.” Although the option with an angel sometimes still happens.

Actual parting Taurus can worry for years, but spiritual things - see above. In general, if you decide to throw in your lot with Taurus, you better be sure that it’s forever. Otherwise you won't be able to avoid gravestones. Well, as a last resort, I wish for an angel)

Zodiac signs experience separation differently. Find out how.

Love is a beautiful, exciting feeling. When it is there, it gives us happiness, and when it goes away, it causes sadness, regret, and sometimes despair. Everyone experiences different feelings, and this applies to separation to the fullest. However, the behavior of many people has a lot in common, and the breakup horoscope will tell you about this.

Since relationship breakdown is a very common phenomenon, especially in modern world, it never hurts to know how different zodiac signs behave after a breakup. How do representatives of different zodiac constellations experience it, and do they return after a breakup? All this is important, because the feelings, manners, and actions of our former partners continue to influence our lives - at least for some time.

So, separation according to zodiac signs...

How does Aries break up, how do Aries men and women experience separation?

Aries wants to break up on his own...

These people are very impulsive, quick-tempered and “explosive”. The love relationships of these representatives of the Zodiac are a series of quarrels, endless departures and returns. How do Aries break up when they think it’s time to finally separate? They experience the situation very emotionally, they will cry together with their crushed partner, confess their love, change their mind and... again make the final decision. It is not possible to part with an Aries man or woman immediately and completely. Aries and his ex-partner will probably meet more than once in secret, adventurous circumstances.

If you leave Aries...

A break with Aries not on his initiative is a completely different, far less sentimental story. Abandoned Aries quickly begins to feel not love, but anger and even hatred. Even if he still loves his partner, he will never admit it. The former Aries takes revenge with complete indifference; on the street he will quickly pass by his ex-wife or spouse, often without even saying hello.

How does a Taurus break up, how do Taurus men and women experience separation?

Taurus wants to break up on his own...

Every Taurus connection is carefully thought out. He does not choose random partners, and if he decides to have a relationship, he is already confident in the correctness of his choice. But what if it turns out that he was mistaken, that Taurus wants to break up? This is very painful for him, he feels deceived and cannot believe that he could have made such a mistake. A person of this zodiac sign believes that he has done everything for the relationship that he simply could not miss. For him, a breakup, a divorce, is the last resort. How do Taurus break up? They can leave in English, disappear without words.

If you leave Taurus...

Abandoned Taurus suffers alone. He does not like to share his pain (but above all, the feeling of defeat) with the world. For a person of this zodiac sign, self-esteem and image are very important, so he is not inclined to fight for someone’s cooled feelings and take revenge. Often, after a breakup, Taurus is surrounded by false friends who assure the friend of his/her perfection and the shortcomings of their former partners. For this reason, abandoned Taurus people do not draw conclusions from their failed love experiences.

How do Geminis break up, how do Gemini men and women cope with separation?

The twins want to separate themselves...

Geminis are very practical love union. If it didn’t work out with one, then there will be the next one. If a partner does not meet his expectations, Gemini will begin looking for another without remorse. He believes that there is only one life, and it is not worth wasting it on unsuccessful relationships. Therefore, the answer to the question of how Geminis break up almost always implies the answer “Quite easily.” Young representatives of the sign are especially easy to decide to break up.

If you leave Gemini...

Abandoned Geminis, after a forced breakup, will try to drown out the pain and quickly rush into the whirlpool public life. They will be happy to go with friends to parties or travel. Do Geminis get back together after a breakup? There is no need to delude yourself on this score.

They do not recognize return and believe that it is impossible to enter the same river twice. According to the separation horoscope, Gemini quickly draw conclusions from the past and are ready for another relationship. Having a wealth of experience, they choose a new partner very carefully. As a rule, this is the complete opposite of the former passion.

How does Cancer break up, how do Cancer men and women cope with separation?

Cancer wants to break up on its own...

Cancer believes in big, beautiful, romantic love for life, so he will do anything to avoid separation. He will turn a blind eye to all the first signs and signs of the impending end of the relationship. He himself will never be able to decide on separation. Cancer will give itself more and more chances and interpret all dubious situations in its favor.

If you leave Cancer...

When a partner tells him that he is leaving, Cancer will hang on his neck, not allowing him to take a step. He will explain that this is only a temporary misunderstanding, that everything can still be explained and corrected. When a partner disappears around the corner, the abandoned Cancer falls into the abyss of despair. He will call, beg, beg, blackmail, trying to speculate on a pregnancy (in most cases fictitious) or threatening suicide. And all this to the accompaniment of mournful music. The tranquility of an abandoned Cancer after a breakup will be restored when he meets the next love of his life - the only one and forever.

How does Leo break up, how do Leo men and women experience separation?

Leo wants to break up on his own...

Proud Leos are often disappointed in their partners. And when the rose-colored glasses fall from their eyes, then nothing and no one can convince them to continue the relationship; they will still have to part with Leo. He will explain in a royally condescending manner that further journey through life together does not make sense, and for the good of the other party they should separate. Conversations about separation occur without mutual complaints, but often in tears. If the abandoned partner does not give up, Leo can break up very decisively. He simply stops answering phone calls. The exception is Leos who are very much in love, who still believe in their partner, although they are aware of his shortcomings. Such Leos, although they are thinking about divorce, will still fight for the relationship to the end.

If you leave Leo...

An abandoned Leo suffers a lot and, as a rule, without his partner seeing it. In addition to the despair caused by the end of the relationship, he is painfully hurt by his wounded ego. If a Leo is abandoned, he usually leaves with a sense of self-worth. Sometimes after a breakup, Leo feels the desire to take revenge, but, as a rule, revenge ends at the planning stage.

How does Virgo break up, how do Virgo men and women experience separation?

Virgo wants to break up on her own...

Breaking up for Virgo is a huge personal defeat. She will not allow herself such a possibility for as long as possible. As the separation horoscope assures, Virgo avoids a drastic decision to end the relationship. Even if this person is unhappy in his personal life, he still does not want to say the last word, postponed indefinitely. Therefore, Virgo's dysfunctional relationships most often end with her being abandoned, not her.

If you leave Virgo...

An abandoned Virgo, faced with a partner’s refusal to continue the relationship, completely loses faith in herself. Parting with Virgo means dooming her to deep thoughts. She sorts out the connection, looking for the moment when she made a fatal mistake. She believes that if she had tried harder, things would have ended differently. Do Virgos return to their former partners? Yes, and quite often, and after the next breakup they take on new blame. The abandoned Virgo believes that if she and her partner separated, then she does not deserve love, and she will never meet anything good in life again.

How do Libras break up, how do Libra men and women cope with separation?

Libra wants to break up on their own...

Libras do not like and cannot stand loneliness. They are ready to be in unsuccessful relationships only because they have no alternative. Seeing the shortcomings of their partners, representatives of this zodiac sign withdraw into themselves, but cannot take the last step. How do Libras break up? The ending of the love affair is very vague in their execution. They don’t know how to say that this is the end, they become very distant from their partner or simply disappear. Because of the fear of loneliness, Libra is ready to enter into another unsuccessful relationship after breaking up.

If you leave Libra...

Abandoned Libras experience separation very strongly. They are convinced that they are not attractive enough and can become victims of scammers and marriage swindlers who take advantage of their weakness. If these people truly love, then it will last for a long time. It often happens that years after the breakup, Libra still cannot forget their ex-partner.

How does Scorpio break up, how do Scorpio men and women cope with separation?

Scorpio wants to break up on his own...

Scorpio does not admit defeat in any field, including in his personal life. If he decides that he wants to be in a love relationship with someone, then this person does not change his point of view. How do Scorpios break up if they so purposefully fought for the feelings of the person they are interested in?

The decision to break up forces him to accept the betrayal and disloyalty of his partner. Then Scorpio's love turns into hatred, and he is ready to raze his ex to the ground.

If you leave Scorpio...

Breaking up with a Scorpio is very difficult. He doesn't even want to listen when they tell him that he was abandoned. First, he will first convince his partner to stay and restore the relationship. If this does not help, the abandoned Scorpio falls into a rage, in anger he is ready for his worst words and actions. Of course, Scorpio takes revenge on his ex - sophisticatedly, insidiously, with passion and imagination. Then, when the act of revenge is completed, the ex-partner ceases to exist for him.

How does Sagittarius break up, how do Sagittarius men and women experience separation?

Sagittarius wants to break up on his own...

Sagittarius is confident that all the storms in a love relationship can be overcome if you really want it. Therefore, he gives his partner chances after chances. However, everything has its limit - and Streltsov’s patience too. How do Sagittarius break up? Quite calmly, and after a breakup they often remain on friendly terms with their former partners, they will always help and support him.

If you leave Sagittarius...

The abandoned Sagittarius leaves proudly and with a sense of self-esteem. It is not customary for people of this breed to ask or beg for the continuation of a relationship. They believe that there is no evil from which something good cannot come. After a breakup, Sagittarius knows that everything is still ahead, enthusiastically rushes into the whirlpool of dating and quickly enters into the next relationship.

How does Capricorn break up, how do Capricorn men and women cope with separation?

Capricorn wants to break up on his own...

Capricorn often mistakes infatuation for love - and is mistaken. Therefore, when he discovers that he has made a mistake again, he immediately ends the relationship. How do Capricorns break up? These are quite cruel people in their sincerity who do not spare their partner. Capricorn believes that he should be frank, but does not see or understand how ruthless he can sometimes be.

If you leave Capricorn...

Abandoned Capricorn never looks back. As the breakup horoscope assures, he quickly enters into another relationship and looks into the past without regret. He believes that he lives here and now, and crying for his exes and remembering something is a waste of time. If Capricorn was very passionate about relationships, then he drowns out his sadness with work. He doesn’t tell anyone about his feelings, so often those around him don’t even know that their Capricorn friend is already an “ex”, because... broke up with someone.

How does Aquarius break up, how do Aquarius men and women experience separation?

Aquarius wants to break up on his own...

What keeps Aquarius in a love relationship is their passion and fascination with their partner. When it disappears, he will quietly disappear without a twinge of conscience. How do Aquarius break up? They don't like heartbreaking scenes and despair and do everything to avoid it. He will leave home in the absence of his partner, change his phone number and ignore any attempts to contact him. When he decides that the time of “mourning” for the other half has passed, he himself will contact his ex-partner and check if everything is okay with him. Then, perhaps, a sincere friendship will begin between Aquarius and the former partner, often accompanied by friendly intimacy.

If you leave Aquarius...

Abandoned Aquarius convinces himself that he is apparently unhappy personal life He was destined for it, and completely devotes himself to his hobbies and work. And this will happen until he loves again.

How do Pisces break up, how do Pisces men and women experience separation?

Pisces wants to break up on their own...

As the breakup horoscope says, for Pisces a breakup love relationship– this is a huge problem. First of all, they are never sure whether they made the right decision. Therefore, just in case, Pisces do not say the last, final word and always leave the door open, preparing a loophole for themselves. Often Pisces start relationships on the side and then shift the entire burden of their breakdown onto their betrayed other half. The stars say that after a breakup, Pisces tend to return to their exes in emergency situations.

If you leave Pisces...

Abandoned Pisces is a completely different matter. They are amazed and outraged by the fact that someone did something behind their back. They begin a mental marathon and eventually come to the conclusion that they are worthless and that the breakup is their fault. The initial anger turns into despair and self-flagellation. Do Pisces take revenge? Yes, but their revenge may be limited to the fact that they will irritate their partner with a detailed clarification of the relationship and attempts to make him feel guilty.



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