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The guru from the cartoon trolls is a boy or a girl. An unofficial guide to the Moomin characters. Hemulen, who sold the fillyjonk her summer home

In 2016, an incredibly colorful and funny cartoon from Dreamworks, Trolls, was released. His brave and diverse characters with a unique sense of humor were very much loved not only by children, but also by parents. Dreaming of learning more about their new favorites, many were faced with the fact that in the Russian and Ukrainian translations the names of the trolls from the cartoon were changed (often beyond recognition). Let's figure out what someone's name is in the cartoon "Trolls" both in the original version and in the translation.

The plot of "Trolls"

Before you find out the names of the trolls, it’s worth remembering what the cartoon is about.

IN fairy tale world Lived by slightly ugly sad creatures - bergens. They all unconditionally believe that the only way to find happiness is to eat a troll, since these creatures radiate complete positivity.

In order to have unhindered access to the next “dose” of happiness, the Bergens have kept this people in captivity for many years. But one day the colorful beauties manage to escape.

Twenty years have passed since then, during which the trolls successfully hide from their enemies and have fun. Over the years, a new generation of young and optimistic people has grown up, who, forgetting about the danger, organize an overly bright celebration and inadvertently give away their location. They are attacked, many of them are captured and are soon to be eaten.

The King's daughter decides to go to the rescue of her subjects, but she is poorly oriented in the world around her and is forced to ask the most gloomy and unsociable troll for help.

Together they will experience a lot of adventures, take a different look at their lives, and also bring peace and happiness not only to their people, but also to the Bergens.

Cartoon "Trolls": names of the main characters

Despite the variety of characters, the plot centers on two trolls with completely different personalities: Princess Rosochka and the gloomy, unsociable pessimist Tsvetan.

As often happens, the Russian version of the names of these characters is quite noticeably different from the original. In it, the mischievous scrapbooking artist is called Poppy, which translates to “Poppy.” By the way, in the Ukrainian translation this heroine was called “Machok”. It remains unclear why the pink-haired troll princess is named after a plant whose base color is red.

The hero in love with her with obvious signs of paranoia (who nevertheless turns out to be right) is named Tsvetan. Moreover, in the original this faded troll is called Branch (branch, stem). Most likely, the translators into Russian gave the character this name for euphony. Because the gray troll, practically devoid of flowers, called Tsvetan, looks quite paradoxical. As for the Ukrainian translation, here the name of the hero is close to the original - Pagin.

Names of Roses' friends and relatives

At a time when the trolls escaped captivity, they were ruled by the brave and mischievous Pink King, who is the father of Rosette. Over time, from a brave warrior he turned into a good-natured old man, giving the reins to his daughter. In the original he was called King Peppy (King Energetic or King Vigorous), and in the Ukrainian translation - King Peppi.

Among Rozochka's friends, the first to be named is DJ Sounds, who always produces fiery melodies. In the original, this heroine's name was DJ Suki (this came from Japanese language Suki's name).

Another close friend of the Princess is Almond (in the original Mandy Sparkledust - Mandy Sparkling Dust), who creates all the bright decorations in the troll city.

Rozochka’s friends are also two stylish beauties, Satinka and Sinelka, whose hair is always intertwined. In the original they are called Satin (Atlas or Satin) and Chenille (Chenille).

The last of my friends main character cartoon, who is worth mentioning is the Dancer, who in the English version is called Moxie Dewdrop (Moxie Dewdrop).

Having considered the names of the trolls, Rosochka’s friends, it’s worth moving on to her friends. The most brilliant of them, literally, is Diamond. Besides the fact that his body is completely covered in glitter, he is also a convinced nudist. In the original, his name is Guy Diamond.

Another extraordinary character is Big Man, who is inseparable from a worm named Druzhok. Together they form a rather unusual friendly alliance. In English, this character's name is Biggie (Big, Large), and his pet is Mr. Dinkles (Mr. Dinkles).

Cooper looks quite unusual (in the original Cooper - Bondar). He looks more like a hippie giraffe than a regular troll.

Another bright personality is Topolek, who flies around on his skateboard bug. In his case, the translation of the name is strikingly different from the original version, in which the character is called Aspen Heitz (Aspen Aits).

And Fluffy (in English Fuzzbert - Pushinkobert) is generally a complete mystery, since he consists of a shock of green hair, from which two bare feet stick out.

An attentive person will notice that the names of Rosochka's friends do not have their Ukrainian counterparts indicated. The fact is that in the Ukrainian box office there was a less extensive promotional campaign before the premiere than in Russia. For this reason, many troll names in Ukrainian remained unknown to the general public.

Names of minor characters

Not all trolls were given names, although almost every character has a bright personality.

Among the episodic characters whose names are known, it is worth noting Tsvetan's grandmother - Tsvetunya (Grandma Rosiepuff - Grandma Rosie Pushinka). Also the artist Harper and some others, about whose Russian and Ukrainian names-analogues there is not enough information: Cookie Sugarloaf, Cloud Guy, Tunnel Troll, Vinny the Phone, Captain Starfunkle, Spider, etc.

Negative characters

When considering the names of trolls from the cartoon "Trolls", one cannot help but mention the negative representatives of this species. Fortunately, there is only one of him - Ruchek.

IN Peaceful time he was everyone's favorite and was considered a role model. Being a follower of Zen philosophy, Brook knew how to resolve any conflicts. However, when trouble came, it was he who became the one who betrayed his people and all his principles for the sake of his own salvation.

In the original, this character’s name is Creek. And in the Ukrainian translation they called it Ruchai, very similar to a rough tracing from the Russian word “stream”. Quite a strange choice, considering that in Ukrainian there are nouns “strumok” and “dzherelo” that are quite suitable for a character’s name.

Cartoon "Trolls": names of characters from the Bergen race

Among the Bergens, first of all, it is worth highlighting their King - Khristch Sr., as well as his son - Prince (later King) Khristch.
In this case, the name was literally translated from English - Gristle (Cartilage), both in Russian and Ukrainian versions.

It is also worth mentioning the maid Quiet, who was in love with the Prince, and was hiding under the name Lady Shine-Sparkle. It was she who helped Cartilage feel happiness, and also risked her life to save the trolls.

In the original, this heroine bears the quite ordinary (for the English-speaking world) name Bridget. And her pseudonym Lady Glitter Sparkles was translated almost verbatim, with minor adjustments. In the Ukrainian version, the name of the heroine was not changed at all, calling her Bridget and Lady Syayvo-Blisk.

It’s worth mentioning the evil Cook, who uses trolls to gain power over the happiness-hungry Bergens. In the Ukrainian translation she was called the Cook, and in the original this disgusting heroine was called Chef.

Having analyzed the names of the trolls from the cartoon of the same name (as well as their translation for Russian and Ukrainian dubbing), it is worth noting that the translators in both cases approached their work very creatively. If in the Ukrainian translation they tried to preserve the original idea in the names of the cartoon characters as much as possible, then in the Russian translation they tried to adapt them to their taste. The interesting thing is that both translations turned out to be very interesting and original in their own way.

"It seems surprising to wait until the 50th anniversary
Moomintroll. Just think how long he lasted
afloat - and so am I. Although in fact he existed
even earlier, though almost unnoticed; small signature
in the lower corner under the cartoons, a sensitive image,
who sneered at the illusory idea of ​​a drawing with
with as much malevolence as possible. Then
Moomintroll turned into an obedient creature from a fairy tale,
a fairy tale that begins "once upon a time."
He has changed a lot since then. The road was long, and from
many side paths branched off from it, to which
perhaps it was not worth turning off, but, be that as it may,
Without Moomintroll I would never be able to exist
in this life, shimmering with various shades."

Tove Jansson

This page is a guide to the heroes of the books by the Finnish writer Tove Jansson about the Moomins. The guide is based on the books "Little Trolls and the Great Flood" (1945), "Moomintroll and the Comet" (1946), "The Wizard's Hat" (1948), "Memoirs of Moomin's Dad" (1950), "Dangerous Summer" ( 1954), " Magic winter" (1957), "The Invisible Child" (1962), "Moominpappa and the Sea" (1965), "At the End of November" (1970) and contains information about all the creatures of Moominvalley, including their relationships with other characters, their first appearance on the pages of books, a list of works in which they appear, as well as their images.
If you find any inaccuracies, or want to add something yourself, then write in the guestbook.

The Moomin family.

The family consists of Moominmama, Moominpapa and Moomintroll himself.

Fredrickson is an old friend. He has a long-lost brother. Fredrickson is present in the book "Memoirs of Moomintroll Father", first appearing in the first chapter.
Great inventor. Builder and captain of the steamship "Sea Orchestra".

A ghost nicknamed the Scarecrow, the Horror of the Island of Horrors.

The ghost is present in the book "Memoirs of Papa Moomintroll", first appearing in the sixth chapter.
He likes to scare everyone, but, in general, he is kind and cheerful.

Yuksare is the father. He is present in the book "Memoirs of Moomintroll Father", first appearing in the second chapter.
Charming and cheerful adventurer. Quite lazy though.

Misa is present in the book "Dangerous Summer", making her first appearance in the second chapter. She is also mentioned in the story "Yolka".
She is very touchy, loves to cry and complain about her difficult fate. An incomparable tragic actress.

Shnyryok is a father and married to. Shnyryok is present in the book "Memoirs of Moomintroll Dad", appearing for the first time in the second chapter.
Absent-minded and timid. Owner of a huge collection of buttons. Permanent cook of the ship "Sea Orchestra".

Myumla (Myumla-mama).

Mumla-mama is the mother of, , and countless other little animals. Mymla is present in the book "Memoirs of Papa Moomintroll", first appearing in the fifth chapter.
A smiling lady of incomprehensible behavior, but a good mother.

Daughter of Mymla\Myumla.

Mymla's daughter, usually referred to simply as "Mymla", is a sister, half-sister and daughter. She first appears in the book "Memoirs of Moomintroll Dad", in the fifth chapter. She is present in the books “Memoirs of Moomintroll Dad”, “Magic Winter”, “Dangerous Summer”, “At the End of November” and in the story “The Story of the Last Dragon in the World”. She is mentioned in the story "The Secret of the Hatifnatts".
The girl is serious and straightforward. Always looking for his little sister. Loves herself and her luxurious hair.

Klipdass, one of the clipdasss, is present in the book "Memoirs of Moomin's Daddy", appearing for the first time in the third chapter
All clipdasses are small and nimble. When they are teething they are able to chew on everything in their path. They love educational games.


Ninny appears in the story "The Invisible Child".

Little Salome is present in the book "The Magic Winter", first appearing in the fifth chapter.
A brave little thing, head over heels in love with a hemulen.

Monkey (Cat).

The monkey is present in the book “Moomintroll and the Comet”, appearing for the first time in the first chapter (In the edition with a translation from Swedish by V. Smirnov).
And in the edition with the translation by N. Belyakova, instead of the Monkey, there is a Kitten. ®

Yunk is present in the book "The Magic Winter", first appearing in the fifth chapter.
Romantic. Loves to howl at the moon and listen to wolves howl.

Tofsla and Vifsla are present in The Wizard's Hat, first appearing in chapter six.
Two small, nimble comrades with a large suitcase. I speak in a poorly understood language. Nice, but careless. They love milk and the contents of their suitcase.

Too-tikki appears in the book "The Magic Winter" and in the story "The Invisible Child".
An extremely mysterious young lady. Lives in a bathhouse in the company of invisible mice. A bit of a sorceress. Starts every spring by playing the organ.

Khomsa Toft is present in the book "At the End of November", first appearing in the first chapter.
Small, but very serious. Visionary and dreamer. Nice, but lonely. Toft means jar (but his name had nothing to do with a ship's jar, it was just a coincidence).

Khomsa is present in the book "Dangerous Summer", where he first appears in the second chapter. Homs is also mentioned in the story "Yolka."

Tulippa appears only in the book "Little Trolls and the Great Flood".
A girl with bright blue flowing hair that reached her toes. Excellently brought up. She stayed to live with the Red Boy from the lighthouse.
It is worth noting that in Tove Jansson’s books about the Moomins, people (Homo sapiens) are very rarely encountered, and then almost all of them are in the very first book - “Little Trolls and the Big Flood” (1945). This is Tulippa, the Boy with Red Hair and the Old Man. In “Memoirs of Moomintroll Father” (1950), the Autocrat is apparently also a man.



"Hemuli reach almost double the height of a normal fern. They have long and slightly depressed faces. Pink eyes. No ears, but instead several tufts of blue or ginger-colored hair. Hemuli are not at all outstanding intellectuals and easily become fanatics. Their legs are terribly large and flat. They cannot learn to whistle, and therefore do not like any whistle." - Moominpappa, "Memoirs of Moomin's dad".

All Hemuli are pretty boring. They love to command and never admit they are wrong. As a rule, they collect something.
This Hemulen is present in the book "Moomintroll and the Comet" and first appears in the fifth chapter.

This Hemulen first appears in the tenth chapter of the book "Moomintroll and the Comet". He is present in the books "Moomintroll and the Comet", "The Wizard's Hat" and in the story "The Secret of the Hatifnutts".

Hemulikha is the headmistress of the Moomin foundling home.

This Hemuliha has an aunt. She is present in the book "Memoirs of Moomintroll Dad" and first appears in the first chapter
A young lady with a terrible character, and also a teacher... Eh, these are the ones who “ate” Makarenko.

Aunt Hemulikha the headmistress. She is present in the book "Memoirs of Moomintroll Dad" and first appears in the third chapter
She was almost eaten, and then she found her calling in raising clipdasses.

Hemulen at the Garden Festival.

This Hemulen appears in the fifth chapter of the book "Memoirs of Papa Moomintroll".

Hemuli from the Autocrat's Guard.

These Hemuli appear in the sixth chapter of the book "Memoirs of Papa Moomintroll".

Volunteer Hemulen Orchestra.

The orchestra appears in the seventh chapter of the book "Memoirs of Moomintroll Father".

This Hemulen is present in the book "Dangerous Summer" and first appears in the seventh chapter.

This Hemulus has a cousin who apparently is not a Hemuliha. The Hemulen is present in the book "Dangerous Summer" and first appears in the eleventh chapter.

Hemuley amateur orchestra.

The orchestra appears in the twelfth chapter of the book "Dangerous Summer".

Hemuli renting boats and checking tickets.

Hemulen Police Force.

These Hemuli appear in the twelfth chapter of the book "Dangerous Summer".

This Hemulen is present in the book "The Magic Winter" and first appears in the fifth chapter.

This Hemulen is present in the book "At the End of November", where it is first mentioned in the first chapter, and appears in the fifth chapter.

Hemulen, who changed his clothes before eating.

This Hemulen is mentioned in the story "Spring Song".

Hemulen, who sold the fillyjonk her summer home.

This Hemulen is mentioned in the story "The Fillejonk Who Believed in Catastrophes."

Hemulen is a fisherman.

This Hemulen took the dragon from Snusmumrik in the story "The Tale of the Last Dragon in the World."

This Hemulen appears in the story "The Hemulen Who Loved Silence."

The benevolent relatives of the Hemulen who loved silence from the story "The Hemulen Who Loved Silence."

The Hemuli babies cared for by the Hemulen who loved silence from the story "The Hemulen Who Loved Silence."


Appears in the story "Yolka", just like his aunt.

Aunt Hemulya.

Appears in the story "Yolka" with his nephew.

Huge Hemulen.

Appears in the book "Little Trolls and the Great Flood". It was he who took away the chair on which they floated.



Extremely nervous ladies. They are terribly afraid of insects. They are constantly rushing somewhere, cleaning and cooking. They cannot stand all relatives, but they consider it their duty to express related feelings. She wants everyone to love her.

The fillyjonk, who is Emma's niece, is present in the book "Dangerous Summer", first appearing in the seventh chapter.

A minor character present in The Magical Winter, chapter five.

“These little magical little animals. For the most part they are invisible. Sometimes they settle under people’s floorboards, and you can hear them sneaking there in the evenings, when everything in the house is quiet. But more often they wander around the world, not stopping anywhere, not talking about anything. caring. You can never tell whether a hatifnatt is happy or angry, whether he is sad or surprised. I am sure that he has no feelings at all."- explained Moominmama (" Little trolls and a big flood")

The Hatifnatts are first mentioned and appear in the book “Little Trolls and the Great Flood” - according to words, it was with them that he went traveling and disappeared. They are also present in the books "Moomintroll and the Comet", "Memoirs of Papa Moomintroll", "The Wizard's Hat" and "Dangerous Summer", as well as in the story "The Secret of the Hatifnutts".
Are born from seeds a day summer solstice. They travel in small boats all over the world. Once a year they gather on their secret island and check the weather using a large barometer. Very electrified.


Clipdasses are present only in the book "Memoirs of Moomintroll Father" and first appear in the third chapter.
Small and agile. When they are teething they are able to chew on everything in their path. They love educational games.


Minor characters.

  • From the book "Little Trolls and the Great Flood".
    • Big Serpent, page 13
    • Old gentleman, page 19
    • Antlion, page 25
    • Sea Troll, page 28
    • Boy with bright red hair, page 32
    • Cat with kittens, page 39
    • Mister Marabou, page 43
    • Two monkfish, page 48
  • From the book "Moomintroll and the Comet".
    • Giant Lizard, Chapter 5
    • Policeman mentioned in Chapter 6
    • Hyena Chapter 6
    • Eagle, chapter 6
    • Observatory Professors, Chapter 6
    • Old lady in the store, chapter 8
    • Grasshopper, Swamp Ghosts and Tree Spirits at the Dance Floor Party, Chapter 8
    • Little Creeper, Chapter 8
    • Scrut, chapter 10
    • Fleeing Creatures, Chapter 10
  • From the book "The Wizard's Hat".
    • Elderly Already, chapter 1
    • Foreign words, chapter 2
    • Antlion, Chapter 2
    • King of California Chapter 2
    • Three yellow canaries, chapter 2
    • Mameluke, chapter 5
  • From the book "Memoirs of Moomintroll Dad."
    • Hedgehog, chapter 1
    • Mymla's maternal uncle, chapter 5
    • Autocrat, Chapter 5
    • Sea Snake, Little Fish, Frog, Sea Ghost and Cod, Chapter 7
    • Sea Dog, Chapter 7
  • From the book "Dangerous Summer".
    • Company on the Woodshed Roof, Including Mouse and Homsa, Chapter 2
    • Forest inhabitants around a fire in honor of the summer solstice, chapter 5
    • The Park Watchman and the Park Keeper, first appearing in Chapter 6
    • 24 Forest Babies, first appearing in Chapter 6
    • The Warden's little cousin, first appears in Chapter 11
    • Dress rehearsal audience including hedgehogs and hedgehog moms, Chapter 10
    • Two beavers representing a lion, chapter 10
  • From the book "Magic Winter".
    • The animal that lives under the kitchen table first appears in Chapter 1
    • A little squirrel with a pretty tail, first appears in chapter 2
    • Eight invisible shrew mice, first appearing in Chapter 2
    • Ancestor, first appears in Chapter 2. He is also mentioned in the book "At the End of November".
    • Ice Maiden, Chapter 3
    • The creatures in the bath make their first appearance in Chapter 2
    • Little Creepers, Gafsa, Homsa the Elder and other guests, chapter 5
  • From the book "Moominpappa and the Sea".
    • Poisonous Ants, Chapter 3
    • Seahorses, first appearing in Chapter 3
  • From the book "At the End of November".
    • Nummulite, first mentioned in chapter 15
  • From the collection "Tales from Moomin Valley".
    • From the story "Spring Song".
      • Little Ti-ti-uu, named Snusmumrik
      • Mentioned: Hedgehog, Baby, Baby's mother
    • From the story "A Scary Story".
      • Almost the youngest Homs
      • Chit
      • Mom of Homsa
      • Father of Homsa
      • Swamp Snakes
      • Grandma Baby Mu
    • From the story "The Tale of the Last Dragon in the World."
      • The Dragon
      • Mentioned: Little Mu's Grandmother
      • Young Hemulen Fisherman
    • From the story "The Hemulen Who Loved Silence."
      • Gafs, khoms, myumls, children of hemules, nafs, knuts, scrots in Luna Park
      • Homs
      • Son of the Fillyjonk
    • From the story "The Invisible Child".
      • Mentioned: cold and ironic aunt
      • Mentioned: Moominmamma's Grandmother

Franchises, franchises, franchises... We have already written more than once how important it is for Hollywood to not release separately standing paintings, but films connected by characters and plots that support each other at the box office. DreamWorks Animation, however, has gone the furthest in its quest to launch a new franchise. In 2013, she did not sign a partnership contract with the owners of the rights to Thomas Dam's puppet Trolls, but bought these rights, leaving Dam Things with only the right to represent Trolls in Denmark. This was a significant investment in dolls, which are far from Barbie in popularity, and a great credit to the studio creators. After all, in three years they had to rethink the old-fashioned trolls for the 21st century and create the feature-length flagship of the updated franchise.

Despite the studio's difficult financial situation, DWA bosses supported the project as best they could. They invested $120 million into Trolls and hired Justin Timberlake as lead voice actor and music producer. It cannot be said that Timberlake is now at the very top of the American musical Olympus, but he is very close to it. Thus, Timberlake’s video Can’t Stop The Feeling! published in mid-May 2016. from the Trolls soundtrack has now received more than 260 million views, while the official Let It Go video from Disney's smash hit Frozen has only had twice as many views on YouTube in three years.

But finance is finance, and money can’t buy inspiration. Has DWA been able to create a solid foundation for a new franchise? Note that this is a completely different question than “Did the studio produce a wonderful picture?” "Shrek" was an undeniable hit, but DWA itself admits that its sequels had to be forced out because its ending was too happy ending by fairy-tale standards. When a story ends on the note "And they lived happily ever after...", it is much more difficult to continue it than a story whose ending opens the door to new stories. Therefore superhero Marvel movies endings always set the stage for future adventures.

We can immediately say that the lessons of DWA’s “Shrek” were not beneficial. "Trolls" depicts the confrontation between the little title characters and the Bergen giants, who devour trolls because they know no other way to feel happiness (unlike Bergens, trolls are almost always cheerful and joyful). A parallel immediately arises with the “Smurfs” cycle, where the little blue men have been fighting off the sorcerer Gargamel for more than half a century. For a children's animated series, this is a completely appropriate war. Trolls, however, exhausts this plot in the first story! We won’t say exactly how the cartoon ends, but it is very doubtful that the confrontation described in the first film will be able to be continued in the sequel. Trolls 2 will need new conflicts, and it's hard to say what they will be.

Promotional shot for the cartoon "Trolls"

Why? Because Magic world“Trolls” is even simpler than the magical world of “The Smurfs”. The Smurfs - as well as the ponies from the animated series “My Little Pony” - live a full “human” life. They have different professions, compete, conflict, create problems on their own, and this consistently provides plot hooks for both TV series and feature films. Trolls only know how to rejoice and have fun. This is the most primitive utopian society, from which only characters with mental trauma that do not allow inclusion in general happiness escape.

Timberlake voices just such a troll - the only unfortunate one in his tribe. And, of course (this can hardly be called a spoiler), his troubles come to naught by the end. This means that the main characters of Trolls are covered in such a thick veil of happiness at the end that it is not at all clear where the series should go next. At least in the utopian Star Trek, heroes explore space and stumble upon enemies. And trolls are not only happy people, but also completely satisfied, without any desire to advance science, explore the surrounding regions and fly to other galaxies.

Of course, a talented screenwriter can find a way out of any situation, but why tie your hands in advance? Or did the creators of DWA, unlike the studio bosses, not believe that Trolls would have a sequel?

By the way, about Timberlake's character. He plays an extremely important role in the film, and not just a plot role. Classic trolls Dama are primarily toys for little girls. Thomas Dahm carved his first troll from wood because he could not buy his daughter an expensive gift, and this sentimental story predetermined the essence of the toy. Even after the Dama company began mass-producing plastic trolls. Long and multi-colored doll hair is a classic component of toys for future salon visitors. On the contrary, you can’t really play “war games” with such dolls. Unless there's nothing else to play with.

Still from the cartoon "Trolls"

Girlish aesthetics also became defining for the Trolls cartoon. Troll Princess leading role, plot references to “Cinderella”, ubiquitous glamorous sparkles, incredible magical hairstyles, the peaceful mood of the film, despite the reminders of cannibalism... However, in order to make good money, the studio needed to make a cartoon not only for girls, but also for boys.

Timberlake's character, Tsvetan, was created so that guys would have someone to identify with. He does not tolerate everything that the beautiful Princess Rose represents. He makes fun of her singing and her sparkles. He burns her guitar. He insists that it is impossible to come to an agreement with the Bergens. In short, he behaves like a boy who is locked in his little sister's room and who feels like a lion in a cage. It's quite funny, and it provides a point of view that allows the boys and men in the audience to enjoy the cartoon.

However, “Trolls,” as already mentioned, sees in Tsvetan not an “alternative” character equivalent to Rozochka, but a mentally ill troll who will be cured at the end of the film in order to continue living as an ordinary, happy and glamorous troll. But what will Trolls do in the sequels? Will they infect another character with blues? Or do they admit that this is a purely girls’ cycle? And only for those girls who share Rosochka’s attitude towards life.

Finally, promoting a cartoon with the help of pop stars is a double-edged sword. Yes, it's great that Timberlake, Gwen Stefani and the Swedish duo Icona Pop are involved in the film. But only those viewers who watch the cartoon on English language! In the Russian dub of Trolls, other people speak and sing - in particular, Dima Bilan, who replaced Timberlake. It turns out that a lot of money that was invested in the advertising message “Timberlake voiced a troll!” was wasted from the point of view of the international market. If this had been a feature film, it would have been a different story, since Timberlake would have been selling his face there. And if the star’s voice is not heard in the dubbing of the cartoon, then it turns out that she is not involved in the project.

Still from the cartoon "Trolls"

In addition, the music market is extremely fickle. Today you are on top, and tomorrow you are ignored. And for the sequel of the hit cartoon, you are no longer an asset, but a burden. True, Timberlake has been in the stars for a long time, and it is unlikely that his star will decline in the coming years. However, if he remains on Olympus, will he have time for a new cartoon? This is not the main profession of a singer.

In general, the more you think about “Trolls,” the more you see that the film turned out not to be the founder of the series, but a “unique” work that will not be easy to continue. And it’s very strange that the studio promises one cartoon, but releases something completely different.

Fortunately, this is an adult problem, and even a matter for the future. For the main, small viewers of Trolls, all that is important now is that it is a cheerful, colorful and funny cartoon with an energetic soundtrack. And what is important for children is also important for parents. So don't take our thoughts and observations as a reason not to go to the movies.



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