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Dream hackers. Dream Hackers public history of the Dream Hackers group Each guest receives a valuable gift

Find out who dream hackers are and how these individuals hack the world of dreams. The appearance is relatively recent, but it has already raised many questions. Their movement is becoming increasingly popular.

In the article:

Who are dream hackers and what do they do?

Similar hackers, or XC groups appeared approximately 8-10 years ago. They are an organization of people united by one common interest - the study of mysterious phenomena associated with the world of dreams. These people call themselves hackers because they apply hacker techniques to their dreams to hack secure programs. They are called dream stalkers.

XC Group

In the understanding of dream stalkers, night visions are a closed program created by a perfect computer - the human brain. People spend about a third of their allotted time sleeping - not that little. For about five thousand years, great minds of different civilizations tried to unravel its secrets - in vain. To make sure that dreams turn out to be a secret closed to a person, it is enough to compare the available information about them and other everyday phenomena.

Reality programs protected from human penetration are protected by hostile forces. From the point of view of religion and the worldview of each individual person, they can be considered and classified ad infinitum. Representatives of the XC group are convinced that these entities manifest themselves in patterns of security and repressive structures similar to those that every person in the world has encountered.

For any dream hacker, the activity begins with studying and researching the theory of visions. This period is called the highest level of dream stalking. It is considered dangerous because a beginner will have to encounter for the first time phenomena to which experienced dreamers are already accustomed. The latter suggest treating these obstacles as necessary tests designed to strengthen the spirit of the future hacker.

After learning to become aware of dreams, the second stage begins. Dreamstalkers are engaged in exploring the world, which, in their belief, every person sees outside of waking hours. The main task is to learn to navigate it. In ordinary dreams this is impossible, but in lucid dreams it is possible with regular practice. The world of dreams is carefully mapped, which we will talk about below. A classification is being made of hostile and friendly, neutral entities that can be found in its vastness. Dreamhackers are developing new techniques for becoming aware of oneself in a dream.

Advanced dream hackers, who navigate the realm of visions, search for information about death, the afterlife, and the true structure of the real and dream worlds. It is unknown what lies beyond the boundaries of the usual understanding of the universe. Hackers don't like to reveal such secrets. To find out all the secrets that are available in the otherworldly universe, you will have to become one of them and get to the bottom of the truth yourself.

“Dream Hackers” - a book by Andrey Reutov

Cover of the book Dream Hackers

The tome “Dream Hackers” is positioned as a fiction novel written in the cyberpunk genre. N it was written on the basis of events that occurred with the organization of scientists from Russia. Dream research teams rarely reveal secrets. This book was written to unite dreamers in the Russian-speaking sector and create a Russian tradition of dreamhacking.

In Andrey Reutov’s tome “Vision Hackers,” valuable information about dream hacking is presented in the form of fiction. It contains theory and practical techniques from the arsenal of Russian HS groups. The book is suitable for a beginner who wants to learn more about the world of dreams, secrets and dangers.

Numerous reviews note that the book is interesting. Readers are assured of the unpredictability of the plot, sincerely sympathize with the main characters and expect the continuation of the work. It turns out to be an excellent first impetus for deep knowledge of the surrounding Universe.

Dream stalkers and cartography

Dream mapping is the creation of maps of places that were seen in a dream. You may ask - how to map the terrain of the dream world if it is constantly transforming... More practice, and you will definitely notice that only certain areas can change - dreamstalkers call them transmutation zones. This is necessary for the development of memory, attention, as well as learning a new world for most people.

Experienced dream hackers call cartography one of the worm programs that are designed to break the mechanisms of access to the world of dreams that are inaccessible to the average person. The common method of looking at hands, known to everyone, also has this nature. The mapping method is completely safe. No one has ever gone crazy from writing down dreams and drawing up a diagram of the area they saw.

You can map lucid dreams that were recorded several years ago. Mapping visions will help awareness. For many dreamers, the cards are similar to each other, but have serious differences. They contain landmarks that everyone can see. You will be able to figure out which part of the terrain is constantly changing, and which remains constant and can be regarded as a landmark. Mapping visions is combined with any techniques: or recapitulation.

Dream hackers study and master techniques related to dreams. They put into practice the information received in dreams, systematize it and research it. Stalkers know many secrets about dreams and out-of-body travel. The techniques are complex, but accessible to everyone.

In contact with

When describing the modern subculture of hackers, psychologists often call them “obsessed programmers” - people who perceive the real world as some kind of “operating system of a universal supercomputer.” This flattering review needs a little correction. In fact, they are convinced of the opposite: each program is a “world”, living and acting according to its own laws and principles.

Wandering through these “worlds,” the hacker gains the ability to enter fairly complex information structures and secure systems. He explores them, enjoys the beauty and sometimes uses some of the developments for his own personal purposes. However, psychologists' failure to identify hackers was seen as a challenge by some people, and their findings may serve as an answer to the need of the hour.

We will try to describe to you the experience of a hacker group that decided to “break into” one of the most complex “programs” of the human brain - the world of our dreams. The project, which began about eight years ago, led the developers to interesting results, some of which we will describe to you later. This material will not contain computer programs, algorithms or sparkling phrases in hacker jargon.

Moreover, you do not need advanced knowledge of computers or even a superficial familiarity with them to understand this information. This material is adapted for ordinary people who like secrets and discoveries. The hackers’ “know-how” lies only in the fact that they applied to dreams the hacker method of “hacking” protected programs and several concepts for constructing an artificial space.

Dreams - "protected program"

You know from your own experience that dreams are a “protected program”. People spend a third of their lives sleeping. For five thousand years, dreams have been the objects of scientific research. And what did this give? Almost nothing! Imagine the amount of knowledge about the everyday world that humanity has accumulated over 50 centuries, and then compare this amount of information with the texture of dreams obtained over the same period.

What a strange incongruity! Dreams are a “protected program”. And I think everyone will agree with this. In the world of dreams there are forces hostile to people. They can be viewed from different points of view depending on religion and ideology, but for dream hackers they remained a kind of faceless template for all those security and repressive structures that we encounter in the real world.

Activities of Dream Hackers

So what exactly do dream hackers do? Their activities can be divided into three parts.

  1. In the first, they study the theory of sleep and dreams, look for points of support in order to turn their world upside down, and find effective methods of entering lucid dreams. The first stage is perhaps one of the most dangerous, as it poses some problems, especially for an unprepared person. Let’s say that if you follow their example and engage in the development of similar states of consciousness, then, in the end, you will come under pressure from the “negative forces of fate.” At the first level of danger, you risk your health and the well-being of those close to you. Some of you may perceive this “karmic racket” as a “test of maturity” or as “obstacles that strengthen the spirit.” For many early hackers, this wrath of the universal forces was a complete surprise. Because of this they suffered great losses.
  2. The second part is devoted to the development of the dream world, it collects a detailed report on the attention traps found. Tactics for using lucid dreams are being developed. Information is classified about meetings with personifications of friendly and hostile forces, as well as about the merging of the dream world with the world of everyday reality, which is currently happening in the lives of many dream hackers. The themes of the integrity of our consciousness are also touched upon here.
  3. The third part is about filling the repository of information about the latest achievements of hacking masters. Experience and increased skill in evading forces that, being neutral and universal in both worlds, nevertheless make no mistake in handling them. These are the limiting forces - death and knowledge. Beyond them are spaces that no one has any idea about yet - at least not yet.

The knowledge that dream hackers are gaining bit by bit at the moment is unconditional and, so to speak, the only one for today. So far, only they have managed to penetrate so deeply into where scientists have dreamed of going since ancient times. Perhaps someday, they will be the ones who will receive information about where a person spends a third of his life.


When describing the modern subculture of hackers, psychologists often call us “obsessed programmers” - people who perceive the real world as some kind of “operating system of a universal supercomputer.” This flattering review needs a little correction. In fact, we are convinced of the opposite: each program is a “world”, living and acting according to its own laws and principles. Wandering through these “worlds”, the hacker gains the ability to enter rather complex information structures and protected systems. He explores them, enjoys the beauty and sometimes uses some of the developments for his own personal purposes.

However, the mistake of psychologists in identifying hackers was perceived by some people as a challenge, and this book is their response to the demand of the current moment. She describes the experience of a hacker group who decided to “break into” one of the most complex “programs” of the human brain - the world of our dreams.

The project, which began about six years ago, led the developers to interesting results, some of which we publish in this book. This information is being disclosed for only one reason: due to an absurd oversight by our Novosibirsk colleague, the materials on “hacking” dreams came into the possession of the Russian FSB and are now being checked by experts from two security institutions. We don’t know how the intelligence services will use the tricks we have invented. We do not know in which direction their further research will go. Therefore, in the hope of leveling the playing field and giving those who wish the opportunity to escape from the tutelage of “Big Brother,” our group is “leaking” the bulk of its findings for public use.

In this book you will not see computer programs, algorithms and sparkling phrases in hacker jargon. The situation was serious, and we considered it inappropriate to burden strangers with our “cuisine” and non-linear humor. Moreover, to read the book you do not need in-depth knowledge of computers or even a superficial familiarity with them. This material is adapted for ordinary people who like secrets and discoveries. Our “know-how” lies only in the fact that we applied to dreams the hacker method of “hacking” protected programs and several concepts for constructing an artificial space.

...You know from your own experience that dreams are a “protected program”. People spend a third of their lives sleeping. For five thousand years, dreams have been the objects of scientific research. And what did this give? Almost nothing.

Imagine the amount of knowledge about the everyday world that humanity has accumulated over fifty centuries, and then compare this amount of information with the texture of dreams obtained over the same period. What a strange incongruity!

Dreams are a “protected program”. We were convinced of this in the most deplorable way. In the world of dreams there are forces hostile to people. They can be viewed from different points of view depending on religion and ideology, but for us they have remained a kind of faceless template of all those security and repressive structures that we encounter in the real world.

That is why the book is divided into three parts, each of which implies its own degree of danger. At the first introductory stage, you do not risk anything. Here we will introduce you to the variety of currently existing theories about sleep, give you a foothold so that you turn your world upside down, and tell you about the method of entering lucid dreams.

If you follow our example and engage in the development of such states of consciousness, then, in the end, you will fall under pressure from the “negative forces of fate.” At the first level of danger, you risk your health and the well-being of those close to you. Some of you may perceive this “karmic racket” as a “test of maturity” or as “obstacles that strengthen the spirit.” For us, this anger of the universal forces was a complete surprise. We suffered great losses.

In the second part of the book, in addition to describing further steps in mastering the dream world, you will receive a detailed report on the attention traps we found. In addition, we will talk about the use of lucid dreaming and the integrity of our consciousness. Group members will share their experiences with you, talk about encounters with personifications of friendly and hostile forces, as well as the merging of the dream world with the world of everyday reality that is currently happening in their lives.

The third part of the book describes the latest achievements of our group. Experience and increased skill in avoiding direct contact have brought us into contact with forces which, being neutral and universal in both worlds, nevertheless allow no error in handling them. These are the limiting forces - death and knowledge. Behind them are spaces that we have no idea about - we have no idea yet.

Real knowledge is unconditional. Its grains, settled in the mind of one of the hackers, revealed to us several lines of predecessors whose existence we had not previously suspected. The story about them will be the point where we close the circle of our intention, tying it to the present and the past.

It should be noted that our group consists of two-thirds fans of Carlos Castaneda, so do not be surprised by the use of his terminology. We promise that we will not retell the books of this great man. However, if you are not familiar with his works, you will have to turn to them, since we fundamentally do not want to explain concepts borrowed from our spiritual leader. This position is dictated by two points - firstly, it cannot be said better than his; and secondly, we know with what disgust Castaneda’s fans treat the exaggerated “naguals” who sing refrains on the themes he developed.

So, we offer you a fascinating and effective method of self-knowledge, which has not yet been explained by anyone, has not been poked with a pointer and has not been rubbed over by the greasy fingers of authorities. Here is a guide to action, a little like a guidebook. You can consider it a portal to a multidimensional world that awaits your insights and discoveries. On this path, anyone walking is the first. And the development of this method and its philosophical justification depend on you.

See you on the paths of dreams.

Zero level of danger. Preliminary analysis

One day, a crazy hacker came up with the idea to “hack” the dream program. He was an eccentric type - some kind of wild cross between Don Quixote, Baron Munchausen and a successful adventurer who easily cut down almost one and a half green “lemons”. His name was Semyon Semyonovich Gorbunkov. Or Sergei Izrigi? However, what a difference!

He organized 6 dream clubs - in Minsk, Riga and 4 cities of Russia. The guy hired 5 advertising agents and 16 psychoanalysts, who invited people to clubs and conducted an individual survey using a specially developed methodology. Conversations about dreams were recorded on audio and video tapes and then transmitted to 6 analytical groups. 41 retired military analysts made their own bizarre classifications, squeezed general points out of the information and sent the conclusions to the customer.

I remember these days. Insane interest from a powerful project, then fatigue, irritation and anger. People went to the clubs in an endless stream. Imagine a bright hall, a buffet with drinks and baked goods. An atmosphere of love and warmth. General conversation, acquaintances, cute flirting of the participants. Then the survey began, and people told, told, told...

The psychologist nodded his head, asked questions, and the cassettes reeled off the tape. Everyone loved their importance. The survey participants felt that someone needed their experience and knowledge. They shared it as best they could. What is there! It was difficult to stop them. And we received stories about dead people on balconies, about chases in old ruins, about flights over cities, etc. and so on.

After two weeks, I began to wait for a sign that would tell me the end date of this cultural event. The sign came in the form of a huge fellow, with a square face and pound fists. I had just arrived in Riga to inspect the dream club and, wandering around the premises, came across this guy in the corridor. He asked, “Dream Club?” “Yes,” I replied. And then the man shouted: “So you’re sleeping here with my wife?!” His blow to the jaw sent me flying under the table and I’ve been wearing a gold fixation ever since. It was a completely understandable sign, wasn't it?

We curtailed the activities of the clubs and began to analyze the results. Psychologists wrote entire volumes for us, but, in principle, it all came down to one idea. The dream is all talk, a little action and a terrible cliché. The same thoughts, plots, and body movements. When you talk about a hundred cases, it seems that there is little similarity. But we were talking about thousands of dreams.

I was amazed by the huge number of synchronous dreams. For example, on February 3, 1994, many people dreamed of playing with children either on the site of an unfinished house or on some ruins. What was it? Showing a dream movie? Some file that slipped through the “disk drive” made up of these people? Or was there an incorrect decoding of the information sent by him? Warnings? Order? There is still no answer. This is a virgin area for your further exploration.

The topic of synchronization also affected me. While reading the analysts' reports, I came across a description of a dream that perfectly matched my dream. The woman talked about breaking into the pyramid, where she was surprised to find a small chicken coop. It's funny - the Cheops pyramid, the ruthless guards, the underground passages and, finally, the chicken coop. I had a fence there for livestock. It seems for two cows. But it is not important.

I met the above lady. We became friends, and she joined the group of enthusiasts that gathered around me at that time. The woman's name was Alla - the Scarlet Star of Zaslavl. Later, becoming a Dream Hacker, she made her way into the core of the “defense system” that monitors conscious penetrations into this bizarre world of forces and energies, our personal, group and social personifications.

Alla is a tragic fate and a rebellious spirit that broke the shackles of bodily illness. Here is a real example that a real hacker is a warrior. I will talk about it in the second part of the material. Now let's return to dream analysis.

At that time, scientists openly published articles on dream research. The military paid almost no attention to them, but since 1995 the situation has changed. Hundreds of works were removed from archives that described direct and inverse connections between everyday and dream realities.

Examples of direct communication:

- how the dreams of ordinary people and rape victims differ;

- dreams of people who survived concentration camps and mass executions;

- dreams of adolescents with increasing signs of deafness;

- the influence of sadism and masochism on the dreams of people of various age categories;

- connection of vestibular activity with the frequency of occurrence of “transparent” dreams;

- the influence of the menstrual cycle of hormones on dreams.

Examples of feedback:

- the role of dreams in adaptation to stressful situations;

- the influence of dreams on creativity and the creation of metaphors;

- incorporation of dream decisions into the outline of everyday affairs;

- the influence of different types of dreams on hormone stimulation.

However, we made it on time. All the knowledge of the world science of dreams, accumulated by humanity over 30 centuries of history, has found its place in 50 plump folders labeled “Archive”. And it should be noted that there was a lot of interesting things there. It was not in vain that hundreds of hired specialists worked hard, rushing up the stairs between the high racks.

I plunged into a sea of ​​theories. Articles of praise for Calvin Hull and Bergson alternated with criticism of Freud. “No,” wrote prominent scientists, “the content of dreams is a function of memories selected at random by a biological process.” "What do you! What do you! - others shouted. - You did not take into account aspects of creative incubation and the function of REM sleep. The brain itself organizes neutron signals, whose cognitive correlation creates gaps and inconsistencies in the course of dreams!”

“This is all bullshit! - said others. - We must consider REM sleep, NREM sleep and the waking state as expressions of one undifferentiated position, because electroencephalograms confirm that in the transitions between the awakened state, NREM sleep and REM dreams there are peaks of a similar frequency from 7 to 9 Hz, and this , my friends, the same EEG spectrum that we noted during transcendental meditations.”

However, any theory is a probability determined by the set of facts involved. That is, the number of theories can be infinite, and all of them, in principle, will be correct in their own way.

And in Russia there was an eerie silence. Science was stripped naked and, unanimously privatized, locked in a dark closet. Professors stole flasks. The graduate students drank alcohol and sold their latest secrets. That's probably why my friend, a rich and crazy hacker, told us: “Sha! Someone is buying factories and deposits! Someone is profiting from the blood of boys and the tears of orphaned mothers. And I will invest money in the development of the science of lucid and controlled dreams, so that every person, fed up with the delirium of their rulers, can go to the land of dreams and knowledge - to the beautiful and fabulous Eldorado!”

No sooner said than done. In just over a month, we carried out a number of activities and accumulated all the information available at that time about dreams and dreams. Our conclusion was the following: a dream is an analogue of a text file in the “read only” format. And now, almost five years later, American scientists are beginning to come to the same opinion.

A dream is a description, an interpretation of certain influences that our brain conveys to consciousness. The dream world is an illusion, Maya. In fact, each individual dream is a bubble of perception that includes a description of a place, a scene, the characters in that scene, your emotions and experiences at that particular moment. What we call the dream world is just a handful of “bubbles” - a void within a void, separated from chaos by a rainbow film.

A person familiar with computers knows that a text file cannot affect the operating system. It can be made a “master key” to the core of the program, only by providing it with control macros. This hacker rule is valid for penetrating any protected environment, including conscious entry into the world of dreams. That is why don Juan forced Castaneda to look for hands in dreams - he forced him to remember this in a dream, bring awareness, introduce the macro “Hands” into the context of describing the dream world and thus gradually create a large nimble “worm” (dream body) in the program of his consciousness. .

You can say that this is the most ridiculous idea that has been brought to you in the past two days. But it came to the mind of a crazy hacker, so there’s nothing to be surprised about. Another aspect is more important here - my friend was so rich that he could insist on testing his hypothesis.

In order not to repeat the method described by Castaneda, our analyst suggested using a “machine” (CAR - a creation of artificial replacement). This method of artificial replacement involves the introduction of an active element into any system, which creates an artificial space in it - a springboard for further actions.

We decided to replace the handful of dream “bubbles of perception” with an artificial space under our control, or, rather, an exact copy of the matrix of human consciousness that describes the world of dreams to us. Each of us had to make a map of dreams and place “bubble bubbles” into a single picture.

Oh, how funny we were in our vanity as “discoverers.” Years have passed, and now I understand that we have only repeated the Toltec technique of revision. Revision not of life, but of dreams. And do you know what I'll tell you? These Toltecs were real hackers!

** This file is simply not completed. There are a bunch of separate texts that need to be combined into one whole. But, to be honest, there is no great desire for such feats.

Vladimir, I’ll be leaving here for a while. I'll be back sometime in early May. And then, if you don’t mind, we will resume communication.

As far as I can remember, we never resumed communication.

There was a lot of useful information on the Dream Hackers website. Many articles were exhibited and some were quite interesting. Although I haven’t discovered anything top-secret, something that the intelligence services might be chasing. I decided that they were either not telling me something, or they simply had inflated self-esteem.

Although, of course, people did not work in vain. Some details have been worked out very deeply and there is vast experience in sleep research. From their statements and descriptions, it becomes clear that this group of people has been practicing for a very long time and have achieved great results, including dreaming together and going to “certain places.” But, in the end, they encountered a huge force that did not allow them to develop further and blocked them. And not only in dreams, but also in everyday life, they were opposed by various “higher authorities” interested in hiding information. The SI confirmed that this confrontation was expressed in various measures, up to the physical elimination of a person. In his opinion, one of his group members died under rather strange circumstances. At first he was harassed and threatened, and then a fatal accident followed. SI also said that at the moment he feels that he is being watched.

I didn't know what to believe. He may be telling the truth, but he may have made it up to deflect suspicion from himself. We didn’t tell him anything about the fact that we also felt someone’s influence. And I haven’t ruled out both options yet.

When describing the modern subculture of hackers, psychologists often call us “obsessed programmers” - people who perceive the real world as some kind of “operating system of a universal supercomputer.” This flattering review needs a little correction. In fact, we are convinced of the opposite: each program is a “world”, living and acting according to its own laws and principles. Wandering through these “worlds,” the hacker gains the ability to enter fairly complex information structures and secure systems. He explores them, enjoys the beauty and sometimes uses some of the developments for his own personal purposes.

However, psychologists' failure to identify hackers was seen as a challenge by some people, and their findings may serve as an answer to the need of the hour. I will try to describe to you the experience of a hacker group that decided to “break into” one of the most complex “programs” of the human brain - the world of our dreams.

The project, which began about eight years ago, led the developers to interesting results, some of which I will describe to you in further letters. This information is being disclosed for only one reason: due to an absurd oversight by our Novosibirsk colleague, materials on “hacking” dreams came into the possession of the Russian FSB and are now being checked by experts from two security institutions. We do not know how the special services will use the tricks we have invented. We do not know in which direction their further research will go. Therefore, in the hope of leveling the playing field and giving those who wish the opportunity to escape from the tutelage of “Big Brother,” our group is “leaking” the bulk of its findings for public use.

This material will not contain computer programs, algorithms or sparkling phrases in hacker jargon. The situation is serious, and I consider it inappropriate to burden people I don’t know with my “cuisine” and non-linear humor. Moreover, you do not need advanced knowledge of computers or even a superficial familiarity with them to understand this information. This material is adapted for ordinary people who like secrets and discoveries. Our “know-how” lies only in the fact that we applied to dreams the hacker method of “hacking” protected programs and several concepts for constructing an artificial space.

You know from your own experience that dreams are a “protected program”. People spend a third of their lives sleeping. For five thousand years, dreams have been the objects of scientific research. And what did this give? Almost nothing.

Imagine the amount of knowledge about the everyday world that humanity has accumulated over 50 centuries, and then compare this amount of information with the texture of dreams obtained over the same period. What a strange incongruity!

Dreams are a “protected program”. We were convinced of this in the most deplorable way. In the world of dreams there are forces hostile to people. They can be viewed from different points of view depending on religion and ideology, but for us they have remained a kind of faceless template of all those security and repressive structures that we encounter in the real world.

That is why the material will be divided into three parts, each of which implies its own degree of danger. At the first introductory stage, you do not risk anything. Here I will introduce you to our theory of sleep and dreams, give you a foothold to turn your world upside down, and tell you about a simple and effective method for entering lucid dreams.

If you follow our example and engage in the development of such states of consciousness, then, in the end, you will come under pressure from the “negative forces of fate.” At the first level of danger, you risk your health and the well-being of those close to you. Some of you may perceive this “karmic racket” as a “test of maturity” or as “obstacles that strengthen the spirit.” For us, this anger of the universal forces was a complete surprise. We suffered great losses.

In the second part of the material, in addition to describing further steps in mastering the dream world, you will receive a detailed report on the attention traps we found. In addition, we will talk about the use of lucid dreaming and the integrity of our consciousness. I will tell you about my experiences, about encounters with personifications of friendly and hostile forces, and about the merging of the dream world with the world of everyday reality that is currently happening in the lives of many dream hackers.

The third part of the material will be devoted to the latest achievements of our group. Experience and increased skill in avoiding direct contact have brought us into contact with forces which, being neutral and universal in both worlds, nevertheless allow no error in handling them. These are the limiting forces - death and knowledge. Behind them are spaces that we have no idea about—we have no idea yet.

Real knowledge is unconditional. Its grains, settled in the mind of one of the hackers, revealed to us several lines of predecessors whose existence we had not previously suspected. Telling them will be the point where I close the circle of my intention, tying it to the present and the past.

It should be noted that the Dream Hackers group was two-thirds Carlos Castaneda fans, so I will use his terminology. I promise that I will not retell the books of K.K. This position is dictated by two points - firstly, it cannot be said better than his; and secondly, I know with what disgust Castaneda’s fans treat fake “naguals” who sing refrains on the themes he developed.

So, I offer you a fascinating and effective method of self-knowledge, which has not yet been explained by anyone, has not been worn out by the pointers of teachers and has not been worn out by the greasy fingers of authorities. Here is a guide to action, a little like a guidebook. You can consider it a portal to a multidimensional world that awaits your insights and discoveries. On this path, anyone walking is the first. And the development of this method and its philosophical justification depend on you.

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Dream hackers in the 90s developed a unique technique for restoring lost energy through Lucid Dreaming. This is a very effective and exciting method that every person on the planet should know - because thanks to this technique of hacking your dream scenarios, you can return the energy that was spent in the process of growing up.

Not only the hackers themselves, but also a huge number of people have already tested this method on themselves, and received amazing results - in the process of luminosity restoration technique, the level of energy and health noticeably increases, consciousness is cleared, and the general background of life becomes much brighter.

What is the method for searching for luminosity? Let's take a closer look at it.

In the article about working with energy, you have already read that every person is in the process of
vital activity accumulates on its energy body a certain
the number of blocks - nodes that interfere with the free flow of energy.
Psychologically, this process can be described as follows: at a certain point in life you
you get some kind of trauma, fear, or negative belief (“all men are
goats”, “being rich is bad”, “I’m good for nothing”), because of which in your
a barrier arises in your psyche that prevents you from building a happy life without
restrictions. On an energetic level it looks similar: you
receive a trauma or belief, experience severe stress, which causes you to
there is a large surge of energy. This outburst is like a hemorrhage
gets stuck somewhere in your energy field, but you can get this energy back
and you can no longer use it, because fear or belief has formed
you have a barrier, a block on the way to this energy. However, on the energetic plane this force
has not gone away - it still lies in your field.

By exploring your dream map, you can intentionally go to certain
locations of the dream world and take your energy back. Your strength lying
in archetypal storage areas, often appears as glowing, sparkling or
precious object and therefore is called luminosity, and its process
returns - by searching or sampling luminosity. This ancient practice
was used by magicians of antiquity and was reflected in folk
stories and legends. You will laugh, but the tale of Koschei and his vitality,
hidden on an island, in a hollow, in an egg is a modified description of the process of searching for luminosity.

Of course, luminosity is not one indivisible energy and is not hidden
in one specific location: there are many storage locations on the map
luminosity, where different parts of your power are stuck as a result of various injuries
and corrals. A dreamer who wants to achieve a serious level of practice
lucid dream, seeks to regain all his energy, and for this
searches for luminosity.

As a result of each successful experiment in luminosity sampling, you erase everything
more negative programs and beliefs, and most importantly - become more and more
holistic. This process has the best effect on both your experiences
dreams - you can be in the OS more often and longer, as well as on your
everyday life - you become more energetic and stronger.

On the dream map, large luminosity stores are concentrated in five quite
places frequently visited by the dreamer, and each of them is guarded. Also part
luminosity lies in every location where you saw nightmares and experienced fear or
agreed with the negative dream scenario. Energy returns
to the dreamer at the moment when the negative scenario is ignored
and is defeated by the dreamer. Scary monsters disappear at this moment, or
turn into allies, the artistic design of the location is right before your eyes
transforms into a more “stylish” and “rich” one, the dreamer feels a strong
emotional uplift that continues after awakening.

This is an article from the book "Lucid Dreaming: A Step to True Reality"

Find out where the 5 luminosity storage locations are on the map

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Posts from This Journal by “lucid dreaming” Tag

  • Quest Lucid Dreaming

    Friends! Before you practice lucid dreaming techniques, you need to do a lot of preparation. The first and main thing you need...

  • Lucid Dreaming Reviews

    Hi all! These are reviews of the film "Cartography of Dreams", which reveals one of the central practices of lucid dreaming. These…


    Friends! Yesterday Valeria’s webinar “Lucid Dreaming: Awakening of Consciousness” was very hot and interesting. There were many interesting questions - about the OS,...



Buryat State University

Buryat State University

When choosing an educational institution, it is important to choose one that provides the necessary conditions for receiving a quality education and a comprehensive...

Siberian Institute of International Relations and Regional Studies (simoir): address, faculties, practice and employment

Siberian Institute of International Relations and Regional Studies (simoir): address, faculties, practice and employment

Many people dream of working internationally. To get it, you need to speak foreign languages ​​and have the appropriate education....

The best books on economics and finance for beginners and professionals “Undercover Economist”, Tim Harford

The best books on economics and finance for beginners and professionals “Undercover Economist”, Tim Harford

We present to your attention the book by Cherche la Petroleum! It’s easy to guess that the main theme of this work will be the so-called “black...

Tax received from abroad

Tax received from abroad

I think that you can continue cooperation with a foreign company on the same terms, paying the established taxes, taking into account the following.In...

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