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Khanpasha Nuradilov. Hero of the USSR from Chechnya. Khanpasha Nuradilovich Nuradilov – Immortal Regiment of Russia

Khanpasha was born on the territory of modern Dagestan in 1924. Since childhood, he worked hard with his family. In the village of Minai-Togai he received his education in primary school. For some time he worked in oil wells. He worked as an oil worker. At the age of nineteen he was drafted into the Red Army. Almost from the first days of the Great Patriotic War he fought at the front. Baptism of fire After the invasion of German troops into the territory Soviet Union The Red Army was continuously retreating. At this time, combat units were urgently formed from the mobilized population and conscripts. Khanpasha Nuradilov was barely nineteen years old when he was sent to the front line. He commanded a machine gun crew in a cavalry division. Under normal conditions, mounted troops should not take part in containing the breakthrough of mechanized formations. However, due to difficult situation On all fronts, the command sent all available reserves to the defense of Soviet soil. Khanpasha Nuradilov fought his first battle with the invaders in the Donetsk steppes. In the coastal village of Zakharovka, his unit received orders to hold the line. After some time, massive artillery shelling of the Red Army positions began. Behind him, the enemy infantry went on the offensive. All of Khanpashi’s comrades died in the battle. He was left alone and wounded. Confident that no one would resist them, the Germans went to capture the position. But the young man decided to continue the fight. Alone, he fired at the advancing infantry. A few hours later the German offensive fizzles out. The wounded Khanpasha destroyed one hundred and twenty Nazis and returned to duty alive. The command was amazed by the fighter’s stamina and skill. After all, machine guns of that time were quite complex mechanisms. It was extremely inconvenient to change the tape, cool and clean them alone, and the Red Army soldier was still wounded... Soviet counter-offensive __________________________________________ Nuradilov Khanpasha Nuradilovich accomplished a new feat a year later. In the harsh winter of '42, Soviet troops launched a counteroffensive on many sectors of the front. Nuradilov’s unit was located near the village of Tolstoy. It was necessary to advance in conditions of extremely low temperatures and high snow. At the same time, the Germans managed to dig in quite seriously and held the defense well. During a raid on Nazi trenches, Khanpasha rushed ahead of the attackers with a machine gun and cleared the way for the infantry. Again, alone, he destroyed fifty Germans. In addition, he managed to destroy four German machine gun crews, which was extremely difficult. After a successful offensive, the command presented Nuradilov with a military order and promoted him in rank. That same winter of 1942, the division was sent to Kursk. In the small settlement of Shchigry, Nuradilov takes on a difficult battle with Nazi Wehrmacht and SS fighters. During the battle, he is wounded and the gun fails. Despite this, he again accomplishes a feat, killing two hundred Germans. - And less than two months later, another three hundred Nazis died at the hands of a Soviet machine gunner near the village of Bayrak. For these merits he is awarded another military order. Stalingrad _________________________________ In the autumn of '42, one of the bloodiest battles in human history takes place. German troops break through to the east, reaching the Volga. The last city on their way stops the offensive - Stalingrad. The best units from all theaters of combat are sent here. Death of a Hero Near the town of Serafimovich, Khanpasha Nuradilov took his last battle. Arriving at the beginning of autumn with the rank of commander of a machine gun platoon, he dug in in the suburbs. The Nazis went into battle in the middle of the day with the support of aviation and artillery. Khanpasha was seriously injured. But again he remained to fight to the end. To get to the Red Army, the Germans gave two hundred and fifty lives of their soldiers. The wounded commander also destroyed two machine guns, after which he fell. For this and other feats, Nuradilov was posthumously awarded the Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. Memory of the soldier Several materials were published in the army newspaper about Khanpash. After the end of the war, several streets were named in his honor in his native Dagestan, as well as in Chechnya. In the sixties, several poems were published that tell how Khanpasha Nuradilov lived and fought. The Hero of the Soviet Union is depicted on a postage stamp from 1944. In 2015, a public foundation was named after him. On the Alley of Heroes Battle of Stalingrad there is a Khanpashi slab. - Read more on FB.ru.

Khampasha Nuradilovich Nuradilov was born in 1924 in the village of Minay-Tugai, Khasavyurt district, Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, into a poor Chechen family. Having lost his parents early, he was raised by relatives. He studied at school and in 1938 became an oil worker. Joined the Komsomol. In 1940, X. Nuradilov was drafted into the Soviet Army. In October 1941, Khanpasha destroyed 120 Nazi soldiers with his machine gun and captured seven. In January 1942, he destroyed 50 fascists and suppressed 4 enemy machine guns. For these exploits he was awarded the Order of the Red Star. In February 1942, Khanpasha was wounded, but, remaining at the machine gun, destroyed up to 200 fascists. In March 1942, he thwarted the enemy's advance with his machine gun fire, killing 300 fascists. For his military exploits, Khanpasha was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. In September, commanding a machine gun platoon, he personally destroyed 250 fascist soldiers and officers and 2 machine guns. By Decree of the Presidium Supreme Council Union of SSR on April 8 / according to other data on April 17 / 1943, senior sergeant X. Nuradilov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Fearless machine gunner One December day in 1940, I was in the 34th Cavalry Regiment on business, and as an instructor of the political department of the 3rd Red Banner Bessarabian Cavalry Division named after G.I. Kotovsky, I was interested in the progress of political classes and the state of Komsomol work in the regiment. The deputy commander of the regiment was a respected, experienced political worker and a wonderful equestrian athlete, battalion commissar Pavel Porfiryevich Brikel, and the regiment's propaganda instructor was Sagit Marakhoev. After exchanging views, we looked into one of the classrooms. A young Red Army soldier was sitting at the weapons table. Short, thin, with black eyebrows, a sullen look, apparently a native of the Caucasus. On the table were parts of a heavy machine gun. I was interested in this fighter. I asked; - What's your last name? He, pronouncing Russian words poorly, answered: “My last name is Nuradilov.” - Where did you come to our division from? - Caucasus, Khasavyurt district. Aul Minai-Tugai. It will be far away. -Who is your nationality? - My Akkynets. I did not know this nationality, although many Caucasian Red Army soldiers always served in our division. I asked Marakhoev. He also shrugged. Nuradilov explained: - Akkynets is small people , called Chechen. The family is so Chechen. Mountain people. - What are you, Comrade Nuradilov, a machine gunner? - No. My riding machine gun cart. We want to teach you a machine gun. Only the difficult parts have names. At this time, the commander of the machine gun platoon, Lieutenant Oleg Vasilyevich Devitt, entered the classroom. He said: “Nuradilov is a diligent fighter. He is an exemplary rider and loves horses. He really wants to become a machine gunner, but his Russian language is still difficult for him. At political classes, due to his poor knowledge of the Russian language, he is embarrassed to speak, although it is felt that he knows the material and correctly understands the events taking place. I assigned junior sergeant Komsomol member Kolesnikov to help him, so he taught him Russian. Pavel Porfiryevich immediately instructed the secretary of the Komsomol organization of the squadron, Sergeant Gridnev, to take patronage over Nuradilov and other Red Army soldiers who poorly knew the Russian language and help them. This is how my first acquaintance with Khanpasha Nuradilov took place. In the winter of 1940, the division's units summed up the results of a competition to conserve horsepower. I also had to participate in one of the commissions. We checked the horse composition of the 34th Cavalry Regiment. The regiment commander was Major Sergei Trofimovich Shmuylo, a competent officer and a lover of sports and horses to match his deputy for political affairs, Brikel. He meticulously let each squadron through. The commander of the machine gun squadron, Senior Lieutenant Kalchenko, was also there. “Are these horses?” he said to me, pointing to the horses of the 3rd squadron. - Now look at mine. I have a Chechen mount named Nuradplov, so he has four - not horses, but lions. The best in the squadron, you will see for yourself. - Which Nuradilov is this? Isn’t he the one who wants to become a machine gunner, but is not on good terms with the Russians? - I asked. - He is. How do you know him? I told him how I met Khanpasha. Kalchepko and I approached the machine gunners. I looked at Nuradilov. He already had a rather brave appearance, even as if he had grown up. Khanpasha continually stroked and preened his favorites, whispering to them something in Chechen. When I quietly asked platoon deputy commander Kuliev what he was whispering to the horses there, Kuliev smiled: “He asks them not to let him down.” That he will love them even more and take better care of them. At the brood, the Nuradilov four received high marks. To which Major General Maleev was stingy with praise, he could not stand it and said: “Comrade Shmuylo, we need to encourage this driver.” His horses are good, you can’t say anything. Kalchenko could not stand it and with a wide smile on his high-cheeked face came up to me again: “Well, what did I tell you?” We'll take first place. It's like drinking. Did you hear how Maleev praised my Nuradilov? But you yourself know that it won’t be long before you get gratitude from him. In the spring of 1941, regimental tactical exercises began. They practiced issues of oncoming combat, offensive and defensive. We usually conduct such exercises in the fall, but this year they began in the spring. Part of the units of the 34th Cavalry Regiment defended itself on the high-rises near the village of Draga. The main forces were advancing. During the training it was necessary to cover the left flank of the attackers. Brikel made a decision: to deploy machine guns (regiment commander Shmuilo was absent and the regiment was commanded by Pavel Porfirievich) and suppress the “enemy’s” firing points. Nuradilov, like the other riders, was just waiting for this order. At full gait, Nuradilov’s cart rushed to the indicated place. He dashingly, at full gallop, turned the cart 360 degrees, and Kolesnikov was the first to open fire on the “enemy.” A few minutes later, the four, controlled by Nuradilov, moved the machine gun to another location. Nuradilov’s cart maneuvered at high speed, firing at the “enemy.” The work of Kolesnikov’s machine gun crew was observed by division commander Maleev and intermediaries. They praised the actions of the machine gunners. During the debriefing of the exercise, General Maleev especially emphasized the quick and skillful actions of the crew of Sergeant Kolesnikov and driver Nuradilov. He expressed gratitude to them. Once, in a conversation with Kalchenko, I asked: “Has Nuradilov learned to shoot a machine gun?” - You know, he turned out to be a capable guy. I studied the machine gun. The castle is disassembled and reassembled with closed eyes. Shoots well, even better than some machine gunners. I think maybe I’ll appoint him as number two. We had this conversation the day before the war. Lieutenant Devitt, Sergeant Kolesnikov, platoon commander Senior Sergeant Gridnev and his comrades in the machine gun platoon did a lot in training Nuradilov as a machine gunner. From the beginning of the war he became a regiment commander. P. P. Brikel. Our forced retreat from the border was accompanied by heavy rearguard battles. The division had to fight the fascists in different bridges - near Zlochev, Ternopol, Volochinsk, Kazatin, Kiev, in the Tarashchi area, on the Psel River, near Bogodukhov, Dergachi (in the Kharkov area). At the end of September 1941, the 34th Cavalry Regiment occupied defense in the area of ​​the village of Savintsy (on the Psel River west of Poltava). At that time I had to be in the regiment. In the morning, heavy artillery shelling began from the enemy. Then the Germans went on the offensive in large forces, with tanks moving ahead. The regiment found itself semi-surrounded and suffered serious losses. Brikel ordered the units to withdraw to the eastern bank of the Psel River, across which there was only a bridge; It caught fire due to the bombing. The Germans were pressing. At this time we saw a machine-gun car rushing across the bridge. It was difficult to make out who was driving the horses - smoke and dust got in the way. But the daredevil safely broke through the bridge, which was burning in several places. In the evening, Marakhoev and I were in a machine-gun squadron. Kalchenko said that during the enemy attack the regiment was cut into two parts. The situation was very dangerous. Minutes decided. Nuradilov came to the rescue. He loaded two machine guns onto the cart, laid down two wounded men and rushed to the bridge at full speed. He miraculously arrived and remained unharmed. When Brikel learned about this, he immediately ordered that Khanpasha be presented for a reward. Having returned, I told the senior battalion commissar Magomet Akhmetovich Britaev about this feat in the political department. He listened to me carefully and said: “We need to keep a record of the heroic deeds of the Kotovites, write it down in Nuradilov’s notebook.” This incident must be noted in the political report to the head of the political department of the corps. Which I willingly did. In early November, our division was withdrawn from the battle for replenishment and rest. We are located in the town of Budyonny, Voronezh region. Here I was once talking with the political instructor of the machine gun squadron, Bochkov, and asked Nuradilov. The political instructor immediately perked up: “I’m thinking of talking to him about joining the party.” A good fighter: modest, hardworking, brave, and most importantly, persistent. He always strived to become a machine gunner. He really loves to tinker with a machine gun. The squadron commander transferred him as number two to Kolesnikov. I finally achieved my goal. I learned to speak Russian quite well. I'm glad that I was appointed machine gunner. After a short respite, on November 27, the 3rd Cavalry Division moved north to the area of ​​Kastornaya station. Here the division was included in the mobile group of the Southwestern Front, which was headed by Lieutenant General F. Ya. Kostenko. On December 6, 1941, the famous Yeletsk offensive operation began. Despite the severe cold, our cavalry energetically rushed into battle. The 34th Cavalry Regiment received the task of knocking out the Germans from the village of Zakharovka and continuing the offensive along the western bank of the Olym River in the direction of the village of Navesnoye. The cold drove the Germans into their huts. At night, dismounted squadrons approached the village from both sides. A night fight ensued. In this battle, the machine gunners especially distinguished themselves, and in particular Kolesnikov’s crew, which included Khanpasha Nuradilov. With their fire they cut off the Germans’ retreat to Alekseevka and Turchaninovo. Inflicted heavy losses on the enemy. In this battle, Kolesnikov died, and Nuradilov was wounded, but even wounded, he managed to repel a counterattack group of Nazis. Brikel's regiment in the battles for Zakharovna and Alekseevna defeated up to two battalions of the enemy's 95th Infantry Division. On December 16-17, Nuradilov acted no less successfully with his crew in the battles for the large village of Shatilovo, where he destroyed up to a hundred fascists and ensured that the regiment’s units reached the Yelets-Orel railway line. They spoke of him in the regiment as a brave and skillful machine gunner. For successful fighting In the Yeletsk operation, our 3rd Cavalry Division was transformed into the 5th Guards Cavalry Division named after G.I. Kotovsky, which was a high honor for us. This was the share of military labor of Khanpashi Nuradilov, who during the operation destroyed up to two hundred Nazis and captured over a dozen people, for which he was awarded the Order of the Red Star, appointed to the post of commander of a machine gun squad and awarded the military rank of guard sergeant. It must be said that awarding a private with the order in 1941 was considered a very high award. So far there were few order bearers in the division. Almost the entire winter of 1942 we had to fight in the Oryol and then in the Kursk region. I remember this episode. In February, Brikel's 17th Guards Regiment received the task - together with units of the 1st Guards Rifle Division of General Russiyanov, to destroy an enemy base in the area of ​​Golovinka station (east of the city of Shchigry). In this operation, Brikel was entrusted with the task of covering the Shchigra-Cheremisinovo highway. At this time, the Germans began to move large forces from Shchigry. A skirmish ensued. The Nazis pressed on. The squadrons retreated. Nuradilov was ordered to remain in place and cover the retreat of the squadrons with fire. And the sergeant and his crew brilliantly coped with the task. When he ran out of ribbons, he left his partner Fedorov at the Maxim, while he crawled to the dead Germans and collected cartridges. Here Nuradplov killed up to 150 fascists. In March 1942, we began fighting on the Northern Donets (northeast of Kharkov). The 17th regiment advanced on the village of Bayrak. The enemy snapped loudly. Nuradilov's machine gun squad was assigned to the 2nd squadron of Senior Lieutenant Ryzhkov. When the squadron almost reached the village, an enemy machine gun hit it. He fired from a bunker. Nuradilov understood well that you couldn’t suppress a bunker with a Maxim. He sent a soldier with grenades. He didn't make it - he died. The second fighter also died. Then Khanpasha crawled himself. He crawled up to the bunker with reverse side , choosing the right moment, threw two grenades into the embrasure, one after another. The bunker fell silent. This helped Ryzhkov break into Bayrak. Soon, enemy infantry headed towards the height where Nuradilov was located. Khanpasha allowed the Germans to come within 100 meters and shot them almost completely. For the battles near Kharkov he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. He served as assistant platoon commander, but in fact commanded the platoon. Machine gunner Nuradilov blocked the enemy’s path near Olkhovatka, Valuyki, Kamenka, and on the Don. At the end of August 1942, the 5th Guards Cavalry Division, having crossed the Doi in the area of ​​the village of Bukanovskaya, began fierce battles with the Nazis on the distant approaches to Stalingrad. The 17th Guards Cavalry Regiment received the task of capturing heights 217.4, 220.0, preventing the Germans from breaking through to Serafimovich and the Don crossings. The regiment had to face an officer's penal battalion, which firmly held the height of 217.4. He was helped to be knocked out by Nuradplov, who with two machine guns made his way to the rear and suppressed the firing points. At this time, squadrons struck from the front and successfully captured heights 217.4, and then 220.0. In early September, exceptionally heavy booms flared up in this direction. On September 1 alone we had to repel 38 tanks and up to an infantry regiment. On September 12, a strong battle began in the morning. The situation was complicated by the fact that the enemy had penetrated the defenses of the 17th and 22nd regiments, threatening to encircle them. At this critical moment, Nuradilov appeared with his “maxims” on the slopes of an unnamed height. With well-aimed bursts, he mowed down up to a hundred fascists and forced the Nazis to turn back. At this time, Khanpasha was wounded in the leg, but remained in service. The enemy opened heavy fire before a new attack. I had to change positions. II when the Germans came again, Nuradilov met them with destructive fire. The enemy could not withstand well-aimed bursts and rolled back. A mine exploded near Nuradilov. A shrapnel hit my chest. The wound turned out to be fatal. The comrades carefully loaded the hundred onto the cart, but on the way to the medical battalion Khanpasha died. Thus, the life of a wonderful patriot of the Motherland, a brave machine gunner, guard sergeant Khanpashi Nuradilov was interrupted. He selflessly fought against his hated enemy. He accounted for 920 destroyed Nazis, 12 prisoners, 7 captured machine guns. When the death of Nuradilov was reported to the commander of the guard division, General N.S. Chepurkin, he ordered the urgent preparation of material for awarding him the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. - It’s a pity for Nuradilov, he was a good machine gunner, just a talented machine gunner. “Everything possible must be done to ensure that Nuradilov’s feat becomes the property of the entire division, so that Nuradilov becomes for everyone an example of fulfilling his military duty, courage and ability to beat the enemy,” said the general. We issued a leaflet in the division, albeit typewritten, which spoke about the heroic exploits of Nuradilov and that he was nominated for the title of Hero. Later, a leaflet was published by the political department of the corps dedicated to Khanpasha Nuradilov. On October 21, 1942, the newspaper “Red Army” published a large article “The Valiant Knight of Our Fatherland” by M. Guseinov, and on October 31, the newspaper “Izvestia” published an article by M. Ruzov “Son of the Caucasus.” We kept these newspapers for a long time; we used them to carry out political information. On the eve of the Battle of Stalingrad, the Political Directorate of the Don Front published a leaflet-appeal, which spoke of Khanpash Nuradilov as a knight of the Fatherland, a mountain eagle, who destroyed up to 920 fascists with his machine gun. This document had great importance in the education of frontline soldiers, raising their fighting spirit, selflessly fulfilling their military duty to the Motherland, to the Soviet people. Nuradilov was buried with military honors in a mass grave in the village of Bukanovskaya, Stalingrad region. The homeland highly appreciated the military exploits of Khanpashi Nuradilov. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 17, 1943, he was posthumously awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The name of the brave guardsman-machine gunner Khanpashi Nuradilov is carved on one of the slabs of the monument-ensemble in Volgograd. His life and exploits should always serve as an example for our youth.


Nuradilov Khanpasha was born in 1924 in the village of Yaryksu-Aukh (sources erroneously indicate the place of birth as Minai-Tugai) in the Khasavyurt region of the Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. He was the third child in the Aukhov peasant family of Nuradil and Gizaru. Chechen by nationality, representative of the Chentiy Taipa (The award list erroneously states Azerbaijani).

The place in Yaryksu-Aukh where the Nuradilovs’ house was (not preserved due to the expulsion of the Chechens in 1944)
In 1926, the father of the family, Nuradil, died, and in 1927, the mother Gizaru. The boys were left orphans.
In 1930, the brothers Hunkarpasha, Mukhtarpasha and Khanpasha moved from the village of Yaryksu-Aukh to the neighboring village of Minay-Tugai to live with relatives.

The eldest of the brothers, Hunkarpasha, went to Khasavyurt and tried to start an independent life, realizing that it was already difficult for his relatives. Soon Khanpasha went to primary school village of Minai-Tugai.

Mukhtarpasha went to study at the foreman course in the village. Yurt-Aukh (now the village of Kalininaul). Some time later, Mukhtarpasha arranged for Khanpasha to go to a boarding school in the village. Aktash-Aukh (now the village of Leninaul) so that it was as close to it as possible.
In 1936, the brothers Mukhtarpasha and Khanpasha moved to the oil refinery base of the Grozny - Makhachkala oil pipeline in the Khasavyurt region on the Baku-Rostov highway (later DUP Novolakskoe RTP), the brothers were allocated a room in the oil pumping dormitory.

The eldest, Mukhtarpasha, worked at an oil depot. Khanpash’s young brother began to look after the cattle and horses of the oil pumping workers.
In 1938, Mukhtarpasha was drafted into the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. Not knowing what to do with the young Khanpasha, Mukhtarpasha, on the advice of the oil depot workers, brought a certificate about Khanpasha from the Minai-Tugai village council, adding 2 years to his age. So, 14-year-old Khanpasha (16-year-old according to the certificate) began working first as an oil worker, and then as an assistant driver at the base.
Mukhtarpasha Nuradilov took part in the Soviet-Finnish winter campaign of 1939-1940, was seriously wounded, spent several months in the country's hospitals and was demobilized in the fall of 1940.

Khanpasha Nuradilov, seeing the example of his older brother, also aspired to join the Red Army, but he did not reach conscription age and was refused several times. And yet, after repeated “trips” to the military commissariat of Khasavyurt, he achieved his goal - on October 23, 1940, he was sent to the 34th cavalry regiment of the 3rd Bessarabian cavalry division named after G.I. Kotovsky, where he was appointed to the position of a riding machine-gun crew .
From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, the 34th Cavalry Regiment found itself in the combat zone. From the very beginning, Khanpasha Nuradilov showed himself to be a determined, courageous and resourceful soldier. He received his first baptism of fire in battles in Ukraine, beyond the Dnieper.

Since December 1941, Khanpasha became the number one machine gun crew. Started Yelets operation. During the battle near the Ukrainian village of Zakharovka, left alone, Khanpasha Nuradilov destroyed 120 fascists and captured 7.
By order of the troops of the Southwestern Front No. 12 of December 29, 1941, on behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Khanpasha Nuradilov was awarded the Order of the Red Star and was given the rank of sergeant. In December 1941, the 3rd Cavalry Division was awarded the title "Guards" and it became known as: "5th Guards Cavalry Division named after G.I. Kotovsky", and the 34th Cavalry. The regiment in which Nuradilov served became known as the “17th Guards Regiment.”
At the beginning of January 1942, during an attack on the village of Tolstoy, Comrade Nuradilov destroyed 50 fascists and suppressed 4 enemy machine guns. They wrote about this feat at the time: “You had to see this heroic machine gunner in battle in order to understand and appreciate all the greatness of Khanpasha’s mighty soul.”

In February 1942, during a night battle on the outskirts of the village of Shchigry, Nuradilov’s crew broke down. Khanpasha Nuradilov, covering the retreat of his comrades, he remained behind the machine gun and destroyed 200 fascists in front of the soldiers. Having been wounded twice, he left the battlefield only after the order of the squadron commander.
In March 1942, in a battle near the village of Bayrak Khanpasha, Nuradilov destroyed 300 fascists, while capturing 5 prisoners along with a machine gun.
For the courage and fearlessness shown in battles, Khanpasha Nuradilov was awarded a second award - the Order of the Red Banner of Battle.
At the end of August 1942, on the approaches to Stalingrad, units of the Red Army fought heavy defensive battles against superior enemy forces. Fierce battles broke out, in particular, near the village of Bukanovskaya for height 220, which dominated the entire front. The 5th Guards Cavalry Division named after G. Kotovsky was opposed by large fascist forces and the height changed hands several times.

On August 27, 1942, having chosen a successful position at an altitude of 220.0 (Chepelev Kurgan), Khanpasha Nuradilov accurately struck the enemy with machine gun fire. The enraged enemy brought down fire from three mortar batteries on the defenders of the height. A mine that exploded nearby seriously wounded Khanpasha, but even after that he continued the unequal battle. He released the trigger of the machine gun, losing consciousness, having managed to say: “Take my machine gun.” Comrades who arrived in time carried the hero-machine gunner from the battlefield, but on the way to the medical battalion of the village of Bukanovskaya, he died. IN last battle Khanpasha destroyed more than 250 fascists.
On August 28, 1942, Khanpasha Nuradilov was buried as a Hero next to a mass grave in a separate grave in the village of Bukanovskaya. At the meeting, the commander of the 17th Guards Cavalry Regiment P.P. gave a fiery speech. Brikel, who spoke of Khanpasha’s feat like this: “Mountain eagle! He loved to sing songs. Years will pass and the happy youth of Checheno-Ingushetia, the girls of the Don, the boys of Ukraine will sing songs about guard sergeant Khanpash Nuradilov!”

Soon after the death of Khanpashi Nuradilov, the Political Directorate of the Don Front released a leaflet with a portrait of the hero, setting his exploits as an example to all soldiers of the Red Army.
The country highly appreciated the exploits of our fellow countryman. By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated April 17, 1943, Khanpasha Nuradilov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal. The Soviet government issued a special postage stamp with a portrait of the hero-machine gunner Khanpashi Nuradilov.

In the village of Bukanovskaya they carefully honor the memory of the Caucasian Hero.

The name of Khanpashi Nuradilov is immortalized in the names of cultural and educational institutions, enterprises and streets, in monuments and memorial signs in the cities and villages of Chechnya and Dagestan. On the Mamayev Kurgan - a symbol of the perseverance and courage of the peoples of our country - the name of the Hero of the Soviet Union is forever carved in gold letters on a marble slab.
The example of dedication and fearlessness, love for one’s Motherland, demonstrated by the true son of his people Khanpasha Nuradilov, will remain a role model for many, many generations of young people.


Combat characteristics

against the senior sergeant of the machine gun squadron Nuradilov Khanpasha Nuradilovich
Comrade Nuradilov was born in 1920, comes from poor peasants, and is a collective farmer by social status. Candidate of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), in the Red Army since 1940, Chechen by nationality.
Participating in the Patriotic War in the fight against the German occupiers, Comrade Nuradilov showed himself in battle to be a true hero, an exceptionally brave, courageous and courageous machine gunner.
In March 1942, in a battle near the village of Bayrak, he destroyed more than 150 fascists with his machine gun. Being wounded, he continued to fire at the enemy. He left the battlefield only on the orders of the squadron commander.
After recovery, Comrade Nuradilov returned to his regiment to continue the fight against fascism. In August 1942, across the Don River, he destroyed up to 200 fascists. In this battle on August 28, he was mortally wounded by an enemy bullet and died the death of the brave as a hero. During the entire period of hostilities, Comrade Nuradilov destroyed more than 900 fascists, and was twice awarded government awards. The command of the unit presented Comrade Nuradilov with the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
Military Commissar of the Guards Cavalry Regiment.


Submitted for conferment of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal:
Sergeant Nuradilov Khanpasha Nuradilovich commander of a machine gun platoon of the 5th Guards Cavalry Division. Born in 1920, in the Red Army since 1940.
In the first battle near the village of Zakharovka, Comrade Nuradilov, remaining one of his crew, being wounded, stopped the advance of the German chains, destroying 120 Germans with his machine gun, and took 7 Germans prisoner. In January 1942, during an attack on the village of Tolstoy, Comrade Nuradilov alone moved ahead of everyone, clearing the way for our infantry with his machine gun. In this battle he destroyed 50 fascists and suppressed 4 enemy machine guns. For this feat he was awarded the Order of the Red Star and was given the rank of sergeant.
In February 1942, during the battles for the village of Shchigry, Nuradilov’s crew broke down, wounded in the arm, he remained behind the machine gun and exterminated 200 fascists in front of the soldiers.
In the spring of 1942, during the attack on the village of Bayrak, with grenades in his pocket, he voluntarily went to destroy fascist firing points. He destroyed several such points and brought five captured Germans. Soon the Germans launched an attack on the area where Nuradilov’s machine gun was located. Having brought the enemy column within 100 meters, he shot it all.
For this battle, Nuradilov was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.
September 1942. During the fighting in the area of ​​​​the city of Serafimovichi, Nuradilov commanded a machine gun platoon. While he was bandaging his wounded leg, the Germans launched a counterattack. He himself lays down behind the machine gun and mows down the Nazis, destroying 250 enemies and 2 machine guns. After the battle, on the way to the medical battalion, Nuradilov died from severe wounds.
In total, Nuradilov destroyed 920 fascists, captured 7 enemy machine guns and personally captured 12 fascists.
Commander of the Central Front troops, Colonel General
Member of the Military Council, Major General Telegin,
April 8, 1943.

DECREE of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR

On conferring the title of Hero of the Soviet Union
commanding and rank and file of the Red Army
For the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the German invaders" and the courage and heroism shown at the same time, to be awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal:
5. Sergeant Nuradilov Khanpasha Nuradilovic.
Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR M. KALININ.
Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR A. GORKIN.
Moscow, Kremlin, April 17, 1943.
“Grozny worker”, April 20, 1943.

Political Directorate of the Central Front, Department - Active Red Army.
Field mail No. 28
April 25, 1943
Secretary of the Chechen-Ingush Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
Secretary of the Chechen-Ingush Regional Committee of the Komsomol
Please accept warm congratulations from the front Komsomol members on conferring the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on the valiant son of the Chechen-Ingush people, Khanpasha Nuradilov.
We ask you to congratulate on our behalf the family of the hero and the youth of Checheno-Ingushetia.
Comrade's feat Nuradilov, a graduate of the Lenin-Stalin Komsomol, is a shining example of courage, selfless service to the Motherland and the ability to beat the enemy for Soviet youth. Komsomol members of the front sacredly preserve the military glory of Khanpasha, learn from his example to live and fight.
We assure you that in the upcoming decisive battles with German fascist invaders Komsomol front-line soldiers will be worthy of their fighting friend, Hero of the Soviet Union Khanpashi Nuradilov.
Pom. Head of the Centerfront PU for work among the Komsomol

Nuradilov Islam

This post will introduce us to the feat of the Red Army soldier Khanpashi Nuradilov, who during the Great Patriotic War destroyed more than 900 Nazis, thereby immortalizing his name in the history of his country.

In the footsteps of Chapaev

Khanpasha Nuradilov was born on July 6, 1924 in the Dagestan village of Minay-Togai (now the village of Gamiakh, Novolaksky district). He was the youngest of three brothers in the family. The Nuradilov brothers lost their parents early. Khanpasha graduated from primary school, and his middle brother, when he joined the army, gave him a job workplace- an oil worker at an oil well. For this purpose, the teenager was given two extra years on his age certificate. In October 1940, Nuradilov was drafted into the Red Army. He wanted to serve so much that in his application form for the military registration and enlistment office he credited himself with two more years. Therefore, according to the documents, it turned out that he was born in 1920. In the army, Khanpasha immediately asked to join the cavalry - since childhood he had been raving about the film “Chapaev”. He was taken as a cart driver in the 34th Cavalry Regiment. Nuradilov found himself at the front in the very first days of the Great Patriotic War. Soon he received his first award - the medal "For Courage": under fire he transported the wounded from one bank of the river to the other. Then he was appointed commander of a machine gun crew in the 17th Guards Cavalry Regiment of the 5th Guards Cavalry Division.

Machine gunner's head

The German troops were advancing. In December 1941, Nuradilov’s unit received an order to hold the defense in the village of Zakharovka near Donetsk. On December 6, the Germans began a massive shelling of the Red Army positions, then the infantry moved on the offensive... All of Khanpasha’s comrades died in battle, and he himself was wounded. The young man decided to continue the fight and opened fire on the enemy. He managed to stop the advance. Having wounded 120 fascists and captured 7 more, Nuradilov returned to duty. His commanders were amazed at how a wounded soldier managed to cope with a machine gun alone... Nuradilov accomplished his second feat in January 1942, during the counteroffensive Soviet troops. His unit was located near the village of Tolstoy. The conditions were harsh: frost and high snowdrifts. The enemy stubbornly held the defense. Khanpasha walked ahead of the infantry and fired at the German trenches with a machine gun. Single-handedly he killed fifty fascists and four machine-gun crews. For this, the command subsequently nominated the young soldier to the Order of the Red Star and promoted him to the rank of sergeant. In February, the division was transferred to Kursk. During a battle in the small settlement of Shchigry, Nuradilov was wounded in the arm, and his machine gun malfunctioned. However, this time he managed to kill 200 Nazis. Two months later, the machine gunner destroyed another 300 fascists near the village of Bayrak and received another Order of the Red Banner. Legends began to be made about Khanpash Nuradilov, all the newspapers wrote about him, his name thundered on all fronts... But people also learned about him German command. They say that a reward of several tens of thousands of Reichsmarks was put on the head of the indomitable machine gunner.

Last Stand

In September 1942, Nuradilov commanded a machine gun platoon near Stalingrad. On September 12, in a battle near the suburb of Serafimovich, on the Chepelevy Kurgan (the famous height 220.0 on the left bank of the Don River), he was seriously wounded. Despite this, he managed to destroy 250 fascist soldiers and two machine guns. However, this battle was the last for the sergeant. Khanpasha Nuradilov died from his wounds on the way to the medical battalion and was buried in the square in the center of the village of Bukanovskaya, Kumylzhensky district Volgograd region. On October 21, 1942, an article about Nuradilov was published in the front-line newspaper “Red Army”. It said: “The valiant knight of our Fatherland. Immortal hero of the Caucasus, son of the sun, eagle of eagles, fighter Khanpasha Nuradilov, who killed nine hundred and twenty enemies.” On April 17, 1943, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Nuradilov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. He was also posthumously awarded the Order of Lenin. In 1944 it was published Postage Stamp with the image of Nuradilov. After the war, several streets in different localities were named after him, and poems and plays were dedicated to him. In 1986, the Azerbaijanfilm film studio released Feature Film“At seventeen boyish years”, telling about the heroism of Nuradilov. In April 2008, a monument to the hero was inaugurated in his home village of Gamiya. On the Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd there is a memorial plaque to Khanpashi Nuradilov. The Chechen State Theater also bears his name.

The German troops were advancing. In December 1941, Nuradilov’s unit received an order to hold the defense in the village of Zakharovka near Donetsk. On December 6, the Germans began a massive shelling of the Red Army positions, then the infantry moved on the offensive... All of Khanpasha’s comrades died in battle, and he himself was wounded. The young man decided to continue the fight and opened fire on the enemy. He managed to stop the advance. Having wounded 120 fascists and captured 7 more, Nuradilov returned to duty. His commanders were amazed at how the wounded soldier managed to handle a machine gun alone...

Nuradilov accomplished his second feat in January 1942, during the counter-offensive of the Soviet troops. His unit was located near the village of Tolstoy. The conditions were harsh: frost and high snowdrifts. The enemy stubbornly held the defense. Khanpasha walked ahead of the infantry and fired at the German trenches with a machine gun. Single-handedly he killed fifty fascists and four machine-gun crews. For this, the command subsequently nominated the young soldier to the Order of the Red Star and promoted him to the rank of sergeant.

In February, the division was transferred to Kursk. During a battle in the small settlement of Shchigry, Nuradilov was wounded in the arm, and his machine gun malfunctioned. However, this time he managed to kill 200 Nazis. Two months later, the machine gunner destroyed another 300 fascists near the village of Bayrak and received another Order of the Red Banner.

Legends began to be made about Khanpash Nuradilov, all newspapers wrote about him, his name thundered on all fronts... But the German command also learned about him. They say that a reward of several tens of thousands of Reichsmarks was put on the head of the indomitable machine gunner.



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