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Characteristics for admission to the cadets. Some socio-psychological characteristics of the Suvorov School

Psychological characteristics of a 4th grade student

……………. Dmitry

residing at …………………………..

Dmitry is studying at MBOU ……………………. from grade 2.

Physical development corresponds to the age norm. Tired after prolonged exertion. An adequate change of mood is noted: stable in the manifestation of mood, the processes of excitation and inhibition are balanced.

In grades 2-4, he does very well. He also studies English. Attends the karate section.

Dima's interests are focused on educational activities and achievements in the field of sports. Has a high level of academic motivation. In the class, he performs the public assignment of the fizorg, he treats its implementation conscientiously and responsibly. Actively participates in the social affairs of the class and school. Participates in the extracurricular life of the school. Hardworking, willingly takes on any work, tries to do it well and on time. Polite, tactful with seniors and classmates, often helps classmates in resolving conflicts that arise.

Modest, does not show off his merits, but shares his achievements with classmates and friends. He is confident in himself and his abilities, he can ask for help if necessary. Has a low level of anxiety. Adequately relates to criticism addressed to him, correctly reacts to it.

Can make responsible decisions. He knows how to deal with his emotions. Self-confident, calm, stable, able to control himself, interests are permanent. Risk averse. High self-control, good understanding of social norms. Sociable, friendly. Enjoys authority in the class team, takes the place of the leader. Most classmates reckon with his opinion, trust, sympathize.

Has a high level of development of attention, with prolonged performance of the task, fatigue appears and the level of attention decreases. Listens attentively enough to the teacher in the lesson, rarely gets distracted. Dima's visual memory is better developed, auditory memory is quite developed. When memorizing, it relies not only on mechanical memory, but also on logical memory. High degree of formation of intellectual functions. Verbal-logical thinking prevails. Understands educational material quickly enough, solves problems faster than many. Lively, moderately active in all spheres of school life. Usually calm, emotional outbursts are rare, emotionally balanced. Shows a lively emotional adequate reaction to events.

According to the pro-orientation diagnostics, Dima has versatile inclinations, but he is most interested in activities related to the mathematical and technical direction, physical culture and natural science.

Teacher-psychologist N.D. Yunatskaya

Characteristics - a document that reflects the personal qualities of the child, his character traits, behavior style, attitude to learning and society. When transferring a student to another school or entering a lyceum, gymnasium, this document is required for quick and painless adaptation of the student in a new team. When accepting a new child into the class, the teacher has the opportunity to get acquainted with him/her in absentia according to the pedagogical characteristics from the old school. Therefore, this document must be properly prepared, reflect the main features of the child's personality, his habits, temperament, relationships in the family and the children's team, and more.

A characteristic for a student when transferring to another school is prepared by the class teacher, who has been observing him over the past years. A document is drawn up in one copy and transferred along with a personal file to another educational institution. The form of writing is arbitrary. The characteristic is signed by the class teacher and director and endorsed with a seal.

The scope of the characteristic is not defined, the main thing is the content: the information must be as accurate and truthful as possible. Basically, they try to fit data on one sheet of A4 format.

Approximate characteristic template for a student when transferring to another school

  • Child's personal information. Name, date of birth, class, school.
  • Studies. Attitude (conscious, with interest in certain subjects, often distracted, succeeding, lagging behind the program).
  • Behavior (active, mobile, has a closed character, restless, nervous, impulsive).
  • Social activity (has assignments, distinguished himself in competitions, olympiads, has organizational skills, is passive).
  • Relations with peers (friendly, enjoys authority, has no obvious friends).
  • Family. Her participation in school life (full-incomplete, parents actively participate in education, in the life of the class and school, have a trusting relationship, are indifferent, pay little attention).


for a student of 4th - __ class

20____ year of birth.

She has been studying at this school since ___ class. Mastered the program material at a high level.

______________ is a student with good abilities. She systematically conscientiously prepared for classes, was active in the lessons. The subjects of humanitarian and mathematical cycles are easily given to her. For a number of years, the girl was engaged in _________________________________________. __________ is characterized by conscientiousness, a sense of responsibility, the desire to comply with ethical standards, accuracy and accuracy in business. The girl has a good memory, sufficient vocabulary.

She has varied interests. She reads a lot of fiction and non-fiction. She is fond of dancing and draws well.

Maria took an active part in the social life of the class and the school. She was the initiator of various events.

The girl is kind and considerate. Knows how to convince, respects people, treats them kindly. Capable of empathy. It is easy to get close to people, it is characterized by softness and simplicity in communication. Enjoys authority among classmates, has many friends.

Self-critical, soberly assesses not only their successes, but also failures. She is not afraid to speak her mind openly. ____________ has many friends.

___________________ is a reliable, well-organized, responsible person. The girl is brought up in a complete family. Parents pay great attention to the upbringing and education of their daughter, systematically attend parent meetings, take an active part in the life of the class, keep in touch with the class teacher, and are interested in their daughter's success.


at school ___ 4 - ___ class

Schools No. ____


20___ year of birth.

She has been attending this school since _____ class. _________ - a capable student, however, is evenly engaged in all subjects, active in the classroom. He is characterized by sincerity and accuracy in business. He has established himself as a responsible, disciplined, hardworking student. Mastered the program material at a sufficient level. _________ has a developed sense of duty, he conscientiously treats the fulfillment of public assignments.

The boy is capable, has a good memory, logical thinking. He is interested in studying school subjects, remembers the educational material well and quickly, consciously and correctly performs the tasks of the teacher, notes in notebooks are always neat and clear, uses additional sources of information. He reads a lot, has a sufficient vocabulary, however, the reading technique is below the norm, his speech is expressive, clear, and computational skills are well developed.

By nature, _________ is a cheerful person, he is very energetic and restless.

The boy has varied interests. He is fond of sports, plays football well, plays music __________________, attends sports sections.

________ is a cheerful person, he has many friends, maintains good relations with classmates.

The child is brought up in a complete family. Parents pay attention to the upbringing and education of their son, systematically attend parent meetings, take an active part in the life of the class, keep in touch with the class teacher, and are interested in the success of their son. Mom ____________ is a member of the parent committee.

Head teacher ____________________

Classroom teacher ____________________


per student 4 - ___ class

Schools No. ___


20___ year of birth.

She has been studying at this school since ___ class. Masters the program material at an intermediate level. Does not study at full strength, does not show interest in acquiring new knowledge, requires constant monitoring by the teacher. In the classroom, mostly indifferent and passive, often distracted, the teacher performs the tasks with errors. Learning material is memorized slowly. The subjects of the mathematical cycle are easier, the more difficult - the humanities, especially the study of languages. Entries in notebooks are sloppy, allow many errors and corrections. Homework is not done systematically, because teacher control is necessary when writing assignments in a diary. The reading technique does not correspond to the norm - below, has an insufficient vocabulary.

Attends classes systematically, skipping only for a good reason. The boy attends a variety of clubs - music, dance, and sports.

By nature, ______________ is a kind, cheerful person, he is very energetic, cheerful, maintains good relations with classmates.

Has sufficient general physical development. Takes part in class life. Treat teachers and adults with respect. Follows the rules of conduct constantly, has no comments.

The child is brought up in a complete family. Parents pay attention to the upbringing and education of their son, attend parent-teacher meetings, take part in the life of the class, keep in touch with the class teacher, and are interested in the success of their son.

Head teacher ____________________

Classroom teacher _____________________


per student 4 - ___ class

Schools No. ___


20_____ year of birth.

She has been studying at this school since ___ class. Masters the program material at an intermediate level. He is characterized by sincerity in deeds. He has established himself as a responsible, disciplined, hardworking student.

____________ has a developed sense of duty, he conscientiously treats the fulfillment of public assignments. In the classroom, he is passive, does not show interest in obtaining new knowledge, requires constant monitoring by the teacher. Learning material is memorized slowly. The subjects of the mathematical cycle are easier, the more difficult - the humanities, especially the study of languages. Tasks are carried out systematically and in full. Reading technique is below the norm, has an insufficient vocabulary.

Attends classes systematically, skipping only for a good reason.

By nature, _____________ is a cheerful person, he is very energetic, cheerful, he has many friends, maintains good relations with classmates.

Has a good general physical development. Takes an active part in the life of the class. During the period of study, he repeatedly received diplomas for participation in creative competitions. Treat teachers and adults with respect. Follows the rules of conduct constantly, has no comments.

The child is brought up in a complete family. Parents pay attention to the upbringing and education of their son, systematically attend parent meetings, take an active part in the life of the class, keep in touch with the class teacher, and are interested in the success of their son. Mom _____________ is a member of the parent committee.

Head teacher ___________________

Classroom teacher ___________________

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Among the tasks with the parameters included in the profile USE in mathematics, a special class of tasks can be distinguished, which are almost impossible to solve with standard school methods. Often, the functions on the left and right sides of the equation have a fundamentally different nature, which does not allow the use of an analytical approach. And the complex form of these expressions makes plotting problematic. The way out in this situation can be a minimax method for solving problems with parameters, which relies on the use of monotonicity and boundedness of functions.

Some lessons may seem boring to children. And then discipline begins to suffer in the classroom, students quickly get tired and do not want to take part in the discussion.

Case-lessons were created to connect school learning knowledge with urgently needed competencies, such as creativity, systemic and critical thinking, purposefulness, and others.

Thanks to the cases, you can help the student to benefit and enjoy learning, to cope with his personal problems!

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In recent years, such a concept as cadet schools has become quite popular. And despite the fact that their history goes back to ancient times (as they have always been), their number has increased markedly over the past year. So, during the year, cadet classes were opened in 116 schools in Moscow. What is most surprising is that getting into these classes is not so easy, and the program here differs from a simple general education school. And it ends here only in the evening, because after the lessons the cadets still have a lot of things to do: they shoot at the shooting range, go in for sports, learn to waltz and much more. But for starters, it’s worth sorting out everything in order.

A bit of history

The word "cadet" itself is French, meaning "junior", "minor". Before the revolution in France, this was the name given to those young people who were accepted into the palace for military service, then became officers. So it can be said that, having become cadets, they laid the first stone in their officer profession.

In Russia, the first cadet corps appeared in the 18-19 centuries. But their life was short, as the October Revolution began, and the buildings were closed. And only after the Great Victory they reopened. And gradually, more and more cadet corps were added to all known Suvorov. And soon the idea came to open a cadet school, which was soon realized.

The emergence of schools

The very idea of ​​creating such schools arose recently, in 2014, when the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory was celebrated. The management, parents, and even schoolchildren liked the idea so much that it soon came to life and began to expand, enjoying wide popularity.

Cadet classes - what is it?

First of all, you need to understand what the cadet classes are. In fact, the characteristic of the cadet class is very simple: it is an elementary military-judicial institution, which also provides for the program of a secondary educational institution. But the main point of these institutions is that schoolchildren are trained and prepared to become military men.

Many may also be interested in what kind of cadet classes there are. Today, cadets (as students of cadet classes are called) are recruited from the 7th grade. But there is also a cadet corps from the 5th grade. We can say that there are practically no restrictions here. Although many opponents complain and argue that it is wrong to collect children of 11 years old (from the fifth grade), since the program in these schools is very complex and tough. But nothing is done just like that, the curriculum is completely tailored to the age of the children. From this it follows that the 5th grade (cadet) is preparation for more serious activities. That is why children perceive cadet classes as a kind of game at the very beginning of their education.

But still, schools that enroll students in corps (cadet) after the 9th grade are very popular.

By what criteria are cadets recruited?

In fact, not everyone is able to enter the cadet class. A child can become a cadet who:

  • Physical healthy.
  • Good student.

Before the child enters the classroom, he undergoes a complete examination. But as you know, there are exceptions to every rule: those children, one of whose parents is a military man, get into cadet classes out of turn, and this also applies to those whose parent died during the execution of a military order. For the rest, there is a strict selection. Since cadet classes are distinguished by their workload, both physically and educationally.

Structure of cadet classes

Since this phenomenon is new to the people, there is a need to understand the structure of the cadet classes. In fact, it differs in everything from the general education school to which everyone is accustomed.

First of all, it is important to understand that there are different forms of Kadetism.

Cadet corps

They are subordinate to the Ministry of Defense. This type is a boarding house, from where the child can return home only after receiving a leave of absence. In these buildings, the curriculum is nothing but the orders of the Department of Defense.

cadet schools

This type is already subordinate to the Department of Education, to put it simply, it is a kind of general education institution in which students, in addition to general subjects, also learn military training. In cadet schools, children wear special uniforms and follow an organized daily routine. In this case, the children return home in the evenings. And what is most interesting, children can be recruited there, starting from

Differences between cadet classes and secondary school

The cadet classes emphasize history. In them, students study this subject in depth. This is a rule for each school, and as for the study of other subjects, everything depends on the institution, which has the right to independently compose it. But basically, in cadet schools, priority is given to such subjects as mathematics, physics, foreign languages.

Today there are cadet classes (in Moscow) for boys, for girls and mixed.

Also, these schools differ from others in that after the lessons are over, the cadets march in formationto the canteen, and after dinner they do not go home, as is the case in ordinary schools, but for drill training. Yes, and the classes themselves are called a platoon here, and the headman is called the commander. After the cadets begin additional courses, which include:

  • Shooting range.
  • Dancing.
  • Courses of military translators.
  • Sambo.

After that, they are given the command "At ease, disperse."This means that the children can return home. Little cadets do not return home until seven in the evening.

Already from the above, it becomes clear that the program here is very difficult, and not every child can withstand such loads.

Among other things, platoons are divided into sections. And the most authoritative and disciplined Cadets can becomeplatoon foreman, and then squad leaders. Cadets have a special uniform, official address and motto: "To God - the soul, life - to the fatherland, duty - to oneself, honor - to no one."

Should I send my child to a cadet school?

Naturally, learning in this mode is not suitable for everyone. And here the point is not even the burden of education itself, but the fact that in cadet schools children live like soldiers. They have 3 sets of uniforms that exclude any manifestation of individual style. The Cadets march everywhere in formation, with them every day beginning and ending with drill training.

Of course, each parent decides for himself whether his child needs such a disciplined way of life from childhood. It is a fact that cadet classes make children more responsible, more prepared for life. After studying in such schools, children can set themselves a task, plan and, following the intended goal, reach the desired result.

The children themselves most often like this military way, they are happy to do drills, learn the basics of military service. And after a certain age it becomes a part of their life and is perceived as something natural.

In fact, cadets are not only prepared for military life or the army, but they are also taught to be decent, disciplined, able to forgive and help those in need.

But there is another important point here: parents need to remember that military education is a special kind of thinking. And a child, studying in this environment from childhood, may simply not get alongwith other children and even with his family. Therefore, cadet classes for girls are less popular than for boys.

But despite all this, every year the number of people wishing to get into the cadet classes is growing and growing. Naturally, this is the desire in most cases of parents. And there is a reasonable explanation for this:

  • If parents decide and want their child to receive and continue military education.
  • If parents want to raise a real man, a patriot.
  • If parents notice that their child is more disciplined, diligent, and other children in the class interfere with him and distract him.
  • And perhaps the most common case: that fidget child who needs rigor and discipline is sent to a cadet school. Such children are easily re-educated, and after that even parents are surprised at the positive changes in their children.

Why is their number growing so fast?

Among all the pluses that are given above, it became clear why cadet classes have become so popular. The numbers speak for themselves: since 2014, cadet classes (St. Petersburg) have opened their doors to 50,000 future cadets.

Many do not like the fact that only children with Moscow registration can study in Moscow cadet schools. But everyone likes the fact that education is free here. The parent pays only for the form.

Yes, and in recent years it has become popular, and after graduating from the cadet class, a child can easily enter a military school, and it will be much easier for him, since he is already accustomed to the regime, he knows the basics of military affairs. More than 75% of students in cadet classes enter military schools and continue to build a career.

Despite the fact that the requirements here are very high, a cadet can still move to another class if he has any problems.

To send a child to a cadet school or not is a purely personal matter, but one thing is most important. Before you decide on something, ask your child's opinion. Do not force him to do what he does not want, especially what he cannot.



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