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Ideas for village development. What profitable business can you open in a village?

The difficulties associated with finding work in the village makes many of its residents think about the issue of opening a business that will make a profit. Garden Garden, household- all of the above can be an excellent start for a business, which can subsequently provide a comfortable future for the whole family. The choice of one type of activity or another directly depends on personal funds, remoteness of the village and other factors. So, how to open your own business from scratch? Our ideas will help you without investment, which are very easy to implement in the village. In this article we will tell you about various ideas rural business in details.

Pros and cons of business in the village

Possible ways of self-realization for women

It’s clear how to start your own business from scratch without money in a village. In this case, you must definitely work hard. Ladies who live in the village can also earn good money. Many village women are excellent at various handicrafts. Favorite hobby if desired, you can turn it into profitable business. Buyers from large cities love to purchase all kinds of products self made made using natural materials. You can offer clients down scarves, shawls, tablecloths, towels, linen, blankets, hand-woven lace, etc. With excellent demand for these products, a needlewoman can earn up to 15-20 thousand rubles monthly.

Women can also start growing flowers for their further sale. Those people who personally own a dacha or garden plot are in great demand for perennial crops of German, Dutch, and Polish selection: roses, lilies, dahlias, chrysanthemums. It is quite possible to grow the listed plant species from seeds, using open ground and greenhouses. Profits from floriculture range from 15,000 thousand rubles monthly. The simplest and most popular product is homemade products. You can use products grown at your own dacha, or purchase surplus from your neighbors.

At home, you can easily prepare various marinades and pickles, make jams, preserves, marmalade, confitures and other sweets. With these products you can earn up to 15,000 thousand rubles every month.

Ideas for creating a business in a village from scratch for retirees

A great business idea for retirees living in the village is beekeeping. An apiary will require an initial investment from a businessman. However, they will not be very large. You will need to buy equipment and bees. Start arranging the hives. It is worth noting that the productivity of the apiary is very high. This business is seasonal, but despite this, summer time completely pays for the winter rest period. An apiary will cost an entrepreneur approximately 90-100 thousand rubles. The first profit can be obtained in 3-4 years. A beekeeper can earn about 30,000 thousand rubles monthly during the season.

Those retired men who are excellent at working with their hands can start making furniture and various decorative items. Various carved stools, shelves, and serving tables are usually made to order or sold at various fairs. This type of business can bring an entrepreneur up to 15-20 thousand rubles monthly.

Retired women can start knitting rag rugs, weaving wicker baskets, felting felt boots, and drying fruits and vegetables collected from the forest or their own garden. this work takes up a lot of free time. But it can be a good source of income.

What type of business can you open in a village in winter?

In winter, life in many villages comes to a standstill. But, despite this, it is in winter that you can make good money by making all kinds of household items and handicrafts. During the winter months, all kinds of knitted items sell well: socks, scarves, scarves, as well as various New Year's souvenirs. With the active sale of these products, it is quite possible to earn from 10,000 thousand rubles every month.

Farmers and owners of personal plots should choose a promising greenhouse business. They are in great demand among many buyers various flowers: indoor, garden. Having started growing them in one greenhouse and receiving a good profit, in the future it will be possible to expand your own farm. Arrangement winter greenhouse will cost approximately 100,000 thousand rubles. Income will range from 15-20 thousand rubles if these products are sold through the market and retail chains.

Business ideas in the field of rural production

Agricultural production is best created on the basis of a personal farm or household plot. The most successful examples:

Meat shop for the production of stewed meats, sausages, and various smoked meats. Homemade delicacies made from beef, pork, poultry, and rabbit meat are in great demand among buyers. The shelf life of such products is much longer, in contrast to fresh meat. Yes, and the markup is higher. To work, you will need to purchase special equipment: a smokehouse, a sausage stuffing machine, a meat grinder. All of the equipment listed can be purchased on credit or leased. A meat shop will cost an entrepreneur about 80,000 thousand rubles. And real income can range from 30-40 thousand rubles.

Mini cheese factory. Soft homemade cheese can be made from goat, cow or sheep milk. In the production of this product, we use both milk purchased from local villagers and our own raw materials obtained from our personal farmstead. There are many different types of cheeses you can make at home. These products are well bought by small shops or catering establishments. By purchasing a mini-cheese factory for only 40-50 thousand rubles, it is quite possible to earn up to 30,000 thousand rubles every month.

Workshop for the production of down and feather products. From raw materials obtained on your own farm or purchased elsewhere, you can make feather beds, pillows, blankets, down jackets, baby envelopes, etc.

Processing of skins of small and large livestock. Dressing of fur skins. As a rule, this production can be located on your own farm. It is much more profitable to sell processed skins, as opposed to delivering raw materials to wholesalers.

You can also start making homemade preserves, freezing berries, fruits, and vegetables. In prepackaged colorful bags, these products will look much more attractive. And the markup on it is higher. To organize this production, you will need special equipment designed for printing on bags, packaging and packaging.


Now you can find out what kind of business you can open in the village from scratch. To avoid financial losses, it is best to act gradually. Also great importance has sales of products. There is no need to limit yourself to selling goods on the market. Selling goods through wholesale centers, retail food chains, cooperatives, and restaurants can help increase profits. The Internet is also a good help in this matter. By creating a personal website and online store, any rural resident can increase the demand for their goods. Take into account all our advice and then everything will work out for you.

Difficulties in finding work in rural areas force villagers to think about alternative income-generating activities. A vegetable garden, a garden, livestock - all this can be the start of a business, providing a comfortable existence for the whole family. The choice of field of activity depends on the availability free money, region, remoteness of the village and many other factors.

So, how to start your own business from scratch? Ideas without investment in the village are contained in this article!

Business for rural residents can be divided into two areas:

  1. Business for the village population. Suitable for large settlements.
  2. Business focused on foreign markets. Its audience may live in other localities and even in other countries.

This direction is the most promising and it is worth betting on it.

Among the advantages of running your own business in the village:

  • low competition;
  • tax breaks for farmers;
  • income from private household plots is not subject to taxes;
  • it is possible to obtain favorable loans for rural residents;
  • relatively low rent for land and premises (depending on the region);
  • fellow villagers can be recruited as partners or employees.

Business in the village also has disadvantages that must be taken into account:

  • low solvency of the population;
  • lack of demand for many goods and services among local residents;
  • difficulty in attracting specialists (livestock specialists, builders, technologists);
  • bad roads, outdated communications;
  • there may be problems with electricity and the Internet;
  • long distances to other settlements, increasing transport costs;
  • for selling goods through a retail chain or public catering or farming, as well as obtaining a certificate for the product.

How to open your own business from scratch: ideas without investment in the village

It is better to start working in the village from industries without additional investments. Owners of vegetable gardens and gardens should rely on growing vegetables, fruits, herbs and berries:

  • The most profitable option is This berry is in constant demand; it tolerates transportation well. It is not profitable to sell berries in the village; it is best to take them to the city market or hand them over to specialized retail outlets.

The greatest profit will come from high-yielding remontant varieties with a shortened growing season. By growing strawberries in the ground, you can get up to 5 kg of berries per square meter. m and earn about 20,000 rubles per month.

  • No less profitable Remontant varieties begin to bear fruit in the year of planting, are characterized by high yields, and large and beautiful berries withstand transportation well. The varieties are undemanding to care; they only require abundant watering and periodic feeding. The profitability of the raspberry business is from 50,000 per season. Growing raspberries can be combined with strawberries, significantly increasing your income.
  • A good option for entrepreneurs who do not have free money is collecting wild plants. In the nearest forests, fields, and meadows you can pick berries, mushrooms, nuts, and medicinal herbs.

Products can be sold on the market or handed over to resellers, earning up to 10,000 rubles per month.

Business ideas in the village from scratch - growing strawberries.

Start-up capital: how to invest it profitably in the village?

Having free money, it is worth betting on livestock farming. Village residents who have the skills to care for poultry and livestock will be able to organize private farming.

Members of the owner’s family can work on a small farm; fellow villagers can be involved in servicing a larger livestock. Among the difficulties of this business is the need to constantly purchase feed.

You can read how to open a farm from scratch and what documents are required for this

On the farm you can grow:

  • poultry (chickens, domestic and semi-wild ducks, geese, turkeys, turkeys, pheasants, quails).
  • cows, goats, sheep, pigs.
  • rabbits, chinchillas.

The most cost-effective option is poultry farming. Chickens, geese, and turkeys are a source of delicious meat; they provide eggs, feathers and down, and their droppings are used as valuable fertilizer. It is better for beginning farmers to rely on meat or meat-egg breeds, but it is also possible

Another part of the income is the sale of breeding eggs and young stock. To create a poultry farm you will have to spend from 80,000 rubles, the monthly income is from 30,000 rubles.

Larger animals can also be raised on the farm. It is especially beneficial for a modern village. Goats are undemanding to living conditions; they require less feed than cows.

At the same time, goat milk is in good demand and is readily purchased. From the collected milk you can make yogurt, butter and even cheese with an original taste. Profit from dairy and meat goat breeding is not less than 20,000 rubles.

Chinchillas and rabbits are undemanding to living conditions and feed well. It is possible to raise decorative breeds, as well as individuals intended for slaughter for the purpose of obtaining meat (rabbits) and skins (rabbits and chinchillas). To organize a farm you will have to spend from 40,000 rubles, which is comparable to your monthly income.

How to open your own chinchilla breeding business and draw up a competent business plan with calculations - read

Opportunities for self-realization for women

  • Most rural women know handicraft techniques. Favorite hobby It can be turned into a source of income. Buyers from big cities are very fond of handmade products made from natural materials. You can offer them shawls and down scarves, embroidered towels, blouses and tablecloths, bed linen, christening sets, quilted patchwork blankets, and homemade lace.

If demand is good, needlewomen can earn up to 20,000 rubles a month.

  • Women should take up and Perennial plants of Dutch, German and Polish selection are in demand among dacha owners: lilies, chrysanthemums, dahlias, roses. These and other species can be grown from seeds using greenhouses and open ground.

Income from floriculture - from 15,000 rubles per month.

  • A simple and popular product is homemade preparations. It is possible to use products from your own garden or buy surplus from neighbors. The margin between raw materials in season and the finished product will provide a good profit.

At home, you can make a variety of pickles and marinades, cook preserves, jams, confitures, make marshmallows, marmalade and other sweets. It is quite possible to earn up to 15,000 rubles in monthly stable income from blanks.

Growing flowers for sale is a promising business in the village for women.

Business ideas in the village from scratch for retirees

  • A great business idea from scratch for active retirees is beekeeping. An apiary will require investments; you will need to purchase the bees themselves and equipment for their maintenance, and build hives. But the productivity of the home apiary is high.

The business is seasonal, but the productive summer months fully compensate for the winter dormancy period. The apiary will cost 100,000 rubles, and will begin to generate income in 2-3 years. A beekeeper can count on 30,000 rubles per month during the season.

Beekeeping for beginners: where to start and how to succeed? The answer is contained

  • Men who can work with their hands can start making furniture and home decor items. Racks for spices, carved stools, shelves, and serving tables are most often made to order or sold at fairs. Working for your own pleasure, you can earn up to 10,000-15,000 per month.
  • Pensioners can weave baskets and other household items from wicker, knit rugs from rags, spin, felt felt boots, and dry vegetables and fruits collected from the garden or forest. Such work can take up most of the time, turning into the main source of income.

But more often, pensioners work part-time for several months a year, being content with a profit of 5,000 -7,000 rubles per month.

What business to open in the village in winter?

In winter, life in the village comes to a standstill. However, it is precisely at this time that you can actively earn money through handicrafts and the manufacture of various household items.

In winter, a variety of knitted accessories sell well: hats, scarves, socks, wool belts, as well as souvenirs with New Year's symbols. With active trading, you can earn from 10,000 rubles per month.

Farmers and homestead owners should learn how to build a winter greenhouse. The construction of a winter greenhouse will cost a substantial amount, but it will begin to generate income within the year of construction. In a greenhouse you can grow tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, zucchini, sweet and hot peppers, strawberries, raspberries, greens.

Flowers, both garden and indoor, are also in demand. Having started with one small greenhouse and received a good income, you can think about expanding your farm.

The construction of a winter greenhouse costs from 100,000 rubles, the profit will be from 20,000 rubles when selling through retail chains and the market.

Rural production: we develop on our own

It is most profitable to organize production on the basis of your own personal plot or farm. Among the most successful examples:

  • Meat shop for the production of sausages, stewed meats, and smoked meats. Homemade delicacies made from pork, beef, rabbit or poultry are in great demand, their shelf life is longer than that of fresh meat, and the markup is significantly higher.

To work, you will need several machines: a meat grinder, a smokehouse, a sausage stuffing machine. Equipment can be leased or purchased on credit. A meat shop costs no less than 80,000 rubles, the real profit is from 30,000 rubles.

  • Mini cheese factory. Homemade soft cheese can be made from cow, goat or sheep milk. The production uses both raw materials from our own farmstead and milk purchased from fellow villagers. You can make different types of cheeses at home; they are readily purchased by small shops or catering establishments.

By purchasing a mini-cheese factory for 50,000 rubles, you can provide an income of up to 20,000 per month.

  • Workshop for sewing feather and down products. Pillows, blankets, feather beds, baby envelopes, down jackets and much more are made from raw materials purchased or obtained on their own farm.
  • Processing of skins of large and small livestock, dressing of fur skins. Typically, such production is located on a farm. Selling properly processed skins is more profitable than selling raw materials in bulk.
  • Industrial rails can also be used for home canning, drying and freezing of fruits, berries and vegetables. Fruits calibrated and packaged in branded bags look more attractive, and the markup on them is higher. For such production you will need equipment for printing on bags, packaging and packing.

Business in the village from scratch is a reality for everyone who is ready for non-standard solutions and risks. To avoid financial losses, it is better to act gradually. Thoughtful marketing is also very important.

You should not limit yourself to sales on the market. Selling products through Retail Stores, cooperatives, wholesale centers, restaurants. The Internet will also help. By creating his own website with an online store, any villager will be able to expand the demand for their products.

How to organize your business in the village? Watch the following video for recommendations:

Owning your own business is an opportunity to work for yourself and not depend on anyone, do what you love and make a good profit. Many people dream about this. And even if you live in a village, you shouldn’t give up on this dream, thinking that you won’t be able to realize what you want. “How to open a business in rural areas and what kind of business?” - this is a question that many residents of villages and small settlements ask themselves. Of course, a village cannot provide the same prospects for business development as a city, however, there are business ideas (and there are many of them) that can be successfully implemented in the village. Let's talk about them.

The most profitable and profitable business in the village

Bee breeding

This is a business for those who are ready for serious and hard work on their apiary. If you have a suitable plot of land, you need to purchase equipment - a hive and other equipment, and the bees themselves for breeding. Before that, read a lot of manuals about beekeeping. This matter is quite delicate and requires serious preparation.

As a result of a successful start of a business, you can get products that will be your product: honey, beeswax and poison, pollen, royal jelly. All this is in considerable demand. There is no need to talk about the honey itself - everything is clear here, and other products are now especially in demand in cosmetology and medicine. .

Store opening

In small villages and hamlets there are often only one or two stores for the entire settlement. And despite the small number of residents, they are not always able to satisfy the needs of everyone. In such cases, it will be an excellent solution. In rural conditions (especially if it is significantly remote from big city), it may be difficult to arrange daily food supplies. This difficulty can be overcome by building a small, but properly equipped warehouse at the store. Products stored in a warehouse, and not just in a store, will be suitable for sale a little longer.

You can also purchase rural products - vegetables, fruits, berries, chicken eggs, milk, etc. - from the residents of your village and nearby villages themselves.

Growing plants

The village has all the conditions to grow various plants and care for them properly. Many people (and those who live in villages, especially), taking care of their health, often resort to the method of herbal medicine, that is, herbal treatment. There is probably not a single disease that does not include herbal treatment among the options for getting rid of it. The most common of them are: ginseng, chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, sage, yarrow.

In addition to medicinal herbs, it is profitable to grow edible herbs for sale: dill, parsley, onions, celery, etc. If space and skills allow, you can also grow indoor flowers. The grown products will again be sold to the village residents themselves, and with large volumes of goods, it can be exported to the city and sold there.

Ostrich farm

Of course, one of the most profitable businesses in the village is animal breeding. Namely, such exotic ones as ostriches. You will need to invest a serious amount of money in opening a coward farm - about 150 thousand dollars. This amount may be prohibitive for a novice entrepreneur, so such a business is usually opened by those who have already earned decent money in another field and are now ready to invest it in an ostrich farm.

Such a business can confidently be called waste-free: in addition to ostrich meat and eggs, you can even make money on feathers, eggshells and ostrich fat, which are also quite valuable products.

Production of milk and dairy products

Almost every family in the villages has its own animal farm. And you are most likely no exception. If you have your own cows, then you can create a big business in the production and sale of milk and its derivatives. If you plan to sell products only to your neighbors in the village, then you can cope with the entire production process yourself. But if you are aiming at a larger scale (importing products into the city and delivering them to stores), then you can’t do without a factory, albeit a small one. The factory must be equipped with various equipment: for processing and pasteurizing milk, for making sour cream, butter, cheese, cottage cheese, etc.

You are unlikely to be able to supply large stores and supermarkets in the city with such products (since they purchase goods in huge quantities and work only with large manufacturers), but you can easily try to establish contact with small shops and kiosks. Dairy products will never lose their value, so a business in its production is initially a good idea.

Opening an entertainment facility for young people

The older generation of people living in villages are more busy with farming than relaxing, but young people simply need to have fun. However, the idea of ​​opening an entertainment establishment will be relevant only in those settlements where the population is not entirely small. In villages with a thousand inhabitants, such an idea should not be considered. And if there are several thousand of them, ideally 10-15, then you can safely start.

What can you open? There are several options: , cafe with karaoke. Of course, it is worth understanding that such a business must be “tailored” specifically for a specific target audience. If you fail with this, you will inevitably fail, since they are unlikely to come to your establishment from other villages, and even more so from the city. Carefully research residents' preferences and their willingness to pay for the service you offer.

When calculating the optimal investment amount, also take into account solvency target audience. There is no point in building an expensive club, even if you have a large budget, if the villagers simply cannot pay for the service of visiting it.

Village tourism

This business line has not yet gained momentum, but according to experts, it has every chance of becoming a “hit.” There are many people in cities who are tired of the city bustle and hassle, and want to indulge in nature at least for a weekend, fresh air and other delights that life in the village provides. A business can be built on this desire of city residents. What is required of you: the presence of a large house, good mobile communications on its territory and in the surrounding area, various places for leisure activities (a lake or river next to the house, a bathhouse attached to the house, your own farm).

If you can comfortably accommodate about ten tourists in your home and provide them with options for a pleasant pastime, then you can start thinking about this business idea now! Village tourism, although good in its essence, has some nuances for an entrepreneur. Firstly, this is still a seasonal business. Most often, people have a desire to immerse themselves in village life during the warm and hot seasons. Secondly, it may be difficult to find clients. You must conduct a significant advertising campaign in your nearest big city, praising all the advantages and possibilities of recreation that they are ready to provide to their clients.

Production and sale of flour

Flour is an indispensable product in the kitchen of every housewife. And just as in the case of dairy products, flour will always be in demand, since people have not yet figured out what can replace it. Flour is made from various crops: wheat, rice, corn, millet, buckwheat, barley and oats. If you are ready to grow these crops (or are already doing so), then this business option is for you. The production of different types of flour may have its own nuances, but in general the technological process is as follows: cleaning and peeling grains, grinding, sifting the resulting flour, packaging in containers.

The set of necessary equipment consists of only three units - a grain cleaning apparatus, a mill, and a packaging machine. Sales of products should be directed to shops (both rural and urban) and various canteens, for which flour is the main component of dishes. By establishing good connections with such establishments, you will be able to supply them with flour in large quantities, which will be beneficial for both you and them.

Breeding crayfish

We have already written and talked about the fact that for such a business you definitely need the right body of water. If you live in a village and have your own personal plot, then creating a suitable reservoir for breeding crayfish will not be difficult for you. Crayfish are quite unpretentious in food, and caring for them is not difficult. You just need to study how they grow and reproduce, and carefully ensure that they are comfortable in the created environment. To equip a reservoir, you will need special pieces of equipment that will make the entire process of doing business easier for you.

The advantage of the crayfish business is that the final product is in great demand, and finding clients will not be difficult. The downside is that this business is seasonal.

Sawmill and woodworking

The business idea is to process forests and turn wood into materials for construction. It is necessary to build a woodworking shop, supplying it with necessary equipment. At the output of production you will be able to receive boards, glazing beads, beams and sell it all construction companies or private individuals engaged in construction. This business cannot be called highly profitable, although your income will depend solely on how many regular customers you find. Therefore, it is still possible to make good money in such a business.

Rabbit breeding

The undoubted advantage of breeding rabbits, and not any other animals, is the high ability of these animals to reproduce. Rabbit science has recently experienced a lull, but now this field of activity has begun to develop sharply. New technologies and techniques for breeding rabbits began to appear, the study of which is available to everyone. One of the new technologies, for example, is to raise a 5-kilogram rabbit in just four months, while getting high quality meat and fur. Without going into details, let’s just say that the main essence of this technique is to frequently feed the cubs with the rabbit’s mother’s milk, while the portions of one milk intake are reduced.

For breeding rabbits, a special building is used, consisting of several shelves and tiers. By connecting several of these buildings together, you will create an entire rabbit farm. Rabbit meat and the fur that these animals wear is your product, from the sale of which you can make a profit, and quite a good one at that.

Production of frozen fruits and vegetables

Frozen fruits and vegetables are especially popular because they do not lose their useful properties frozen and can be eaten all year round. Almost all village residents have their own plots of land where they grow food. If we expand the area to large sizes and acquire high-quality freezing equipment, you can create an excellent current business.

Here is a brief diagram of the process of this business from start to finish: growing vegetables, fruits, berries; harvesting; selection of quality products; their air and water cleaning; sorting products by size; blanching; shock freezing at -30° C; packaging of finished products and transportation to sales points. The finished product must be stored at a temperature of -18° C, and then it will not lose its taste and beneficial qualities.

For many people, business in the village is a priority. They dream of starting it from scratch, using ready-made solutions. Having your own idea is good, but in some cases there is no need to take risks and come up with something new, especially if many niches are empty.

Entrepreneurial activity in rural conditions has its own specifics. Usually in rural areas there is quite low competition and relatively cheap raw materials for doing business.


Those who want to start a business in the village from scratch should consider beekeeping as their main option. This idea is the most promising in many respects. National Union beekeepers claim that not enough honey is produced each year. The market is still very far from saturation, so proper organization of apiary farming can bring good profits.

  • you will have to spend about 45,000 rubles on equipment for an apiary with 10 hives, protective clothing and other equipment;
  • acquisition costs bee families will amount to 35,000 rubles;
  • in a year it will be possible to sell about 400 kg of honey at a price of 200 rubles per 1 kg;
  • business payback – 12 months.

Attention: before choosing one or another activity, it is recommended to consider if the starting capital is not too large.

Breeding crayfish

Growing mushrooms

It is definitely worth considering. This is a good idea for a business in the village. Most often they are engaged in growing champignons. To the conditions environment they are not so demanding. For small spaces divided into technological zones, a container system is ideal. Harvesting can be done up to 4-5 times a year.

  • for the purchase of raw materials, equipment and additional materials you will need to spend approximately 80,000 rubles;
  • profit on average is about 30,000-40,000 rubles per month at the initial stage of development;
  • payback – 2-3 months.

Greenhouse business

You can also consider. Competition in this area is not yet so high. However, it is quite difficult to estimate profitability as accurately as possible. This is influenced by many factors. The main role is played by the geographical location of the economic facility. In the southern regions there is no need to spend additional funds on heating and lighting.

  • the cost of a greenhouse with installation of equipment will be 80,000 rubles;
  • you need to spend another 12,000 rubles on installing a drip irrigation system;
  • lamps and other equipment will cost an average of 30,000 rubles;
  • payback period is about 10-12 months.

Making bath brooms

The process of preparing brooms is not very complicated. Selling finished products is ideal for people who do not have a large start-up capital. The amount of profit depends on the number of brooms made and their cost when sold. The disadvantages include the labor intensity and monotony of the work, as well as seasonality.

  • without renting premises, the initial costs will be about 15,000 rubles;
  • the cost of one broom is 200-250 rubles;
  • payback – 1 month.

Rabbit breeding

The idea is relatively old, but not many entrepreneurs are involved in this type of activity. Low competition allows you to quickly develop the market. You can find pork, beef or lamb on the shelves of shops and markets for a short time, but rabbit meat is not yet represented so actively, so the chance of successfully implementing such an idea is very high.

  • arrangement of cages for keeping animals costs approximately 50,000 rubles;
  • to purchase 100 young individuals you will need about 30,000 rubles, but a lot depends on their breed and region;
  • in one year you can get approximately 2000 kg of meat, which is sold wholesale at 200 rubles per kg.

On a note: representatives of the fairer sex should take into consideration. At proper organization they can bring good profits.

Sturgeon breeding

A non-standard option is . Fish can be grown both in open ponds and indoors. Special requirements apply to water temperature. In winter it should be about 17 degrees, and in summer – from 20 to 24.

  • capital for a successful start - 775,000 rubles;
  • monthly profit with the right approach is about 100,000 rubles;
  • payback – 8 months.

For your information: don't forget about . Some of them can be quite promising even in village conditions.

Woodworking workshop

Practice shows that sawmills are becoming more and more profitable for their owners. With the right start and planning, you can achieve high results in terms of profitability. When choosing a location, you need to take into account the fact that such a workshop is accompanied by a lot of noise. Sufficient energy capacity is required for normal functioning.

  • the main part of the expenses is the purchase of machines - the amount usually reaches 1,000,000 rubles;
  • the cost of high-quality raw materials on the market is about 1,500 rubles per 1 cubic meter. m, and the price for processed products is from 5,000 rubles per 1 cubic meter. m;
  • payback – from 1.5 to 2 years.

Own forge

A business in a village by opening a forge from scratch can be quite profitable. The idea for rural areas is quite good. Typically, such workshops produce forged grilles, fences, chandeliers, candlesticks and many other products. The market for such products is not yet crowded, so if organized correctly, the business can bring good income.

  • equipping a high-quality forge will cost at least 700,000 rubles;
  • monthly profit averages 200,000 rubles;
  • payback – 3.5 months.

Raising Indo-Ducks

An affordable business in the village is. You can start it from scratch without significant investments. The idea will be of interest to those people who have their own large plot of land. The focus in this case is on selling meat, so it is necessary to choose large breeds.

  • purchase of ducklings – 6,000 rubles for 100 pieces;
  • purchase of feed for 2 months – 5000 rubles;
  • adult duck for sale – from 600 rubles.

Making self-tapping screws

Fastening elements – self-tapping screws – are in high demand. They are actively used during repair and construction work. Once the parts are produced, there is no need to worry about the possibility of a quick sale, since they can be stored for a very long time.

  • equipment for the production of self-tapping screws costs about 110,000 rubles;
  • additional equipment will cost another 25,000 rubles;
  • Approximately 70,000 units of products are produced per day for 20 kopecks.

Welding services

You can build a business in the village by providing welding services. There are two main directions. The first of them involves the production of all kinds of welding structures, and the second - the implementation of work to order. At the very first stage, you can rent a small room or set up a workshop on your own territory.

  • purchase of equipment - about 100,000 rubles;
  • average monthly earnings including expenses – 50,000 rubles;
  • payback – from 2 months.

Goat milk for sale

A good idea is to sell goat milk. The starting amount largely depends on the scale of the planned activity. To start from scratch, you need to purchase at least one goat. The main product will be milk, but over time you can start producing cream, butter and other products.

  • one goat costs about 20,000 rubles;
  • You can get an average of a liter of milk per day from it;
  • the cost of the product is 60-100 rubles per liter.

Sales of smoked fish

Although the niche is highly competitive, you can make money in it. To implement this idea, you will need a special room that will meet sanitary and hygienic standards. It is best to smoke fish that lives in local reservoirs. This fits into the concept of many restaurateurs.

  • the equipment will cost about 30,000 rubles;
  • purchase of raw materials – 15,000 rubles;
  • other expenses – 10,000 rubles;
  • payback – from 3 months.

Digging wells

This activity is quite profitable. Typically, consumers are offered three types of services: carrying out prospecting work, digging a well, and installing a water structure. The initial investment will depend on the type of equipment used and consumables used. At first, most of the work can be done manually, thereby saving money.

  • minimum costs – from 50,000 rubles;
  • possible profit per month – from 100,000 rubles;
  • payback is less than a month.

Let's sum it up

Although business in the village has its own characteristics, in terms of planning and other activities it is no different from projects in the city. Before an idea is selected and brought to life, the market must be analyzed and all the necessary calculations must be made to ensure that the future event is a win-win situation.

Starting from scratch is always difficult, but with proper organization of the process, every person can do it. Over time even small business can be turned into a successful and profitable business.

For aspiring entrepreneurs, business in the village is quite an attractive activity. You can rent inexpensively here land plot or premises, and it is also much easier to find labor, since in rural areas it is very high level unemployment. The choice of activity depends on your wishes and preferences. In this publication, we have collected the most promising small business ideas in rural areas that can be brought to life even with a small start-up capital.

Beekeeping and honey sales

A private apiary is a promising and profitable business idea in the village in your own home. The demand and price for honey do not fall even in difficult economic conditions. If you keep 40–50 hives of bees, you can open your own store selling honey or supply this healthy natural product in bulk to confectionery factories.

In order to get a good income, you need to invest about 15 thousand hryvnia in an apiary. This business is different high profitability. It is approximately 40%. If you use standard technology, 1 hive will give you 35–40 liters of honey per season. Modern methods make it possible to collect up to 100 liters of this sweet product from 1 hive. In addition to honey, you can sell other useful products from the apiary:

  • Pollen – 25–30 hryvnia per 100 g;
  • Royal jelly – 40 hryvnia for 10 g;
  • Zabrus – 260 hryvnia for 0.5 kg;
  • Beeswax – 250 hryvnia per 1 kg;
  • Bee venom – 400 hryvnia per 1 kg;
  • Podmor – 250 hryvnia per 1 kg.

Such goods are purchased by pharmaceutical and cosmetic factories.

Main advantages:

  • Moderate investment. If you want to implement this business idea for a village with minimal investment, you can initially purchase several used beehives and place them on your own plot;
  • Available equipment. Nowadays, many farms are engaged in breeding bees, so you will not have any problems purchasing hives and bee colonies;
  • If you are interested in beekeeping, working with bees will be interesting and exciting.


  • IN large quantities bee stings are life-threatening, therefore, before doing this, you need to learn all the intricacies of communicating with these insects;
  • Bringing this home-based business idea to life in the village will require a lot of time and effort. In addition, you will have to regularly repair the hives, pump out honey and sell it.

Beekeeping is a specific business that requires a special approach. If you can understand all the features characteristic of this type of activity, it will bring excellent profits.

Greenhouse business

This business idea for a village in Ukraine is more suitable for avid gardeners who are familiar with all the nuances of growing various crops. Beginners are often interested in how much profit a greenhouse business can bring? It depends on the type of crops grown, their demand on the market and the experience of the gardener.

If you want to implement this business idea in the village from scratch, at first you can build a small greenhouse on your own plot. For entrepreneurs who want to organize a large-scale business and invest serious start-up capital in it, it is much more profitable to rent land. When choosing a site for a greenhouse, pay attention to the soil. It must be fertile, otherwise you will have to spend a lot of money to bring in quality soil.

The profitability of the greenhouse business reaches 20%. According to experts, it is most profitable to grow flowers. Greens take second place in the list of the most popular products:

  • Parsley;
  • Basil;
  • Green onions;
  • Salad.

To get started, you will need 6 greenhouses, measuring 25x6 m. You will spend about 70 thousand hryvnia on their construction. As mentioned above, this profitability is not easy to calculate. The only thing that can be said for sure is that with the correct organization of the work process, all initial investments will pay off in one season.

Growing strawberries

Rural residents often ask the question, what if there is no opportunity to find a good, well-paid job? For many of our compatriots, growing strawberries is a good source of income. This business can generate income all year round. Modern crop production has reached such a stage of development that some varieties of strawberries bear fruit several times a year.

The most common way to grow strawberries is in open ground. In this case, the harvest can be harvested in June. But during this period, the price of strawberries drops significantly, so it is much more profitable to grow remontant varieties that bear fruit from July to October. If you want this business idea for the village to generate good income, it is better to grow strawberries in closed or protected ground, since you may lose a third of the harvest due to bad weather.

Growing strawberries is a great idea for a home business in the village, which does not require a lot of money to implement. For an area of ​​10 sq. meters you will need approximately 7-15 thousand hryvnia. To this you need to add about 5,000 thousand hryvnia for heating and lighting. For 1 sq. meter can accommodate 100 seedlings, that is, in order to fill the greenhouse you will need 1000 seedlings. You will spend another 6 thousand hryvnia on this.

From 1 sq. meter, you can remove 25–35 kg of strawberries, respectively, from the entire greenhouse you will receive 250–350 kg of finished products. During the season, you can sell strawberries for 25 hryvnia per 1 kg and get your first minimum income of 6.5–8.5 thousand hryvnia. In winter, the price of 1 kg of strawberries reaches 120 hryvnia. This means that you will receive 30–40 thousand hryvnia in profit. During the year you can collect 4–5 harvests.

Growing Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage has excellent taste, so the demand for it is constantly growing. Growing such a crop is a new direction of activity in our country, but despite this, many entrepreneurs have already managed to appreciate the advantages of this mini-business idea in the village:

  • The yield of Chinese cabbage can reach 900 c/ha;
  • This culture can grow at fairly low temperatures. To form a head of cabbage, +12 degrees is enough. The plant can withstand short-term frosts of -5-7 degrees;
  • The wholesale price of Chinese cabbage is 5 hryvnia per 1 kg. From 1 hectare of crops you can harvest 60 tons of finished products and get 300 thousand hryvnia for it;
  • The growing season of this plant is only 50–70 days, so two or even three crops can be grown in one season;
  • The high demand for Chinese cabbage allows it to be sold in large quantities without any problems.

Among the disadvantages of this small business idea for beginners in the village are the following:

  • In our country, the agricultural technology for growing this crop has not yet been fully studied;
  • Peking cabbage is loved by pests, so it is necessary to regularly carry out insecticidal treatments;
  • The harvest must be harvested within 2 weeks, otherwise it may begin to rot on the vine.

Now let’s roughly calculate how much money will be needed to implement this business idea in the village from scratch:

  • Seed material – 2.5 thousand hryvnia;
  • Fertilizers – 4 thousand hryvnia;
  • Packaging – 4 thousand hryvnia.

Over time, if you want to expand the scale of your business, you can purchase a tractor for 250 thousand hryvnia and a transplanter for 50 thousand hryvnia. Growing Chinese cabbage is a good option, since there is practically no competition in this industry.

Feed production

Are you looking for an answer to the question? In almost all villages, high-quality animal feed is in great demand. It is a feed mixture rich in vitamins and natural protein. If you want to open your own business in the village, the idea of ​​producing animal feed can be a good source of stable income for you.

In our country there are large enterprises producing such products, but they do not cooperate with small farms, since it is not profitable for them to supply products in small quantities. In this regard, entrepreneurs involved in livestock or poultry farming have to look for other suppliers.

Before opening a mini feed production plant, study the market in your region. If there are many in the area farms- this is a win-win option on which you can make money in the village.

To quickly return the initial investment, at first you can buy an inexpensive extruder for the production of animal feed. For this you will need approximately 100 thousand hryvnia. If you manage to find permanent sales channels for finished products, such a business will bring in monthly 10-15 thousand hryvnia of net income. A full-fledged enterprise, equipped with high-performance multifunctional equipment, allows you to earn 25–35 thousand hryvnia per month.

Raising geese, chickens, turkeys and other poultry

According to experts, this is an excellent way to open your own business in the countryside. If you live in a rural area and have a small plot of land, try poultry farming. This is the simplest and most affordable way. At the same time, you will not only earn money, but also provide your family with dietary meat and eggs.

Business Features and Income

If you are looking for business ideas for a village with minimal investment, start by raising laying hens. These birds are unpretentious to their living conditions. They can be fed grain or mixed feed and kept in a regular barn or under a canopy. The most profitable breeds for breeding are meat and egg breeds of chickens. They have excellent survival rate and quickly adapt to any conditions. In addition, they are good hens. If you provide good care, 50 laying hens will produce 30–40 eggs daily, costing 20 hryvnia per 1 dozen. This means that you can earn 1.8–2.4 thousand hryvnia monthly from selling them. Broilers can be raised for meat. At the age of 2 months, their weight reaches 3 kg. On the market, 1 kg of poultry meat costs 60–70 hryvnia. If you raise and sell 100 broilers, you can get 6–7 thousand rubles for them, of which 3–4 thousand hryvnia is net profit.

A good option for those who are interested is breeding geese. This bird mainly eats grass, so you won't have to spend a lot of money on food. At the age of 3 months, geese reach a weight of 5 kg. Goose meat can be sold for 80–90 hryvnia per 1 kg. In addition, you can sell down, fat and young animals.

Recently, many farmers have begun breeding turkeys. This is an economically profitable industry Agriculture, the profitability of which reaches 100%. The weight of an adult turkey reaches 15 kg. One kilogram of meat costs 70 hryvnia on the market. If you sell 10 carcasses, you can earn 10.5 thousand hryvnia. After you subtract all the costs, you will be left with 6–6.5 thousand hryvnia.


We present to your attention new business idea in the village for women - childcare. Everyone knows that it is difficult to find high-paying jobs in rural areas, so many people have to work in the city. In this regard, young mothers have to look for someone who could look after their children while they are at work - pick them up from kindergarten or school, feed and do homework.

Babysitting is a great business idea in the village without investment. It is suitable for women with teacher education who have their own children or are retired. If you recruit a group of 5 kids and take 50 hryvnia per day from each child for your work, you can earn 7.5 thousand hryvnia per month. Agree that this is not bad money for rural areas.

You live in a village and don’t know how to make money. Business ideas for the village, tested in practice, will help you find an interesting and quite profitable activity, for example, such as collecting medicinal herbs. Recently, many people are treated not with medications, but with various lotions and decoctions, so the demand for medicinal plants is constantly growing.

If you watch a video of a business idea in a village, you will understand that it is quite exciting activity, bringing a good income. Its main advantages:

  • High profitability;
  • Low market saturation;
  • The opportunity to start a business without financial investment.

Collecting medicinal plants brings good profits, for example, 1 kg of linden flowers costs 30-60 hryvnia, blue cornflower - 180-200 hryvnia, birch buds - 60-100 hryvnia, milkweed Palassa - 200-400 hryvnia. If you engage not only in collecting, but also in growing and processing medicinal herbs, your income will increase significantly. If you are looking for ideas on what kind of business to open in the village, take a deeper look into this promising direction activities.



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