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History and causes of the stampede on the Khodynka field. Khodynska tragedy (1896). All the truth

Khodynskoe field- an area in the north-west of Moscow between modern Leningradsky Prospekt, Begovaya Street and Khoroshevskoye Shosse. The field got its name from the river of the same name, now enclosed in a pipe. The nearest metro stations are “Sokol”, “Airport”, “Dynamo”, “Oktyabrskoe Pole”, “Polezhaevskaya”, “Begovaya”.


Khodynskoe field (until the 17th century " Khodynsky Meadow") has been known since the 14th century, the first mention of which dates back to 1389, when Dmitry Donskoy bequeathed the Khodynsky meadow near Moscow to his son Yuri Dmitrievich.

For a long time, the field remained undeveloped; the arable land of the coachmen of Tverskaya Sloboda was located on it. At the beginning of the 17th century, the troops of Tsar Vasily Shuisky fought here with the troops of False Dmitry II.

Subsequently, Khodynskoye Field was repeatedly used for mass festivities. Celebrations took place on Khodynskoye Field, in particular, during the coronations of Alexander II, Alexander III and Nicholas II. During the festivities on the occasion of the coronation of Nicholas II in May 1896, a tragedy occurred, as a result of which a crush killed official version 1389 people, another 1300 people were seriously injured.

Outstanding Russian pilots P.N. Nesterov, S.I. Utochkin and V.P. Chkalov made their flights here. Leading aviation design bureaus were built in the vicinity of the field: Sukhoi, Mikoyan, Ilyushin, Yakovlev.

The last aircraft took off from here on July 3, 2003, it was an anti-submarine Il-38 SD for the Indian Navy. In the same year, the airfield was closed, and abandoned aircraft were located on the remains of the runway. It was planned to organize the “Aviation Museum on Khodynskoe Field” at this place, but these plans were not destined to come true. As of October 2012, some of the failed exhibits were cut into scrap metal, and the best preserved ones were purchased by the private Museum of Technology.

Since December 2011, construction of the metro station of the same name (CSKA) began on the territory of Khodynskoye Pole. The metro station, located on the territory of Khodynskoye Pole, is planned to open in 2016.

Creation of Khodynsky Park

In 2014, construction of the State Center for Contemporary Art began on the territory of Khodynsky Park. On November 4, 2014, the first stone of the new building of the museum and exhibition complex was laid. The NCCA building will be built according to the architectural design of the Irish bureau Heneghan Peng Architects, which won the competition to create this center.

On the territory of Khodynsky Park in 2015, construction began on the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh, which was demolished in 1930.

During 2016, it is planned to complete the creation of a park on Khodynskoye Field.

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A new city park will appear in the Khodynskoye Pole area. “New area, huge territory. Of course, it must be built according to all city standards. The main thing is that the resulting area should be comfortable. Therefore, residents of the area will have two huge parks: on one side 25 hectares and on the other a birch grove, approximately the same area. Moreover, the development of the territory on Khodynskoye Field, as far as I remember, has been agreed upon with you,” said Sergei Sobyanin, examining the results of the work on creating a new green zone. Communicating with residents, he added that this would be one of the best parks in the city.

The townspeople asked the Moscow Mayor to take into account the historical component when landscaping the territory, so that a reminder would remain in the park that there was an airfield named after M.V. Frunze. “There is a project, let’s finalize it together and see that everything is done correctly,” said Sergei Sobyanin.

Another proposal from residents is to create a sports walk of fame next to the CSKA metro station. The mayor of Moscow explained: “Sports figures dedicated to various types sports, those for which the CSKA club is famous, will be cast and installed at the station.”

The city park, with an area of ​​24.7 hectares, will occupy the southern part of Khodynsky Field between Khodynsky Boulevard and the former runway. After the liquidation of the airfield and before the start of improvement, this territory consisted of vacant lots, construction sites, paved areas of driveways and walkways.

When developing the concept of the park, the wishes of local residents were taken into account as much as possible, including the creation of an artificial reservoir; increasing the number of green spaces, as well as planting trees of noble species; changing the configuration of treadmills for people with different physical fitness (some routes were more complicated and designed as multi-level); arrangement of a dog walking area.

Conventionally, the future park can be divided into four zones. The first is a promenade, at the beginning of which a central entrance group will be created, and on the pedestrian alleys pavilions will be installed for a children's club, a trampoline complex, a co-working space, a rental point, a cafe and open stage. The decoration of the promenade will be a dry fountain of 245 jets (778 square meters).

Nearby there will be an apple-tree boulevard with a 1.5-kilometer-long bicycle path bordering the perimeter of the park.

The central segment of the park will, as far as possible, imitate natural natural environment and will give residents of the surrounding houses the opportunity to escape from the metropolis, to temporarily feel like they are outside the city, in the countryside or in the forest. To do this, the park will recreate the natural terrain with four hills on which observation platforms will be built. The most remarkable attraction of this part of the park will be an artificial pond with an island (the area of ​​the pond is 6.3 thousand square meters).

There will also be sports and children's playgrounds, including the original "Sand Farm" with play equipment in the form of an excavator bucket and "Aviator" with the "Airplane" play complex. There will be hammocks for a quiet getaway, and for pet lovers there will be a 685 square meter dog walking area.

The fourth part of the park will be the space surrounding the exit from the CSKA metro station.

In total, 1,036 large trees and 30 thousand shrubs will be planted in the new park, 9.5 thousand square meters of flower beds and 95.2 thousand square meters of lawns will be developed. 327 street lamps will be used for lighting.

Now, on the site of the future park, hills are being built, communications are laid, a walking area is formed and pedestrian paths are laid out.

At the same time, a park in the Khodynskoye Field area is being cleaned up. Birch Grove"and approaches to the CSKA stadium. Thus, the total improvement area reaches 60.7 hectares.

Khodynskoye Field - the territory of dialogue

According to the project for the comprehensive renovation and development of the territory on the site of the former Central Airfield named after M.V. Frunze create a comfortable urban area. Large residential complexes, Europe's largest shopping and entertainment center "Aviapark", a secondary school with 700 places and two kindergartens with 250 places each were built on Khodynskoe Field.

Construction of the Church of St. St. Sergius Radonezhsky for 800 parishioners, two hotel and office complexes with apartments (the first building was commissioned in 2016, the second is planned to be commissioned in the fourth quarter of 2017).

There are also plans to construct a new building here. State Center contemporary art and the CSKA station of the Third Interchange Circuit of the metro. The heart of Khodynskoe Field will be a new city park with an area of ​​24.7 hectares.

The implementation of the project for the renovation and development of the Khodynsky Field territory is an example of an active and constructive dialogue between the Moscow Government, developers and interested local residents.

At the suggestion of Muscovites, changes were repeatedly made to the project in order to increase the level of living comfort. The main ones were the abandonment of development and the creation of a new city park in the southern part of Khodynskoe Field; a change in the construction site of the temple - instead of a park, it was built on the former airfield runway; creation of a pedestrian Khodynsky Boulevard, which was originally designed as a car passage; reduction in the volume of construction of commercial facilities above the CSKA metro station.

They are also related by the fact that both Khodynka and Nemiga come from the names of small rivers that now flow in pipes underground.

2. The Khodynka tragedy ended the long-standing tradition of holding entertainment events on the field. This tradition began in 1775, when Catherine II decided to celebrate the conclusion of the extremely beneficial Kuchuk-Kainardzhi Peace Treaty with Turkey. According to the drawings of the great Vasily Bazhenov, the field was laid out in the form of the shores of the Black Sea. In the places where Turkish fortresses were located, various entertainment establishments were set up: theaters, booths, eateries, etc.

3. All the buildings were built on a grand scale, but after the end of the holiday they were scrapped, as they were built of wood.

4. Another important milestone in the history of the field as a venue mass events, became the All-Russian Art and Industrial Exhibition of 1882. A place was allocated for it in the north-eastern corner of the field, approximately opposite the current Dynamo metro station.

5. The huge exhibition was located on an area of ​​30 hectares in luxurious pavilions made in the Russian style. For example, this is what the pavilion of the Partnership of A.I. Abrikosov’s Sons, which produced chocolate in 1847, looked like. Now the Partnership has been revived, and even presented its chocolate to the great-grandson of the founder, laureate Nobel Prize Alexey Abrikosov.

6. And this is what the brewery stand looked like, installed in the main pavilion of the exhibition. In the magazine sontucio There is a detailed story about the exhibition.

7. On the 1890 map, the exhibition site was marked separately. The entire southern part of the field was used for horse racing, which was first held there in 1834. The tragic celebrations on the occasion of the coronation of Nicholas II took place to the north, opposite the Travel Palace. And what is hidden under the mysterious inscription “Khodynska water pumping station” in the middle of the field?

8. A water pumping station in pseudo-Gothic forms was built in 1871, when the Mytishchi water supply system ceased to cope with its task. Unfortunately, the quality of local water turned out to be insufficient, and the water pumping station was abolished simultaneously with the commissioning of the Rublevsky water pipeline at the beginning of the 20th century. Now only one small building remains from the complex, and her name has been forgotten.

9. During the coronation of Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna, a wooden Royal pavilion was erected on the field, from which on May 18, members of the ruling family and their guests watched the ceremonial parade. By this time, the corpses had already been removed from the field.

10. On October 3, 1910, the entire northern part of the field, including the site of coronation celebrations, was given over to the airfield of the Moscow Aeronautics Society. At first, the airfield was a continuation of entertainment traditions - flights of low-speed biplanes were then one of the most popular spectacles.

11. With the advent of Soviet power, the fun stopped, and regular intercity flights began to operate from the airfield. In the 1930s, an air terminal and a concrete runway were built, and the surrounding area began to be built up with factories of the leading aviation design bureaus: Sukhoi, Mikoyan, Ilyushin, Yakovlev...

12. By the end of the 20th century, Khodynka lost its significance as the main airfield, and in recent years it was used only by the enterprises surrounding it. The last flight from here took place on July 3, 2003, it was an Ilyushin turboprop aircraft. The introduction to the history of the field ends here.

13. The tour begins on Leningradsky Prospekt, near the building of the current Sovetskaya Hotel. Since 1836, the most famous restaurant in Moscow, “Yar,” was located on this site, moving here from the Kuznetsky Bridge.

14. In 1895, A. A. Sudakov became the owner of the restaurant, who in 1910 ordered the architect Erichson to build a new building in the then fashionable Art Nouveau style.

15. The architect himself decided to settle in the neighborhood. Adolf Erichson's house still stands today. right hand from the hotel.

16. After the revolution, the building was given to the Pilots' Club of the Khodynka airfield. At the end of 1939, the building was remodeled according to the design of the architect P. N. Ragulin in the Stalinist style. The facade was decorated with a strict colonnade and portraits of famous pilots (for example, a bust of Louis Bleriot is visible on the left).

17. In 1952, the building was rebuilt again, a wing with hotel rooms was added, and a restaurant was opened again in the old part. Years have passed, the restaurant is “Yar” again. The halls of the old restaurant were so large that one of them could fit the Romen Theater. The photo captures the moment of conquering the sculptural group on the roof by a group of roofers, whose reports can be viewed and.

18. In the house on the opposite side of the avenue there is a kebab shop called Anti-Soviet, which became famous in 2009. As a result, the sign that irritated the veterans was removed, and “Nashi” found a reason to harass human rights activist A.P. Podrabinek. However, the modern facade of the kebab shop is decorated with the letters “AS”.

19. A little further down the street there is a house famous among Muscovites, nicknamed “Lacework”. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it was built not from brick, but from reinforced concrete panels, which were rare for the year of construction (1940). Houses in areas of mass residential development could have this appearance.

20. The house was built according to the design of architects A.K. Burov and B.N. Blokhin.

21. The loggias in it are covered with cast concrete gratings, made according to the sketches of the famous graphic artist Vladimir Favorsky.

22. Begovaya Alley stretches straight from the Openwork House towards the Hippodrome. The beginning of the alley is marked by a sculptural group reminiscent of the horse tamers on the Anichkov Bridge in St. Petersburg. They were installed in 1899, and they were made according to the drawings of Baron Peter Klodt by his grandson, K. A. Klodt, with the participation of S. M. Volnukhin.

The running alley goes straight to the Hippodrome building, but we will stay for a short time near Leningradsky Prospekt to examine several objects, some of which are related to equestrian sports.

23. On the other side of the Openwork House, Skakovaya Alley begins. On this street, a building with a turret and a huge arch in the middle catches your eye. These are the former stables of L. A. Mantashev, a famous horse breeder. The facade of this building at the beginning of the 20th century was designed by the future classics of Soviet architecture - the Vesnin brothers.

24. In the 1930s, the stables were adapted into a cargo garage for Moskommunkhoz, and later into an Institute of Horse Breeding. You can't get inside now - renovations are underway.

25. Leon Mantashev’s mansion is hidden in the depths of the territory. This is what it looked like in 1989, when the territory was abandoned.

26. A huge canopy of unclear purpose has now been built over the estate’s courtyard. Formally, the territory was transferred to the ballet theater, but instead of rehearsals under a canopy, it seems that cars are being repaired.

27. Nearby is another remarkable building in the area, which is difficult to ignore on our excursion. This is one of several “houses on legs” in Moscow. It provided apartments for workers of the Znamya Truda aviation plant, for which the house received the nickname “House of Aviators.”

28. The house was supposed to be built on the shore of the Khimki reservoir, and then it was “torn off” from the ground. Before the Olympics, in 1978, it was decided to build it in the Dynamo area in order to decorate the view of the city from the Leningradskoe Highway with a futuristic building. Instead of the planned sixteen floors, the house turned out to be three floors lower.

29. The stairs in the house are placed in separate “towers”, connected to the floors by open bridges. Although the house is made of slabs, the stairs were poured with concrete in wooden formwork. This house was one of the first works of the architect A. D. Meyerson.

30. Next to the House of Aviators, the Young Pioneers Stadium has been preserved - one of the last islands of entertainment on Khodynka. And it has actually ceased to be a stadium: in the winter it is used as a skating rink, and in the summer it is divided into tennis courts and fields for mini-football.

31. House number 3 on Begovaya Alley is an ordinary “ragged” house from 1958, which did not receive finishing due to the decree “on the fight against excesses in architecture” of 1955. The house is notable for the fact that in 1963 Vladimir Vysotsky lived in it.

32. Let's return to Skakovaya Alley. To the left of it begins Skakovaya Street, an interesting feature of which is the numbering of houses. The fact is that in Moscow, on all radial streets, numbering is carried out from the center, and only on a few - in the opposite direction.

33. Skakovaya Street is laid directly above the collector of the small river Presnya, or Sinichka, which in 1908 was completely enclosed in the collector. The numbering of houses on the street was established along the flow of the river - towards the center.

34. The length of Presnya is 4.5 km. Its reservoir has a varied shape in different sections of the flow and is replete with small waterfalls. In the Presnya basin lie the ponds of the Moscow Zoo, and the Humpbacked Bridge at the White House was thrown precisely over this river.

35. A little further along Skakovaya Alley, behind a metal fence, the first building of the famous architect I.V. Zholtovsky is hidden. This is the home of the Imperial Racing Society.

36. A competition for the construction of the building was announced in 1903. According to the ideas of that time, equestrian sport was associated with England, so the project had to be completed in gothic style. Having won the competition, Zholtovsky himself changed his style to classicism, to which he was faithful all his life.

37. This is what the main hall of the Racing Society looked like at the beginning of the 20th century. Later, paintings and sculptures from here ended up in the collection Tretyakov Gallery and the Museum of Horse Breeding. The condition of the painted coffered ceiling covered with paintings is unknown.

38. For a long time the building belonged to the military, but is now closed for renovation.

39. A two-minute walk from the first job is one of latest works Zholtovsky - the main building of the Moscow Hippodrome.

40. The building was originally built in 1889-1894 according to the design of little-known architects I. T. Baryutin and S. F. Kulagin and was called the “Running Pavilion”. The small portico of the building was flanked by two cavalry groups - quadrigas.

41. In the 1950s, there was a need to reconstruct the stands, and at the same time the building was rebuilt according to Zholtovsky’s design. It was enriched with a turret with a spire-vane and a massive portico of the classical order.

42. One quadriga was installed in the middle of the portico, the second was cut, placing the horses in different parts roofs. What happened to the bronze driver is unknown.

43. The building looks completely different from the side of the running stadium.

44. Reinforced concrete stands can accommodate up to four thousand spectators.



47. Near the hippodrome there is a three-star hotel “Bega”.

48. And a little further, in the courtyards, the old stables of the Racing Society have been preserved. Once upon a time, the entire right side of Skakovaya Alley was occupied by four such buildings. Only one survived, and it was abandoned.

49. In the park in front of the hippodrome there is a work by sculptor Kirillov “Bathing Horses”.

50. Another monument in the park - in. I. Lenin, who spoke here in 1918 to the workers of Presnensky

51. Begovaya Street, built up in the mid-20th century with monumental houses, is now a section of the Third Transport Ring.

52. And at the beginning of the century there was a flat field from the hippodrome to the Soldatenkovskaya hospital. In an airplane photograph from the 1920s, one can distinguish both the Khodynka water pump and the remains of the 1882 exhibition.

53. Funds for the construction of the hospital were bequeathed by the textile manufacturer, merchant and book publisher K. T. Soldatenkov, who died in 1901. According to the tradition of that time, the hospital was named after the donor. The first buildings were erected according to the designs of I. A. Ivanov-Shitz, who worked a lot on public buildings in Moscow.

54. The same architect erected a hospital church, which in honor of Kozma Terentyevich Soldatenkov was consecrated in the name of Cosmas and Damian. A two-tier oak iconostasis was installed inside. IN Soviet time the building was turned into a morgue.

55. The hospital itself was named after the outstanding doctor S.P. Botkin, who never had anything to do with it. The territory was gradually built up with new buildings.

56. C reverse side The hospital territory has preserved a unique monument, little known to Muscovites. This is the Church of the Vatopedi Icon Mother of God“Consolation and Consolation”, built as a “temple-monument to Russian grief” in honor of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich (Moscow Governor-General, who fell from the bomb of the terrorist Socialist-Revolutionary I.P. Kalyaev), as well as “all those killed for the Tsar and the Fatherland sedition of 1905."

57. The elegant temple miraculously survived during Soviet times. Probably, this was facilitated by the low popularity of the temple as a monument to the events of 1905.

58. Now the church is open again, interior decoration is underway.

59. The Vatopedi church was listed at the Nikolaev barracks, whose buildings still stand in a row towards the Khoroshevskoe highway. By succession they are occupied cadet corps for daughters of military personnel. The barracks were one of the first buildings of the architect S. U. Solovyov, one of the last was the building of the Higher Women's Courses on the Maiden Field.

60. The territory surrounding the hospital of Khodynka Field is occupied by military units and aviation enterprises. Directly opposite the Vatopedi Temple is the Sukhoi dining room.

61. Along Polikarpov Street we leave the industrial zone to a residential area.

62. On the right side of the street there are buildings of the central blood transfusion station.

63. And the opposite side is built up with Stalinist houses with interesting story. These houses are the direct predecessors of the Khrushchev buildings. They were built at the end of the era of brick housing construction, in 1947-51, from large panels on a reinforced concrete frame. The panels were poured into metal molds directly on the construction site, so they were completed in 60 working days, while similar brick buildings could take up to a year to build. The authors of the project were the famous architects M.V. Posokhin and A.A. Mdoyants (who enriched Moscow with the New Arbat) and the no less famous engineer V.P. Lagutenko, the creator of the Khrushchev buildings.

64. According to unverified information, the quarter was built by German prisoners of war. “The Wehrmacht destroyed, the Wehrmacht builds...”

65. The “highlight” of the quarter are the concrete sculptures in the courtyards. In the center of the flowerbed are moose.

66. There are pioneer women on the footpath.

67. And in the yard former school No. 689, and now College No. 8, the best preserved of the sculptures: a girl with a rabbit and a doe.

68. The endless towers of the “House on Begovaya” loomed above the Stalinist five-story buildings, which means that we have approached the Begovaya metro station, and our excursion today is over.

Materials used in preparing the excursion:
1. Book by A.V. Rogachev “The Outskirts of Old Moscow”.

In front of me is a painting by Vladimir Makovsky. Stampede on Khodynka Field. Now there is no field there, it’s an urban area, the beginning of Leningradsky Prospekt. And then it was a suburb, a space where folk festivals and trade were often held. There was also a parade ground for the troops of the Moscow garrison.

And now - the coronation of the young Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich. According to the new style - May 26, 1896. We've been waiting for this day. They hoped that it would be remembered as a celebration, as a day of national rejoicing. The coronation, the crowning of the kingdom, was perceived as the most important event in the history of the country, as main holiday. This is the tradition of Russian autocracy, which is based on the unity of the dynasty and the people. Poems and hymns were composed for this day, and thousands of people from all over Russia flocked to Moscow. After all, Russian sovereigns have been crowned kings for centuries not just anywhere, but in the Kremlin Assumption Cathedral. In Monomakh's hat, in the traditions of Grozny... In holidays everything bad was forgotten, the new king treated his subjects to wine and meat, bread and honey.

Thus, after the coronation, the new emperor wrote off arrears from the people totaling 100 million rubles. and donated hundreds of thousands of rubles from his personal savings to charitable needs. The celebrations continued for several days, their program was planned in advance. Everything was furnished more magnificently than in previous years: illuminations, festive pavilions. Four days after the coronation, on Khodynka Field, during public festivities, the royal gifts were to be distributed, which consisted of a bag of sausage, cod, a large gingerbread, candy and nuts. This gift also included a commemorative “coronation mug” with a coat of arms and initials.

In 1883, at the coronation of the Emperor Alexandra III The distribution of gifts on Khodynka went smoothly. But this time the valuable gift became a stumbling block. There were rumors that the bartenders were stealing free food. And the people gathered on the Khodynskoye field in advance... Without exaggeration, crowds of thousands.

The outstanding journalist A.S. Suvorin, a man of tenacious mind, writes in his diary: “There were a lot of people in the evening. Some sat near the fire, some slept on the ground, some treated themselves to vodka, while others sang and danced.” “The artel workers pampered us and began to give out a few bundles to their friends. When the people saw this, they began to protest and climb into the windows of the tents and threaten the artel workers. They got scared and started giving out (gifts).” Gifts turned out to be a dangerous temptation; passions flared up because of them, and blood was shed because of them.

Historian Sergei Oldenburg, hot on his heels, interpreted the situation as follows: “The crowd suddenly jumped up as one person and rushed forward with such swiftness, as if fire was chasing it... The back rows pressed on the front: whoever fell was trampled, having lost the ability to feel that they walk on still living bodies, as if on stones or logs. The disaster lasted only 10-15 minutes. When they came to their senses, it was already too late. There were 1,282 people killed on the spot and those who died in the coming days, and several hundred wounded.” Huge losses! Our commanders often lost much less in general battles, although they had to face enemy bayonets, under fire, under buckshot. The police were considered guilty - and rightly so. When a combination of circumstances coincides with the criminal negligence of law enforcement officers, trouble cannot be avoided.

Everything happened incredibly quickly. Then they managed to calm the crowd, many were horrified... And for a long time they took the wounded and dead out of Khodynka... The authorities were confused and ignorant. There were songs on Khodynka, including funny ones. And this was before they had time to wash the blood off the ground and send the wounded to hospitals. A prayer service would have been more appropriate, but everything continued according to a predetermined plan. This holiday will be called dancing on corpses. The people were supposed to greet the emperor...

On the road to Khodynka, he met carts with wounded and dead. Nikolai, to whom responsibility for the state had only recently fallen on his shoulders, stopped and uttered words of sympathy. He did not yet know the scale of what had happened - like, probably, the Moscow Governor-General, Grand Duke Sergey Aleksandrovich. It was he who insisted that the day's program remain unchanged, despite the unfortunate excesses. In those hours, they could not even imagine that the number of victims was in the thousands. Perhaps that is why the celebrations on Khodynka were not cancelled. The young emperor, as expected, was greeted with shouts of “Hurray!” and hymns. A short lunch took place.

A little later, the emperor would write in his diary: “The crowd, who had spent the night on the Khodynka field waiting for the start of the distribution of lunch and mugs, pressed against the buildings, and then there was a stampede, and, horribly to add, about one thousand three hundred people were trampled. I found out about this at ten and a half o’clock... This news left a disgusting impression.” The authorities did not remain indifferent to the victims of the tragedy. They gave out one thousand rubles per family of those killed or injured in the Khodynka tragedy. The amount is considerable.

In addition, the dead were buried at public expense, and their children, if necessary, were sent to an orphanage. But you can’t bring back the dead, and you can’t heal the maimed. On May 19, the imperial couple, together with the governor-general, visited the Staro-Catherine Hospital, where the wounded on the Khodynka Field were admitted. Many repented and complained about their own greed. After all, it all started because of gifts... Others scolded the Moscow authorities. Many considered it necessary to resign Sergei Alexandrovich. But the emperor limited himself to resignations in the police department.

Why were the police unprepared for such excesses? Russia's population grew amazingly quickly in the 19th century. Our capitals have also become more crowded. The state apparatus was not ready to manage such a populous country, such massive gatherings... They worked the old fashioned way, as if there were still 50 million citizens in Russia.

Meanwhile, at the fateful 5 o’clock in the morning on May 18, there were a total of at least 500 thousand people on the Khodynskoye field. Let me remind you that a little more than a million lived in Moscow at that time, including old people and children. The Moscow authorities simply failed to organize the delivery and distribution of gifts. They turned out to be unprepared for such massive celebrations with a complex program.

Let me down and big politics. As you know, under Alexander III, Russia entered into an alliance with France. Rapprochement with this power required a lot. France needed the military power of Russia, trade routes to the East, and in the future, the vast Russian sales market. And Russia, first of all, saw France as a financial support and was interested in loans, without which it would be difficult to carry out industrialization. Both powers counted on support in their rivalry with a growing Germany. A ball was scheduled for the evening of that day at the French ambassador's. The Allies intended to congratulate the new Russian monarch. To disrupt such an event means to darken the relationship between the two powers.

The emperor could not miss the French envoy's ball, although many advised him to refrain from entertainment events. In the memoirs of S.Yu. Witte we read: “The Emperor and the Empress were supposed to be present at the ball. During the day we did not know whether this ball would be canceled due to the disaster or not; It turned out that the ball was not cancelled. Then they assumed that although there would be a ball, their majesties would probably not come.” Witte further reports that the emperor was sad at the ball and quickly left the meeting.

Disputes about this decision continue to this day. And they began already that May night: “Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, Moscow Governor-General. As soon as we met, naturally, we started talking about this catastrophe, and the Grand Duke told us that many advised the sovereign to ask the ambassador to cancel this ball and, in any case, not to come to this ball, but that the sovereign completely disagreed with this opinion; in his opinion, this catastrophe is the greatest misfortune, but a misfortune that should not overshadow the coronation holiday; the Khodynka catastrophe should be ignored in this sense” (the same Witte).

The opposition got a reason to gossip that the emperor was indifferent to the people's tragedy and had fun at the ball that evening. In the twentieth century, every step of the ruler had to be correlated with the context of the information war. Konstantin Balmont, a rebellious poet, prophesied: “He is a coward, he feels with hesitation, But it will happen, the hour of reckoning awaits. He who began to reign as Khodynka will end by standing on the scaffold...” Cruel words, with overlap, with emotional overkill. The king was turned into the sole culprit of the deadly winepress. This is the destiny of an autocrat - to bear responsibility for everything. Of course, the execution of the former emperor did not bring happiness to the poet: Balmont emigrated from revolutionary Russia, cursing the Bolsheviks.

What happened on Khodynka? Darkness of minds terrorist attack? Rather, it was an accident, a set of circumstances, aggravated by the negligence of the authorities. And it is not at all by chance that the concept “Khodynka” has become iconic and has become a proverb.

The memory of the tragedy and its victims was not hushed up. In 1896, at the Vagankovskoye cemetery above the hill of the mass grave, a monument to the victims of the stampede on Khodynskoye Field was erected according to the design of the architect I. A. Ivanov-Shits - a beautiful stele with the date of the tragedy engraved on it.

Have similar tragedies happened in other countries? Yes, all sorts of things happened, especially where there were large crowds of people, where gifts were distributed... But the Khodynka tragedy is one of the largest in this sad series.

In 1896, on May 14, the last Russian emperor was crowned king in the Assumption Cathedral. Nicholas II placed on his head a large imperial crown, made in the mid-eighteenth century for Catherine II. The ceremony was accompanied by magnificent illumination. Muscovites have never seen anything like this before.

Preparation for the special event

The Kremlin became a strange fairy-tale city, here fiery fruits and flowers hung on the trees. Everything shimmered and shone, sparkled with gold and diamonds. It was a significant day in the history of Russia. However, three days later an event occurred that overshadowed the accession of Nicholas II. The topic of today's article is the stampede on Khodynka Field, its causes and consequences.

Royal gifts

On May 18, festive festivities were expected in the north-west of Moscow. Thousands of Muscovites and residents of nearby towns gathered at Khodynka Field in the hope of not only celebrating an important event, but also receiving gifts from the new emperor. The gift set included delicacies and an enamel mug with the Tsar’s initials. Perhaps it was because of such a generous gift at that time that the tragedy occurred.

According to official data, 1,300 people died. But there is an assumption that somewhere on Khodynka died more people. Similar events, although on a smaller scale, have already happened in Moscow. A terrible pandemonium, which resulted in the death of more than a thousand Muscovites, occurred much later - in 1953. The crush on the Khodynka field in some way affected the further course of history.

Nicholas the Bloody

The Tsar did not cancel any of the ceremonial events that had been planned before the coronation. While the military and firefighters were collecting human remains on the Khodynskoye field, the emperor was dancing at a ball with the wife of the French ambassador. While hundreds of Muscovites were dying in hospitals from their injuries, newspapermen published a list of luxurious dishes that the emperor had treated noble guests to in the palace the day before. Later, Nicholas II visited hospitals and donated money to the families of the victims. But it was too late. The people did not forgive him for his indifference. From now on he was called Bloody. Events at the beginning of the 20th century strengthened this nickname for Nicholas II - the tsar who became the last in Russia, perhaps precisely because of his softness and indecisiveness.


A few days after the coronation of the emperor, a stampede occurred on the Khodynka field. The cause of death for more than a thousand people was asphyxia. People were not instructed on how to behave in emergency situations. And even today, in the 21st century, such situations are not excluded. When considering the causes of the Khodynka tragedy, one should first of all take into account the quality of the roads of Moscow at that time. At the same time, remember: the crowd is always terrible phenomenon. There are many events similar to the Khodynka tragedy in history.

Places of folk festivals

The Khodynskoe field was first mentioned in documents of the 14th century. Once upon a time, Dmitry Donskoy bequeathed these places to his son Yuri. For a long time, arable land was located on the Khodynka field. It was here in the 16th century that the troops of Vasily Shuisky fought against the detachment of False Dmitry II. The first folk festivals on Khodynka Field took place under Catherine II. In the 19th century, a vacant lot in the north-west of the city was often used for ceremonial and festive events. The bloody stampede just ended, which happened in May 1896.

Causes of the tragedy

Today where in late XIX century, a huge number of people died, there are several metro stations. There is an ancient cemetery nearby. They were once buried here ordinary people, now exclusively celebrities. A prestigious area in the center of Moscow used to be a suburb. On holidays people walked here, and on other days the area was used as a training ground. It is not surprising that there were many ditches and trenches here. Uncontrollable crowds and poor-quality roads are the reasons for one of the worst tragedies in the history of Moscow.

So, the date of the stampede on Khodynka Field is May 18. We have found out the cause of the tragedy. It is worth saying that famous prose writers wrote about this. Among them are eyewitnesses of the 1896 event, and those who know about it only from historical sources. Photos of the stampede on Khodynskoye Field have survived to this day. Many reporters wrote about this tragedy, but among them there was a man who devoted his entire life to studying the capital, the morals and traditions of its inhabitants. The works of this journalist, writer and simply extraordinary person are worth reading for anyone interested in the past of the Mother See. It's about about Vladimir Gilyarovsky. Surprisingly, he was always there where both the most joyful and most tragic events in the history of the city took place.


We’ll talk about what Gilyarovsky said about the mass stampede on Khodynskoye Field a little later. Leo Tolstoy also wrote about this. The story of the great humanist and one of the most controversial personalities in the history of Russian literature is called “Khodynka”.

Lev Nikolayevich, of course, did not participate in folk festivities and did not hunt for a cup with the royal emblem. At that time he was in Yasnaya Polyana, composed an imperishable book about the wife of dignitary Karenin, who fell in love with the adjutant’s wing. But the count was, as you know, a caring person, and therefore the story of the stampede on the Khodynskoye Field interested him very much.

What is Tolstoy's story about? home heroine - Alexandra Golitsyna - girl 23 years old. Her surname already suggests that she is from a noble family. But like many young people in the end XIX century Alexandra was obsessed with popular ideas. On the day of the coronation of Nicholas II, it occurred to her to go not to the ball, but to Khodynskoye Field. Which is what she did.

The festive mood among the people who found themselves on Khodynka on May 18 lasted until the news came out of nowhere that unscrupulous barkeepers were distributing gifts among their own. True, very soon people no longer cared about gifts. Alexandra was suddenly separated from her escort (she had gone to the festivities with her cousin) by a crowd - a terrible, frantic one. However, there is no such thing as an organized, disciplined crowd. But it would not have caused numerous deaths if Cossacks on horseback had not suddenly appeared. They drove the crowd back towards the barmen who were handing out gifts. At this moment the first victims appeared.

Alexandra remained alive and unharmed, although she experienced the most terrible moments of her life. It was not her cousin who saved her, but stranger named Emelyan - a simple worker at a cigarette factory. Tolstoy's work is quite small. The author said nothing about the terrible consequences of the stampede on Khodynskoye Field.

Valentin also wrote about the tragedy that occurred on May 18, 1896 Pikul , And modern novelist Boris Akunin. A description of the stampede on the Khodynka field is also present on the pages of one of the Omanov Boris Vasiliev. But we'll come back to the memoirs of the most famous journalist of the beginning XX century - to the story by Vladimir Gilyarovsky.

Stampede on Khodynka Field event became an emergency. In the book “Moscow and Muscovites” the author only mentions him, but on May 20, 1986, Gilyarovsky, of course, wrote a note about it. Today it is considered one of the most reliable sources.

Between the moat and the buffet rows

According to Gilyarovsky, the number of victims increased due to the poor location of the buffets for distributing gifts. They were located a hundred steps from the highway, stretching from the center to the Vagankovskoye cemetery. Parallel to the buffet row is a deep shaft. There were apparently much more people than expected. People could not fit into the narrow passage between the moat and the refreshment tents. But they did not refuse the gifts, but occupied the ditch.

The distribution of gifts began at ten o'clock in the morning. People began to gather at dawn, if not earlier. People arrived from villages, taking food and wine with them on the road. According to Gilyarovsky, at seven o’clock in the morning there were already several hundred thousand people here. Those who managed to occupy the road along the buffets found themselves in rather cramped conditions. The ditch was jam-packed.

First victims

A stampede began, people lost consciousness, unable to get out of the crowd. The first victims appeared even before the distribution of gifts began. At dawn, the girl was brought in in an unconscious state, a little later the boy, who was taken to a hospital located nearby. He came to his senses only the next day.

But the real tragedy was ahead. The distribution of gifts began at several buffets, a crowd of thousands rushed towards the tent, and then a terrible stampede began, accompanied by screams, screams, and groans. They were heard throughout Zamoskvorechye and terrified even the workers who that day were working on the racing ring, two kilometers from Khodynskoye Field.

No more than a fifth of the number of people who gathered here at dawn took part in the celebration itself. By six o'clock in the evening Muscovites had gone home. However, many had to return in search of relatives. About two hundred people were seriously injured. More than three hundred needed treatment.


All Moscow hospitals were overcrowded. Even the military, experienced people, were deeply impressed by the picture that could be seen after the “folk festivities.” The blue, mutilated bodies of the dead were scattered everywhere. Most of the bodies were taken to the Vagankovskoye cemetery. About twenty dead were found in a well located opposite one of the buffets. It was a rather deep hole, covered with wooden boards that could not withstand the strong pressure. The bodies were transported to the cemetery throughout the whole day.

The position of Chief of Police was held at that time by Alexander Vlasovsky. He, like his assistant, lost his place. Several officials were demoted. Soon, at the Vagankovskoye cemetery, near the mass grave, by order of the emperor, a monument to the victims of the Khodynka disaster was erected. In Soviet times, it was customary to blame the tsar for what happened, as, indeed, in other tragedies.

An event that upset the emperor

The king's coronation was the most important event in the country. For this day, hymns and poems were composed, thousands of Russian residents flocked to the capital. For many centuries, emperors were crowned kings in Moscow. Even when the capital was the city founded by Peter. On the day of the crowning of the kingdom of Nicholas II, he not only decided to please his people with generous gifts. He wrote off the debts total amount which amounted to about one hundred million rubles.

Coronation Day last emperor could become truly bright and festive. If it weren’t for the crush on Khodynka Field. Photos taken in 1986 are presented in this article. But they are unlikely to be able to convey the scale of the tragedy that thousands of Muscovites had to endure.

The dead were buried at public expense. Many children were left orphans and were sent to orphanages. Who is to blame for the tragedy? Probably not only mayors, did not provide favorable conditions for the celebration. Another reason for the stampede is human greed.

In 1953, something similar happened at Stalin's funeral. But then people came to say goodbye to the “leader”. In 1896, people gathered on Khodynsky Field in anticipation of gifts. However, it was not without reason that both his contemporaries and later historians accused the emperor of indifference. In the notes of Nicholas II it was found: “I learned about the mass stampede after ten hours, and it made an unpleasant impression on me.”

, Polezhaevskaya, Sokol, Shchukinskaya


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An excerpt characterizing the Khodynka field

– Because no one will listen to this, Isidora... People prefer beautiful and calm lies to soul-stirring truth... And they don’t want to think yet. Look, even the stories about the “life of gods” and messiahs, created by the “dark ones,” are too similar to one another, right down to the details, from their birth to their death. This is so that a person is not bothered by the “new”, so that he is always surrounded by the “familiar and familiar”. Once upon a time, when I was like you - a convinced, true Warrior - these “stories” amazed me with the open lies and stinginess of the diversity of thought of those who “created” them. I considered this a great mistake of the “dark ones”... But now, long ago, I realized that this is exactly how they were created deliberately. And this was truly ingenious... The thinking Dark Ones know too well the nature of a “followed” person, and therefore are absolutely sure that a Person will always willingly follow someone who is similar to the already known one him, but will strongly resist and will hardly accept someone who turns out to be new to him and forces him to think. That’s probably why people still blindly follow “similar” Gods, Isidora, without doubting or thinking, without bothering to ask themselves at least one question...
I lowered my head - he was absolutely right. People still had too strong a “crowd instinct” that easily controlled their malleable souls...
– But each of those whom people called Gods had very bright and very different, their own unique Lives“, which would wonderfully decorate the True Chronicle of Humanity if people knew about them,” the North continued sadly. – Tell me, Isidora, has anyone on Earth read the writings of Christ himself?.. But he was a wonderful Teacher, who also wrote wonderfully! And he left much more than the “Thinking Dark Ones” who created his fake story could even imagine...
Sever’s eyes became very dark and deep, as if for a moment they had absorbed all the earthly bitterness and pain... And it was clear that he didn’t want to talk about it at all, but after being silent for a minute, he still continued.
– He lived here from the age of thirteen... And even then he wrote the message of his life, knowing how much it would be lied to. He already knew his future then. And even then he suffered. We taught him a lot... - suddenly remembering something pleasant, Sever smiled completely childishly... - The blindingly bright Power of Life always burned in him, like the sun... And a wonderful inner Light. He amazed us with his boundless desire to LEAD! To know EVERYTHING that we knew... I have never experienced such a crazy thirst!.. Except, perhaps, from another one, equally obsessed...
His smile became surprisingly warm and bright.
- At that time, we had a girl living here - Magdalena... Pure and gentle, like the morning light. And fabulously gifted! She was the strongest of everyone I knew on Earth at that time, except for our best Magi and Christ. While still with us, she became the Witch of Jesus... and his only Great Love, and after that - his wife and friend, who shared with him every moment of his life while he lived on this Earth... Well, he, studying and growing up with us, he became a very strong Sage and a real Warrior! Then it was his time to say goodbye to us... The time had come to fulfill the Duty for which the Fathers called him to Earth. And he left us. And Magdalena left with him... Our monastery became empty and cold without these amazing, now fully grown, children. We really missed their happy smiles, their warm laughter... Their joy at the sight of each other, their irrepressible thirst for knowledge, the iron Power of their Spirit, and their Light pure souls... These children were like suns, without which our cold, measured life faded. Meteora was sad and empty without them... We knew that they would never return, and that now none of us would ever see them again... Jesus became an unshakable warrior. He fought evil more fiercely than you, Isidora. But he didn't have enough strength. - The North has drooped... - He called his Father for help, he mentally talked with him for hours. But the Father was deaf to his requests. He could not, did not have the right to betray what he served. And for this he had to betray his son, whom he sincerely and selflessly loved - in the eyes of the North, to my great surprise, tears shone... - Having received his Father’s refusal, Jesus, just like you, Isidora, asked for help from all of us ... But we also refused him... We had no right. We suggested that he leave. But he stayed, although he knew perfectly well what awaited him. He fought until the last moment... He fought for Good, for the Earth, and even for the people who executed him. He fought for the Light. For which people, “in gratitude,” slandered him after his death, making him a false and helpless God... Although Jesus was never helpless... He was a warrior to the core, even when he came to us as a child. He called for a fight, he destroyed the “black” wherever it came across on his thorny path.

Jesus Radomir drives away
merchants from the temple

The North fell silent, and I thought the story was over. Such a deep, naked melancholy splashed in his sad gray eyes that I finally understood how difficult it must have been to live, refusing help to loved ones, bright and beautiful people, seeing them off as they went to certain death, and knowing how easy it was for them to save, just by extending your hand... And how wrong, in my opinion, was their unwritten “truth” about not interfering in Earthly affairs until (finally, someday!..) the “right” time comes.. which might never come...
“Man is still a weak-willed creature, Isidora...” Sever suddenly spoke quietly again. “Unfortunately, there is more self-interest and envy in him than he can handle.” People do not yet want to follow the Pure and Light - this hurts their “pride” and makes them very angry, since they are too different from the person “usual” to them. And the Thinking Dark Ones, knowing full well and using this, always easily directed people to first overthrow and destroy the “new” Gods, quenching the “thirst” for the collapse of the beautiful and light. And then, having been sufficiently disgraced, they returned the same new “gods” to the crowd, like the Great Martyrs, destroyed “by mistake”... Christ, even crucified, remained too distant for people... And too pure... Therefore, after death people stained him with such cruelty, without pity or embarrassment, making him like themselves. Thus, out of the ardent Warrior, only the cowardly God remained in people’s memory, calling to substitute left cheek, if they hit you on the right.... And from it great love- all that remains is a pathetic laughingstock, pelted with stones... a wonderful pure girl who has turned into a “forgiven” by Christ, a “fallen” woman who has risen from the mud... People are still stupid and evil Isidora... Don’t give yourself up for them! After all, even after crucifying Christ, all these years they cannot calm down, destroying His Name. Don’t give yourself up for them Isidora!
– But do you think ALL people are stupid and evil?.. There are a lot of wonderful people, North! And not all of them need a “defeated” God, believe me! Look at me - can't you see? I would need the living Christ, just like his wondrous Love - Magdalene...
North smiled.
- Because you are From-and-to-ra... You pray to other gods. And they hardly need to pray! They are always with you and they cannot leave you. Your gods are Good and Love, Light and Knowledge, and Pure primordial Power. These are the Gods of Wisdom, and this is what we “pray” to. People don't recognize them yet. For now, they need something else... People need someone to whom they can complain when they feel bad; who can they blame when bad luck; who can they ask for when they want something; who can forgive them when they “sin”... This is what man needs for now... And a lot of time will pass until man will need a God who would do everything for him, and even more so - I would forgive everything... It’s too convenient to be able to refuse, Isidora... A person is not yet ready to do anything on his own.
“Show it to me, Sever...” I asked in a whisper. - Show me what he was like.
The air around vibrated in soft waves, sparkling and thickening, as if a mysterious invisible door was opening. And then I saw them!.. In a spacious stone cave, two wonderful blond children were happily talking about something, sitting by a small natural stone fountain. The world around them seemed happy and sunny, absorbing the quiet joy flowing from their wonderful souls... The boy was proud, tall and very slender for his thirteen years. A huge inner strength raged within him, but at the same time, he was soft and very pleasant. He looked at the world cheerfully and... very wisely, as if he was at least a hundred years old inside. At times his radiant blue eyes flashed, piercing with steel gray, but then they sparkled with joy again, admiring their charming, laughing interlocutor... And the girl really was unusually pretty. She resembled a pure angel who had just descended from heaven. Pressed to her chest, she held an old, thick book. And apparently she was never going to let her go. Wavy, very long golden hair was tied with a blue silk ribbon, which successfully set off the color of her laughing, sky-blue eyes. Small dimples on her pink cheeks made her sweet and cheerful, like a clear May morning... The children were dressed in long, snow-white, identical clothes, belted with gold belts and looked like a wonderful couple who had come out of a beautiful old painting... They were wonderfully suited to each other, complementing with something and connecting what was missing to each, creating one whole that was impossible to break... These were Jesus and Magdalene, the future Savior of Mankind and his only and great future Love.
– But they are completely different! – I exclaimed, sincerely surprised. – Not at all the way they are portrayed! Aren't they Jews?!
“But they never were,” Sever shrugged. – These are the people who needed power, very “smartly” decided to become “children of the murdered God”, thereby making the most dangerous people on Earth “CHOSEN”. Jesus was the son of the White Magus and our disciple, the Sorceress Mary. They gave birth to him to bring his amazing Soul to Earth.
I stared at Sever in shock...
– What about the Jew Mary and Joseph?! What about the same Nazareth?..

– The Jewish Mary, Isidore, and Joseph were never near Jesus. There was a Witch Mary who, right before his birth, went here to Meteora so that he would be born here, among the Magi and Witches. But she was late... Jesus was born a week earlier, AT DAWN, in a small house on the river bank. And his birth was accompanied by the Bright Morning Star. Our Magi hurried to him to see him and protect him. And his Teacher and Father came to worship the wonderful soul of his newborn son. The Magi called him to Earth to stop the “plague”, which, like a spider, had been weaving its black webs here for a long time. And it was the Magi who sent Christ to the Jews. But Jesus himself was never a Jew. The Magi hoped that he would have enough strength to stop the “black” Evil that was already spreading across the Earth. But Jesus lost, underestimating the “great weaknesses” of man... The earth was not ready for His coming, just as it is not ready for the coming of the LEADERS, Isidore. And we are not ready to help her. When will he come right time– we will open the Doors. And perhaps Light will triumph on Earth. But this won’t happen for a very long time... Forgive me.



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