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Since ancient times, wood has been especially perceived in the popular consciousness. Concise presentation

Since ancient times, a separate tree has been especially perceived in the popular consciousness. To our distant ancestors, the tree resembled a person. Its trunk seemed like a body, its roots like its legs, its crown like its head, its branches like its arms. Like a person, it grew and matured, grew old and died. The tree bore fruit. The movement of life-giving juices was going on in him - in exactly the same way. How blood moves in a person. It could hurt, moan, creak. It had such virtues as strength, strength, and hardness.

A particular perception of wood can be found in the Bible. On its very first pages, two trees of the Garden of Eden are mentioned, designed to play an important role in the history of mankind: the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The fruits of the first give immortality. The tree here means faith, and its fruits mean the gifts of faith: love, spiritual purity, immortality. The second tree is called upon to test this faith. It reminds us that a person can choose both the path of good and the path of evil in his life. This is what a believer thinks about when he sees an image of a tree on an icon.

Particularly noteworthy were long-lived and beautiful trees. Russian artists and poets have left us many picturesque and verbal images of such trees. It is enough, for example, to look closely at I. Shishkin’s paintings “Ship Grove”, “Rye”, “Pine”. In lyrical songs, people share their most intimate feelings with the tree. It seems to become a sensitive interlocutor, a friend.
(According to A. Kamkin) 198 words

To our ancestors, a tree resembled a man with arms, legs, and a head. It grew, bore fruit, grew old, and died. There was a movement of life-giving juices in it. It could hurt, moan, had strength, strength.
On the pages of the Bible, two trees are mentioned: the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The fruits of the first bring immortality, the second - faith. A person chooses between good and evil.
Trees are depicted in the paintings of many artists. In songs, people share their feelings with them and consider them friends.

Russian language lesson in 9th grade on the topic: “Preparation for writing a concise presentation in the State Examination Paper”

The purpose of the lesson:

prepare 9th grade students to write a concise summary based on journalistic text material.

Lesson objectives:

To teach how to isolate the main thing in information, to shorten the text in different ways;

Learn to analyze text, identify micro-themes;

Express your thoughts correctly, briefly and logically;

Be able to find and appropriately and accurately use linguistic means of generalized transmission of content;

Familiarize yourself with a text on a literary topic

Lesson type: lesson on consolidating knowledge, developing skills and abilities.

Lesson type: speech development lesson

Equipment: on each desk there is the text “Tree”, each student has table 1 and table 2, the text “Forests” for each student (for homework).

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

Teacher: Hello guys! We will continue to prepare for the state final certification.

II. Formulating the goals and objectives of the lesson

Teacher : Today in the lesson we will prepare to write a concise summary, train in the ability to analyze text, isolate micro-topics and learn ways and techniques for compressing text.

III. Updating of reference knowledge

Teacher : Remember what are the features of a concise presentation?

(in a concise presentation, we will retell individual fragments of the text briefly, leaving only the most important, essential)

Teacher : The task of a concise presentation is to select essential information, briefly convey the content of the text, provided that the author’s main thoughts are conveyed without distortion.

Teacher : Remember what a microtheme is?

(this is the topic of a text fragment, part of it; the sum of microthemes conveys the main content of the text)

IV. Getting to know the text

Teacher: We listen to the text, try to determine the topic, main idea, theses.


(According to A. Kamkin) 198 words

V. Practical work

Teacher: Determine the topic of the text.

(the importance of a tree in a person’s life)

Teacher: Determine the idea of ​​the text.

Teacher: Determine the type of speech of this text. Prove it.

(type text-reasoning, since the author argues and proves that a tree has a lot in common with a person)

Teacher: What is the structure of the argumentative text?

(the argumentative text consists of three parts: thesis, evidence and conclusion). Let's find signs of reasoning in the text.

(thesis: the tree resembled a person to our ancestors; evidence:

A tree, like a person, grew, matured, grew old, and died;

The Bible mentions the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil;

Artists, poets, and musicians sang the tree in their works.

Conclusion: a tree is a person’s constant companion, his friend.

Teacher: Define the text style.

(the style is journalistic, since the text influences the reader and introduces him to certain information).

Students are given sheets of text.

Teacher: The text is divided into three paragraphs. For what purpose?

(each paragraph contains a micro-topic that reflects the main topic)

Teacher: Let's determine the micro-topic of each paragraph and find keywords.

We will enter the data into a table. (each student has on their desk a piece of paper with the base of the table, with paragraphs printed in the first column; they write the micro-topic and plan themselves, working with the text)

Table 1


Micro theme


Since ancient times, a separate tree has been especially perceived in the popular consciousness. To our distant ancestors, the tree resembled a person. Its trunk seemed like a body, its roots like its legs, its crown like its head, its branches like its arms. Like a person, it grew and matured, grew old and died. The tree bore fruit. The movement of life-giving juices was going on in him - in exactly the same way. How blood moves in a person. It could hurt, moan, creak. It had such virtues as strength, strength, and hardness.

To our ancestors, the tree resembled a person. Like a person, a tree grew, matured, grew old, died, bore fruit, and had strength, strength and hardness.

Similarity to a person.

A particular perception of wood can be found in the Bible. On its very first pages, two trees of the Garden of Eden are mentioned, designed to play an important role in the history of mankind: the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The fruits of the first give immortality. The tree here means faith, and its fruits mean the gifts of faith: love, spiritual purity, immortality. The second tree is called upon to test this faith. It reminds us that a person can choose both the path of good and the path of evil in his life. This is what a believer thinks about when he sees an image of a tree on an icon.

The tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, mentioned in the Bible, played an important role in the history of mankind. The first symbolizes faith and its gifts, the second - the choice between good and evil.

Two trees of the Garden of Eden.

Particularly noteworthy were long-lived and beautiful trees. Russian artists and poets have left us many picturesque and verbal images of such trees. It is enough, for example, to look closely at I. Shishkin’s paintings “Ship Grove”, “Rye”, “Pine”. In lyrical songs, people share their most intimate feelings with the tree. It seems to become a sensitive interlocutor, a friend.

There are many pictorial and verbal images in Russian art. In lyrical songs, the tree becomes a sensitive interlocutor, a friend.

Tree in art.

VI. Working on text compression

Teacher: There are two ways to compress text: generalization of private information and exclusion of secondary information.

Exclusion of secondary information includes:

A) Exclusion of individual words, phrases, introductory words and constructions that clarify the members of the sentence.

B) Exclusion of one or more synonyms in a series of homogeneous members.

C) Exclusion of one or more sentences containing secondary information, details, details.

D) Removal of explanatory constructions (homogeneous members with a generalizing word or series simple sentences as part of a non-union complex, explaining the content of the first part).

Generalization of information includes:

A) Sentences within a paragraph that are close in meaning.

B) A number of homogeneous members.

VII. Independent work

Teacher: Using compression techniques, shorten the text (on students’ desks there are sheets of paper with a table; paragraphs are printed in the first column, the children’s task is to fill out the second and third columns)

table 2


What did you use?

What happened?

Since ancient times, a separate tree has been especially perceived in the popular consciousness. To our distant ancestors, the tree resembled a person. Its trunk seemed like a body, its roots like its legs, its crown like its head, its branches like its arms. Like a person, it grew and matured, grew old and died. The tree bore fruit. The movement of life-giving juices was going on in him - in exactly the same way. How blood moves in a person. It could hurt, moan, creak. It had such virtues as strength, strength, and hardness.

Excluding a sentence fragment that has less significant meaning;

Replacing a sentence fragment with a synonymous expression;

Exclusion of proposals containing arguments presented too broadly and completely.

To our ancestors, the tree resembled a person. Like a person, it grew, matured, grew old and died, and bore fruit. It could hurt, moan, creak. The tree had strength, strength, and hardness.

A particular perception of wood can be found in the Bible. On its very first pages, two trees of the Garden of Eden are mentioned, designed to play an important role in the history of mankind: the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The fruits of the first give immortality. The tree here means faith, and its fruits mean the gifts of faith: love, spiritual purity, immortality. The second tree is called upon to test this faith. It reminds us that a person can choose both the path of good and the path of evil in his life. This is what a believer thinks about when he sees an image of a tree on an icon.

Exclusion of proposals containing arguments presented too broadly and completely:

Exclusion of individual members of the sentence, some homogeneous members:

Elimination of repetitions;

Exclusion of irrelevant information.

The tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, mentioned in the Bible, played an important role in the history of mankind. The first tree symbolizes faith and its gifts: love, spiritual purity, immortality. The second tree is designed to test this faith.

Particularly noteworthy were long-lived and beautiful trees. Russian artists and poets have left us many picturesque and verbal images of such trees. It is enough, for example, to look closely at I. Shishkin’s paintings “Ship Grove”, “Rye”, “Pine”. In lyrical songs, people share their most intimate feelings with the tree. It seems to become a sensitive interlocutor, a friend

Exclusion of irrelevant information;

Elimination of repetitions;

Exclusion of proposals containing arguments presented too broadly and completely.

Russian artists, poets, and musicians have left us many picturesque and verbal images of trees. In lyrical songs, the tree becomes an interlocutor, a friend.

(80 words)

VIII. Summarizing

Students compare their results. The received texts are read out.

IX. Homework

Determine micro-topics of the text, find keywords, draw up a text plan.


Chekhov, through the mouth of Doctor Astrov, expressed one of his absolutely amazingly accurate thoughts that forests teach a person to understand beauty. In the forests, the majestic beauty and power of nature, enhanced by a certain haze of mystery, appears before us with the greatest expressiveness. This gives them a special charm. And I cannot keep silent about the fact that in the depths of our forests true pearls of our poetry were created.

Forests are the greatest source of inspiration and health. These are gigantic laboratories. They produce oxygen and trap toxic gases and dust. Each of you, of course, remembers the air after a thunderstorm. It is fragrant, fresh, full of ozone. So, an invisible and inaudible eternal thunderstorm seems to be raging in the forests and scattering streams of ozonized air across the earth.

In the forests you breathe air that is two hundred times cleaner and healthier than the air in cities. It is healing, it lengthens life, it improves our vitality, and finally, it turns the mechanical, and sometimes difficult for us, process of breathing into pleasure. Who has experienced this on themselves, who knows how to breathe in sun-warmed pine forests, he will remember, of course, the amazing state of seemingly unaccountable joy and strength that covers us as soon as we find ourselves in the forests from stuffy city houses.

(According to K. Paustovsky) 187 words

Preparation for State Examination (C1) Concise presentation
Since ancient times, a separate tree has been especially perceived in the popular consciousness. To our distant ancestors, the tree resembled a person. Its trunk seemed like a body, its roots like its legs, its crown like its head, its branches like its arms. Like a person, it grew and matured, grew old and died. The tree bore fruit. The movement of life-giving juices was going on in him - in exactly the same way. How blood moves in a person. It could hurt, moan, creak. It had such virtues as strength, strength, and hardness.
A particular perception of wood can be found in the Bible. On its very first pages, two trees of the Garden of Eden are mentioned, designed to play an important role in the history of mankind: the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The fruits of the first give immortality. The tree here means faith, and its fruits mean the gifts of faith: love, spiritual purity, immortality. The second tree is called upon to test this faith. It reminds us that a person can choose both the path of good and the path of evil in his life. This is what a believer thinks about when he sees an image of a tree on an icon.
Particularly noteworthy were long-lived and beautiful trees. Russian artists and poets have left us many picturesque and verbal images of such trees. It is enough, for example, to look closely at I. Shishkin’s paintings “Ship Grove”, “Rye”, “Pine”. In lyrical songs, people share their most intimate feelings with the tree. It seems to become a sensitive interlocutor, a friend. (According to A. Kamkin) 198 words
Examples of texts for editing and checking
Text No. 1
For a long time, in folk creation, a tree resembled a person to our ancestors. The trunk is the body, and the branches are the arms. And also, the tree could hurt, groan, creak and die.
We can learn more about the tree in the Bible. Already on its first pages it talks about two paradise gardens. And also that the tree is the tree of life, or rather, all our closest relatives. At its very foundation lies faith. On Russian icons we can also meet mighty trees.
In Shishkin’s paintings “rye” and “pine” there are beautiful trees. They decorate our nature. A tree can be good and evil at the same time, but it always remains our friend.
Text No. 2
Since ancient times, a tree has been specially perceived as an icon; by our dear ancestor, a tree was like a illuminated plant; if you open the Bible, you can see or read that tree on the first page of the book. The book says that a long time ago there was a garden, and two trees grew there and they bore fruit. The fruits of the first tree give immortality, and the gifts of the second tree give hope, confidence, courage, healing juices flow inside the tree, the tree feels and breathes. Previously, some people put a photo of a tree in a frame; for them it was an icon, they bowed to the tree, but many forget that the tree is our friend.
Text No. 3
To our distant ancestors, the tree resembled a person, its trunk was the body, the roots were the legs, the crown was the head, and the branches were the arms. The tree bore fruit, but just like a person, it could get sick, groan, and die. The Bible mentions two trees of paradise, the first gave spiritual faith, the second reminded that there is both good and evil. Especially notable were the long-living and beautiful trees. They were described in many paintings, for example in the paintings of the artist Ivan Shishkin. For many people, a tree was a friend with whom they could talk, share something secret.
Text No. 4
For a long time, a separate tree has been perceived in a special way in the popular consciousness. Our ancient ancestors compared him to a man. They believed that the trunk was the body, the roots were the legs, the branches were the arms, and the crown was the head. The tree grew and matured, matured and died. It bore fruit. And the life-giving juices contained in them were considered human blood.
The tree has many human virtues. It can scream, moan, feel pain. It is characterized by such qualities as hardness, strength, strength.
Also we can see great importance tree in the bible. There were two trees in the Garden of Eden: the tree of life and the tree of good and evil. The first bore fruit - immortality. The second tree is the choice tree. A person must test his faith by making a choice towards good or evil.
Particularly noteworthy were long-lived and beautiful trees. They inspired artists, writers, musicians. Let us recall, for example, Ivan Shishkin’s paintings “Rye” and “Pine”. In lyrical songs, people share their experiences with the tree. It becomes a friend for a person.
Text No. 5
To ancient ancestors, the tree resembled a person. It has a trunk like a human body, roots like legs, a crown like a head and branches like arms. Juices flow through a tree, like a person’s blood; it can mature, grow old, and die.
The Bible describes two trees in the Garden of Eden. The first gives immortality. This means faith in goodness. The second tree is described as a test of one's faith, the choice of the path of good or evil. They are also depicted on icons.
Artists show trees well and beautifully in their paintings. For example, Ivan Shishkin’s Painting “Pine”. It’s not for nothing that they talk to trees. It’s as if they come to life and gain a soul.
Text No. 6
From afar, the tree was perceived in the popular consciousness. To our ancestors, the tree resembled a person, it is also similar: with its legs - roots, arms - branches, crown - head and torso. A tree, like a person, could hurt, creak, grow, grow old, and die. It bore fruit a day. The juices moved inside the tree, like blood in a person.
A special perception of the tree is written in the Bible: the tree of life and the tree of knowledge and evil. The fruits of the first give immortality and faith, the fruits of the second give the test of faith, choose the path of good or the path of evil.
Long-lived trees and beauty trees are notable. In lyrical stories, the lyrical hero shares his most intimate feelings with a tree.
Text No. 7
Since ancient times, one tree stood to the side. Which looks like a person: the crown is like a crown, the roots are like legs, the branches are like hands, and the sap inside the tree was like a roof. The tree has seen everything and everyone loved it for what it is. It also aged like a person, sometimes creaking, sometimes crumbling. And it turns out that the tree is like a grandfather, it can listen to help with something and it will be happy about it. A tree is a sensitive interlocutor, a friend.
Text No. 8
Since ancient times, a free-standing tree has been valued in Rus'. Our distant ancestors believed that a tree is similar to a person. The trunk is the body, the crown is the head, and the branches are the arms. Also, a tree can get sick and grow stronger, have strength and courage, bear fruit, moan, creak, speak and make noise.
We can hear the word tree both in the stories “Rye” and “Aspen” and in songs. The tree must be loved and respected, because it is considered a distant friend to us.



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