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How to make juice from tomatoes in a juicer. Tomato juice for the winter at home

Greetings to everyone visiting my blog! Obviously, you also want to prepare delicious tomato juice for the winter. I still have a lot of red ones left, ripe tomatoes. Today I will look at several popular options for preparing a tasty and healthy drink from them. And I invite everyone to take part in this event with me.

Despite its great popularity, the history of this dish began only at the beginning of the twentieth century. In 1917, an American hotel ran out of orange juice at the height of the season. How to quench the thirst of a huge number of guests. And then motel owner Louis Perrin came up with the idea of ​​making a drink from tomatoes.

In our country, it was first tried in 1936, thanks to Anastas Mikoyan, People's Commissar of the USSR food industry. It was produced in large quantities and was widely promoted. In times of general shortage, there was always enough tomato juice in our stores. He is still universally loved today. Thanks to its excellent taste, naturalness and usefulness.

We have already made a lot of canned tomatoes together. You can see the recipes in the section. In our menu today, I tried to collect recipes that will suit anyone who visits us on this topic. We will prepare the juice using a blender, juicer, autoclave and a regular meat grinder. Choose the option you like and let's start preparing this wonderful drink.

Usually, ready-made juice is simply drunk with a little salt. But some people season it with mint, pepper, and lemon for flavor. Have you tried these? Experiment - it's very tasty! You can also use it as a dressing for dishes and even as a marinade for meat. in tomato juice it turns out simply divine.

Delicious tomato juice for the winter in a blender

This miracle of technology has long won the hearts of all culinary experts. Still would! After all, cooking with it is easy and simple! And the tomato juice that we prepare at home using a blender will be better than store-bought juice. And without wasting a lot of time we will get a delicious product.

For processing, you need to take the ripest, even slightly overripe, soft tomatoes. As you understand, the size of the fruit does not matter.


1. Wash the tomatoes thoroughly and cut them into quarters. I put it in the blender bowl.

If you have an immersion blender, place the chopped tomatoes in a very deep bowl or saucepan.

Do not use high speed so that the mixture does not begin to whip and foam. Because our task is to grind.

2. I rub the finished puree through a metal sieve. If you don’t have a large sieve, you can use a colander. Now salt the prepared mass to your taste. There is no need to add spices, because we are preparing juice, not sauce.

3. I will cook the puree in parts so as not to overcook it. And I advise you to do the same.

This is necessary for better preservation of vitamins.

I take a saucepan slightly larger than the container into which I will pour the finished juice. I put it on the stove and bring it to a boil. I cook it for exactly five minutes and there is no need to heat it on the stove for more. I immediately pour it into a pre-sterilized container, up to the very neck. It is advisable that there is no room left for air.

4. Screw the boiled lid on tightly. I also gradually boil and roll up all the remaining juice. You can cover it with a blanket. As soon as it cools down, we will put it in the cellar. Our useful product is ready! Drink to your health!

Step-by-step recipe for tomato juice with pulp through a meat grinder

If there is neither a blender nor a juicer, a good old meat grinder will help us out. With the help of it and a special nozzle, we will prepare natural and amazing juice. In this case, we don’t even need to use an additional sieve. The attachment function will do everything itself.


1. Wash the tomatoes thoroughly and cut out the deformed parts of the skin and stalk. Depending on the size of the tomatoes, I cut them into halves, quarters, and so on.

2. In order to obtain a puree, I pass the chopped tomatoes through a meat grinder with a special attachment to obtain juice. Look at the photo below how this is done. With this device, the solid mass will be filtered out. And in a separate container we will receive clean tomato pulp. If there is no such attachment, do not be upset. Just twist in the standard way and press the resulting mass through a sieve.

3. I add salt to the finished puree to my taste. Stir and place on low heat until it boils. During the cooking process, be sure to remove the resulting foam and boil for 10-15 minutes. If you like sweet juice, you can add sugar. As much as you like.

4. Remove from heat and pour into sterilized containers.

To prevent the jar from bursting, let an ordinary spoon stick out in it.

And I immediately roll it up under sterile lids. I turn the jars over to see if the lids are leaking air. Everything is fine. I wrap them upside down under a blanket until they cool completely.

The next day you can put it away for winter storage in the basement.

How to cook tomato juice for the winter in a juicer

At this method Tomatoes are exposed to steam and high temperature. Due to this, the juice begins to be released completely from the entire fruit. With this method there will be more finished juice. After all, it is taken, among other things, from the skin. For those who like to use a juicer, our next recipe.

What we need:

  • Small tomatoes
  • Salt to taste


1. First of all, of course, you need to wash the tomatoes. I then cut them into quarters, cutting out the stems and misshapen skin. And I send the chopped slices into the juicer container intended for fruits.

2. Now I fill our unit with water at risk. This container is the lower “saucepan” of the juicer. In the second compartment, where the juice will flow directly, I will add salt to taste. And on top I put a third section filled with tomatoes. And I close it with the final lid. Look at the photo on how to assemble the juicer. When the structure is completely assembled, we send it to the stove.

3. When the water boils at the bottom, I will switch the heat to low and simmer for 30-45 minutes. At this stage, the juice will begin to separate.

After the specified time has passed, open the lid and mash the tomatoes with a masher so that the remaining juice flows out.

4. I take the tube from the second section into a pre-sterilized jar. This is where the juice drains. Having filled the container, I screw the lid tightly and place the next jar.

We take the finished products to a cool place. The product can be stored all winter without any problems.

A simple recipe for tomato juice using a juicer

And the happy owners of a juicer have nothing to worry about at all. Watch the video from the Free Minute channel. Here the author shows step by step how easy it is to make a drink using such a wonderful device.

Nothing complicated and I really like that the recipe includes among the ingredients Bell pepper. This is one of my favorite vegetables. It turns out that this drink contains a double charge of vitamins and useful substances!

Tomato juice for the winter at home without salt and sugar

Today I could offer you a few more recipes on how to cook tomatoes. But we all understand that during cooking, some of the beneficial substances are destroyed. And if we want to leave the most natural product possible while maintaining all its properties. Therefore, this recipe will be without cooking, without salt and without sugar, it will be frozen juice. Thus, we will preserve its maximum benefit.


1. I thoroughly rinse the tomatoes and pass them through a meat grinder with a “manual juicer” attachment. By the way, this method preserves more vitamins than when passing through an electric juicer.

2. Pour the finished juice into plastic cups. Big or small - it's up to you.

You can pour it not only into glasses, but also into small molds; this briquette will then be good for seasoning any dish.

You can squeeze yellow and red tomato juice separately, as well as, taking this opportunity, cucumber juice. It will be very useful, tasty and beautiful! By the way, I did just that. I leave it in the freezer until completely frozen. And then I put the cups in bags so that the contents do not freeze out.

3. And you're done! That's how easy and simple you get natural, flavored juice from fresh tomatoes cold winter. Just leave the glass to defrost at room temperature. Have a nice winter day with fresh juice!

Preparing tomato juice at home in an autoclave

For those who have a unit, we also have one recipe in store. For canning for a long time - this is very a good thing. Which itself will do what would take us quite a lot of time.


1. Wash the tomatoes thoroughly and cut off all the ugly parts. Cut into slices and place them in a saucepan. I put it on medium heat and wait until it boils. Then the juice will begin to stand out intensively from them. Then I cook for 10 minutes.

The time varies depending on the variety of tomatoes. Soft ones boil quickly, but hard ones need to be boiled longer.

Don't forget to constantly stir the tomatoes in the pan so they don't burn. Gradually they turn into a homogeneous mass.

2. Now I will rub the resulting mixture through a sieve. And I’ll put the resulting juice back on the fire until it boils. No need to cook anymore! Just boil and immediately pour into jars, without adding about a centimeter to the rim. I roll up the lids and put them in an autoclave for sterilization. For fifteen minutes at 3.2 atmospheric pressure.

3. After the appointed time, I take out the jars and let them cool completely. Then all that remains is to take them to the basement. Such preservation will be stored for a very long time. Ready! Drink with pleasure!

Video on how to make juice from tomatoes with pulp without a juicer

I spotted a very simple method for making thick juice with pulp on the channel “In the garden or in the vegetable garden.” The author shows us how to prepare such a drink. All you need are some additional simple kitchen tools and our meat grinder turns into a manual juicer. Our inventors never cease to amaze me.

What I really like about this recipe is that the juice is thick. Just the way I like it. If you are also a fan of such a drink with pulp, then this method will be useful to you.

The benefits and harms of tomato juice for the body

What is this great benefit this refreshing drink? Tomatoes are the winner among vegetables in terms of vitamins and minerals. Which are so necessary for our body to maintain good shape.

Even with heat treatment, this vegetable retains most of its usefulness. It is a natural antioxidant and helps slow down the aging process. Reduces the possibility oncological diseases, which is very important nowadays. Clears blood vessels of toxins and cholesterol. Tomato juice is very useful for men's and women's health.

This juice is good for those who are on a weight loss diet, as it is both nutritious and low in calories. But, of course, this does not mean that you need to fill yourself with only this throughout your diet.

Of course there are limitations. First of all, don’t forget that you need to know moderation in everything. If you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you should definitely consult a doctor. It's possible that you shouldn't eat tomatoes at all.

Did you know that according to airline statistics, passengers most often order tomato juice? In fact, scientists have already discovered why. Because during flight our sensations, including taste, change. And we begin to favor umami. This is the fifth taste that a person can distinguish in addition to salty, sour, sweet, and bitter. That's it!

It is also a tonic drink. It contains serotonin, which is the “happiness hormone”. That is, it lifts your spirits! I drank a glass of juice and became even happier!

In my opinion, the recipes are quite simple to prepare and do not take much time. And in the cold winter you will have delicious product from the freshest summer vegetables. Choose the recipe that you like and cook with pleasure! Drink tomato juice and always be in a good mood!

Good day to all! Do you still have a mountain of tomatoes in your kitchen, are they overripe, have the skins shrunk? And you don't know what to do with them? There is a great solution for winter, this is to prepare a very tasty vitamin-rich and scarlet-red tomato juice.

In general, do you think tomato juice is healthy and is there any benefit from it?

It turns out that the benefits are enormous for our body, especially for men, as well as for those who are on a diet. I won’t go into details; if you are interested, you can always read this information on the Internet.

I will list only the most basic, namely, what vitamins and microelements ripe juicy tomatoes contain:

Can you imagine how many useful things there are, it’s just scary, this is what you need to eat every day!

Tomato juice for the winter at home

Just look at how beautiful the jars are, as if they came from a store, but only homemade ones, without any additives, flavors or other nonsense.

The most delicious and favorite cooking recipe, which can be made very quickly and easily while at home.

For this we need a bunch of tomatoesvvvv and as always great mood))). The secret of preparation is very simple and easy, in a nutshell, take the fruits and pass them through a meat grinder or blender, and then preserve them in jars.

If you want to drink it right away, then you can omit the preservation moment and make it even without salt and sugar if desired.

We will need:

  • ripe tomatoes - 12 kg
  • salt per 1 liter - 0.5 tbsp
  • sugar per 1 liter - 2 tsp

Addition: You can skip sugar and salt altogether, or do it based on your taste preferences.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the tomatoes well and cut into pieces, remove the stem and other Beautiful places on the peel.

Important! It is best to choose high-quality tomatoes without any flaws, so that there is less waste.

Then pass all the pieces through a meat grinder or juicer. Whoever has what, take advantage of it. Through a meat grinder, juice is always obtained with pulp, but through a juicer without pulp.

Interesting! There is another way, if there is no meat grinder, and also if you want to make it without a juicer, nowadays anything is possible, then the device is broken, then there is no money to buy it, then what can you come up with? To do this, take a regular sieve and grind all the tomato pulp, everyone has one.

2. After you squeeze out the juice, there will be a lot of pulp left, move it to the side, it won’t be needed.

Interesting! If you wish and have enough time, you can twist the pulp through a juicer or meat grinder several times.

3. Place all the red liquid in a saucepan, add salt and sugar.

Important! How much salt and sugar should you take per 1 liter? How do you usually take it? My calculation is that for 1 liter I take 0.5 tbsp (or 1 tsp) salt and 2 teaspoons of sugar.

4. Heat the raw mixture and bring to a boil. Don't forget to stir so the juice doesn't burn. Cook from the moment of boiling for 10-15 minutes, and in the meantime you can sterilize the jars and lids.

Important! When boiling, a lot of foam forms, reduce the heat a little, stir well, and the foam will disappear, you can skim it off a little with a spoon.

5. The next step is to pour the hot, ready-made juice into sterilized jars.

6. Screw under the lid or roll up with a twist.

Important! Check if everything worked out; to do this, turn the jar upside down and see if liquid leaks out. Wrap the jars under a blanket and let cool.

7. In this wonderful way you can prepare this miracle of nature, and in winter take it out and drink it, or make your favorite tomato sauce or ketchup.

I have another idea on how to preserve such a preparation, namely, you can squeeze the tomatoes and freeze the resulting juice. This year I’m conducting this experiment, placing the juice in containers, ice cups, and then in winter I’ll take it out and add it, for example, to salad dressing. What do you think of this storage idea for your home?

Video: How to make tomato juice?

Recipe for homemade tomato juice using a juicer

Another excellent and cool option can be made in jars. It turns out without seeds and without pulp, as an electric juicer is used. It will take very little time to cook, because such an assistant does the necessary actions in a matter of minutes. Just zhzhzhzhzh and everything is ready.

The peculiarity of this option is that it is made only with the addition of salt. If desired, you can add sugar, Bay leaf, cloves to taste. Some people I know even add bell peppers and garlic, and then also grind everything in a juicer. In my opinion, this is more of a vegetable juice.

Some additional heat treatment, sterilization this option does not require it, since the jars are taken clean and already prepared. Let's get started, and these step by step photos only to help you.

We will need:

  • tomatoes - 4 kg
  • salt - 1 tbsp (add at your discretion, taste, stir, add more)

Cooking method:

1. Cut the tomatoes into slices and place them in a special container of the juicer and make juice.

2. Then put this red mixture on the stove to cook. After boiling, 10 minutes should pass, add salt and mix well.

Important! Don't forget to stir so that less foam appears on the surface. Otherwise, the same situation that can happen with milk, she will “run away.” Cook over low heat, but just enough to gurgle.

3. After 10 minutes have passed, take sterilized jars and lids and carefully pour the liquid into them.

Important! Pour the juice slowly, pour just a little at first to scald the jar and it will become hot, accustomed to this temperature.

4. Tighten with a twist so that nothing escapes from under the covers.

5. Turn upside down, wrap and let cool to room temperature.

Everything can be stored for a very long time, the taste is simply awesome and amazing, just super! You will definitely like this preparation and you and your family will be completely satisfied. Bon appetit.

Well, friends, you can make this homemade juice yourself, without any extra effort. if you this note like it share it on in social networks, subscribe to the group in contact and as they say, see you again! Bye everyone, have a good day and fruitful work!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova

So autumn has come. The children have gone to school, but it’s too early to rest, we need to properly prepare for winter. And first of all, you should prepare as much tomato juice as possible for the winter. It would seem that juice is not food, and you wouldn’t have to worry too much, but in fact, tomato juice, especially with pulp, is the number one product. It’s needed for borscht, it’s also needed for tomato sauce, and how much? delicious dishes prepared with the same tomato juice, I’m not even talking about the benefits of tomato juice, that it wouldn’t hurt to drink it regularly. Therefore, don’t be lazy and be sure to preserve tomato juice for the winter. I propose a very simple and quick recipe tomato juice, without sterilization, without vinegar and other preservatives, even kids can drink it.


(Yield: 2.1 liters of tomato juice)

  • 3 kg. ripe tomatoes
  • 1 tbsp. salt (optional)
  • So, take three kilos of ripe tomatoes. Any ripe tomatoes are suitable for tomato juice: large, small, not very beautiful, red, pink and even yellow. It is important that they are ripe and juicy. In general, the garden beds are usually full of just such tomatoes in the fall, and at the market such little things are not very expensive.
  • Wash the tomatoes thoroughly and let the water drain. If the tomatoes are large, then cut them in half or into several parts. We pass the tomatoes through a juicer. Collect the resulting mass in a clean bowl and discard the pomace.
  • If you don’t already have a juicer, I advise you to buy one; it saves a lot of time, and preparing homemade tomato juice costs nothing at all: just one or two and you’re done!
  • Well, what about those who don’t have a juicer? Then you can get tomato juice as follows. Boil the chopped tomatoes for 5-7 minutes. When the tomatoes have cooled, rub the tomatoes through a large sieve (to allow the pulp to pass through) or through a colander with fine holes. If you use a regular colander, then the seeds will come out along with the pulp.
  • Place the bowl with tomato pulp on the fire (take an enamel bowl). Add salt if desired. But the best and healthiest option is to roll up natural tomato juice without salt and spices. But in winter, when you open the jar, then you can add salt and pepper to taste. By the way, this juice turns out much tastier than boiled with salt and spices.
  • Boil the tomato juice for 15 minutes over medium heat, you don’t need to cook for half an hour, a quarter of an hour is enough.
  • Carefully, so as not to scald yourself, pour the hot tomato juice into sterile jars, cover with sterile lids and roll up. Read carefully how to properly sterilize jars and lids.
  • Turn the jars with rolled tomato juice upside down (for additional sterilization of the lids), wrap them in a blanket and leave to cool. The specified amount of tomatoes yields a little more than 2 liters of tomato juice. Exactly how much juice you get depends on the juiciness of the tomatoes.
  • The next day, we hide the cooled jars of homemade tomato juice for storage in a pantry, cellar or any other cool place away from radiators and sunlight.
  • That's all, the natural product is ready! As you can see, preparing tomato juice does not take much time or effort, but what a benefit for your wallet and health! Tasty, healthy, always at hand, no need to buy tomato paste or tomato sauces that contain preservatives. And most importantly, the presence of tomato juice allows you to greatly diversify your daily menu. And, as you know, tasty and healthy food is the key to health, peace and tranquility in the family. So, we started with regular juice and ended with global themes)))

Tomato juice, one of our most famous and beloved juices. And it is very common in the world. Maybe half of the people love it for its usefulness, I’m not sure, but the other half definitely, when they drink it with pleasure, don’t think about the vitamins in it. He's just having fun.

A tomato is a vegetable, a berry, a fruit, yes, yes, don’t be surprised, that’s what it was called in different times, in different places, whose homeland is the American continent. More precisely, it was the Peruvians (residents of Peru) who learned to grow them, gradually selecting wild fruits that were the size of berries.

Wild tomatoes exist in nature even now, and they really are berries, not vegetables, and the Chinese even classify them as fruits.

Tomatoes appeared in Russia only in the 18th century. At first, just like potatoes, they were considered poisonous, and in Europe ornamental plants. But now you probably won’t find anyone who would grow them as ornamental ones. And we eat them with great pleasure. And we drink tomato juice with even greater pleasure.

This is what we will talk about today.

How to prepare tomato juice for the winter at home

Even in my childhood, tomato juice was sold in stores in 3-liter jars. There were also flasks from which the seller poured this juice into glasses for some meager fee, and next to it stood a salt shaker. It was so delicious.

And yet, no store-bought juice can compare with juice prepared with your own hands at home. Therefore, we will look at several options for making juice, and then we will go to the kitchen and prepare it. It's quite simple and easy, and the taste...!


  1. Tomato juice - how to prepare tomatoes

In this article we will look at how to properly prepare tomatoes to obtain tasty, long-lasting tomato juice.

Of course, you can take selected, ripe, juicy tomatoes and make good tomato juice. But here we are looking at preparing tomatoes from our own garden or bought at the market cheaper, but different, so that the juice turns out tastier.

1. You can use different tomatoes for juice. As you can see in the photo, we have both small cream and larger cream. Large meaty tomatoes. Small, very juicy tomatoes, similar to cherry tomatoes. Medium round tomatoes.

2. Why did we choose so different ones? Well, firstly, to show that they are all suitable for making juice. Secondly, if we take, for example, cream alone, it is very meaty, so the result will not be juice, but a sauce. And together with juicy cherries it will already be juice.

3. First, the tomatoes need to be washed well. If you make it with a juicer, thoroughly rinse the area of ​​the stalk so that there is no sand or pieces of earth there. Since we will not trim the place of the stalk.

4. If you put it through a meat grinder, be sure to cut out all the hard growths, including the stalk.

6. If the tomato is a little depressed, soft, wrinkled, but completely intact, this tomato can be used.

7. Be sure to trim off spoiled sides of tomatoes.

8. If you get a cracked tomato, look carefully to see if there is any rotting there, smell it so that there is no putrid smell and you can cut it. But it’s better not to make juice from such tomatoes. Then put it in the borscht.

9. Trim off black spots on tomatoes.

10. On tomatoes it happens next to the stalk, it’s so green. It is not known what it is, so it is better to cut this place off too.

11. For tomatoes that have a dent next to some inclusions or damage, it is better to cut off these damages along with the dent.

12. We cut it, looked, and what was left was a clean, beautiful tomato. That's all right.

This is the basic preparation of tomatoes

Now you know which tomatoes to take and how to prepare them for making tomato juice. Be smart about this. Keep in mind that it is better to trim a little more than less. But don’t throw away tomatoes in vain.

Well, good luck to you!

You will succeed.

  1. Tomato juice at home

1. Wash the tomatoes thoroughly. We cut out all the damage and other unnecessary parts, the stalk, and growths. In general, everything that we don’t like. And cut the tomatoes into medium slices.

2. We cut different tomatoes, small, overripe and large. We also had giants, the so-called first flower tomatoes. We specifically weighed it - 749 g. We took all kinds that were not spoiled. See above for how to prepare them.

3. We squeeze the juice with a food processor. Can be passed through a juicer. You can mince it, boil it well and rub through a sieve.

4. We pour the juice into the pan and let it cook. We divided the juice so that it boils better and now we will show all the ingredients per pan containing 2.25 liters of juice.

5. Bring the juice to a boil, reduce the heat so that the juice slowly simmers. Cook for another 30 minutes. Please note that tomato juice boils like milk, so do not go far from the pan, stir in time.

6. After half an hour, the juice has even boiled down a little, add half a tablespoon of salt, a couple of garlic cloves cut into halves, 2-3 cloves, 6-7 allspice peas and 8-10 black peas.

7. In addition, put a tied bunch of dill with umbrellas in the juice, as well as a sprig of celery.

8. Continue cooking for another 30 minutes. After 15 minutes, add 1.5 tablespoons of sugar. We also add 2-3 bay leaves to the pan. Boil for another 15 minutes.

9. Our juice is cooked, you will see that there is no more foam. Remove dill and celery from juice. Do not rake the tomatoes together. Taste for salt and sugar.

10. Pour the juice into sterilized jars. Turn the jars upside down. Place them on a wooden board or towel and let them cool completely.

How to sterilize jars.

We use this juice for all purposes in which the juice is used. For example, if we are cooking. Or, or just drink a glass in winter and feel the summer.

It can be stored at room temperature. But it is always better to store in a cool place.

Enjoy your drinking!

1. The tomatoes were washed, peeled and spun in a juicer. You already know other ways to squeeze juice (see above).

2. Pour the juice into a large saucepan and place on the stove. We have 3.5 liters of juice in the pan.

3. As you already know, various spices, pepper, cloves, and others are often added to the juice for flavor. In this recipe for tomato juice for the winter, we will do without any spices. Only salt. For 3.5 liters of salt we add 1 tablespoon, with a small slide, of salt. Let's stir it well.

4. If the jars are well sterilized, the juice will be preserved even without other ingredients.

5. The juice boils and a cap forms. Don't miss out. He will run away. Stir.

6. As soon as the juice boils, reduce the heat and let it boil for another 5-7 minutes.

7. Remove the juice from the stove onto a stand and begin pouring into jars.

8. Pour a little into the jar at first so that it warms up a little and does not burst.

9. After pouring the juice into the jars, roll up or screw on the lids if they are screw-type.

10. Turn the jars over to check if they are leaking anywhere and then place them on a towel or blanket and wrap them in something warm. Leave the jars like this until they cool completely.

Here is a simple recipe for tomato juice that we looked at.

You can prepare it easily.

Bon appetit!

Any canned tomatoes are good - whole rolled into a jar, in salads, assorted. But for me, of all the fruit and vegetable delicacies prepared for future use, there is nothing more desirable than natural tomato juice made from ripe and fragrant tomatoes for the winter. You can use it to season the first and second courses, even in dessert. Or use it as an independent product - just drink for pleasure.

If you haven’t yet acquired a signature recipe and don’t know how to make tomato juice from tomatoes, here are some simple and accessible ways.

Option 1

Products are taken based on each kg of tomatoes: a glass of vinegar (9%) - 100 ml, half a tsp. salt, one tbsp. l. Sahara.

First you need to make juice from tomatoes, as indicated above, and also juice from sweet bell pepper(For every liter of tomato, take 200 ml of pepper). Mix both ingredients and heat. Add sugar, salt, spices (ground hot peppers) - to taste. Boil the liquid, pour into jars, sterilize, and roll up.

Option 3

To make tomato juice for the winter in this way, you need ripe tomatoes, salt, sugar, cloves, black pepper (peas). Wash the fruits, remove the stems and dry. Cut into pieces, squeeze through a juicer. Place all the resulting juice in an enamel bowl over low heat. When it boils, wait until the pulp that has risen to the top settles. If you need a thick consistency, you can boil it longer, but 20 minutes of boiling is enough. At the end of cooking, add (for each liter) salt - 0.5 tbsp, sugar - 1 tbsp, spices (1 star of cloves and 2 peas of black allspice) to taste. Pour the tomato into sterilized heated jars and immediately roll up. Leave upside down and covered until completely cooled.

There are many more options - choose any one you like!



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