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How to find a job quickly - important tips when looking for a job. Where to start looking for a job - advice from experts

Perhaps you are now thinking about changing jobs or are already going to the next one. Perhaps you are a boss and right now you are perplexedly considering your next resignation letter. In any case, this article is written for you. From it, the first will learn how to choose the best job in their life, and the second will learn how to make sure that your employees don’t even think about quitting you.

What do people pay attention to when applying for a new job?

Yes, you guessed it right once.

Of course, this is the most important factor, but it would be very imprudent to reduce everything only to money. There are hundreds of activities in the world that pay very good money, but which you would never do. In addition, once a person reaches a certain level of well-being, money as an incentive begins to lose its decisive importance. We can recall dozens and hundreds of examples when successful managers and executives of large companies leave their bright, comfortable offices and go to free bread or even into the unknown. And no amount of salaries, social packages, corporate benefits and free goodies can keep them from doing this.

So what, after all, are they missing?


Before you take a new job, be sure to rate how interesting it will be for you. Don't forget that you will be devoting most of your time to this activity. Yes, a good material reward can make you think about what you can “endure” or “endure and fall in love with.” But don’t flatter yourself - in a boring job that doesn’t interest you at all, you will quickly turn into a humanoid robot programmed to perform your “functional duties” from 9 to 18. So it's better not to even try.


I am fully aware that both large and small companies have their own established routines and each employee must have a clearly defined range of responsibilities. However, one cannot write off the innate need of every person for independence and. Therefore, take a close look at what space to make independent decisions looms in your new workplace. If your duties do not even imply any independence or represent only a pitiful imitation, when your every look and action will be carefully monitored and corrected, then the value of such work is very doubtful.


Many people believe that man is a lazy creature and always chooses the path of least resistance. This may be partially true, but this path quickly leads to personality degradation. If no significant effort, mental or physical, is required from you in a new place, then you will quickly get bored and... Therefore, when choosing a new job, make sure that you are faced with quite complex tasks. Only overcoming difficulties gives rise to the interest that we wrote about in the first paragraph and serves the development of a person.


It’s not in vain, oh it’s not in vain that the Greek gods sentenced Sisyphus to roll a stone up a mountain forever. Hard, endless and fruitless work is a real curse for any person. Therefore, it is very important that your work activity traces direct connection between the effort expended and the result obtained. It is clear that most often we are talking about monetary rewards, but in some cases a skillfully structured reward system can inspire employees to work selflessly even without it.


People love to be respected. Everyone - a drunk with a glass of beer, and a scientist receiving a Nobel Prize. Many are ready to work long and hard for this, without salary or bonuses. On the other hand, even the most highly paid job, but for which you will be despised and hated, can poison your life. Therefore, look for a job that you can be proud of yourself and that will make your children proud of you.

So When deciding how to find the job that will be the best in your life, after finding out the size of the salary, the availability of a social package, the size of the table and the availability of free cookies, be sure to take a break and answer the following questions for yourself:

Will this job be interesting to me in a year? And in five?

Will I be able to make my own decisions?

Are the tasks I have to solve challenging enough?

Will I be able to see the results of my work?

Will I and others respect me for this work?

Not every one of us can afford to look for our dream job month after month. There are situations in life when you need to find a job as quickly as possible. He will tell you how to act to reduce your job search time.

Set your salary expectations
Be sure to indicate salary expectations: employers look at resumes with a salary “by agreement” much less often than those whose owners did indicate the level of desired remuneration. And if your experience is still limited, then be especially critical of the figure: salaries with a large number of zeros are paid to professionals who have passed a serious selection process (several interviews, test tasks, etc.). This selection requires time, and you don’t have it. So, if you have no experience, sensibly evaluate your education and skills, compare all this with the average salary of a specialist of your level (our team will help you with this) and... reduce the amount by 10-15%. But don’t overdo it; you don’t want to make the recruiter doubt your professionalism.

Reduce requests
Think about what requests you are willing to give up in order to get hired as quickly as possible. Yes, this is very unpleasant advice, but it works. Do you really see your future nowhere other than international companies? Are you sure you can’t imagine future work without voluntary health insurance or other “goodies” of the compensation package? Are you sure that you are not ready to spend an extra 15-20 minutes on the way to work? Decide what you can give up and what is important to you, and revise your resume. The fewer restrictions, the more offers you will receive, and this is very important if the work is needed immediately.

Expand your search
Even if you have a narrow specialization, you should consider considering offers from related industries. Who knows what offers employers are ready to make you? So give them a chance!

“Ready to start tomorrow... even today!”
Another component of the success of quick employment is your readiness to go to work immediately, right tomorrow. Communicate this during interviews - in some cases it can be your competitive advantage. It happens that a vacancy needs to be filled urgently, but the candidates are all busy: one is finishing things up in the same place, the other has planned a vacation... Meanwhile, some area of ​​work remains uncovered, the company loses possible profits and becomes more accommodating.

Evaluate your resume critically
If you want to find a job quickly, evaluate your resume again. Is it clear enough to the recruiter that you are professional and adequate? Is your experience and achievements clearly presented? Edit your resume for each job you apply to: try to draw attention to that part of your experience that may be of interest to this particular employer. Read more about how to describe your achievements on a resume.

Download the mobile application
Good vacancies fill very quickly. To send your resume faster than your competitors or quickly respond to an employer’s invitation, use our mobile application to search for a job. Update your resume and call the employer directly from the application:

Work on your job search! Every day!
This is the most important point. None of the above will help if you do not search for a job thoroughly and systematically. Review new job postings every morning; send your resume to suitable companies; check the fate of your resume with those companies that have not responded to your letters; If you are rejected after an interview, ask the recruiters for advice on what you need to do to succeed in the next company. Don't sit idly by! Only persistent applicants find work quickly!

Good luck and quick employment!

So, you can be congratulated on your status as an unemployed person. Whether you planned to quit or it happened unexpectedly is no longer important. There is only one goal ahead - a quick search for a new job. Statistics show that more than half of the unemployed spend more than a year searching for a new job that will be completely satisfactory. And the point here is not that there are fewer employers. The reason lies in typical mistakes when selecting vacancies. To prevent this from happening, we present you with quick and effective ways to find a job.

How to quickly get a job?

If you are left without a livelihood, there is no need to panic. The time allotted to search for something new is a great opportunity to rethink your skills and desires. Think about what you weren't happy with in your previous position and what you would really like to do. As popular wisdom says: “Find a job that you love, and you won’t have to work a single day.” Once you're in the right mindset, get started! The technology of job search is that you will not be given the coveted position on a silver platter. To get a tasty morsel you need to spend some effort on it. Our tips will help you distribute them correctly:

The last and most important thing to remember is preparing for the interview. Your appearance should make a good impression of you. Arrive to the interview on time and act confident. Don't panic if the question takes you by surprise. Consider each answer and do not interrupt your interlocutor. Before going to large and reputable companies, practice your conversation skills at less reputable companies. Remember that it is not you who need the job, but the employer who needs you. Have a successful and fruitful search!

When a person loses his job, he wants to find a new one as quickly as possible. And sometimes you have to look for a job for quite a long time. But an unemployed person cannot provide himself with a livelihood. Therefore, I want to find a good and well-paid job as quickly as possible. How to find a job quickly, how to find a good place in a short time?

Temporary or permanent job

Of course, everyone wants to find a permanent and well-paid job. However, if the financial situation is dire, then in some cases it is worth considering temporary work, just in order to have a livelihood while looking for a permanent one. As a rule, temporary work does not pay very well, but at the same time it allows you to earn money while looking for a more suitable job. Therefore, you should not refuse offers of temporary work. You just need to understand that this is temporary and devote all your free time to finding a more suitable job.

Where to look for work?

Currently, advertisements for vacancies are mainly posted on the Internet. As a rule, the majority of vacancies at the moment are located on the Internet. Such advertisements can often help you get a good job, but at the same time they can be a simple scam and this should not be forgotten. If an employer or potential customer asks you to pay for something - no matter what - consumables, documents, shipping, etc., then you should be very careful about offers of this kind. As a rule, in this case it is simply about making money from you.
However, do not forget about acquaintances and friends. Quite often, it is your friends and relatives who can recommend you to a good place. Therefore, if you have lost your job, call all your friends and tell them about the current situation. Perhaps your friends will offer you a good job.

Resume – necessary or not?

It is very important to write your resume correctly and not be afraid to send it to all vacancies that interest you. A resume is the first impression you make on a potential employer. When looking for a job, send out a well-written resume wherever possible. Of course, in most cases they will probably not answer you, but there is always a possibility that your resume will be of interest to the employer and he will invite you for an interview. And then everything depends only on you.

Employment service - register

The employment service currently offers certain vacancies. Of course, as a rule, there are not very many suitable vacancies, but the salary is not high either. However, unemployment benefits, despite the minimum amount, in very difficult situations can still act as financial support for some time while you are looking for permanent work. But more importantly, when you register with the employment service, you get the opportunity to acquire a new profession completely free of charge. And these are opportunities for getting a new job.

Your active job search

To find a good, well-paid job, you need to be active. No one will come and bring a good vacancy as a gift. It is your active activity that will help you quickly find a job.
What is required from the applicant? Have a ready-made resume, which completely honestly and objectively indicates all his skills, abilities and positive qualities.
Next - constantly browsing sites with job offers. And also posting your ad on a job search website. Perhaps the employer will find you based on your resume. But you should not hope for this - it is you who must actively work to find a job for yourself.
As a rule, how successfully you will find a job depends only on you.

Don't despair - never!

Didn't manage to find a job right away - quickly? It's sad, but it's not a tragedy and it's worth continuing the search. It is possible to find a job quickly, but a quickly found job is not always the best option. But in this case, you should continue to work in a temporary place and look for a job that better suits your requirements. You shouldn’t refuse a temporary job that isn’t the best until you find a better option. You just need to continue looking for a more suitable job for you. And sooner or later you will find it, but at the same time you will have, albeit not the best, but still a job. It is important to understand that a temporary job is just a temporary job.

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The issue of employment is one of the most painful for a huge part of the population of the entire post-Soviet space. Everyone, from a university graduate to a specialist with many years of experience, faces a situation where they need to quickly find a job that is both interesting and decently paid.

The job search process is very painstaking and very difficult, because you will need to monitor hundreds of advertisements for available vacancies, communicate with a variety of people, and also try to please the future employer. It's very difficult, but if you look for a job correctly, your chances of success increase significantly. So where to start?

According to many recruitment agency specialists, one of the most common mistakes is the absence of any clear goal. Let’s say a person starts looking for work through all possible channels (friends, agencies, advertisements in the press, the Internet) and in several different industries at once. It is not uncommon for the same person to be interested in a huge number of vacancies, from a PR department employee to a loader.

Of course, if the work is needed urgently, then this explains everything. But in this case, you can’t expect good results - a person writes a universal resume and sends it out through all channels, hoping for results. The chance that this tactic will bring success is slim, so it is better to immediately clearly define for yourself in which area you want to find a new job. Moreover, if you want to find an interesting job, you must determine for yourself what you want to do.

There are several options here. You can study advertisements for vacant positions (on specialized websites, forums, in the press, etc.), or you can offer your services yourself.

In principle, you can combine these two methods. This way, the chances of finding a normal job will increase significantly, because you will have plenty to choose from. After calling the ads, make a list of potentially interesting options, noting all the pros, cons and features.

If you have been scheduled for an interview, it means you have attracted the employer's interest. It’s too early to rejoice, because this only means that they want to know more about you. You need to prepare for the first meeting with an employer not only from a professional point of view (think in advance what professional skills you have that will be of interest to a person who is looking for a new employee), but also from a psychological one.

Prepare in advance for a few tricky questions that you are likely to be asked. For example, the question about the reason for leaving a previous job has the status quo in the first conversation. Here it is better not to mention specific reasons, and answer with general phrases like “I wanted to try myself in a new field,” or something like that. Whatever it is, during the interview, behave calmly, do not be nervous, and think about what you are saying. Here every word plays its role.

It often happens that there are several good options, and deciding on a specific one is not so easy. The difficulty of choosing is that finding a job you like is not so easy, and even when the last step remains, it is the most difficult to take.

In order not to suffer when choosing, do the most basic analysis. On a piece of paper, write down the advantages and disadvantages (if any) of each of the proposals, and think about what is a higher priority for you at this stage of life. Yes, you may have to give up something that now seems very tempting to you, but in the future it will not be so important.



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