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How to make money at home. Real ways to attract money

Take something you wear often (coat, dress, etc.). Sew a small coin into the hem or under the floor.

When you sew, repeat in a whisper (you can look in a book):

“Thread with a needle, and money with me. Just as a thread follows a needle, money is drawn to me. I hem the hem and sew the money onto me. Come to me, money big and small, copper, silver, gold, paper, all kinds, to buy, to sell, for your joy, for God’s grace. Amen".

Repeat without stopping or getting distracted the entire time you sew.

Do not wear the item on this day; let it hang at home among other things. From the next day, wear as usual.

So that the money comes as often as possible.

Buy poppy beans at the market. Wait for the new moon, and at the very hour when new Moon rises, take a handkerchief, spread it on the table, pour a poppy seed in the center of it, and, drawing a cross on it with your finger, say the words of the spell out loud or in a whisper (you can look in a book at the same time, do not learn by heart):

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Most Holy Theotokos, save and preserve! I am baptized with the cross, I bow to you. Mother of God, You know all my needs, how much money I need, without a coin in my wallet I can neither get dressed, nor put on shoes, nor a piece of bread, nor a sip of water. Give me as much poppy in your scarf, as much money in your wallet. Amen".

Then the poppy needs to be tied in a scarf and stored in a secret place in the house.

For great wealth.

Cook the fish soup, and when you cut up and cook the fish, pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“Great are the earth’s waters, the seas and oceans are full of them. How much water there is in the seas and oceans, how many fish there are in that water, that is how much wealth I have. Amen, amen, amen."

You need to repeat it continuously all the time while cooking. It is necessary that no one distracts you, so it is better to do this when no one is at home. The soup should be eaten the same day, and everyone living in the house should taste at least a little.

So that goodness comes to the house.

On a new moon, pour water into a glass and place it on the window so that it gets in. Moonlight. Let it stand until the moon becomes full. On a full moon, take the glass in your hands and say out loud to the water:

“The moon was thin, but became full. So may my house become full of all good things, and gold and silver.”

Then you need to wash your face and hands with this water.

If you want neither bad person, and no evil could cross the threshold of your house, but luck became a frequent guest - hang elderberry branches crosswise over the front door.

If you want prosperity and good luck in everything, in the morning, getting out of bed, put on your right foot first, and then your left. And never look for a second slipper if the first one is already on your foot, first find both and then put them on.

If you want good luck to come to your home, keep it in your house like coins from other countries, but only silver ones.

To start a new, happy streak in your life, wait until the new moon and rearrange the furniture in your home. Luck will not keep you waiting.

Never leave half-eaten pieces of bread on the table if you don’t want to leave your happiness behind. Pieces of bread, even if dried or spoiled, cannot be thrown away, otherwise wealth will leave the house. Better feed it to birds and animals.

If luck has turned against you, sprinkle salt on all the window sills in your house. Let the salt lie until luck returns. Afterwards, you will need to carefully sweep away all the salt without touching it with your hands, put it in some kind of bag and take it away from the house, where it will be buried in the ground.

If you are telling someone about your luck, knock three times on something wooden and spit over your left shoulder three times to avoid the evil eye.

If you stumble with your right foot, this portends trouble. To avoid them, you need to stamp your right foot on the ground three times and say: "Go into the ground, trouble, away from me" . If you trip with your left foot, it portends good luck and happiness.

If you want to have money all year round, count large sums on New Year's Eve.

If your money luck has turned away from you, put some moss or algae on the floor under the carpet in your house. Money will start coming.

You can count money, as well as borrow and lend only in the morning (before noon). If you do this in the evening, you won’t have any money.

If you give someone a wallet, be sure to put a coin or a bill in it - only then will your gift bring goodness to the person you are giving it to, and there will be money in his wallet. And your well-being will grow. Likewise, empty bags, suitcases, vases and other containers, as well as dishes, are not given as gifts. If you borrow a bag, a pot, or a frying pan from someone, don’t return it empty, put something in as a thank you for letting them use these things. Then it will come to you too.

After sunset, you cannot transfer money from hand to hand, otherwise you may become poor. You need to put the money on the table or, even better, throw it on the floor so that the person you give it to can pick it up.

In order for money to be found, wait until the new moon appears in the sky after the new moon, go outside and show the money to the month by taking it out of your wallet or pocket.

When the dough is rising in the house and pies are being baked, under no circumstances should you swear or even think bad things. Otherwise, the pies will not work and will do harm, and trouble will come to the house.

If you want to get out of poverty, carry a green quartz stone in your wallet.

You can attract money if you constantly carry turquoise in your wallet. You just need to take it out from time to time to warm it in your hands.

Rings made of eye quartz - tiger's eye or cat's eye in a gold or silver frame - attract wealth.

Wealth can be attracted by constantly wearing any jewelry made of topaz or carnelian in a frame made of precious metals.

Never put your keys or hat on the table, or sit on the table - this means poverty.

If a mirror breaks in your home, to avoid any trouble, wash the broken pieces with water and then bury them in the ground. If in the room where the mirror hangs someone was sick for a long time, or there was a quarrel, or some kind of trouble happened, you need to wipe the mirror with holy water.

Never leave a knife stuck in bread if you do not want to experience poverty, need and hunger.

Never give the beggars the money you were given as change after buying bread or salt - otherwise you yourself risk ending up in poverty. Also, do not give the last change that is left in your wallet.

When did you buy it? new wallet, put expensive gold jewelry there for a while. There will be big money, wealth will come.

If you want to always have money with you, and do not want to put yourself in need, never roll up money into a tube, do not count the money in the piggy bank until you are going to spend it, and do not put a bag on the floor with a wallet with money in it.

Place a mint leaf and a whisper of cinnamon in your wallet, as well as where you keep your money. Money will begin to attract to you.

Every person dreams of living according to his own rules, without denying himself anything, and this, as you know, requires money. Why do many achieve success and wealth, while others only dream of it? You can say that money is the result of work, perseverance and perhaps luck.

Well, with hard work and perseverance, everything is clear, although many workaholics remain with a bare salary and a minimum pension until the end of their lives, while losing their savings! But luck is a certain substance, invisible, but many believe in it! So, how to increase and not lose necessary funds For beautiful life? What needs to be done to always have money in your home and wallet? Folk wisdom and signs will help in this matter!

Signs: what needs to be done to always have money

Although many do not believe in the power of “grandmother’s signs,” they follow some advice with enviable regularity, thereby automatically confirming their effect. Why does this happen? Despite the development of technology, a person is inclined to believe in “Something” that helps him in different situations(luck or saints) if he needs it. So, the popular rules for saving money:

  • Always keep a small amount under the tablecloth in the kitchen. This way you will protect yourself from theft and save money.
  • It is better to lend money before sunset, on all days except Sunday and Monday. Otherwise, they may simply not return the amount to you.
  • Take money with your left hand, give it with your right.
  • Don't borrow money in the evening, otherwise you will be in debt all the time. If you borrow, borrow money during the waxing moon, pay it back for the outgoing month. Be sure to give the amount in smaller denominations than you took.
  • If your taps are leaking, it is better to fix it, otherwise money will leave your house like water.
  • When shopping, leave a minimum amount as NZ. It may be the smallest paper bill, but the main thing is not to spend it so that it remains in your wallet.
  • They say the color red attracts and saves money. Buy yourself a new thing - a red purse or keep a piece of red fabric or paper in your wallet.
  • Before leaving the house, leave a few bills near the mirror: reflected in the mirror, the money will only increase.

Strict TABOO

As they say knowledgeable people, basic things that a person sometimes does can lead to a lack of money. Therefore, you need to know what you cannot do to keep money in your wallet:

  • You cannot place a hat, gloves, bags or purses (wallets) on the table.
  • You cannot sit on the table and brush food crumbs off the table with your hand.
  • It is prohibited to whistle in the apartment. Everyone knows this first-hand from their grandmothers and great-grandmothers.
  • You cannot take out the trash or clean up in the evening. In general, the evening is a time of rest, so many prohibitive rules apply to the evening. Thus, it is forbidden to count money in the house after sunset, and you cannot give neighbors items from the house (especially borrowed money).
  • It is forbidden to cut your own hair; you cannot even trim the ends or bangs.
  • You cannot show the money in your wallet to other people. Universal envy will affect you and your well-being.
  • You cannot throw any objects from your home, even a match, out the window. This will increase financial costs and lead to a lack of money in the house.

What you need to do to always have money in your wallet: a recipe from a psychic

And the most important rules, which should become a kind of philosophy. Don't be greedy and, if possible, donate to things that are worth your attention. For example, the church, the poor or homeless, orphans and all the needy. Keep your wallet and money storage areas in order.

Love money, because with its help you can realize the most incredible dreams and invest your savings in promising projects- money needs movement and circulation. Now you know what to do to make money flow and you will bring prosperity and peace into your life.

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Every person dreams of becoming rich. But, unfortunately, not always and not everyone succeeds. Very common are life situations that money, despite all the efforts made, seems to bypass a person. In such cases, you can use magic and read a conspiracy so that money is kept in the house.

There are many rituals that are aimed at attracting money and you can do them yourself. But it should be understood that any conspiracy to circulate money only opens financial channels at the energy level. And money is always earned through one’s own labor and diligence.

Strong ritual with a banknote

On the new moon you can have a very strong magic ritual, aimed at bringing financial well-being into life, which involves the use of high-denomination banknotes.

Once you are alone in a separate room, you need to take a paper bill with your right hand. Next, using left hand, you need to wrap its left corner. This means you need to fold the bill so that you get an isosceles triangle. Then the money bends along the vertical axis. After this, you need to put the bill on a chair and sit on it.

“Like a fast-moving natural river, it flows across the earth’s surface and attracts all the streams in the surrounding area. It is becoming wider and more powerful. How the endless and blue sea is filled with wide and strong rivers, how a woman attracts a man and she needs his seed to give birth to a new life. It is impossible to imagine how a night without a day is like the moon sunlight fueled. So let the noticeable money attract other money. I appeal with prayer and request, I, the Servant of God (my own name), to the powers of heaven and to the Holy Mother of God. As strong is the magic stone Alatyr, so strong is my spell. Amen".

"You are now magical power If you own it, call your sisters and brothers to you.”

After this, the bill must be placed in a separate pocket in the bag, having previously crossed it three times. Finally, you need to read the effective prayer “Our Father” nine times. The charmed banknote cannot be spent within a year. During this period, you should periodically receive bills of the same denomination. Each time, you need to mentally thank the initially charmed bill for the work.

If you feel like a prosperous person financially, it wouldn’t hurt to perform a ritual that will help protect you from poverty. The ritual is carried out in phase new month. It is important to carry out the ritual on Sunday on a cloudless night, when the stars are clearly visible in the sky. You need to go out into the street holding money in your hands.

After this, looking at the sky, you need to say the following magic spell seven times:

The next day, on Monday morning, you need to take the money attribute used in the ritual and additionally add three more coins to it. The money should be placed on the windowsill, and there it should lie for a week.

At the same time, every day in the morning you need to approach the money and pronounce the following magic words:

“I, the Servant of God (my own name), will come on Monday, look on Tuesday, pick it up on Wednesday, take it away on Thursday, start saving on Friday, wealth will come on Saturday, and financial luck will be with me on Sunday will remain. Amen".

After the time has passed, the charmed money should be put in a separate place in your wallet and not spent. They will serve as a talisman and attract wealth to you.

Conspiracy using poppy

That same night, in seclusion in a separate room, you should spread a black scarf on the table. Moreover, you must first remove the tablecloth from the table. On the scarf you need to draw a clear circle using a soap remnant. It is important to use soap that has only been used by you. You need to pour poppy seeds into the center of the drawn circle.

A cross is drawn on it with the ring finger of the right hand, and then the following magical phrases are pronounced:

“There is an island on the distant sea-ocean, quiet and calm. On it is the firmament of the earth. The Lord himself, the Gods, and the Holy Mother of God live there. I, the Servant of God (proper name), will go there for help. I will bow to the ground and say a request. There was a time when you, Holy Mother of God, lived with people on earth, took grain products into your hands and paid for everything yourself. And she always had money in her wallet. Do you know that without them food is not given and clothes are not made, and even in a holy church you cannot take candles. So I ask you, give me enough money to cover everything. Let there be as many of them in my wallet as there are poppies on this table. My desire is strong, and my words are firm. Amen".

The enchanted poppy must be hidden in a secluded place so that no one will ever find it.

If you sincerely believe in magic, then conspiracies aimed at making money flow will definitely improve your well-being.


You need to sew a small red bag; it is best to take a plain material, because... The red color is very bright and attracts positive energy. If the material has a colored pattern, the main color will be lost and the attraction of positive energy will decrease. You also need to sew the bag with red threads. When sewing, think about money and well-being all the time; it is better to do it alone, so that no one disturbs your thoughts. After the bag is ready, you need to fill it with coins or bills (you can do both together). Keep the money bag on the south or southeast side of your house. At the same time, do not forget about it; from time to time you can change money in it, because... they should work for you, and not just lie idle.

Place money (of any denomination) under the threshold front door. It will seem that when you go home, money comes with you.

Start, which is called " money tree" When you transplant a flower into a pot in which it will grow permanently, place some small change at the bottom. Every time you water a flower, you need to say: “grow a flower into my wallet.”

Above your sleeping place, on the ceiling, glue a banknote (any denomination, but the larger the money, the more pleasant it is to admire). Every time you wake up or go to bed, looking at money, imagine that it is falling on you from the sky. It is very pleasant to fall asleep and wake up with such thoughts. This improves your mood, and our whole life depends on our mood.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Observing the signs, you must certainly believe that luck and prosperity will definitely settle in your home, but you must not forget to work.

Tip 2: Folk signs that attract money and protect against financial losses

To achieve financial well-being, you need to work hard and fruitfully. But it’s not always possible to keep the money; in this case, they will come to the rescue folk signs, which will attract financial success in life.

Wealth and financial well-being– things are fragile, any rash act can lead to significant expenses and losses. To avoid this, you need to remember a few rules.

How to attract money luck to your home?

To do this, it is important to remember several folk signs:

  • Under no circumstances should you allow money to be lying around the house, even small change. Keep them in a specific place: a piggy bank, safe or wallet.

  • Trim your nails only on Tuesdays and Fridays. This is quite old, but many wealthy people remember it.

  • If a stray cat or dog comes into your house, do not rush to drive the animal out. It is believed that this is not an accident - big profits can be expected in the future.

  • Remember that money loves counting. Always count your salary, any profit and change in the store. Savings kept at home should also be checked regularly.

  • Place all paper bills in your wallet with the front side facing the lock. The wallet must be clean, not wrinkled or torn. For small items, choose a special compartment.

  • If you have to ask for a loan, then do it only during the waxing Moon, and repay the debt only in the morning.

  • To attract financial luck to your home, place a coin under the tablecloth on kitchen table and under the threshold of the front door.

How not to lose financial well-being?

But even the attracted wealth cannot be preserved if you do not remember other signs. After guests leave, you should not drink alcohol after them or eat leftover food; this will negatively affect your monetary energy. After dinner with guests, the tablecloth should be taken outside and shaken off.

In order not to sweep money out of the house, the broom should be placed with the whisk up, and removed only before sunset. Spend easy money immediately or lend it to someone; it cannot be kept at home. Also, you should not pick up paper bills and coins on the street; they often store negative energy and can bring not only poverty, but also illnesses and problems in life. personal life and misfortune.

Greetings, friends! It is no secret that money is not just paper or metal, but the means on which every person on Earth depends. They have very strong energy, which forces the owner to spend them quickly. It’s not easy to earn them, and it’s such a shame when treasured banknotes disappear much faster than they appeared.

Today's topic will be of interest to everyone! It turns out that there are several ways to ensure that money is kept and not transferred in the wallet, but not everyone is familiar with these rules.

Common situation

Many people are probably familiar with the situation when you don’t have time to receive your long-awaited salary, and in a few hours all your money runs out. And no matter how hard you try and calculate certain amounts, the money still melts in your hands, and your wallet quickly turns out to be empty.

Fortunately, by following just five rules, you can try to increase the number of bills in your wallet. And these are not fictitious signs, not mysticism or esotericism, but ancient human knowledge that was known and tested many years ago and continues to be used smart people to this day.

The first way: do not spend money on payday

The first and, perhaps, the most important rule is this: after receiving money, you need to bring it safely to your home. There is such a sign that “new” money must spend the night in the house of its owner. The next day you can safely start spending them. Spend even a small amount right away, and it is believed that after this the money will be spent faster. You need to bring them home and put them in the place where cash is usually kept. Receipts should be handled with care and respect. Do not crumple the bills, but fold them carefully.

Second method: complete order in your wallet

Even though money is an inanimate “object,” people are directly dependent on it, so it doesn’t hurt to have respect for it. According to the rules, cash in a wallet should be facing the owner, and exclusively in descending order, and not vice versa, as many are accustomed to. Thus, when opening the wallet, you can immediately see large sum money, which subconsciously sets a person up to be successful and rich.

There must also be perfect order in the wallet - let the money be folded evenly and neatly, and not “upside down”.

Third method: personal talisman

A money talisman is not easy to find; it must be a really very valuable thing. Some have their own talisman, which serves as protection against the evil eye and bad influence, while others hope for chance - maybe it will pass. The most important thing is to believe in the power of your protective talisman.

Large selection of talismans to attract money to online store.

What should you carry in your wallet for good luck and increasing the number of banknotes?

Usually, for good luck, they choose a bill in which two digits correspond to the year of birth of the owner of the wallet.

It’s even better if three or even four digits match - this banknote will be the perfect talisman! It is very difficult to find such a banknote, but if you are lucky, it will become a reliable assistant for attracting funds. You cannot give it into the wrong hands (neither relatives nor friends), but spend and part with it on long time all the more prohibited.

Method four: new wallet

Few people pay attention to which wallet the money is in. But in vain, because money, as mentioned earlier, has its own energy. This means that money needs respect and order in everything.

If you put the bill in a new, beautiful and neat wallet, then the money will feel good and cozy in it. They will not want to leave it and will return to their favorite place again and again. About what buy wallet, ancient rituals can tell. Comfortable wallets made of genuine leather here.

Fifth Method: The Power of the Mighty Dollar

A dollar can be made into an influential and powerful talisman, if you fold it correctly and close it in your wallet forever.

More from history ancient world It is known that this banknote was designed by Freemasons - sorcerers, esotericists or simply influential people. When creating the dollar, they left many magical signs on it so that this currency would flourish for many centuries.

And so it happened - the dollar began to grow rapidly and is still considered one of the most influential monetary units. You can learn how to correctly fold a dollar and place it in a wallet from ancient chronicles.

Additional method: conspiracy to attract money

A conspiracy to attract money is no longer considered something unusual and supernatural; it is used even by those people who absolutely do not believe in its power. However, faith has no of great importance in the magical sphere, because the most important thing is strict adherence to rituals.

You can cast a spell on water. To do this, you need to prepare half a glass of water and read a prayer over it to St. John the Merciful for increasing wealth. You should spray your hands and wallet with this water at least twice a day.

New Year's ritual

You can also do a small ritual and conspiracy. To do this, on December 31st you need to place a small pot in the most visible place. When passing by during the week, you need to put a penny or ruble in it. When enough coins have accumulated, you need to buy a church candle and a non-wooden candlestick with them, after which you can begin to carry out the ritual.

It is performed like this: you need to place a pot of coins and a candlestick on the table in front of you, and right hand take a candle. The main thing in this ritual is to tune in to wealth, imagine yourself as prosperous and successful person. Keeping this idea in mind, the candle is inserted into the candlestick, and coins from the pot are poured into the left hand. At the base of the candlestick you need to lay out a circle using coins, while simultaneously saying the following words:

“Money, flow. Money, sparkle. Money, grow, wish to make me rich.”

After saying these words six times, you need to light the candle with matches (it is forbidden to use a lighter). Then you need to look at the flame and discard all thoughts about problems with money. Think about how the energy of money rises above the coins and connects with the power of the flame. According to the rules, the candle should burn out alone, so at the end of the ritual you need to get up and move away from the table.



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