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How to remove a ring from a swollen finger? An amazing and completely painless trick will help. How to remove a wedding ring from a swollen finger, detailed instructions Where to cut off the ring
  • If your ring is stuck because the skin on your finger is bunching up around the knuckle, hold the ring with your middle and thumb and use your index finger to pull the skin taut to push the wrinkles out.
  • If you've tried everything and the ring still won't come off, take a file and start filing down the ring on one side. It may take a while, but by the time you've sawed through the ring, you'll be able to straighten it out and remove it from your finger.
  • If the ring is not too stuck, you can remove it with the help of a second person. Typically, rings get stuck because the skin between the ring and the knuckle gets bunched up, so if you can straighten out those folds, you should be able to remove the ring easily. Just ask someone to pull the skin under the ring towards your hand, while you remove the ring from your finger (which, by the way, can be lubricated with something for greater convenience).
  • If you have had to cut your ring off, any jeweler worth his salt will tell you to wait at least two weeks before re-measuring your finger to give the finger time to heal.
  • Take a cold shower or go outside if it's cold to cool your body. Do not overdo it.
  • Be patient. Don't panic if you can't remove the ring right away. If it's really stuck, you'll need a little time and maybe a few different methods.
  • Here's a good way to remove a ring from your finger if it's swollen in the morning.
  • When the ring is level with the first knuckle of your finger, press down on it from above, and then slide the back of the ring as far as possible along the inside of your finger. This will make it much easier for you to remove the ring.
  • Don't worry if you have to cut off the ring. It only takes a few minutes and, best of all, it doesn't hurt "at all." In addition, the rings are very easy to repair. Instead of injuring your finger trying to remove a stuck ring, just go to the emergency room or a good jeweler. There they can easily remove the stuck ring without any damage.
  • If you want to cut the ring yourself, that's also very easy. To start, try placing a toothpick or popsicle stick between your finger and the ring to protect your finger from possible cuts. Slowly and carefully cut through the ring using a small file. You can buy a file at any hardware store.
  • Always bend your finger slightly to avoid creases around the knuckle.
  • Find out your ring size. Don't forget that size can change as you gain or lose weight, or simply as you age. Any jewelry store can measure your fingers.

If the situation allows, do not try to remove the ring from your finger, but wait a few days until the swelling subsides. Has your jewelry pinched your finger and is causing you severe discomfort? It's time to try one of these proven methods.

But: if your finger begins to turn blue and lose sensitivity, do not wait, but urgently seek help from the rescue service or an ambulance.

Method #1: Lubrication

You will need any oily or viscous liquid. This could be dishwashing detergent, shampoo, petroleum jelly, butter or vegetable oil. Apply the skin around and under the jewelry and move the ring up and down, right and left, so that the lubricant is well distributed over the skin. Then try to remove the ring, but do not pull the jewelry, but gently move it, constantly twisting it around your finger.

Method #2: Dental floss

Even rescue service specialists use this proven method. You will need dental floss - it is needed to create a “cushion” on which the ring will move - and a regular wooden toothpick.

Step one. Lift the ring with a toothpick, pass the thread under it and wrap it tightly around your finger to the knuckle, leaving the edge of the thread free. Make sure that the bandage does not interfere with circulation and the finger does not turn blue.

Step two. Grasping the free edge of the thread under the ring, begin to unwind it, moving the ring upward along your finger. The process may take a few minutes, but the decoration should move to a comfortable position. If this does not happen and your finger begins to go numb, immediately cut the thread.

Method #3: Cold water

Cold helps reduce tissue swelling. Soak your hand in a container of water with a few ice cubes added for a few minutes. Then try to remove the jewelry. If necessary, repeat the procedure again.

Method #4: Hands up!

This method will be useful to you if your finger is only slightly swollen. Raise your arm above your shoulder and hold it in this position for about 5-10 minutes so that the blood drains from the fingers and the swelling decreases.

And finally, some useful tips:

  • Try not to panic or jerk the jewelry with sudden movements.
  • Perhaps none of the methods will help at the moment. Wait a few days and try again.
  • Sometimes the ring cannot be removed due to folds of skin that form in the joint area. In this case, you need to stretch the skin with your fingers, pulling it out from under the jewelry.
  • If you have a needle file (miniature file), you can cut the ring yourself without calling the rescue service. Just remember to place a piece of cloth under the instrument so as not to accidentally injure the skin.
  • If the situation recurs frequently, reduce fluid intake or consult a doctor about swelling.

A regular ring can cause discomfort if it gets stuck on your finger. This happens if it swells, increases in size and hurts. Before going to the doctor, try to cope with the situation yourself. It is important not to get confused, take your time and apply your knowledge to business. We will tell you how to remove a ring from a swollen finger.

Swelling leads to the impossibility of removing jewelry. The reasons for their appearance may be different, but the consequences are often similar: the ring cannot be removed from the finger, and it is unknown how to remove it.

Causes of edema:

  • Hot weather. When the temperature outside is high, doctors advise drinking more water to prevent fluid from accumulating in the body. Otherwise, your legs, arms, etc. will swell.
  • Pregnancy. When a woman is expecting a baby, she often drinks a lot of liquid, resulting in swelling. This is a fairly common but normal occurrence; the expectant mother just needs to limit her fluid intake and consult her doctor.
  • Allergic reactions due to insect bites or consumption of allergenic foods.
  • Mechanical damage. Swelling can form from a simple splinter.
  • Interaction with chemicals during work in production. In accordance with technical requirements, employees are required to wear protective clothing and gloves. Failure to follow safety rules leads to burns, swelling, and illness.
  • Changes in physique with age. Over the years, people often get fatter, their fingers get bigger, and if you don’t remove your jewelry periodically, one day it will become impossible to remove them.
  • Diseases. Swelling indicates that the body is not healthy, then you need to go to the doctor, get tested, undergo research.

To avoid such situations, it is better to remove the rings on hot days, before physical work, or going to bed, so that your hands can rest. It is also recommended to clean jewelry periodically.

When swelling first appears, try to solve the problem yourself. But if your finger is very swollen or blue, go to the doctor immediately.

How to remove a wedding ring from a swollen finger

A gold engagement ring is stuck on your finger; it is valuable not only as a decoration - it is a symbol of a high relationship, and it is advisable to remove it unharmed.

If it is a classic engagement ring with a smooth sliding surface, it will be difficult to handle. Usually you have to see a doctor, use medications, and undergo treatment. In some cases, surgery is even indicated. Therefore, the question of how to remove a stuck ring from a finger often worries family people and, in particular, women aged 25-55. They are ready to try all available methods so as not to damage the “relic”.

There are many proven folk methods, because our ancestors also wore jewelry and wondered how to remove a ring from a swollen finger at home. If a problem occurs, there is no need to go to the hospital; try the old popular methods of removing the ring.

The best ways to remove a ring from your finger:

  1. If the ring is not stuck on your finger too much, it can be easily and simply removed with soap; other slippery compounds will also work. Cover the swelling generously with oil, fat, cream, grab the ring with a hard cloth (so that your hand does not slip) and twist it towards the phalanx.
  2. Cool your hand in cold water, then lift it up (above your heart) and stand there for a while to limit the flow of blood to your hand.
  3. Apply ice, a frozen piece of meat, or whatever is in the refrigerator to the swollen area. You need to hold it for no more than 15-20 minutes to avoid frostbite. Such a compress should not fall on the jewelry, but on the swelling, since some metals shrink from the cold.
  4. Wet the swollen area with water or saliva, and then rotate the jewelry in the desired direction, slowly removing it. This method is very common and works if the swelling is small.
  5. Remove salt from your diet, it retains moisture in the body, and in a few days the swelling will subside on its own - from the arms and legs.
  6. Dilute salt or soda in water (two tablespoons per 1 liter) and dip your hand into the solution every 15 minutes. The swelling should go down.
  7. If the swelling is very painful, it is recommended to apply troxevasin, diclofenac, heparin ointment, leoton.
  8. Apply compresses. Cabbage, plantain, and wormwood are suitable for them. You need to cut the leaves, apply them to the sore spot and bandage them. Change every half hour.
  9. Cut an aloe or Kalanchoe leaf, squeeze out the pulp, apply it to the bruise and fix it. Grated potatoes are used in a similar way (they are squeezed out and applied through cheesecloth). Aloe juice has bactericidal properties, relieves muscle tension and skin irritation. Potatoes – relieves inflammation.
  10. The thread method is considered especially effective, but it must be used with skill. Detailed information can be found below.

How to remove a ring from a finger using thread

Thread a strong thread into the eye of the needle and, with the eye first, carefully pass the needle between your finger and the ring. The short end of the thread should be at the base of the finger on the outside.

Wrap the long end around your finger until the end. After this, pull the short end, and the thread will unwind itself, moving the ring down.

If one method does not bring results, you can combine several. For example, apply ice to the swelling, then apply Vaseline or cream and try to remove the jewelry.

Use of medications

A frequent question from patients: “I can’t remove the ring from my finger, but it hurts more and more. How to relieve the pain?

First, it is advisable to treat the skin with antibacterial substances - antitumor ointment, aloe juice. Apply painkillers (for example, novocaine ointment) to the site of swelling. Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as diclofenac or naproxen, also help, but not immediately, but after a few hours (as they act on the body).

Signs of the need to go to the hospital will be: severe redness or cyanosis of the swelling site; unbearable throbbing pain; inability to flex the joint.

What to do if these methods do not help

What to do if the ring still does not come off? Don't panic, just see a doctor. At the clinic they will give you an anti-inflammatory injection, the swelling will go away, and the ring will be removed.

A ring or ring sometimes begins to squeeze the finger, causing a state of discomfort. Attempts to remove jewelry in the usual way are futile and only aggravate the pain and swelling. Let's try to figure out how you can remove a ring from a swollen finger without injuring it.

How to remove a ring if your finger is very swollen?

The problem of how to remove a wedding ring or other jewelry from a swollen finger was familiar to our ancestors. Thanks to this, many methods have been accumulated that allow you to remove jewelry at home without complex devices. Let's highlight the most popular of them:

  1. You should not try to tear off a ring that has become tight, but rather slowly and carefully twist the jewelry, gradually moving it up your finger. If the advancement process is difficult, it is recommended to wet your hand and soap your finger. In this case, the metal product will slide off more easily.
  2. Try using a lubricant to create a slippery surface. This can be any fat-containing substance (vegetable or animal oil, petroleum jelly, etc.) To prevent the fingers of the hand with which the ring is being removed from slipping from the generously lubricated metal, it is suggested to additionally use a piece of soft cloth.
  3. If there is no swelling, you can hold your hand in hot water. It is well known that metals expand much more when exposed to heat than other materials, so the ring should come off without much difficulty.
  4. Table salt can reduce swelling. To do this, place your finger in a saline solution at room temperature for 5 minutes, and then attempt to remove the ring.
  5. Often the cause of difficulty in removing jewelry is hot weather. Heat causes blood to rush to the skin, causing the tissue to swell. In this case, you should raise your hands above the heart line for a few minutes. The flow of blood will eliminate the swelling, and the ring can most likely be removed.
  6. In a healthy person, they most often occur due to the abuse of salty foods. The main way to behave in this situation is to postpone the attempt to remove the jewelry for a while, and not drink liquid for several hours. As a result, the swelling of the soft tissues disappears, and you can part with the ring without strain or pain.
  7. In case of severe inflammation of the tissues of the finger, it is worth making a compress with Procaine. Thanks to the anesthetic, the pain syndrome will be eliminated, and the decrease in the sensitivity of skin receptors will simplify the process of removing the jewelry.

How to remove a ring from a swollen finger with a thread?

When worn for a long time, the metal product literally grows into the skin, so jewelry should be removed from the fingers from time to time. If you ignore this advice, then the ring cut into the soft tissue causes real suffering, even numbness of the finger. In a difficult situation, you should try to remove the ring from a swollen finger using a thread:

Where can you remove a ring from a swollen finger?

If traditional methods do not help, and the finger becomes bluish, we advise you to go to the emergency room, surgical department, or seek help from the rescue service. Experts know well how to remove a small ring from a swollen finger. The professional algorithm of action is as follows:

  1. An anti-inflammatory injection is given.
  2. A tourniquet is applied to the arm.
  3. If possible, a piece of foil is placed between the skin and the ring to prevent injury to the epidermis.
  4. The ring is sawed.

If the jewelry is made of a particularly strong metal - tungsten, then it is impossible to cut it. In this case, the ring with the finger is fixed in a vice, and compression is carried out until the metal cracks.

The cost of calling a team to safely remove a ring from a swollen finger is 7,000 rubles.

Fast. It doesn't hurt. Arrival time in Moscow - from 15 minutes, in the Moscow region - from 30 minutes.

A rescuer and a paramedic are sent to the call and will provide medical assistance if necessary. The ring removal procedure is performed professionally and does not hurt at all.


Many people like to wear jewelry; this is not only an indicator of a certain status or marital status, but also simply an aesthetically justified tradition. Among jewelry, rings are especially popular, which recently began to be worn not only on the fingers, but also on the toes. The ring symbolizes many things. It could be a memory of a loved one or a significant event, or a valuable, desired gift, or just a stylish accessory. However, the ring can become a cause of serious concern if at some point the owner of the jewelry is unable to remove the ring from his finger. There are many ways to quickly and painlessly free your finger from the ring.

We will remove the ring even if it cannot be removed!

How to remove a ring from a finger if it cannot be removed? This is the most frequently asked question among those who call our center. People wear their wedding rings for many years; for some, it literally grows into their finger. However, such situations can become dangerous, because the ring can disrupt blood flow, thereby depriving the finger of normal blood circulation. In some cases, only wire cutters can help, because the ring is so small that it does not move and fits tightly to the skin of the finger. To do this, just dial the telephone number of the Center for Emergency Situations and a qualified employee with the necessary tools will be sent to you immediately. You should not experiment with your own finger. If it turns blue, then there is a threat of its loss, since blood circulation is impaired and necrosis may begin. If you have a tungsten ring on your finger, then no one except rescuers with a special tool can help. Call our center at any time of the day or night to get help and quickly and painlessly free yourself from a stuck ring.

How to remove a ring from a finger if it is swollen or swollen?

Use any lubricant to soften the skin and make it smooth. This will allow you to slide your finger free from the ring. Any product with lubricating properties will help, from thick cream or lotion to liquid soap. Apply lubricant generously to your finger and gently rotate the ring upwards. If you don’t have anything lubricating on your hands, you can try putting your hand in cold water. This will relieve some swelling. Also try this recommendation: raise your hand with the ring up. Stand there for a few minutes and carefully and slowly rotate the ring around your finger. You will feel it if it starts to give in. All these methods will be effective in case of mild swelling. If the situation is serious, then you should not delay calling a specialist who knows how to remove a ring from your finger without pain.

When your fingers are leaking a lot, you won’t be able to remove the ring yourself. You should not delay, because the situation will worsen with every minute: the finger will hurt more and more, the swelling will increase, and there will be a threat of impaired blood circulation in the finger. In this case, urgent assistance from a specialist is needed. To do this, just dial the number of our Emergency Assistance Center in emergency situations. Rescuers will come to your home with all the necessary tools. Depending on the situation and the patient's condition, special methods may be used, including anti-inflammatory injections or a tourniquet. In the most extreme cases, it may be necessary to saw the ring. However, our specialists rarely resorted to this method. It is not recommended to try to use tools to cut the ring yourself; you may damage your finger or easily cut it off. If you want to painlessly remove the ring, maintaining its integrity, dial the phone number of our center. We work seven days a week, around the clock.

Swelling of the extremities, including fingers, is one of the main problems during pregnancy, especially in the later stages. Therefore, it is not recommended to wear ring jewelry if you are prone to swelling. If an unpleasant situation arises with a stuck ring, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. You can visit the emergency room yourself. But if we are talking about late pregnancy, and it is during this period that the problem with edema most often arises, it is better to invite a doctor to your home. It will be much faster and calmer for pregnant women. During pregnancy, any stressful situation can negatively affect a woman’s condition, so you need to do your best to provide her with maximum comfort and safety. The emergency response center will be able to save both the finger and the ring.



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