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How to strengthen your back muscles or prevent spinal diseases. How to strengthen muscles and tighten your body at home: basic rules

Strengthening your back muscles is an important part healthy image life. In addition, exercises are a prevention and treatment for many spinal diseases (scoliosis, etc.). By maintaining good muscle tone, energy and metabolic processes in the body are improved.

With sedentary work or a sedentary lifestyle, the spinal cord, which is one of the most important nerve centers, suffers. By maintaining correct posture and a strengthened muscle frame, its blood supply improves, a person experiences less fatigue and feels cheerful. Light physical exercise is used as a means of relieving stress after a working day. It has long been proven that happiness hormones increase after exercising in the gym, at home, in the pool, etc.

How to strengthen your back muscles?

In order to get yourself into good physical shape, you don’t have to spend enormous amounts of money or effort. All exercises can be performed independently at home at a convenient time. The following were developed by an American fitness trainer based on years of experience.

The main rule on the way to strong back muscles is regular training.. Preferably even at the same time of day. Muscle tissue has a kind of memory, so with irregular training, results are achieved much longer. Also, training is more energetic in the company of a friend or in group classes.

Exercises to strengthen your back at home

Many people find it quite problematic to start practicing on their own at home. After all, when a person comes home after work, in most cases he wants to lie down and relax. And then there are household chores.

  1. Set a time for training. Set yourself the mindset that “I will exercise 3-5 times a week at such and such a time.”
  2. Play energetic music to create or maintain a good working mood.
  3. Don't overeat before training.
  4. Do not drink alcohol or smoke before class.
  5. Record progress. You need to clearly see the results, in addition to feeling good. This can be weighing, measuring volumes, photos, etc.
  6. Provide clear and compelling motivation, why is this necessary? This is the fight against illness, the desire to do more, to have good health etc.

Now that a person is determined and ready to work on himself, he can begin the studies themselves.

Exercise one – hip bridge

It is best to perform a hip bridge on the floor on a gymnastics or regular mat; rigid support under the body is important.

So what should you do?

  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Close your legs and bend at the knee joints to form a right angle.
  3. The arms are relaxed and lie parallel to the body.
  4. The pelvis must be raised as much as possible, while maintaining a straight back and closed legs.
  5. The position must be fixed for a few seconds and slowly return to the starting position.

To start, you need to repeat the movement 10-15 times. This exercise helps relieve back tension after sitting. In this case, the muscles of the thighs and buttocks are involved.

Over time, you can increase the load; to do this, one leg remains bent, and the other is aligned so that the thighs are parallel. There is no need to pull the sock.

Exercise two – “Dog and Bird”

The exercise is named so because the poses resemble the corresponding animals. The starting position is like a dog - on all fours or in a knee-wrist position.


  1. The knees are hip-width apart.
  2. The arms are straight and the palms are pressed to the floor shoulder-width apart.
  3. The back is straight.
  4. You need to tense your abdominal muscles, but without changing the position of your back, maintain your posture.
  5. One leg is extended and one opposite arm. This is "bird".
  6. Hold the position for a few seconds and switch arms and legs.

Repeat up to 10 times. The exercise trains coordination of movements. All muscles of the back, some of the legs and arms are involved.

It is not the number of times, but the holding time that gradually increases in an extended position of the limbs. You need to raise and lower your arms and legs smoothly and slowly.

Exercise three – side plank

In the third exercise, you need to take a lying position exactly on your side. The arm on which the person lies is bent and the elbow rests on the floor, i.e. the elbow is under the shoulder.

How to do?

  1. You need to slowly lift your pelvis and hips off the floor.
  2. The vertebrae of the neck and back are aligned in one line.
  3. Slowly return to the starting position.

At the peak of the rise you have to try hold for 20 seconds. Repeat 5-7 times on each side. The exercise trains the static load on the lower vertebrae, which is constantly present during a sedentary lifestyle.

If the exercise works well, you can complicate the task. To do this, the upper leg rises, forming an acute angle with the lower one. In this case, do not bend your knees under any circumstances.

Exercise four - lunges

The last exercise is quite simple:

  1. A fairly large step is taken with one foot. Calm, without sudden movements.
  2. Hands on hips or waist.
  3. Bend your leg at a right angle so that your thigh is parallel to the floor.

Perform with each leg 10 times. The back must be straight, look forward, i.e. head raised. The exercise is also for coordination, in order to use as many back muscles as possible and form a strong corset for supporting the torso. To complicate the task, lunges are made not only forward, but also diagonally to the side.

Performance listed exercise It will take 10-15 minutes, but will be an excellent prevention of spinal diseases. For people with already formed pathologies, they are not always suitable; you need to consult your doctor.

Stories from our readers!
"I cured my bad back on my own. It’s been 2 months since I forgot about the pain in my back. Oh, how I used to suffer, my back and knees hurt, Lately I couldn’t really walk normally... How many times did I go to clinics, but they only prescribed expensive pills and ointments, which were of no use at all.

And now it’s been 7 weeks, and my back joints don’t bother me at all, every other day I go to the dacha to work, and it’s a 3 km walk from the bus, so I can walk easily! All thanks to this article. A must read for anyone with back pain!"

A set of exercises to strengthen the back muscles, helping to get rid of pain

It is imperative to take into account that in the acute period, when the pain has just appeared, any exercise is contraindicated. This also applies to light gymnastic exercises. First you need to undergo a course of treatment, medicinal or otherwise, as necessary, and then begin to restore musculoskeletal function.

Simple exercises for the back muscles

To work with a sore back, primitive sets of exercises are selected, but they maximally restore the endurance and strength of the back.

Basically, this is a static exercise in fixing a pose for a few seconds, since dynamics harm the not yet strengthened vertebrae and intervertebral discs:

  • Sarpasana;
  • Lumbar twists;
  • Baby pose;
  • Stretching on a fitball;
  • Keeping legs static;
  • Hyperextension stretches;
  • Hip stretching;
  • Deadlift;
  • Exercise “prayer”;
  • Hyperextension on a fitball; Read about here.
  • Hyperextension;
  • Pelvic lift, etc.

If we're talking about about a person who has already been diagnosed with a pathology of the musculoskeletal system, then after stopping the acute period he is prescribed physiotherapy . If he uses the help of a rehabilitation doctor, then he will be able to do most of the exercises listed below.


Exercise borrowed from classical yoga. Starting position: lying on your stomach. Place your hands on your hands shoulder-width apart and bend back with your head thrown back. Sarpasana is also known as “snake pose.”

Lumbar crunches

The name speaks for itself. The main goal is to turn the lower half of the body in one direction and the upper half in the other. It is better to perform crunches from a supine position than from a standing position.

Baby pose

What is the basic baby position? The head leans forward and the legs are drawn up.

This is how the exercise is performed:

  • Lie on your back;
  • Bend your legs at the knee-hip joints and clasp your arms;
  • Lift your head and shoulders off the floor and stretch the top of your head towards your knees.

Like all other exercises, baby pose requires hold the position for a few seconds.

Stretching on a fitball

Keeping your legs static

The simplest exercise. To perform it, you need to raise your feet and legs higher than your hips. It is done to improve blood supply to the back and reduce pain.

Hyperextension stretches

The exercise is difficult to perform, can't be done abruptly. Therefore, if you cannot do it correctly, it is better to postpone it until later, when the muscles are stronger from other exercises. The goal is to form a straight line between the body and the legs. At the same time, you need to raise and lower your torso with correct posture, and your arms should be crossed in front of you.

Hip stretch

To stretch your hips you need:

  1. Lying on your back, bend one leg at the knee (shin parallel to the floor, thigh perpendicular).
  2. The second leg must be rotated so that the ankle joint is under the knee of the already bent leg. Read about it here.
  3. Now both legs are simultaneously pulled towards the chest.


Another name - This is a deadlift. For severe pain syndromes, the exercise is contraindicated and will cause increased pain. Required condition is to maintain posture with minimal flexion in the knee joint. The legs should not be absolutely straight, because... there may be excessive load on knee joints and causing complications.

Exercise "prayer"

It is easy to guess that the kneeling position is taken to perform the exercise.

Then you need:

  • Grasp the rope at a distance of up to a meter from the machine;
  • Arch your back;
  • Press your hands with the rope to your head.

The abdominal muscles are maximally tense when performing the “prayer”. When bending the body - the exhalation phase.

Read about it here.

Hyperextension on a fitball

In this exercise with the ball, you also need to lie on your stomach, but do not relax, but tense your muscles. Hands are behind the head. A must make sure your posture is stable. Then the torso and head rise up, creating straight line with legs and return down.


The exercise is similar to the previous one, but already performed on the simulator. You need to kind of “break” through the exercise machine in your belt. When your back is lowered, you need to round your back a little. Then the arms are crossed in front of the chest, and the body rises smoothly. A straight line with the legs is formed and fixed for a few seconds. When lifting, there is an exhalation phase, when lowering, there is an inhalation phase.

Pelvic lift

Lying on your back while lifting the pelvis you need to:

  • The head, shoulders and feet should be pressed to the floor during all phases of the exercise;
  • Feet are shoulder-width apart;
  • While maintaining a straight back, the pelvis rises as smoothly as possible and falls just as slowly.

There are many different ways to strengthen the body. On this moment, they haven’t come up with anything more effective than regular debate sessions. It is important to load two or three muscle groups in one workout. You need to start by developing the weakest areas of the body.

How to strengthen your abdominal muscles after childbirth?

After pregnancy in to the greatest extent The abdominal muscles suffer as they become weak and lose their elasticity. Yoga strengthens the abdominal muscles well, the main thing is to choose the simplest ones to begin with. To correct the situation, you can perform the following exercises:

  1. Lie on your back and bend your knees. While inhaling deeply, try to tense your pelvic muscles as much as possible. The task is to slowly lift the navel up in this position, and then pull it inward.
  2. Sit on the sofa, bend your knees and place a pillow under your head. Pull in as hard as possible lower muscles abdomen, hold for a couple of seconds, and then bend forward.

How to strengthen muscles?

Let's look at several exercises that allow you to train different muscle groups at the same time:

It will also be interesting to know which muscles walking strengthens. If you walk uphill, the muscles of the thighs and calves receive stress. Walking backwards allows you to load your back and buttocks. If you walk with your knees bent, you can develop your abdominal muscles.

The core abdominal muscles are a series of muscles that begin under the pectoral muscles and extend to the pelvis. It also includes several muscle groups in the back and other groups throughout the body. A “strong back” means a good physique and healthy body. If you want to learn how to achieve this, learn to exercise at home or at the gym. Once you have achieved this power, you can also learn to maintain it.


Strengthening core muscles at home

    Use your core muscles throughout your workout. Simply doing the exercise is not enough. Use your core muscles in all exercises to achieve the desired effect.

    • To find your core muscles, get into a push-up position for about 1 or 2 minutes and notice which parts of your body are tired. Usually these are your hands.
    • When you get into a push-up position or do any core exercise, contract your abdominal muscles during each exercise. These are the muscles we were talking about.
    • To perform these exercises correctly, inhale as you contract the muscles and exhale as you relax them.
  1. Planks. Planks are simple and help engage all of your core abdominal muscles. This is a great exercise for training the core muscles of the body. To do them, get into a push-up position. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and balance them on a ball or stool. Keep your arms slightly bent, not closed, and hold for a minute, engaging your core abdominal muscles.

    • When you're just starting out, aim to do 2-3 of these sets. A minute each if you can. If this proves too difficult, hold on for at least 30 seconds, or as long as you can.
    • If you want a more challenging exercise, ask the instructor to balance a manageable amount of weight from the weight on the back of your legs.
  2. Do the exercise on one side. Lie on one side, propped up on your elbow. Place your feet on top of each other and extend your other arm. Engage your abs as you lift your hips off the floor. Keep your back straight, forming a triangle with the floor. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds, then repeat the exercise on the other side. Try to do 3-5 sets on each side.

    Begin push-up positions with your core muscles engaged and your back straight. In one quick movement, jump into a squat position and stand up. Then squat back down and continue into a push-up position. You should do this as quickly as you can comfortably do.

    • When you start, try doing three sets out of 15. If you want more difficult task– do jumping exercises or exercises while holding a weight in your hands.
  3. "climber". Start in a push-up position with your core abdominal muscles engaged and your back straight. Take a big step with one leg, pull it towards your waist, and then repeat with the other leg. Do this as quickly as possible, but without leaving your comfort zone.

    • Try holding this position and doing this exercise for 30 seconds. If you can, try doing 3 sets.
  4. Do leg raises. There are many leg raise exercises to strengthen your core abdominal muscles. To begin, lie on your back and place your arms under your body. Keep your feet together and lift them 6 inches off the floor. Raise your legs 45 degrees, then lower them to 6 inches off the floor. Repeat these movements as many times as possible within 30 seconds and repeat the complex three times.

    • You can also do an exercise called a bicycle exercise with your hands under your head as if you were going to squeeze it and with your back straight and a few inches off the floor. Lift one leg at a time, lift your knee and reach towards it with the other side of your body. Keep your back straight.
  5. Walk in a push-up position. Get into a push-up position with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Stand firmly on your feet, then walk slowly with your arms. Go as far as you can. If you can, repeat the exercise 10 times.

    Climb the rope. Sit with your legs extended forward in a "V" shape. Contract your core abdominal muscles and bend your back into a “C” shape. Raise your arms up and pretend to be climbing a rope, turning your body slightly as you do so. Do 20 exercises with each hand.

    It is better to do a little exercise, but do it properly. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head or cross your chest. Keep your back and neck straight and sit down, engaging your abdominal muscles. Raise your body 45 degrees, then lower yourself, but do not reach the floor. Repeat.

    • For the first time, do several sets of 30 presses. Do them slowly, engaging your abdominal muscles throughout the workout. The exercise may be difficult, it is by no means easy.
    • Some people mistakenly believe that by doing abs several hundred times an evening, they will achieve a rock-hard torso in a few weeks. If that's all you do, you're unlikely to get results. Abs strengthen muscles, but do not burn much fat.

    Exercises in the gym

    1. Lift the barbell. Go to the free ones, squat down and firmly grasp the barbell with your hands, keeping your hands shoulder-width apart. Stand up, keeping your back straight and engaging your abdominal muscles.

      • Many people can lift a fair amount of weight, but there is no need to push it. Lift as much weight as you can lift 10-15 times.
      • Because This exercise strengthens the lower back; it is better to wear a belt. Make sure to use proper form and keep your back straight. Ask an instructor to help you keep your form correctly.
    2. Swing the hammer. Many gyms have hammers, often next to the tire. Hold the hammer firmly with both hands, place your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees, and keep your back straight. Swing the hammer over your shoulder to your other side and hit the tire or pad. Control the hammer as it jumps up, then hit the other side in the direction of the first. Repeat 10-15 on each side. Repeat 3 times.

      • It is very important to hold the hammer and not let it hit you in the face. This is not just swinging, you also need to control the hammer after impact. Be very careful.
      • If your gym doesn't have a hammer and splint, you can do this exercise using a weight. Hold the load as you would a hammer.
    3. Climb the rope. Nowadays, many gyms have ropes that you can use for exercises. A rope consisting of several weighty threads, as a rule, is attached to the ceiling at one end, and you can grab onto the other.

      • For this exercise, you need to grab the rope in a sitting position, engaging your abdominal muscles and keeping your back straight. Swing your pelvis forward, raising your arms up to swing the rope (the swing should reach the wall), then bring it to the starting position.
      • Remain in a sitting position, engaging your abdominal muscles during the exercise. Repeat the exercises for 30 seconds and try to do 3 sets.
      • Some are heavier than others, so try to properly assess the situation before you begin the exercise.
    4. Swing the weights like a rope. The actions are largely similar to the previous ones. Hold the kettlebell firmly and swing it upward, starting at your feet, keeping it level in the middle, and lifting it up to your chest, not your head. Repeat 15-20 times for 3 sets.

      Do the Russian swing exercise. Lie on the ground in a basic ab position and hold a moderately heavy barbell with both hands. Extend your arms straight out in front of you and sit down, keeping your back very flat at a 45-degree angle to the ground. Using contraction of your core abdominal muscles, rotate 90 degrees to one side, keeping your arms straight. Then turn the other way. Try to do as many turns as possible in 30 seconds, but do them slowly. Do 3 sets.

      Raise your legs in a suspended position. Hold yourself in the air on the plank as if you were going to do a pull-up, but lift your legs instead. Make a right angle with your legs, bringing your knees closer to your waist, and keep your legs straight. Do 3 sets of 15 each.

    Maintaining core abdominal muscle strength

    1. Do exercises that you enjoy regularly. It is impossible to keep your muscles in shape in one or two workouts. If you want to have strong, tight abdominal muscles and slim stomach, you must exercise regularly and eat right. To make it easier for you, find an exercise that you enjoy.

      • YouTube, Muscle & Fitness, and a number of other sources offer free workout guides and various training outlines that you can follow. Choose the ones you like and try to do them 3 times a week. Do them to music. It's much easier than trying to do it yourself.
      • Some people prefer to turn them on regularly and try new ones each time. Do a workout for one or two weeks, then find a new one. Change them so you don't get bored.
    2. Focus on exercises that burn fat to define your muscles. After hard work, everyone wants to not only feel the results, but also see them. During your workouts, pay attention to burning calories and reducing the amount of fat around your waist to ensure results are visible.

      • Even if you work hard on your core abdominal muscles, it will be difficult to get rid of the layer of fat around your waist through exercise alone. Cardio exercises are the best and most quick way get rid of excess fat and show off your toned muscles.
      • To lose fat, add three 30-40 minute cardio workouts per week to your regular exercise routine with 15-30 second breaks to quickly get the hang of the workout.
    3. Focus on all-round fitness. To strengthen muscles, you need to be healthy, and not just have strong abs and back muscles. If you want to see results, you should focus on building muscle and burning fat, which requires a fair amount of cardiovascular exercise in addition to the core exercises.

      • Training schemes contain combinations of one type of exercise described in a specific article, but they are quick, with short breaks between them. Find a group of 10 exercises that you enjoy and divide them into subgroups of 60 seconds of exercise and 30 seconds of rest. Do your core exercises 3 times and finish in an hour or less.
      • Consider supplementing your core exercises with other full-body aerobic routines. Look for yoga, Pilates, or push-up classes in your area that you can attend and alternate them with your core workouts.
      • Try to exercise every day of the week and on the weekends do something fun that gets you moving. If you work out on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, play basketball with friends on Saturday, or go hiking on Sunday to keep you moving. This will help you stay healthy in a variety of ways.

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Touch the fingers of your left hand to the biceps of your right. Tighten it up. Now place your hand on your stomach and tighten your abdominal muscles. How did you feel when you did this? Strong muscles? Or did they still remain soft, no matter how hard you tried to strain them? There are more than 400 muscles in your body, and you use them every day. Some of them you cannot consciously influence, such as those that make up your heart or the intestines that push waste products through the body. digestive system. However, other groups of muscles are completely subject to your control, for example those that control posture and movement: shoulder muscles, chest muscles, back muscles, hips and calf muscles. All these muscle groups have something in common. They constantly need to be strengthened and maintained in proper tone. And it depends only on you.

If you do not follow these rules, then one hundred to one that the muscles will begin to weaken, losing the ability to do what they were created for. In addition to the gradual atrophy of your muscles, your metabolism also slows down. Well-trained muscles affect the distribution of fat in the body. They act like ovens that burn fat all twenty-four hours, significantly speeding up metabolic processes.

To effectively fight body fat, you need to become a calorie-burning machine around the clock, and strong muscles is the only way to achieve this. Many of us agree that fighting belly fat is necessary, but the fight for a flat stomach ends before it even begins. To be slim and toned, you need to take some time away from your belly and pay attention to the rest of the muscles in your body.
Here's why: Your body has a kind of built-in guarantee. If you regularly exercise your muscles as an adult, they will be firm, elastic and harmoniously developed throughout your life. Loss of muscle mass and decline muscle tone begins between the ages of twenty and thirty. If you're sedentary, you'll lose about a pound of muscle every year after your mid-twenties. Even if you regularly do aerobic exercise for many years - walking, running or cycling - you still lose some percentage.

This is the so-called pure mass, which is different from adipose tissue, which has no strength at all. If yours is clean muscle mass constantly decreases, then the metabolism at rest also decreases. As a result, your body needs fewer and fewer calories to function, and the excess is stored as fat.

By strengthening your muscles, you speed up your metabolism and burn more fat, even when you're resting. Different types exercises different ways strengthen your muscles. Exercises that may involve greatest number muscle groups belong to the category of muscle resistance. This includes any type of weight lifting exercise, even items that weigh several pounds.

According to the latest information from the American College of Sports Medicine, all that is needed to get serious, lasting results is fifteen minutes of exercise three to four times a week using barbells, machines, or rhythmic gymnastics with any apparatus. Muscle-strengthening exercises like this are about the only effective weapon you can use if you're over forty and gaining weight. Strong and strong muscles ensure intense blood circulation, which therefore carries more oxygen, increasing fat burning and speeding up overall metabolism, i.e. helping you get rid of fat reserves.

It's never too late to support your body. Scientists say that you can start exercising at any time and it will really help you become stronger. Physical exercise to strengthen muscles, suitable for both men and women. The basic principles of muscle strengthening exercises are very simple: if you tense your muscles, forcing them to resist the load, they become stronger and stronger. The muscles respond instantly to the load, and strengthening occurs as long as you continue exercising. Each of us has a whole life to strengthen our muscles through physical activity.

Muscle strengthening doesn't mean you build muscle like a bodybuilder. This doesn't mean you need to spend long hours in gym, raising and lowering the barbells. You can start with any type of exercise that you like. Having chosen a few basic ones, listen to your body, take a comfortable position and start with smooth and well-calibrated movements, with light loads. You will quickly feel and see the results.

Let's start with the simplest. You shouldn't warm up for a long time, although you can walk down the street for about five minutes as a warm-up. It is best if you do the exercises in your own room or office. Select the area of ​​the body that you primarily want to strengthen. Here are the ones that will be discussed further:

Abdominal Press
. lower back
. chest, shoulders and upper back
. hands
. thighs and buttocks
. legs

If you've never done these types of exercises before, you'll find it difficult to get into a rhythm. However there are several general rules things you need to know before you start. They are important from the point of view of personal safety and achieving maximum effect during each series of exercises.

Begin your workouts with gentle, relaxed, warm-up movements to increase blood flow and relieve tension in muscles and joints.
If you use dumbbells, you should know your maximum weight for each exercise and use dumbbells that are 80% of that maximum. One VM is the most weight you can lift at one time. This weight is so heavy that before you lift it a second time, you must rest for a while.
The weight maximum is different for each person, and it also changes over time as you get used to it. physical activity. Once you know your VM, check it every two to four weeks.
Choose dumbbells that weigh 80% of your maximum weight to avoid muscle strains and injuries. After checking the change in VM after a few weeks and finding that it has become higher, recalculate the required 80 percent to change the dumbbells to heavier ones.
Listen to your body. If you feel pain while doing certain movements, stop immediately. When the pain subsides, continue, but only after reducing the weight of the dumbbells.
Sometimes during exercise you may feel a slight burning sensation, and the next day when you start exercising you may feel a little pain, but this is completely normal. If you experience severe pain or prolonged discomfort in any part of your body, be sure to consult your doctor before continuing to exercise.
During each exercise, you should have correct posture and movements should be leisurely. Breathe as evenly and deeply as possible.
To achieve a stable posture during each movement, do not slouch or use any bending or twisting unless it is part of the exercise.
It is necessary that you move smoothly. Slow and steady movements work best for muscles and fat burning. Therefore, from the beginning to the end of the exercise, you should move smoothly and slowly. This will also protect you from injury. Never hold your breath while exercising as this will cause your blood pressure to rise.
You should perform a set of exercises twice, doing five to ten repetitions in these cycles (repetition means a complete, complete movement). Thus, it will take you about five minutes to work each part of the body.
For example, using dumbbells weighing 80% of your RM, complete the first set of exercises, repeating each exercise five to ten times. Perhaps you should rest a little after each repetition. When training with dumbbells, you will know that the resistance level has been chosen correctly if, after five to ten repetitions, you cannot lift the weight without first resting. At the end of the first cycle, take a minute break to allow your muscles to recover. Then proceed to the second complex and rest again. And if you have the opportunity, desire and a few extra minutes, you can proceed to the third.
After you have finished, relax for a few minutes. Do not make sudden stops or sit down immediately after completion. Keep moving, return to your daily activities so that your heart and circulatory system gradually returned to the state they had before starting the exercises.

Without a doubt, flat, toned stomach is the most notable achievement of the entire fat-free nutrition program. If your abdominals are strong and toned, you will not have problems with your waist, and your internal organs will be kept in the correct position.
However, you may not realize how these abdominals can help your back. The stronger the press, the better it helps the back in the lumbosacral region. This is where pain often begins, so calorie-burning exercise will help prevent these problems from occurring as well. The abdominal exercises described below in combination with the “vacuum cleaner technique” are the most effective.

Breathing exercises

The exercise is an advanced version of the “vacuum cleaner technique” described above and will help you create a toned and strong stomach. It's called transpyramidal breathing exercise, since the target of its influence is two types of muscles - transverse and pyramidal. Some trainers call it "voluntary contractions"; this exercise has the most serious impact on your stomach.

1. You need to lie on your back, relax your shoulders and bend your knees so that your feet are on the floor. Place your hands on your stomach. Index fingers your hands should meet at your navel, but not touch it.

2. Take a deep breath and exhale. As you exhale, notice how your abdominal muscles move. At the end of the exhalation, they should move inward, closer to your back. This movement indicates that the transversus and pyramidalis muscles are doing their job.

3. Now inhale again. Your belly rises up and the distance between your fingers increases slightly.

4. Repeating these movements, try to maximize the difference between retracting and inflating your abdomen while breathing. (The exhalation phase is most important for strengthening muscles.)

5. At the end of each exhalation, tighten your abdominal muscles to make their pressure on the abdominal area even stronger. During your next inhalation, inflate your belly as much as possible so that your fingers spread as far apart as possible.

Lying on the floor in a comfortable position, you will quickly and easily learn these movements. Having learned the order of action, you can perform the exercises sitting or standing.

Option. If you exercise while sitting, sit in a chair with a straight back. Exhale slowly, and when you reach your usual exhalation volume, get rid of the remaining air using the strength of your abdominal muscles. At first, you can help yourself with your hands, lightly pressing on your stomach while exhaling.

Repetition. Do this exercise ten times every day. Do it wherever you can: once or twice before getting out of bed in the morning; several times before each meal or even in transport; in a car in front of a traffic light; heading home from work. Since it can be done while standing, do it while cooking or before sitting down at your desk.

Many of us strain our muscles all day long without even realizing it. We have weak muscles due to poor health, which we acquire mainly at work, and this is harmful, as it causes additional fatigue and physical stress. Back pain limits daily enjoyment and affects your lifestyle. It can be painful, but, one way or another, it goes away with time.

Any posture in which natural muscles are distorted causes changes in the muscles that become permanent over time. When the natural curves are distorted, the intervertebral discs are compressed and, as a result, begin to thin out and lose elasticity. Muscles change because they work in pairs: if one muscle group contracts, the other, opposite, relaxes.

For example, if you slouch for a long time, the pectoral muscles contract and remain there, while the upper back muscles relax. Over time, the chest muscles become stronger, and the muscles of the upper back weaken, as a result of which the structure is disrupted. Your back becomes rounded and pressure becomes uneven, resulting in chronic back pain.

Muscle imbalance

The ability to use both your right and left hands equally well (ambidexterity) is rare, so you are unlikely to use both hands equally. As a result, the muscles on one side of the body become more developed than the other. In some cases, such as avid tennis or squash players, due to the additional force generated by the more developed side of the body, the formation is disrupted to such an extent that when viewed from the back, a line in the shape of the letter “S” or “C” is visible.

This is an extreme example, but even a slight difference in the development of the parties affects the condition. It may look straight, but the pressure on the intervertebral discs will be uneven. Over time, the discs on the more developed side will gradually flatten, wear out, and the small articular surfaces will close together.

Weakness of the abdominal muscles

The powerful abdominal muscles serve as a corset, holding the abdominal organs close to the body. In normal condition, this corset takes on some of the body weight, unloading the hips. However, any weakening of the abdominal muscles, which may be the result of a sedentary lifestyle, excess body weight, or pregnancy, leads to an increase in the load on the abdominal muscles. The result can be excessive forward bending of this part, called , which will ultimately lead to chronic back pain.

The abdominal and back muscles must not only be flexible, but also strong in order to properly support. Weak muscles are not able to take on their share of the loads and stresses that the back must withstand, which means that joints and ligaments that are not as well supplied with blood as muscles have to work for them.

Over time, joints and ligaments wear out more and more, leading to tissue damage and chronic pain in back. Exercises aimed at strengthening muscles will help get rid of pain by increasing the ability of muscles to absorb stress and load, thereby making it easier for ligaments and joints.

Warm-up exercises

It is very important to warm up before starting these exercises, which is also useful to do before starting any heavy housework, such as cleaning or gardening. After completing the exercises, repeat the warm-up.

Warming up increases the flow of blood and oxygen to the muscles, tendons and ligaments, which due to this become more flexible and elastic, function better and are less susceptible to deformation. In addition, the speed of transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles also increases. Therefore, a good warm-up in itself is very important for the prevention of back problems, and doing it before starting the flexibility and back strengthening exercises described on the following pages is vital to minimize the risk of further tissue damage.

Perform warm-up exercises even after chronic pain has subsided before doing hard work around the house or in the garden to prevent a recurrence of the attack.

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Complete the following exercises, repeating each five times.

1. Take two deep breaths and full exhalations.

2. Raise your shoulders up and down, then move your shoulders back and forth in a circular motion.

3. Move your head from side to side, and then up and down.

4. Swing your arms up and back, gradually increasing the circles.

5. Bend your elbows in front of your chest.

6. Swing your arms to the sides at shoulder level.

7. Rotate your hips as if you were doing a hula hoop.

8. Bend forward, sliding your hands down your legs to your knees or lower if you can. Then straighten up, bending slightly.

9. Walk in place, gradually pulling your knees higher, while swinging your arms. Then jog in place for one minute.

10. At the end of the warm-up, take two deep breaths and full exhalations.

How to gradually strengthen your back

Lie down on a carpet or mat (you'll need a table to elevate your legs) and do the exercises below five times each. Making them part of your morning and evening routine and continuing after the pain has passed will help prevent the problem from recurring.


1. Lie on your stomach with a pillow under it, arms at your sides. Raise your head from the floor, hold it for a while and then lower it.

2. Relax your shoulders and lift your legs up about 15 cm.

3. When you get stronger, try to raise both your head and legs at once, but only a few centimeters.

Back flexion

1. Lie on your back and stretch your palms towards your knees, bending your back.

2. Repeat the exercise, now trying to reach the right elbow with your right elbow. Repeat with the other hand on the other leg.

3. When you get stronger, try to lift towards the opposite elbow. Repeat the exercise with the other arm and the other leg.

Leg Raising

1. Lie on your stomach on the table so that your hips are on the edge, holding onto the table top with your hands.

2. Raise your legs to the level of the table top. Make sure your back doesn't bend. Hold your legs until you count 3, then slowly, carefully lower.

Exercises to strengthen the back muscles affect for correctness, they are also called straightening exercises. Back exercises have great importance for women with sedentary work. These exercises simultaneously increase mobility, strengthening the back muscles; they also prevent the occurrence of degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs.

During back exercises Make sure that you load as much as possible so that weakened back muscles are strengthened and hardened ones are relaxed.

The most effective exercises for the back are those with heavy loads., complicated, in which bends alternate with turns of the body, then straightening positions of the arms, in which the shoulder blades are brought together, as well as straight bends forward, backward, to the sides, in which the muscles attached to the muscles are trained.

Regular and gradual strengthening of the back muscles will help improve. When you include exercises to strengthen your back muscles in your exercise routine, remember that they are the ones that primarily improve your appearance.

1. Sitting with crossed legs, bend your arms and place your palms on your shoulders. Raise your arms up, swing your arms forward, backward, then deeply bend forward, touching your forearms to the floor.

2. Kneel down, raise your right hand up, and move your left hand to the side. Make backward circular movements. Change hands.

3. Sitting, legs apart, bend your arms in front of your chest, swing your arms back, arms in initial position, turn your palms up, swing back, then deep bend forward, touch the floor with your hands.

4. Standing, pull yourself up on your toes, arms up, pull your stomach in, gradually bend forward (i.e., first bend at the neck, then at the chest, and finally), grab your ankles with your hands and pull your torso towards your hips, then, straightening, return to initial position.

5. Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your arms and place your palms on your shoulders. Turn your torso to the right, move your right arm back higher, palm up, swing right hand back, turn to the starting position. Do the same in the other direction.

6. Standing with your feet together, bend your arms and place your palms on your shoulders. Bend forward with a deflection, stretch your arms forward, swing your arms, bend deeply forward, lower your relaxed arms, gradually straighten up, bend your arms, place your palms on your shoulders.

7. Standing, legs apart, arms along the body, squat, make a deep bend forward, swing your arms back, squat, bend forward with a deflection, stretch your arms forward.

8. Standing, legs apart, arms along the body, make a deep bend forward, lower your arms freely, swing your arms in a tilt, touch the floor as far behind you as possible, deep bend, stretch your arms forward, touch them to the floor as far as possible in front of you .

9. Get on your knees, bend forward with your arms outstretched and rest on the floor (arms and torso on the same line), push your arms apart, swing in a tilted position, push your arms back, swing in a tilted position.

10. Get on your knees, lean forward with your arms outstretched and rest them on the floor (arms and torso on the same line). Move your arms to the left with tilted swings (legs in one place all the time), move your arms back with tilted swings. Do the same in the opposite direction.

11. Kneel with emphasis on outstretched arms, raise your pelvis, straighten your legs (legs and arms in place, move your body weight back, do not lift it from the floor), bend over and kneel again.

12. Lying on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, palms on the floor, bend your torso back, bend your arms and place them on the back of your head, stretch your arms forward to the starting position.

13. Lying on your stomach, bend your arms in front of you, connect them in front of your forehead, forearms inward. Raise your legs off the floor, alternately swing your legs up and down (toes extended), lower your legs to the floor.

14. Lying on your back, knees bent, arms along the body, raise the pelvis above the floor (torso and hips on the same line), lower the pelvis.

15. Sitting, legs together, bend your left leg and press it with both hands to your stomach, move your arms back, palms turned up, swing both arms back (the leg remains bent during the swing), deeply bend forward, exhale and touch your right toe with your hands. legs. Do the same with the left.

Exercises to strengthen your back muscles

Exercises that strengthen the back muscles have big influence for correctness. Such exercises are called straightening exercises. Back exercises are very important for women who have sedentary jobs. Thanks to these exercises, mobility increases, back muscles are strengthened, and the formation of degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs can be prevented. When doing back exercises, you need to monitor the load on, it should be maximum in order to strengthen weakened back muscles, and relax those that have hardened.

The most effective exercises for the back, which carry a heavy load and are complicated. For example, in which you need to alternate bending with body turns, then straighten your arms so that your shoulder blades are brought together. Also do straight bends forward, backward, to the sides, with the help of which the muscles that are attached to the body are well trained.

Constant and gradual exercise to strengthen the back muscles improves. If you add “straightening” exercises to your exercise routine, then they will primarily help you improve your appearance.

Detailed description with pictures of exercises to strengthen the back:

1. Sit down, cross your legs, bend your arms, place your palms on your shoulders. Raise your arms up, swing your arms forward, backward, then bend deeply forward and touch your shoulders to the floor.

2. Get on your knees, raise your right arm up, and move your left arm to the side. Make backward circular movements. Switch hands.

3. Sit down, spread your legs apart, bend your arms in front of your chest, swing your arms back, then put your arms in the starting position, turn your palms up, swing back, then bend deeply forward, touching your hands to the floor.

4. Stand up, pull yourself up on your toes, raise your arms up, pull in your stomach, slowly bend forward (the neck bends first, then the chest and last), grab your ankles with your hands and pull your torso to your hips, then, straightening, return to the starting position .

5. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your arms and place your palms on your shoulders. Turn your torso to the right, move your right arm back as high as possible, palm up, swing your right arm back, turn to the starting position. Do the same in the other direction.

6. Stand with your feet together, bend your arms and place your palms on your shoulders. Bend forward, stretch your arms forward, swing your arms, lean forward deeply, lower your relaxed arms, slowly straighten up, bend your arms, place your palms on your shoulders.

7. Stand, spread your legs apart, straighten your arms along your body, squat, bend forward deeply, swing your arms back, squat, bend forward, bend over, stretch your arms forward.



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