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How to protect your yard from evil neighbors. How to protect your child, newborn from the evil eye and damage? A completely different look at protecting your home from the evil eye

The article will tell you how to protect your loved ones and your home with the help of spells and prayers, and will present you with icons.

For many centuries, people have believed in the power of other people's envy and the evil eye, considering this to be the source of their troubles and problems. From an esoteric point of view, this is completely logical. By directing his negative energy at a person on any occasion (envy, resentment, hostility), he contributes to the disruption of his energy field, which means the emergence of certain problems: in business, relationships, mental and physical health.

Old and effective methods will help protect yourself from any evil eye and damage:

  • Red thread on hand(often replaced by a red bracelet). It is believed that if a loved one ties this thread to you and at the same time reads a prayer, his words will protect you from any evil coming from an envious person, and the red color will scare away damage and slander.
  • Pin. It should not be attached in a visible place (under clothing, under the hem or on underwear). It is believed that if a person wishes you harm, his unkind words will definitely hit the point of a pin and will not be able to harm you.
  • Pectoral cross. Any image of Jesus Christ can protect you from evil, but the cross with which you were once baptized has the greatest power. It is customary to wear it on the body, hiding it under clothes.
  • Blue bead. Like red, blue drives away all evil from a person and restores his energy field. A blue protective bead is most often made in the shape of a small eye. This bead can be hung on a bracelet, on a neck, on a pin, or simply carried in your pocket.
  • Reading prayers and spells. Regular “cleansing of your aura” will remove all negative flows, influences, and any evil eye (unintentional or special) from you. To do this, you need to select the appropriate prayer (see below) and read it with persistent faith in your soul while performing the ritual (washing yourself with holy water, for example, or lighting a candle).

How to protect your child, newborn from the evil eye and damage?

A little person who has just recently come into this world is very vulnerable to all negative influences. outside world. That is why the child’s frequent whims and restlessness are explained by the intervention of the evil eye or damage. It is imperative to protect your child from such things.

How can you protect your child:

  • Baptism. This is the most faithful and effective way. So the child stands before God and he gives him a Guardian Angel, who will protect him from any evil. Baptism also “drives away demons” from the child, making the baby calm and peaceful. After baptism, you should wear it without removing the cross.
  • Name icon. During your baptism or church visit, you can purchase personalized icon to your child. In the event that you give your child something unusual and not Orthodox name you find a second name for the child, which is selected by the clergyman (analogous or consonant). The personalized icon should be read to the mother in front of the child and this little thing should be kept in the stroller or crib.
  • Tying a red thread. This should be done by the mother and no one else. While tying, mom must make 7 knots and read a protective spell. The thread should be wool, from an ordinary ball (or a special thread ordered from Jerusalem). That’s why there are a number of similar amulets to this principle, for example, attaching a red ribbon, bow or flower to a stroller or crib. The color red can “scare away” any evil from a child.
  • Silver pin on clothes. Just as in the case of an adult, a pin has its place in protecting a child. It is believed that the shape of this device is very unusual and this is what the amulet “obliges”. A negative that hits a pin becomes looped and rotates in a circle without hitting the person. The pin can also be attached to the stroller so that anyone looking into it cannot harm the child.

For a child

How to protect your family from the evil eye and damage, curses and envy?

Despite the fact that not every person believes in protective magic, conspiracies and prayers that protect home and family from “ evil eye"are quite popular and in demand. Everyone wants to protect their loved ones in any way, when this cannot be done on their own (at the energy level), as well as to preserve their health, strength and not spoil relationships.

Ways to protect your family:

  • Icon. Every home must have at least one icon. It is preferable to have the image of Christ and Mother of God. These saints will protect not only the house, but also every member of the family. Icons should be stored in a “high place” (higher than a person’s height, on a shelf, for example) or hung in one of the corners of the house. Icons should be looked after, not allowing them to gather dust; icons should be prayed for and candles should be lit in front of them.
  • Rowan. As already mentioned, the red color scares away evil, and the red color that nature created will also bring only positive things to the home and family. To ensure that any evil and unkind person, tie a bunch of viburnum berries (one sprig) with a red woolen thread, read a prayer of protection (see below) and hang it above the front door.
  • Protection fee. Some herbs have the magical effect of identifying evil and driving it away from the place where there is a protective amulet. It's very easy to make it yourself. To do this, you should collect several sprigs of mint, St. John's wort and wormwood in a bunch. Tie the branches together with red thread and read the prayer. Hang the bunch above the front door of the house. If you don’t want to attract attention with this amulet, you can simply sprinkle dry wormwood under the rug in front of the entrance.
  • Horseshoe. This is a common amulet that not only drives away evil, but also attracts good luck to a person. Every family member can wear such a pendant in the form of a horseshoe, you can also hang a symbolic (or real) horseshoe above the entrance to your house, it is only important to make sure that the ends of the horseshoe look up and not down, otherwise you risk achieving a different effect .

For home

How to protect your loved ones from the evil eye and damage, curses and envy?

If you want to protect loved ones who do not live in the same house with you, but are still family and loved ones to you, you should read to them daily (or quite often) protective prayers. You can do this in front of any Holy image that you trust. While reading the prayer, be sure to remember the person and say his name.

IMPORTANT: Give your loved ones miniature personalized icons and ask them to always carry them with them for protection. You can also stock up on holy water Orthodox holidays and periodically let loved ones wash their faces with it or add it to food and drinks.

How to protect a pregnant woman from the evil eye and damage, curses and envy?

It is known that a pregnant woman, sometimes carrying a child, is very vulnerable to negative manifestations from the outside world. An unkind person can not only put the evil eye on her, but also cause her to get sick and have difficulty giving birth. The evil eye can also harm women in labor by “spoiling or taking away” the milk.

If you are pregnant or a woman close to you is pregnant, try to protect her from the “evil eye” on your own. To do this you can tie with red thread belly under clothes if you are in crowded places. So, any person, whether intentionally or not, will not be able to harm you with his thoughts and words.

You can do the same wear the image of the Virgin Mary– faithful protector of all women and children. To do this, you can purchase an amulet in the church and consecrate it there. It is known that silver repels evil, and gold attracts, so during pregnancy, give preference silver jewelry, but do not take off your engagement ring - it is a faithful protector for you. Don't shoot the same pectoral cross with an image of Christ and often read prayers to the Mother of God for the protection of mother and child.

For a pregnant woman

How to protect yourself at work from the evil eye and damage, curses and envy?

Every person’s workplace is full of negativity, envy and the “evil eye”. A huge number of people accumulate here, who do not always want the best for their colleagues. So that you can enjoy your successes and your career can rapidly move up, make it a rule to always “protect yourself” with effective methods:

  • Pray for protection to Holy images and read conspiracies for successful work.
  • Wash your face with holy water before or after a working day (you can also use water infused with silver to eliminate negativity).
  • Carry with you your personal amulet that will protect you in “vulnerable” situations.

Rituals to protect yourself:

  • Protection “Brick Wall” from an ill-wisher. If you have a person at work in whom you are sure that he does not wish you well, but only wants to harm you. Regularly, before starting your working day, mentally build 4 walls around yourself, imagining each brick. Of course, this will take time, but this energy protection, will protect you from any “eye and word”.
  • Protection with mirror. This mirror should be imagined in the same way as the wall. In this case, it should be imagined where you have contact (visual, for example) with a person who wishes you harm. Thus, any of his threats and wishes can be returned to him.
  • Groats. Nature was created to please people and give them goodness. It is known that a person is surrounded by things that absorb and things that emit negativity. If you are surrounded by a lot of evil and envy at work, try using “natural defense.” Let there be a small box with grain (any kind) on your table. Every day, dip your fingers into the grain and sort through the grain so that it absorbs all the evil that has “settled on you” and you feel better, fueled by positivity.
  • Jade figurine. This mineral is known for being able to protect its owner from any negative influences from the outside world. Such a figurine should be placed on your desktop, you can also wear jade jewelry on yourself, the main thing is not to talk about the magic of this material to anyone.

At work

How to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage, curses and envy based on photos on the Internet?

It happens that loved one no next to you this moment, he is on a trip or simply your contact is not possible for a number of reasons. In such situations, you cannot take care of it yourself, and then protection from the evil eye by photo comes to the rescue.

How to do:

  • Take photos in a quiet room
  • Light three church candles and place them on the table around the photo.
  • Wash your hands with holy water
  • Place your hands on the photo (on the person you want to protect).
  • Read the “Creed” prayer three times and ask the Lord for protection specifically for this person (say his name and imagine an image).
  • Also ask to remove all the evil that may lie on it. And symbolically remove the evil eye like dirt or dust, brushing it off with your hand and throwing it away.
  • After reading the prayer, cross the person in the photo three times.
  • Don't blow out the candles, let them burn out

How to protect your house, your apartment from damage?

The most effective protection for a person from any evil is an icon. There are a number of prayers and icons that are intended to protect the home and family from any evil from the outside world. You can attach the protective image to reverse side entrance door (in the residential part). While attaching the image, you can read a prayer and hang a bunch of wormwood next to it (it is not removed even when it dries).

How to protect the front door, threshold?

From time immemorial, homemade salt has been a powerful talisman for the home. She did not allow evil or any person with evil intent to enter the house. Salt could be sprinkled around the house, at the very the right way– draw a strip of salt under the threshold (you can cover it with a rug).

How to protect your garden and yard?

It's no secret that a large and prolific garden plot can evoke admiration and envy among neighbors. For good or evil, but a common person can “jinx” the garden and it will stop pleasing its owner with the harvest. There is a sure way to protect the earth. You should bury mirrors (any kind, but not broken ones) in each corner of the garden (4 corners in total, like in a square figure). Then any “word and eye” will not be able to influence the earth, and the damage will return to its owner.

How to protect your car from damage?

A car is not only a means of transportation, but also an object of envy for those who do not have one. Every owner should protect his car, especially if he is purchasing a car that has already been used by another person. You can do this yourself or by asking a clergyman for help. It is necessary to sprinkle the car with holy water and read a protective prayer. It would not be superfluous to have an image of the Saint and a cross with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ in the car.


How to protect your cow, dog?

Healthy and large livestock can also be the envy of neighbors and surrounding people. You can protect any animal that you have in your home. For this you can use a bunch of wormwood. You can set a dry bunch on fire, blow off the flame and cover the animal with smoke, walking around it three times. Homemade salt is also used, which was sprinkled on the animal during the conspiracy.

IMPORTANT: On Trinity any Orthodox man collects a bouquet of fresh greenery and birch, which is stored for exactly 40 days under the roof of the house. After 40 days, you can use this dry herb to cleanse your animal of the evil eye, just stroke it several times from head to tail, read a protective prayer or spell.

How to protect your business?

In order for your business to prosper and any evil eye not to disrupt your plans, as well as to contribute to the formation of a debt trap, you should read a special conspiracy to the business owner himself. For the ritual, he uses three church candles, a glass of water, into which he dips 5 coins with the number 5 (5 kopecks or 5 rubles).


How to protect your store?

In order for your personal store, like your business, to prosper, you should read special protective prayers and conspiracies. This should be done before the start of the working day and right in the store, when there is not a single customer in it. In this way, you will not only protect your store from ruin, but also make it “thrive”.


How to protect your office?

Office - private workplace, in which important decisions for a business or company can be made. Spells and prayers will help to ensure that there is always a prosperous atmosphere in the office. Don’t be lazy to create your own personal amulet that will give you prosperity and success by placing it in your office.

A spell for many occasions

Prayers protecting against the evil eye and damage, curses and envy

Relationships with people are not always good; someone may envy you and wish you harm. Reading will help you avoid curses in your direction, the evil eye and slander. special prayers. If you often feel unwell, you lose strength and inspiration, everything breaks and falls out of your hands - this is a sure sign of the evil eye.

“Our Father” - from the evil eye and damage: prayer

Icons protecting from the evil eye and damage, curses and envy

Icon of the Seven Shots

Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Icon of the Mother of God

A stone that protects from the evil eye and damage, curses and envy

From bad and negative influences from environment A person can be protected by special amulets stones. You should choose such a stone based on two methods:

  • According to my feelings. If at first sight and touching the stone you felt something or noticed that if you have a certain stone you are “lucky”.
  • According to zodiac signs. In this case, there are a number of stones that correspond to the characters and characteristics of each sign. You can find out which stone is right for you in the article.

Charms that protect against the evil eye and damage, curses and envy

Every amulet that people have invented or found in the history of mankind has, one way or another, justified itself. There are a number of the most “faithful” amulets: four-leaf clover, horseshoe, red and Blue colour, blue eye, cross, hare's foot and much more. You can choose your personal “lucky” amulet by reading detailed description every amulet against damage and the evil eye is here.

How does salt, tansy, a cross, a wedding protect from damage and the evil eye, curses and envy?

The most powerful amulets against the evil eye:

  • Salt - absorbs negativity
  • Tansy – drives away evil spirits
  • Cross – blesses every good deed and prevents evil from being done.
  • Wedding – protects lovers from the evil eye, betrayal, and separation.

How to remove the evil eye and damage from yourself at home?

It is customary to remove damage in church by confessing your sins and reciting prayers to cleanse the soul, but if you have a “severe case” or you cannot visit a person who removes damage and the evil eye, you can try to do it at home. For the ritual you will need holy water and a church candle. You should read the plot and wash your face with water. After this, pour the water into the ground.

Orthodox prayer against the evil eye and damage: text

If you don't know Orthodox prayers, you will need one that protects the believer from any evil, damage and the evil eye.


Prayer against the evil eye and damage: strong, text

If prayer for protection does not help you, you can read strong prayer. It should be read three times, loudly, with lit candles and in front of the icon.

From damage and the evil eye

Dua against the evil eye and damage: how to read?

Dua is a Muslim prayer that protects a person from any evil. It is customary to read it to Allah at any time of the day and on any day when a person feels bad or has a desire to turn to the Almighty.

Surahs from the Koran against damage and the evil eye.Strong Muslim prayer against the evil eye and damage:

Video: “Suras from the Evil EYE and DAMAGE”

Prayer against the evil eye of witchcraft and the tricks of the devil

Helps protect yourself from evil forces powerful prayer, directions against the Devil. It should be read only by those who truly believe in God.


Damage to health: signs and how to remove

If a successful and healthy person suddenly feels a loss of strength, experiences illnesses and a series of failures, he should definitely check himself for damage and the evil eye, and also try to remove this curse on his own.

Signs of damage and the evil eye:

  • Irritability and nervous breakdowns
  • Poor health that cannot be treated
  • Dishes break frequently
  • Everything is falling out of hand
  • Frequent hiccups that don't go away
  • Constant yawning
  • Fatigue and apathy, depression

IMPORTANT: You can remove damage to an Orthodox person by visiting church. There you should fervently pray to the Mother of God, Jesus Christ and light three candles at the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Prayer to Cyprian from corruption: text

The Great Martyr Cyprian will be able to protect everyone who asks him from any evil coming from other people.

Prayer of Cyprian and Ustinya against corruption:


Damage to death: signs and how to remove

Damage to death is a terrible curse that can slowly but surely make a person fade. Such damage manifests itself very clearly: animals around a person die, plants wither and a house collapses, he unexpectedly spoils relationships with all close people, and he himself feels very bad. Only a person who has knowledge and ritualist. You can help yourself by reading prayers.

Orthodox prayers against corruption and witchcraft

In order not to harm himself and betray the Lord, an Orthodox person can read the prayers prescribed in the psalms. They will protect a person from any evil that may surround him and will only strengthen faith in the Almighty.

Powerful Prayer

Damage to a person: how to read a conspiracy against corruption?

Damaging a person is black magic; it can be caused by an unkind person who masters the “black art.” You can protect yourself by putting up a protection or reading a conspiracy that will return the damage to its owner.

How to remove the evil eye and damage from yourself at home with salt, how to remove it from yourself and your child?

It is advisable to use sea salt or ordinary salt, but hardened on a stove (this is how it is “charged”: sea salt by the sun during evaporation, and ordinary salt by fire). While sprinkling the threshold, around the house, livestock and rooms, read the protective plot. Read prayers while sprinkling salt on yourself or your child.

Conspiracy against damage

Prayer from the enemies of evil and corruption. Prayers from evil enemies and damage

Powerful prayers from enemies and their evil:

Prayer from enemies

Removing spoilage with an egg at night. How to remove egg damage?

Determining and removing egg damage is a common phenomenon. The egg should definitely be taken from your own farm, from your own chickens. An egg rolls over a person while reading a prayer or spell. This should be done for a long time. After reading, you should break the egg, if it is light (ordinary) - there was no damage, but if it has darkened (or even black) - this is damage, the black contents of the egg - damage to death.

Prayer to Jesus Christ from corruption. Prayer to Jesus Christ for deliverance from corruption. Prayer to the life-giving cross against corruption

Powerful prayers:


Thursday salt for the evil eye and damage

Thursday salt is salt stored in Maundy Thursday, the holiday preceding Easter. This salt is considered sacred and healing. It can be used during the performance of rituals to cleanse from the evil eye and damage.

An indestructible psalter to remove damage from a person


The never-ending hymnal

How to cleanse yourself from damage? How to cleanse a house from damage and the evil eye?

You can cleanse your house of any evil by sprinkling it with holy water. Water should get into all corners, door and window openings. You can also use Thursday salt. Read the “Creed” and “Our Father” prayers during the ritual.

Symbol of faith

Damage to money: signs and how to remove it

Manifestations of damage:

  • Losing money
  • Job loss
  • Loss of business
  • Constant failures
  • Frequent downgrades
  • Frequent theft
  • Unrepaid debts
  • Apathy, lack of inspiration
  • Bad feeling

IMPORTANT: Reading prayers and conspiracies will help you get rid of money damage. Place coins everywhere in the house: under cabinets, a sofa, a bed, a threshold, a floor, a carpet - this is necessary in order to “have money”.

Spell on a pin against damage and the evil eye

Read the spell while pinning a pin:


Mirror protection from damage and the evil eye

Read the plot while burying the ritual mirror.

Video: “Mirror Ritual”. Magic Defense with Backlash. Protection with return"

It is unknown when and by whom the expression “My home is my fortress” was coined. And this is true, because, in fact, only at home can a person feel almost absolutely safe.

However, we cannot always be in our abode, and sometimes, when going on vacation or simply going to work, the question inevitably arises - how to protect the house from ill-wishers? After all, as police statistics show, modern robbers are capable of conquering any fortress. “Dream House” will help you deal with security issues at home or apartment in the absence of the owners, and will tell you what measures you need to take to protect your property from intruders.

The house begins with the door: reliable protection against thieves

It would seem that what could be stronger than an armored door, because in the middle of its design is used the material from which bulletproof vests are created that do not allow bullets to pass through? An armored door is truly a super-strong protection against thieves, but for some reason many robbers enter the house through the door. It turns out that it doesn’t matter at all to a highly professional theft “master” what material your door leaf is made of - if he manages to pick the lock, he will easily enter the house.

Almost every month new models of door locks are released around the world, designed to protect the property of honest citizens. So far, the most durable are lever locks that operate using a code system. To open such a device, in addition to the usual key, you must enter a secret code. Some progressive models are designed in such a way that if the code is entered incorrectly three times, the lock is reprogrammed and sends a signal to mobile phone owner of the house. In addition, it is impossible to take an impression of a key suitable for a lever lock. And if burglars want to cut or knock out the door lock, they will not be able to do so for the reason that these devices are made of heavy-duty material.

Eyes of the house: let's secure the windows

If you think that by installing an armored door in combination with a lever lock, you don’t have to think at all about the question of how to protect your house from thieves, then you are mistaken. As sad statistics say, more than 50% of burglars prefer to enter a house through windows. This problem is especially relevant for residents of private or country houses.

Window protection in country house

Grilles are an old and reliable method of window protection. Of course, particularly inventive craftsmen manage to cut them out, but this process takes time and, moreover, it cannot be carried out silently.

IN modern version bars have long ceased to resemble a prison attribute, securely fastened between the openings. Now it is quite possible to find a compromise between protection and beauty, for example, by choosing forged grilles. In addition, this method of protection can be secured not only from the outside, but also from inside Houses.

A less reliable way to protect windows from outside penetration is to install steel or aluminum roller shutters. Technical feature The design of modern roller shutters is such that it is impossible to open them from the outside.

How to secure your home from thieves

However, installing sliding window roller shutters is, rather, psychological protection houses from thieves. After all, in fact, it will not be difficult for professional burglars to overcome this obstacle, but burglars are afraid to get involved with a house whose windows have roller shutters installed, since alarm systems are very often paired with them.

Installation of locks on plastic windows– alternative protection for windows in a country house. Special locks are discreetly attached to the inside of the house so that the windows attract burglars due to their vulnerability. However, it is impossible to open them silently.

Home alarm - a cry for help

An alarm system is a real panacea against robbers and burglars. According to statistics, if thieves decide to break into a house where an alarm is installed, in 99% of cases they are caught on the spot.

Protecting your home from thieves

The most reliable alarm system is installed unnoticed by the naked eye, but in the event of illegal entry, it immediately sends a signal to the task force. On average, the task force reaches the scene of the incident in five minutes. During this time, robbers will not be able to find valuables in an unfamiliar house, take them and escape unnoticed. However, such a security system requires a lot of financial costs, because in addition to expensive equipment and installation, the home owner will have to pay for monthly maintenance.

A more budget-friendly alarm option is the so-called psychological “scarecrow”. They are not connected to the task force, but when a home is illegally entered, this type of device begins to make loud sounds and signal with flashes of light, attracting the attention of others.

Camera's all-seeing eye

Hidden cameras – perfect option to protect a private home from ill-wishers and thieves. By installing them in such a way that the entrance or perimeter of the house is displayed on the monitor, there is a chance to protect yourself from robbery even before the crime occurs. As a rule, robbers do not come to an unfamiliar house at random, because first they need to familiarize themselves with the territory and look for “weak” points of defense.

However, in order to pay attention to suspicious individuals, you need to constantly be near the monitor, which is almost impossible. A more reliable way is to install a camera that reacts to movements. Just as in the case of alarm systems, in case of unauthorized entry, internal surveillance cameras can send a signal to the operational group or the owner.

The main advantage of hidden cameras is the ability to save recordings. And even if we assume the possibility that the thieves will manage to escape, they simply will not be able to leave the house where the cameras are installed unnoticed.

Alternative ways to protect your home from ill-wishers

Usually, greatest number robberies occur between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. If you have not yet purchased a security system and do not know how to protect your home from thieves, experts recommend installing a random timer on your TV or stereo system. Before breaking into a house, robbers must make sure that it is empty, but if they hear extraneous sounds, they are unlikely to decide to take active action.

Also, to scare away robbers, you can install a dummy camera, a device with a flashing red light, and a sign about an angry dog ​​in a visible place. Of course, professional thieves are unlikely to be stopped by such obstacles, but, as practice shows, quite often the burglars are not professionals, but so-called “amateurs” hoping for a miracle.

This is just a small list of options to protect yourself from robbers. Any specialist, answering the question of how to protect a house from ill-wishers, will recommend that you use comprehensive measures, because if a burglar has chosen a specific house for his purpose, he will certainly try to study all its barriers and obstacles.

9 ways to protect your home from evil people Home should be the safest place for family members. But often it is he who is attacked by unkind people, trying to cause harm. The house can be jinxed by envious people, and misfortune can be brought upon the family by a grumpy neighbor. Therefore, every housewife should be able to protect her home from evil, know the plot to protect her home from danger. Protecting your home from evil people. Magical protection of the home - starting with windows and doors The door has long attracted the imagination of poets, mystics and magicians. It is symbolic and often appears in dreams and nightmares. What's behind the door? What strange creatures magical lands, secret dangers? More prosaic windows also have their own magical properties and characteristics. If they are the eyes of the house, then the door is its mouth. Both doors and windows have special power and are universally revered, because they are called upon to prevent everything “unclean” from entering the house. A door is nothing more than an ordinary piece of wood, two handles, three door hinges, several locks. However, doors are entrances to other dimensions. In shape they follow the dolmens* of Stonehenge and other European megalithic* structures: two stones placed vertically, and the third resting on top, creating a magical threshold. There is an idea that the door and its components (lintel, frame, door frame, threshold, keys) have magical, almost ritual properties. Many rituals associated with doors are protective in nature. Pumpkins hung on either side of the door from the street will protect against unwanted "evil" forces, as will a piece of bamboo or a wreath of leaves and thorns. A circle drawn with chalk will ward off ghosts, garlic or dill hanging from the front door will prevent those who are sick or harboring a grudge from entering your home, and a bag of salt or a bell hanging from the doorknob will ward off demons. There are other techniques to protect the house from “bad” forces entering it: place two needles crosswise under the doormat; paint the door blue, which is considered sacred; scatter mustard seeds or bury dragon tree resin under the threshold outside; Drive three nails into the door from the outside in the shape of a triangle with the apex facing up. Special herbs are grown near the porch to further protect the home. Ferns, lilies, marigolds and junipers are grown in pots. An old sock filled with salt, sage, mullein, tansy and any other protective herbs can be buried under the threshold from the street to repel ghosts. Box with " chicken gods" - stones with holes, or a knife under the threshold also have magical properties to protect the house. Door - the best place in the house among those capable of attracting certain types of energy. For example, five shiny pennies* placed under the threshold will bring money and love to your family, and a piece of food buried there will “make sure” that you never know what hunger is. Do you want to see a ghost? According to old legends, the door is the ideal place for this. At sunset or midnight, stand in the dark at any door facing another room. With the door half-open, press your cheek against it. If you are patient, you will be able to see spirits and some strange figures. Why? Because the door is the entrance to other worlds. If you want to get rid of ghosts, all you have to do is slam the door several times in a row. The ghosts will be trapped between the door and the jamb, suffer torment and soon leave. But if you like ghosts, don't slam the door! If you're the type of person who forgets to close the door behind you, you might want to start doing this. Legend has it that those who never close their doors will never own a home. This probably has something to do with the belief that if the doors of a house are always left open, all the power will escape through them. Protecting your home from evil people. The keys have their own magical properties and were extremely important for ancient religious beliefs. Hecate held the keys to the Universe; Janus was also often depicted holding keys; and ancient priestesses and priests held keys, symbolizing their strong magical connection with their deities. Keys are a phallic symbol representing the masculine principle, but also wisdom, achievement top level consciousness and magical protection. There are many key spells available from which you can choose whatever you like. There are such simple rituals, like wearing a small key on your body (worn, not carried) to gain wisdom; like keeping an old iron key under the mattress to cure impotence. There are also more complex rituals... Find as many old keys as there are doors in your house. Moving slowly around the house, repeat as each key touches its door: “Lock up the thieves in the night!” Lock up the thieves in the night! Lock up the thieves in the night!" Then tie all the keys together with a red ribbon and hang them on the front door as a decoration with magical power. Remember: visualize! As mentioned, keys can be carried or used for a variety of purposes. The golden key protects against the evil eye; three keys on a chain will bring health, wealth and love; The key on the back is believed to relieve headaches or stop nosebleeds; Any key you carry with you brings good luck as long as it fits one of your locks. The key, placed in the cradle, "locks" the baby into the home so that fairies cannot steal it (though this is not such a pressing problem these days). The key, placed upside down next to the bed, will banish nightmares and ensure peaceful sleep. In order to protect the house of your favorite pets, place a small key next to it. If you wear the key on your body, it will enhance the ability to bear children and fertilize. And if you want to reveal a secret, carry the key with you. Protecting your home from evil people. Windows are just doors without keys. In ancient times, windows were openings in the walls designed to allow access fresh air and ventilation from smoke. The wind whistled through them, and the light from the fire burning in the house was visible. It is not surprising that the windows were called the “eye of the wind.” Just like doors, windows are looked at with hidden fear, believing that they have magical properties. They are protected in every possible way. Pentagrams are still carved or drawn with chalk on windows. White curtains hung on the windows provide protection from the sun and all negative influences. Small white sea pebbles, pieces of glass, sea shells are placed on the windowsill, maybe a large red tomato. A green glass ball is hung in front of a window to ward off evil forces. When you clean your windows with ammonia or vinegar, you not only make them cleaner, but you also invite the wind to bless your home. Stained glass windows have magical powers to ward off evil spirits as the intricate stained glass | and glass of different colors create cleansing vibrations. The patterns on these windows must be chosen with great care so that they match the overall style. When the sun shines through the stained glass, casting colored rays of light into the room and creating glowing pools of color on the floor, the magic is truly at work! A similar effect is produced by a leaded crystal facing the window so that sunlight crumbled into hundreds of small rainbows. Round windows, so beloved by architects in Hawaii and Far East, are considered to bring protection to the home. These are known as "moon windows". If you are moving to new house, try this ritual (which is also effective when sleeping in a room for the first time): before going to bed, count the pieces of glass in the windows of the room. Then make a wish and fall asleep. Finally, if your luck has turned away, sprinkle salt on the windowsill, and then take other steps to return your luck. Protecting your home from evil people. Front door guard. On front door It is imperative to install protection. Evil comes through the door along with ill-wishers, so protecting the front door is the most important amulet of the home from witchcraft and any evil. Nails will help us with this, since protective spells for iron have great protective power against evil intentions. On the waxing moon, you need to buy three nails without change. If you can’t buy exactly three nails, you can buy more. The main thing is not to take change. Drive one nail at the top of the door and the other two at the bottom. The nails should form an equilateral triangle. After this, enter the room, close the door and say a conspiracy to protect the house from evil people: “Three nails in my door. The first will kill all enemies, the second will destroy all non-humans, the third will take away all evil. Turn all words into action, turn all nails into favor.” As long as the nails are in the door, the protection plot will reliably protect the home from witchcraft, damage and evil thoughts. Protecting your home from evil people. Amulet for gypsy needles. On the waxing moon, buy two gypsy needles without change. Fold them in a cross with the point down, tied with white thread, and say a spell of protection for the house and preservation of property from evil people and witchcraft: “Like spears with a cross, so the enemies are all face down. He who has good will pass. Those who are evil will be hooked with a cross...” Hang the needles above the door indoors or hide them under the door trim outside. After three months, remove the needles, rinse with running water or heat them over a candle flame, and read the plot to protect your premises again. Burn the thread. Clean threshold of the house How to protect the threshold of the house. The front door and threshold must be reliably protected from the penetration of evil. On the threshold of the house, an unkind person will already lose some evil force, with which I came. Having crossed the threshold, the black power remaining in him will lose its power, being reflected in the enchanted mirror. Therefore, it is advisable to hang a mirror opposite the front door.

What to do with the threshold of the house, what spell to read for protection? First of all, the threshold needs to be cleared of accumulated dirt: sweep and wash. Make it a rule to keep the threshold, front door handles and the door itself clean. Then you will not be afraid of any evil, and luck will often visit such a house. Sweeping the threshold of the house with a broom, read the spell: “I sweep away ailments, illnesses, damage and cramps, Evil eyes brought and carried. My threshold is marked, blessed by God. Amen." Protecting your home from evil people. The next method for cleaning the threshold is to use salt water. To do this, throw three pinches of salt into a bucket of water and wash the threshold three times, saying the spell: “Added salt with salt, soaked with water. Just as salt does not rot, so spoilage does not stick to the threshold. Roll away, turn away, come back! There she goes! I didn’t call you!” Then dirty water you need to pour it out at a pedestrian intersection. Don't worry about what people think of you! They poured it out and went home without looking back. And now that the threshold has been cleared, we need to put up protection from unkind people and the penetration of evil. To do this, take Thursday salt and sprinkle it on the threshold. At the same time, you need to read the conspiracy: “Salt from Maundy Thursday! Drive out sickness and pain from your home! Keep everything evil, all misfortunes and dashing things at bay! Evil spirits will bypass this house. Like I said, it will happen!” You can also hide a new blade under the threshold. It will cut off evil. Protecting your home from evil people. Three-nail house protection. Cross yourself three times and read “Our Father.” Hammer three nails in turn into the threshold of the house (two at the edges and one in the middle), while pronouncing the spell 3 times. “I clog my lips, teeth, eyes. I beat my enemies; whoever does anything to me, let him take it for himself. From your mouth into your bosom” Note: cannot be done on holidays, Fridays and Sundays. Protecting your home from evil people. Nails will ward off damage. Drive three small nails into the door from the street side so that their heads form an ascending equilateral triangle (one nail at the top, two at the bottom). After that, go into the house, close the door and say: “Three nails in this door.” The first nail is to stab all enemies, the second nail is to kill all non-humans, the third nail is to ward off all evil. All my words have a turn in action, all three nails have a turn in favor." This will protect your home from invasion evil spirits and will reduce the effectiveness of black witchcraft aimed at your home. Protecting your home from evil people. Holy water for protection. Holy water has enormous power, especially baptismal water. Pour some water into a bowl and add a pinch Thursday salt, and also put any silver item. Then a prayer is read over the water, "Our Father" and a conspiracy to protect against unkind people, witchcraft, to preserve property. Take a church candle, light it and opposite the door on both sides, in the air, draw a cross with it. Then sprinkle the door and threshold with holy water, pronouncing the spell: "I ask for help: come to me the servant of God (your name), cherubim and seraphim from heaven to earth. Wash with holy water, cleanse, deliver from all evil. Do not go to lessons around the world, go to the house of the servant of God ( your name) do not enter, from now on and forever. Amen." Next, you need to sprinkle this water on the entire room, the front door and the threshold. All protective spells are read on the waxing moon, but you can read them any day if necessary. Protecting the house from evil people. Amulet with pins. *tailor's pins; * church candle; *icon. In this case, we will need tailor's pins to protect the room from the witchcraft of unkind people, but without balls at the end. Buy pins from the growing moon. There should be enough pins to cover all the windows and the front door (four each pieces on the object of protection). Now the pins need to be consecrated. To do this, put the icon on the table and light a church candle. We look at the candle, pins and icon and read the prayer, “Our Father” 7 times in a row. Now you need to stick pins on four sides of the windows and the front door (two at the top and two at the bottom). If you can’t stick it in, you can stick it on with plasticine or tape. The main thing is that the sharp tip points down. You don’t have to read protective conspiracies. After three months, remove the pins and bury them in the ground, and attach new ones to protect the room from the witchcraft of ill-wishers. Protecting your home from evil people. Protect your house or apartment from action dark forces(sorcerers who inflict damage, energy vampires, other evil spirits), you can stick needles in all openings of the premises - doors, windows. It is better to do this at the top of the frames and jambs, and you need to insert the needles with the eye, not the point. In this case, you need to read the conspiracy against evil spirits. CONSPIRACY. “From the Holy Spirit, a partaker of Christ, the hand of the Savior, the castle of the Mother of God, my angel, my preserver! Save my soul, strengthen my heart. Enemy Satan, get away from me! I have three sheets, everything is written by Mark and Nikita the Great Martyr: Torment my soul for my sins, pray to God for me. Amen." Having completed this ritual, you need to go around the house (apartment) counterclockwise with church candle. You need to start from the threshold and under no circumstances miss a single wall or corner. Where the flame will crackle or smoke, there you should hold the candle flame longer. Thistle Protective herbs. From the depths of centuries, knowledge about the mighty power of protective herbs has reached us. You can read a spell on herbs, or you can ask for protection in your own words. Place wormwood under the doormat. When cleaning again, throw it away from your home and put a new one. A bunch of St. John's wort or mint should be hung in the hallway near the mirror or on a hanger. In the summer, stock up on thistles and keep them in the house all year round. St. John's wort, placed under the threshold, will not allow a person with malicious intent to pass through. If you hang buckthorn branches on the windows and front door, it will break the evil spell. Protecting your home from evil people. Protect yourself and your home with plants. Brew a steep infusion of dill or thistle. Spray your front door, windows and window sills with this infusion using a broom made from multi-colored chicken feathers. Connect the five pieces coarse salt with three parts of dry St. John's wort herb and one part of dried and powdered garlic flowers for the full moon. Stuff an old sock with this mixture. While doing this, say the cherished words: “Where they put you, there is no black power, no evil intentions, no bad words.” Salt will take away the blackness, the grass will unfurl evil, the color will open up evil words, no one will know, no one will pass, no one will wither, no one will die. Three times three turn, three times three turn, three times three from the gate." Bury this protective amulet under the threshold of the front door of your house, repeating the spell 3 more times. Protecting the house from evil people. In order to protect against negative energy Collect and dry protective herbs and plants: St. John's wort, clover, wormwood, tansy, thistle and sage. Mix them all together, saying: “Grass unites with grass, unites against the black force, is filled with clear light, is determined for (names).” Sew a small bag from red fabric and pour the herbal mixture you made into it. Sew the bag so that the herbs do not spill out. Wear it on a red cord around your neck. Protecting your home from evil people. Take in left hand a red candle, and on the right - a fir branch. Stand facing the east and your back to the west, light the wick of the candle and say the spell: “An iron fence will stand around me, a damask fence from the east to the west, from the north to the sea, from here to the sky, and will protect me from the sorcerer and from a sorceress, from a sorceress and from a sorceress, from black and from white, from two-toothed and from three-toothed, from one-eyed and red-eyed, from slanted and from blind, from every enemy of mine and from every friend and comrade of mine. May my words be molded and strong, stronger than strong stone, harder than solid iron, from now on, and forever and ever.” After that, tear away from spruce branch three needles and carry them in your pocket. Protecting your home from evil people. To prevent evil from settling in your home, place mustard seeds under the rug in front of the front door of your house and say: “He who sows will also reap, not a single evil will enter this house, it will turn back, it will go to another threshold.” Protecting your home from evil people. Plant herbs and plants near your home that will block the path of negative energy into your home. These can be flowers of lilies, marigolds, violets and cyclamens, juniper bushes, thistles and ferns. When watering them for the first time, say: “Green cover, protect people and houses from all evil spirits, from all evil.” In addition, hang a mirror opposite the front door: it will reflect the evil that seeks to enter your home. Protecting your home from evil people. Mix equal parts of dry herbs: rosemary, lavender, basil, clover, mint and bay. Add to them the same number of fennel seeds, garlic flowers and marigolds, plantain seeds and violet root and say the spell: “Because of black power, from a bad word, from a bad thought, these herbs gathered together. Where they should be, to block the path of everything black and bad, by land, by sea, by wind, and by fire. Everything said will be put into action and will never be forgotten.” If you cannot find all the herbs listed, then use only those that are available to you. Fill a green glass bottle or jar two-thirds full with the enchanted herbal mixture and seal the vessel with a stopper or lid. Place the bottle on the kitchen window. Protecting your home from evil people. Collect and dry herbs and plants to protect your home from the anger and envy of your ill-wishers: St. John's wort, clover, wormwood, tansy, marigold, thistle, sage, verbena, fern, juniper, hyssop, mistletoe, lily, violet root, garlic flowers, dill seeds , Bay leaf, cloves, marjoram, rosemary, basil and lavender, as well as leaves and sawdust of sandalwood, eucalyptus, patchouli and cypress. Mix them all together and pour the resulting herbal mixture into a small canvas bag. While doing this, say the spell: “Every herb is strong, every herb is wise, and together they are stronger, and together they are wiser. I gather them together, I conjure them together, to stand against evil with strength, to drive out evil with wisdom.” Tie this bag with red thread and hang it in the northern corner of your house. Protecting your home from evil people. House amulet on a round mirror. You can protect your home from negative energy with the help of a round mirror. To do this, buy a new mirror or clean the old one. Wash the mirror with running water, dry it and light a church candle in front of it. This will be enough to clear unnecessary information. Then place the mirror on the table and place eight church candles on the sides. Light one of them and say: “I determine you to ward off evil.” Next, light all the others from this candle, repeating the same words. Then look at the reflection of the candles in the mirror and say a protection spell: “Protect inside and around from evil. Create the world from one to eight, from eight in the flesh.” Extinguish the candles with your fingers and hide them in a secluded place. Hang the mirror on the wall. From now on, all unkind glances, evil thoughts and words spoken in your home will not harm you or your loved ones. A year later, the conspiracy to protect against evil people is repeated again after cleansing the mirror with water. Protecting your home from evil people. How to protect your home from damage. On the waxing moon before noon, buy a spool of white thread and new needles. Remember that witchcraft items cannot be used for household purposes. Therefore, put the remaining threads and needles in a separate box and store them for other rituals. Thread the needle (tear it off the spool an elbow length) and tie with three knots. Run the tip of the needle along the door frame and stick it at the top, saying a protection spell: “You stand on guard. Beat all our enemies!” After three months, remove the needle and bury it in the ground away from your home. Take another needle and repeat the spell of your premises for protection from the witchcraft of unkind people. Protecting your home from evil people. Brownie's help. If a brownie lives in your house, you can ask him to protect your home and property. Before going to bed, do the following. Place a piece of bread and a bracelet on a plate and say the following: “House-house owner, come into the house, protect my family. Give us wealth, keep peace and harmony in the family. Soft bread I give it to you, I’ll ask for help in return.” Go to bed. In the morning, dry the bread and put the bracelet on your hand.

Protection of the house, or rather a separate room. While in the room, simply by paying attention, i.e. mentally, but externally, draw lines (they will begin to appear there themselves, you don’t need to puff and strain to create them there) as follows: (to find the center of the room) - on each wall, as well as on the floor and ceiling, draw two lines connecting opposite angles, i.e. draw a cross in these rectangles, and also draw lines along the contour of these rectangles, i.e. at the junction of walls. - now the same thing needs to be done inside, each lower corner is connected to the opposite upper one, so the line will pass through the center of the room and this same center will be the intersection point. through the same center, direct the lines formed from the crosses on the walls and ceiling, i.e. connect the intersection points of two diagonals between the floor and the ceiling, as well as Two Pairs of Walls, so YOU ​​will receive a kind of star INSIDE THE ROOM, place the energy grain of the spell you need in this center (determine in advance what you need to teach as a result and find this small lump in your VIP - the seed of future enchantments). It’s better to be outside the room, because nothing should interfere with deployment. at this moment, you will also be able to observe exactly how the scan goes along the lines, these spells will thus unfold within the room. When all active processes are finished, you can log in. When you cross the threshold, notice your feeling of entering a zone of enchantment. NOTES: 1) the lines will be bluish in color, this is not NP in pure form, but rather the lines of reason generated by your mind and carrying the power of the mind, due to which the spell will be completely autonomous and will not need to be recharged from the outside - the spell will have some semblance of reason and maintain its existence independently, drawing strength from a world source, so there won’t be any problems with nutrition 2) the charm should feel like sparkling water, it will slightly sparkle the skin, much like soda, only softer, what I mean is that you don’t need to make them deadly, etc., because how else can you live there))) they should create comfort in the room, being generated by an intelligent principle, they will (initially, i.e. on their own) destroy all seemingly impure, false (like false sounds in music) energy structures , leaving only clean ones. in this way, any negatives will be destroyed surprisingly easily and simply, although it will seem that the protection is very light and “gentle” and will cope with this so easily, well, it simply shouldn’t by definition, but in these things the subtle often turns out to be stronger and more effective 3) try to compare your sensations after meditating in this room and somewhere else, I think you will find several differences Protecting your home from evil people. When talking or meeting with an ill-wisher: If you feel an evil force emanating from someone, mentally cross that person. Do this three times and, without opening your mouth, say to yourself: “With this cross, with this fast, I cover you, so that there is no black thought, no bad deed, no bad look.” When communicating with such a person, keep your right hand in your pocket, making a fig from your fingers. If you are threatened with damage or cursed over the phone, then without hanging up the phone and especially without listening to what they say, cross yourself and say: “Everything has reached you, it has passed on to you. Perish, perish, go away. Amen.” And it doesn’t matter even if they don’t listen to you, the negative program will not linger on you, and will have a rather serious impact on the subscriber. If you are planning to go somewhere and want to protect yourself from enemies who can harm you with a word, read this plot while standing in front of the threshold. Read 3 times. “I cross the threshold, I crawl out like a viper, I close the mouths of all my enemies, I don’t walk, but I ride like a black ox, so that all my enemies’ tongues become a stake, Amen, Amen. Amen." Spit over your left shoulder 3 times. To get rid of negative energy after a quarrel. Tear 30 centimeters from a skein of black thread, light a wax candle (there should be no other light sources), and, winding the thread forefinger right hand, at the same time read the plot 7 times: “You go, mental pain from me to Peter, and from Peter to Nikita, and from Nikita to this thread.” You should be there, and I (name) can live in peace. Word. Key. Tongue. Lock." Then burn the twisted thread in the flame of a candle, and take out the ashes and throw them in the trash. Let the candle burn out.

When all sorts of unpleasant accidents start at home, from spilled salt to fire, the old people say that the house has been jinxed.

Unfortunately, this is the case.

The fact is that a black program can be introduced not only into human energy. Since any thing “lives” at the expense of our thoughts and feelings, the effect of the evil eye also extends to it.

How to protect a house from the evil eye and damage, how to prevent destruction from curses bad people? Let's figure it out.

Here you need:

  • firstly, know damage;
  • secondly, rely on the heritage of ancestors and traditions of the family.

Apartment cleaning

First you need to clean the apartment. This is done on Thursday.

Walk around all the rooms clockwise, reading “Our Father.” In your hands you need to hold a lit candle and the Trinity icon. Cross all openings and corners.

Then spray the floors and walls with holy water. If there were no special problems in the house, then this will be enough to drive out the evil spirits that could be lurking in the corners.

So, if one shield does not work, then another will help.

In the Middle Ages, witches made special bottles that were buried “on the roads of evil.” A modern apartment also needs such “roadblocks” of good.

Protection must be placed on the threshold, near windows (especially on the first floor).

To bad person who entered the house did no harm, it is necessary to have a talisman in the room.

Previously, they were served by Icons. Nowadays it has become popular to hang them on the wall. The icon must be illuminated, only then will it protect the room.

Regarding amulets that are essentially different, we can say that they can be combined quite well.

Let there be both an Icon and a witch’s bottle. They work with different energies.

The icon will cleanse the space, radiate goodness, and ward off people with the evil eye.

And magical means protect against induced damage, bad people experiencing envy or outright malice.

Amulet for home protection

This magical tool is used quite often.

By the number of windows plus a door.

At home, by candlelight, magic words are spoken to her. Afterwards it is used as usual.

But put some in a bag and hang it on the front door frame.

If problems start, the amulet needs to be updated.

In general, it is advisable to start the ritual in , and then carry out it a couple of times a year.

Conspiracy to protect the home:

“I pour salt in the eyes of all the devils and devilish minions. They shouldn’t look at my threshold, don’t dare cast magic, don’t wander past, don’t bother my soul with temptation. I spell salt and lock the house. I drive away evil from its walls. Amen!"

With a needle

There is a stronger ritual.

It was carried out once in a lifetime for silver. If you don’t find one, then take a regular one. Then you will have to update the amulet once a year or two.

You should buy new needles and do not use them for sewing.

  1. On the new moon, thread a thread woven from the hairs of household members into the selected needle.
  2. To do this, take a hair at a time and roll it into a rope. It is not difficult.
  3. Stick the needle in front of the front door, point down.
  4. So say:

“I stick George’s sword into the threshold. I protect him with lightning. Whoever passes by with evil intent will be pierced by George with God's providence. Whoever comes to the threshold of hostility will never step over the needles. She will rise with lightning, the enemy's hour of death will come. Whoever says an evil word will be caught up with the needle everywhere. He will protect our strength and lead the devils to their graves. Amen!"

If you begin to perform this ritual, then remember the following: the needle must be inserted strictly vertically behind the threshold. Nothing should stick out from it on the surface.

Remember its location in case of repair. If you change a threshold or porch, be sure to burn the part with the needle.

It's not good for it to fall into the wrong hands. The one who takes it out will gain great power over your family.

Simple remedies

It is not always necessary to make “twisted” amulets and perform complex rituals.

There are the most simple methods of protection that were used in the old days.

  • So, a bunch of onions or garlic hung near the front door will protect you from bad energy.
  • Above the entrance you can strengthen a rowan branch or a spruce paw. This amulet is good because it can be changed often. That is, there will be an influx of fresh strength.
  • Don't forget about the horseshoe. Already in her magical properties, perhaps everyone believes. It not only attracts good luck, but also protects against the evil eye. Hang such a talisman on your front door and forget about your troubles.

The horseshoe does not have to be removed from the horse. You can buy a souvenir in the store. Better yet, come to an agreement with your friends and another holiday Give each other amulets. This way the energy of the amulet will be higher and cleaner.


You can protect yourself and your family not only with inanimate objects. Plants are quite suitable for this.

They will begin to process the evil that accidentally leaked into the house.

Cacti are good for scandals.

The cactus with its thorns will drive away bad thoughts and views.

They will preserve and protect your beauty and attractiveness.

When they bloom, it’s a sign that it’s time to look at the suitors. Besides, flowering plants maintain harmony in relationships.

A completely different look at protecting your home from the evil eye

Need to know that negative energy is attached only to a similar one. That is, the house should be protected from the inside, with your thoughts.

If you are subject to attacks of envy or anger, then no one will save your nest from the evil eye.

Analyze what you think about your home?

Excessive pride or criticism are the very “entry points”, places for which negative program will definitely catch on.

You need to love your home and enjoy it.

There is nothing to be proud or brag about here. It's just part of your world.

Don't compare it to the same elements of someone else's life. After all, everyone has the right to their own view, their own opinion.

You see, nothing in your home should cause you personally to have thoughts or feelings that can be described as “too much.”

Any deviation from an even relationship with the interior or atmosphere directly leads to the adhesion of the evil eye and damage. Negativity is inside you.

Only external dirt will stick to the weak spot.



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