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What kind of dance can you dance at school? How to learn to dance: video lessons for those who are not afraid to try. Pair dance "Foxtrot"

Is it difficult to learn to dance?

It's really no more difficult than anything you're new to. Dance styles are very different from each other. Even if you have mastered one of them, it will be unusual for you to do the other.

However, all dances are associated with the ability to control your body. And if this is not new to you (for example, you have been involved in martial arts, gymnastics, swimming, and even more so dancing), it will be easier for you to adapt to new movements than for a beginner who is not friends with his body.

Even if you have a rather wooden body, you should not despair. The secret of success is constant practice.

Learning to dance from video lessons is more difficult than from courses. If your body is flexible and obedient, you can still do something similar to the movements of the instructor from the video. If not, you can quickly become disappointed in dancing: the difference between what is shown in the video and what you see in the mirror will be too strong.

Still, it's worth a try. At least in order to decide on the right one.

How many times a week do you dance?

At first, after exercising, your muscles may ache. But, unlike strength training or running, the body does not require a recovery period.

Therefore, you can safely practice dancing all the time. One of my teachers said that you need to dance 25 hours a day. In any case, the more you dance, the more noticeable your progress will be.

How to learn to dance modern dances

From this direction we have chosen three types that can often be found in the schedules of fitness clubs and dance schools. And the first is plastic and incredibly beautiful contemporary art.

Abel M/Flickr.com

Contemporary mixed elements of modern jazz, yoga and martial arts, seasoned with improvisation and attention to breathing. This is freedom and plasticity - the natural beauty of movement.

Here is a video with a combination in contemporary style. Give it a try, just be sure to warm up and stretch thoroughly before teaching.

And here is the second part:

By the way, about warming up. The video below contains a full lesson with warm-up, stretching and analysis of the combination. In English, but everything is clear without translation.

If you don’t have time to repeat or consider how a certain movement is done, set the speed to 0.25.

If you liked the combinations, but you can’t repeat them yet, here are some more videos with routine contemporary exercises.

Most likely, you will have to do the same in dance school before you can perform beautiful combinations.


Many people confuse pole exercises and strip exercises. The second is a simply sensual dance that can be performed without a pole.

When doing strip plastic, you won’t have to stand at the machine and pull your toe. Everything here is based on natural sexuality female body. Of course, many teachers diversify strip dance with elements of contemporary or modern, Latin American dances and other styles, but here everything depends on the teacher.

How beautiful your dance will look depends again on how well you can control your body, how mobile your joints and muscles and tendons are.

The video below contains an analysis of the combination. Not too simple, but very sensual and beautiful. And you won't have to do any movements on the floor, so your knees won't get hurt.

And here is a playlist with strip dance lessons from different dance schools. There are both individual movements and combinations.

And one more, simpler combination. Try it if the first one didn't work out.


It's sensual and beautiful dance, which, among other things, helps to develop plasticity and even get rid of some health problems.

There are a lot of belly dancing lessons on YouTube. Below are some of them.

The basic movements are explained very clearly here:

And the second part:

Below is a playlist with five lessons for beginners from another teacher.

How to learn to street dance


Hip-hop has only been around for about 50 years. But during this time, many trends and styles have appeared, with different elements, plastics, and special features.

In addition, modern hip-hop is often complemented by movements from other dance styles, which provides even richer vocabulary and original combinations.

But before you come up with your own combinations, you need to master the basics. In the playlist below you will find basic movements, steps and many combinations. They explain everything clearly. If you can't keep up, reduce the video speed.

The videos in the next big playlist explain the concepts of inertia, manipulation, and isolation in hip-hop. There's also a story about improvisation, battle behavior if you're ready for that, and several options for ground hip-hop moves (on the floor) to diversify your combinations.


Breakdancing consists of different elements: tricks and power movements on the floor, waves, fixations, as well as changing the levels at which the dance is performed.

Here on this channel There is training in different styles: Waving, King Tut, Robot, - analysis of the technique of power elements and basic movements at different levels.

Below is a video with detailed analysis element "6 steps" from Footwork.

And here you can see how the “turtle” is performed.

Here is a voluminous playlist in which there are quite a lot of breakdancing elements with a detailed analysis of the technique of dance and strength elements.

Lauren Wood/Flickr.com

A sexy dance in which you need to actively work your buttocks, hips, stomach and arms. In this playlist you will find several lessons with analysis of twerk movements.

How to learn to dance ballroom dancing


You will probably need a waltz at least once in your life. Moreover, dancing it at an amateur level is not so difficult.

Here are four good lessons that will teach you how to hold your hands and perform the basic waltz steps as a pair or individually.

How to learn to dance social dances

Social dancing is not created for competition, but for communication between partners and enjoyment. Improvisation is encouraged here, through which the dancer can express himself, his feelings and emotions.


This dance comes from the Dominican Republic. He is very sensual and sometimes erotic. The basis of bachata is four steps with an emphasis on the last one. In the dance there are rotations and flips of the partner, small supports.

Despite the fact that bachata is a pair dance, you can also learn solo combinations. For example, if you don’t have a partner yet.

The video below shows an analysis of the main steps. Where to shift your body weight, how to hold your hands, how to make an accent - everything is described in great detail.

And here is a variation of bachata from the same teacher.

Below is a playlist for those who want to dance bachata as a couple. These are Dominican bachata lessons from the Imagine dance school.


This is a passionate couples dance originally from Africa, more precisely from Angola. It is now performed all over the world and is especially popular in France and Portugal.

Steps, a lot of hip work and close contact with your partner. Sometimes very cramped. For example, in the Tarraxinha style, a slower and more sensual version of this social dance.

Here is a playlist with kizomba lessons.

And another playlist with videos from another dance studio.

That's all. If you have favorite training videos, share them in the comments to the article.

All more people Are you interested in where you can learn to dance in St. Petersburg? All kinds of dance studios and dance halls offer many different styles, ranging from classical to modern styles. The name of a dance school does not always tell the story of the institution - new studios are opening every day, and dance groups of famous choreographers already occupy a minimal percentage of the entire list. Where to learn to dance? Best school dancing - is it really possible to find it? It is worth paying attention to some points.

How to choose a dance school in St. Petersburg? A few recommendations

First of all, you need to decide on the desired direction. Some establishments recruit dance schools seasonally - forming groups from scratch, they gradually teach students all the intricacies of the style. There are dance studios with universal groups. Anyone can study in them, since there is no clear line of instruction; new elements and connections are discussed at each lesson. Of course, ideally, a choreography school recruits a group and consistently trains students. This way you can achieve the most effective result.

Dance school location

You can get good results from classes only by attending dance lessons at least two to three times a week. It is unlikely that an hour's journey to a dance school after a hard day at work and the same to home after classes will give pleasure. Rather, it will be incredibly tedious and will quickly ruin the learning experience. Ideally, a dance studio should be located close to home, work, or in between. It is optimal if the dance school is located within walking distance from the metro.

Of course, you can try to learn to dance at home. However, the result will not be as successful as we would like. The correct execution of many elements can only be discussed with a teacher.

Cost of classes at a dance school

The price of lessons also plays a role. A professional dance school is unlikely to be cheap and will not lure students with incredible promotions and discounts. However, when comparing costs, it is worth paying attention to some points. First of all, this is the duration of classes. Many schools offer a 1-hour class. Accordingly, the price for lessons will be lower than that of a dance studio with 1.5 hour training. A mandatory element of each lesson is a warm-up, which takes 15–20 minutes. Thus, there is less time left for dancing itself.

The conditions of subscriptions also differ. For example, sometimes you can buy a subscription to dance schools for morning and afternoon workouts. Most schools only offer evening classes. Unlimited subscriptions allow you to attend any classes in an unlimited number. Therefore, when comparing prices, it is better to calculate in advance own strength, estimated number of classes and optimal cost.

Teacher qualifications

Unfortunately, not every dance studio boasts the presence on its staff of a professional teacher-choreographer who has undergone special training. It is not always just a good dancer who will be able to properly convey information to students and clearly demonstrate the elements. Some dance schools hire former students who have studied for only a year as teachers - this approach may not always give the desired result for clients.

Therefore, ideally, a dance teacher should have the appropriate education and participate in various competitions. You can watch videos of lessons and performances on school websites, study reporting concerts, stages and costumes. All this allows you to determine in absentia the level of the school and its attitude towards students.

Of additional interest are reviews of dance schools, in particular those presented on our portal.

If you have already found the perfect dress, shoes, stylist and think that you are completely ready for prom, think again - have you forgotten anything? Have you learned to dance? Yes, you may look amazing, but will you really enjoy your prom if you have to sit at a table for the entire celebration because you can't move? We doubt it.

If all this sounds like you, then read on, because we are going to teach you how to dance, no matter your skill level. But! Before you start learning the moves, remember not to do anything that will make you feel awkward.

Milly Rock Dance

If there's one dance that everyone will dance at prom, it's probably "Milly Rock." It may seem complicated at first glance, but in reality it is not. Just follow these rules:

  1. We start with the right hand. Keep your elbow close to your body and make a motion as if you were patting your front left shoulder. But don't actually touch him.
  2. Then do the same with your left hand.
  3. When you return to your right hand and begin to lower it to your left shoulder, stop, as if you had deceived everyone and are not going to dance (but you are, don’t go anywhere). Then finish the movement. And let's call it a deception for simplicity.
  4. Continue moving your hands in the following pattern: right, left, right, left, right, left. Repeat this over and over again.
  5. Let's move on to the legs: when you make a move right hand, lift your left heel and draw a small semicircle with the toes of that foot. Okay, now it's the other way around: left hand and right foot. That is, when you change your arms, change your legs.
  6. When you make a trick with your hand, you also need to do the same with your legs. Pretend that your foot starts to lift your heel, but then changes its mind, but still lifts it again and completes the semicircle.
  7. Put it all together, watch the video for clarity, and here it is! You're already dancing!

Feel the rhythm

Feeling the rhythm can be a very simple thing for someone, but some people are not musically inclined, so they have to put in some effort to catch it. If you have the same problem, use these steps:

  1. When you hear the song, keep your heel on the floor and start tapping your toe approximately to the beat of the music.
  2. Start counting: 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2...
  3. As you continue to tap your feet and count, start clapping every time you say “two”: 1, clap, 1, clap, 1, clap...
  4. Okay, now stop tapping your feet and listen to the music and its rhythm. It’s like passing a melody through your body. Do you feel it? Looks like you did it!

Pair dance "Foxtrot"

If you don't want to just sway to the music with your partner, try the foxtrot. It's very simple, but it will greatly impress your friends. Perfect dance, just follow these steps:

  1. The lead partner should take two steps forward, starting with the right foot. Then step to the left and bring your legs together.
  2. The other one, at the same time, starting with the left leg, steps back twice, then to the right and also brings his legs together.
  3. Hold your hands as if in a waltz (look at the video)
  4. Keeping your arms in this position, repeat the movements of your legs over and over again. All!

A slow dance

If the previous option is too complicated or unusual, then here's another one for you:

  1. Hold your hands as you feel comfortable: you can do it like the couple in the video, or you can do it differently.
  2. The main thing here is the legs. To dance a slow dance, you need to master step-touch. To do this, take a step to the left with your left foot, place your right foot on it, now step to the right with your right and place it with your left. Literally repeat this over and over again and that's it!
  3. Make sure you move to the beat of the music and mirror each other and everything will be perfect.
  4. You can also move in a circle. To do this, simply take steps at an angle rather than in a straight line.


Simple Steps is the perfect dance move because it is very simple and works with so many songs. Once you master these steps, you can diversify the movements in any way you like: wave your arms as you please, jump from foot to foot instead of the usual steps - in general, do whatever your imagination is capable of.

Good news!

Here are the same leg movements as in slow dance: step to the left, step, step to the right, step. It's simple! Keep your knees free, add any movement of your arms - you are dancing.


You can dance with a partner not only to slow music, but also to fast music and without even touching each other. See how:

  1. Stand in front of your partner with your back to him. Bend your knees.
  2. Now start making circular movements with your waist.
  3. One of you can move left and the other right, or you can move together.
  4. In this dance there is no reason to touch each other, you can leave space between each other. So this is definitely suitable for school dances.

Shoot dance

You've definitely seen this dance, if not at school, then at least on Instagram, YouTube or any other place, because it is very, very popular. Therefore, most likely, you will see this dance at your graduation. So, what is needed for this:

  1. Bend your left leg and lift it back.
  2. Jump onto the right one and throw the left one straight ahead.
  3. Bend your left leg again as you jump. Keep bending and unbending it in time with your jumps.
  4. Now for the arms: keep them down and as you kick the air, move your left arm back and forth.
  5. Then, after four back-and-forth movements, lift left hand over your head. Also swing your arm while kicking your legs four times, and lower your arm again.


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