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For many decades, the female population of the post-Soviet countries has developed a mentality stereotype: it is necessary to “get” married. And certainly before all your girlfriends! “Staying too long as a girl” is like a nuclear war for women. First, you should get married, and only then “sculpt” your betrothed into a real prince. And it doesn’t matter what moral qualities the faithful is endowed with, since he agreed to legitimize the relationship, it means he loves!

Rice. 4 Types of Men Not Suitable for family life

This approach to marriage most often turns out to be a failure. After all, after a couple of years of marriage, misunderstandings arise between spouses. As a result, all the love disappears somewhere, only children remain, for whose sake the woman will try to save the marriage, enduring daily humiliation, all kinds of hardships and even beatings. Experts recommend that even at the stage of the candy-bouquet period, you find out for yourself whether your chosen one is among the men who are completely unsuitable. There are 4 main types of such men.

1. Aggressor

If your beloved insults, humiliates, and at least once dares to raise his hand against you, know that he will repeat this again and again. Don’t think that you are the only one for whom he will radically change his worldview and attitude towards the female sex. Don’t be fooled, character, especially male character, remains virtually unchanged! Break off relations with such a chosen one, run away from him, and the farther the better.

Moreover, you should not respond to aggression with aggression; this could end badly for you. Do not accept his apologies, gifts, and ignore his pleas that this was the last time. The next time the situation repeats, he will tell you that this is also the last time and that you are to blame for everything that happened.

2. Alphonse

It is likely that a man will use his own savings for small gifts. And all in order to catch " goldfish" - that is, you! You should not hope that, after getting married, the chosen one will rush to look for a job in order to provide for his family. He won't lift a finger. What for? After all, there is you - the one who can carry on your shoulders all the worries that require material support. You should leave this type of man quickly, breaking off any contacts.

Such a man is always relaxed, he smells of exquisite perfume, his clothes are brand new, and his shoes are polished to a shine. Of course, it’s a pleasure to communicate with him, he showers him with compliments, pays maximum attention, and bestows gifts. But behind this external gloss hides the most ordinary womanizer who will leave you for the “first skirt he comes across” that interests him.

You may ask why these men behave this way? The fact is that most ladies' men. Seducing ladies, they rise in their own eyes. If you don’t mind a fleeting, beautiful, non-binding romance, you can enjoy the company of a “heartbreaker”; if you feel that you are falling in love, break off the relationship immediately, otherwise it will only hurt more later.

4. Alcoholic

Such men are easy to spot. They are often in large quantities drink alcohol. And we’re not talking about 2-3 shots of cognac or a couple of glasses of an exquisite cocktail, drunk once a month. It's about about almost daily drinking of alcohol-containing products, even in the absence of a reason. Break up with such a chosen one immediately. People are most often inadequate individuals. In addition, alcoholism is a hereditary pathology. You don't want your children to suffer from the same disease, do you?

10.08.2016 7597 +11

It would seem that everyone knows. The most difficult thing is to understand that it is your chosen one who has the disadvantages characteristic of “unsuccessful options”: men know how to pretend to be ideal, and the rose-colored glasses that every woman in love wears help them with this.

With men most suitable for marriage, everything is usually much simpler: they do not hide anything and show themselves as they are, with all their pros and cons. It is important for them to find someone with whom they will spend the rest of their lives, they are ready to get married, and they understand that pretending to be someone else is a bad idea. However, absolutely any woman will not suit them; they have certain requirements for their chosen one, and men will not agree to refuse them. If you are ready to meet these requirements, you will have a long and happy life with your beloved man.

Keeper of traditions

The keeper of traditions is a kind of exemplary family man, obsessed with stereotypes. He is a good earner, he brings all the money he earns into the house, he doesn’t go out for walks, he goes to the bathhouse with his friends only in certain days month, and I’m ready to devote the rest of my time to my beloved family. He talks a lot about what a wonderful family he had as a child, and that now he wants to repeat everything, but with you. As a rule, such men paint a picture of a traditional family: dad works, mom creates home comfort. You are required to put dreams of your own career on hold, learn to cook exactly like his mother, and support all your man’s endeavors. Otherwise you are not the same one. Such men are very scrupulous about their ideas about an ideal marriage and can take any deviation with hostility: throw a scandal and get a divorce.

You will have to give up a lot for the sake of such a man, but if you are ready to devote yourself entirely to your family and children, you will truly be behind a stone wall. In such a marriage, love, respect and idyll will reign, but do not expect that you will always be able to disappear somewhere with friends or pursue a career. These men largely limit themselves and their “wants” in the name of ideal family and they expect the same from their wife.

Male hunter

All men are hunters, but this guy is more of a conqueror. He needs the most best job, the most best car and, of course, the most best woman. If he is interested in you, do not rush to joyfully offer him your heart - keep him close and at the same time far away, accept his gifts and do not give anything in return, otherwise he will quickly grow cold towards you. He marries you to gain favor, but even after that you need to behave in such a way that he has to win you over. Such a man should never show his full love. Be a little arrogant with him. A marriage with such a man will be ideal and like a fairy tale: he will be ready to do almost anything for your attention. However, if you suddenly turn into a kind and sweet housewife, don’t expect gratitude, expect a divorce.

A happy family life is not for everyone. There are people for whom the institution of marriage is unbearably burdensome. It is much easier for them to be free from obligations than to bind themselves with close ties. Everything is decided by a person’s temperament. And, as you know, it is determined by the stars. Our astrologer has compiled a rating of the zodiac signs that are most suitable for family life. Let's look at this interesting list, starting from the end - the most freedom-loving sign.


This is rightfully Sagittarius. The thirst for travel is in his blood: it is vital for Sagittarius to conquer earthly heights. But even if your native area has its own mountains, look fire sign will be in a different direction. A person is in an eternal search for adventure to the fifth point. A settled family life is definitely not for him. Sagittarius agrees to marriage only as a last resort: when the road back is no longer possible. But even the moment with children, the representative of the sign delays until the last moment. As they say - first the planes, and then the boys and girls...


These representatives air element rarely think about procreation. And family life without children makes no sense for them. Therefore, Aquarius delays marriage until adulthood, until not a single acquaintance remains without a stamp. But even after the wedding, Aquarius is not able to settle down. A person wants to walk until the morning, as before. And I really don’t like it when someone tries to ban it. Therefore, representatives of the sign quite often get divorced: they cannot withstand the hardships and obligations of family life.


Temperamental Aries have seven Fridays a week. An ambitious sign is ready to go ahead in any business he begins. Unless we are talking about a wedding. Here the fire sign openly gives up. Aries is frightened by the need to live with someone for many years. After all, there are so many beautiful acquaintances around... Why associate yourself with only one? Who even came up with this? Therefore, they weigh all the pros and cons for a long time and painfully, trying to find out in advance what awaits them. Even years later, they continue to doubt and often run to the left. Check yourself for feelings for your significant other.


There's never a dull moment with Geminis. Windy representatives of the air element decorate any get-together with their presence. They are invited into all homes without exception as they instantly create an atmosphere. However, in your own home you won’t be able to joke endlessly. And this really bothers Gemini. They want to continue the fun, the holiday - and not wash the children's diapers. Walking at a wedding - yes, organizing everyday life - no. Therefore, representatives of the sign are leaders in divorce. Family life is not for them.


Dreamy Pisces often have thoughts about family. Since childhood, many have compiled a ready-made image happy marriage. The only problem is to find the chosen one who perfectly matches the sketch. A critical attitude towards choice makes them suffer without apparent reason. They would be happy to get married, but that same person is still not there. Therefore, Pisces always have many fleeting romances and casual relationships. And even in marriage, they stubbornly cling to the image, proving to their partner what he “should be.” Only the most patient spouses are able to explain to Pisces that her expectations are wrong.


Taurus always strives for peace of mind. Earth signs generally adore stability. Therefore, they strongly welcome the idea of ​​marriage, and paint family life in rosy terms. However, they have doubts quite quickly. The first bell is the amount of expenses for the wedding. Taurus people hate wasting money. They are ready to invest in this stupid event only if they are firmly confident in the return of funds. Therefore, only rich people are invited to the holiday. However, in family life, Taurus faces the same thing: the need to support common Home, and sometimes a partner. If it were not for the material side of the issue, they would be ideal family men. And so, just the middle of the list.


Scorpio's passionate nature scares off many potential partners. The latter vaguely suspect that they will be captured, where they will be burned and tortured forever. In part, this is true. Scorpios really do not let go of their victim, they make their spouse a slave. However, this is the sweetest slavery possible: representatives of the sign pamper and cherish a person, taking care of him until his last breath. They generously give money, never refuse sex, adore children... But for all this they demand strict obedience to the rules. Staying faithful, coffee in bed, etc.

If the chosen one stumbles even once, he will face a painful execution. That same eternal cauldron, since Scorpio will not let even an unfaithful person go anywhere. First he will squeeze out all the juices, and maybe only then...


For prudent Virgos, everything has been thought out for a long time. IN school years they make up a portrait ideal partner, and then patiently wait for his coming. Virgos have no doubt that he will appear at the right moment. Their formula was too good. But sometimes the self-confidence of representatives of the sign works against themselves. With their focus on family happiness and large offspring, they scare away the chosen one. A person may need more time to get used to it, but Virgo already wants to go to the registry office and get married. But in marriage they are golden: they remain faithful and sacredly honor family traditions.

a lion

The only fire sign that came close to the top. The proud title of king obliges a person to live up to it. And for this you need a worthy party. Preferably a crowned person. Or at least with money. Therefore, choosing a partner takes a long time and carefully, using pharmacy scales. Leos choose for the future. In family life they behave with emphatic respect and pay respect to their aristocratic spouse. And unless absolutely necessary, they don’t rush to the left.


For the diplomatic Libra, everything in life goes well. They create easily harmonious relationships, bribe spouses with their fidelity. They help a person build a career and forgive minor offenses. They also raise children well. In their family life there is a place for both everyday life and holidays: the very concept of the “golden mean” was invented by Libra. The problem with representatives of the sign is only one thing - they often choose Libra as their spouse, and do not get it from others.


The most conservative sign strives to streamline everything in its life. Each specific period of time is described in detail. And the wedding, as a rule, is somewhere after 30 years. A person takes this time to build successful business. When the time comes, Capricorn acts with lightning speed. Does not allow the partner to come to his senses, and rings him like a master. If the chosen one adequately appreciates such thoroughness, then a bright family future awaits this couple.


All zodiac signs hunt Cancer. This is a jackpot for family life. Cancer is made for long-lasting relationships and raising children. He cannot imagine life without a partner, he is ready to follow a person to the ends of the world. Gives his all for the good of the family. Any violation of the marital vow is not for them. They even allow themselves friendly flirtation, because they immensely respect their only choice. Only other Cancers can be better than Cancers.

How to make a man happy according to his zodiac sign

Ego satisfaction is what the Aries sign really needs.

Top 10 best dog breeds for families

7.4 (74.44%) 18 votes

The first thing you need to know is that there is no such thing as a typical “family” dog, just as there is no such thing as a typical family.

A couple with three children living in the private sector is unlikely to get a dog of the same breed as a young couple with a newborn living in a rented apartment. There are many aspects of your family's lifestyle that need to be taken into account before you can finally decide which breed is best for you.

  • How much time can you devote to your dog?
  • Will someone stay with her during the week or will the house be empty most of the day?
  • Are there any active hikers in your family, or do your relatives prefer to gather around the TV?

These are the basic questions that will help you navigate and reduce the variety of four-legged candidates to a minimum.

Here are the best dog breeds for families, according to the site:

1. Newfoundland

They were originally bred in the cold Atlantic as a working breed, and since then they have been consistently considered the kindest, gentlest and most flexible purebred animals in the world. They are huge (they can weigh up to 70 kg) and one of the strongest dogs in their category, but their patience is truly legendary: they are ideal for families with small children.

This is exactly the animal you can trust to save your child from a freezing river. However, all these valuable traits come at a price - maintenance. The thick coat of the Newfie needs brushing at least once a week. Besides, there is no point in denying that these dogs are veritable saliva-producing factories.

Newfoundlands also require a lot of space: moderate daily walks will satisfy your pet's need for exercise, but make sure he has plenty of room to stretch out on the floor when he gets home.

2. Papillon

For some reason, we often forget how ideal they are for city dwellers. Papillons are not just a fashionable lady's accessory, so don't let their appearance fool you. Unlike other “toy” breeds, they are energetic, very intelligent, cheerful and eager to please.

Together with all this, they are ideal companions for families with small apartments. But for all their charm, experts do not recommend Papillons to couples with small children. No, dogs do not pose a threat to children at all, quite the opposite. The breed's ego is somewhat larger than its fragile body, which makes it prone to injury when playing with children. After all, kids have not yet learned to calculate their strength.

3. Golden Retriever

The “family” dog has been the primary choice for a long time, especially in the US – and for good reason. This dog is the center of love, he loves everyone. It is ideal for large and small families, for children and teenagers.

Golden Retrievers are also very easy to train; their combination of intelligence and eagerness to please makes them more adaptable than other breeds to positive rewards such as treats and affection. These dogs have only one drawback.

Being adored everywhere, they trustingly believe that every person is their friend. Therefore, as a guard dog, the retriever would rather roll over on its back and present its belly for scratching than bark to warn its owners of the intrusion of a shady character or a sneaky robber.

4. Pug

Along with sloths, seahorses and baby armadillos, they are among a group of animals that look both strange and adorable. Their unusual faces may be teased in many ways, but in reality, pugs are easy-going, friendly and calm animals that are active enough to be fun to be around, but small enough that they don't require a 5km run every day.

Most importantly, pugs are patient and strong kids, which means they are perfect for families with small children who do not yet know how to play carefully, and for residents apartment building who can be sure that their pet will not disturb the peace of their neighbors with constant yapping.

5. Labrador Retriever

– a dog in the most classical sense of the word. Friendly, loyal, and full of enthusiasm, these animals work hard, play until they drop, and eat quite well when they return home at the end of the day.

They need a lot of space and attention, but they will compensate for it all pure love and devotion that have captivated humanity since the days when we first met our four-legged companions.

Larbadors are good with children, very intelligent, and are one of the most popular working breeds in the world. Such a pet is well suited for a family who prefers active recreation and possibly has small children. Rest assured: if you don't have a stick or Frisbee, your Labrador will even run for a banana.

6. Cute mongrels

Technically, but you should consider the possibility of adopting a puppy or old dog when you choose a family pet. Each mutt is unique, and their hybrid vigor makes them much less vulnerable to the health problems and personality quirks that inbred dog breeds are often prone to.

But the best thing is that by adopting a mongrel, you will save its life and at the same time save a lot of money on veterinary services. Mutts are generally friendly, intelligent, and excellent at dog sports. Their only drawback is that their growth cannot be predicted: all puppies are tiny, so it is difficult to say how big this or that baby will grow in the future and whether he will embarrass you.

7. Dachshund

Despite the fact that it resembles a running sausage, this dog takes itself very seriously. Others perceive it with humor, but this fact does not bother the dachshund. Animals of this breed are not particularly smart, they are a little snobby and behave reservedly with strangers.

What then is their appeal? In good old fashioned goofiness. Unlike many other lap dogs, Dachshunds are extremely playful, there is never a dull moment with them, and they simply love to be close to their owner. They usually have short hair, so you won't encounter any shedding problems.

Although the Dachshund is very energetic, it requires exercise in proportion to its size. This breed is ideal for people with little physical activity who would like a dog that is unpretentious but has some personality.

8. Basset Hound

It's no secret that owning a dog takes a lot of time and effort: feeding, cleaning, cleaning, washing, training and training - all this is reminiscent of raising a small child who will never understand that drinking water from the toilet is bad. Sometimes the best family dog ​​is the one that does next to nothing.

At the very end of the energy spectrum is. With minimal activity, this dog has about the same energy level as a potato. Being quite active in youth, with age the Basset Hound prefers lying by the fireplace or on the porch. Over the years, this family pet begins to look more like a beloved piece of furniture than a walking source of trouble.

Due to the popularity of a TV series in the 90s, the collie dog has become a symbol of the most useful family dog. These are truly wonderful animals, but it is difficult to call them a pet suitable for any family. Long-haired collies are better suited to families with older children.

Like shepherds, they have a thousand-year-old ability to learn, but the herd instinct, the need to always be there no matter what, makes these animals a poor option for families with small children - unless you have a son or daughter who falls into a well and gets attacked bobcats or getting stuck in a burning barn at least once a week. A collie should go with these kids “as standard.”

10. Beagle

The word “carefree” best describes dogs of this breed. , charming and friendly. This is not only the truth, but also a polite way of indicating superiority personal qualities beagle over his intelligence.

Initially, these dogs were bred as pack and hunting dogs. This is why they have such a sociable and cheerful disposition, making them an ideal choice for a large family where your pet will receive maximum attention and can feel like part of the team.

Beagles are not known for their learning abilities, so don't expect quick results from home training. But the friendly nature of this dog, compact size and good attitude to small children make her a desirable and popular family companion.

In our opinion, these are the best dog breeds for families. If you, dear reader, have your own opinion, write it in the “Comment” field

Nowadays, people thoughtlessly get married and get married, often dooming themselves to suffering, don’t you want to be one of them? We will help you choose the ideal partner according to your zodiac sign for family life!

12th place - Aquarius

12th place goes to Aquarius for their truly outstanding cunning and penchant for mimicry: they pretend to be ideal family men the same way they do everything else - with enchanting talent. As they say, a mosquito won't hurt your nose. The most interesting thing is that Aquarius manages for decades to show off not only those around him, but also the family itself. So those closest to them also sometimes don’t realize that Aquarius needs only one thing from his family: to finally be left alone and not to trample on his tender psyche with dirty boots. As a rule, questions play the role of boots: “Can you help me with math?”, “What’s for dinner?” and “Where the hell is the salary?!”

11th place - Leo

Thanks to Aquarius, Leos rise to 11th place, but this, to be honest, does not save the situation: their family men are still even worse than bullets from a well-known substance. The fact is that Leos are accustomed to ranking others according to a very simple principle: There is loyal vassals who should be grateful for admission to the divine body, and there are unwanted lackeys, who should stay away and not offend the royal gaze with their appearance. Of course, Leos place household members in the first category, but that doesn’t make it any easier, because Leos entrust the family with a super task: not to disgrace the royal family. And this means that they won’t even dream of peace: if Leo finds out that someone close to him has cast a shadow on him good name- from the other world he will get it and create a scandal.

10th place - Pisces

Pisces is the most mysterious sign of the zodiac, and the family life of Pisces is no exception: in principle, fish mature quite early, but in the family they remain fry until old age. This means that all the attention of the household should be focused on their precious person, otherwise the fish will go “wa-wa”. “Wa-wa” performed by Rybka sounds like there is no need to take out the saints - they are taken out on their own. On the other hand, if you remember that Rybka is an eternal child and treats her accordingly, you can live with her for a long time and happy life and die in one day. You just need to keep in mind that you will have to die one day in any case, even if you haven’t planned to yet.

9th place - Aries

Hard case. Classical astrology tells us that Aries in the family are tyrants, despots and tyrants, but we categorically disagree with her. Aries is even worse. Because tyrants, despots and tyrants are usually at least predictable, but Aries is not. So family life with Aries is life on top of an active volcano: no one knows when it will explode and for what reason. True, Aries’s loved ones quickly get used to the fact that they need to evacuate to a safe place quickly - while the match is burning: those who didn’t have time are late. But the latecomer will get all sorts of goodies as an apology. Aries are quick-tempered, but easy-going and, most importantly, conscientious. So their family members are usually a little nervous (their eyes twitch), but in good spirits.

8th place - Gemini

Gemini very easy and pleasant to love, everyone knows that. It is also very pleasant for Geminis to give birth to children, because Geminis know how to be friends with children and not raise them at all, but raise them every time good people. But it is not necessary to live with Gemini - unless, of course, you want to completely poison yourself for the last half century. Because all these half a century will have to maintain ORDER. Not cleanliness and order, but once and for all established order in the Gemini’s house, more like the collapse of civilization. It is not known why Geminis cling to things so much - perhaps this helps them to remain in this world and not fly away into their inner Chaos - but you can’t touch anything! Just throw away a dried tea bag and that’s it, it’s a scam: it was a valuable thing, it was inspiring!

7th place - Scorpio

Connecting your life with Scorpio means selling yourself into slavery, this needs to be understood. On the other hand, it will the most comfortable and enjoyable slavery in the world: firstly, Scorpios are unusually sensitive to their loved ones and are always ready to help, support, console and take them in their arms; secondly, Scorpios are generous, and they love money, so the slave is guaranteed a golden collar (and a personal slave for the slave, too, because Scorpio’s personal slaves do not have to bother); thirdly, Scorpios are enchantingly talented in bed and at the same time, as a rule, are faithful to their half. They also love children and generally sweethearts. Exactly as long as we are sure that the slave does not secretly dream of freedom.

6th place - Sagittarius

Sagittarius occupies a central place in the horoscope - family men are both terrible and wonderful. Who goes out in slippers to take out the trash and stumbles home at three in the morning a week later? Of course, Sagittarius. Who, in their fifth year of marriage, acts like they just fell in love with their better half? Of course, Sagittarius. Who doesn’t know where the forks are kept in the house and makes a huge scandal about it? Who will take children, including a baby, on the best hike in the world and teach them everything they need to know in this life, and in such a way that the children will be delighted? Of course, Sagittarius. In general, it is unclear how to live with this, but it is clear for how long: not for long. Sagittarians, as a rule, try to create and make 5-6 families happy. Well, okay, at least 3. And they succeed. Regardless of what gender Sagittarius is, by the way.

5th place - Capricorn

It is important to remember the most important thing: There can only be one owner in the house, and that is Capricorn. As Capricorn says, so it will be. On the other hand, Capricorn is the master of the house only as long as he is there, and as soon as he leaves the apartment, you can open Satan’s sanatorium there with blackjack and goodies: Capricorn, even if he finds out, will not fall into a rage, but will accept the guilt to myself. I didn’t keep track, didn’t check, didn’t guide me on the right path the way I should have guided you. Wherein Capricorns trust their family and friends unconditionally, and therefore it is not difficult to hide any bacchanalia from them. In all other respects, Capricorns are completely flawless. So, in general, living with Capricorn is easy and pleasant. Especially if he is constantly on business trips.

4th place - Virgo

They barely made it to the top three of Virgo, who should be set as an example to all other signs. Because only Virgos criticize loved ones just for appearances, but in reality have a habit of literally deifying their family- both the better half and the children. Well, because Virgo couldn’t choose some hat as her life partner and raise the wrong babies. No, this is impossible! Virgo is the smartest, so she has the best family, period. What’s interesting is that this is what actually happens most often. The secret, apparently, is that Virgos really cannot stand only one type of people - those who are easier to kill than to re-educate. But in principle there are not many of them, and in Virgo families they are almost never found (well, unless Virgo gives birth to an Aries, of course).

3rd place - Taurus

The honorable third place goes to Taurus, who in principle, unable to fully exist without a family. Therefore, as soon as Taurus grows out of the parental family, they immediately start their own and live in it, as a rule, until death separates them from their household. So it’s better for household members to understand and accept the main thing in advance: Taurus's house is a castle, Taurus himself is a feudal lord, and everyone else is his loyal vassals. If Taurus is allowed to calmly play the role of a cheerful baron, he will conquer a couple of neighboring lands for the family, build another fortress, fill the treasury with gold, and the cellars with wine, and everyone, in essence, will live well and joyfully. If you pay the baron's taxes on time, of course. That is, present gifts on time and arrange a feast for the whole world whenever Taurus deigns to be bored. Then Taurus may not even execute anyone. Today, anyway.

2nd place - Cancer

If Taurus is not able to fully exist without a family, then Cancer is not capable at all. At all. If Cancer is deprived of his family, he will sigh, cry quietly in the bathroom (so as not to disturb anyone) and quietly go to die behind the sofa. Because family is not just the meaning of Cancer’s life, it is his life, and harmony and happiness in the family mean happiness in life. The only problem is that There is never constant harmony and happiness in Cancer families. And this splendor is disrupted by... guess who. Cancers always have difficult relationships with their relatives, because Cancers are too scared for their relatives. And if in general the Cancer family condescendingly and lovingly endures the Cancer’s overprotection, then in particular, sometimes heavy objects fly into Cancer’s head. Because few people are ready to feel like Koshcheeva’s death in an egg all their life.

1st place - Libra

Honorable first place! Libras are truly ideal family men, because only Libras truly know how to live easily and, most importantly, make the lives of everyone they love easy. This means that the Libra family can be anything, but the most important thing about it will remain unchanged: every day will be like a holiday. Or, at least, to wait for tomorrow's holiday. But still, in this barrel of honey there is a fly in the ointment, which spoils all the joy (not for Libra, but for all other signs): Libras very often choose Libra as their life partner. “Let those who didn’t get us cry,” yeah.



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