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Libra career. Linda Goodman. Sun signs. Astrology with a smile: Libra the boss

You don’t often see a Libra boss at a desk in an office. Most often, he is as if on the cutting edge, balancing in one direction or another, trying to catch his balance. As soon as he succeeds, he again finds himself at the table in his office, but again not for long.

Libra bosses have a rare quality - they are very active and at the same time surprisingly calm. This is somewhat reminiscent of slow motion.

Many Libra bosses love and know how to speak and have the gift of persuasion. But even more they love to listen. This is especially important before making a responsible decision. In these cases, Libra will listen to as many opinions as possible, not only from his deputies, but also from the secretary and subordinates, and will certainly ask what his wife, lawyer and even the gatekeeper think about this, and only then, after weighing all the pros and cons , will make a decision. Libras are afraid of responsibility, and if the decision turns out to be wrong, you can always say, at least for your own consolation: “In the end, it was not my idea, but my lawyer’s (or my wife’s).”

The Libra boss, who managed to achieve harmony and unity of mind and emotions, can be considered a storehouse of wisdom. It is a pleasure to work under such a person.

Libra's office will be decorated in pastel colors, there will be paintings and engravings on the walls, and there will certainly be a tape recorder or receiver from which quiet music flows, which has a beneficial effect on Libra's nervous system.

Among Libra bosses there are very often women. Their only difference from Libra men will be a more demanding attitude to discipline. In all other respects, they will be just as honest, fair, truthful, and just as inclined to weigh their own and sensitive words, thoughts, and actions.

Libra bosses pay great attention to the lunch break, treating it not as a meal, but as a pleasant pastime.

Libra has a very ambivalent attitude towards money. Sometimes they are stingy to the point of pettiness, sometimes they give gifts to their subordinates, like Santa Claus.

And finally, all Libra bosses like to occasionally invite their subordinates to their home. Don't ruin the experience with loud laughter, vulgar manners, or heated argument. Remember that his motto is harmony. And if you manage not to destroy it in his presence, you are guaranteed a long and fruitful cooperation.

Astrological forecast - a way to find out the future

People learned to make astrological forecasts many centuries ago in order to be better prepared for the surprises that fate has in store for us. Orientation in real life by celestial bodies is one of the ways to lift the veil of the future. The stars are able to tell us about upcoming events and determine our actions.

Everyone has the right to decide for themselves whether to believe or not to believe in astrological forecast, but the fact that astrology is a real science with its own research methods and indisputable results is beyond doubt. No astrological forecast claims to be perceived as the only possible truth. Star predictions provide us with a guide, something to think about and recommendations that may or may not be carried out depending on the individual's personal wishes. Everyone is free to build their destiny according to their own scenario, but the stars can help us avoid some mistakes, seize a lucky chance in time and simply make life a little easier and brighter.

“Well, yes,” said the King hastily. - That's exactly what I wanted to say. Doesn't matter! Of course it doesn't matter. — And he muttered in a low voice, as if trying on what sounds better: “Important, unimportant... unimportant, important...”

If you are a man, you most likely think that your boss is a great guy, fair and honest. If you are a woman, you have a little crush on him, even if you don't know it. The soft vibrations of Venus are strong and attractive.
As a Libra, he represents one half of cooperation because his unconscious desire is to constantly connect two things or two people. In business, he satisfies his desire for balance, combining his intelligence and charm with the capabilities of a partner who complements his own personality and has those abilities and talents that Libra himself may lack (there will be few of them).
He may not sit behind his imposing desk like other executives. This is because he likes to sit on the fence. It's not that it's comfortable, it's rather painful: look at his miserable appearance when he sits there. It's a struggle because he takes two opposing ideas and weighs them. When he reaches a fair and unbiased decision, he will return to his desk and be happy to spin around in his swivel chair again. But while he is on the fence, it is very difficult to understand him.
He is very energetic and active and at the same time is in no hurry. He resembles a skilled juggler.

Looking at him, you expect him to lose his poise and go into a nervous rush at any moment, just as you expect a juggler to drop one of the balls he is juggling. But this never happens. He is born with a sense of the air and performs even the most incredible manipulations with such effortless grace that it may seem as if he is hardly moving. It's like slow motion in a movie. The action never stops, but the projector is set at a barely noticeable speed. Despite his gentle and sometimes timid manners, he does not feel like a lonely island in the ocean among people. He always needs to somehow express himself and communicate with others. Since his promise is mostly conversation, he is able to bore you with his sayings with a sweet smile. He certainly has the ability to think clearly, but if Mercury has adversely affected his birth chart, then your boss is still looking for ways to assert himself. Most Libra bosses are stubborn debaters, capable of convincing anyone and nullifying the efforts of the entire work team. Even the most modest and shy Libra, who tries not to draw attention to themselves too often, can object with convincing logic, but they will at least think through all their arguments before starting an argument. This explains his long silence. He's just thinking about what to say. It’s much safer to express your opinion after it has been leisurely run around in his head! He is not often inclined to change it. But if he rushes, he will begin to rethink the decision and then come to the conclusion that the original one was too hasty, and therefore will do the opposite.

You will notice that he wants to listen to your opinion too often. Before you decide that he thinks your intelligence is brilliant, remember that there are several reasons why he is interested in your ideas. First of all, he must be fair, he does not want to make a wrong or rash decision, and for this he needs to collect all the pros and cons on the topic.
He will take into account the opinions of his wife, elevator operator, cleaning lady and specialist public relations. All this together, designed to help make an important decision, can lead to terrifying results. It would be difficult for a tired cleaning lady to form a logical conclusion about how the proposed spin-off would affect the shareholders of a non-voting exchange. She needs to think (she can’t think now, after work, when her legs hurt so much). The elevator operator will have some difficulty regarding the amounts that both huge corporations will have at their disposal, but for the bankers $40,000 will seem extravagant to him. He once paid a lawyer $40 for a consultation and then felt like a spender. The wife will say, “Do what you think is right, dear,” making it clear that he should take a negative stance because she strongly dislikes the wife of one of the main shareholders. The cleaning lady will finally come to the conclusion: “Forget about the department” - she has not trusted this word since her old man separated and she had to start cleaning floors to feed seven children. A public figure never changes his mind at all. “Fire all the torpedoes and move forward at full speed” - this is his advice for all occasions...
Finally, complete agreement is achieved. Armed with this authoritative analysis, the Libra boss, amazingly enough, will still be able to come to a more reasonable and logical conclusion than nine out of ten people. He will still find out his opinion from everyone, because he will want to place the blame for a possible mistake on someone else’s shoulders. If it all fails, he can always shrug and say, "Well, it wasn't my idea to refuse, after all. The cleaning lady felt it would be wrong to agree."

But Libra, who has achieved harmony in the unity of mind and emotions, rises to the heights of true wisdom. There are quite a few of them, and your boss may be one of them. He is able to give practical advice, finding the other side in a completely hopeless situation, and in difficult cases you will act wisely and fairly.

The walls in his office will hardly be bare. Pictures or good reproductions will be hung on them in perfect order, and the office itself will always sparkle with cleanliness. You can bet that he has a stereo hidden somewhere so that he can relax to the quiet sounds of his favorite tunes when things don't go too well and his nerves start to fail. The walls of his office are rarely painted in provocative colors. No exotic, eyesores. However, light oriental motifs are quite acceptable. Some Libras may have a soft spot for the East - perhaps because of the legendary peace and slow pace of life in distant eastern countries or the calming harmony of Eastern philosophy. Probably, a representative of this sign will not dare to go so far as to decorate his desk with flowers, but if your Libra boss is wearing a skirt, then he (or rather, she) will most likely do it.

More female leaders are born under the sign of Libra than under other signs, although Aries, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Leo and Cancer try to keep up with them. Taking into account that the boss is not He, but She, your Libra will probably install a huge pot with a palm tree or some other plant in the office and definitely a mirror.

The Libra boss is much more decisive than the leading men of her sign; Since it is much more difficult for a woman to achieve a high command level, she has to control herself and her doubts too, otherwise she can find herself in a very difficult situation. Like the male representative of Libra, she also strives for justice. After carefully listening to both conflicting parties, she will try to be as objective as possible. Don't disturb her when behind her own doors she weighs an important decision on the golden scales! There is only one area in which she does not need to think twice. This is Love. The Libra woman has either already decided that marriage is not for her, or is constantly under a slight love fog. It is a very rare Libra woman, boss or not, who can do without heartfelt affection. And although she is a great master at hiding her personal life from others, you can bet that in the evenings this lady is unlikely to play solitaire alone. On a rainy Monday you can still find her at home reading a book, but on the weekends she most often spends time with someone outside the walls. However, the romantic fog is always temporary: her mind is too logical to allow her feelings to blind her. Only a very few Libras of both sexes will allow their hearts to prevail over their minds. Their heads are too sober and too bright to submit to the insinuating radiation of Venus without resistance. This is another feature of the Libra character.

Your lady may be very pretty, or even beautiful. But even if this is not so, she will seem so to you when a charming Venusian smile illuminates her modest features. Her charming manner will help her get the results she wants from clients and visitors, but when you work with her long enough, you will discover that beneath her graceful gentleness lies a sharp mind. who will not miss an opportunity to resort to cunning.
She lives according to a fairly strict schedule and will demand the same from you. In matters of discipline, she can be even tougher than a Libra man. If you make a mistake, she will instinctively know it and you will receive a serious warning. Her voice will sound soft or a little dry, perhaps slightly drawn out, but she rarely raises it. (If she has an ascendant in Aries, Gemini or Sagittarius, then the atmosphere may become slightly tense and then she will even blush!)
Your Libra lady often looks like she's about to appear on the cover of Ten Most Elegant Women magazine, and it's possible that she's already there. Her female subordinates bite their nails in envy of her wardrobe, jewelry, furs and perfume. For male subordinates, they respond in a manner appropriate for their gender. Even the most recent one. Except perhaps for Leos, Scorpios, Taurus and Aries, who sincerely believe that working for a woman is the same as serving the devil. The rest are crazy about her.
If you decide to make closer friends with her, be careful not to overdo it. Her favor towards you may seem like a hint of frankness, but she does not tolerate women's gossip and will most decisively stop any hints. This lady is not in the habit of wagging her tongue where she works. In addition, Libras of both sexes respect confidentiality. Many of them love to talk and argue, but they will never gossip. These are different things.

Libra bosses of both sexes feel the need for long and pleasant lunch breaks to recuperate. If they don’t do this, it means they are not tired or not hungry. In moments of fatigue or hunger, it is difficult for them to remain in their attractive, balanced state. Therefore, it would be much cheaper for subordinates to chip in for a cozy sofa for their boss. so that he can take a nap for an hour and not leave a balanced state. In this he greatly resembles a cat on a sunbed, although he is ashamed of his weakness. But on the day when he comes to work with red eyes from lack of sleep, you better not get in his way.
Libra's attitude towards money is rarely neutral: they are either the stingiest bosses in the city, or the most generous. If your boss is greedy in January, then by July he becomes Santa Claus. He has his own attitude to each specific moment. His tip is either five percent or five dollars. He will definitely invite you to his home; Almost every Libra boss wants to see his employees under his roof, where he is an indescribably kind host. He will simply be a model of gallantry in front of women and on the same level with men. Right way To earn his disfavor is to behave loudly, vulgarly, stubbornly and self-confidently. Remember how important harmony is for him! Build it up when you can, never destroy it or neglect it at all, and he will choose you over everyone, although he won't understand why.
His periodic indecision may irritate you: he may hesitate at a time when plans clearly need to be implemented. But there is also his smile, calm mind, willingness to always listen to you and meet you halfway. He does not want you to be superior to him in any way, but he does not seek to make you his slave. He will never abuse your trust. And when you put it all together, everything will fall into place and you will see a personality in which everything is mixed, but in the most harmonious way.
Your boss really needs your cooperation in order to realize himself, and the person who needs you always appeals to your integrity, if not to your heart. Can you feel it?

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In general, it is comfortable to work under Libra. He is always adequate, you can always come to an agreement with him. This boss cannot be called strict. He strives for a harmonious environment in the team and tries with all his might to avoid friction, nipping conflicts in the bud. You will never hear ugly swearing, hysterical screaming, or lectures from him. All comments are made correctly, work issues are discussed in a calm atmosphere. When it comes to money, the Libra leader is never stingy and is always fair. True, his justice sometimes seems strange. In fact, there is nothing strange: he is guided by his own internal logic, understandable only to himself.

Career prospects under Libra are not very promising. Libra will never allow any of his employees to compete with him. The contradictory nature constantly manifests itself. Then the Libra manager pretends to be an imperious boss and demands that employees do everything exactly the way he wants, and no other way. Then he goes to the other extreme: he becomes indecisive, cannot make urgent decisions and begins to consult with everyone. In the same way, periods of activity and passivity alternate. He can become immersed in his personal problems and does not appear in the office for several days. When he finally appears, he begins to urge his subordinates and demand that they do everything at once. You will have to get used to this rhythm of work. When Libra is relaxed, you can also allow yourself to relax a little - stay late from your lunch break, be late for work, take a nap at your desk, mind your own business, ask to leave early. But during periods of activity of your boss, you should gather yourself as much as possible and throw all your energy into work. Libras do not like to sit in one place. As a rule, they are busy with negotiations, visits, establishing business connections and solving personal problems (in work time, of course).

The Libra boss will not stand behind you and watch what you are doing, and will not record the time of your arrival and departure. Libras don't care what time or where the work is done. The main thing is that it is done in accordance with his wishes and on time. The Libra boss is more of a theorist than a practitioner; he likes employees who are engaged in implementing his ideas, rather than generating their own. Moreover, ideas usually come to him at the most inopportune time, namely, when the work is almost completed. Then he instructs the employees to redo everything, and the real rush begins.

In order for your boss to generously pay for your work, practice and do not impose your ideas on him, even brilliant ones, unless he himself asks to voice them. Despite their outward self-confidence, Libra finds it very difficult to make decisions; they need moral support. Admire your boss, compliment him, flatter him. This man treats those who like him very well; He will never bypass an employee who dotes on him with monetary incentives.

But you can’t argue with Libra, just as you can’t criticize him and try to prove that he’s wrong. You won't achieve anything anyway. Libra always has their own strategy, from which they do not deviate. In addition, the more pressure is put on Libra, the more they resist. When working under Libra, it is important to take care of your appearance. Libras like their employees to be tastefully dressed and have good manners. Many Libra male bosses pay their female subordinates high salaries just because they look attractive. The motto of Libra is harmony, and it should be in everything. Professional and business qualities, naturally, play an important role. Libras have a great sense of people: if your boss has taken you under his wing, then you deserve it.

It often happens when a woman likes a man, but she doesn’t know how to approach him and how to tie him to her. In any case, do not be upset, because there are many ways to solve this problem.

One of the most popular methods of conquering a man is the method using psychological portrait by the date of birth of your chosen one. To do this, it is enough to find out when your beloved was born, determine him zodiac sign and what qualities are characteristic of men of this sign and what they value most in women.

How to please Libra

If a woman likes a man born under the sign of Libra, then she should take into account that Libra men are creative individuals who like everything beautiful and perfect. Libra men are often gallant gentlemen who know how to communicate casually with the fair sex, and also master the art of flirting. Thanks to the above-mentioned abilities, Libra men never complain about the lack of female attention; on the contrary, they are always surrounded by women. To win the heart of a Libra man, a woman should try to stand out from the general crowd of fans.

So, if you really liked a man who was born under the sign of Libra and you want to conquer him, then you need to understand that you are dealing with a sublime creative personality, which does not tolerate imposed restrictions, norms or rules.

Like any other creative person, the Libra man is characterized by some oddities, so a woman should prepare for the fact that a man will often surprise her with his extravagance. Such quirks include a man’s frequent lateness not only for work, but even for a date with his beloved woman, as well as some frivolity.

Despite the fact that a man will take life lightly and perceive everything with an optimistic smile, he will most likely demand from his companion that she always congratulate him even on minor holidays or events. Moreover, if a woman wants to establish a warm relationship with such a man, she will need to become interested in music, poetry and everything that her chosen one is interested in.

Libra men are used to people always and everywhere completely agreeing with them, so the woman next to him must also constantly agree, even if she doesn’t agree. This may be an agreement like “yes, dear, of course,” which will not require the woman to step over herself and say everything she really thinks, but on the other hand will satisfy the man and reassure him.

If a woman openly contradicts a Libra man, then most likely she will encounter another change of mood, which will clearly not be in the woman’s favor.

Also, when communicating with Libra men, you should avoid criticizing them and pointing out their shortcomings. This also applies to their appearance. At the same time, you should not rely on the fact that Libra men often change their mood; he may think about the criticism you said for several days.

Initiative and thoughtlessness - these two qualities are alien to Libra men, so a woman who wants to make Libra fall in love with her should prepare to make decisions herself and take the initiative into her own fragile hands. A man is used to making any decisions, even not the most significant ones, after thinking everything through thoroughly, and not acting spontaneously. This kind of thinking about things is typical for men, even in situations in which everything seemed so clear.

Libra men like calm women who can conduct a conversation in a calm tone, adhering to consistency. If a woman likes such a man and wants to conquer him, then she should initially study several fashion magazines, since men value style and elegance in women.

On dates with such men, you should wear only exquisite things that can fully highlight all the advantages of a woman’s figure, and at the same time hide some of her shortcomings.

Today it is rare for a woman to leave the house without makeup. Libra men have nothing against makeup as such, the main thing is that it is without excesses. That is, a woman’s makeup should not be conspicuous, but only emphasize the natural attractiveness of the fair sex.

The Libra man rarely takes the initiative, so for effective rapprochement, a woman should take the initiative herself. At the same time, it is advisable not to show your real goals and intentions, let the man sincerely think that for his companion it is not so much the relationship that is important, but how his company is.

Joint trips to various exhibitions, concerts, and performances will also improve a woman’s chances of winning over such a man. At the same time, the woman must convince the man that these trips are really interesting to her, and that your interests coincide with his. If, after several trips to concerts or exhibitions together, a man calls a woman and offers to go for a walk with him or somewhere else, then know that the man is practically in your pocket and you will be able to keep him.

How to keep a Libra man

If you managed to win a man, then you should not immediately calm down and rest on your well-deserved laurels, enjoying his company. Libra men are fickle, so a woman should be interesting and a little mysterious for him.

A woman can organize interesting leisure activities for the two of them. This could be going to a concert together or an outing into nature. The main thing is that the innate need of Libra men for cultural communication is fully satisfied, while the woman remains as interesting as on the first day they met.

Among the events that a man and a woman can attend may also be attending sports competitions at a stadium or somewhere in a cafe or bar in front of a big screen. If you want to please your loved one with a trip to the stadium, you should first find out his preferences. Maybe a man has a passion for football and supports the local football team, or maybe he is a basketball fan. A common preference for Libra men is team sports, but some members of the stronger sex may enjoy tennis or Formula 1 racing.

Libra men may not only love to watch sports competitions, but they themselves are not indifferent to sports. As practice shows, Libra men are drawn to those sports disciplines where agility and a sense of balance are important. So such men may be interested in trampoline jumping or rock climbing exercises. In addition, men can enjoy working out in gyms, do morning or evening jogging, do exercises on the horizontal bar or parallel bars. A woman can easily meet and make friends with a Libra man in the gym or while jogging. After such an acquaintance, the woman can propose together, and the man will most likely agree to her proposal. Thus, a woman can easily establish contact with a man she is interested in, and at the same time immediately find common interests.

As noted above, Libra men prefer team sports, so they often play football or just play with friends and colleagues for fun. That is why if a woman wants to develop a warm relationship with him, then it is advisable for her to become at least a little familiar with a man’s favorite sport, so that, for example, if a man’s favorite sport is football, she does not confuse Ronaldo with Ronaldo, and Andrey Shevchenko with Taras Shevchenko .

Libra men highly value a woman’s desire and ability to deliciously cook and beautifully serve cooked dishes on the table. But here it is important to use moderation, because having overfed the gentleman, he can sincerely thank the woman, gratefully shake her hand and retire to his room to sleep.

Being near such a man, a woman needs to constantly surprise and intrigue him. So one day a woman can flaunt next to her gentleman in an elegant dress, and the next day she will prefer to appear in front of a man in a casual youth style, or even in a tracksuit, and the next day a woman can pleasantly surprise a man by appearing in a seductive blouse and shorts .

Libra men do not like manifestations of conservatism in clothing, but, nevertheless, a woman should always look impressive, elegant and charming.

Libra men often think about their every action or action, especially if this action is very important to them. This to some extent also applies to a marriage proposal, with which a man may not rush for years, but at the same time live happily with his beloved for several years. In this case, the woman should take the initiative herself and do not hesitate to propose marriage.

STARS & FATES (Claire Petulengro)

Libra September 24 - October 23

Balanced, fair, harmonious, sociable and refined - these are the key words that describe the most delightful sign of the Zodiac - Libra. The character of a person born under this sign is reminiscent of the oscillating scales that gave the name to the zodiac constellation. Libra people strive for balance, but they constantly miss the mark and realize that, having been carried away by the normalization of one side of their life, they have completely lost sight of the other. Libras can do nothing for a long time, and then they are suddenly overcome by a passionate desire to work, and then they cannot be restrained. Emotionally, Libras are happy, witty, and charming. They are impossible to resist. And after some time they become quiet, thoughtful, even somewhat depressed. There is no golden mean for them, but in the interval between these states they can achieve complete harmony, although not for long.

Libras are the best fathers among the zodiac signs. They always know how to cheer up a tired or capricious child. It seems that such a man is every woman’s dream. But I can already hear your question: what is it like in the bedroom? For Libra, the bedroom is the most important room in the house. Here you will find everything from beautiful paintings to boxes of chocolate, from sexy lingerie to a champagne bar. Libras are always ready for the unexpected, and in the field of sex they are considered unrivaled experts. I believe the answer is already clear to you. Actor Michael Douglas (who is an expert in bedrooms!) has played many sexy roles in his life. But, as befits a typical Libra, he became a father at an age when people born under other zodiac signs are already planning the weddings of their own children.
Libras learn the science of seduction at a very early age. As children, they find partners at discos, and, as a rule, they are not limited to just one. They like to organize a competition between applicants and then choose the winner. Libras have a number of wonderful qualities: they are kind, tolerant, patient, sensitive and generous. They can be trusted. But, since I have already talked about balance, I must warn you about the less sympathetic sides of Libra’s nature - they are stubborn, easily susceptible to mood swings, and sometimes very unreliable. To achieve complete happiness in life, Libra needs to overcome these negative aspects of their character. Natural kindness and charm make Libra completely irresistible, and you should not focus on their not so many shortcomings.
Libras are born to have a family. I know several people born under the sign of Libra who are left alone, but this is explained by a complex planetary conflict in their personal horoscopes. More than anything else, Libra dreams ofhappy family life and about entertainment. They do not cope well with financial difficulties, so I advise you to keep an eye on the state of joint bank accounts. Libras are not talkative, so they will not upset you with the news that the account has been exhausted, as a result of which you can find yourself in a very delicate situation, and completely unexpectedly for yourself.
People love to be around Libras. Libras always listen with genuine interest to what they are told and are always ready to give a sweet compliment. Libras are kind even to those they don’t like, because they hate having enemies. Libras are very vulnerable, so they are mortally afraid of offending another person. For Libras to become unpleasant people, something completely terrible had to happen in their childhood. Libras don’t like to bother people so much, even those they don’t like, that in cases where this cannot be avoided, they strive to shift this unpleasant responsibility onto the shoulders of others. Although this happens extremely rarely, I still want to warn you so that such a situation does not come as a surprise to you.
Libras are very romantic and irresistibly charming. It is simply impossible to resist them. I want to warn you again. Since Libras are very attractive to the opposite sex, they are prone to hobbies and affairs. But if you are married to a Libra, you can be sure that Libra will definitely return home. They cannot resist the call of nature, but their heart is in their home. If they have accepted obligations, they will under no circumstances abandon them. Libras never marry unless they experience true love. Divorce is unthinkable for them.
Libras love children. Happy is the child, at least one of whose parents was born under the sign of Libra. Libra will make sure that their child does not lack anything. Their love for children is limitless. As a rule, Libras have children quite late, when they become old enough and ready for parental responsibilities. Libra will do anything to family life theirs turned out happily.
Libra is very careful with finances. Sometimes they can think about this or that decision for several days - and all this only in order to immediately make a mistake. But they are trying their best. Those who don't know them may mistake Libra for a spender, but this is absolutely not the case. Libras are not known for their thriftiness, but they also don’t tend to throw money away.
Despite all their attractiveness to others and their firm belief that they are loved, Libra is very shy. They are easily embarrassed and look awkward. But in difficult situations, their shyness disappears, as if by magic. Libra is capable of instant concentration. Libras are great at standing up for themselves. Their life is going well. The only thing that can ruin their cloudless happiness is the wrong choice of a partner. Be kind to Libra and you will be treated like... royal person. But if you make a mistake, you will inevitably end up in emotional ruin.
If necessary, Libra is capable of amazing courage. They are extremely charming. They can be forgiven for anything. Libras have a subtle artistic taste and a strong personality. They can be found in art galleries and antique small shops. They dress well and have refined manners. Libra can talk to a small child, and a minute later discuss issues of high politics. Libra finds mutual language with people of all ages. They feel at home in any circle.
Don't deceive your Libra lover. Libra does not tolerate dishonesty. They would rather not know anything than listen to lies. And if they start flirting with your friends, it’s only because the rules of decency require it. You will have no reason to worry.
Libras love to socialize and are not afraid to stay until the end of a party and then go to another. When talking with Libra in an informal setting, remember that they would make a wonderful devil's advocate. Like all air signs Libra loves to talk. They are able to convince anyone that they know much more than they do, even in the area in which their interlocutor is a recognized authority. But don't think that Libra puts people down. Of course not. Libras are very polite and delicate, they always know how to give a pleasant compliment to their interlocutor. These skills make Libras excellent lawyers. They are able to unravel even the most complicated case by simply asking all interested parties.
Libras love to talk. But what’s especially nice is that they know how to listen. They will not be afraid to tell you that you are dressed inappropriately, that your home is a mess, but they will do it in such a way that it will be impossible to be offended by them. They do not have many close friends; a narrow circle is enough for them. Don't offend Libra if you don't want to be haunted by a pained look until you feel like the last scoundrel. Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love. Libras are great at using other people's emotions to get what they want.
The closer you get to know Libra, the more surprises this unique personality presents to you. But one thing cannot be denied. Libra's only goal in life is to make this world a better place.
What is the difference between men and women born under this sign? Let's get a look.
Libra Women
A born flirt, the Libra woman knows very well what she wants from life. She loves things, but they are not an end in themselves for her. She has a strong will. Only violent emotions can lead her astray. She is sensitive and tolerant. Libra women are usually very attractive and know how to dress in such a way as to attract men's attention.

Mrs. Libra obeys only Venus, so the main thing in life for her is love. She can be happy almost anywhere, money does not play a big role for her (although, as any woman knows very well, it is never superfluous). The Libra woman can be very frugal in small things and wasteful in big things. She can talk for hours about how you need to save money when you're ready to buy a new car, and then easily buy yourself a pair of fashionable Gucci shoes for an insane price. But she's not stubborn. You can always convince her if you choose the right course of action.
When a Libra woman is in love, the whole world should know about it. She treats her chosen one as if he were the best and most priceless exhibit. She loves love games, but always makes sure that she has enough fans until her old age. This kind of woman loves to be treated like a heroine love story. Flying on a Concorde to New York for a candlelit lunch or dinner on a flower-covered veranda is a great plan for a date with a Libra woman. Oysters and champagne are also suitable, just be careful. She perfectly knows how to distinguish a bottle of soda from a French wine. She loves to be surrounded beautiful people in beautiful clothes, so if your phone has been silent for the second month, it’s only because you managed to buy completely tasteless sneakers! The Libra woman leads her partner in a cheerful dance and does not admit that she can be disobeyed. She believes that life should be fun and joyful.
If you start criticizing her, she won't like it. And if you start to apologize and take back your words, she will not like it even more, because she will consider you dishonest. She may hide the truth, but only for fun. You are under no circumstances allowed to do this.
It is not easy to become the chosen one of such a woman. She needs more than just an attractive appearance. She's looking for real sexuality. You will have to take good care of yourself, carefully select aromas and pay attention to more attention your underwear.
If a Libra woman appears in your life, do not think that your life will flow as before. Such a woman is capable of improving the life of any person and turning any slum into a decent home. Family is very important to her, and she is in no hurry to rush headlong into the pool. Like the Libra man, she prefers to wait to start a family. Since her demands are very high, this is a completely reasonable approach. I once had a client married to a Libra woman who drove him crazy by recklessly flirting with all the men around her. It turned out that they got married at eighteen and his wife did not have the opportunity to give free rein to her nature. They soon divorced, but eight years later they married again. Now their marriage is much stronger and happier than it was before. They still send me Christmas cards and photographs of themselves. I see how happy this woman’s husband is - Taurus has found his happiness. And if you choose a Libra woman as your wife, you probably won’t go wrong!
Libra men
The Libra man is used to taking action. He is always full of life. If you want to please him, flatter his ego. Inspire him that with the right partner he can achieve more in life. He doesn't like to make decisions on his own - he likes to feel his partner's shoulder next to him. Such a man physically needs a second half; without a woman his life is empty. But, like Mrs. Libra, he needs to get over it first. Having married, a Libra man settles down and becomes a reliable and loving spouse who values ​​family well-being above all else.
The Libra man is quite successful in business, although in his youth he was distracted from business by endless novels. It is very popular among both sexes. Such a man does not spare money on his girlfriends. He takes good care of you, so don’t forget to pay him back in kind. You can always buy flowers for such a man, just not cheap ones. He looks great in a suit. One movement of his irresistible eyelashes - and all the problems magically disappear. He can be called a ladies' man, and he does not change his credo until his old age.
The Libra man is looking for a special woman, the only one in the world. If he chose you, you have every reason to be proud. A skillful and tireless lover, he is able to lift you to seventh heaven. He loves to impress and is able to create a surprisingly romantic atmosphere. But I still want to warn you: do not mention your exes in front of him, otherwise you will not be able to avoid interrogation with bias and constant reminders. It is much better to immediately say that you no longer remember anything. If you fail, then instead of having sex, you will only talk about sex all night.
The Libra man achieves great success in his work, especially in professions related to the arts. His office is always very convenient for work. He treats his colleagues like family members. The Libra man is very fond of animals, especially cats, and will definitely stop the car to pick up a wounded dog or kitten. But no matter how handsome and attractive he is, no matter how successful he achieves in the professional arena, he always needs words of encouragement and praise. Deep down, the Libra man is very shy and unsure of himself. He doesn’t always feel comfortable naked because he doesn’t like his body too much.
The Libra man's musical tastes are quite old-fashioned. If you don't like making love under melancholic music seventies, just turn away and say that you would prefer something more modern. He loves music, so he will probably have something that will suit you. The Libra man is quite conservative and does not immediately get used to what sounds in the spirit of the times.
If you love a Libra man, don't flirt with anyone else. You will only anger him and make him jealous. You must love only him alone. Such a man can be happy in a marriage with a woman older or younger than himself. His musical tastes are quite exotic, so he rarely finds a common language with people of the same age as himself. This guy may well be celebrating his fiftieth birthday at the hippest bar in town. Before you go to have fun, remember that this man will know what it means to dress beautifully and tastefully until he is very old. Therefore, take a closer look at your toilet.
Most of all, Libra needs the full attention of a partner in a sexual sense. Don't look at others. And why do you need this if you have such a magnificent lover like Libra next to you? Libra understands the needs of the opposite sex so well that it is simply impossible not to choose them.
The word “sex” is always written by Libra with capital letter. Life for them is a constant sexual competition, both in business and in personal life. Flattery and charm allow them to gain the most terrible reputation. But Libra loves to care more than to bring matters to bed. Libras will not rush into bed with just anyone, unless you manage to convince them of your own exclusivity. Libras know how to give and receive love, but in their hearts they are constantly tormented by doubts about their own sexual attractiveness.
It is vital for Libras to flirt; they simply cannot stop. This is their way of life. But I want to remind you again to reassure you: they very rarely allow their feelings to take precedence over their obligations. If they got married, you can be sure of their love. Libra will love you like no one has ever loved. I hope you are good with your hands? Libras love leisurely massages, hugs and kisses, long love caresses. With sensual Libra, you shouldn't immediately take the bull by the horns.
Libras want their partners to always look great. You will definitely have to remove hair on your legs and bikini line, paint your toenails, take care of your hair and manicure - and not only for girls (the joke is old, but it makes sense!). Don't be surprised if your Libra lover suggests sex in the middle of the day. The time of day does not play any role for him, the main thing is the atmosphere and mood. Just make sure you're not in the office, or at least lock the office door. And you shouldn't make love on a fax - it won't do the device any good.
Be truthful with your lover, otherwise he may turn awayfrom you. Libras can't stand lies. Keep the promises you make, even if we're talking about just a back massage. Libra does not forgive deception, even in small things.
Be ready to fulfill any fantasy of your partner - be his adviser, poet, massage therapist and, of course, lover. Libras love to be pampered, so don't stay late at work. Believe me: you will be rewarded handsomely, and you will not regret the effort. There is no more in the world happy person than Libra, who has found a loving and reliable partner. And for him, Libra will do everything in their power to lift him to seventh heaven.

Marriage partners
Here you will only find general review. To understand this issue thoroughly, take a look at the chapter “Under the Sheets.”
ARIES- the complete opposite of Libra. People born under these signs will have something to laugh about both in the bedroom and outside it.
TWINS They tell Libra what they want to hear. They will be able to lift Libra to heaven and return to earth.
SAGITTARIUS able to fulfill all Libra's fantasies.
AQUARIUS not only tells Libra what they want to hear, but also gives them what they want to get.
CALFinterested in Libra, but sometimes this sign seems too boring and straightforward to Libra. Be more discerning, Libra. There are a lot of interesting things hidden in this bull.
A LION very attractive to Libra, and Leo's passion flares up faster than any other sign. An interesting alliance is possible.
SCALES They will always find a common language with Libra, but will become jealous of each other’s popularity.
FISH very interesting for Libra. Emotional blackmail is what this alliance will be built on.
VIRGOnot impulsive enough for Libra. Libras are used to acting in accordance with their feelings.
SCORPION uncontrollable, and Libra will bang his head against the wall in despair, unable to understand the unpredictable Scorpio.
CAPRICORN too meek for Libra. They are pleased with completely different things.
What Libra Can't Stand?
1. Ill-will.
2. Dirt under the nails.
3. People who step on their feet.
4. Flirting (only Libras themselves are allowed to flirt!).
5. Casual clothes for special occasions.
6. Making dirty jokes in mixed company.
7. People who wear nightgowns after nine in the morning.
8. False nails.
9. People who don’t know how to drink (although Libras themselves have problems with alcohol).
10. Notorious liars.

And again I tell you: the main thing is to choose the right place. Which place is suitable for Libra? Artistic, refined Libra will not like even the most delicious food if the restaurant you choose looks like an ordinary eatery. Don't invite Libra home for lunch, as they love to socialize. Save the candles in the living room for later.
First, smile more. (I sound like your mother, right?) Libras love open, sincere smiles. Make sure you look perfect from head to toe. Libra will definitely notice that your shoes are not polished well enough, and will not fail to tell you about it. Think over the program of the evening and try to properly entertain your guest. Libras love to laugh. Buy tickets to a comedy and your chances will increase significantly. Don't grin if Libra starts humming a completely unfashionable song. Remember that Libra exists in its own slice of reality, especially in musically. Don't hurt their pride.
Talk about family because Libra wants to understand how your families can bond. Don't stop your guest from talking about himself and don't worry that it will be your turn next. Libra cannot be stopped until they tell you everything about themselves to the last detail. If Libra's opinions seem overly liberal to you, it would be better for you to find out about it now and save yourself from heartache in the future. Libra will not want to find out in the future that you, for example, cannot stand homosexuals. Such categoricalness is unacceptable for Libra.
Try not to miss anything.Encourage your guest's ego, don't hurt his self-esteem - and you will win this race. Don't judge him by his past. Libras are excellent at learning from their own mistakes and do not consider them a waste of time. I have not yet met a Libra who did not have time to learn something very important in his youth, having accumulated a lot of bumps. Better find out what your guest expects from the future - this is much more important. Give compliments about Libra's appearance. (This is true for any zodiac sign, but especially for Libra.) The more confident you are on a date, the better you will be together and the more you will be able to learn about each other.
Move on to seduction slowly, but be prepared for the rapid pressure of Libra, who decides to do it first. At such a moment, Libra is faster than a cobra! If you want to understand the situation, look into Libra's eyes. If you see Libra smiling, it means you have succeeded.

Look after yourself, make your guest laugh, don't be critical and enjoy life. An interesting and unforgettable evening awaits you.
Meaningful details
All air signs love to talk, and Libra is no exception, especially Libra in love. At such moments, they can talk about the object of their passion almost incessantly, extolling the amazing eyes of their chosen one, delightful lips and incredibly beautiful accent. Libras in love turn into Shakespeare, and it is almost impossible to silence them. Unfortunately, young Libras often wishful thinking. They just want to seem like adults. But still, much more often their love is quite real.
Libras in love are ready to spend money on their partners, do something nice for them and show their love in every possible way. Libra will support and love you. Libra may seem overly persistent to you, especially if you are not yet ready for sex, but for them sex is a very important aspect of showing the depth of feelings. Libras will readily change apartments, cities, and even countries if it makes their partners happy. Libra's friends can't help but notice how happy Libras in love become. They literally radiate happiness. Libras do not find happiness alone; they need their other half.
Libras in love do not walk, but fly. They listen to recordings of love songs endlessly. They are happy to meet your friends. (But this won't last long. After the first attack of passion passes, they will tell you what they like about your friends and what they can't stand.) Libra will introduce you to their circle, open you to all aspects of their lives. They will solemnly lead you in front of the line of their close friends, and then discuss their merits with you. Libras in love cannot be stopped. They continue to flirt, but the best has already gone to you.
Having found a partner, Libra gains confidence in life and begins to explore new aspects of life. They want to know about your plans for the future, about your past, about your thoughts. They will dedicate poems to you (though not always romantic enough!). You will find a faithful and sensual lover in Libra. But I advise you to check out his CD collection first!
In this section we will talk about the people with whom you work, relax and play sports.
Libra at work
At first glance, it seems that it is impossible to find a better boss than Libra, but if you look closely, you will understand that Libra is not ideal. Bosses or subordinates, Libra always soars in the skies. They believe that work should be done with the wave of their magic eyelashes, but, unfortunately, this rarely works.
Libra loves when everything goes smoothly and smoothly, without the slightest difficulty. They literally “tame” their subordinates, trying not to give them too much freedom, but at the same time listening to their problems. The Libra boss always remembers the birthdays of his colleagues and gives them flowers when they are too depressed. And in return they expect complete devotion, even if they begin to demand to work overtime, because it is simply impossible to complete the work in the allotted time with the disorganization characteristic of Libra.
Libras do not like formalities among colleagues and usually immediately switch to first-name terms. However, when it comes to customers, they immediately remember politeness. A typical example of such behavior is a school teacher who allows students to call him by name during lessons, but in the presence of the school principal demands a demonstration of complete respect. Libras make excellent teachers, but they are even better at storytelling.
Colleagues of the opposite sex usually treat Libra very liberally. Libras may not have a lot of money, but they are always fair. The Libra boss will not deceive his subordinate even for a penny. Before introducing a new proposal, Libra will definitely think through and plan everything carefully. Libras rely on their employees, but when it comes to something important, they prefer to do everything themselves. Libras enjoy work that involves traveling, and they are willing to pay for this pleasure out of their own pocket in order to strengthen their reputation and help them move up the career ladder.
Libras have remarkable abilities. Even more beneficial for careers is their unique ability to convince people that they are true experts in their profession. Where did that important document go? Be prepared to listen to the amazing story of how he got lost. Libras do not like to stay late at work in the evenings, because their evenings are devoted to communication. They will agree to work only if the work involves communication. Club hostess or bartender are wonderful professions for sociable and charming Libra.
Libras need to learn only one thing: work is work, and they pay for it with money, and not just entertainment. For some unknown reason, Libras constantly forget about this. If you work on Libra, be prepared for additional phone costs. And keep an eye out for the cute colored pens that tend to end up in their pockets. Libras know how to make their office look exactly like their home, but be careful about the gossip they boldly spread. Libras are good workmates, but they need an eye and an eye, like in school.
What to do if your mother-in-law or mother-in-law is Libra?
She will treat you like her property, look after your children (including those from previous marriages) and take all your friends under her wing. But don't forget about her love for boys! Her house is always fun and interesting, a lot of trinkets remind the hostess of the wonderful events in her life. She doesn't dress appropriately for her age, but she's smart enough not to look ridiculous.
She takes her grandchildren to places where there is something to think about and learn. She is quite capable of roller skating to imagine what it is like. But otherwise she is indecisive and always hesitates. She is used to weighing everything. Going shopping in the company of such a woman is a real nightmare. She does not notice that a whole line has gathered behind her, and continues to enthusiastically discuss with the seller the advantages and disadvantages of the product she has chosen. But she chooses children's clothes wonderfully, so you can safely go with her to the children's store.
After fifty, she usually begins to gain weight and overindulges in salt and spicy foods, which causes flatulence. She gets drunk easily and likes strange cocktails. Now you know what to do with a bottle of cherry brandy that has been stagnant in your cupboard since time immemorial.
Don't treat her like a child, otherwise she will try to take control and you will learn what a dominant Libra is. Don't be afraid to pull her down and put her in her place. She is easily amenable to emotional blackmail. She is capable of shedding crocodiles tears, so pay close attention to her behavior and be prepared to snatch the onion from her handkerchief before you believe that you really offended her.
Such a woman loves company and often has pets. If her husband died, her loyalty to him remains unshakable. It is unlikely that she will marry again. She is quite happy with the company of cats - and, of course, her wonderful family.
She loves adding alcohol to her favorite dishes. When you come to her for dinner, you can easily get drunk without even knowing it. But you are guaranteed a good evening with her. She won't force you to leave unless you want to. Don't get mad if she flirts. Yes, it might confuse you, especially if she chooses young man who is fit to be her son, but she won’t go too far. But I have no confidence that the young man will not want more. The Libra woman is the sexiest mother-in-law and mother-in-law in the world!
Libra Children
Libra children want to be trusted and told everything. They need to be treated as equals. They easily master foreign languages, they have many friends - from the most ordinary to the absolutely amazing. They learn from everyone they meet and don't want all their friends to be like each other. They quickly begin to get bored and want to be able to have fun the way they want. Their Notebook full of a wide variety of rooms. A serious head beyond his years sits on young shoulders. They learn to handle money long before they have their first pocket money.
If you want your child to get away from you for a while, there is no need to scream and swear. Sit little Libra in front of you and calmly explain to them what you want from them and why mommy and daddy don’t like their behavior. They will no longer upset you, unless they step on the tail of the neighbor's cat, which, by the way, they simply adore. Try to understand your baby and explain everything to him, instead of forcefully imposing discipline.
Libra children get along well with their own company. They can play for hours with several toys, deciding which one is their favorite. Don't take them to toy stores too often, because the choice will spoil them. Do you know the expression “like a child in a candy store”? Surely this is said about Libra. When given the opportunity to choose, Libra children fall into a real trance and are completely unable to decide on anything.
In order for them to succeed in school, they need support. They do best in artistic and practical subjects. Reading, writing, mathematics are not their favorite subjects, especially if they also dislike the teacher. Libra children often draw in places that are not where they should be. They can very well portray beautiful landscape on the bedroom wall, on the sidewalk or on a school desk. If they are busy drawing, you won’t immediately distract them. If they have a Libra grandmother, she will proudly hang her grandson's drawings on the walls, removing the works of real artists.
Parents spoil their Libra children, especially if they are not the eldest in the family. After the violent and rebellious elders, little Libra seems like real angels sent by heaven itself. But take a closer look and you will realize that Libra plays with mommy and daddy the way they want. Libra children do not like water too much, so they do not agree to wash and brush their teeth right away. And this process has to be controlled for quite a long time.
If you want to keep your Libra child entertained, consider music lessons. Many Libras play at least one instrument. In addition, you will be doing a huge service to all those with whom your child will communicate in the future if you in any way influence his taste in music in childhood!
During adolescence, Libras fall in love very often and quickly. You may well find one admirer shifting around entrance doors, the second one is waiting in the kitchen, and your Libra daughter will spend hours trying on outfits to go to the party. Don't rush Libra so that they grow up faster. Life is already too fast. You shouldn't marry your children at sixteen. If they told you that they sleep together, I advise you to check the accuracy of their words. Trust your children if you don’t want to rush around the city with wide eyes after every party, looking for your daughter who has disappeared to God knows where!
Libra friends
With a Libra friend you won't need the tabloids. You will already be aware of all the gossip and rumors. Sometimes you may consider him two-faced, seeing how he just kindly bowed to his new acquaintance, and a minute later he told you a bunch of nasty things about him. Don't forget that the only way to keep a Libra friend is through flattery, so try to find something worthy of admiration in him.
I don't mean to say that Libras are shallow. They are ready to help you in my own way and, without hesitation, will pay for you in Hard time. They often consider their friends to be their family and truly treat them as such. Don't be offended if your crush starts making eyes at your Libra friend. Libra is unable to resist the call of the heart. The heart calls, and Libra rushes forward, forgetting about everything else. But it won't last long. And then your Libra friend will return to you - most likely.
Libra has a lot of friends, since the interests and needs of this sign are incredibly diverse. They love to be invited everywhere. If you are not very suitable for a particular situation - a nightclub or a symphony concert - Libra will easily find among their friends someone with whom they will not be ashamed to appear. And they will find something more suitable for you. Libras try not to be rude, but if you put them in an awkward position, blame yourself.
Libras flirt constantly, but the main purpose of their flirting is to fan the flames of a fading relationship, and not a complete break and build new ones. They understand very well when a situation is getting out of control. They sincerely want their friends to be happy. Libras add spice, brilliance and charm to the life of any person; next to them you always feel loved. If you need someone to cheer you up and give you confidence own strength, feel free to contact your Libra friend. He is ready to help at any time of the day or night. Libras are excellent at making friends with representatives of the opposite sex. Even if such friends count on something more, then for Libra they remain only friends.
When it comes to money, Libras rely more on luck than on sound judgment. And although I am not going to recommend that you get involved in gambling, still keep an eye on Libra in the gambling house. They have an innate intuition, which bears fruit in the game. Libras don't like to live alone, if only because they always forget to pay the rent on time and prefer instead to buy a beautiful painting for the living room. Most of all, Libra loves Saturdays. All day they prepare for a delightful evening, crowning a tense working week. Libras often give advice, and, as a rule, their advice turns out to be good, but they do not like to be taken seriously - it scares them. Therefore, you can be sure: Libra will help you and will not demand anything in return. Their advice is especially good because Libras have a unique ability to look at problems from different angles. They like to consider themselves highly spiritual individuals, but the candles in their home are prepared for romantic dinners, and not at all for religious services.
Your Libra friend is a real emotional scale, the cups of which tip first one way or the other so quickly that you don’t have time to track their movement. And then your friend looks at you with love, and you are no longer able to be angry with him for a minute.



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