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Card index (middle group) on the topic: Entertainment for children of the middle group “Visiting a fairy tale. Summary of entertainment based on fairy tales in the middle group “Journey to the land of fairy tales”

(the presentation “Guess the Fairy Tale” contains pictures from fairy tales known to children: “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “Thumbelina”, “Swan Geese”, “Turnip”, etc.) Skaza Rasskazovna: Guys, we’ve been sitting too long. Get into a circle hurry up to a cheerful folk dance, play and round dance. (play of a stream) Music " Folk dance Potouri” We danced well and had a rest. And now I offer you a quick survey. Whoever answers the question correctly will receive this star from me: 1. He lives on the roof and loves to fly to visit his friend Baby. (Carlson)2. Her stepmother forced her to work late and did not let her go to the ball. (Cinderella)3. What was the name of the old woman in the cartoon about Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, who loved to do nasty things? (Shapoklyak)4. This fairy tale hero learned to write poems and play the musical instruments and even flew to the moon. (Dunno)5. Who came to help Grandfather pull the turnip after Granddaughter? (Bug)6. What was the name of the cat from the cartoon about Prostokvashino? (Matroskin).V. Guys, let’s prepare a gift for our guest so that she doesn’t forget us in her land of fairy tales. (We hand out fairy tale coloring books) The children color the coloring books with pencils. Skaza Rasskazovna admires the work with the children. Thanks all the participants for the holiday. Surprise moment. He distributes candy to everyone from a magic basket.

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The purpose of the holiday is to bring joy to children, to evoke an emotionally positive response in their souls...

Presenter: Fairy tales give us miracles, but we cannot live without miracles,

They live everywhere and they are our friends.

There the sunny colors dance a waltz for you.

We can't live without fairy tales, they can't live without us!

Child. There is a miracle in the world - a garden! I am glad to go to this garden.

Here, both summer and winter, all my friends are with me.

Child. It's good to live here! And in our garden they grow

Not cherries or pears. Gleb, Danechka and Ksyusha.

Child. It’s not cherries who live here - Dianochkas and Mishenkas

And it’s not the twigs that make noise, but Sophia and Dasha Lyubochka.

Presenter. Do you want to get into a fairy tale? Then let's go to the fairy forest!

The song is performed: “Cuckoo».

We walk through the green edge in the cold, in the forest the cuckoo sings: cuckoo. Cuckoo!

Tell us where the hut is, we need to see the forester. The cuckoo can't hear us: cuckoo!

Well, why are you wasting your time chattering on the bitch, the cuckoo got offended and won’t cuckoo anymore!

Presenter: Oh guys, look! There is a village on a hill. (set up a flat house) Here we are! Sit down on the chairs! Is everyone seated?

Good morning! I'm starting a story...

Presenter. Grandmother Matryona lives in the village. (Addresses the children). What do you think grandma was wearing?

Children. Headscarf... apron... sundress...

Presenter. Who will show us how grandma was dressed?

The game “Granny” begins (who can put on an apron and scarf faster).

Presenter. Well, well, we will dress Grandma Matryona, as our children showed, in an apron and scarf.

One of the mothers present dresses as a grandmother. She goes to the house and sits down near it.

Grandmother. Spring has come. I'm bored alone, and so I decided... I'll bake a bun. I took a pan and kneaded the dough. The dough turned out fragrant and soft. I made a Kolobok from the dough and put it in the oven. I'm tired, I'll rest while Kolobok bakes. And you, grandchildren, sing me a good song ! (Children) Do you know the song?

Song "Brownie."

Presenter. – Grandma took Kolobok out of the oven and couldn’t stop looking at it.

Grandmother. Oh, the rosy flank is fragrant, the bun came out nice.

Presenter. Grandma put Kolobok on the windowsill to cool down, and she went to the garden. A fidgety bun would have frozen on the window, but he decided to stretch his two legs while running. Jump from the window, and Kolobok rolled into the forest. Past fir trees and birches, past butterflies and dragonflies. The sun is red in the sky, the weather is beautiful!

To the song “about Kolobok” the bun runs in a circle and dances (improvisation)

Presenter. Suddenly our little playful met a little bunny. The bunny jumped under a bush, the gray one froze - and was silent.

Presenter. Guys, the bunny is afraid. Let's invite the bunny to come to us.

Children stand in a circle, call the Bunny a song and dance with him.

Children. Bunny, come out! Gray, come out! (They wave their right hand to the Bunny so that he comes to them). That's it, come out like that! -2 times. (The bunny comes out to the children and stands in a circle.)

Bunny, turn around! Little gray one, turn around! (The bunny spins).

Just like that, turn around like that!

Bunny, stamp your foot! Gray, stomp your foot! (The bunny stomps). Like this, stomp your foot!

Bunny, hands on your hips! Gray, hands on your hips! (spring). That's it, hands on hips!

Bunny, dance! (Children clap their hands). Little gray dance! (Bunny “heel”).

Just like that, dance like that!

The children sit down in their places, and Kolobok and Bunny remain in the middle.

Bunny (Kolobok)). And who are you?


Bunny. I really love pies with cabbage and carrots. What filling are you using?

Kolobok. I don't have any filling.

Bunny. Well, then I won't eat you.

Presenter. He said this and rode on.

The bunny sits on a chair. “Song about Kolobok” plays, which gives way to threatening music. The Wolf comes out.

Presenter. Rolled down the road to the gray wolf's feet. The Gray Wolf was surprised; he didn’t know much about pies.

Wolf. Who are you?

Kolobok. I am Kolobok, Ruddy Side! Eat me!

Wolf. I really love little kids goats.

Presenter. Yes, there are no goats here, of course. But the guys with you can play them.

The game “The Wolf and the Little Goats” begins.

Presenter. Little goats were grazing in the distance in the meadow. They scrambled with their legs and butted with their horns.

(Kidsthe kids perform movements to cheerful music in the middle of the hall).

Suddenly the gray Wolf comes out, he knows a lot about kids.

The Wolf's music sounds, and the Little Goats run away to their places, and the Wolf catches them. The game is played 1-2 times. Children sit on chairs.

Presenter. The Wolf did not catch anyone and ran to look for prey in the forest.

The wolf runs away. The “Song about Kolobok” sounds, which is replaced by the music of the Bear. The Bear comes out.

Presenter. Potapych came out and made such speeches.

Bear. Who are you?

Kolobok. I am Kolobok, Ruddy Side! Eat me!

Bear. What a strange bun! He has a ruddy side! I won’t eat you, I’d like six barrels of honey! I love listening to music, I will not tolerate falsehood.

Presenter. Mikhail Potapych, it’s good that you love music. Our guys will now play musical instruments for you.

Kids are playing. Game "Orchestra". Folk dance

Bear. Well played! I'll tell the whole forest!

Sounds "Song about Kolobok"

Presenter. Tumbled head over heels through the grove. Whether it was a long or short roll, he found himself at the edge of the forest. There the Fox sat on a stump and warmed her tail in the sun.

Kolobok stops in front of the Fox.

Fox. Who are you?

Kolobok. I am Kolobok, Ruddy Side! Eat me!

Fox. What you!!! I'm on a diet, beauty is more important to me.

I eat a cutlet a day, chicken style, and full.

Presenter. And Kolobok decided to give the fox a flower.

The game “Collect a flower for the fox” begins. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Presenter. Kolobok, did no one eat you?

Kolobok(sadly). No.

Presenter. Well, don't be upset. Invite the kids to a fun dance!

Dance "Dwarves-Lilliputians"

Presenter. This is where the fairy tale ends, and well done to those who listened!


1. Russian folk tale “Kolobok”, adapted by A.N. Afanasyev.

2. Bolshova T.V. Learning from a fairy tale - Publisher: Detstvo-Press, 2003. - 128 p. 3

3. E.S. Petrova “Preparation and conduct of theatrical games in kindergarten.”

4. Educational and methodological manual/ Gorkova L.G., Gubanova N.F. / Holidays and entertainment in kindergarten. - M.: VAKO, 2007. - 288 p. — (Preschoolers: we teach, develop, educate).

teacher of MADOOU CRR kindergarten No. 2 “Development”

V-Ufaley, Chelyabinsk region, Russia

Larionova A. E. teacher, GBOU Central Educational Institution No. 1862
Used literature: Lapkovskaya V.P., Volodkova N.P. Speech entertainment in kindergarten. Collection of scenarios. For working with children 5-7 years old with ODD. - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2009.--56 p.
Program content. Work on expressiveness of speech. Consolidation of the material studied in GCD (topics: “Wild animals and their young”, “Fruits and vegetables”, “Autumn forest”, “sounds (w) and (s)”). Creating an emotionally uplifted mood, a feeling of joy from the expected holiday. Getting children interested in fairy tales.
Equipment: audio recording with "Little Red Riding Hood's Song", a book with Sh. Perot's fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood", a picture with a silhouette of a squirrel, a basket with gifts (fruits, vegetables), an arc, a bell, pies, toys ("bi-ba-bo" dolls " - Little Red Riding Hood, wolf); pictures cut into 5-6 parts (wolf, hare, squirrel).
Decorations: 2-3 trees, a house.
Progress of action
Organizing time
“Little Red Riding Hood's Song” sounds (audio recording).
Presenter. Hello, dear guests! We're glad to see you! We really want you to remember this meeting with smiles, fun, and good mood. You will hear how our guys learned to be friends, communicate, and speak correctly and expressively. Fairy tales can be funny and sad, but always with a good ending. Miracles also happen in fairy tales, and miracles await us today too.
Main part
Presenter. Guys, what fairy tales do you know? (Children's answers). What words do fairy tales most often begin with? (“Once upon a time,..”, “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state...”). So our fairy tale will begin with the words: “Once upon a time there was a girl. So pretty, so smart and obedient...”
Presenter. (Continues to tell the beginning of Sh. Pero’s fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”). Can you guess which fairy tale begins like this? (Children's answers)
Presenter. The neighbors said about her: “Here comes Little Red Riding Hood!” One day, my mother baked some pies and said to her daughter: “Go, Little Red Riding Hood, to your grandmother, take her some pies and a pot of butter, and see if she’s healthy.” But Little Red Riding Hood did not go alone, but invited her friends with her, because her grandmother lived far, far away, and she had to go to her through the dark and dense forest where she lives Gray wolf. And so that Little Red Riding Hood isn’t scared, let’s, guys, go with her to visit her grandmother. We’ll just start collecting more treats for grandma. Tell me guys, what treats can I put in the basket? (Children's answers)
Presenter. I suggest you collect vegetables and fruits in it. After all, they are very tasty and healthy. What fruits and vegetables do you know? (Children's answers)
Little Red Riding Hood appears and reads a poem.
Little Red Riding Hood. The girl is good
Walking through the forest.
But the girl doesn't know
That danger awaits.
Leading. Guys, look who is coming to us? (Children's answers). That's right, Little Red Riding Hood.
Little Red Riding Hood. Hello children, thank you for agreeing to help me. I was walking through the forest and met someone. Guess who I met.
Little Red Riding Hood sees a picture with a silhouette of a squirrel on the Christmas tree and reads the riddle.
The tail is a fluffy arc,
Do you know this animal?
Sharp-toothed, dark-eyed,
Loves to climb trees.
Who is this? (Squirrel)
Children guess the riddle.
Leading. That's right, I met a squirrel. And she told me a secret. A squirrel was visiting, carrying a bundle of gifts, but she heard that the Wolf was wandering very close by, got scared and ran away, and hid the gifts so that the Gray Wolf would never find them. But now we need to find them. To do this you need to complete one task.
Game "Name the Cubs"
Children take turns naming baby wild animals.
Presenter. Well done, they named it correctly. Oh, look, children, it seems that our path has been blocked by a huge tree and now we will have to crawl under it to get to the gift. You just need to do this without touching the bell, otherwise the Wolf will hear its ringing and come running.
The children complete the task and find a basket under a tree.
Presenter. Look what this is under our Christmas tree? It seems this is our basket of gifts...
Presenter. Oh guys, look!
I hear someone knocking on our door! (A howl is heard from behind the door: “Oooh”)
They say the name is wolf.
What should we do, friends?
And we should let him in, guys.
Or maybe it's not possible?
Children: Let me in!
The Wolf appears.
Wolf. Hello guys! I heard the bell ringing, so I came running to you. The hunters were chasing me. Where are you going?
Children. Visit grandma!
Wolf. What's in your basket?
Children. Hotels for grandma!

Wolf. It’s good that you have a grandmother... But no one loves me, that’s why I’m angry and have no friends

I’m not here... (Sings)

I live in a distant forest,

How lonely am I...

The wolf can be very vicious

Only if he's hungry.

would you be afraid of me?

Children. Yes!!!

Wolf. Don't be afraid, I will be kind if you are friends with me.

Children. Okay, we'll be friends with you.

Wolf. Then smile at me! (Notices Little Red Riding Hood). Oh yes, it's Red herself

Come on, tell me,

Show me grandma's house.

After all, a long time ago I

My stomach was churning from hunger.

Children get up from their chairs and say:

Wolf-wolf, what's wrong with you?

You are very, very sick.

How did you lose weight, poor thing?

It is seen whole year did not eat!

Wolf. I'm not feeling well.

The hair is coming out, the bones are aching.

My heart is pounding, my paws are trembling...

Children. Wolf, wolf, listen, gray one,

You are the bravest in the forest,

But from your harmfulness

You don't have any friends.

Presenter. Do you want to make friends with us?

Wolf. Yes! Only... You go to kindergarten and know a lot of things... And you were also very brave to go into the forest alone? What do you know about him? Children. Yes." We know! Wolf. Will you tell me?

Children. We'll tell you!

Wolf. Then I will ask questions, and you will answer them. Who lives in the forest? (animals, insects, birds) What are the names of the animals that live in the forest? (forest) Do you know which animal changes its summer coat for a winter one? (hare) What do animals and birds do in the fall? (prepare for winter by making supplies) What is the name of a tree that is always green, in summer and winter? (Christmas tree)

Children's answers.

Wolf. Well done guys, you really know the forest well. This means you can continue on your way. Just let's play a little first.

Game "Hunters and Wolf"

Presenter. Fine. But first I wanted to know if you guys know how leaves rustle? (sh-sh-sh), and how does the brook gurgle? (s-s-s), Now I will name the words, and you clap (shoot) if you hear the rustling of leaves in the words (sh-sh-sh). The teacher pronounces the words: hat, candy, rune, fur coat, car. - Children clap their hands when they hear the sound (w); cat, dog, lamp, scythe, forest - sound (c).

Presenter. Wolf, please let us go, we are in a hurry to get to grandma.

Wolf. Of course, I'll let you go, but can I play with you a little more?

Game-competition “Assemble a whole from parts.”

Children are divided equally into teams and each team collects a picture cut into 5-6 parts (fox, hare, hedgehog).

The wolf praises the children, gives them a basket of gifts and leaves. The children come up to their grandmother's house and knock.

Children. Grandma, are you home? This is your granddaughter, Little Red Riding Hood and her friends. We came to see you.

Grandmother. Come closer, kids, Move the branches to the right, Pull the ribbon -

The bell is ringing

Then come in!

The children enter the house.

Grandmother. I'm so glad to see you guys! I baked pies for you, children. And we brought you gifts.

Presenter. Dear guests!

Now it's time to say goodbye. Well, now we will treat ourselves!

Children go into a group and treat themselves to pies.

Anastasia Krasnoshchekova
Summary of entertainment in middle group"Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales"

I spent my leisure time without the participation of the character (Baba Yaga) and played up this moment with a letter from her. If you wish, you can spend your leisure time with the character by making slight changes. At the end, a surprise moment awaited the children - “Connoisseur of Fairy Tales” medals, downloaded by the way from our beloved MAAM.

Preliminary work: reading and conversations on the content of Russian folk tales, looking at illustrations, watching cartoons, conversations on the material read and viewed.

Target: To consolidate, clarify and systematize children’s knowledge about fairy tales in a playful way.


Educational field “Speech development”:

Expand words knowledge

Build dramatization skills (develop intonation culture of speech)

Educational field “Social and communicative development”:

To foster an emotional and imaginative perception of fairy tales, to evoke a positive emotional response

Accept the task set by the teacher; act according to the rules

Cultivate friendships within the team when performing joint tasks

Educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development":

Cultivate an interest in reading, a love of oral folk art.

Educational field "Physical development":

Promote development motor activity children.

Perform movements in accordance with the words during physical education

Educational area "Cognitive development":

Strengthen children's knowledge about the literary works they read

Develop ingenuity and intelligence, logical thinking, promote the development of attention and memory through various tasks;

Develop the ability to compose a whole from individual parts;

Material: Envelope with a letter, hats of a fox, a bear, a wolf, a hare, a rooster, a frog and a mouse, a presentation on fairy tales “Which fairy tale is the hero or object from,” cut-out pictures based on fairy tales, a CD recording of the song “Grandma-Yozhka Look Out the Window.”

Leisure activities:

There is a knock on the door; a letter from Baba Yaga is brought into the group. “Hello, dear children, I heard that you know a lot of different fairy tales. Today I’ll check you!”

-Teacher: Children, do you like fairy tales?

I suggest you go on a journey through fairy tales and complete all the tasks from Grandma Yaga.

We'll walk along the path, straight into a fairy tale.

We walked on our tiptoes, keeping our backs straight.

We met bumps on the way and raised our legs higher.

Let's run one after another, keep the column straight.

I invite everyone to stand in a circle. And solve riddles

A miracle house appeared in the clearing.

How many guests did he gather?

And a mouse and a frog,

And a bunny, and a fox, and a wolf cub

Everyone has found a place here,

Everyone has found a friend here! (Teremok).

We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let a wolf into the house...

Who were these

Little children (Seven kids)

Near the forest, on the edge,

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three Bears)

It lay on a plate, got cold and ran away.

He met animals in the forest, and to his misfortune - a fox.

She came across a round, tasty tooth. (Kolobok)

Scary birds flew, my dear brother was stolen.

Nothing will happen to him - his sister will help him out. (Swan geese)

What a fairy tale: a cat, a granddaughter, a mouse, and also a dog, Zhuchka

They helped grandma and grandpa and collected root vegetables (Turnip)

Educator: Well done, you completed the first task. And now a more difficult task from Babushka Yaga. “Guess which fairy tale.” I will show you a picture of an object, and you tell me which fairy tale it is from.(Show slides to children)

1 slide – little goat (Wolf and seven little kids) Guys, tell me, what fairy tale is this hero from? What song did the goat sing?

2 slide - jug and plate (Fox and crane) What did the fox feed the crane, and what did the crane feed the fox?

3 slide - 3 bowls and spoons (Three bears) What were the names of the bears in this fairy tale?

4 slide egg (Ryaba hen) Who broke the egg in this fairy tale?

5 slide-stove (Geese and swans) Who helped Alyonushka and his brother escape from Baba Yaga, Who else hid them from pursuit?

6 slide turnip (Turnip) Who came to help grandfather pull the turnip?

7 slide - Masha in a box (Masha and the Bear) How did Masha outwit the bear? What did Mashenka say to the bear while sitting in the box?

8 slide rooster (Zayushkina's hut) What did the rooster shout to the Fox when he wanted to kick her out of the house?

Educator: Well done! And we coped with this task too! Let's play with you now. Held outdoor game"Teremok"

Children stand in a circle - this is a tower. Several children wear masks of fairy tale heroes: a mouse, a frog, a hare, a wolf, a fox and a bear. Children raise their hands clasped together and say the words:

“Here stands the tower

He is neither short nor tall.

How will the animal enter it?

So the lock will slam shut"

While pronouncing the words, children wearing animal masks run in and out of the circle. When the teacher says “CLAP,” the children lower their clasped hands. Whoever gets caught stops being an “animal” and gets into the little house with the rest of the children. The game is played until the most dexterous one remains.

Educator: Listen, the next task is from Grandmother Yaga!

“I was here today, And I put things in order,

I swept with my broom and scattered your tales.

You must collect puzzles, name Russian fairy tales.

I'm flying away, ha-ha-ha, Your Grandmother Yaga"

Educator: Oh, what a harmful Baba Yaga, let's collect pictures and guess the fairy tales.

Children are divided into teams; they need to collect an illustration for a fairy tale and determine its name. The task is performed to music.

Educator: What good helpers you are, you have brought order to fairy tales. The teacher and the children look at the pictures and call them fairy tales. The last of them is Kolobok. Educator invites children to relax and play a little. Children stand in a circle, physical education session “Kolobok” is held

Kolobok, kolobok (They walk in a half-squat, with their hands on their belts.)

Kolobok is a ruddy side. Rolled along the path (They run on their toes, keeping their hands on their belts.)

And he didn’t turn back. I met a bear, a wolf, a bunny, (Standing facing in a circle, they depict a bear, a wolf, a hare.)

He played the balalaika for everyone. (Depict playing the balalaika.)

He sang on the fox’s nose - (They dance in a squat.)

He is no longer in the forest. (Throw up their hands)

Children sit on chairs.

Educator: And the last task from Grandma Yaga! It's called turn into a fairy tale hero! Now I will say the phrase: “Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you.” And you need to say it as the heroes of the fairy tale “Kolobok” say: (hare, wolf, bear, fox)(children, if desired, wear a cap-mask and speak with a certain intonation)

Educator: Guys, you are so great! We have completed all the tasks, now let's have fun dancing with you!

Dance “Grandma-Yozhka look out the window”

Medals from B-Y are being submitted.

Publications on the topic:

"A Journey with Dunno to the Land of Fairy Tales." Video report on entertainment for older preschool children Goal: develop cognitive activity and interests during the game. Objectives: Educational: to consolidate children’s knowledge about fairy tales: how.

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Goal: Improving children’s mathematical knowledge in FEMP through play activity And artistic word. Software tasks:.

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Summary of a lesson in the senior group on theatrical activities “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales” Lesson notes in senior group By theatrical activities“Journey to the land of fairy tales” Topic: “Journey to the land of fairy tales” Purpose:.

ECD for speech development in the middle group “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales” GCD according to educational field"Communication" in the middle group Summary of direct educational activities in the middle group.

Image library:

Entertainment for middle children preschool age"Quest for fairy tales."

This is the final event for the “Visiting a Fairy Tale” project.
Target: formation of children's understanding of the diversity of Russian folk tales.
to form in children knowledge about one of the genres of folklore - folk tales;
develop the ability to competently and expressively express your thoughts, speech, logical thinking, train memory and attention
educate children through fairy tales best qualities human: honesty, loyalty, kindness, sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance;
To cultivate in children the ability to evaluate the good and negative actions of heroes
Preliminary work
1. Making a laptop based on Russian folk tales.
2. Reading Russian folk tales.
3. Consideration of illustrations for Russian folk tales.
4. Solving riddles.
5. Board game“Put a fairy tale together”, puzzles based on fairy tales, didactic game based on fairy tales “Laying out plot pictures in a certain sequence.”
Demo material
1. Magic ball.
2. Easel.
3. Illustrations for Russian folk tales.
4. Exhibition of drawings based on Russian folk tales.
5. ICT.
7.Apple tree with mystery apples.
8. Cut-out pictures for the game “Collect a fairy tale.”
9. Items for the game “Lost and Found”: pie, fish, rolling pin, spoons, egg, apple, turnip.
10. Basket.

Progress of entertainment:

The music “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays. Grandmother's Fairy Tale – in Russian folk costume meets children.
Grandmother's Fairy Tale. Hello, hello, kids! Did you come to visit me? Come, come into my house, I am always glad to have guests. My name is Grandmother fairy tale. Guys, look how many guests we have today. Let's say hello to them. Hello, dear guests!
Grandmother's Tale: Guys, what's our mood? How to give yours without words good mood to other people?
Children: You need to smile.
Grandmother's Tale:
All the children gathered in a circle
You are my friend and I am your friend
Let's hold hands tighter
And let's smile at each other.

Grandmother's Fairy Tale. Guys, do you like fairy tales? Listen here. In ancient, ancient times, people could neither write nor read. And in order to amuse their little children, adults began to invent fairy tales, nursery rhymes, and jokes for them. The children grew up, they told them to their children, passed them on “by word of mouth.” And these children - to their children.
– Do you know why fairy tales are magical?
Children: fairy tales are magical because in them animals can talk, there are non-existent heroes: Baba Yaga, the goblin, the frog turns into a princess, brother Ivanushka into a little goat, buckets move on their own.
Grandmother's Tale: Guys, I suggest you go on a little path: White light to see, to see people, to meet Russian folk tales. We have a long road ahead of us. And a magic ball will help us, it will show the way to Russian folk tales. Tell me, who composed the Russians? folk tales?
Children: These tales were composed by the Russian people.
Grandmother's Tale: Guys, tell me, what words do fairy tales begin with?
Children: Once upon a time, there lived in a certain kingdom, in a certain state.
Grandmother's Tale: Well done! Now let's go! To the land of fairy tales, miracles and magic!
Anything can happen in a fairy tale
Our fairy tale is ahead
A fairy tale is knocking on our door,
Let's say to the guest: “Come in”!

Grandmother's Fairy Tale. R Russian folk tales teach us to distinguish good from evil, because it is not for nothing that in many fairy tales you can read the phrase: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.”
- Guys, the ball led you and me to the apple tree. Do you know in which fairy tale the apple tree appears? Look, the apples on it are not simple, but with riddles.
Competition 1 “Riddles based on fairy tales.”
(Children listen carefully to excerpts from fairy tales and determine the name.)
An arrow flew and hit the swamp.
And in that swamp someone caught her.
Who, having said goodbye to green skin
She became sweet, beautiful, and pretty. ("Princess Frog")

There is no river or pond.
Where can I get some water?
Very tasty water
In the hole from the hoof. ("Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka")

The little goats opened the door
And everyone disappeared somewhere. ("The Wolf and the Little Goats")

He was chilling at the window
Then he took it and drove away
To be eaten by a fox. ("Kolobok")

The apple tree helped us
The stove helped us
The good blue river helped,
Everyone helped us, everyone sheltered us,
We got home to our mother and father.
Who took my brother away? Name the book? ("Swan geese")

Gobbling up rolls,
A guy was riding on a stove.
Rolled around the village
And he married the princess. ("By magic")

Girl sitting in a basket
Behind the bear's back.
He, without knowing it,
He carries her home. … ("Masha and the Bear")

The chicken needs to run
Rescue the cockerel quickly
He was in such a hurry
Poor thing, he choked. ("The Cockerel and the Bean Seed")
Grandmother's Fairy Tale. Well done, you solved all the riddles! Our journey continues. The ball led you and me to a strange hut. She stands on chicken legs and turns around herself. How to get into it? What words need to be said?
Children: Hut, hut, stand with your back to the forest, and with your front to me.
Music is playing. Baba Yaga appears and dances.
Baba Yaga. What dear guests came to see me today! How glad I am to see you, otherwise the old me has been completely forgotten and abandoned. What has it come to - they avoid them, they are afraid, they consider them evil. Ah, I'm not like that at all. I'm even very good! In my spare time I read fairy tales. If you want, I'll tell you. But no, I’d better check how well you know fairy tales.
Competition 2 “How well do you know fairy tales”
Based on the illustrations, participants name the fairy tales: Kolobok, Ryaba the Hen, Geese and Swans, The Frog Princess, Teremok, The Wolf and the Little Goats, According to the Pike's Order, The Fox and the Wolf.
Baba Yaga: Well done! You know the fairy tales well.
Grandmother's Fairy Tale. Well, Baba Yaga is not evil at all. Guys, let’s play the game “Grandma Malanya” with her.
Game “Grandma Malanya”.
(Children together with adults stand in a circle, in the middle of which there is a child depicting Grandma Malanya (you can put a scarf or apron on him). Children in a circle, together with an adult, begin to sing a funny song, accompanying it with expressive movements).
At Malanya's, at the old lady's, Children move in a circle holding hands.
We lived in a small hut.
Seven sons.
All without eyebrows Cover eyebrows with hands.
With ears like these, Shows "big" ears.
With noses like these, Shows a “big” nose.
With such a mustache, Shows mustache.
With such a head. Shows a “big” head.
With such a beard Shows a “long” beard.
Didn't eat anything They squat down.
We sat all day
They looked at her
They did it like this. Repeat any funny movement after the leader.
(Movements can be very diverse: you can make horns, jump and dance, make a long nose with your hands, wag your finger or cry as a joke).
Grandmother's Tale: Let's sit down on the stumps and relax.
Baba Yaga: Guys, I suggest you play the “Guess” game.
Competition 3. “Guess it”
1 – What song did Kolobok sing?
2 – What did the goat sing to her kids?
3 – What did Mashenka say to the bear while sitting in the box?
4 – What words did the wolf use to help himself catch fish on his tail?
5 – What did the animals ask in the fairy tale “Teremok” before entering there?
6 – What words did Emelya say so that everything would be done by itself?
Baba Yaga: Well done boys! Look, my assistants are flying, geese-swans. They bring us something. ( On the screen there is an image of Geese - swans carrying a letter).
Competition 4. “Letters from geese-swans”
Baba Yaga: I wonder who the letters came from, I can’t figure it out. Please help me.
Grandmother's Tale: Guys, let's help Baba Yaga?
Children: Yes!
Baba Yaga:
- “Save us, we were eaten by a gray wolf” (kids)
- “Very upset. Accidentally broke an egg” (mouse)
- “Everything ended well, only my tail remained in the hole” (wolf)
- “Dear grandparents, don’t worry. I figured out how to trick the bear. I’ll be home soon” (Masha)
- “Help, my brother has turned into a little goat” (Alyonushka)
- “It’s a disgrace, someone ate my porridge and broke my chair” (bear cub)
Baba Yaga: Thank you guys!
Grandmother's Tale:
Koschey was visiting yesterday.
What have you done, just oh!
I mixed up all the pictures
He confused all my fairy tales.
You must collect pictures
Name a Russian fairy tale.

Competition 5. Game “Collect a fairy tale.”
Children collect images from cut-out pictures and call them a fairy tale.
Grandmother's Tale: Well done!
Baba Yaga: Guys, help me please.
Grandmother's Tale: What happened to you Baba Yaga?
Baba Yaga: I found objects in my forest, but I don’t know whose they are. They are in this basket.
Grandmother's Tale: Well, guys, let's help Baba Yaga find the owners of these items?
Children: Yes!
Physical exercise “Kolobok”.
Competition 6. “Magic basket”.
Children take turns taking out objects from the “Magic Basket” and say: what fairy tale are the lost things from?
- Pie – “Masha and the Bear”, “Geese and Swans”
- Turnip – “Turnip”
- Apple – “Geese-swans”
- Three spoons – “Three Bears”
- Egg – “Ryaba Hen”
- One spoon – “Zhikharka”
- Fish – “Fox-sister and gray wolf”, “At the command of the pike”
- Rolling pin “Fox with a rolling pin.”
Baba Yaga: Well done boys! You know a lot of fairy tales. Tell me, what is the most important thing in Russian folk tales?
Children: Good conquers evil.
Baba Yaga: It's time for me to say goodbye to you. See you again in the Land of Fairy Tales, Miracles and Magic! I wish you a good journey!
Grandmother's Fairy Tale. Our journey through fairy tales is coming to an end. You have seen many fairy tales today. What fairy tales have you visited?
Children's answers:
Grandmother's Tale: What words do fairy tales end with?
Children: They began to live, live and make good. That’s the end of the tale, and whoever listened, well done.
Grandmother's Fairy Tale. Where is our magic ball? Roll, Magic Ball, straight to the house, to the threshold!
Grandmother's Tale: You made Grandma Skazka happy, thank you! I want to thank you (presents sweets).
There are many fairy tales in the world,
Kind and funny.
And live in the world
We can't live without them.
Let the heroes of fairy tales
They give us warmth
May goodness forever
Evil wins!

The song performed by V. Tolkunova “Fairy tales walk around the world” sounds.



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