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When will the nettle festival take place? Nettle festival on Tula land. Fire Theater "Era"

What needs to be done to whole year get health, wealth, love, luck? To recharge with the power of the earth and realize yourself as a part of time, nature, life? Just leave everything for one day, come to Krapivna and get burned by nettles here!

An amazing town, almost unchanged in one and a half hundred years, to which nettle gave its name. And also strength, durability and beauty. Krapivna is a unique museum under open air, in which the legends of the Middle Ages and the leisurely 19th century come to life. And where the special nettle grows that brings happiness.

Every year, at the beginning of summer, when the town is buried in fresh greenery, and nettles gain healing power, we organize a holiday in its honor. The Nettle Festival is a lot of good music in the ethno and jazz style, unique nettle fights, all the most delicious traditional and original recipes (and of course lots and lots of food with nettles), all the best from craftsmen from different regions of Russia at the fair, where you can buy a souvenir for every taste or take part in unique master classes, for example, on making nettle thread, all the best interesting things about the history of Nettle and nettles in the museum and at popular science sites, all the most historical things at the site of historical reconstruction... In general, everything is the most excellent and nettle-like!

Program of the XV International Nettle Festival (additions are possible in the program):

Main stage:

  • Governor's Brass Band
  • Igor Kamenskikh and Alexey Shcheglov (guitar) – Italian songs
  • Group "BackStage"
  • Electricsoul group and Svetlana Zhavoronkova
  • Megapolis Group
  • DJs and fire theater "Era"

13.00. – 19.00. — Nettle fights

  • Nettle fighting is a unique sport, in which you can only take part in competitions at the Nettle Festival.

Fair and master classes
During the festival central square Krapivny turns into a fairground.
All the best from craftsmen and companies from different regions of Russia - products self made, numerous souvenirs, unique master classes.

Festival cooking
Nettle cooking is all the most delicious things with nettles and not only for Festival guests. All participants in the culinary component of the holiday have prepared special nettle menus. At the festival you will be able to try dishes and drinks with nettles according to kitchen recipes different nations. Nettle and cooking this year means delicious food with nettles, master classes, tastings.

Museum programs
Museum programs at the festival are about the history of Krapivna. And it's all about nettles. Want to learn how to make nettle thread and weave nettle lace? Participate in the creation of a cartoon about nettles? Look at nettles under a microscope? Find out why nettles appeared on the town's coat of arms? Take part in entertaining quests, adventure games and competitions? See nettle beds? Take pictures in historical costumes in the interiors of the museum? Take a walk around Krapivna with a guide? Try writing with pen and ink and send a postcard from the museum? All this, and much more, is in the Krapivensky Museum on the day of the festival.

  • Nettle lace - Nettle gloves A unique master class from nettle craftswoman Evgenia Rogozina! At the Krapivensky Museum on the day of the Festival.
  • Intelligence show “Amazing Nettle” - Popular science platform of the Tula State University pedagogical university them. L.N. Tolstoy - intelligence show “The Amazing Nettle”.
  • Tours of the museum halls
  • Tours of the historical center
  • Historical costume. Photos in the interior
  • Museum postcard

Home / Home / XV Nettle Festival

XV Nettle Festival

What needs to be done to get health, prosperity, love, luck for a whole year? To recharge with the power of the earth and realize yourself as a part of time, nature, life? Just leave everything for one day, come to Krapivna and get burned by nettles here!

An amazing town, almost unchanged in one and a half hundred years, to which nettle gave its name. And also strength, resilience and beauty. Krapivna is a unique open-air museum in which the legends of the Middle Ages and the leisurely 19th century come to life. And where the special nettle grows that brings happiness.

Every year, at the beginning of summer, when the town is buried in fresh greenery and nettles gain healing power, we organize a holiday in its honor. The Nettle Festival is a lot of good music in the ethno and jazz style, unique nettle fights, all the most delicious traditional and original recipes (and of course lots and lots of food with nettles), all the best from craftsmen from different regions of Russia at the fair, where you can buy a souvenir for every taste or take part in unique master classes, for example, on making nettle thread, all the best interesting things about the history of Nettle and nettles in the museum and at popular science sites, all the most historical things at the site of historical reconstruction... In general, everything is the most excellent and nettle-like!

Why tell for so long? It's better to see it once!

Forget about problems, fatigue and everyday issues!

Come get burned by nettles!

On this summer day we will make a journey to a wonderful plant - Nettle. For most people, nettle causes persistent, unpleasant, burning and prickly associations. And here in the Tula region, in the town of Krapivna, hundreds of people annually gather for a holiday dedicated to Nettle, but not only to “get burned” themselves, but also to “treat” their dearest guests in this way...

Let's go to the capital of the Nettle Festival - Krapivna!
Krapivna is notable for the fact that it is an ancient and once significant settlement. It was a large medieval industrial and merchant city; a large number of vodkas, liqueurs and liqueurs were produced here, there were countless gardens, fields and vegetable gardens. Just at some point railway from Tula they decided to bypass Krapivna, and it turned into a quiet, secluded place in the Russian outback - a real reserve of Russian antiquity, an open-air city museum, representing the image of a county town late XIX- beginning of the 20th century. The uniqueness of Krapivna is that over the past hundred years it has not changed at all: ancient churches, merchant houses and shopping arcades have been preserved here... But once upon a time the main street of the city of Tula was the Krapivnensky tract, and now it is Lenin Avenue.
You visit the Krapivnensky Museum of Local Lore, and guides in love with their city will tell you amazing stories associated with Krapivna - once the county town of the Tula governorship. The Krapivna Museum is both historical, local history, and literary. It has many interesting and beautiful collections: peasant household items, samovars, numismatics, a magnificent collection business cards, postcards from the turn of the century and much more.
All for the Nettle Festival! The main thing is to get burned, or as they say here - “cut your hair.” After all, then the forces of the Earth will come to you, though not for the rest of your life, but at least until the next festival, for a whole year. The festival is based on the locals. folklore traditions, crafts and the uniqueness of the cultural landscape of the territory.
The residents of Krapivinsk themselves, as well as visitors, adults, and especially children, participate in nettle battles with such pleasure and fearlessness that even you will undoubtedly want to join this “madness.” The rules of the nettle battle are simple: you need to “cut” the enemy as much as possible, while receiving fewer burns yourself. And to make the action more comical, the fighters are blindfolded, although this also serves as protection for the face from possible burns. Of course, it will not be very easy for city residents in such competitions without preparation. Where are you, heroes? Nettle fight is one of the most highlights festival
This plant, familiar to absolutely everyone, is widely used in many areas of our lives: it heals, feeds, and clothes. It is used to prepare salads, soups, sauces, fillings for pies, as well as salted and fermented, brewed into tea and dried. Nettle decoctions and infusions “all black illness is expelled from the body, male strength is restored, internal bleeding is stopped”... The strongest sails, bags and coolies were sewn from nettle fabric in Rus'. She has been praised more than once in Russian fairy tales and literature. Great and good power nettles - after all, this is not only a medicine, but also a sure remedy for intrigues evil spirits and evil slander.

Each of us has ever tried or heard about nettle cabbage soup. A pies with nettle filling have you ever tried it? You will be able to taste such pies at this phyto-festival, and not only them. At the fair, local chefs will offer you many delicious and vitamin-rich dishes from the “hero of the holiday” - nettle. You will also find out secrets of preparing your favorite delicacies.
Local craftsmen will make unique crafts with nettle souvenirs and its derivatives, florists can create unusual flower displays with nettles, and those who want to transform themselves will be able to use the services of phyto-based aqua makeup. In souvenir shops you can purchase various designer products made of glass, leather, felt, linen, beads, and, of course, nettle fiber clothing.

The festive action will take place simultaneously at several open-air venues. IN concert program festivals are planned performances of music, dance and theater groups. Also on the streets of the town you will meet buffoons, mummers and peddlers who will amuse everyone and invite everyone to various funny competitions, organize a fire show, master classes in vocals, medieval weapons, archery, culinary fights and much more.

Tired of noisy fun and folk festivities, they can always go down to the valley of the Plava River, where the “hero of the occasion” - nettles - grows in large quantities, and get plenty of “burnt” memories.
Coming to Krapivna for the Nettle Festival means taking part in an amazing celebration of life, the main values ​​of which are creation with Nature and Beauty.

Arrival in Moscow late in the evening, depending on the transport situation.

Travel time: ≈ 4 hours.

Simferopol highway ≈ 230 km.

Duration of the excursion: ≈16 hours. Excursion program:
- travel information,
- visit to the Local History Museum in Krapivna,
- festive program as part of the Nettle Festival.

Cost: adult/child - 1,530 rub./person.

Meeting at 07:15. Departure at 07:30 Art. metro station "Varshavskaya".

The price includes: transport services (tour class buses), travel information, entrance tickets to museums, participation in the Nettle Festival, services of an accompanying guide.

June 3, 2017 in the village of Krapivna for the fifteenth time International Nettle festival. Every year, when the plant that gave its name to the ancient county town gains strength, we invite guests to a holiday in its honor.

This year the festival will be solemnly opened on the main stage at 12:00 by the Governor's Brass Band of the Tula Regional Philharmonic. Then the musicians of the Tula collective Kamenskikh Band - Igor Kamenskikh (vocals) and Alexander Shcheglov (guitar) - will appear on stage. The duet will perform popular pop songs in Italian.

This is not the first time that capital guests Svetlana Zhavoronkova and the Electric Soul group will perform in the Tula region. Svetlana's work is well known to Moscow jazz club regulars - she is called one of the most interesting soul vocalists in the capital, noting the authenticity of her performance style.

Backstage will appear on stage next. The team was one of the first among Russian groups to take the jam band format as a guide - a synthesis of blues, funk, soul, rock with a pronounced improvisational beginning.

This year, together with the anniversary of our holiday, we will celebrate another round anniversary - the thirtieth anniversary of the Megapolis group. Oleg Nesterov and his musicians will take the stage as headliners.

The finale of the festival will be the performance of the creative group Our gentle house. Its residents - Dmitry Osipov (DJ Osipov M) and Grigory Barkov (DJ GriB) - will present their experimental set together with the Era Fire Theater.

Music program main stage will be combined with a fair of souvenirs and handicrafts, the production of which can be learned at traditional master classes.

Krapivensky local history museum on the day of the festival, it will offer its guests to participate in a variety of interactive programs, quests and competitions, allowing them to learn more about the history of Nettle and the burning plant that has become the symbol of this city. Craftswoman Evgenia Rogozina will conduct a master class on making lace from nettle fiber, and teachers from the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Tula State Pedagogical University. L.N. Tolstoy will be given an intelligence show “The Amazing Nettle.”

Nettle fights have long been a trademark of the festival. Anyone can take part in three different competitions - “Capture the Flag”, “Hold on to the end” and “Wall to Wall”. You can try your hand at both doubles and team competitions. The fights will be held by the Center traditional culture"Knight". Guests of Krapivna will also be treated to the ZakrutiKha amusement town - here you can ride on round and pole swings, test your dexterity in walking on stilts, compete in sack fights on a log and play the ancient Russian game "Zakrutikha".

Festival venues will begin their work at 12:00. For festival visitors, on June 3 from 10:00 a minibus will run from Moskovsky Station Square (Tula) to Krapivna. The average fare is 150 rubles; minibuses will depart as soon as they are full. You can go back from the Krapivenskaya administration building.

On June 3, 2017, in the village of Krapivna it will be held for the fifteenth time International festival Nettles. Every year, when the plant that gave its name to the ancient county town gains strength, we invite guests to a holiday in its honor.

This year the festival will be solemnly opened on the main stage at 12:00 by the Governor's Brass Band of the Tula Regional Philharmonic. Then the musicians of the Tula collective KamenskikhBand - Igor Kamenskikh (vocals) and Alexander Shcheglov (guitar) - will appear on stage. The duo will perform popular pop songs in Italian - by the way, several years ago, having become the winner of the “Five Steps to Olympus” competition, Igor Kamensky went to a master class at the Academy of Arts in the Italian city of Pesaro. And after that, he set out to win the hearts of television viewers, having passed the selection for the second season of the “Voice” project.

This is not the first time that guests from the capital will perform in the Tula region. - Svetlana Zhavoronkova and the ElectricSoul group. This year at the House of Culture " Yasnaya Polyana“We celebrated Christmas with them in the style of “soul” and after that we decided to introduce the musicians to the general public. Svetlana Zhavoronkova's work is well known to Moscow jazz club regulars - she is called one of the most interesting soul vocalists in the capital, noting the authenticity of her performance style. In 2016, Svetlana became the winner of the “Rosa Khutor Jazz Estate” competition in the “Vocal” category.

By the way, ElectricSoul guitarist Yuri Novgorodsky will perform on the festival stage with another project - the group Backstage, whose musicians worked with famous Russian bluesmen - Nikolai Arutyunov and Sergei Voronov. Backstage is one of the first Russian bands to focus on the jam band format - a synthesis of blues, funk, soul, rock with a pronounced improvisational beginning.

This year, together with the anniversary of our holiday, we will celebrate another milestone - the thirtieth anniversary of the Megapolis group. This is not the first concert of the group, which is held as part of the Krapiven festival: in 2012, Megapolis closed the program of the main stage with a performance dedicated to the 25th anniversary of its creative activity. This time Oleg Nesterov and his musicians will also take the stage as headliners.

The final chord of the festival will be the performance of the creative group Ourgentlehouse - joint project DJs whose work experience on the Tula club scene spans two decades. Residents of the group - Dmitry Osipov (DJ Osipov M) and Grigory Barkov (DJ GriB) - will present their experimental set together with the Era Fire Theater.

In addition to the main stage, other festival venues will be waiting for guests of Krapivna on this day, which will be open until 22:00. For festival visitors, on June 3 from 10:00 a minibus will run from Moskovsky Station Square (Tula) to Krapivna. The average fare is 150 rubles; minibuses will depart as soon as they are full. You can go back from the Krapivenskaya administration building.

Reference :

The first Nettle Festival was held in 2003 on the initiative of the director of the Yasnaya Polyana museum-estate, Vladimir Tolstoy. His main task was to attract the general public to the revival of the city of Krapivna, a former district center associated with the activities of Leo Tolstoy. Since 2007, the holiday acquired international status - from that moment on, both Russian and foreign musicians were invited to participate in it.



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