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Where did Sergei Sergeevich disappear from the voice? Sergei Zhilin: biography, personal life. Sergey, people don’t know much about you yet

Sergey Zhilin head popular group“Phonograph”, famous in the USSR and not forgotten today.

From the musician's biography

Sergei was born on October 23, 1966. in the capital of the Russian Federation. Decisive role The artist's life was dominated by his grandmother, a former violinist and pianist. She dreamed of raising a performer academic music. The boy's parents also adhered to this goal. First time playing the piano future star took place at the age of 2.5 years.

On the way to achieving his goal, his family forced the boy to diligently study music for 4-6 hours a day. Beginning artists understand how much of a burden this is for musicians, not to mention children. In the first stages creative path Sergei dreamed of being like Rachmaninov, Liszt and Grieg. However, he quickly changed his preferences to jazz. Relatives took this decision as a protest.

Later, the boy dared to surprise them even more with his hobbies, taking up sports (in particular, aircraft modeling and football) and playing in the VIA.

Unsuccessful admission to school

The mother was against the new directions of her son’s activities. She, like her grandmother, was a supporter of academic music, and insisted on entering the capital's military music school. Here the young man was to be made professional musician. If the guy had studied at this institution, he would have become an excellent conductor. But fearing that Sergei would have to give up his new hobbies, including football, he refused his mother’s offer.

How did your creative path begin?

After failing to enter the military music school, Sergei continued to engage in aircraft modeling, diligently visiting the House of Pioneers, and competing with other children. As a result, he was awarded the main award in the Moscow Championship among students of general education institutions. Zhilin was awarded the 3rd youth category. All this indicates that the guy has already decided on the choice of his main activity. But the guy’s parents and grandmother did not allow him to become a designer.

Throughout this time, Sergei continued to study music, visiting the Young Muscovite Theater, participating in a vocal and instrumental ensemble, and studying jazz.

The future celebrity was so devoted to his hobbies that he had no time left to study. At the request of the school management, the parents were forced to transfer the child to another educational institution, where he also did not last long. At the end of the 8th grade, the young man submitted documents to a vocational school, where he successfully completed an electrical installer course in equipment aircraft.

How did the Phonograph group appear?

The musician tries to remain silent about his personal life, but he is ready to talk about his creativity forever. He devotes a lot of time to “Phonograph”, which is based on his duet with M. Stefanyuk. They first met when they entered a musical improvisation studio. Events developed in 1982. At the end of the first year of study, they created a duet that reproduced classical songs and prepared modern arrangements in a traditional way.

The first performance took place in 1983. Further performances led him to a meeting with Yu. Saulsky, which allowed them to take part in the capital’s festival. A year later, Zhilin was drafted into the army. He devoted his days off to playing. In the same year, the team accepted soloist Alla Sidorova.

1992 was a decisive year for Sergei. Then S. Ovsyannikov, the director of the Presidential Orchestra, appeared in his life. The conductor often invited them to his concerts, which quickly attracted the attention of the public.

In 1994, Zhilin performed together with Bill Clinton, who chose the saxophone as his instrument. Sergei sat down at the piano. After several songs ex-president America highly appreciated the work of the Russian musician, recognizing him as one of the best.

In 1995, the Phonograph group ceased its activities; its leader created a creative organization under the same brand. He later founded a recording studio, which today serves to create music albums domestic performers.

In 2005, Zhilin was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, and a year later he took part in the “Two Stars” program, from 2009 to 2014 he could be seen in the DoRe studio, and at the same time in the “Voice” project (2012 ), “Voice.Children” (since 2014).

Today Zhilin successfully leads several jazz groups at once.

Answers to questions about the life of an artist

Why was Sergei forced to change school to finish 8th grade? The institution where the talented musician studied belonged to the Moscow Pedagogical Institute. Lenin. This determines the main reason why management paid a lot of attention to Zhilin’s progress.

Why is the artist with youth Are you into jazz? It's all about the records of one of the oldest Russian traditional jazz ensembles (Leningrad Dixieland). Playing them day after day, the boy decided that he simply had to devote himself to this direction. In his teenage years, he tried to reproduce his favorite compositions. When asked how successful the result was, he remains silent with a smile on his face.

Where did Sergei find his like-minded people? The artist’s favorite place is the studio of the Youth Improvisation Service, created in the 60s, in the south of Moscow. Here in 1982 he met jazz lovers and took part in music festivals.

When did Zhilin become famous? In 1995, Phonograph’s music was regularly played on radio and TV, and its director became the host of his own music project at the Yunost radio station, where he worked for 3 years.

Where else can you find the name Zilina? His name is displayed in the Jazz encyclopedia. XX century".

Who is a member of the Phonograph group of companies? It includes several business areas: Event, Light&Sound, Records, JazzBand.


Zhilin Sergey Sergeevich (October 23, 1966, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR) - pianist, composer, arranger and conductor. The leader of the groups united by the common name PHONOGRAPH: “Phonograph-Jazz-Trio”, “Phonograph-Jazz-Quartet”, “Phonograph-Jazz-Quintet”, “Phonograph-Jazz-Sextet”, “Phonograph-Dixie-Band”, “Phonograph-Dixie-Band” Jazz Band", "Phonograph-Big Band", "Phonograph-Sympho-Jazz".

In 2005, Sergei Zhilin was awarded the title Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

In May 2007, Sergei Zhilin was musical director and chief conductor of the concert version of the rock opera “Perfume”, with the participation of the “Phonograph-Sympho-Jazz” orchestra.

2008 was an anniversary year for the Phonograph-Jazz Band, in honor of which concerts were held at various concert venues with the participation of Russian pop stars.

Sergey Zhilin not only actively gives concerts and tours, but also records records - to date he has 18 releases on various media: CD, VHS, DVD. These are both concert recordings and studio works, where Sergei Zhilin realizes himself in various compositions: from solo improvisations and piano duets to dizzying jam sessions, with colleagues in jazz, blues and rock musicians.

In 1984, the Motherland demanded that it be given an “honorable debt” - Sergei Zhilin was drafted into the army.

After the course, the young fighter, which he took in the Uzbek Zarafshan, was sent to Moscow, to the Song and Dance Ensemble of military construction units. In addition to rehearsals and concerts, which consisted mainly of songs and marches, there were other typical soldier amusements in the form of washing walls and cleaning washbasins. But there were also dismissals. Therefore, rehearsals in the studio continued. The composition of the participants had changed by this time - the rhythm section had been transformed, new guys came to replace the departed bassist and trombonist, those with whom Zhilin served in the military ensemble. Vocals were added - Zhilin invited the most best singer jazz studio Alla Sidorov. During the day - service, in the evening - studio. At night Sergei did orchestrations. In addition to official dismissals, of course, there were also “AWOLs”.

They were already known as “Phonograph” when Yuri Saulsky came to the next spring studio festival. After the festival, an audition was held for the groups that Yuri Sergeevich noted. The best, including Phonograph, were invited to the Moscow jazz festival.

Performing on the same stage with such outstanding groups as the orchestras of Anatoly Kroll and Oleg Lundstrem was, of course, an event for newcomers, however, the impression was slightly spoiled by the reaction of the audience - no, they were well received, but not at all like in the studio - there the audience always greeted “Phonograph” while standing! After this concert there was another performance at the “Moscow Autumn”, annually organized by the Union of Composers. And they seemed to play well, and the listeners responded well. But an article appeared in the press, the tone of which was not so much negative, but somehow condescending - isn’t it too early for Phonograph to enter the “adult” scene? We were terribly upset. But got to thinking...

It was in 1992, after a pop competition in Yalta, which seemed to end so successfully for both “Phonograph” and its soloist Alla Sidorova, that Sergei realized: the work of a producer and administrator, as well as other such boring, but absolutely necessary organizational matters he needs to do it himself.

At the competition, Sergei met the artistic director and chief conductor of the Presidential Orchestra of the Russian Federation, Pavel Ovsyannikov. The young musician interested Ovsyannikov high level games, the ability to work with any musical material, the ability to quickly and efficiently make arrangements. Pavel Borisovich began to invite the pianist on tour with his orchestra. And once in 1994, he invited me to a “summit meeting” - a reception in honor of US President Bill Clinton’s visit to Russia. Knowing that Clinton was a good saxophonist, one could assume that he would want to play. And so it happened. Sergei Zhilin and Bill Clinton performed “Summertime” together, then “My Funny Valentine”. Sergei was very worried, but everything turned out great. Clinton thanked his musical partner, and US Secretary of State Warren Christopher asked “where the guy got his American sadness” - where, supposedly, he learned to feel and play like that American music? Sergei replied that he simply loves jazz - and has been for a long time.

Sergei Zhilin really liked Clinton - charismatic and charming, with impeccable manners. Since then, the title of “pianist who played jazz with the American president” has been firmly attached to Sergei Zhilin. Then there was a performance at a reception given by the mayor of Moscow in honor of Liza Minnelli, an acquaintance with Tom Jones, numerous performances with the most prominent Russian stars. Ovsyannikov invited Zhilin to join him in the orchestra. The offer was certainly tempting - interesting job, stable salary. But then I would have to forget about my team, my business. And Sergei again chose “Phonograph”.

The largest and most prestigious European jazz festival has been taking place in the Swiss resort town of Montreux on the shores of Lake Geneva for more than forty years. Having begun as a purely jazz festival, the Montreux festival today covers almost all current genres in its programs - from rock and blues to hip-hop and ethnic music.

The Phonograph had four concerts in Montreux. After the first performance, the organizers, appreciating the level of play of the Russian musicians, changed the hall to a more spacious one. And they even started selling tickets for the third performance (although usually admission to the public is free for the “off” program concerts).

Montreux has a unique atmosphere during the festival. This is a huge music bazaar where jazzmen from all over the world gather. Therefore, despite their fatigue, the Phonograph musicians gladly took part in a night jam after their concerts.

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Biography, life story of Sergei Sergeevich Zhilin

Sergei Sergeevich Zhilin is a Russian pianist and conductor, known as the founder of the Phonograph jazz band.

early years

The future star of the music world appeared in Moscow on October 23, 1966. The grandmother, so beloved by the boy, played the piano and violin professionally. Therefore, it is not surprising that her abilities were transferred little Sergei. The family hoped that the baby would eventually turn into an academic performer, and they made every effort to achieve this. Seryozha spent several hours a day playing instruments, gradually but confidently developing musical skills. Famous romantic composers, and were close to him in spirit, and Sergei enthusiastically reproduced their immortal creations.

Unexpectedly for his loved ones, Seryozha discovered a completely different form of art, namely jazz. The grandmother's disappointment knew no bounds, because she mentally imagined her grandson in the image of a serious musician. Jazz, in her opinion, had nothing in common with classical culture.

Youth hobbies

However, the boy continued to surprise his family by becoming interested in cycling, football and even aircraft modeling. Sergei’s mother believed that these classes were suitable for her son, so she insisted on entering the military music school. IN admissions committee assessed the young man’s level of preparation and recommended him for admission. But Sergei did not want to become either a military musician or a conductor, and at the very last moment he refused. I realized that studying at such an institution would make me forget about my hobbies.

After leaving the school, Zhilin happily began assembling aircraft models and achieved some success in this matter. He began to take part in competitions, received a sports rank and won the capital championship.


But such a hobby had a negative impact on academic performance. music school. It got to the point that the administration of the institution turned to the teenager’s parents with a request to transfer him to a regular school. Under the pretext that his low grades spoil all indicators. Mother and father did just that, but also in simple secondary school Zhilin did not stay long. As a result, he went to a vocational school, and then to the army, where he served in a song and dance ensemble.

Carier start

1982 turned out to be a fateful year for Sergei Zhilin. Then he began training in a musical improvisation studio. Very soon a piano duet was born. My partner was Mikhail Stefanyuk, with whom Sergei Zhilin founded Phonograph. Young talented musicians quickly won public recognition.

Moreover, they creative activity I liked it artistic director Russian Presidential Orchestra to Pavel Ovsyannikov, with whose approval the guys began touring with his band.

Real success

A significant meeting took place in 1992, and a couple of years later Sergei Zhilin spoke with Bill Clinton himself. The former US President played his favorite saxophone, and a Russian musician accompanied him on the piano.

Sergei Zhilin managed to create several groups, as well as a popular one among Russian performers recording studio. In addition, Sergei Sergeevich found himself on television, where he participated in the projects “Two Stars” and “Dancing with the Stars” as a conductor. In 2012, the musical show “The Voice” appeared on Channel One, which was accompanied live by an orchestra conducted by Sergei Zhilin.


Very little is known about Sergei Zhilin’s life outside the stage. They say he married twice and has a son.

Sergei Sergeevich Zhilin (born October 23, 1966) is an outstanding pianist, conductor and showman who today leads several jazz groups. His whole life is connected with musical activity. As a public person, he does not like to flaunt his personal life, but information leaked to the media that the famous jazzman was married twice. Sergei Zhilin's first wife discovered the joy of fatherhood for him and he now has an adult son.

Personal life of Sergei Zhilin

Unfortunately, Sergei divorced his first wife, but a new relationship awaited him. Not much is known about Sergei Zhilin’s second wife; according to rumors, she was a soloist in one of his ensembles. Also, judging by behind-the-scenes rumors, the musician is not in a relationship today. The personal life of Sergei Zhilin is closely connected with his work. He talks about his family with a smile and very little: “I have good family. Perhaps this is the main thing that the public needs to know.” Today, Sergei Zhilin, as is sometimes said about people who devote themselves to creativity, is married to his work. And he has a lot of children, even if they are not his own, but they are so talented!

Everyone favorite show"Voice. Children" (2014), which opens the way to the modern stage for young talents, pleases no less than the adult project "The Voice" (Channel One. Russia.). The musical accompaniment of “Voices”, both for adults and for children, was entrusted to Sergei Zhilin and his orchestra “Phonograph-Jazz Band”. Such a creative community expands the very concept of “family”: everyone who works with this cheerful, unusually talented and charismatic person, feel like family.

Today his family has become wonderful creative teams, to whom he gives all his talent and warmth. Sergei Zhilin's whole life is connected with his work. This and pedagogical activity, and organization of orchestral accompaniment for television and music programs, such as “Two Stars” (2006), “Do Re” (2009-2014), “Voice”, “Voice. Children" and many others. For outstanding services, concert and studio projects in 2005, S. S. Zhilin was awarded the title of “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.”

Brief biography of S. S. Zhilin

Sergei Zhilin was born and raised in musical family and thanks to the persistence of his grandmother, Tamara Viktorovna, he became a musician. At the age of two and a half years, at the insistence of his beloved grandmother, her grandson began to play the piano. Possessing absolute musical ear Seryozha, in the unanimous opinion of his loved ones, was bound to become an outstanding musician.

After graduating from eight-year school, contrary to the hopes of his parents, Sergei decided to master a profession related to aircraft modeling. However, after receiving a specialty at a vocational school, he again began to seriously study music. Sergei was especially attracted to jazz. Starting in 1982, the young man regularly visited the Moscow improvisation studio, where he became friends with the gifted performer and musician Mikhail Stefanyuk.

The first group of young musicians with whom Sergei performed at the festival in 1981 was called “Moscow-Zamoskvorechye”. And already in 1983, a new musical group “Phonograph” was born. After meeting Yuri Saulsky, the Phonograph group performed wonderfully at the Moscow music festival, after which the whole musical Moscow learned about her.

It should be noted that today it is no longer just a jazz group, but a large organization that includes several Phonograph companies. This is a recording studio, an event organization company, and a rehearsal base where jazz band spends most of his time under the leadership of S.S. Zhilin. Musicians have professional sets of modern lighting and sound recording equipment at their disposal.

My career developed without a diploma. My father believed that I simply had to get it: how can this be, the son of a scientist - and without crusts?! But I disappointed him Photo: from the archive of S. Zhilin

- I heard the opinion of experts that the vestments helped Hieromonk Photius to defeat. They say his vocals cannot be called impeccable.

Starting from the first graduation, I witnessed the professional growth of Misha Ozerov and rooted for him. But the musicians and I assumed that he most likely would not be able to defeat Father Photius.

- Where is it more difficult for you: on the children’s or adult “Voice”?

I feel sorry for the children, their rules are stricter. Out of fifteen selected people, the mentor creates five triplets. They explain to the guys that the trio members should not pull the blanket on themselves, they need to work for each other, this is the only way the number can turn out. The children try, but out of three, only one remains in the project. The winners seemed to have just passed through “purgatory”, but that was not the case! They are again performing the “pivotal” songs that they came to the project with. And out of five, two remain. All this happens in one day! Can you imagine the stress a child is experiencing?

I won’t forget how Andrei Kluban fainted right on stage. I noticed how he swayed, but I didn’t have time to run up, I was already picking him up from the floor. He held him in his arms, didn’t know where to run - he was all compressed like a spring. Then Andrei was brought to his senses and allowed to perform again, even Pelageya turned to him. Well done, he found strength! Today he continues to study in our studio pop-jazz art"Phonograph", takes part in concerts.

- Sergey Sergeevich, why didn’t you - interesting, successful, talented - start a family? Or is it true that there were two unsuccessful attempts?

Experience family life I had.

- They write on the Internet that you have a son.

I heard that not only a son, but also a daughter - and not alone! True, I personally don’t know anything about them.

- Mom doesn’t ask for grandchildren?

She left six years ago... Four last year we fought hard cancer. Mom underwent two operations, chemotherapy... I did everything in my power to pull her through. She was in a separate room on Kashirka. I immediately had to forget about free medicines; there was a line of patients waiting for them, and my mother needed them immediately. So I paid for them too. I asked the nurse:

Please keep a watch near your mother. How much is it?

Three thousand a day.

I come to visit her - my mother has a bruise on her face. It turns out that at night she was left alone (the nurse asked to spend the night in the nurse's room), got up, went to the shower, slipped on the wet floor and fell, breaking her face. The most offensive thing is that I was afraid to even make any complaints: God forbid, after this they will stop approaching my mother altogether. I was ready to pay the hospital staff not three, but thirty-three thousand, just so that she would not suffer. Alas, the disease turned out to be stronger...

- How are you living today? How do you spend your free time?

If it is issued, I meet with friends. I started collecting wines a long time ago; I really love Italian and French ones. True, bottles don’t stay in the house for long; I like to treat my friends, sit with them and talk with them over a glass of good wine. So what remains of the collection is mostly corks. Every day I go to the gym, spend two hours there, there’s no point in doing anything less, I work out, I keep myself in shape. And also positive emotions pets are added. I placed a parrot Vasya in the office, and from time to time Margot, a charming Miniature Spitz, drops by. I recently bought Vasya a larger cage, every day there is a “Freedom for Parrots!” campaign: Vasya is released into the wild and allowed to fly along the corridor. He has already listened to so many rehearsals that he will soon begin to apply for a place in the orchestra!



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